Find out the typing speed. We check the speed of typing on the keyboard using online services. Tips to improve your typing speed

Every person wonders how quickly he types on the keyboard.

Use our online test to test your keyboard typing speed for free computer.

To measure typing speed, you need to type in a special program a small text of 1/3 of an A4 page. The duration of the test depends on the printing speed and will take from 2 to 7 minutes.

You have an unlimited number of attempts to pass online test. IN free mode the text to be typed will always be the same.

Select the language in which you want to test your typing speed and click the "Take Speed ​​Test" button.

Speed ​​test performance

During the online test, the program will measure the following indicators:

  • Print speed- average dialing speed

  • Dial time- time directly spent on typing

  • Errors- the number of typos made during typing

  • Delay– duration of holding the key pressed

  • Pause– pause between keystrokes

  • Max. no mistakes– maximum length of text typed without errors

  • Rhythm of typing- an indicator that determines how evenly the keys are pressed: the higher, the better

How is printing speed measured?

In the Russian-language segment of keyboard trainers and programs that measure typing performance, Printing speed is usually measured in "characters per minute", i.e. in the number of characters typed in 1 minute.

Dialing speed, measured in characters per minute, on English language denoted as CPM (characters per minute).

In the English-speaking segment, the unit of measurement for typing speed is words, not symbols. Accordingly, such Typing speed is measured in "words per minute" and is denoted in English as WPM (words per minute).

Typically, you do not measure the actual number of words, but rather divide your typing speed in characters per minute by the average word length.

Sometimes Printing speed is measured in "beats per minute". In this case, the unit of measurement is not only the number of characters typed, but also the number of presses on auxiliary keys, such as Shift and Alt.

In English, this dialing speed is denoted as SPM (strokes per minute).

The average length of one English word is considered to be 5 characters, while for the Russian language the average length of a word is 7.2 characters.

Do not confuse typing speed, measured in characters per minute, and typing speed, measured in strokes per minute - these are different values!

What print speed is considered good?

The optimal typing speed for maintaining productivity when using the keyboard is 250 cpm. This is exactly the speed at which the average person thinks when he formulates in his head a thought that he needs to type on the keyboard.

Use the typing speed gradation to evaluate your speed test results:

Dialing speed Character of the set
< 120 зн/мин < 24 wpm Slow typing speed, typical for a person with little typing experience
120-160 cpm 24-32 wpm typing speed of an average person typing text with 2-4 fingers while looking at the keyboard
160-260 cpm 32-52 wpm the average typing speed of a person who has mastered the ten-finger touch typing skill.
260-350 cpm 52-70 wpm good typing speed of a person who has completed touch typing courses more than once or is developing typing speed using a keyboard trainer
350-400 zn/min 70-80 wpm typing speed at a professional keyboard level
> 400 cpm >80 wpm Very high speed typing close to speech speed

A4 page printing time and speed

Dialing speed Number of A4 pages
1 3 5 10
120 cpm 24 wpm 15m 45m 1h 15m 2h 30m
180 cpm 36 wpm 10m 30m 50m 1h 40m
240 cpm 48 wpm 7m 22m 37m 1h 15m
320 cpm 64 wpm 5m 16m 28m 56m
400 cpm 80 wpm 4m 13m 22m 45m

About 1800 characters fit on an A4 page, printed in 14th font " Times New Roman" with one and a half spacing between lines.

The comparison table shows the dependence of the time on the printing speed that a person needs to spend typing a certain number of A4 pages.

As you can see, the result of mastering fast printing is obvious!

Take the ten-finger touch typing course to save your time.

If you already know how to type on a computer keyboard, then you are probably wondering: what is the optimal typing speed on a keyboard? Let's do some testing. Measure your typing speed and then check the data below:

The ideal typing speed on the keyboard is from 100 to 400 characters per minute

1) 150-200 characters per minute: confident, but not professional user. This pace can be considered an achievement if you started learning the blind ten-finger method relatively recently. Don't stop there - continue regular training!
2) 250-400 characters per minute: a professional typist, one might say, a virtuoso. This speed can be considered indicative even for professional stenographers, so if your result fluctuates around 250-400 characters per minute, you have something to congratulate!
3) More than 400 characters per minute: record holder! Are you sure your stopwatch is working properly? Then we inform you that you are going for a record! Speeds of more than 400 characters per minute are achieved only by stenographers with vast, many years of experience!

Most often, the unit of measurement for typing speed is the number of characters typed in 1 minute. Typing speed, measured in characters per minute, is denoted in English as CPM(characters per minute). So, if a person types a text 250 characters long in 60 seconds, then this corresponds to a speed of 250 characters per minute or 250 cpm.

Sometimes typing speed is measured in beats per minute, taking into account not only characters, but also key presses such as Shift and Alt. This unit of measurement was used for typewriters. It is important to note that on different computer keyboards or layouts, typing the same text will require a different number of presses on the auxiliary keys.

Do not confuse the printing speed, measured in characters per minute, and the printing speed, measured in strokes per minute - these are different values.

In America, the unit of measurement is words, not signs. This printing speed is designated as WPM(words per minute). A good speed is considered to be from 50 sl/min to 80 sl/min. The average for one word in English-speaking countries is 5 characters, which is definitely not suitable for the Russian language, where the average word length is 7.2. So let's focus on signs per minute.

One A4 page contains text containing about 1800 characters, printed in 14-point Times New Roman font with one and a half spacing between lines. Let's assume your print speed is 150 cpm. This is an average result. At this speed, 5 pages of A4 text will be printed in 1 hour. Let's make a comparison chart to see how many pages can be printed in 60 minutes of continuous typing at different speeds print:

600 characters per minute and twenty pages in 1 hour. This speed may seem incredible, but it's not all that difficult. Having mastered the touch typing method itself, you can do your job, trying from time to time to overcome your speed threshold. Each time it becomes easier and easier, and a speed of 500-600 characters per minute is achieved by some people in six months.

How to check the printing speed?

Of course, 940 cpm is exceptional speed. But any person who has mastered the ten-finger touch typing method can reach a speed of 300-400 characters per minute in a couple of months, no matter how slowly you type now. And you can easily check your typing speed right now. Take your favorite book from the shelf and print any fragment of it for 1 minute. When finished, count the number of characters typed. This will be your speed in characters per minute.

To get a more objective result, type not for 1 minute, but for 3-5 minutes. In this case, the printing speed will be calculated using the formula <кол-во набранных знаков> / <кол-во минут> .

And if you want to test your typing speed right now, you can take an online typing speed test.

Keyboard typing speed championships

Numerous fast typing championships are held annually around the world. The largest competition takes place in Prague under the auspices of world organization Intersteno (International Federation for Information and Communication Processing). The minimum acceptable dialing speed for participants is 200 characters per minute, and you can only make a mistake in 1 character out of 100. The conditions may seem too strict, but not for those who are familiar with the touch dialing method.

Who knows, maybe soon you will be able to compete in Prague for first place?

Hi all. Denis Povaga writes.

Have you checked your typing speed per minute? If not, then it's time to test yourself here -, and write the results below!

Personally, I have never tested my typing speed on the keyboard. I write and write, knowing that the typing speed seems to be normal. In general, it became interesting, and I decided to test myself in action...

Here are my results with ten fingers. I can't do the rest))

My result is 327 keystrokes, 63 words per minute, 3 incorrect words. Can you do it faster?

I think this is a very relevant marathon for bloggers who write texts quite often. Because the more often you write the text, the higher the results will be.

But there's more important points. There is clearly a limit to typing speed for those who do not master touch typing. It will probably be 150-200 characters per minute. Which is also a very good result!

Also, the speed of typing depends on those factors - how familiar the text is, whether you are typing it from a book, or perhaps writing directly from your head, your thoughts.

So, if you type completely your own, then what I’m thinking about now is that the results will be the highest. I haven’t tested myself using this method, but I think up to 500 keystrokes can definitely be done if you prepare a little mentally))

Unfamiliar text, as in the screenshot above, I think it’s not realistic for me to beat above 370 keystrokes. Moreover, the accuracy may be below 90%. There will obviously be mistakes. Because here, you’ll have to hurry, and you’ll still make mistakes.

Also, I noticed a small glitch with online typing on that service. The fact is that some letters change along the way, or do not have time to change. Then you entered the word correctly. But for some reason it doesn’t show correctly. YOU will see it for yourself. Be sure to write your result below...

p.s. In order to improve typing skills and learn touch typing, at one time I studied under the “Solo on the Keyboard” program - Shahidzhanyan (you will find it on the Internet). took place more than 10 years ago. I mastered it in about 2 months just by practicing 1 hour a day. Therefore, you can follow this path too, and improve your results in the very near future. This will come in handy!

Today we will talk about online services of this type. It’s not hard to guess that there are a lot of such services created. Therefore, we will consider the highest quality and most popular ones.

Solo online

Many people are familiar with the program for developing typing skills on the keyboard, which. It has extensive functionality and you can test your typing speed. If you don’t want to install the program, you can use the online service. Select the keyboard layout you need and begin the speed test.


Are you unsatisfied with the previous service? Then you can use another service, which is also very good for checking your typing speed. By following the link, you will be taken to a page where you can immediately begin taking the test. You are given a minute and a randomly selected text.

Cursive writing

The principle of this service is extremely similar to the previous one. It also suggests typing text in a minute. After this, you will be presented with the test results. But unlike the previous service, the text you type here has a semantic meaning.

All 10

Well, if you want to receive a certificate with your results (of course electronic version) typing speed, then you should use the All 10 service. Here you are also asked to type a piece of text, and based on the typing results, you are assigned a place in the ranking. The average speed and percentage of errors made are also indicated.