Enhanced qualified electronic signature of legal entities. The difference between a qualified digital signature and an unqualified one. For tax reporting

In multifunctional centers, starting from 2017, you can obtain an electronic (digital) signature key, it is easy to issue an electronic signature for an individual at the MFC, the process does not require much time and money.

Since April 6, 2011, Federal Law No. 63 Federal Law has been in force throughout Russia, regulating the creation and use of such signatures.

It replaced the no longer valid No. 1-FZ. Many people are interested in what it is for electronic signature what benefits does it provide?

In this review, we will talk about all the legal and everyday nuances associated with obtaining, using and restoring signatures.

In the era of the development of cryptography (encryption), experts created programs whose algorithms generate multi-character complex combinations. To use the system, a bunch of two keys is used - public and private.

The first user forwards to those with whom he plans to exchange confidential data. The second one is used by the owner himself. It allows you to send certificates to other people and authenticate official papers.

Both options are software products that have an expiration date. Upon completion, replacement is required. This is similar to the validity of licenses for antivirus programs, for which the period of use must be extended. This restriction ensures the safety of users.

It is so difficult and expensive to hack and tamper with a file that in the vast majority of cases, attackers simply do not have such resources.

The main scope of application is confirmation of the authenticity of documents for various purposes filled out by individuals (private citizens) or legal entities (enterprises and organizations). We are talking about a complete analogue of a personal painting, which has the same legal force in any authorities.

Types of digital signatures and their differences

Let's move on to a more detailed consideration of the point about what electronic signatures are and how they differ. The first option is a simple email. signature.

It can be used to work on government service websites or used for internal company affairs related to the signing of orders, resolutions, and correspondence.

The sole purpose is to confirm actual authorship. This option has no legal force at the state level.

A more advanced version, which has protection that guarantees authenticity and authorship, is called an unqualified electronic signature.

It can be used for internal and external (by mutual agreement) document flow. When making such software product New generation cryptographic systems are used.

The most effective and legally recognized is a qualified signature, abbreviated as CES. With its help you can submit tax returns and work with the website Pension Fund, participate in the auction.

The level of protection in this case is maximum, because cryptographic systems used for keys are tested by FSB experts and certified by security authorities.

Using a qualified electronic signature, you limit access to confidential documents and receive protection against theft of important information, incl. industrial espionage.

List of documents for obtaining an electronic digital signature

Some users are not aware of what documents are needed to obtain an electronic signature. The fact is that ordinary people, entrepreneurs and company executives have a list necessary papers will be different.

In the first case, it is enough to write an application, attaching a receipt and a photocopy of your passport certified by a notary. The second one is more difficult:

  • Order on the appointment of the head of the enterprise (certified copy);
  • Passport of the person submitting the application (original);
  • If a third party is submitting the application, a power of attorney in his name is required;
  • Charter of the enterprise (certified copy);
  • Statement of payment.

The registration procedure is quick. On average, production takes no more than three days from the date of application. Applications are always processed in order of priority, and this happens without any hitches.

Receipt through multifunctional centers

Often people simply do not know where the accredited service for issuing digital signatures is located, and are interested in whether it is possible to obtain an electronic signature through the MFC at their place of residence.

Experts answer that such a possibility really exists. Contacting the center municipal services, any citizen or representative of a legal entity will be able to receive the keys within ten working days from the date of application. Such services have been provided since 2017.

To register, you need to make an appointment by phone hotline 88005505030 or come to the branch to get an electronic queue coupon.

Upon arrival, you will need to write an application according to the sample that will be given to you on the spot. You also need to have your passport and... The service is free for the public.

The procedure is extremely simple. First, you register on the website of the certification center, select a registration service, prepare the above papers, pay for the service in a convenient way (bank, terminal, Visa or MasterCard).

There are several ways to obtain an electronic signature for individuals, and they differ in purpose.

How to make an electronic signature for government services

If you need to use the capabilities of the gosuslugi.ru website, work with the portals of the tax service and Rosreestr, you will need a qualified signature. With its help, a citizen can carry out the following operations:

  • Receive or replace a civil or TIN;
  • Request information about income, debts, fines from the tax and;
  • Get in in electronic format;
  • Check the account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • Register or deregister in the city, carry out similar operations with the car;
  • Apply to a university in another city;
  • Conclude contracts for remote work;
  • Participate in the electronic trading system throughout the country;
  • Register ;
  • Obtain a license, patent.

You can obtain this type of digital signature from certification centers. Cost – 950 rub. To do this you will need to perform the following set of steps:

  • Visit the official website of the NCC of the Russian Federation and go through a quick registration procedure;
  • In your personal account, indicate where you live and where you want to receive an electronic signature;
  • Clarify for what purposes it is planned to be used;
  • Request an invoice and pay it in a convenient way;
  • Arrive at the receiving location at the specified time with the package necessary documents.

So you can easily make an individual an electronic signature for government services and other tasks related to official document flow and various registrations. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this process, and it will take a little time.

Digital signature and distribution of powers

Often the signature belongs to a legal entity - more precisely, the head of a company or business owner. But at the same time, all the main “current” tasks are performed by his deputy, chief legal department or other official in the company.

In this case, a logical question arises - how to issue a power of attorney for the use of an electronic signature by another person? Is such a procedure possible in principle?

Yes, such a possibility is provided for and enshrined in law. In accordance with the Regulations on the use of digital signatures dated December 27, 2012, legal entities have the right to appoint authorized representatives, who, in turn, will use special digital signatures.

An application with a power of attorney is submitted to the certification center (you can download a sample here). After this, the representative will be issued certificates.

Loss of digital signature and procedures related to restoration

Your laptop was stolen or your hard drive was damaged and cannot be restored. What to do in this case, To How to restore an electronic signature in the prescribed manner? If the key is lost, it cannot be recovered. You will have to apply for a new one.

The essence is the same as during the initial appeal. There is also no difference in timing. You simply repeat the previously completed procedure. Warn everyone about such changes. Use backup storage options such as portable flash drives to avoid unnecessary hassle.

If necessary, you can use the help of specialists who will help you quickly and competently collect all the necessary documents and issue or restore an electronic digital signature in the shortest possible time.

An electronic signature (ES) is a unique sequence of characters. The electronic signature is used to sign information sent electronically.

There are two types of EP - simple and enhanced. In turn, enhanced electronic signatures are divided into qualified and unqualified. Banks were the first to use them in bank-client remote banking systems. By sending an order to the bank for debit via the Internet Money(payment order), we use electronic signature.

Currently, the scope of application of electronic signatures has expanded significantly; they are used:

  • to participate in bidding on electronic trading platforms;
  • for submitting reports to individual entrepreneurs and legal entities to the Federal Tax Service, Federal Customs Service, Social Insurance Fund, etc.;
  • in information services Rosreestr, GIS Housing and Communal Services, Rosimushchestvo, etc.;
  • on state portals State Services, Rospatent, FAS, etc.;
  • for posting public reporting in accredited news agencies;
  • for digital document flow between and within companies.

Qualified and unqualified electronic signature, difference

A strengthened unqualified electronic signature (NES) has no restrictions on the means of its creation; a cryptographic algorithm of any country can be used. There are fewer requirements for the structure of the NEP certificate; there are no restrictions on the means of creating such a signature. To recognize NEP as a handwritten signature, agreements between participants in electronic document flow or a special normative act, recognizing such equivalence.

Strengthened qualified electronic signature provides more reliable information protection. When creating it, only Russian cryptographic algorithms are used, and the creation tools must be certified by the FSB. The structure of the certificate is subject to more stringent requirements. The EPC is certainly recognized as the owner’s handwritten signature.

Both types of enhanced electronic signatures are created using cryptographic transformation of information, making it possible to identify the person who signed the document and identify changes made to the document after it was signed.

Enhanced qualified electronic signature, what is it?

An enhanced qualified electronic signature is used in cases where the document must not only be signed, but also certified by the seal of the organization. This type of signature is recognized as handwritten and has the highest legal status. This electronic signature additionally contains a qualified electronic signature verification key certificate and is completely reliable.

Documents signed by the CEP are recognized by all official organizations, including control authorities and courts.

How to obtain an enhanced qualified electronic signature

You can obtain such a digital signature only in state-certified centers whose accreditation is valid on the day the certificate is issued. A list of accredited certification centers (CAs) can be obtained on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. From the list of CAs, you need to select a center that provides services on a commercial basis, since there are state and municipal CAs that do not provide paid services.

The owner of the CEP will receive a certificate and key recorded on a certified digital medium. The structure of the certificate will indicate SNILS - for individuals, OGRN - for legal entities.

Before ordering the production of a CEC, you need to know its application. Legislation changes, and after it the requirements of information systems, as a result there is a large number of certificates with different areas of application. Requirements for electronic signature certificates are indicated on the websites of information systems and in regulatory documents to these sites.

Qualified electronic signature for legal entities

The most common area in which CEP is used by legal entities is submitting reports via the Internet to the Federal Tax Service, Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund and State Statistics Committee.

To obtain an electronic signature, a legal entity will need to collect the following package of documents:

  • a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax service;
  • application for obtaining electronic signature;
  • a copy of the order appointing the applicant (for the manager);
  • the applicant's identity card and its copy;
  • SNILS account of the owner of the digital signature;
  • sometimes an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

If the electronic signature certificate is not issued to the head of the company, then an order will be required to appoint the certificate holder to a position in this organization.

How to obtain a qualified electronic signature for an individual entrepreneur

The procedure for obtaining an electronic signature by an individual entrepreneur differs from that of a legal entity only in the list of required documents. In the same way, the individual entrepreneur should determine for what purpose the electronic signature will be used. Then you need to contact the nearest certification center to obtain it.

Documents for obtaining electronic signature for reporting via telecommunication channels:

  • SNILS numbers, INN, OGRNIP.

Documents for obtaining electronic signature for bidding:

  • application to the certification center in the CA form;
  • original passport or its certified copy;
  • TIN or its certified copy;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs in electronic or paper form.

If the electronic signature is received not by the owner himself, but by his authorized representative, a notarized power of attorney for this representative will be required.

There are several types of digital signature. In the article we will tell you which signatures are needed for individuals and which for individual entrepreneurs. You will learn how to make an electronic signature for government services, tax services and the Post Office.

What you will learn about:

The principle of electronic signatures

63-FZ divides electronic signatures into categories:

  • a simple signature (the essence of it is to protect it using a password, a code from SMS, and so on);
  • enhanced unqualified electronic signature (required for approval of online documents within the company);
  • qualified electronic signature (required for interaction between an individual entrepreneur and the tax office via the Internet).

Simple signature created for free and in just a couple of minutes. Usually with the participation of service representatives where required.

A simple digital signature is created by individuals:

  • when contacting financial institutions;
  • when using public services.

Does such a digital signature have legal force? Yes, if its use is specified in a special contract agreement, which contains information about the rules. In particular, the signatory must be warned that under no circumstances should they talk about the login password.

Users receive a simple signature, usually during a visit to the operator. For example, you can make an electronic signature for State Services only when visiting the MFC or village administration.

Unqualified electronic signature is done thanks to the crypto key. It will be required when organizing electronic document management within the company. You can make such a signature yourself or use the services of any certification center.

The NEP will also be required for individuals to send notifications to the tax service.

Qualified electronic signature differs from unqualified only in that:

  • done only by an accredited center;
  • A paper certificate is issued along with it.

Qualified signature – required condition when submitting reports and sending documents to the Federal Tax Service online. It will be requested if you want to start EDI with external companies. For example, such a signature will be needed to work in the tobacco labeling system or EGAIS.

You can put goods on balance in EGAIS using the online cash register program from Business.Ru. With it you can sell both strong alcohol and draft drinks, manage purchases and analyze revenue.

The cost of producing a qualified signature is from 1.5 thousand rubles.

Learn more about obtaining an electronic signature for the sale of alcohol

Below we will figure out what kind of electronic signature is needed to work in government services and tax services, as well as to receive parcels and registered letters Russian Posts.

How to make an electronic signature for State Services

Both individuals and companies will need a digital signature to work with government services. Which signature is required depends on what exactly you are going to do and what services you will receive using the State Services portal.

You can make an electronic signature before and after registering on the site. However, we advise you to register first in order to study the site in advance and understand whether it is possible, in principle, to obtain the required service there.

Simple electronic signature for public services

You need to take your passport and SNILS to the MFC, the nearest branch of the Russian Post or the district administration (if we are talking about a village). There will be specialists there who will confirm your identity and account on the portal. If you don’t have an “account” yet, then MFC employees or administration specialists will create one for you.

Such confirmation is called a simple electronic signature. From now on you can order services on the portal.

You can create a qualified signature for State Services only at a certification center. A list of such centers is available on the website gosuslugi.ru:

As you can see from the screenshot, you need to select the city you are in, as well as your accreditation status.

How can an individual make an electronic signature for the tax office?

Ordinary people who are not individual entrepreneurs are allowed to send 3-NFDL and other documents via Personal Area on the department's website.

One condition: a non-qualified electronic signature (NES) is required, which can be done for free through the same Personal Account. The key can be stored both with the help of the Federal Tax Service and on the user’s computer. The second option is more convenient.

During the process of creating an electronic signature, you will be prompted to install ViPNet Local Signature Service software on your PC. Please note that this program does not work with OS Linux.

When generating a digital signature on the tax website, you will need:

  • confirm all data from your personal account;
  • come up with a password for signing.

The validity period of the NEP for the tax authorities is 1 year. After this, you must go through the same procedure again in your Personal Account.

How to make an electronic signature for the tax office yourself

How an individual entrepreneur can make an electronic signature for tax and trading

You can conduct analytics and full-fledged warehouse accounting in the online cash register program from Business.Ru. Set up cashier rights, program discounts, and easily publish information on receipts for customers.

You can make an electronic signature for an individual entrepreneur only at special certification centers, as specified in 63-FZ. A list of points throughout Russia is available on the website of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation (www.minsvyaz.ru).

The selected center must be visited in person, or sent by an official representative by proxy.

You must have at least the following package of documents with you:

  • photocopy of all passport pages;
  • application and consent to the processing of personal data (usually downloaded on the website of the certification authority);
  • a flash drive on which the key will be written;
  • SNILS.

You may also need other documents - the list of them must be clarified in the center with which you are going to cooperate.

For more information on how to obtain an electronic signature for an online cash register,

How to make an electronic signature for Russian Post

To work with Russian Post without a passport, expedited receipt of parcels and registered letters, we recommend making an electronic signature. In addition, the signature required is as simple as possible.

The form can be filled out if the user is registered on the Russian Post website. If it is difficult for you to do this, you can visit any Post Office and fill out the form in person.

How to make your signature and seal electronically on your computer for free

The simplest and most obvious option is to create an electronic signature for free using Word or another MS Office program.

To do this, select the “Insert” tab and click the “MS Office Signature Line” button.

After this, a signature will appear. This way you can sign documents created in Word.

Another way to create a signature in Word is to go to the “File” tab, then click “Document Protection” and select the “Add Digital Signature” line.

The signature in Word is not popular, since it is only suitable for documents made in this editor.

Electronic signatures created independently in the Karma program are more common. This is software from Russia that generates signatures for:

  • document flow within the company;
  • email messages;
  • other files.

The advantage of the Karma program is the ability to show a graphic version of a signature or seal in printed documents. In this case, the version on paper will look organic, and others will not ask questions: “where is the signature.”

The Karma program uses a wizard to create an electronic digital signature, with which you need to select a signature certificate (from the list of proposed ones), a signature type, write a comment (if desired), come up with a name for the file and select a storage location.

Another function of the program is signature verification. Using a special service, you can check the information and certificate.

Please note that the digital signature created by Karma can only be used within a company. It is not accepted at the tax office or Russian Post.

How to sign a document with a qualified electronic signature

When receiving an electronic signature at a special center, clarify the procedure for signing the document. You may be given a disc with special software. If the center left the choice of program up to you, install the most popular program - “Crypto Pro”.

To sign a regular document using a qualified electronic signature, you must:

  • insert a flash drive with signature information into the PC;
  • open the cryptographic software, download the file you want to sign, and follow the instructions in the program (usually there is a separate document signing function).

Payments via the Internet have long become commonplace, but the exchange of documents, especially between individuals, still occurs in paper form. A qualified electronic signature is designed to solve this problem and facilitate document exchange. Legal entities have been working with digital signatures for a long time, individual entrepreneurs it is used to transfer some data (for example, VAT when renting government premises), while individuals can use the signature to gain access to the State Services website. How to obtain an enhanced qualified electronic signature and what advantages does it provide?

What it is?

A qualified electronic signature is details that confirm the truth of an electronic document and the absence of distortions in it from the moment the signature is actually installed. It also allows you to determine the ownership of the document. Such details can only be obtained as a result of cryptographic transformation of code and information.

An electronic signature certificate is a document confirming the right to own the public key of an electronic signature. The certificate can only be obtained from a CA (certification center) or at the office of their authorized representatives.

The owner of the certificate is individual, who has received an electronic signature certificate in his name. Each certificate owner is provided with two keys: public and private. Electronic signature verification is carried out using a public key. It, in turn, is associated with a private key, through which an electronic signature is generated and the document is signed.


A simple electronic signature, as the name suggests, is the simplest version of an electronic signature. It also uses passwords, codes or other means that confirm the formation of the signature by the owner.

A strengthened unqualified electronic signature can only be obtained using cryptographic transformation of information. Here you cannot do without a private signing key. Through such an electronic signature, it is possible not only to determine the person who signed the document, but also to detect changes made after signing.

A strengthened qualified electronic signature has all the characteristics of an unqualified one. The only difference is that more serious cryptographic protection means are used to verify and create it; they must be certified by the FSB of Russia. In addition, there is a difference: a qualified electronic signature certificate can only be issued by a certification center that has been accredited. The list of accredited CAs can be viewed on the State Services website.


Federal Law No. 63 recognizes a document signed with any electronic signature, both simple and enhanced, as equal to a paper document signed manually. However, there is one feature: an agreement must be previously signed between the persons performing electronic document exchange.

A qualified signature is also an analogue of a signature made with one’s own hand, but it can also replace the organization’s seal. The legal force of documents signed with a qualified digital signature is recognized by regulatory authorities. They can be used in court.

Application area

First of all, this is, of course, electronic document management. Electronic signatures will help to establish external and internal exchange of documents in all cases where a handwritten signature is required.

Internal document flow uses unqualified and qualified electronic signatures for endorsement and approval of contracts and other documents regulating the internal processes of the organization. For example, if a director signs an agreement using an electronic signature and it is submitted for execution.

Main factor

For external document flow, the presence of a qualified electronic signature is a very important condition, since it is the guarantor of legal force. In other cases, the electronic document is not recognized by regulatory authorities as an original, which means that it has no legal force and cannot be used in legal proceedings. In addition, a document signed with an enhanced qualified digital signature can be stored in a digital archive, while its legitimacy will be preserved.

EDS can be used for reporting to regulatory authorities. Many have already appreciated how quickly and conveniently filing reports electronically is. Moreover, each organization can choose the most convenient method for itself, be it 1C products, a separate software or the websites of the Federal Tax Service and the Federal Tax Service. A qualified electronic signature key certificate is the basis of any such actions and must be issued by an authorized or accredited certification authority. But the sending method is not decisive.

Receiving government services

All citizens Russian Federation can obtain an electronic signature in order to use it to receive government services, however, a qualified electronic signature verification certificate in this case is not required: the simplest, unqualified digital signature will be sufficient; it is quite suitable for the needs of an individual. Using it, any citizen can sign an electronic application, which can be sent to the executive authority if such document flow is possible.

How to obtain a qualified electronic signature for an individual? The easiest way is to get a universal electronic card, which has been issued since January 1, 2013 and has a built-in enhanced qualified electronic signature. Such a card is a unique means of identification for a citizen; it can be used to pay, order and receive various government services via the Internet. According to its concept, the card is designed to replace many documents, such as a pension certificate and medical policy, and combine them with an electronic wallet, travel ticket and electronic signature.

Use of electronic signature

A strengthened qualified electronic signature is suitable for both internal and inter-corporate document flow. It can be obtained from a Certification Center accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. It protects the document from changes and confirms its integrity and authorship.

Strengthened qualified EP can help in solving wide range tasks. For example, it is used for filing reports with tax authorities and for exchanging electronic documents. This certificate option has the largest number of possible functions, but this does not mean that it is more convenient for every organization to use it. Firstly, the price of the certificate directly depends on the number of functions. Second, when choosing a less-featured certificate, you need to make sure that the available capabilities fully meet the needs of the organization.

There are also situations where the type of certificate used is determined by the party receiving the document. For example, there are document flow operators who accept certificates only from their certification authority, so when choosing a certificate you also need to make sure that there are no restrictions on its use in the desired information system.

Advantages of electronic document exchange

Since all organizations and companies now have the opportunity to organize the exchange of electronic documents that have legal force, it is worth discussing the benefits of this process.

First of all, this is the speed of document delivery. Regardless of the address of the counterparty, the delivery time for documents will be tens of times shorter than the usual paper ones. The use of electronic documents also reduces the costs associated with preparing and transmitting paper copies.

There are also more serious economic benefits, because electronic document management implies a significant acceleration of business processes. The simplest example of this is the rapid conclusion and activation of transactions, thereby achieving greater cash flow. That is, by establishing electronic document management, the company will be able to increase profits per unit of time.


Also, the use of a qualified electronic signature key allows you to reduce the time for processing and sending documents and practically automate this process. In accordance with the law, inter-corporate exchange may involve letters, contracts, invoices, invoices, acts of work performed, acts of service provision, invoices, acts of reconciliation of mutual settlements, and invoices that require legal force.

Due to the speed and reliability of electronic document exchange, companies do not have to worry about simple and timely submission of reports to the tax authorities. This also allows you to save some money.

Important Factors

Intercorporate document flow in electronic form makes sense only if each document has legal force and can be used in court or other authorities. To give legal significance to an electronic document, it is necessary to solve some problems. Firstly, the process of signing and sending an electronic document to counterparties, and secondly, receiving and verifying a qualified electronic signature on documents received from counterparties. Thirdly, it is necessary to organize the storage and processing of already signed documents, archival storage and navigation through it. Fourthly, it is important to ensure the preservation of legitimacy for documents in archival storage.

A simple solution

To solve the first two problems, you can use inter-corporate exchange services, which are managed by electronic document management operators. When choosing such a service, you need to take into account some factors, such as whether the operator has the appropriate licenses, the ability to integrate the exchange service into a corporate information system and tariffs for document transfer.

The other two problems can be solved using an electronic document management system, which already has all the necessary functionality. If the initial generation of documents takes place in the accounting system, an electronic document management system can be integrated into it.

In the absence of such a system, these tasks can be partially assigned to the operator of the exchange service.

According to federal law regulating the use of an electronic signature in order to identify an individual or organization, three types can be used.

One of these types is an enhanced qualified electronic signature, which, from a legal point of view, is the most secure version of signatures of this type.

Such a signature is created by using cryptography tools certified by the FSB.

Moreover, this signature must have a special document -. The latter is issued by a certifying institution that has undergone the accreditation procedure.

It is this document that can guarantee that electronic . A qualified signature is authentic until a court decides otherwise.

The need and areas of use of a qualified digital signature are determined at the level of current legislation. So, this kind of tool is used:

in the course of cooperation with bodies created by . It's about first of all, about the tax service - the body that carries out financial monitoring, and about other government agencies equivalent to it.

Basically, an electronic signature may be needed when submitting various reports to the above authorities;

  • to use the capabilities of Internet portals that provide government services.
  • operating on the Internet (state or commercial).
  • IN labor relations of a remote nature. The employer and his employee must use an electronic signature when exchanging documentation via the Internet.

Functions of a certification center when creating a qualified digital signature

is carried out by specialists of the certification company, who also create special digital key certificates and issue these documents to customers.

In addition, it is the specific accredited certification center that determines the period during which the certificate issued by it will be valid.

When an applicant applies, specialists create digital signature keys for him, including keys for verifying these signatures. The certifying organization is obliged to notify the client in writing about the specific rules for the use of qualified electronic signatures, as well as about the risks that may arise when using them.

The center’s specialists must also tell the customer about the measures necessary to ensure the security of such signatures.

The responsibilities of the certification center also include ensuring maximum confidentiality of electronic signature keys. The specialists of this organization check qualified electronic signatures and ensure interaction between clients, as well as trusted representatives with the management center itself.

The conclusion of an agreement on the provision of services by an accredited management company is a public agreement.

Centers for issuing qualified electronic signature certificates

Only those centers that have passed the accreditation procedure have the right to issue a qualified electronic signature certificate.

It is worth noting that this procedure is carried out exclusively on a voluntary basis. The accreditation certificate is five years.

This procedure is performed only if the organization has net assets for an amount of at least one million rubles.

In addition, the center must have means for creating electronic signatures that have received appropriate confirmation from the security service.

Finally, the company must have at least two employees directly involved in the creation and issuance of electronic key certificates to clients.

What is a qualified electronic signature certificate?

Such a certificate is a kind of guarantee of the authenticity of an electronic signature of a qualified type. This document is created using the means of a certification organization.

The certificate contains information about its number (this number is unique), the validity period, the last name, first name and patronymic of the person who owns the certificate (if the owner is an organization, then its location is indicated).

In addition, the document must indicate the key for verifying the electronic signature, exact names electronic signature funds, location of the accredited certification center, as well as possible restrictions on the use of the certificate, if any.

What is needed to use a qualified electronic digital signature?

If the owner wants to sign a particular official document with an electronic signature, he must have the following:

  • EP key,
  • key to verify this signature,
  • certificate of qualified electronic signature,
  • CIPF (that is, a means of cryptographic information protection).

How to make a qualified electronic signature

How to make a qualified one? To do this, you must personally come to the certification company. To receive services, the client must fill out a special application.

In addition, the applicant for signature must present his passport. If a legal entity receives the signature, then constituent documents are submitted on its behalf.

If a person receives a signature, in order to participate in online auctions, he must have with him an extract (in the original or a copy certified by a notary) from the body responsible for registering legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

In this case, this document must be issued at least six months before the signature is received.

In addition, when ordering a signature, you must provide SNILS, as well as a power of attorney to receive it in the event that the individual key will be taken by an authorized person and not the owner himself.

As a rule, most certification companies produce qualified signatures within a period not exceeding two days. After this period, the owner of the CEP is provided with a key, which includes a unique sequence of certain symbols. In addition, he receives a key to verify this information.

How to use a qualified electronic digital signature

To ensure security, the owner must use the signature only in those areas that are directly stated in the attached certificate.

In addition, the owner must ensure the confidentiality of the key. You can learn about the privacy rules from the employees of the certification organization.

If the confidentiality of the key has been violated, the client must immediately notify the employees of the certification company, as well as other participants in the electronic document flow.

You should not use a signature if its certificate has been revoked or its validity has been suspended for some reason. If you have any questions, please contact the certificate issuing center.

Thus, an electronic signature in its qualified version is a signature whose legal significance is equal to the legal force of a handwritten signature placed on paper.

Such props are currently successfully used in electronic document management in many areas of economic activity.