Rusala Bulletin: corporate newspaper. Ideal solution: rusal launches its own crowdsourcing platform

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1 RUSAL Vestnik CORPORATE NEWSPAPER 10 (451), March 2013 Let's use our brains! Effective personnel with efficient production, wage growth with maximum cost reduction and cost-saving policies, competitiveness, accounting and control of the goals that RUSAL's Engineering and Construction Division sets for itself in 2013. How to achieve this was discussed in Krasnoyarsk at the ISD coordination council, headed by its leader Alexei Barantsev. Director of the Krasnoyarsk branch of the RIC Evgeny Zenkin (right) told the participants of the coordination council about how the team managed to dramatically increase productivity Participants of five-day discussions and practical training in the divisions of the Krasnoyarsk branch of the Russian engineering company became the heads of all Siberian and Ural divisions of the ISD. Volgograd and Nikolaev delegated their representatives. The main task on the agenda of the coordinating council was the development of a methodology for the production process. Method + machines + materials + people these are the four “pillars” on which, as we know, any technology rests. But the priority here is still people, without whom other components are simply dead. I'm sure there are no bad employees. Only the environment makes a person this way. Create a comfortable working environment, set the right tasks for people, treat them fairly and there will definitely be results, said Alexey Barantsev, summing up the results of the work. Our main goal is efficiency. It is the task of managers to explain to people how to achieve it. Ends on PAGE. 2 In the issue: We are going to Taiga. Wives don't mind With love in life Oh, good pancakes! Page 4 Page 7 Page 8 RELEVANT And lunch is on schedule Just a few years ago, hardly every second mermaid dined in factory canteens. The majority preferred to bring “brakes” from home and eat without leaving their workplace. The situation changed after implementation new program organization of corporate catering, which was discussed in an interview with Vestnik RUSAL by the director of the administrative department Dmitry TRISHIN. The complex is guaranteed We believe that the task of each specific enterprise is to produce aluminum, produce alumina, etc., and everything else should be handled by professionals who know how to do it competently. This makes it more profitable for the Company. Thanks to the outsourcing of catering (delegation of certain functions to third-party organizations), the cost of metal has decreased. Was it difficult to organize, in fact, new system food? Work on the corporate catering program began 10 years ago, when specialists from our department began developing standards and principles for attracting third-party organizations. In 2004, a series of seminars were held at which the development strategy and corporate catering policy were determined. And a year later, two large Russian power supply operators began working at five RUSAL enterprises: KrAZ, NkAZ, SAZ, NGZ and BrAZ: Sodexo and Korpus-Group. Gradually, the geography expanded, and today, at almost all sites, except for those under construction, the mermaids are fed by corporate catering operators. Now in this area our enterprises work with 14 companies selected on a tender basis, both large and regional, as well as with four individual entrepreneurs. I consider our great achievement to be the fact that even though all operators differ from each other in both volume and turnover, we were able to bring them all to a single standard. What are these common standards? What requirements does RUSAL impose on food service operators? There are several of them, and they are documented. Ends on PAGE. 3 FROM THE EDITOR About spring, pancakes, important thoughts and words The series of winter holidays, which started back in December last year, happily ends with one of the most fun and, importantly, delicious weeks of the year, Broad Maslenitsa. The Internet and magazines are full of recipes for pancakes, pancakes and a number of variations on this theme, including pancake rolls and pancake cakes. Parks, squares and other places of public entertainment are actively preparing for mass celebrations this coming weekend, and we are all mentally preparing for the fact that from Monday our lives will enter a different direction - calm, restrained, without emotions and passions, without fuss and unnecessary noise - gama. For the Orthodox, this will be the time of Great Lent, a time of reflection, contemplation, strengthening the spirit and fighting temptations. For everyone else, it’s just the time of transition from winter to spring, not calendar, but actual. By the way, this period will require from us patience, humility, and, if you like, a philosophical attitude towards various kinds of surprises in the form of abnormal snowfalls in the middle of spring or sharp jumps in atmospheric pressure several times a day. However, just before Great Lent there is a very important day for each of us, which is popularly called Forgiveness Sunday. From time immemorial, on this day everyone asked each other for forgiveness: both close people and strangers, and even those who were at enmity. Despite the apparent ease, it is very difficult to say “I’m sorry” to someone, even the closest person. A whole series of questions immediately arise, the first of which we learned very well in childhood: “What did I do?” But we're not children, right? So, maybe you should ask yourself another question: “What didn’t I do?” Didn’t call, didn’t support, didn’t rejoice, didn’t share the grief, wasn’t there in difficult times, didn’t remember something important. Agree, everyone has a lot of “not” like that. This means that there are also plenty of reasons for “Sorry.” Think about it while you have time. Well, we wish you a merry Maslenitsa and spiritual harmony!

2 2 IMPORTANT RUSAL Bulletin 10 (451), March, 2013 Let’s use our brains! Start on PAGE. 1 Habitat The reference site, including in terms of habitat, in the division has long been the Krasnoyarsk busbar section, where equipment for the Boguchansky aluminum smelter is produced. All the main TPS tools have been worked out, which brought together production losses on the site to a minimum. A holistic view of the production process from the receipt of raw materials to the shipment of the product gives an overall picture of the production process, the totality of all its components that allow the most efficient construction of the process. Basic Law TPS Come and See! Alexey Barantsev emphasized in his speech. The meeting participants learned that as a result of the implemented measures, productivity at the Krasnoyarsk busbar section increased 15 times! Wage is approaching 60 thousand rubles. The site ships one set to BoAZ per day. But this is far from the limit. How did you achieve this? According to those who work on the bus line, such indicators became possible only after identifying and eliminating useless crossings, equipment downtime and unauthorized smoking breaks. Now, at the site, gas-electric welders do not wait a second for argon gas to be supplied to them or a plate for welding to be delivered. In case of a problem, you don’t have to wait for hours for a repairman. At the same time, here is a paradox! people didn't work more. On the contrary, the shift length decreased from 12 to 8 hours. It has decreased a lot! number of personnel. And in total, this led to an increase in efficiency, said Viktor Savchuk, director of engineering for aluminum production equipment of the Krasnoyarsk branch of RIC. It's now hard to believe that a division that generates consistent profits was once unprofitable. Moreover, the site acquired a reputation in the ISD as a training ground, a “university” if you like. Here is the most effective methods management technological processes heads of all branches, HR directors, and shop managers study. Training in real production conditions, when everything can be seen with your own eyes, and not on paper diagrams, provides the same experience that is difficult to overestimate. Debriefing An in-depth analysis of the work of the four main repair departments of the ISD in Krasnoyarsk became the main thing on the agenda of the third day of work of the coordination council. The workshops for repairing equipment of electrolysis and foundry production, the workshop for servicing diesel equipment, and the department for repairing lifting mechanisms reported. However, these could not be called reports in the literal sense of the word. This is where everyone, both managers and staff, had to use their brains at full capacity when identifying specific problems in departments, in search of solutions and effective recommendations. General answers (those from textbooks) were not accepted. “Think and count” was the key phrase of the third day. Without this, it is impossible to combat losses. How to build a cost management process. By the way, no efficient use working time is only one of the problems today, and not the most important one. The struggle to reduce unproductive costs comes to the fore. There are many methods: changing approaches to planning repairs (long-term schedules tied to the calendar do not meet the requirements of the day), improving the culture of operating equipment after repairs, using high-quality components. Just one example: replacing a crane wheel made of grade 55 steel today costs RIC repairmen 33 thousand rubles. Its service life is 3.3 years. Last year, the Company replaced 108 such wheels, spending 3 million 564 thousand rubles on this. However, the service life of the same crane wheel, but made of 65 G steel, is already eight years! Using them, the Company receives a cost reduction per year of up to 1 million 485 thousand rubles. Order beats class The most important task that the coordination council has set for the near future is maximum standardization of production operations and processes, their further replication at enterprises Alexey BARANTSEV, director of engineering and construction business: It is very important to involve all the Company’s personnel in the development process. Methods of continuous learning, goal setting, and the interest of all levels of management, from senior management to directors, in the development of the production process are the key to the success of the speedy implementation of TPS at our enterprises. Dmitry BONDARENKO, director of production development at RUSAL: The Coordination Council highlighted the problems that still exist in interaction with the factories where we operate. We need to do this, because we are partners and solve common problems. Close interaction will help us reduce the time on this path. Evgeniy ZENKIN, head of the RIC branch, Krasnoyarsk: The format of the coordination council is not only a large team work of the managers and specialists of the Russian engineering company. This is a new philosophy for organizing repairs and service equipment of aluminum smelters by eliminating all types of losses, improving labor safety, the quality of services provided as part of the standardization of work processes, and the further introduction of tools production system in all structural divisions division. Victor SAVCHUK, Director of Engineering for Aluminum Production Equipment: Such joint thoughtful work, in which directors, department heads, foremen and foremen participated, will bring results. And the result should be one thing: improving the quality of work of all departments. There are reserves for this, there is a desire and a team. Head of the Engineering and Construction Division Alexey Barantsev (center): “It is very important to involve all personnel” of the Engineering and Construction Division in the development process. Successful standardization will be the key to reducing costs in all areas, including significantly reducing the share of ineffective labor, increasing turnaround times! The service life of repaired equipment depends not only on the quality of repairs, but also on the attitude towards the equipment of those who then operate it. This was proven by joint projects with KrAZ for the operation of processing machinery and crane equipment, when breakdowns decreased by 37% compared to 2011. will finally allow us to move from a formal calendar schedule of repairs to repairs focused on the technical condition of the equipment. Today, if repairs are on the annual schedule, repairmen are forced to go and do it. Even if the technology is in perfect condition. To change this state of affairs, it is necessary to develop diagnostics that will make it possible to record the specific state of technology. Everything is fine? The team leader will note this and allow further exploitation. If repairs are necessary, everything will be described: from the method of carrying out the work to the timing and necessary tools, which the team will need to carry them out. And here is the most effective method This is a nodal, or remote, repair, since often a highly qualified specialist during repairs uses his skills less than half, says Executive Director ISD Alexander Baranchikov. Non-component repairs (in bulk) entail a lot of unproductive losses, and the higher the qualifications, the more expensive they are. A ready-made unit and the use of a standard for its installation is precisely this approach that makes maximum use of qualifications and reduces downtime of technological equipment during repairs, improves quality and reduces accident rates due to High Quality of this method. It is clear that as a result of the implementation of this approach there will be no losers. Svetlana VAKHTANGISHVILI IN THE COUNTRY Central Bank in female hands Vladimir Putin nominated his assistant Elvira Nabiullina to the post of Chairman of the Central Bank of Russia. Elvira Nabiullina headed the Ministry of Economic Development from 2007 to 2012, after which she was appointed assistant to the president. Nabiullina offered the current head of the Central Bank, Sergei Ignatiev, whose powers end in June, to become her adviser. Vladimir Putin supported this idea. We are waiting for guests from space. A unified center for preventing and responding to space threats will be created by Roscosmos together with the Ministry of Defense and the Russian Academy of Sciences. The reason for creating a space threat warning system in Russia was the fall of a meteorite in Chelyabinsk region February, 15. It is planned that the Unified Center will conduct observations of small celestial bodies and space debris, catalog space objects, create and test means of influencing them. Research missions to potentially dangerous asteroids and comets are also possible in the future. According to estimates from the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the program may require 58 billion rubles over 10 years. Hello, the Ministry of Health is listening! A “hotline” for receiving patient complaints about medical care is being created by the Russian Ministry of Health. According to Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova, such a line is necessary to create a system of public control over medicine. Patients by phone will be able not only to complain about the quality of medical care and extortions from doctors, but also to get advice on whether a particular type of treatment is included in the compulsory medical insurance program. Bye " hotline» is not open, patients can contact the Ministry of Health with questions and complaints through Email

3 10 (451), March, 2013 RUSAL Bulletin IMPORTANT 3 RELEVANT And lunch is on schedule Starts on PAGE. 1 First of all, the quality of food must not only meet all standards, but also be tasty and healthy. Required condition : daily availability of a full set lunch, the price of which cannot exceed the subsidy from the Company of 70 rubles. The set lunch dishes should vary each time, but must consist of first, second, salad, bread and compote. In addition, the free choice menu must consist of at least five dishes. Anything more only shows the operator's desire and desire to do his job better. But, on the other hand, such diversity is not in demand everywhere, in every region, and every plant has its own preferences. The operator must also invest in development. This procedure was introduced in 2010: contractors must develop food outlets, carry out repairs in them, update equipment, and not by raising prices or reducing the quality of food, but from their own profits. For example, the volume of planned investments at BrAZ alone in 2013 will amount to 2.5 million rubles. Give us a cutlet! Sometimes letters appear in the editorial mail stating that prices in factory canteens are rising from time to time. Do you control prices and how they are formed? The price depends on the region in which a particular enterprise is located. The operator prepares food, as a rule, from local products, but their cost in different regions can vary greatly: for example, if you compare Ukraine, the Sverdlovsk region or regions of Siberia, the cost of the products will be different. But at the same time, each agreement with the contractor provides for the principle that menu prices can be increased no more often than once every six months and only by an officially recorded inflation rate. If there is none according to statistical data, then operators do not have the right to raise prices. How did employees of RUSAL enterprises react to the changes? After the introduction of subsidies for lunch, the attendance at canteens increased sharply. If in previous years it was about 40%, then at the end of 2012 it was 90.22%. These figures indicate that people have stopped carrying lunch bags with them to work from home, and have started going to the canteen. Therefore, I believe that we have accomplished the main task of the corporate nutrition program to ensure that employees receive hot meals on site. By the way, the average bill for food for the Company is 82.38 rubles. That is, the average worker today pays only 12 rubles 38 kopecks in addition to the subsidized lunch. The subsidy itself has increased 3.5 times since the start of the program: from 20 rubles in 2005 to the current 70 rubles. And this figure at the end of 2012 became the highest in Russia: no other company allocates as much money to subsidize food for its employees as RUSAL. Dmitry Trishin: “Food in factory canteens should be tasty and healthy” Days of national cuisine have become traditional and are very popular among metallurgists. Surely both the quality and variety of food influenced the attendance of canteens? What dishes do metallurgists like most? There are no general preferences; in different regions, Rusalovians choose different foods. An illustrative example is BrAZ and AGK, with which one supply operator works. At the same time, in Achinsk the choice of dishes in the plant’s canteens is almost 1.5 times smaller. The cooks complain that they tried to prepare a variety of dishes, but the workers would not accept them. The cooks had to limit themselves to the minimum that has been proven over the years. By the way, there can be a strong gradation of preferences even within a single plant: in one canteen they like and buy up meat more, in another, for example, a cutlet. And although in many cities chefs try to please metallurgists with themed dishes, both national and exotic, workers prefer simple, time-tested, nutritious food. And they don’t really want to “experiment.” Sometimes it even gets funny. So, Sodexo, when it was just starting to work at BrAZ, brought a French cook to the plant. He decided to surprise his brothers and began preparing some sophisticated dishes. As a result, the metallurgists put forward a kind of ultimatum: they say, guys, give us borscht, a cutlet and stop mocking us! It's not tasty? Let's goodbye! How is the quality of food in factory canteens and the work of the food operators themselves controlled? Our department has developed a checklist, according to which once every two months the factory commission checks Photo of Oksana KOROLEVA for each operator according to a variety of criteria. In addition, a survey of plant workers is conducted twice a year. Based on the results of checklists and surveys, an average score is obtained, the percentage of satisfaction with the contractor is determined, and this data can become the basis for holding a tender and changing the food service operator. Although now, according to the new requirements of RUSAL, tenders must be held annually. We understand that such a system has become more complex for employees of factory administrative and economic departments (AHO), but this rule also allows us to constantly keep contractors “on their toes.” Operators who receive good checklist scores and positive feedback from surveys make investments. They and the tender go through without problems, since they have priority. As for food quality control, it is, first of all, carried out by the factory workers themselves, trade union organizations. And if something goes wrong with the food, the workers themselves will react very harshly and faster than anyone else. Metallurgists are never silent on such issues. Are the portion sizes sufficient for workers to eat? Each operator, among other things, undertakes obligations regarding the volumes and weights of portions. Portion yields are significantly higher than in other industries, they are provided technological maps, which were developed specifically to meet the requirements of RUSAL. Therefore, the operators who submitted applications for participation in tenders were initially surprised: they say that third-party enterprises do not have portions of this weight. But since they agreed to cook, say, cutlets weighing not 75 grams, but 150, then this is what we demand from them. And if suddenly a decrease in the volume and weight of portions is recorded, then both the local food service department and our department immediately react to this. But in my practice, there were only one or two such cases; for the operators themselves, this situation was very unprofitable. Have there been any cases of replacement of power operators? Certainly. The latest example: in 2012, contractors were changed in Novokuznetsk and Achinsk. Factory workers in these regions were not satisfied with the quality of food and the unreasonable increase in food prices. As a result, we said goodbye to the previous operators. However, when they change, we try to maintain the staff of catering outlets so that people do not remain on the street, because it is sometimes difficult to find work in the regions. We set conditions for maintaining the team and the level of salaries for new contractors. Meals plus cleaning After a hearty lunch, work is more fun. Another area that RUSAL transferred to external contractors is cleaning. Was this decision also justified? Our concept of “cleaning” includes a wide range of responsibilities that take on third-party organizations. This is cleaning up areas production premises, showers, changing rooms, snow in winter period, lawn mowing, etc. At some enterprises, contractors are also responsible for washing and repairing work clothing. As in the case of food service operators, companies providing cleaning services, factories were selected on the basis of tenders, and the administrative and economic department of the Management Company provided methodological support for the correctness of the tender and execution of tender documentation. The responsibilities of contractors are also clearly stated here. However, there have been cases when regional firms simply could not adequately calculate their strengths and capabilities and, having won the tender, subsequently abandoned their obligations. This was the case, for example, at the Bauxit Timan enterprise, when the company won the tender and began providing services, but after a certain time it was unable to continue to fulfill its obligations. Another incident occurred at BrAZ before the New Year: there individual entrepreneur, which provided cleaning services, refused the contract, warning about this just a day before her departure. And what solution was found in this force majeure situation? After all, cleaning must be carried out daily and constantly. The plant's maintenance department urgently conducted an extraordinary tender in a very short time. Current operator catering on site offered optimal conditions for the provision of services. The specialists made calculations and agreed to provide cleaning services for the same money that was transferred to the runaway businesswoman. As a result, the personnel who performed this work were retained, people received special clothing, new equipment, mechanization equipment appeared: a tractor was purchased that clears snow at the plant, takes out garbage, etc. Overall, cleaning has become more efficient. This example showed that if the cleaning contract is taken over by an operator who is already working with the enterprise, then this turns out to be more profitable for both the contracting company and the plant. After all, by reducing the number of managers, costs are also reduced. A similar scheme is now operating in Nadvoitsy. After a year, we will analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of such a system and, it is possible, will subsequently implement it more widely. Interviewed by Danil KLYAHIN

4 4 PICTURE OF THE DAY PROJECT To Taiga through Khakassia KhAZ recently became a kind of training ground: it was here that future employees of the Boguchansky Aluminum Plant underwent training. The enterprise should come into operation this year. And metallurgists who have agreed to move to Taiga from other RUSAL plants will work at BoAZ. Electrolysis worker Evgeniy Rimsky came for an internship from the Bogoslovsky aluminum smelter. This enterprise is outdated and is gradually reducing capacity, and the management offers employees to move to Taiga and work at a new and modern plant. However, to get there, you need to undergo training. Now Evgeniy is mastering the latest technologies at KhAZ. According to the metallurgist, these two plants differ radically. At KHAZ everything is automated, the most modern equipment is installed, and manual labor kept to a minimum. At his home enterprise, Evgeniy performed labor-intensive operations on servicing electrolyzers with lateral current supply. At BoAZ he will be a shift organizer, and he pays special attention to acquiring new skills during the internship. Krasnoturinsk metallurgists get acquainted with KhAZ production. This work, in its specifics, is very different from what Evgeniy had to do at the BAZ. To learn everything, a two-month course is not enough, admits the future organizer of the BoAZ shift. But you can learn the basic principles. During his training, Evgeniy Photo by Natalia ZHIGALOVA RUSAL Bulletin 10 (451), March, 2013, with the help of experienced mentors, masters both practice and theory. The shift organizer can monitor the entire production technology remotely, at the monitor. There are cameras installed throughout the workshop, and a special program shows how the cranes operate and metal is smelted. It also provides real-time information about how many tons of aluminum are in the electrolyzer and what grade it is. If any failure occurs, the shift organizer will immediately know about it and will be able to make a prompt decision. Trainees will have to learn this too. KhAZ has a modern gas purification system, so we can see what is happening, for example, at the other end of the workshop, says Evgeniy Rimsky. But in the third building of the BAZ, where I work, there is no gas purification system at all, the tightness is low, and the gases go directly into the workshop. In total, 3.5 thousand people will work at BoAZ, so soon another group of workers from the Bogoslovsky plant will come for an internship at KhAZ. After two months of training, they will go to work at a new enterprise. Not everyone gets an internship. Management selects the best. The selection is strict, many criteria are taken into account: education, work experience, labor success, discipline, characteristics. All factory workers who go to work at BoAZ will receive housing, so training at KhAZ will be a good starting point for many Urals residents. Vladimir SHULEKIN We decided together: let's go! On the eve of March 8, the director of the personnel department of the aluminum division "West" Irina Matrosova and the director of personnel at BAZ Tatyana Makarova held a meeting at the plant with the wives of electrolysis production workers who are currently undergoing internships at Siberian enterprises. A long and confidential conversation took place about the near future of these families, whose plans were to go to Boguchany immediately after the plant was launched. The women did not hesitate to ask various questions: about the upcoming move, about the future salary of their husbands, about housing, schools and kindergartens in Taiga. As many women admitted, it was they who pushed their husbands to decide to move. I have always dreamed of moving to live in Siberia. There are such beautiful places there, wonderful nature, our relatives live there, says the wife of anodist Alexei Polukhin, Marina. And if it so happened that my husband either needed to move from electrolysis production to another division of the plant, or look for another place of work, then, of course, we decided: we’ll go to the new plant, to Boguchany! The women agreed that they would meet again in the near future when the men came home for a short time (after the first stage of the internship). Galina NIKLAUS NEWS The tenth “pearl” in the crown of UAZ A popular contest of female beauty and talent was held at UAZ for the tenth time. 11 participants competed for the title “Pearl of UAZ 2013”. The most numerous teams were represented by the DGP and the REC branch, each with four participants. Traditional activity was demonstrated by one of the most “female” departments of the industrial site, Quality Control and Laboratory. The main struggle unfolded between them. Based on the results of five competitive stages, the title “Pearl of UAZ” was awarded to the manager of the planning and budget department of the RIC branch, Irina Belozertseva, who captivated the jury with her masterful performance of the role of Verka Serduchka. It was Irina who was given the crown by the winner of the previous competition, Kira Kagarmanova from the DGP. The first vice-miss Anastasia Eremina, laboratory manager of the Quality Control Department and Central Laboratory, also had a lot of admirers. Operator-hydrometallurgist of the DGP Elena Mukhina became the second vice-miss. All the “pearls” won in a bitter struggle: in the greeting defile, creative and dance-sports competitions, and in the fashion show. For participation in the two-hour enchanting show, each girl received a title in a separate nomination and valuable prizes from sponsors: from a certificate for medical and cosmetic services to household appliances. But the main reward is popularity and, as the practice of previous competitions shows, the opportunity for personal and career growth. Challenge crown for the new “Pearl of UAZ” Photo by Denis SIMOVSKIKH For the lovely ladies! In honor of the International women's day another stage has passed at AGK creative competition"Two stars". This was the third concert organized by the youth commission under the trade union committee of the AGK. The first two took place on the eve of the New Year and Defender of the Fatherland Day. This time, seven duets competed on the factory management stage. The participants were well prepared for their performances. Their support teams and simply grateful spectators applauded with pleasure, chanted chants and unfurled posters, actively cheering for their own. As befits a women’s holiday, all the work of selecting the best artists was undertaken by men, led by AGK Managing Director Viktor Kozhevnikov. They had to make a difficult decision which of the duets would be at this stage drops out of the further concert marathon. The jury deliberated for a long time, counted points, consulted with the organizers of the competition and eventually came to a compromise: since all the duets showed themselves best side, then there shouldn’t be any losers on the eve of the women’s holiday. Therefore, all teams without losses moved on to the next stage, which will take place in April and will be called “Let's laugh as much as we want!” “ALchemists” at the plant More than 140 high school students from Krasnoyarsk schools visited KrAZ in February. Excursion to aluminum production one of the stages of the regional competition “13th element. ALchemistry of the future”, organized by RUSAL together with the Siberian Federal University. The path of schoolchildren coming on an excursion to KrAZ runs through electrolysis building 8, the first foundry department, a container terminal and a control area for the gas purification system. Between points along the route, teams perform creative tasks: construct airplanes out of foil, come up with crafts made from aluminum wire, answer questions and earn points. Each member of the team that scored greatest number points, receives a flash card with the logo of the “13th Element” competition as a gift. Before the end of the competition, KrAZ employees will conduct seven more excursions for high school students from all over the region. At the same time, the children attend lectures at the university, participate in quizzes, conduct research papers. In April, the winners of the competition will make presentations at the All-Russian conference “Youth and Science”, held by Siberian Federal University. The finalists will be invited to study at the SFU intensive school, and absolute winners will be rewarded with valuable gifts. On stage, the male duet of the raw materials workshop of AGK: Denis Ziborov and Vitaly Servyakov Photo by Pavel ZAMOSTYANIN

5 10 (451), March, 2013 RUSAL Bulletin PULSE 5 PRODUCTION SYSTEM We count every calorie As part of the implementation of the production system at the evaporation and leaching sections of the NGZ, one of the directions this year is to increase the correctness of planning and the efficiency of the use of heat and energy resources. The enterprise pays close attention to the specific heat energy consumption. The main component of its cost is natural gas, the price of which in Ukraine is constantly growing and is several times higher than Russian indicators. Last year, the position of leading heating engineer was introduced in the NGZ production directorate. Tatyana Gorbunova has been appointed to it, whose task is to control the consumption of heat and energy resources, develop and implement measures aimed at reducing unit costs. Today the results are already noticeable. In the two main energy-consuming areas, evaporation and leaching, we opened a pilot project to control heat energy consumption and correct planning, and brought the regime maps into line with the equipment parameters, says production director Vladimir Krasnoyarsky. Thus, a huge amount of work was carried out, which made it possible to obtain a good result without attracting additional funds. One of the most effective measures was to increase the frequency of use of steam in evaporation batteries. If we compare the first and second half of last year, we managed to reduce the consumption of heat and energy resources for evaporation by more than 11%, says Dmitry Kashirov, leading technology engineer for the evaporation section. Ideas proposed in 2012 by employees of the alkalization site brought economic effect$4.5 million. And this year they are still relevant. We are now implementing proposals to increase the temperature of hot water for the thickening section, says Alexey Medved, leading engineer for the technology of the leaching section. They do not provide savings to our division, but they will have a positive effect on the performance of the adjacent thickening area; hydrolysis and losses of alumina and red will be reduced. The head of the business unit “Leaching and Evaporation Areas” Alexander Zhmurkov (in the center), Alexander Medved and Dmitry Kashirov have a common task: efficient use of heat and energy resources by sludge. We continue to select diaphragms and work on stabilizing the recuperative circuit of the autoclave battery. The installation of a new type of alkali meters for dirty and clean condensate, which began last year, has been completed. They are more accurate and require less maintenance. Heat energy consumption was also reduced due to the introduction of a boiled pulp module analyzer installed on the first autoclave battery. Considering the positive result, we plan to equip all autoclave batteries with similar devices. Due to the measures being implemented in the evaporation and leaching areas, the steam consumption per ton of production will be reduced. And this will significantly reduce the cost of alumina. Olga ZHUROMSKAYA, Anastasia EVDOKIMOVA Photo by Olga ZHUROMSKAYA COOPERATION Lesson from RUSAL The first electronic lesson was held in Bratsk as part of the RUSAL to Russian Schools program. Advantages innovative methods students of Lyceum 1 who connected to the system appreciated the acquisition of knowledge distance learning(SDO) Companies. Personal logins and passwords were created for students and teachers so that they could log into the system individually. The children began mastering it by passing various tests. As a result, teachers, spending less time checking what they had learned, began to devote more time to preparing for lessons. LMS made it possible to bring the work of teachers to a higher level technical level, says the director of Lyceum 1 Igor Olekminsky. Our teachers have already developed and tested more than a hundred tests in various subjects. Now we are moving on to the next stage of creating lessons, and ideally we will also create electronic textbooks. Specialists from the department of the RUSAL Corporate University teach us this today in webinars. I prepared the first e-lesson on the topic “ Chemical properties acids,” says lyceum teacher Tatyana Sazonova. I conducted it for eighth graders. Received good results. As the final test showed, the vast majority of the children learned required material. Eight more lyceum teachers are working on creating electronic lessons in their subjects. The SDL helped teachers establish interactive interaction with parents of lyceum students, because you can log into the system from your home computer. Parents' opinions on various organizational issues teachers find out using online surveys. Alexey EVGENIEV In the computer class of Lyceum 1 in Bratsk, schoolchildren master modern technology training Photo by Evgeniy ISHTULKIN THE SECRET OF SUCCESS A foreman, easy-going The work history in the aluminum industry of KrAZ LO-2 foreman Vladimir Shpakov began 15 years ago. In 1998, he came to the Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter with specialized education and five years of experience as an electrician. Since childhood, Vladimir had an interest in everything electrical, dreamed of following in the footsteps of his parents, power engineers, and while still in school, he received the category of electrician. I had to go to work in my specialty almost immediately after graduation: Vladimir remained the eldest in the family. Nevertheless, he did not abandon his studies and graduated from the Polytechnic College in absentia with a degree in metallurgy. In the late 90s, when my previous job stopped paying me any money, I had to finally give up my childhood dream in favor of stable income. So Vladimir Shpakov became an electrolysis worker at SAZ, continuing to study at the Krasnoyarsk Tsvetmet. In Sayanogorsk I went through an excellent school of life and learned a lot. Worked in all electrolysis buildings. I never refused when they offered to transfer to a new place; it was interesting to gain experience everywhere. He easily settled into any team, participated in public events and professional competitions, says Vladimir Shpakov. Easy-going, he did not miss the opportunity to move to Krasnoyarsk in 2006. Worked in a private sector for a year manufacturing company, but then he still came to the HR department of KrAZ. Shpakov was assigned to the foundry. After Sayanogorsk, he admits, the work was easy; after all, the work of a metallurgist was already familiar to him. Or maybe thanks to the support of fellow Sayanogorsk residents working at KrAZ. It was more difficult to get used to the pace of the big city, he recalls. And now it’s okay, I already live like this myself. What also caught my eye was that everyone in the metropolis has big ambitions. In Sayanogorsk, for example, the aluminum plant is the main employer, so no one is looking for big and easy money. But here it seems to people that everyone around them is earning millions. I convinced many people, I even dissuaded two from leaving their job at KrAZ - it’s better and more stable! The determination and vital energy inherent in Vladimir is enough for the entire plant. He is a regular participant in the RUSAL Professionals competition. After only a year of work at KrAZ, he took first place among foundry workers. More Photo by Valentina VERBITSKAYA in a year the third. Last year I became third again, but this time among the masters. It is not surprising that at the end of 2012, Shpakov was awarded a letter of gratitude from the Vostok aluminum division for his contribution to the smelting of the millionth ton of metal. I take part in every competition because it’s interesting to learn something new and I like meeting new people. I still communicate with the guys with whom I became friends during the 2008 competition that was victorious for me. Although I don’t like making wishes, I set realistic goals with pleasure! For example, I had a goal to become a master, and I achieved it. Nowadays, I would rather go into the technological field, deepen my knowledge in my specialty, and study something I haven’t yet understood, says Vladimir Shpakov. Probably, this keen interest in everything helps Vladimir walk through life cheerfully and with a smile. In addition to electrical engineering and metallurgy, he is well versed in computer technology and automation. In the summer, he travels a lot around the region with his family, and goes skiing in the winter. And he considers the most important achievement in life not to be victory in professional competition and not even the millionth ton of aluminum, but the birth of a daughter. “I received such a charge of energy that it will be enough for another thousand targets!” admits Vladimir Shpakov. Valentina VERBITSKAYA

6 6 DIALOGUE OUR PERSON “Help comes from the heart”! Aleksey Mamontov, an electrolyser at UOE NkAZ, is a kind, sympathetic and very modest person. His calling is volunteer. Photo by Valentina LANGUEVA I had an ordinary childhood, says Alexey. He grew up in a private house in Khakassia, ran along the village streets, and went to school. When I turned 17, our family moved to Prokopyevsk, where I entered culinary school and became a pastry chef. Why did you choose this profession? I always liked to cook. I even managed to work in a canteen before I was drafted into the army. By the way, my culinary knowledge was very useful there. True, after the service, Alexey decided not to continue his career as a cook, but came to work as a repairman at NkAZ, where his older brother Yegor was already working. Then, following in his brother’s footsteps, he became an electrolyzer. But Alexey Mamontov became a volunteer by chance at work and was asked to help take wheelchair users to a performance in the theater. Helped. And I realized that I couldn’t remain indifferent. I got sucked into sitting around boredly doing nothing, and this is how I communicate with people. It’s a joy for both me and them. The desire to help, it doesn’t come from the heart. I also like to tinker with children from orphanages, play hockey and football with them. Volunteering is not the metallurgist’s only hobby. Alexey likes technology. Since childhood, he has helped his father tinker in the garage, repair the family car, and now he is restoring an almost rare piece of equipment, a motorcycle with a Ural cradle. I'm rebuilding the engine, gearbox in general, preparing it for... summer season. I will go! Although this is a rare vehicle, I like it. Friends and managers speak of Alexey as a very sympathetic and modest person. It seems to me that sometimes it’s easier for him to quietly and imperceptibly do something for the benefit of others, without waiting for thanks, says the chairman of the youth council of the Novokuznetsk industrial site, foreman Alexey Ivanov. For example, at one of the stations of the corporate marathon “We believe in miracles, we create miracles!” volunteers made repairs in the apartment of Viktor Evdokimovich Bobrov, a veteran of NkAZ, a disabled person of the 1st group. Alexey came to this apartment on every day off, and often after his shifts. Just like that, at the call of the soul. You can always rely on Alexey Mamontov, says Gennady Kravchenko, senior foreman of the electrolyzer processing section. He is a wonderful worker who always does everything well. If help is needed, Alexey will be the first to provide it. We had a case when the equipment broke down and the driver needed urgent help. Before we had time to say that, guys, we need help, Alexey was already there. Lesha Mamontov is very modest! And very responsive! as one his friends echo. He is one of those people on whom the world stands. Valentina LANGUEVA RUSAL Bulletin 10 (451), March, 2013 HEALTH We will examine you too New modern equipment, the Mindray-M7 ultrasound machine, has been installed in the Achinsk branch of the RUSAL Medical Center. Today it is difficult to imagine the work of a doctor of any specialty without functional diagnostics. Among diagnostic methods, ultrasound examination (US) is the leader. Its advantage is that it is informative and safe for the patient. This is a method that gives an idea of ​​what a particular human organ looks like, what its size and structure are, and whether there are changes characteristic of various diseases. Without ultrasound, it is unthinkable to treat many diseases of the abdominal organs, heart and blood vessels. The new modern digital device Mindray-M7 is equipped with high-precision sensors, says Svetlana Trofimova, director of the Achinsk branch of the RUSAL Medical Center. It allows you to do more wide range research internal organs pelvis and abdominal cavity, thyroid, prostate and mammary glands, lymph nodes. The qualifications of our doctors allow us to conduct research and evaluate their results at the highest level. Pavel ZAMOSTYANIN An ultrasound examination is carried out by a doctor at the Achinsk branch of the RMC Irina Wilhelm Photo by Margarita SOCK QUESTION OF THE WEEK How do you motivate yourself to achieve a difficult goal? I believe that to achieve a difficult goal, you first need desire. How important is it for you to achieve this goal, how much effort are you willing to put in and what sacrifices are you willing to make? If we talk about work goals, then professional interest comes to the fore in how much my competence and confidence in own strength. And don’t discount the material component. I believe that if available financial resources There are no unattainable goals. Arkady VYAZIN, foreman of UTGFS NkAZ Awareness that the result will be worth the effort. Complex goals mobilize accumulated experience and knowledge, often require perseverance and meticulousness in detail and, depending on the situation, contribute to the search for non-standard solutions. Therefore, I perceive a difficult goal as a good challenge that must be answered with dignity. Sergey, AGK I tell myself: “I can handle it!” In general, everything comes with experience. Recently, in practice (and not just in theory), I realized that achieving any goal can be divided into stages: one, two, three, and follow them. Depending on the task at hand, parallel or sequential. When a system appears, things move faster. And it’s even faster when you have a team of like-minded people. This instills confidence. Irina KOZHEVINA, Head of OOK, SUBR I constantly face difficult tasks in my work. They also happen in everyday life. Therefore, I developed an algorithm for myself: clarify and clearly formulate the goal, identify obstacles on the way to achieving it, and sketch out an action plan on paper in the form of a network diagram. The main motivation is that there is no goal that I will not achieve! As a rule, it works. And if not, then you have to reformulate the goal. Levon ANANIKYAN, rolling operator, ARMENAL The goal, first of all, should be understandable and digitized. After which you need to accept it and want to achieve it. In other words, if it is imposed on you, the effect will be much lower than when it is accepted by you. The main “motivator” for me is the realization that when it is achieved, something will improve. There is a feeling of victory: another peak has been reached! Sergey PONOMARENKO, head of the business unit “Calcification and decomposition areas”, NGZ I convince myself that this is a very useful and important thing and that this goal will become a stepping stone to my future professional growth. Elizaveta ERSHOVA, Head of the EUP of the Bauxit Timan enterprise I motivate myself with the thought that an accomplished goal is additional experience for a professional. Mikhail TYRBYLEV, engineer at Bauxite Timan First of all, I force myself not to panic. Then I carefully study the goal, divide it into stages and begin gradual, step-by-step implementation. If any difficulties arise, it is useful to discuss the problem with colleagues and then a solution will definitely come. Sometimes you should postpone the solution algorithm until the morning, following the well-known folk wisdom. You will wake up and “everything in your head will fall into place.” The most important thing is to know that there are no impossible goals. And believe in yourself! Tatyana PORYADINA, manager of ORPP UAZ A goal may seem very difficult at the beginning of the path to achieving it. You don’t need to be afraid, but just take the first step and then things will happen, one after another. And the goal will no longer seem so difficult. As they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do. Anna DOMNINA, BrAZ Apparently, I’m still lucky in life, because I didn’t have a goal that would have been achieved through very hard efforts. My childhood was happy, I entered college easily the first time, and studied the same way. The job found me on its own. I once dreamed of a car and have replaced more than one. Everyone is unlucky with their neighbors, but my neighbors are very good people. Maybe I don't set global goals? I take care of my nerves. In general, I believe that the main weapon in achieving any goal is calmness and a smile. Such behavior confuses ill-wishers, and you gain time to “think.” I tested it many times and it works! And one more thing: a goal is achieved easily when it is definitely yours. But if you have to push elbows, think: maybe you’re playing on someone else’s field? And is the goal worth the effort when, after achieving it, a bitter aftertaste remains? Vladimir VDOVENKO, KrAZ

7 10 (451), March, 2013 RUSAL Bulletin BUSINESS AND PEOPLE 7 FAMILY ALBUM Common happiness Burenkovs Zinaida Pavlovna and Sergey Anatolyevich Burenkovs have been happy together for 38 years. They are also colleagues; they work in the mechanical equipment repair directorate of the RIC branch in Shelekhov. The first thing that catches your eye when you meet the Burenkov family is their attentive, sensitive, gentle attitude towards each other. They exude calm, reliability, and thoroughness. On New Year's Eve 1975 along the long corridor student dormitory Irkutsk Polytechnic University, a girl walks from door to door. She is in a great mood, because delivering greeting cards and long-awaited letters to neighbors, friends, and acquaintances is a joy for them and for herself. The tall, handsome Sergei hid behind one of these doors. It is not known what Zina wished for on New Year's Eve, but a few months later she became a wife, the mistress of an entire room in the same dormitory, where her little son soon appeared. No getting used to family life, there was no common life, everything immediately became the same as it was for each of us in our parental families, Sergei Anatolyevich recalls the beginning married life. After graduating from university, they worked at the Irkutsk Machine Tool Plant: Zinaida as an engineer in the chief designer’s department, Sergei, having started as a foreman, reached the position of deputy director. Not everything went smoothly for them. In a market crisis, the plant closed, and Zinaida Pavlovna, the mother of two children (daughter Olya was born in 1989), had to change her profession. She became a teacher at a vocational school. And Sergei Anatolyevich, like many then in our country, was engaged in a variety of activities and extra jobs just to feed and save his family. It’s difficult to survive - Photo from the Burenkov family archive. They were helped by the love and support of a loved one. A new stage in life began when the Burenkovs came to IrkAZ. She worked as a designer, he as a senior foreman. Colleagues speak of Sergei Anatolyevich with great respect. He can be strict, but he is always fair and principled. Demanding of everyone, and above all of himself, they say. At the same time, he is very passionate about any business. He has a special relationship with young workers: he helps them in word and deed, both in official and personal matters. Often during a break, Sergei Anatolyevich talks about his family with pleasure, pride and joy. Zinaida Pavlovna is known among her colleagues as a good housewife (she knows so many recipes!), a keeper of the hearth and family traditions. And their family is growing. Son Alexey, who gave the elder Burenkovs two granddaughters Nastya and Sophia, graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Now he works as a teacher, teaching young people how to operate special equipment that serves railway. He builds his own house, accepting his father’s advice and help with gratitude and attention. Daughter Olga, after receiving her second diploma, works in the energy industry. Children are very careful and affectionate towards their parents. So that’s what it is, happiness! A happy family is one whole. And if there is joy, then it is common to everyone, and if there is a problem, then it is solved together. Tatiana SHUKLINA, manager of the RIC branch in Shelekhov POINT OF VIEW We are too small The news of a meteorite explosion in the sky over Chelyabinsk shook the whole world. Although, it would seem, humanity has known about such guests from outer space for a long time. But it’s one thing to read about it in books or judge it from science fiction films. It’s quite another thing to see such a disaster in the news. IN last years rapid development information technologies civilization thinks less and less about the Universe and its infinity. At best, it becomes only a background for the adventure plots of simple Hollywood film production. So such a subject as astronomy has disappeared from high school courses in Russia. After the disaster over the Southern Urals, the world again thought about the reality of space disasters. The media began to give the floor to scientists who are studying the space closest to Earth. The average person learned a lot. For example, that the number of celestial bodies that have a chance of destroying entire megacities is not so small. And that even with all the development modern technology You can’t keep track of guests from space. Today, scientists say, humanity got off very lightly. Although the scale of the event, which is small from the point of view of space, is frightening. As usual, they rushed to scare us and “cheer us up” by turning news broadcasts into just another entertainment show. Were the realistic and balanced voices of science heard in this noise? They sounded too weak. And yet the visit from space will not pass without a trace for all of us. The meteoroid only slightly touched the Earth's atmosphere and still gave us a feel for how small our planet is. On the scale of the Universe, we are only a tiny, insignificant speck of dust. It is easy to crush and destroy. We are not protected in front of the infinite space of worlds, and this feeling must give a response. People, despite the difference in religious and social views, their place in the sun and social status, have more in common with each other than we think. For example, the word “love” exists in all languages. And isn’t it wonderful when we love other people, nature, everything that surrounds us. And it’s very sad when there are bloody conflicts between countries, children die and buildings collapse. We are too small in space to destroy each other. Alexey SUKHIKH, BRAZ CLUB OF PASSIONATES Her path Name Love suits her perfectly. After all, in the life of Lyubov Kovalenko there is a sea of ​​love: for people and nature, for work and sports, for her small Motherland. It would seem that the seriousness and responsibility of the profession of manager of the materials department of the supply department of the RIC branch in Krasnoturinsk, where Kovalenko has been working for more than 30 years, should have left an imprint of restraint and isolation on her character. However, Love by nature is very sociable, open and has varied hobbies. Tourism, poetry, natural cosmetology, gardening and sports are what her creative soul lies in. Tourism is an important component of Lyubov Kovalenko’s life. Even as a child, she dreamed of becoming... a sailor, pilot or geologist. Even then, little Lyubochka began to show a strong character. This is probably why male professions associated with travel and risk have always attracted her. And by the way, one of these dreams practically came true. When Lyubov Kovalenko lived in Baltiysk, she had the opportunity to work on the Dzheyran landing ship. She went out for sea trials on the open sea twice. She has enthusiastic memories of that time. Love for tourism, nature, and his native Ural land is in Kovalenko’s blood. Weekly walking and, in winter, skiing around the outskirts of Krasnoturinsk became her rule. In the forest park, Lyubov even has her favorite paths laid out by her. Lyuba’s travels include numerous rafting trips on catamarans, rafts and boats along the Ural rivers. Every year, together with a group of volunteer factory workers, she takes part in the preparation of the international mountain marathon “Konjak”. She loves the mountains, feeling free, calm and joyful there. Love conquered several famous peaks of the Urals: Konzhak, Kosva, Semicheloveche. Mountains pose difficult challenges, says Lyubov Kovalenko. But in overcoming many kilometers of treks and conquering peaks, perseverance, courage, the will to win, organization and accuracy develop. In addition, communication with nature always enriches a person. On weekends, Lyubov Kovalenko can always be seen in the city forest park, where she likes to be with her grandchildren. Repeatedly she and her factory worker friends organized city events: multi-kilometer ski treks, hiking autumn walks, relay races and competitions for children and adults. Therefore, at the plant Lyubov Kovalenko is respected not only as a great specialist, but also as a public figure. She was one of the first to respond to the Company’s call to volunteer and became an active participant in the charity marathon. Poetry writing is another hobby of Lyubov. She likes to give poems to her family and friends for birthdays and other holidays. Colleagues and friends appreciate her work, which is always full of positivity and humor. Kovalenko’s favorite activities include natural cosmetology and gardening. At her dacha she has a real “green pharmacy”, where there are always ingredients for making lotion, therapeutic mask or cream according to her own recipe. And she loves to decorate the garden with flower beds where lilies, asters and daisies grow... Olga ZIMENS Photo from the archive of Lyubov Kovalenko

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We thank the editors of the newspaper "Vestnik RUSAL" for providing this material.

Today, RUSAL enterprises are simultaneously implementing about 50 projects aimed at modernization, reconstruction, expansion of production and the range of products. Of course, they differ from each other in scale, level of tasks, implementation deadlines, volumes of investments and capital expenditures, but they are all very significant both for individual plants and for the Company as a whole.

One of key projects This year for RUSAL is the construction of a large foundry complex at KrAZ. It will annually produce up to 120 thousand tons of a completely new product for the Company - homogenized cylindrical 7-meter ingots of large diameter - up to 457 mm. They are now in great demand in foreign markets, primarily in North America.

Work on the future complex began in 2015. VAMI specialists developed the design documentation.

The peculiarity of the project is that the foundry complex is being installed in an existing building, which was mothballed and not in use for 15 years, says Viktor Mikhailov, head of the projects department of the technical directorate. - Builders have to take this circumstance into account in their work. For example, in order to prevent the collapse of existing column foundations and prevent the building from sliding into the pit when installing the caisson of a casting machine, it was decided to install sheet piling walls 23 m deep along the foundations - install 60 piles, 30 on each side. Between these piles, a spacer slab was poured, inside which a casting machine well was made: as the structure is poured with concrete, it falls down under its own weight and has already reached the design mark. Next, the builders will have to make a steel caisson about 12 m deep, where the hydraulic cylinder of the casting mill will be installed. Only the underground part of the structure goes almost 30 m deep - almost a 10-story building!

The complex also includes metal flow systems, melt filtration and degassing installations, a casting machine with a set of equipment of six diameters from Wagstaff, a line for continuous homogenization, cutting and packaging of ingots. In addition, the links in the technological chain will be a buffer warehouse, a section for sending finished products to consumers, and a section for repairing foundry equipment. For their construction, installation and installation, it is also sometimes necessary to take original engineering solutions. And to optimize costs, it was decided to use part of the equipment transported from the mothballed construction of the Taishet aluminum smelter: the casting machine itself with equipment and two MHD mixers with a capacity of 70 tons, a multi-filling machine, a press for squeezing out slag, etc. - only 5.5 million dollars.

Today construction is in full swing. The metal structures of mixer No. 2 have already been installed, and the lining is being welded and prepared. Mixer No. 1 is used to assemble metal structures. Completion of the project and commissioning of the complex is planned for 2017.

KhAZ also plans to significantly increase the production of alloys - from the current 82 thousand tons to 202 thousand tons per year. Installed at the enterprise will help achieve this result. new complex continuous horizontal casting produced by the Italian company Properzi. It is equipped with the most modern systems control, degassing and metal filtration. The equipment is designed to produce alloys in the form of bars weighing 10 kg, which are compact, easy to transport and optimal for use. And they are also in great demand by the market, in particular by automotive companies. The advantage of a track-type casting machine is that it produces an ingot that has a uniform structure along its entire length. This type of product has not been produced at RUSAL before. The continuous casting complex at KhAZ is planned to be launched at the beginning of 2017.

RUSAL's strategic project remains the implementation of EcoSoderberg technology. The pioneer in this process was KrAZ, where, after testing the technology in four pilot buildings, work began on a plant scale. Last year, about 300 electrolyzers were converted, and about 100 more have been upgraded this year.

Despite the fact that the project was initially conceived as an environmental one, it also provides a good economic effect,” said Vladimir Maslov, head of the department of financial and economic analysis and estimates of the technical directorate. - Replacing technology on one electrolyzer at KrAZ means an additional 9-14 tons of metal due to a decrease in work in progress (the volume of metal in the bath). In addition, the result is achieved due to lower consumption of electricity and fluorine salts, and higher current efficiency.

The positive experience of KrAZ is now used at other aluminum smelters of the Company, which it was decided to transfer to EcoSoderberg - BrAZ, IrkAZ and NkAZ. In particular, in Bratsk the project is being implemented in the format of a pilot building; the modernization of 19 electrolyzers is planned for this year, six of them have already been transferred to new technology. Implementation has begun in Shelekhov: being developed project documentation for the experimental site and adaptation of the existing design documentation to the conditions of the plant is carried out.

In the field of energy efficiency, three plants at once - SAZ, KrAZ and IrkAZ - almost simultaneously implemented a project to introduce a unified anode. At the beginning of the project, bottlenecks were identified at each of the enterprises, which took about a year to eliminate. For example, at SAZ, six stacker cranes were modernized in the production of electrodes. At KrAZ, the most problematic area was the press that removes cast iron casting: it was outdated, in poor technical condition, and often broke down. Instead, a press from the Icelandic company VHE was purchased, which successfully passed the tests. And the team working at IrkAZ carried out the modernization of the AMO: the knives on the cinder removal machine were replaced, some of the hydraulic equipment was improved, and a nipple cleaning unit was installed

The effect resulting from the use of standardized anodes was not long in coming. Thus, the reduction in specific electricity consumption ranged from 69 kWh (SAZ) to 290 kWh (KrAZ) per ton of aluminum. In addition, savings on baked anodes were also achieved: for example, at IrkAZ it amounted to 5.4 kg per ton, and at KrAZ - 7.5 kg per ton. Calculations have shown that with capital expenditures of $1.4 million at three plants, savings at the end of 2016 will amount to at least $2.5 million. In other words, this project will pay for itself in less than a year.

RUSAL pays special attention to the issues of import substitution and raw material security, and several projects are also being implemented in this area. IrkAZ continues to modernize calcining furnace No. 2 to produce its own calcined coke. The German company FLSmidth was involved, which carried out additional engineering surveys with the aim of organizing the production of calcined coke of the KEP-2 brand in Shelekhov. It is this material that has increased density and is used for the production of baked anodes. The goal of the project is to organize the production of its own calcined coke in the amount of about 90 thousand tons per year, which will also help replace the raw materials that SAZ is forced to buy in China.

Another import substitution project, which is being implemented at KAZ, will allow Russian cable factories to refuse to purchase T4 wire rod of the Al-Mg-Si high-strength alloy abroad. Its production in the amount of 6.8 thousand tons per year is planned to be mastered at the Properzi mill at the plant in Kandalaksha.

T4 wire rod is in high demand. It is produced in Russia, but in insufficient quantities; cable factories mainly import it from Poland, explains Vladimir Maslov. - This wire rod is distinguished by better tensile strength characteristics and high relative elongation values. But in order for it to acquire such properties, it is necessary to perform an additional operation of hardening it in water. Therefore, it is planned for KAZ to purchase four hardening furnaces from the Polish company Secowarwick and build a special pool in which the wire rod will be cooled. It was also necessary to expand warehouses and carry out a number of infrastructure works. Design and engineering surveys are currently underway as part of the project. The task was set to implement the project in a short time, to bring it to the design indicators by mid-2017.

And the project, which is being implemented in the Achinsk branch of RIC, will in the near future allow the plants of the Aluminum Division to reduce purchases of iron and steel castings from outside. Previously, the branch provided products mainly to alumina refineries, producing iron and steel castings, in particular various spare parts and components for pumping equipment. At the same time, aluminum smelters consume large volumes of castings: pipes for pouring vacuum ladles, sections of the gas collection bell, brackets for anode holders and much more - and, as a rule, are forced to order it from third-party manufacturers.

The maximum achieved volume of casting production at the repair and mechanical base of AF RIK was 15.3 thousand tons in 2015, however, this productivity is not enough to cover the needs of aluminum and alumina plants for shaped castings. The employees of the Achinsk branch of RIC, who initiated a project to increase the capacity of their foundry to 25.6 thousand tons, intend to correct the current imbalance.

For this purpose, a special automatic molding line is purchased, on which the branch’s specialists will make molds for cast iron - now this work is done almost manually, - said Vladimir Maslov. - In addition, the enterprise will have equipment for the production of large-sized rods, which will allow the production of structurally complex products, for example, with internal cavities. All this will allow the RIC branch not only to increase production volumes, but also to significantly expand its capabilities to produce a wide variety of foundry products.

Modernization projects that are being implemented at RUSAL plants pursue different goals; their tasks relate to different areas of enterprise activity. But they also have common features: short time implementation and payback, high efficiency with relatively small investments. It is impossible to do otherwise under the current conditions.

Nikolay KUZNETSOV, Photo by Alexander GLUKHOV

“Vestnik RUSAL” topped the list for the fourth year in a row annual ranking corporate newspapers of Russian industrial companies, which compiles the business portal “Production Management”.

The rating, which has been compiled for the eighth year in a row, is a non-profit project whose goal is to open to the professional community corporate publications that most fully and efficiently cover the processes of creating modern, efficient production in their companies, to expand and speed up access to quality information. At the same time, the jury of this unique competition is the entire readership of the Production Management portal.

Ranking occurs as follows. The portal publishes the most significant materials on the topics of management, development of business systems, and efficient production from more than 200 corporate publications of Russian industrial companies. Depending on the interest of readers in certain publications, their popularity is determined, and based on the number of cumulative views of materials, the rating of each corporate publication is formed.

Thus, at the end of 2017, Vestnik RUSAL topped the top 20 best corporate newspapers of industrial companies, repeating last year’s success.

The most popular among the audience of the Production Management portal in 2017 were publications devoted to the development of business systems and the implementation of lean management tools.

production, continuous improvement programs and kaizen activities, increasing operational efficiency and labor productivity, modernization and technical re-equipment of production.

United Company RUSAL is one of the world's largest aluminum producers. The company's assets include a complex of enterprises for the production of value-added products: from mining to aluminum and foil rolling plants.

The company's enterprises and representative offices are located in 19 countries on five continents. RUSAL is one of the three most efficient aluminum producers in the world and plans to take first place in this indicator.


“Vestnik RUSAL” is one of the oldest newspapers among corporate publications in the Russian industrial sector. For 15 years, she was the only source of information and way of communicating with employees of the company’s factories throughout the country. In recent years, it was black and white, published in the format of the main block with regional tabs. The MediaLine company proposed that the holding optimize the process of creating a newspaper: publish a single publication for all the company’s enterprises.


MediaLine has carried out a complete rebranding of Vestnik RUSAL. Now this is a stylish publication, developed taking into account modern trends in the field of design and journalism. We increased the number of photographs on the pages, introduced different text formats, introduced infographics, developed a clear rubric and recognizable design elements.

The RUSAL Bulletin newspaper is a “living” flexible product, created in close cooperation with the customer, and focused on the audience of the publication. Today, the newspaper is read with interest both at the company’s Moscow office and at production sites in different parts of Russia.

The logistics department of MediaLine solved the difficult problem. The newspaper is delivered to all enterprises located both in regional capitals and in hard-to-reach and remote points of Russia.