Resource management involves one of the following processes. Resource planning. Main types of resources

In essence, the management of project material resources begins in the pre-investment phase when developing a feasibility study, then in the planning phase, resource requirements and the possibility of providing them are worked out.

At any given moment in time, the project's resources are limited, and therefore the main tasks of resource management are: optimal resource planning; logistics management, including: resource procurement management; supply management; resource supply management; resource inventory management; management of resource distribution for project work.

Resource management involves a number of core processes, including purchasing, supply, resource allocation, and resource inventory management.

Resource procurement is a central element of the resource management system. Procurement refers to activities aimed at providing projects with resources - that is, property (goods), performance of work (services), transfer of the results of intellectual creativity in connection with a specific project. Procurement and supply are interconnected and, in fact, are two sides of the logistics processes of the project.

Procurement management, project logistics - a project management subsystem, including the processes of purchasing goods, products and services for the project from external supplier organizations. The subsystem consists of planning logistics, selecting suppliers, concluding and maintaining contracts, ensuring supplies, and completing contracts.

Supply management stands out along with procurement management as an independent subsystem. Includes: supply planning; organization accounting; delivery, acceptance and storage of goods; accounting and delivery control.

Planning and organizing procurement and supplies is the first stage in project resource management. Planning and organization are driven by data design and estimate documentation in connection with general plan project and take into account the duration of the procurement and delivery cycle. Consists of stages including selecting suppliers, placing orders and monitoring supplies.

The selection of suppliers is carried out on the basis of studying qualification questionnaires designed to highlight managerial, technical, production and financial capabilities; the list of applicants, developed based on the study of questionnaires, is agreed with the customer and the project manager; The final selection of suppliers is made through bidding.

Placement of orders - together with design organization measures are being developed to standardize (reduce the range of products) procurement; general orders are issued only on the basis of work to reduce the range of purchases; bid evaluation and tendering precede the award of contracts; the latter is carried out as a result of additional meetings and agreements with the winning bidders on the requirements for the transportation and storage of goods, as well as the procedure for payments and bonuses.

Control over supplies is carried out on the basis of special schedules; organized for each type of supply (equipment, work, local materials, services); is based on the overall project plan; all changes are made to the overall project schedule; is based on standard reporting forms.

Procurement processes are the most complex resource management processes and require careful consideration. Let us present a number of basic concepts in a logical sequence.

Project procurement strategy is a system of methods, principles of relationship between the specifics of procurement for a specific project and environment project.

The relationship between procurement (provision) for the project and the structure of work under contracts and project stages - a formalized structure of connections between project work and the required provision of resources in terms of deadlines and contracts.

Contract procurement planning is a process that results in the generation of procurement documentation that establishes the principles of procurement activities (project support), detailing the procurement process by time, costs, performers, suppliers, contracts, project stages and types of resources.

Sourcing is the process of selecting the organization and/or individuals whose resources, reliability and performance are expected to achieve procurement objectives.

Evaluation of procurement sources - a general study of possible suppliers in order to send them a request for proposals or to begin negotiations with them in order to conclude a contract.

Verification (assessment) of suppliers for project procurement - qualification checks of the compliance of specific suppliers with project goals at the negotiation stage of the contract phase of the project.

Consideration of the technical competence of suppliers at the procurement stage (project support) - assessment of the conformity of suppliers and their products (materials, services) technical requirements project.

Negotiations on purchases (supplies) - a stage of the project, including assessments of suppliers, discussions of supply conditions, draft supply contracts. Part of the procurement process support system.

Consideration of procurement costs - consideration by the customer of the approach to price, its realism and reasonableness, forecasting the impact economic factors on costs and risks regarding the cost of the project.

Evaluation of procurement performance for the project - a system for tracking, evaluating procurement processes (procurement) by project phases for maintaining statistics and an information base for the purpose of future applications in other projects.

This section provides fundamental principles and concepts required by the resource management context. At the planning stage, a balanced analysis of work packages and consumed resources is carried out, taking into account restrictions and their forecast distribution based on resource demand schedules. Project resource planning is the basis for determining resource requirements over time and determining the possibility of providing resources for concluding contracts for the purchase of resources, planning the supply of resources, as well as the basis for distributing already purchased resources for project work.

As a core component of project management, resource planning includes a number of components, including:

Development and balanced analysis of work packages and resources aimed at achieving project goals;

Development of a resource distribution system and appointment of responsible executors;

Monitoring the progress of work - comparing planned work parameters with actual ones and developing corrective actions.

Resources act as providing components of the project work, including performers, energy, materials, equipment, etc. Accordingly, the resource requirement function can be associated with each work and calculated using methods scheduling resource requirements for the project as a whole and using equalization methods to ensure that the needs correspond to the availability or ability to provide resources.

There are two main methods for planning project resources: resource planning under time constraints; planning with limited resources.

The first approach - resource planning under time constraints - assumes a fixed project completion date and the assignment of additional resources to the project during periods of overload.

The second approach - planning with limited resources - assumes that the initially specified amount of available resources cannot be changed and is the main limitation of the project.

As a result of resource planning, the project manager is able to move on to the next phase of resource management - organizing the procurement and supply of resources.

At the project development (planning) stage, a technological configuration model is created. As part of the project plans, certain unified normative and technological documentation (UNTD) is developed - a set of documents that is regulatory framework production and technological configuration of the project.

Along with the development of production and construction equipment through construction organizations The form of supplying construction sites through territorial intermediary enterprises (wholesalers) on orders has received significant development project teams customer.

Issues of purchasing and supply management are interconnected with issues of resource inventory management. The solution to the questions “what needs to be purchased” is followed by decisions: how much needs to be purchased (in what volumes and with what frequency of deliveries), and in accordance with this, it is determined how much of each resource must be held in the form of a certain reserve in order to:

Minimizing the risk of suspension production process due to a lack of resources to carry out the work;

Ensuring rhythmic production between moments of resource supply.

The task of determining the regulations and volumes of supplies and inventories belongs to the class of optimization problems of resource management. The target function in inventory management is the total costs of maintaining inventories, warehouse operations, losses from spoilage during storage, etc. Such costs should be minimized. The controlled parameters in this problem are inventory volumes; frequency, timing and volumes of their replenishment (supplies); the degree of readiness of a resource stored as a stock.

The order point, or threshold stock, is the minimum amount of resource stock at which a new order is needed to replenish it, or the point in time at which the order must be made.

Safety (reserve) stock is a minimum reasonable supply of resources intended for uninterrupted supply of production in the event of a disruption in the course of supplies compared to planned. The safety stock is determined by optimization calculation; At the same time, the terms of supply of resources, the materiality (criticality) of the resource for the smooth progress of work on the project, the presence of supply risks, etc. are taken into account.

Inventory management refers to monitoring the status of inventories and making decisions aimed at saving time and money by minimizing the costs of maintaining inventories necessary for the effective implementation of the project.

The purpose of the inventory management system is to ensure uninterrupted provision of processes for completing project work on time and with planned quality at the lowest possible cost of maintaining inventory.

The size of reserves for each type of resource is determined by its specificity, fluctuations in supplies, and importance for the project work. A minimum required reserve, or insurance, amount of stock is provided, which is never used up.

Project team managers responsible for the supply of resources are also responsible for the volume of inventories, i.e., they maintain a balance between incoming supplies of resources and outgoing (distributed) flows of resources for project work to ensure uninterrupted implementation of the project in accordance with planned indicators.

IN last years in the practice of logistics of projects, new methods and technologies based on the concept of logistics began to be used.

Logistics in the field of logistics is understood as the science of:

Rational organization production and distribution, which comprehensively studies the supply, marketing and distribution of means of production;

Aggregates various types activities in order to obtain required quantity products in set time and a predetermined place in which there is a need for these products;

The interaction of all elements of production and transport systems - from production to consumption;

Managing the process of physical distribution of products in space and time;

Relationships and interaction of supply with sales and transport;

Integration of production and transportation processes, including all transport, loading and unloading and other operations requested by the clientele, and their necessary information support;

Planning, management and control of the material flow entering the enterprise, processed there and leaving the enterprise and the corresponding information flow;

Planning, management and control of material, information, human and energy flows;

Physical distribution material resources, technical, technological, organizational and information support for this process.

The goal of logistics is to meet the needs of consumers based on optimal management of material flows, for which information flows are organized in logistics.

Material flow is a product considered in the process of applying various logistics operations to it (transportation, warehousing, etc.) and assigned to a time interval.

The most common logistics operations with material flows are warehousing, transportation, picking, loading, unloading Vehicle etc. Logistics operations with information flows corresponding to material flows can also include the collection, storage and processing of data.

Thus, material flows are formed as a result of transportation, warehousing, and operations with raw materials, semi-finished products, and finished products, starting from the primary source all the way to the final consumer.

Information flow is the totality of those circulating in the logistics system, as well as between the logistics system and external environment, messages necessary for management and control of logistics operations.

The information flow corresponds to the material flow and can exist in the form, for example, of paper or electronic document. Information flows are characterized by the source of their origin, the direction of movement of the flow, the speed of transmission and reception, and intensity.

primary goal logistics system- delivery of resources in the required quantity and assortment and, to the maximum extent possible, ready for consumption to the right place at a given level of logistics costs.

Logistics costs are the costs of performing logistics operations (warehousing, transportation, collection, storage and transmission of data on orders, inventories, deliveries, etc.).

Among the functions of logistics, one can distinguish production, related to the direct implementation of production processes, and management, related to the collection of information and decision-making on the logistics of the project.

The main production functions of logistics include supply (purchasing), production and sales (demand research, transportation, sales of finished products, trade, distribution, customer services, insurance, lending and payment functions, etc.).

Most common management functions- research, analysis, forecasting, decision-making, planning, organization, control, accounting of those considered production functions- supply, production and sales - in particular, and material flow in general. Logistics management functions are implemented in close interaction with the marketing functions of the project (managing the product range, forecasting market capacity and market share of the company, forming pricing policy etc.), as well as with all project management subsystems.

Material resources are one of the most important managed aspects of the project and, accordingly, the resource management system acts as the main one among the project management subsystems. In fact, the logistics approach to ensuring optimal material flows is fully consistent with the systematic approach to project management in the field of resource provision. Project how the system functions within life cycle, It has:

- “input”, which is represented by all project resources, including the material, technical and labor resources discussed in this chapter, as well as financial and time resources, the project team, information, knowledge, technology and various restrictions on input parameters;

A set of interconnected processes for processing these resources, taking into account restrictions and criterion indicators in order to ensure their optimal use to achieve ultimate goal project management - formation of the project result with planned indicators;

- “output”, which is the actual result of the project.

As part of project management, there are material flows of resources and accompanying flows of information that reflect the effectiveness of project management processes or signal violations in the planned progress of work.

Thus, logistics, with the goal of increasing the efficiency of the project management system, is its integral part and is involved in managing the flow of material resources.

In project management subsystems, from the standpoint of a logistics approach and taking into account the interests of each participant, issues such as: development of a general concept for resource distribution are interconnected; choice of supply form; placement of warehouse facilities; choice of mode of transport and type of vehicles; organization of transportation of resources and products; selection of rational transportation directions; selection of delivery points; selection of a rational radius of warehouse service; dislocation of warehouse systems (central, regional, transshipment), etc.

The choice of a specific form of organizing the management of material resources depends on the specifics of the project.

The logistics subsystem of project management is focused on material (resource) flows, that is, in fact, it is a resource management subsystem.

Procurement (supply) logistics, being the first logistics subsystem, is the process of movement of raw materials, materials, components and spare parts from the procurement market to warehouses. For the effective functioning of procurement logistics, you need to know exactly what resources and materials are needed to implement the project, draw up a procurement plan that ensures the coordination of the actions of all project participants, and solve the following tasks: analysis and determination of needs, calculation of the quantity of ordered materials; determining the procurement method; price agreement and conclusion of a contract; establishing control over the quantity, quality and timing of deliveries; organizing the placement of resources in warehouses.

Resource management is one of the main subsystems of UE. Resource management is one of the main subsystems of project management, which includes the processes of planning, procurement, supply, distribution, accounting and control of resources, usually labor, logistics, etc.

Management of project material resources begins, in fact, at the pre-investment phase when developing a feasibility study, then at the planning stage, resource requirements and the possibility of providing them are determined. A significant difference between project management and production management is the limited resources at any given time. Based on this principle, the main tasks of resource management are: 1. Optimal control resources. 2. Logistics management, including: Resource procurement management. Supply management.
Project human resource management is the process of ensuring effective use human resources project, which includes all project participants (sponsors, customers, project team, subcontractors, company departments and other project participants)

To successfully achieve project goals, the following is critically important: identify the composition of project participants; determine the roles of project participants and the order of their interaction; form a project team and a project management team; build a necessary and sufficient organizational structure for project management.

The project team is a temporary working group that performs work on the project and is responsible to the Project Manager for their implementation. The project team consists of the management team, project participants performing work within the project - Project Executors.

Project management team (PMT) - members of the project team authorized to accept management decisions on project management.

include participants with the following roles: Project Manager; Project Curator (Sponsor); System Architect; Project Administrator.

Financial resources are managed within the framework of cost management. Cost management is about ensuring that the triple constraint of project management is met - cost, schedule and scope. Project cost management integrates the processes performed during planning, budgeting, and cost control to ensure that the project is completed within the approved budget. Cost management processes include: valuation - determination approximate cost resources needed to carry out project operations; cost budget development - summing up cost estimates of individual operations or work packages in order to form a basic cost plan; cost management - influencing factors that cause cost deviations and managing changes in the project budget.

Ticket No. 16

1. Goals and content of administrative and municipal reforms, their common features.

Administrative reform is necessary to solve the following complex problems: improving the state's ability to implement policies prescribed by law; increasing system efficiency government agencies; turning the state into a responsible employer, capable of attracting a sufficient number of employees with the necessary qualifications and at the same time controlling the costs of their maintenance; increasing trust in the state on the part of the population and the private sector.

Goals of administrative reform:

● optimization and streamlining of functions federal bodies executive power;

● changing their system, structure and mode of operation;

● simplicity and efficiency of work of government bodies;

● improving relations between them and business entities;

● democratization of governance, its openness and accessibility to citizens.

To achieve these goals, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

● introduction of results-based management principles and procedures in executive authorities;

● development and implementation of standards public services provided by executive authorities, as well as administrative regulations in executive authorities;

● implementation of a single vertically integrated automated system monitoring the performance of government bodies and bodies local government to achieve the most important indicators of socio-economic development Russian Federation and the execution of their powers (State Automated System “Management”);

● creation of multifunctional centers for the provision of government and municipal services;

● organization of provision of public services in electronic form;

● optimization of the functioning of executive authorities and the introduction of anti-corruption mechanisms in the areas of activity of executive authorities;

● increasing the efficiency of interaction between executive authorities and civil society, as well as increasing the transparency of the activities of executive authorities;

● system modernization information support executive authorities; ● formation of the necessary organizational, information, resource and staffing administrative reform, improving mechanisms for disseminating successful experience in public administration.

New legislation on local self-government, embodying the main ideas of municipal reform, was adopted on October 6, 2003. Prior to this, local self-government in Russia was regulated by a number of legislative acts, the main of which was Federal Law No. 154-FZ of August 28, 1995 “On general principles organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation". Municipal finance were settled separately legislative act– Federal Law No. 126-FZ of September 25, 1997 “On financial fundamentals local self-government in the Russian Federation". Leaving the name of the main one the same normative document in the field of local self-government - “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation” - new legislation ( The federal law No. 131-FZ dated October 6, 2003) introduced radical changes to almost all aspects of the functioning of local authorities.

The main directions of transformation were as follows:

● throughout the country, a two-level model of local self-government was introduced as a base model, ensuring the formation municipalities at the level of settlements and at the level of municipal districts; in addition, the creation of urban districts was envisaged - single-level municipalities performing the functions of both settlements and districts;

● the list of issues of local importance was reduced quite significantly compared to the previous version of the Law; all powers of municipalities were divided between the settlement and district levels, while municipal areas were assigned to resolve both issues of local importance in inter-settlement territories, as well as the execution of many key functions on the territory of settlements (in particular, those related to the organization of education and healthcare);

● more precise regulation of the transfer to the local level of individual state powers and ensuring their financing from the budgets of higher levels;

● more comprehensive regulation was provided and forms of direct democracy at the local level were expanded; in more detail, in comparison with the previous version of the law, the regulatory framework of the territorial public self-government;

● the legislatively established requirements for local self-government bodies were tightened, in particular, the presence in each municipality of a representative body, the head of the municipality, as well as the local administration was provided for; as a rule, combining the posts of head of administration and head of a representative body was prohibited, the number of local deputies was strictly regulated, etc.;

● the list of property that may be located in municipal property; objects not subject to legally established restrictions were subject to repurposing or alienation;

● revenue sources were assigned to municipalities on a permanent basis; the principles and mechanisms for providing financial assistance to municipalities were regulated in detail federal legislation;

● more detailed regulation of intermunicipal cooperation was introduced, aimed both at more active use of this tool in organizing the resolution of issues of local importance, and at unifying its forms.

It cannot be said that the need for reforming local self-government was not recognized in society. Active discussions involving the expert community, municipal leaders, public organizations revealed dissatisfaction with the existing regulatory system in this area. At the same time, the most pressing issues were organizing the financing of municipalities and ensuring at least minimal guarantees of the financial autonomy of local self-government.

The main goals of municipal reform:

● bringing power closer to the population through the widespread creation on the territory of the Russian Federation (except for urban districts) of lower-level municipalities - rural and urban settlements, which followed from the very logic of constitutional norms;

● a clear delineation of the subjects of authority and powers between the levels of public authority (state authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation, local government bodies of municipalities of various types - municipal districts, rural and urban settlements);

● delimitation of expenditure obligations between levels of public authority, securing revenue sources in accordance with the volume of expenditure powers and eliminating unfunded mandates.

1. Project resources.

2. Resource management processes.

3. Basic principles of project resource planning.

4. Main tasks of procurement and supply.

5. Legal regulation of procurement and supply.

6. Organizational forms of procurement.

1. Resource management is one of the main subsystems of UE. Includes the processes of planning, purchasing, supply, distribution, accounting and control of resources, usually labor and logistics. Financial resources are managed within the framework of cost management. We will consider managing such a resource as a project team later.

In principle, the concept of “resource” in the PM methodology is interpreted broadly - everything that the project has, including labor, financial and material and technical resources, the project team, time (duration, deadlines, restrictions), information, knowledge and technology, is interconnected project resources. And the main task of managing these resources is to ensure their optimal use to achieve the ultimate goal of the management program - the formation of results with planned indicators.

Let's consider two interrelated groups of resources:

a) logistics, i.e. raw materials; materials, structures, components; energetic resources; fuel; resources such as “power”, or technological resources, i.e. machines, mechanisms for performing project work; installed equipment, etc.;

b) workers who directly work with material and technical resources, for example builders, machine drivers, equipment installers, etc.

Management of project material resources begins, in fact, at the feasibility study, the pre-investment phase in the development of the project project, then at the planning phase, resource requirements and the possibility of providing them are worked out.

At any given moment in time, the project’s resources are limited, and therefore the main tasks of resource management are:

a) optimal resource planning;

b) logistics management, including:

Procurement of resources,

Supply: supplies of resources, reserves of resources, distribution of resources for project work.

2. Resource management involves a number of core processes, including procurement, supply, distribution and resource inventory management.

Resource procurement is a central element of the resource management system. Let's look at the basic concepts.

Procurement refers to activities aimed at providing projects with resources, i.e., property (goods), performance of work (services), transfer of the results of intellectual creativity in connection with a specific project. Procurement and supply are interconnected and are, in fact, two sides of the project’s logistics processes.

Management of procurement, material and technical support of the project is a subsystem of the management program, including the processes of purchasing goods, products and services from external organizations - suppliers. The subsystem consists of planning logistics, selecting suppliers, concluding and maintaining contracts, ensuring supplies, and completing contracts.

Supply management is distinguished as an independent subsystem along with procurement management. Includes:

Supply planning;

Organization of accounting;

Delivery, acceptance and storage of goods;

Delivery accounting and control.

Planning and organizing procurement and supplies is the first stage in project resource management. Planning and organization are carried out on the basis of design and estimate documentation data in connection with the overall project plan and take into account the duration of the procurement and delivery cycle. Consists of stages including selecting suppliers, placing orders and monitoring supplies.

The selection of suppliers is carried out on the basis of studying qualification questionnaires designed to highlight managerial, technical, production and financial capabilities. The list of applicants, developed based on the study of questionnaires, is agreed upon with the customer and the project manager. The final selection of suppliers is made through bidding.

Placing orders. Together with the design organization, measures are being developed to standardize (reduce the range of products) procurement; General orders are issued only on the basis of work to reduce the range of purchases. Evaluation of applications and bidding precede the conclusion of contracts, which is carried out as a result of additional meetings and agreements with the winning bidders on the requirements for the transportation and storage of goods, as well as the procedure for payments and bonuses.

Control over supplies is carried out on the basis of special schedules; organized for each type of supply (equipment, work, local materials, services); based on the overall project plan. All changes are made to the general schedule and are based on standard reporting forms.

3. As the main component of PM, resource planning includes:

Development and balanced analysis of work packages and resources aimed at achieving project goals;

- development of a resource distribution system and appointment of responsible executors;

Monitoring the progress of work - comparing planned work parameters with actual ones and developing corrective actions.

Resources are the supporting components of the project work, including performers, energy, materials, equipment, etc. Accordingly, a resource requirement function can be associated with each job and the resource requirements for the project as a whole can be calculated using scheduling methods, and the leveling methods can ensure that the needs correspond to the availability or ability to provide resources.

There are two main methods for planning project resources:

a) resource planning under time constraints;

b) planning with limited resources.

The first approach, resource planning under time constraints, involves a fixed project completion date and the assignment of additional resources for periods of overload.

The second approach, planning with limited resources, assumes that the initially specified amount of available resources cannot be changed and is the main limitation of the project.

As a result of resource planning, the project manager is able to move on to the next phase of resource management - organizing their procurement and supply.

In projects at the planning stage, a balanced analysis of work packages and consumed resources is carried out, taking into account restrictions and their forecast distribution based on resource demand schedules. Project resource planning is the basis for determining resource requirements over time and determining the possibility of providing resources for concluding contracts for the purchase of resources, planning the supply of resources, as well as the basis for distributing purchased resources among project activities.

Resource planning includes a number of components, including: development and balanced analysis of work packages and resources aimed at achieving project goals; development of a resource distribution system and appointment of responsible executors; monitoring the progress of work - comparing planned work parameters with actual ones and developing corrective actions.

Resources act as providing components of the project work, including performers, energy, materials, equipment, etc. Accordingly, the resource requirement function can be associated with each job and the resource requirements for the project as a whole can be calculated using scheduling methods and leveling methods to ensure that the needs correspond to the availability or ability to provide resources.

There are two main methods for planning project resources: resource planning with time constraints; planning with limited resources. The first approach - resource planning under time constraints - assumes a fixed project completion date and the assignment of additional resources to the project during periods of overload. The second approach - planning with limited resources - assumes that the initially specified amount of available resources cannot be changed and is the main limitation of the project.

As a result of resource planning, the project manager is able to move on to the next phase of resource management - organizing the procurement and supply of resources.

The main task of the design and procurement phase of a project is to ensure the supply of equipment, structures, materials and services in strict accordance with the project plan. This process can be divided into two parts: procurement of resources and services on a competitive basis; deliveries to the work site.

The structure of tasks for logistics support of projects is broadly reduced to the following steps: preparation of specifications and technical specifications, characterizing quantity and quality necessary equipment, machines and mechanisms, structures, materials, works, services; planning and organizing the procurement process; studying possible sources of procurement of resources and negotiations with possible suppliers; pre-selection of bidders; preparation of documents for bidding; conducting tenders and making decisions on awarding contracts to winning applicants; placing an order, including negotiations on supplies; control over supplies with acceptance necessary measures in case of deviations; conflict resolution; mutual settlements; hiring the necessary specialists, including consultants; supply planning; organization of accounting; delivery, acceptance and storage of goods; accounting and delivery control.

Legal regulation of procurement and supply. The main legal form of organizing and regulating relations during procurement between their participants is an agreement. A supply contract is an agreement under which the supplier, who is an entrepreneur, undertakes, within a specified time frame, to transfer ownership to the buyer of goods intended for entrepreneurial activity or other purposes not related to personal consumption, and the buyer undertakes to accept the goods and pay a certain price for it.

Organizational forms of procurement. The following are distinguished: organizational forms procurement: direct, in which legal connection exists between two procurement entities; a corresponding agreement is concluded between them. Direct purchases are usually preceded by tenders, but direct purchases without tenders can also be carried out; intermediary, in which the person implementing the project enters into legal relations with an intermediary, i.e. a person who helps provide the project with the necessary resources; exchanges, in which exchange members carry out exchange trading: directly on their own behalf and at their own expense; on behalf of the client and at his expense; on its own behalf at the expense of the client; on behalf of the client at his own expense. Visitors to exchange trading can be legal and individuals who are not members of the exchange and have the right to carry out exchange transactions.

Requirements for purchasing and supply management. Let's consider the requirements for some of the above steps in the procurement and supply cycle, characteristic of a market economy: procurement and supply are carried out on the basis of project documentation data; schedules are developed in conjunction with the overall project plan and take into account the duration of all its phases; the plan must cover the entire project as a whole; the choice of procurement location is determined based on the calculation of the cost of options; The plan identifies the structures and persons responsible for each item to be delivered.

The following types can be distinguished commodity markets: markets for products, when purchasing which the consumer is guided by established standards that sufficiently fully characterize it from the point of view of its possibilities of use. These include markets for metal products, fuel, chemical materials, cement, building materials, and universal equipment. For this type of market, the following forms of economic relations are defined: trade through commodity exchanges or specialized intermediary organizations various types; markets for products that consumers can purchase based on samples or guided by manufacturer catalogs. These are markets for instrument products, tools, electrical equipment, electronic and radio industry products, commercial equipment etc. For this type of market, the most natural is the broad participation of universal wholesale intermediary organizations, “integrator” firms through industrial fairs, and for products that require adjustment and Maintenance, - through branded trade, specialized wholesale and service companies; markets for products sold according to individual orders of consumers. These are markets for unique equipment, rolling mills, large power machines, automatic lines, chemical equipment, etc. For such markets, the most natural are direct connections between enterprises, the proprietary principle of organizing trade, and the presence of specialized component organizations.

Contracts for the supply of material and technical resources. IN modern conditions deliveries took the form of exchange of goods. The contract for the supply of goods has become a fundamental document regulating the terms, volumes and conditions of delivery. The project manager becomes a key figure coordinating deliveries for the benefit of the project as a whole.

Supply planning. The initial data for scheduling resource support for projects are the following documents: calendar plan carrying out construction and installation work at sites; calendar plan for putting objects into operation and tasks at the end of the stages of construction and installation work; annual resource procurement plan; annual schedule for the supply of materials from specialized commodity organizations; contracts and specifications; regulatory and technological documentation on material and technical supply and configuration; information on the progress of the construction and installation work plan for the period preceding the planned one; information on the progress of commissioning of facilities and the completion of stages construction work for the period preceding the planned one; information on the execution of orders for the period preceding the planned one; information on the movement of remaining construction materials; production and technical standards for the consumption of building materials; inventory standards.

Based on the calendar application-schedule and regulatory and technical documentation, the objective need for structures, semi-finished products and materials is determined in stages in accordance with their composition specified in the technological kits. The calculated object requirement is the basis for developing quarterly orders for the project.

Supply of material and technical resources. The organization of material support for construction projects is based on a system of production and technological configuration. This system assumes the unity of complete manufacturing of structures and products, supply and transportation of all material resources in accordance with the technological sequence of project implementation, and promotes the most rational and economical use of resources.

At the project development stage, a technological configuration model is created. As part of the project plans, certain unified normative and technological documentation is developed - a set of documents that is the normative basis for the production and technological configuration of the project. Sets of structures, products and materials must be delivered simultaneously and, as a rule, in full technological readiness for industrial consumption, in containers and packages directly to the project work area.

Issues of purchasing and supply management are interconnected with issues of resource inventory management. The solution to the questions “what needs to be purchased” is followed by decisions: how much needs to be purchased, and in accordance with this, it is determined how much of each resource must be kept in the form of a certain reserve in order to: minimize the risk of suspending the production process due to a lack of resource for the work; ensuring rhythmic production between moments of resource supply.

The task of determining the regulations and volumes of supplies and inventories belongs to the class of optimization problems of resource management. The target function in inventory management is the total costs of maintaining inventory, warehouse operations, losses from spoilage during storage, etc. Naturally, such costs should be minimized. The controlled parameters in this problem are inventory volumes; frequency, timing and volumes of their replenishment; the degree of readiness of a resource stored as a stock.

The order point, or threshold stock, is the minimum amount of resource stock at which a new order is needed to replenish it, or the point in time at which the order must be made.

Safety stock is the minimum reasonable supply of resources intended for uninterrupted supply of production in the event of a disruption in the progress of supplies compared to planned. The safety stock is determined by optimization calculation; At the same time, the terms of supply of resources, the importance of the resource for the smooth progress of work on the project, the presence of supply risks, etc. are taken into account.

The concept of reserves does not apply to all types of resources. In the very general view Inventories are defined as resources stored in warehouses and include: inventories; unfinished production; finished products in warehouse.

Inventory management refers to monitoring the status of inventories and making decisions aimed at saving time and money by minimizing the costs of maintaining inventories necessary for the effective implementation of the project.

Inventory management is complicated by the constantly changing environment in which planning of purchases, deliveries and stockpiling of resources is carried out. The purpose of the inventory management system is to ensure uninterrupted provision of processes for completing project work on time and with planned quality at the lowest possible cost of maintaining inventory.

Types of stocks. Each type of inventory performs certain functions. Let's look at the most common types of inventory.
Transit stocks are certain resources for storing transit stocks of raw materials with further distribution of resources with transportation over short distances. To reduce transit stocks, they use various ways, including local suppliers, the formation of small batches of resources.

Linear inventories - formed by goods in the process of transportation, movement from suppliers to consumers or production. Factors determining the size of linear stocks: transportation time; the distance over which goods are transported; optimal economic relations between suppliers and consumers, etc. The size of inventories largely depends on the transportation time and, relatively, on the time of product promotion.

Costs of formation and storage of inventories. Maintaining inventory inevitably entails costs. The most well-known types of inventory holding costs are space, rent, and cost of risk. The costs of creating and storing inventories are costs associated with: diversion working capital to stocks of raw materials, materials, etc.; ongoing maintenance of inventories, including costs for conducting inventories, interest rates for bank loans, etc.; storage costs; cost of risks.

Space refers to the costs of depreciation, maintenance, heating, etc., occupied by the stock room. Rent is an expense on capital invested in a stock.

The cost of risk refers to the consequences of various insurance events, as well as an assessment of the cost of risk in monetary form. The cost of these risks is expressed with varying degrees of accuracy through insurance costs, through tariffs and insurance premium rates.

Failure to claim inventory may result in substandard inventory, destruction, and sale at reduced prices.

The information below is for reference only. More information about this material and its practical application you can find out by watching the video.

Resource Management Scenario

  1. Determining the number of resource types. The resource manager works with the project team to assign resource types. Resources are assigned as groups to determine the number of types of resources needed to implement the project.
  2. Optimizing loading of resource types. The resource manager separates groups of resource types and optimizes their loading over the entire duration of the project.
  3. Assigning Resources to Resource Types. During the project implementation phase, the resource manager assigns company employees to resource types for a period of one to two weeks.
  4. Resource loading optimization. After rescheduling the project deadlines, the resource manager optimizes their load for the assigned period.
  5. Resource Management Performance Analysis. At the project completion stage, the resource manager conducts a review of the effectiveness of resource management. The results of this analysis are included in the project implementation report.
  6. The document regulating this process is resource management regulations.

Defining Project Roles and Resource Types

The process of identifying and assigning resources is an iterative process. Depending on the tasks planned for the project, a list of necessary resources is determined. You can use several resource assignment scenarios:

  1. Assigning company resources directly to project tasks. To implement this scenario, the project tasks must be standard and the resources must know exactly how to implement the assigned tasks. Detailing a project down to the level of typical tasks complicates the task planning process and at the same time simplifies the process of assigning resources.
  2. Using project templates. The developed project templates contain already assigned roles and resource types. By replacing roles and types of resources with currently available company resources, you shorten the path of resource assignment. All that remains is to resolve resource conflicts.
  3. Assigning roles and resource types to project tasks. For highly unique projects for which project templates have not been developed, the longest resource assignment path is used. A graphical representation of this method is presented below.

Roles in the project Project objectives Skills
Monoliths Cutting down piles pile cutting
Grillage reinforcement grillage reinforcement
Concreting the grillage grillage concreting
Masons lay masonry
Facade makers Facade insulation and primer facade insulation
Decorative plaster of the facade plaster
Molding installation installation of molding
Facade painting painting walls
Facing with torn stone torn stone cladding
Handymen Concreting the grillage
Filling window openings window installation

The first step in resource planning is assigning roles to project activities. To implement the project, resources must have a certain list of skills. After assigning a resource to a job, it is possible to group all assigned jobs and create a list of skills that specialists assigned to roles must have. Using skills, you can select for each role a list of specialists who can perform these jobs.

Main types of resources

There are five main groups of resources:

Labor resources are the people and equipment that perform the work necessary to complete the project's tasks. Work resources consume time (in hours or days) to complete tasks. Work resources are characterized by the maximum number of resource units (Max. Units) available for simultaneous use in a project. The number of resource units refers to the amount of working time of the resource. For example, if one programmer is involved in a project, then for the corresponding resource the maximum number of resource units will be equal to 100%, in the case of two programmers, the maximum number of resource units will be equal to 200%, etc. If only one programmer is involved, who can devote only half of his working time to the project, then for such a resource the maximum number of resource units will be 50%.

Material resources- This various materials, components and other consumables used to complete the project's tasks. When using material resources in a project, not work time resource, but the resource itself. Material resources are characterized by a unit of measurement of the amount of resource (Material Label - Units of measurement of materials), for example, pcs., m 3, etc. For a material resource, you cannot specify its maximum quantity.

Expensive resources- this type of resource allows you to describe various ways of financing or spending financial resources of the project. This resource is often used to describe contractors or project investors. The amount of funding is indicated when assigning a resource to the project.

Monetary resources- resources of the Cost type. These resources can be assigned to project tasks and have a financial dimension (in monetary units).

Using resources when planning a project allows you to:
- Track the amount of work performed by people and equipment, as well as the amount of materials consumed to complete tasks;
- Ensure a higher degree of consideration and understanding of the project plan.
- Increase the accuracy of calculation of project schedule details;

In order to adequately determine resource requirements, the following factors must be taken into account:
- Contents of the project.
- Types of tasks that will need to be performed.
- Number and scope of project tasks.
- Skills required to complete tasks.
- The amount of resources required to complete each task in a timely manner.
- Possibility of simultaneous use of a resource in several tasks.

Information on how to add resources to the MS Project Professional 2013 schedule is presented in the material “Description of resources"

Determine the list of resources in your project according to the data below:

Resource name Type Unit RBS Price
Monoliths Material Brigades $5 type A - cutting of piles
$10 type B - grillage reinforcement
$20 type C - grillage bitoning
Masons Material pack Brigades $300 per pack
Facade makers Material Brigades $5 type A - facade insulation
$6 type B - decorative plaster of the facade
$7 type C - installation of molding
$4 type D - facade painting
$8 type F - facing with torn stone
Handymen Labor Brigades $6 type A - grillage bitoning
$7 type B - window installation
Piles Material PC. Materials $250
Armature Material pack Materials $270
Concrete Material cube Materials $65
Brick Material pack Materials $150
Solution Material cube Materials $20
Precast concrete products Material PC. Materials $1 200
Window Material PC. Materials $800
Primer Material cube Materials $40
Expanded polystyrene Material pack Materials $160
Molding Material PC. Materials $20
Torn stone Material PC. Materials $40
Plaster Material kg. Materials $80
Dye Material kg. Materials $10
Pile driver Labor Mechanisms $20.00/hour
Truck crane Labor Mechanisms $50.00/hour
Compressor Labor Mechanisms $1,730.00/month
Lawyer Labor Employees $800.00/month

Resource- Qualified personnel, equipment, Consumables, raw materials, materials, budget or cash. Identification of resources: material resources, human resources, resource availability, assignment of resources to project operations, resource load balancing.

Determining which resources (people, materials, equipment) and in what quantities will be used in the project.

On at this stage resource planning, those material resources are replaced by those that the company currently possesses. It is possible that during this planning all the resources necessary for the implementation of the project will be clarified.

Planning of project material resources

Planning of project material resources is carried out by assigning resources to project activities. During initial project resource planning, only the types of resources that are to be used in the project are assigned. After a detailed clarification of the project content, a detailed clarification of the types of resources takes place. After assigning resources to activities, detailed resource planning is carried out along the project timeline. Resource planning across all portfolio projects allows you to clarify the resource requirements of all companies and plan the purchase and supply of the necessary resources.

Planning labor resources at this stage consists of assigning specialists to roles and resolving resource conflicts that arise.
Resource conflicts arise due to the fact that the number of qualified specialists in the company is always limited and it is necessary to provide all projects qualified personnel it can be quite difficult. There are five methods for resolving resource conflicts:
1. Adding resources.
2. Increasing the duration of work.
3. Shift of work over time.
4. Redistribution of loading time.
5. Redistribution of loading time between several resources of the same type.
The choice of one or another method for resolving resource conflicts depends on the situation.

Information on how to assign resources to tasks in the MS Project Professional 2013 schedule is presented in the material “Assigning resources"

Assign resources to your project tasks in a schedule. The appointment conditions are given below:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Task name Resources
Great Dane Development and signing of a contract for the construction of a cottage Lawyer
Fun.1 Driving piles Piles;Truck crane;Pile driver
Fun.2 Cutting down piles Compressor; Monolithics
Fun.3 Grillage reinforcement Fittings; Monoliths
Fun.4 Concreting the grillage Concrete;Monolith workers;Truck crane;General workers
Kar.1 Brickwork under the floor slab Brick;Mortar;Masons;Truck crane
Kar.2 Installation of floor slabs 1st floor Concrete products; Truck crane
Kar.3 Laying walls and partitions on the 1st floor Brick;Mortar;Masons;Truck crane
Kar.4 Installation of floor slabs 2nd floor Concrete products; Truck crane
Kar.5 Laying walls and partitions on the 2nd floor Brick;Mortar;Masons;Truck crane
Kar.6 Installation of cover slabs between the second floor and the attic Concrete products; Truck crane
Kar.7 Laying parapet and ventilation shafts Brick;Mortar;Masons;Truck crane
Kar.8 Development and conclusion of a contract for the production of windows Lawyer
Kar.10 Filling window openings Windows; Handymen
Kr.1 Development and approval commercial offer(Roof) Lawyer
Face 1 Facade insulation and primer Expanded polystyrene;Facades;Primer
Face 2 Decorative plaster of the facade Facades;Plaster;Primer
Face 3 Molding installation Molding; Facades
Face 4 Facade painting Primer; Facades
Face 5 Facing with torn stone Torn stone; Facades
Bl.1 Development and signing of an improvement agreement Lawyer

Resource scheduling rules

  • No real resources are assigned to summary tasks. Only roles or resource types can be assigned to summary tasks of a technology plan. After task decomposition, transfer resources to lower-level tasks.
  • It is advisable to assign one performer to the work of the operational plan. Material resources can be assigned without restrictions.
  • If you need to assign several executors to a task, divide the tasks into several separate independent tasks.
  • Only one responsible person can be assigned to a regular task and a summary task.
  • Responsible, can be assigned to both a job and a task.
  • Indicate those responsible separately from resources and performers.

As a result of mastering the topic, the student must:

  • know principles of organizing the provision of resources to the project; the main processes that ensure project resource management; main types of contracts with resource suppliers;
  • be able to build a hierarchical structure of project resources, decompose resource management work, take into account fluctuations in resource load when drawing up a project schedule;
  • own skills in applying methods for optimizing resources and accelerating a project, determining the contract price for different types of contracts, justifying the choice of resource suppliers for the project.


In modern project management methodology, the concept of “resources” is interpreted quite broadly. These include all objects and means involved in creating the project product. The resource complex of the project forms the interconnections of labor, financial, material and technical, information, intellectual, time and other resources. Therefore, under project resources understand the set of means of performing tasks used to implement a project and achieve its goals at a given level of quality.

In project management, there are two groups of resources - material and labor (Fig. 7.1).

This classification is due to the need to take into account the accumulation of resources and their reuse. Material resources are non-reproducible, while labor resources are reproducible. When performing operations, non-reproducible resources are consumed either completely, irrevocably, or incompletely and then can be accumulated for use in subsequent work. Reproducible resources do not change their shape when performing operations and can be used in other work.

Rice. 7.1.

If these resources are not used in a specific period of time, then their “capacity” cannot be accumulated for future project work.

The interrelations of all types of project resources determine the identification of the main tasks of resource management, such as planning and optimal distribution of resources necessary for the implementation of the project between certain types work in conditions of minimizing risks and taking into account existing restrictions on time, budget and availability of resources.

In order to ensure effective management project resources provide for the implementation of the following main processes: determination of constraints, iterative resource planning, organization of procurement and supply, monitoring and control of resources. Let's consider the essence of these processes. Restrictions design must be taken into account when developing the optimal use profile physical resources, often in short supply. The restrictions take into account the maximum ratio of time and resources:

  • time limit assumes a fixed project completion date and a minimum allowable amount of resources. During periods of overload, additional resources may be provided;
  • resource limitation involves maximizing the acceleration of project completion dates for a given amount of available resources, which cannot be changed. Resolution of conflict situations regarding resource provision is usually carried out

due to shifting the completion date of work.

Within the framework of clearly defined resource allocation criteria, the project manager's task is to find trade-offs in the use of time and resources necessary to successfully complete the project work.

There are projects where a number of tasks require a fixed amount of time. For example, some processes in production medicines(determination of compliance with purpose and requirements) are systemically limited. The technology provides that a new drug is tested for safety and absence of risk to the consumer at a certain temperature conditions for a specified number of days. Increasing or decreasing the time will not give the desired verification accuracy. In a systemically constrained problem, no compromises are possible. Guaranteed Availability resources exactly when they are needed is the only important requirement for such project tasks.

Limited resources at any given time give rise to specific scheduling problems, such as conflicts between two or more tasks in a project. Problems are eliminated during planning by search the best option compromise use of resources, including time.

Process iterative resource planning designed to develop a resource baseline that identifies project resource requirements. The process begins by assigning resources to each project activity according to the defined work list. The need for resources is determined by two opposing methods: “top-down” and “bottom-up”.

The distribution of resources among tasks consists of a clearly recorded decomposition of the types of resources required to complete the project at each level of process decomposition. Yes, on top level types of logistical, human and financial resources. Further, each type of resource is detailed into more specific categories, for example, human resources are differentiated by skills, material resources by brands, assortments, etc. Performing these actions leads to the construction hierarchical resource structure (Resource Breakdown Structure), or resource tree (Fig. 7.2). Ultimately, the resource baseline reflects their detailed distribution across all types of work.

Based on the project WBS and the structuring of human and financial resources, if necessary, separate decompositions can be built, for example, a hierarchical organizational structure and the value tree, or value structure.

Rice. 7.2.

To determine the need for human resources, a RACI matrix (responsibility, responsibilities or assignments matrix) is compiled, in which this need is distributed among WBS tasks. This is a common tool for tabular coordination and consolidation of the roles of project performers, displaying their interaction with each other, used to coordinate and synchronize the work of different groups and multidisciplinary teams. It helps reduce the risk of conflict situations.

Having developed a resource plan, proceed to the next resource planning procedure - drawing up project schedule taking into account the distribution of resources over time. It is necessary to note the complexity of this procedure. Thus, in management practice, the need for a non-scarce resource often arises at the moment when it is fully involved in other work (perhaps even in related project). This can lead to a stop in the work being done or a significant slowdown in it, and if it is not possible to restore the development of the project, then its “death” occurs.

When developing a project schedule, you must identify when each resource will be available to perform project activities and calculate the total workload of project tasks on each resource for each time period of the project. Thus, the availability of human resources is determined by the amount of working time spent on an employee performing each project operation. When assessing the availability of material resources, their required quantity and availability are taken into account. Hence, resource availability means the maximum possible time for a resource to participate in a project within its calendar.

IN resource calendar usually the dates of working days, holidays and weekends, or working and non-working periods of the resource are determined. Using this calendar, the deadlines for completing the necessary project operations using the resources provided for this are determined. Along with indicating availability, the calendar serves as the most important parameter of human resources.

  • By its nature, time is not a resource, but the management of physical resources allows you to either speed up or slow down the timing of the project, i.e. manage deadlines. Therefore, in a project, time can be considered as a resource that sets the limitations, duration and timing of the project.
  • Compiled by A.A. Yussuf based on the source: Project management: textbook, manual for students studying in the specialty “Organization Management” / I.I. Mazur [and others]; under general ed. I.I. Mazura, V.D. Shapiro.S. 735-736.
  • See: Meredith J., Mantell S. Project Management. 8th ed. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2014. P. 432.
  • PMBoK template “Hierarchical structure of resources.” URL: (access date: 08/10/2017).
  • RACI (from the English Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed - responsible, approving, consulting, informed).