Labor adaptation of personnel. Types of labor adaptation of personnel

Each of us at least once in our lives has had to be in a situation of embarrassment from novelty, unknown, misunderstanding and a kind of “debut”. This situation does not add optimism and does not inspire much confidence. Some people experience what is called stupor, develop a stressful state, and develop other psychological problems. All this affects general well-being, sometimes even leading to various diseases of the nervous and other body systems. Indeed, according to statistics, an interesting pattern has emerged: many people who have just been hired for a new job fall ill within the first 2-3 weeks and even write out sick leave.

In an organization, the situation described above mainly concerns those employees who have been working at the enterprise or in a new position relatively recently. As a rule, they say about such employees that they are “newcomers”, “debutants”, “first-timers”, “newbies”... And this is by no means an indicator of a disdainful attitude towards such employees on the part of the rest of the “generals” of the organization. This is most likely a characteristic of that period of an employee’s work, which in science is usually called the period of adaptation. In a scientific and abstract sense, adaptation is a special case of the socialization process, which in a broad sense is understood as the process of introducing a person to the norms and values ​​of the society in which he realizes himself as an individual.

Personnel adaptation- this is the inclusion of an employee in a new organizational and production environment; the employee’s mastery of the requirements, norms and values ​​of the organization and positions; assisting a new employee to successfully integrate into the organization, adapt to the content and working conditions, and the new team.

We present the typology of personnel adaptation in the form of a table:

Typology criteria

Types of personnel adaptation

components of the personnel adaptation system

professional (production), psychophysiological, organizational, socio-psychological, economic, non-organizational

having professional or work experience

primary, secondary

spheres of adaptation

adaptation to new organization, adaptation to a new position

subjects of adaptation

employee adaptation, adaptation of work to a person

1. The personnel adaptation system includes such components as: professional (production), psychophysiological (ergonomic), organizational (corporate, value), socio-psychological, economic (material), non-organizational (non-production).

Professional and industrial adaptation- mastering one’s direct functional responsibilities. The goal is for the new employee to master a system of professional knowledge and skills and their effective application in practice. It is necessary to explain to the new employee the main tasks and immediate responsibilities, discuss tasks and performance indicators for the adaptation period. Assign a new employee to a mentor and conduct an internship.

Psychophysiological adaptation- this is the employee’s adaptation to new psychophysiological stress and working conditions; this is a search for an effective model of matching the employee’s capabilities and the requirements of his work functions and place.

Organizational adaptation- this is the assimilation of written and “unwritten” norms and rules of the company. The purpose of this adaptation is for the new employee to accept the values, attitudes and principles of the organization. It is necessary to familiarize the new employee with the organizational structure, company policies (mission, goals, corporate culture), provide internal regulations, and introduce the company’s corporate standards and style.

Socio-psychological adaptation is the inclusion of a new employee into the company’s team. The goal is for the new employee to more quickly overcome uncertainty in the new company. The main tasks are: introduce the new employee directly to the manager, introduce the new employee to the employees of the department, introduce the employees of other departments with whom he will constantly collaborate. It is also important for the new employee to participate in festive and cultural events of the company. Moral support to overcome the difficulties of joining the company also plays a big role in the adaptation of personnel. A good tool is feedback on the work done: what went well, what could be done better and how. Regular feedback allows you to track the mood of new employees, their impression of the work, the team, and understand how the new employee’s expectations from the company match.

Economic component personnel adaptation means how satisfied the employee is with the system, type of remuneration and other forms of material incentives.

Extra-organizational adaptation- this is the communication and relationship between an employee and colleagues during non-working hours and not about the organization or work: sports, recreation.

2. The presence of experience in professional activities and work in an organization (work team) predetermine such types of personnel adaptation as primary and secondary adaptation.

Primary adaptation- adaptation of young personnel who do not have professional experience.

Secondary adaptation- adaptation of employees who already have experience in professional activities, work in an organization or a work team.

3. The areas of adaptation are the organization itself and the position in which the specialist will work.

Adaptation to a new organization refers to those employees who first got a job in the company, and no matter what position they hold.

Adaptation to a new position refers either to employees of an organization who have received a new position, or to newcomers who occupy a particular position in a new organization for the first time in their professional activities.

4. The subjects of adaptation include employees and, paradoxically as it may sound, the work itself as an organization, work team, position, job functions and place.

Employee adaptation- this type of adaptation is mainly written about in all textbooks on personnel management.

Adaptation of work to personnel involves organizing workplaces in accordance with ergonomic requirements; flexible regulation of the rhythm and duration of working hours; development and construction of an organizational structure; distribution of work functions, rights and responsibilities, as well as specific tasks; optimization of systems for stimulating and rewarding the work of employees based on the principle of targeting and special merits.

Modern organizations believe that recruitment is a very important process. One of the main problems in an organization when attracting personnel is considered to be the management of labor adaptation. During the interaction of an employee with an organization, their joint adaptation occurs, that is, the employee’s entry into new social, economic and professional conditions labor.

“Adaptation”, this term is reflected and used in various fields of science. In sociology and psychology, social and industrial adaptation are distinguished. Moreover, industrial adaptation is not limited to production, but also affects social and vice versa.

Social adaptation - (from the Latin “adapto” - “I adapt” and “socialis” - “social”) is essentially a constant process of an individual’s active adaptation to the conditions of the social environment, as well as the result of this process. The ratio of these components, which determines the nature of behavior, depends on the goals and value orientations of the individual, the possibilities of achieving them in the social environment. Despite the continuous nature of social adaptation, it is usually associated with periods of radical changes in the activity of the individual and his social environment.

In foreign psychology, the neo-behaviorist definition of adaptation has become widespread, which is used, for example, in the works of G. Eysenck and his followers. In the definition of adaptation, they include two conditions for its implementation: adaptation is defined as a state in which the needs of the individual, on the one hand, and the requirements of the environment, on the other, are fully satisfied. That is, adaptation is a state of harmony between the individual and nature or the social environment; the process by which this harmonious state is achieved.

Adaptation is a mutual adaptation of the employee and the organization, based on the employee’s gradual adaptation to new professional, social, organizational and economic working conditions. Kibanov A.Ya.

The most important components of employee adaptation are the coordination of the employee’s self-esteem and aspirations with his capabilities, on the one hand, and, on the other, the reality of the production environment in which he adapts. There are possible contradictions here, the depth and resolution of which determines the success of adaptation. Adaptation of an employee is a multifaceted process of adaptation to the content and working conditions, to the social environment, and improvement of the employee’s business and personal qualities. This is a process that requires both the employee and the team to be mutually active and interested in each other.

A newly hired employee is included in the system of intra-organizational relations, occupying several positions in it simultaneously. Each position corresponds to a set of requirements, norms, rules of behavior that determine the social role of a person in a team as an employee, colleague, subordinate, manager, member of a collective governing body, public organization, etc. A person occupying each of these positions is expected to behave in accordance with it.

Having studied the opinions of various authors regarding personnel adaptation, we can conclude that adaptation is an open, multifaceted systemic process during which the organization and the employee interact, subjecting certain parameters to qualitative and quantitative changes; adaptation is a process that includes many varieties and elements. I will try to reflect all this in my scientific research.

Adaptation classification:

1. According to the subject-object relationship:

Active - in this type of adaptation, a new employee influences the environment in order to change it (including those norms, values, forms of activity that he must master);

Passive is the opposite of active; here the employee is completely subordinate to the organization and does not want to change anything;

2. By impact on the employee:

Progressive – characterized by a favorable influence on the employee;

Regressive - passive adaptation to an environment with negative content (for example, with low work discipline);

3. By level:

Primary – when a new employee first gets a job in the organization and is included in labor activity at this enterprise;

Secondary - with a subsequent job change;

Sometimes three more types of adaptation are added to this classification:

Adaptation of an employee to a new position;

Adaptation of an employee to demotion;

Adaptation after dismissal;

4. By directions:

Production – the adaptation of a worker to the process and sphere of production, as well as the assimilation of established norms and conditions of this process.


This classification allows us to judge the versatility and variability of the adaptation process, as well as the relationship of the adaptation process with various intra-organizational processes, and also gives an idea of ​​​​the qualitative parameters of the adaptation process. Thus, adaptation is one of the most important components of the effective operation of an enterprise.

A.V. Filippov identifies several types of adaptation, determining this division by the relation of adaptation to one or another aspect of social and labor relations and linking them with certain characteristics. Below are the names and descriptions of these types of adaptation.

Professional adaptation is an adaptation to the workplace, the technological process, tools and means of labor, the order of service, the time parameters of work, the object and subject of work, the nature and direction of interaction between workers. That is, professional adaptation is adaptation to work activities. Professional adaptation is influenced by the following factors: ergonomic and environmental factors, the level of adaptive abilities and personal characteristics of the employee, as well as factors in managing the process of professional adaptation.

Socio-psychological adaptation is associated, first of all, with the employee’s entry into the work collective and its interpersonal relationships, the achievement of a certain sociometric status, the acceptance of the norms and traditions of the collective, and inclusion in the interests of the collective. In this form, the individual’s ability to adapt is of great importance, associated with communication, perceptions of each other, regulation of ideas about each other and corresponding expectations, and other elements of socio-psychological adaptation.

Social and organizational adaptation includes the following aspects: administrative and legal aspect (an employee’s knowledge of the goals and functions of management bodies and ensuring the work of services and departments, knowledge of his official status, his job responsibilities, powers, etc.), socio-economic aspect (social and economic activity of the adaptable, developed tendency to save resources, employee knowledge of economic norms, incentives, criteria for evaluating his work, etc.), as well as the managerial aspect (inclusion employee in management; employee participation in the preparation and adoption of management decisions, etc.) and the recreational and creative aspect (adaptation to the life of the organization related to everyday life, recreation, leisure, sports, social work).

In addition to the above classification of adaptation elements, the following types can be distinguished: psychophysiological adaptation - adaptation to mental and physical stress, physiological working conditions and economic adaptation - this is the adaptation of workers to the system and level of remuneration, its timely payment, as well as to various additional payments employee.

Each profession has special methods of material incentives, and wages are related to its conditions and organization.

Having analyzed these types of adaptation, I identified three main types of adaptation, which summarize the above information on the types of adaptation, its aspects, expressing its essence in essence:

1. Organizational (rules, norms, basic provisions adopted by the organization).

2. Professional (adaptation to the functions that the employee must perform, to the rules for performing work, labor standards, to workloads and to the specifics of the profession).

3. Social (to the organization’s personnel or work collective, to its rules of behavior, interests, traditions, habits, separately to personal qualities, etc.).

Adaptation of an employee is the adaptation of an individual to the workplace and the work collective. In my opinion, a person is faced with 3 main types of adaptation in an organization: organizational (working conditions, norms, rules adopted in the organization), professional (functions that an employee must perform) and social (work collective). A new employee coming to an organization experiences uncertainty and anxiety and how painlessly he overcomes this condition will depend on whether he will remain working in the organization, as well as how quickly he will begin to show high performance indicators.

The following main goals of adaptation can be identified:

Sufficiently rapid achievement by the employee of his work indicators,

Reduction in start-up costs.

Joining a work team, uniting into a single work team.

Reducing anxiety and uncertainty, this feeling is experienced by every new employee; if an employee experiences it for a long time, he may experience nervous exhaustion, which can lead to dismissal and even poor health. In the future, it can develop into a person’s low self-esteem.

Reducing turnover among new employees.

Saving time for managers and ordinary employees to help a new employee.

Developing new employee job satisfaction, a positive attitude towards work and realistic expectations.

Reducing costs for finding new personnel.

Formation of personnel reserve.

Thus, employee adaptation- this is the adaptation of the individual to the workplace and the work collective. In my opinion, a person is faced with 3 main types of adaptation in an organization: organizational (working conditions, norms, rules adopted in the organization), professional (functions that the employee must perform) and social (work collective). 1

When faced with something new, a person experiences stress - this is its essence. The nature of the peculiar “fear of change” is simple - it is explained by the instinct of self-preservation. Getting used to the current way of life, a person subconsciously perceives change as a threat to personal safety and everything new causes him discomfort.

According to statistics, about 90% of employees who quit within six months after joining the company made this decision during their first day on the team. The reason for this is the lack of adaptation, ignoring adaptation measures on the part of the company management.

Adaptation (from the Latin adapto) is the process of coming into harmonious agreement with the outside world on the one hand, and with one’s unique psychological characteristics on the other, which implies the ability to distinguish between images of the outside world, subjective images, as well as the ability to effectively influence environment(from the explanatory dictionary of analytical psychology).

Adaptation is a difficult stage in the life of a beginner, regardless of his level of knowledge, skills or moral principles. In order for the “getting accustomed” process to be easy and comfortable, the company must develop a clear personnel adaptation program. Its mission is to quickly and effectively integrate a newcomer into a position. A well-developed system allows you to formulate his tasks and goals for an employee, as well as reduce the natural “survival” of an employee in a team from 10-12 to 5-6 months.
How to carry out personnel adaptation?

“Helping hand” for a newcomer: employee adaptation program

Depending on the specifics of the company and the category of employees hired, an individual adaptation program is drawn up. If it is aimed at introducing new employees, it has a primary form. To an employee who found himself in a new position as a result of rotation, as well as to a woman who returned to work after a long maternity leave in the remaining place, a secondary type of adaptation is applied.
The purpose of the program is to accurately reflect the employee’s work responsibilities and make the process of acclimatization in the team calmer and smoother. All elements of the system are interconnected and complementary.

The adaptation program for new employees is carried out in the following areas:

1. Organizational.
Aimed at providing the employee with information about the history of the company, familiarization with its structure, internal culture, basic work rules and working hours. The purpose of organizational adaptation is to build a line of attitudes and principles that an employee must adhere to in the process of work. The employee is provided with information about wages, the system of fines, benefits, and prospects for career advancement.

2. Socio-psychological.
When a new employee joins a company, he remains “one-on-one” with the already established team. At this stage, it is important to help him understand the rules of interaction in a team and accept the established norms. The first point of adaptation of this direction is the official introduction of the employee to colleagues and management. These events help to overcome the feeling of constraint, “foreignness”, and quickly integrate into the established workforce.
Great luck if new employee will take part in a corporate event in the near future. Such interaction will most effectively reveal both the newcomer and the team.

3. Professional.
The purpose of the program is to introduce the employee into his circle professional responsibilities, as well as the development of certain personal qualities to develop a positive attitude of the employee towards his position. The program includes: familiarizing the employee with the workplace, instructions, and working conditions. Beginners with no experience are offered training, seminars, lectures, tools distance learning existing in the company. The main mission of the program is to train highly qualified personnel for fruitful work in the company.

From theory to practice: personnel adaptation in an organization

The program implementation algorithm and its main directions are formed by the HR manager together with the head of the company. Typically, three levels are involved in the process: the manager, the curator (mentor) and the personnel department employee. Let's look at how adaptation of new employees is carried out in reality.

Preparatory stage

The personnel employee prepares accompanying documentation, which is issued to the employee upon admission to the organization. A program for introducing a newcomer to a position is developed, an adaptation sheet is drawn up, and documents are agreed upon with all participants in the process. An experienced mentor is selected to supervise the new employee. His task is to provide assistance in any matter, as well as timely psychological support and full work instructions.

initial stage

Includes organizational measures for the introduction of a newcomer. Depending on the circumstances, it covers a period from 7 days to 3-4 weeks. The employee gets acquainted with the specifics of the job, goes through the full registration procedure, and fills out working documentation, studies the structure and specifics of the company. He receives an adaptation sheet in his hands (for a while probationary period), – an individual program that specifies the processes that he must master. A correct system for evaluating results is selected for it.
At this stage, it would be appropriate to introduce a training system: courses and trainings will help the beginner to structure necessary knowledge, become a full-fledged member of the team, and also understand the primary tasks and goals of the company. Previously, we published an article about the implementation system for personnel development, we recommend reading it.

Accompanying stage

After passing initial stages the employee begins his duties. A mentor is involved in the work process, who at the beginning of the day provides the necessary preparatory instructions, and at the end of the working day evaluates the results, discusses them with the newcomer and forms an action plan to improve performance. The results of the work are entered into the adaptation sheet, and grades are given for each day.

Control stage

The control stage can be called end-to-end, but not final. At this stage, the first check by management of the effectiveness of the employee’s implementation of new team. A meeting is held between the employee and the manager, the purpose of which is to obtain information about how much the new employee understands his role in the company.
The next check is carried out no earlier than 1-2 months later, when information about the professional skills and work of the newcomer as a whole is structured. The final audit is launched at the end of the trial period; all aspects of the audit are recorded in the individual program and are reflected in the employee’s personal file. Based on the assessments made during the entire probationary period, a correct program is subsequently drawn up professional development employee.
Personnel adaptation is considered complete when employees involved in the program cease to be “new” and effectively cope with their responsibilities.

Quick start: adaptation of employees in the organization

In modern developing companies, the adaptation of new employees should not be viewed as a whim of management or a system of concessions for newcomers. The implementation of the program is beneficial for both employees and the company, since both parties receive the most effective results in achieving common goals.

A well-developed adaptation system helps a company:

  • Reduce staff turnover by 30-40%
  • Get qualified worker
  • Form a friendly, cohesive staff
  • Create a mechanism for assessing management and professional competencies workers
  • Identify problems in your existing recruiting program
  • Develop management qualities of mentors and leaders

For managers and executives who would like to learn effective personnel management tools and apply them in their own practice, I have developed the author’s courses “: synchronization of key paradigms”, as well as “: how to ensure the implementation of delegated work.” After completing a two-month training, you will find answers to many of your questions, learn methods to increase the level of responsibility of subordinates, and be able to competently build an individual personnel management system. You can get acquainted with current courses and sign up now by going to.
An employee who has completed an individual adaptation program quickly joins the team, receives accurate information about the scope of work and the specifics of the company’s activities, and better masters corporate culture. He quickly overcomes the stressful period that is typical for the first days of work in a new organization, which helps him to internalize the company's goals and fully develop his professional skills.

The arrival of a person to a new team is a certain stress for the body, so a certain period of time is required for the employee to get used to the existing conditions. This is called adaptation.

What is personnel adaptation?

In the general understanding of this word, it is a process of adaptation to environmental conditions or internal changes. The result of adaptation is an increase in efficiency if we're talking about about execution labor functions or simply improving the process of existence itself.

The general concept has several varieties, one of which is human labor adaptation. It refers to the mutual adaptation of the employee and the organization, including a step-by-step process of involving the employee in the accepted work routine and getting used to the newly emerging psychological, social, economic and sanitary conditions.

Modern labor management considers labor adaptation one of the most effective elements of personnel management. At the same time, as practice shows, in fact full process adaptation again accepted employee little time is given, which is due to its absence. Most of the time and organizational resources are usually allocated to training or the formation of a labor evaluation system.

To increase the efficiency of the adaptation process and achieve the set goals, the company's management is required to adhere to a systematic approach.

Its absence will lead to a reduction in the role of the personnel management service. And due to it, most often, it is formed positive image brand and the formation of a corporate culture takes place.

Several goals of the onboarding program.

The global goal of carrying out adaptation measures is to create conditions for an employee to get used to a new place and team. But it is customary to divide this global goal into more specific sections:

  • rapid entry of the employee into the work process, which helps to maximize work efficiency and reduce the number of erroneous actions that occur when the employee performs his job duties. Sociological research confirms that after the expiration of the probationary period, with a well-designed adaptation program, the employee begins to use up to 70% of his professional resources;
  • decreased fluidity.

The introduction of an adaptation system at an enterprise helps reduce the number of employees who cannot pass, and also reduces the number of personnel leaving in the first year of work.

4 main stages of adaptation.

Since the adaptation period should ideally be quite long, it is customary to distinguish several stages that make it possible to create a normally functioning system. Also, breaking down into stages makes it possible to differentiate and adjust the adaptation program to each specific case.

  1. General orientation. This is the first stage, which consists of the initial acquaintance of the new employee with the organization, team, company structure, accepted rules and corporate ethics. The tools of the first stage are trainings, familiarization with internal documents;
  2. Taking on a position. The second stage of adaptation, which narrows the range of actions. At this time, the employee is asked to familiarize himself with the job description, functional responsibilities, and find out the features of the unit or department in which he will have to work. Also at this stage, contacts are established with colleagues;
  3. Effective orientation. An adaptation period, which consists of providing the employee with the opportunity to apply the acquired primary knowledge in practice and try to establish a reverse chain of communication with immediate management for full interaction. This stage occurs no earlier than after a week of work in a new place;
  4. Functioning. This is the last, final stage of the adaptation program. Its purpose is to summarize data regarding all new employees and their adaptation time in a new place.

This work makes it possible to track how long after taking up a position the employee begins to perform his functional duties in full.

Onboarding is an important part of becoming a new employee.

Modern science identifies several aspects of adaptation, which depend on the available forms of the process:

  • social. This variety refers to the entry of a person into society and the subsequent transformation of the social environment into activity. Here it is customary to highlight self-implementation, adaptation to current environmental norms and further active work to satisfy own and corporate interests;
  • production. A form implying that the employee is immersed in production activities, going through the training process, learning work process standards. This also includes the process of establishing contacts between field workers;
  • professional. A type of adaptation, including the development of professional skills and abilities, the process of building a system of careful attitude to labor duties;
  • psychophysiological. A form characterized by the emergence of adaptation skills to new forms of psychological and physical stress, mastering the specifics of work;
  • socio-psychological. A type of adaptation process that requires the employee to socially adapt to the team;
  • organizational. A form of adaptation period, during which an employee becomes familiar with the structure of the organization and his place in it. At this stage, there is an awareness of the employee’s own function in the process general activities enterprises;
  • economic. Every work must be adequately paid. At this stage, the employee understands the accepted system of remuneration and rewards in the company.

The main objects of this form are the size and timeliness of the payment.

Benefits of adaptation

Benefits the organization quick adaptation personnel.

A properly organized adaptation system in an organization allows achieving benefits not only for the employee, but also for the company itself.

For an employee, the obvious advantages of using labor adaptation are:

  • collection large quantity information that is necessary to improve work efficiency;
  • getting rid of feelings of anxiety and uncertainty;
  • obtaining satisfaction from the work performed;
  • mastering the accepted corporate culture;
  • building a system of communication with the team and management;
  • building an effective chain that forms boss-employee feedback.

The benefits of adaptation for the company are:

  1. Creation of a system that allows, during the probationary period, to obtain an objective judgment about managerial and professional qualities employee;
  2. The ability to identify shortcomings of the current personnel selection system;
  3. Delegation of increased management competencies to management;
  4. Getting a loyal employee;
  5. The validity of the personnel decisions made.

Adaptation is a necessity that allows the employee to quickly enter the execution process labor responsibilities in a new place.

The goal of labor adaptation is to get a person accustomed to the company and the company to the person, which together makes it possible to comprehensively prepare the employee for work in a new environment.

In this video you will learn about the goals of staff onboarding.

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From this article you will learn:

  • How staff adaptation methods work
  • What are the main methods of personnel adaptation
  • What stages, methods and forms of personnel adaptation can be identified
  • How to choose the appropriate employee onboarding method

Personnel adaptation methods are mandatory management tool for any company. Adaptation is necessary for every newly hired employee at the beginning of work in the organization. Let's take a closer look at modern methods personnel adaptation.

How do all personnel adaptation methods work?

Personnel adaptation is a process aimed at incorporating new employees into the existing team. It includes familiarization with internal corporate norms and rules, working methods and technologies adopted in the company, and the formation of informal connections with other specialists of the enterprise.

Adaptation of personnel in an organization, no matter what methods it is carried out, is always limited in time, and it is the time spent on integrating an employee into the team that acts as a measure of the success of adaptation. In order to fit into an existing team, a person needs an acquired skill to find his place in the social and psychological space of the group in order to become part of it and effectively fulfill his job responsibilities.
A protracted adaptation phase can turn even a highly qualified specialist into an outcast in the company. Strained relationships with colleagues or a complete lack of contact, difficulties with inclusion in work activities lead to the fact that a person is not recognized, ignored, encouraged less and paid less for his work.

Personnel adaptation is necessary for the organic entry of a new employee into the team and immersion in the work process, transferring the necessary information to him.
It has the following goals and objectives:

  • reduce staff turnover;
  • transfer tasks to newcomers as soon as possible and include them in the work context;
  • motivate people to do high-quality productive work;
  • strengthen team spirit among staff.

The organization of the adaptation system and the selection of methods are carried out by the HR department and the heads of the departments where employees are hired.

The HR department (or a specific HR specialist responsible for personnel adaptation) performs the following tasks:

  • conducts seminars, trainings, courses on adaptation methods;
  • arranges interviews of newly hired personnel with their senior supervisors or supervisors;
  • conducts intensive courses on personnel adaptation for department heads entering their positions;
  • organizes special events to train curators;
  • develops a strategy for gradually increasing the complexity of the tasks assigned to new employees;
  • carries out minor social tasks necessary to establish contact between the team and the new employee;
  • applies role-playing games, thematic cases for staff unity.

Any organization should have its own adaptation program for new employees. It will necessarily include the following steps:

  1. Preparatory.

The newcomer is introduced to the rest of the company’s personnel and organized workplace, appoint a curator, draw up all documents for hiring. At this stage of adaptation, a new specialist can also be introduced to the structure, goals, products and mission of the company, talk about its history, identify current tasks, labor regulations and norms of corporate culture.

  1. Education.

The newcomer is given the theoretical training necessary for the job and is introduced to his job responsibilities and requirements.

  1. Practical tasks.

The new employee is included in the current labor process as an observer, and a little later - as an independent participant.

  1. Results of the trial period.

The performance of the new employee during the probationary period is assessed: his abilities, advantages and disadvantages, quality of work. A decision must be made about whether this person will become a full-fledged employee of the company or will be forced to look for another position.

Basic methods of personnel adaptation

The personnel adaptation period is necessary because the knowledge, skills and usual working methods of a new employee always differ from those accepted in the organization, and he requires training, assimilation of a certain amount of information and entry into the work context. He may need to gain professional experience. To speed up the process of personnel adaptation in the organization, special management methods have been developed.

A method is a set of means that allows one to achieve a goal within a certain period of time. As for the adaptation of personnel in a company, there is no single universal option - there is only a set of measures and technologies for training and adaptation available to department heads and HR managers.
Successful adaptation is needed by the newcomer no less than by the company itself. Therefore, the actions and steps taken must be comprehensive and aimed at quickly integrating a new employee into the labor process. Based on this, personnel adaptation methods are chosen.

Success in employee adaptation is determined by the following characteristics:

  • the employee copes with all responsibilities and tasks;
  • navigates in organizational structure company, knows his colleagues and bosses by name, has established a good relationship with the team;
  • has proven his ability to solve non-standard problems and take responsibility for the results of his activities;
  • uses office equipment correctly and understands how it works;
  • knows what system of rewards and punishments is adopted in the company;
  • follows corporate standards of behavior and communication etiquette;
  • fit in informal group(association of interests, friendly company, group of like-minded people).

A successfully adapted specialist masters the correct patterns of behavior directly related to work, business communication and interpersonal contacts.
Experienced HR manager takes an active part in the adaptation of new employees, helping them integrate into the team. If adaptation fails, he will have to look for other candidates to fill the vacancy, so he is primarily interested in ensuring that the newcomer gets accustomed to the company, coordinates all stages of adaptation and answers all questions that arise.
During personnel adaptation, the HR manager has a lot of opportunities and methods of influencing new employees: he gives them advice, suggests options for action (even regarding the best places to dine), explains how to behave and what to wear. In addition, he communicates with the employee’s direct superior and discusses any difficulties that arise.

Informal support method

The method of informal support for newly hired personnel increases the effectiveness of their adaptation if acted thoughtfully and purposefully. The newcomer will have to be introduced not only to the specifics of the job, but also to the specifics of relationships in the team, and also be introduced to the rest of the employees.
This method will require a lot of time. Therefore, the personnel manager must allocate the required amount of time in advance, planning his work insofar as it concerns the adaptation of new personnel. The results of this process should be taken into account in the employee incentive system.

Event method

HR managers can use a corporate event to introduce a new employee to the workforce and give him an easy start in relationships with future colleagues. For example, you might have an informal tea party shortly after a new person has been hired.

Or, for example, you can take advantage of a group trip to a cafe or a birthday party to introduce people to their new colleague. In large organizations, it is optimal to hold events within each specific department, rather than gathering the entire staff of the company. Department heads must be able to lead such meetings. In particular, a newcomer at the adaptation stage needs instruction before a corporate event - he needs to be explained:

  • what to wear;
  • Is it possible to demonstrate your sense of humor;
  • what conversation topics are appropriate;
  • what should be said in a toast, opening speech, etc.

In some companies, it is customary to conduct self-presentation. In this case, new employees should be helped to compose and rehearse the text and advised who to meet during the corporate event.
Such events are usually organized by department heads or HR managers. However, if the tradition of meetings in unusual settings has not taken root in the company, you should not use them as a method of adapting staff. In this case, a corporate party needs a compelling reason. It is better to focus on generally accepted holidays and events (end working week, employee birthdays) and introduce a new team member at one of these meetings. But it is necessary to introduce the newcomer to the rest of the staff in any case, and this should be thought out when planning the event (otherwise the employee will only get stressed).

Corporate PR method

This method, which helps in the adaptation of personnel, consists of publishing a reference book on the basic norms of behavior in the company. They will depend on the field of activity and the preferred operating style of the enterprise and usually contain information about the dress code, daily routine and breaks, organization of the workplace, etc. For example, the booklet may include examples of workplace equipment (correct and incorrect) in the form photographs. Such a directory may be published separately or be part of the corporate code.

Team training

The need to use this method of personnel adaptation arises quite rarely. Usually it is necessary when a qualified manager or specialist joins an already established team and he cannot find a common language with his colleagues. The training helps him understand the existing relationships.
The event begins with instruction on the rules of conduct, after which all participants have the opportunity to voice their own opinions, complaints about the newcomer, and talk about problems that have arisen. The result of the training should be improving relationships in the team, establishing communication skills and instilling respect for other people’s opinions.
Such activities as a method of personnel adaptation can only be carried out by professional trainers. The training can take the form of analyzing specific cases (case method) or a business game.

Methods of organizational adaptation

A person who takes up a position needs to know what personnel requirements are imposed in the company. Knowledge of norms and requirements, coupled with developed communication skills, will help you find a way out of almost any difficult situation At work. For example, when going on a business trip, an employee must understand who to turn to for money, what documents to take with him, etc. If he has established contact with the rest of the staff, then all these issues will not become a problem for him.

Instruction in departments

This method of personnel adaptation comes down to informing newly hired employees about what requirements and rules exist in each department. These functional requirements must be met, so they must be clearly formulated and written down so that all employees can become familiar with them and not waste time figuring out details instead of performing their direct functions. The employees themselves should be involved in writing rules, work methods, safety precautions, etc. The basic requirements must be brought to the attention of the new employee during orientation, without which adaptation is impossible, and the remaining documents must be available in his department.

"New employee folder"

Such folders contain all the documents with answers to questions that a new department specialist will certainly have. It is best to combine them into a detailed structured directory with information about all departments of the company, regulatory documents etc. in such a way that the employee can easily understand his functional responsibilities and corporate hierarchy.

Web site

A corporate website is an excellent modern tool for onboarding new staff. For example, the resource may contain examples of how to correctly fill out documents, the procedure for solving a particular problem, and other useful information and tips.

Profession-oriented approach

Professional adaptation focuses on preparing a specialist to perform job responsibilities in the organization where he is employed. Planning his activities during the probationary period is the task of HR managers. The industry, the specifics of the work must be taken into account, and the tasks and deadlines for their implementation must be clearly stated.

Having become acquainted with a new team, a person must read the documents regulating its activities - requirements, job description etc. After this, the newcomer’s immediate supervisor gives him tasks for the adaptation period and contact details of those employees to whom he can turn with a question or request for help. Throughout the entire period of personnel adaptation, the manager must monitor how things are going with the new subordinate, if necessary, intervene in the progress of work, and give advice.
Personnel adaptation through mentoring is even more effective. Department heads, especially in large corporations, usually have little time and cannot always devote it to new employees. A qualified supervisor is not only always available and ready to answer questions about work, but will also help establish relationships with the rest of the team and tell you how to work more productively.
Manuals, reference books, and manuals with recommendations are very helpful in adapting a large number of new people at once.
In order to evaluate the results of a specialist’s adaptation, two main indicators are used: the employee’s job satisfaction and the company’s satisfaction with the new employee. Satisfaction indices are determined using a survey method.
Selecting the most suitable and effective methods for adapting personnel in an organization is quite difficult. It is necessary to take into account many situational factors, including the psychological climate and internal corporate work regulations.

Stages, methods and forms of personnel adaptation

Methods of onboarding newly hired personnel are grouped into three different approaches: partner, army and optical.

  1. "Optic".

Employers usually formulate it like this: “Start working, we will look at how you do it, and based on the results we will agree on payment and your responsibilities.” Such managers proceed from the fact that competition for jobs among specialists with the necessary training and qualifications is great, so it is easy to replace one personnel with another. For the candidate, it looks like the company is not interested in him and is generally unreliable and prone to deception.

  1. "Army".

This approach to personnel adaptation is described by the proverb “Hard in training, easy in battle.” During the probationary period, the employee is not helped in any way to adapt and get up to speed; they may not even be given necessary materials and deliberately create obstacles in work. In some cases, this is done so that it is easy to kick out a specialist, saying that he failed, and take on another newcomer. But, as a rule, this is mainly caused by the desire to find the best candidate for the vacancy, and not to take advantage of the unpaid labor of people on a probationary period. However, such methods are destructive in any case.
Even those who managed to go through the adaptation period and officially find employment in such a company soon begin to work carelessly (since the hardest part is already behind them) or take revenge for neglect and cruel methods of adaptation during the probationary period. Such a phenomenon as hazing is quite typical and inevitable for such organizations, and they may simply lose the influx of applicants due to their bad reputation.
Strict discipline and harsh methods during the adaptation period of new personnel are justified only if they are applied to all other employees too and are the management style in the company.

  1. "Affiliate"

This is the most mature and civilized approach to hiring and onboarding personnel. It is practiced in those organizations where they realize the importance of quickly checking a candidate for suitability for a position and strive to reduce the costs associated with searching and training personnel. Experienced employers understand that it is almost impossible to find a ready-made ideal employee; they will have to deal with reality, and not just their expectations, and are ready to develop the necessary specialists, investing in their adaptation and choosing suitable methods for this.

Four stages of the onboarding process for new employees:

Stage 1. Three days before hiring.
HR specialists call applicants whom the company is ready to hire, and warn the rest of the staff about the imminent arrival of a new recruit. They also prepare information materials for new employees, which are issued on the first day of their entry into position.
These materials and information include:

  • telephone numbers of various departments of the organization, external telephones;
  • rules and prohibitions regarding long-distance and international calls, the use of work phones for personal needs;
  • application form for creation Email(account in the company’s CRM system, etc.), Internet connection;
  • procedure for obtaining a pass and parking space;
  • application form for connecting corporate communications (if required by the specifics and methods of work);
  • information on how to obtain all the necessary office equipment, stationery, and consumables.

At this moment, the immediate supervisor of the newcomer who will have to adapt to the company:

  • reviews the job description (is it relevant and does it not contradict the internal standards of the company);
  • appoints a mentor if supervision is accepted in this organization as a method of personnel adaptation.

Stage 2. First work day.
The HR manager meets a new person, brings him to the workplace, gives him information materials, formalizes employment contract and other documents, gives advice regarding the first day of work.
Direct supervisor:

  • introduces the new employee to the team;
  • introduces the newcomer to the mentor;
  • informs everyone organizational issues: payment wages and the system of rewards and penalties, the structure of the company.


  • talks about the internal regime and rules of work, behavior in the workplace (schedule, breaks, access system and security, clothing style, etc.), as well as what rituals and unwritten rules exist in the company;
  • shows where all the necessary facilities are located in the building - bathrooms, kitchens, smoking rooms;
  • talks with a new employee after the first day of work.

Stage 3. First week of work.
At this stage of personnel adaptation, HR specialists interact most closely with newcomers, informing them about existing career prospects, studying the level of their professional development and preparing for them individual programs adaptation.

  • tells the new employee about the history of the company, its current goals and objectives, accepted methods of work;
  • recommends that you familiarize yourself with certain documents;
  • describes how the organization's administrative and economic system works;
  • arranges introductory interviews for the new specialist with his future colleagues and superiors;
  • teaches reporting.

Stage 4. Completion of the probationary period.
HR manager at this stage:

  • interviews new staff;
  • studies questionnaires;
  • discusses the results of the probationary period of candidates with their managers, determines the prospects and potential of employees.

Immediate supervisor:

  • informs new employees that their probationary period has ended and sets a date for summing up the results and making a final hiring decision;
  • talks with newcomers about whether they liked working in the company, whether everything worked out and what difficulties arose.