Types of connections made of thin sheet metal and wire. Presentation on technology for the lesson "Thin sheet metal and wire. Artificial materials" (grade 5). IV. Learning new material

Sections: Technology

Class: 5

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson form: lesson-game, problem-search.

Purpose of the lesson: to study the types of thin sheet metal and wire.

Lesson objectives:

  • Introduce the concepts of “thin sheet metal” and “wire”, “metal properties”, part development; with the process of obtaining and using thin sheet metal and wire, with the features of the image of wire products.
  • Development: cognitive interest, research skills, communication skills: ability to listen and hear, tolerance, abstract logical thinking, ability to analyze, generalize, ability to perform a development sketch.
  • Foster independence, responsibility, dedication, mutual assistance.

Interdisciplinary connections: history, physics.

Forms of work: frontal, group.

Teaching methods: explanatory-illustrative, instruction, problem-search, independent (laboratory-practical) work.

Lesson equipment:

  • sets of thin sheet metal and wire for laboratory work;
  • samples of thin sheet metal and wire and products made from them, Exhibits of the school local history museum (plates of armor of warriors of the Jurchen state);
  • task cards, projector, screen, computer, painting “In the workshop of a medieval gunsmith”;

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Checking students' readiness for the lesson. Mark those who are absent.

II. Preparing students for conscious and active learning of new material.

Before you is the painting “In the workshop of a medieval gunsmith.” What is shown on it? Why does a knight need them? What do you think armor should be like? What do you think the armor is made of? The armor was made of t/l metal. “Thin sheet metal and wire” is the topic of our lesson ( Appendix 2, Presentation, Slide 1.)

Would you like to take an imaginary journey to the times of the knights?..... Imagine that we are in a medieval gunsmith's workshop. I will be the master, and you will be my apprentices. The workshop received an order from a knight to make armor. Can we do it now? Do you know the types and properties of thin-sheet metals?.... In order to complete this order, we must study the types of thin-sheet metal and wire, the properties of metals and alloys, learn to distinguish between the types of thin-sheet metal, so that you can choose the right one in the future material for armor and other products.

III. Repetition.

Frontal survey on the topic of the last lesson.

IV. Learning new material

Metals play a huge role in human life. They are used to make various machines, building structures, and household items.

Metals have different properties: physical, mechanical. (Slide 2.)

Physical properties: electrical conductivity - all metals conduct current, thermal conductivity, color (demonstration of metals), luster, fluidity.

Mechanical properties metals: plasticity - the ability of a metal to change shape under the influence of loads, strength - the ability of a metal to withstand loads without collapsing; and hardness.

Metals are often used to make products not in their pure form, but in the form of alloys. The most common alloys: steel and cast iron (alloys of iron with carbon), duralumin (alloy of aluminum with copper, magnesium, etc.), bronze (alloy of copper with lead, tin, etc.), brass (alloy of copper with zinc).

Blanks from metals and alloys are produced at enterprises in the form of sheets, rods, pipes, wire, which greatly facilitates the manufacture of various products from them.

(Slide 3.) Previously, sheet metal was produced by forging (heated blanks were flattened with hammers); this work was very long and painstaking. It was very difficult to obtain the same thickness of the workpiece. One wrong blow from the master could ruin the whole work (here are the details of the armor of a warrior of the Jurchen state, which were found by the same guys as you at the Krasnoyarovsky settlement in the village of Utesnoye, Ussuri region. These are armor plates made in the 12th century, that is, they are more than 800 years old years)

.(Slide 4.) On modern enterprises sheet metal is produced by rolling heated ingots in rolling mills, where the billet, falling between the rolls, is compressed and takes the form of a sheet. By adjusting the gap between the rollers, you can obtain a sheet of the desired thickness.

Sheet steel is divided into thick sheet (thicker than 2 mm) and thin sheet (thinner than 2 mm).

In turn, thin sheet steel comes in several types

(Slide 5.) Tin (0.2 to 0.5 mm thick) comes in black and white.

Tinplate is sheet steel coated on both sides with a thin layer of tin. This type of tin has a smooth, shiny, stainless surface; it is used to make tin cans, lids for glass jars, and toys.

Roofing steel (0.5 to 0.8 mm thick) that does not have a coating is called black. To protect it from corrosion, it is coated with paint; it is used mainly in construction: covering roofs, finishing balconies, building fences, sheathing wooden buildings.

To prevent the surface of the sheets from rusting, it is coated with a thin layer of zinc (galvanized steel). This semi-finished product is used to cover roofs; buckets, drainpipes, and cornices are made from it.

(Slide 6.) Cold-rolled steel (0.8–2 mm thick) is produced by repeated rolling of sheet steel; it is used for the manufacture of car body parts and refrigerators.

Very thin sheet metal is called foil (less than 0.2 mm thick). Copper foil is widely used in radio engineering, and aluminum foil is used for packaging chocolate, sweets, tea, and in cooking.

(Slide 7.) In addition to sheet metal, wire is also widely used in industry, which is long and thin. Copper and aluminum wire are used to make electrical wires and rivets. From soft steel wire They make nails, screws, screws, rivets, and from solids they make springs, strings and other products.

Wire with a thickness of more than 5 mm is obtained by rolling heated blanks between rollers with grooves. This wire is called wire rod.

Thinner wire is obtained by drawing - pulling wire rod through dies - parts with a hole made of very hard materials and even diamonds. Drawing mills are serviced by drawers.

(Slide 8.) In the days of the knights, wire was drawn in forges while swinging on swings. The drawer, sitting on a swing, rested his feet on the die, grabbed the end of the wire with pliers, pushed off and thus pulled the wire through. This wire was used mainly in the manufacture of chain mail.

Tinsmiths manufacture products from thin sheet metal at enterprises. Workers in these specialties must know the structure of the equipment they work on, the properties of metals, and be able to read drawings.

In factories, rolling mills for producing sheet metal are serviced by rollers.

Tinsmiths manufacture products from thin sheet metal at enterprises. They must know the structure of various machines and devices for sheet metal processing and be able to work on them using various tools.

V. Independent work students (work in pairs). (Slide 9.)

Induction training:

Have you forgotten about the order from the knight? We need to choose the right material for the armor. And for this, now we will do laboratory and practical work with you

  1. Consider several samples of thin sheet metal (roofing, black and galvanized steel, black and white tin).
  2. Determine the color of each sample and the name of the material.
  3. Try to bend each sample.
  4. Think about where the material you are studying is used.
  5. Record the results of your observations in the table.

They play a huge role in human life. They are used to make various machines, building structures, and household items.
Metals have some physical properties that wood lacks: electrical conductivity, magnetizability, thermal expansion, melting point. The mechanical properties of metals, such as strength and hardness, are significantly higher than those of wood. Unlike wood, metals have plasticity - the ability to change shape under the influence of external forces without collapsing.
Metals are often used to make products not in their pure form, but in the form of alloys. The most common alloys: steel and cast iron (alloys of iron with carbon), duralumin (alloy of aluminum with copper, magnesium, etc.), bronze (alloy of copper with lead, tin, etc.), brass (alloy of copper with zinc).
Blanks made of metals and alloys are produced at enterprises in the form of sheets, rods, pipes, and wire, which greatly facilitates the manufacture of various products from them.
Sheet metal is produced by rolling heated ingots in rolling mills (Fig. 56), where the workpiece, falling between the rollers, is compressed and takes the form of a sheet. By adjusting the gap between the rollers, you can obtain a sheet of the desired thickness.

Sheet steel is divided into thick sheet (thicker than 2 mm) and thin sheet (thinner than 2 mm).
In turn, thin-sheet steel comes in several types: roofing steel (0.5 to 0.8 mm thick), tin (0.2 to 0.5 mm thick).
Roofing steel that does not have a coating is called black. To prevent the surface of the sheets from rusting, it is coated with a thin layer of zinc (galvanized steel).
Tin comes in black and white. Tinplate is sheet steel coated on both sides with a thin layer of tin. This tin has a smooth, shiny, stainless surface.
Sheet metal is used to make machine and instrument cases, dishes, and cans (Fig. 57). Very thin sheet metal is called foil. Copper foil is widely used in radio engineering, and aluminum foil is used for packaging chocolate, sweets, tea, etc.
In factories, rolling mills for producing sheet metal are serviced by rollers. They must have a good knowledge of the properties of metals at different temperatures and understand the design of rolling equipment.
Tinsmiths manufacture products from thin sheet metal at enterprises. They must know the structure of various machines and devices for sheet metal processing and be able to work on them using various tools.

In addition to sheet metal, wire is also widely used in industry, which is long and thin. Copper and aluminum wire are used to make electrical wires and rivets. Soft steel wire is used to make nails, screws, pins, and rivets, and hard wire is used to make springs, strings, and other products.
Wire with a thickness of more than 5 mm is obtained by rolling heated blanks between rollers with grooves (Fig. 58, a). This wire is called wire rod. Thinner wire is obtained by “turning - pulling wire rod through dies - parts with a hole made of very hard materials and even diamonds (Fig. 58, b).

Drawing mills are serviced by drawing workers, who must have a good understanding of the behavior of metals and alloys during drawing and know the design of drawing equipment and devices.


Introduction to metals and alloys
1. Consider several samples of thin sheet metal (roofing black and galvanized steel, black and white tin, foil) and wire samples (steel, copper, aluminum).
2. Determine the color of each sample and the name of the material.
3. Try to bend each sample. Make several marks with a scriber on samples of thin sheet metal. Draw conclusions.
4. Measure the thickness of the sample with a ruler.
5. Remember where the material you are studying is applied.
6. Draw in your workbook table and write down the results of your observations in it.

  • Alloys, steel, cast iron, rolling, roofing steel, tin, foil, rolling machine, tinsmith, wire, wire rod, drawing, drawing machine, die.

1. Name the main properties of metals and alloys.

2. What alloys do you know?

3. How are thin sheet metal and wire obtained from an ingot?

4. What is the difference between black tin and white tin?

5. Find sheet metal and wire products in your home. Determine what material or alloy they are made of.

6. Where is foil used?

7. Name the professions of workers who produce thin sheet metal and wire.

8. Where did the name “ wire»?

A.T. Tishchenko, P.S. Samorodsky, V.D. Simonenko, N.P. Shchipitsyn, Technology 5th grade
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Presentation on technology on the topic "Thin sheet metal and wire" 5th grade. Purpose of the lesson: to study the types of thin sheet metal and wire.

Introduction to the concepts of “thin sheet metal” and “wire”, “metal properties”, part development; with the process of obtaining and using thin sheet metal and wire.

Development: cognitive interest, research skills, communication skills: listening skills, tolerance.

To foster independence, responsibility, and determination.



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Slide captions:

Thin sheet metal and wire 5th grade Developed by: technology and fine arts teacher Lagushina T.A.

Introduce the concepts of “thin sheet metal” and “wire”, “metal properties”, part development; with the process of obtaining and using thin sheet metal and wire. Development: cognitive interest, research skills, communication skills: ability to listen and hear, tolerance, abstract logical thinking, ability to analyze, generalize, ability to perform a development sketch. Foster independence, responsibility, dedication, mutual assistance. Objectives: Purpose of the lesson: to study the types of thin sheet metal and wire.

Metals are natural structural materials obtained from the ores of iron, copper, tin, lead, mercury, aluminum, gold, silver and many others.

Alloys Alloys are structural materials obtained by combining several components, of which at least one metal is Steel, cast iron, bronze, brass, duralumin and many others

Properties of metals and alloys Metals and alloys have: color and luster, melting point, density, heat and electrical conductivity

Types of metals and alloys Ferrous (rust) - iron, steel, cast iron Non-ferrous (do not rust) - copper, aluminum, tin, bronze, brass and others

Thin sheet metal It is obtained by rolling. This is one of the types of metal forming

Rolling mill

Physical Education Minute One - we stood up and straightened up. Two - bent over, bent over. Three - three claps with your hands. And four are on the sides. Five - wave your arms. Six - sit down again.

Types of thin sheet metal Foil – thickness up to 0.2 mm. Tin - thickness up to 0.5mm Black tin - rusts White tin - does not rust (coated with tin) Galvanized steel - thickness up to 0.8mm (coated with zinc)

Application of thin sheet metal

Wire Drawing is a type of metal forming. Drawing produces wire with a diameter of up to 4 mm

Wire rod A round profile with a diameter of more than 4 mm is produced by rolling

Types of wire: steel, copper, aluminum

Wire Application

Test yourself What are metals and alloys. What groups are they divided into? What properties do metals and alloys differ in? How is thin sheet metal produced? Where are they used? different types thin sheet metal Why is the wire called that? What do their wires do?

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Details Category: Thin sheet metal

Thin sheet metal and wire

Metals are widely used in national economy. They are durable, conduct heat and electricity well, and have a special metallic luster. Machine tools, machines, various building structures, and many household products are made from metals.

Typically, in industry, metals are used not in their pure form, but in the form alloys. The most important metal alloys include steel And cast iron (iron-carbon alloys), bronze (copper-tin alloy), brass (copper-zinc alloy), duralumin (aluminum alloy with copper, manganese, magnesium and etc.).

Metal alloys are produced in the form of sheets, angles, rods of various sections, wire, etc. In the school workshop they work mainly with thin sheet metal and wire. They get such metal rolling ingots on special machines - rolling mills (see picture on the right).

In the figure the numbers indicate: 1 – workpiece; 2 – rollers; 3 - rollers.
The hot metal is passed between rotating rollers, they compress the ingot and give it the shape of a sheet. The sheets are rolled into rolls.

Thin sheet steel there are several types: tin - sheet thickness 0.2-0.5 mm, roofing steel - 0.5-0.8 mm, etc.
Distinguish black and white tin .

Black tin named because the surface color of the sheet after rolling is black.

Tinplate covered with a thin layer of tin. This protects it from corrosion (rust). Roofing steel can be black or coated with a thin layer zinc (Cink Steel) or oil paint.
Sheet steel is used to make the housings of instruments, machines, drainpipes, dishes, cans, etc. Tinsmiths perform work related to the processing of thin sheet metal. They must know the properties of metals and alloys, the structure of various machines and devices, and have the skills to work with various tools.

Wire thickness more than 5 mm ( wire rod) are obtained by rolling hot metal in special mills. Thinner wire is made on drawing mills. There, the wire rod is successively pulled through holes of different diameters. A diagram of this process is shown in the figure on the left.
They produce steel, copper and aluminum wire. Nails, screws, screws, rivets, springs and other products are made from steel wire. Copper and aluminum wire are mainly used to make electrical wires.

Every third ton of steel is produced from scrap metal. This costs 25 times less than smelting steel from cast iron.

Thin sheet metal and wire 5. Technology lesson in the class “Lesson two in the section TECHNOLOGY FOR CREATION OF METAL PRODUCTS BASED ON DESIGN AND” TECHNOLOGICAL DOCUMENTATION - Technology teacher at Kalinin Secondary School. Malafeev Egor Nikolaevich. , -. , Chelyabinsk region Bredinsky district, 9. village Kalininsky street School house Form - (combined lesson lecture with elements). Conversations practical part using ICT

Questions for review: What is stronger than plywood or the same board? ? thickness Why Which tool is used for planing wood?

: Purpose, to study the properties, application and production methods. thin sheet metal and wire

Metal - (chemically simple substance or), an alloy with a special shine, malleability, good thermal conductivity and. electrical conductivity. Metals are used in the form of alloys. Alloys are complex substances that are a combination of any simple metal (the base of the alloy) with other metals or not. metals, Metals and alloys have different compositions, structures, have different properties and can change their shape and structure under (various external thermal influences...). mechanical, chemical, etc.

Most often, metals are used in the form of: alloys Steel (Cast iron alloy of iron with) carbon () Copper metal () Aluminum metal (Duralumin alloy of aluminum with,) copper magnesium (,) Bronze alloy of copper with lead tin () Brass alloy of copper with zinc

Where and how are metals and alloys made? Chelyabinsk region different kinds metals and alloys are produced at large enterprises in the cities of Magnitogorsk and Chelyabinsk in blast furnace and open-hearth furnaces. ovens

, Alloys are produced in the form of sheets of rod corners, . different sections of wire, etc. In the school workshop we will work mainly with thin sheet metals, etc. wire Let's consider obtaining thin sheet. metal 2 Metal in the form of thin sheets less than mm thick is considered. thin sheet This metal is obtained by rolling an ingot - . on special machines, rolling mills. Heated metal is passed between rotating rolls. compress the ingot and give it the shape of a sheet Sheets. roll up

Sheet metal is divided into two sizes: types - Sheet metal (0.5), thickness less than mm (), (Black without coating White coated on both sides) with tin Roofing steel - (0.5 ... 0.8), thickness mm. . Ordinary Galvanized

. Let's consider the production of wire 5 () Wire with a thickness of more than mm is obtained from wire rod. rolling hot metal on special mills. Thinner wire is made on drawing mills. There, heated wire rod is successively pulled through. holes of different diameters

What is made from wire? , Nails, screws, screws are made from steel wire. rivets, springs, etc. Copper and aluminum wire are mainly used for making electrical wires

. Practical work: Completing tasks 1. . Examine several metal samples 2. . Fill out the table Sample number Type of sample (sheet metal or wire) Determine the group to which this sample belongs (ferrous or non-ferrous metal) Color Name of the metal or alloy Properties of the metal (is it easy or difficult to bend and does it return to its original form after bending) Area of ​​application