Implementation of a continuous order acceptance system. Production management of an industrial enterprise using an ERP system: planning of material resources and production capacity Order management system for production

Logistics proclaims the priority of the consumer over all other subjects of the logistics system. A consumer order is a kind of signal that triggers various logistics functions. For this reason, the speed and quality of information provided by the order management system influences the overall costs and efficiency level of the entire logistics process. Thus, slow and error-prone communications can lead to the loss of some consumers or to inflated costs for transportation, inventory and warehousing. For this reason, fulfillment of consumer orders must be carried out in ASAP mode ("as soon as possible").

Order management in an organization begins with receiving and processing orders from consumers of material resources or finished products. This uses an integrated approach to order management. It involves making optimal decisions on purchases and inventories of material resources, production, warehousing and distribution of finished products based on accurate forecasting of consumer demand. This is possible provided that the organization is highly prepared to supply ordered goods, High Quality supply service, as well as the functioning of the logistics information system and basic logistics systems(MRP II, DRP II).

The main task Order management at an enterprise is to reduce the time of the logistics cycle of orders in order to improve the quality of customer service, reduce the level of inventory and overall logistics costs. Logistics order cycle in general view includes:

1) time to formulate the order and complete it in the prescribed manner.

2) time for delivery or transfer of the order to the supplier.

3) order fulfillment time (waiting time for placing an order for execution, order fulfillment time, downtime, range of services).

4) delivery time of manufactured products to the customer.

5) time to prepare products for consumption.

The maximum duration of the order fulfillment cycle is determined by the time that the consumer is willing to wait from the moment the order is placed until the receipt of the goods (hours, days). Actual order fulfillment time may exceed this time. In this case, a “order execution time gap” occurs. The goal of the logistics service is to reduce this gap. To do this, you should either reduce the order execution time from the supplier, or increase the consumer order cycle by receiving an earlier application. It should be noted that the stage of optimizing the logistics cycle of orders is extremely important for the organization’s activities, since the results obtained guarantee that it will receive competitive advantages. It is important to note that to reduce order cycle times, it is extremely important to improve drug or supply chain planning using electronic processing EDI data and the use of logistics information systems such as ERP.

The logistics cycle of order management is a set of procedures for processing and fulfilling an order (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Logistics cycle of order management

Orders are received by the organization from consumers of material resources or finished products by mail, telephone, telegraph, e-mail, fax and courier. Οʜᴎ can be verbal and documented. The purchase order must contain all the information necessary for the supplier: order number, contact persons of both parties, change number, manufacturer designation, customer designation, total received since the first delivery, confirmation of last arrival and contract number. This form allows you to significantly reduce the time and costs of telephone conversations regarding confirmation of order acceptance.

After preliminary processing, orders are transmitted via telecommunication networks to the company’s information and computing center, where a special program receives this order and automatically issues confirmation of its acceptance for execution. Specific production or sales divisions of the enterprise act as the source of fulfillment of the purchase order. Order fulfillment plans are developed for certain sources. The initial indicators for planning are specifications for the production of finished products, refined production indicators accurate to within a week, or inventory replenishment plans. This allows us to produce and deliver goods on time in accordance with production plans customer. In the process of order monitoring, procedures for the execution and delivery of ordered products to consumers are implemented. Οʜᴎ are accompanied by continuous monitoring of the timing, volume and quality of supplies. The order management cycle ends with a report on order completion.

Impeccable order execution is achieved through the use of SKALA information and computer technology. The SAP R/3 information system, developed in Germany, allows more flexibility than SCALA to record the movement of materials and Money. It allows you to carry out daily planning of materials with automatic registration of a purchase order and sending it to in electronic format supplier, and also allows you to make the ordering system more flexible to changes in the customer’s program.

Lately under effective technologies production management, first of all, imply MES class systems that link together the technological and business levels of enterprise management into a single information complex, while solving many of the most important industrial enterprise tasks. However, the maximum effect from using all automated systems, present at the enterprise, can only be obtained by creating a unified information space (UIS), with the help of which all of the listed systems can quickly and timely exchange information. It is difficult to imagine effective automation of the production process without taking into account planning the supply of materials and components, warehouse operations and many other business processes that are inextricably linked with each other.

In this material we will look at how to use various systems management is reflected in the efficiency of production management.

Theoretical part

Purpose of various control systems, their functionality and application features

Most manufacturing enterprises around the world are faced with a variety of tasks every day, the analysis and effective solution of which ensures a stable and competitive position of the enterprise in the market. Some are associated with the territorial distribution of production complexes and the increasing globalization of production. Others are a consequence of inconsistency in internal processes, and as a result, the lack of clear established procedures and effective interaction between departments, the lack of objective information about the most important performance indicators, which directly affects competitiveness in terms of such indicators as cost, quality and relevance of products. Still others arise from the need to coordinate your own business processes with the outside world - your customers, suppliers, partners, and distributors. Often, due to the lack of an objective picture of activity based on transparent financial and production indicators, it is difficult to respond to constantly changing market requirements and the evolving environment. Thus, the key guidelines in the work remain the collection and exchange of information, willingness to cooperate, flexibility, mobility and support for innovation.

The role of automation in the industrial sector. Problems that it helps solve.

Business processes specific to the industrial sector

Business processes for the industrial sector are extremely diverse: production processes, material support processes, product sales processes, financial processes, processes service production, planning and resource management processes (providing production resources), processes of interaction between participants in collective decision-making, processes of design and technological development.

In accordance with the definition of Denis Prudnikov, an expert at KROK (the largest Russian system integrator), in contrast to enterprises involved, for example, in distribution, in enterprises of the industrial sector all business processes related to production should be considered critical processes. The main such processes are:

Production to order
One of the most common business processes for medium and small enterprises (however, it is often the main one in larger ones). Includes many subprocesses, such as: formation price offer for the customer (price), assessing the needs for resources and materials, creating shortages and creating purchase requests, directly purchasing and receiving materials into warehouses, drawing up (correction) of the main production plan and production schedules, launching an order into production, accounting and dispatching of the production process , managing product quality control, managing production warehouse sites and shipping the order to the customer. As part of this business process, processes for configuring and developing products for a specific client can also be used. A feature of this business process is the need to quickly respond to the changing flow of customer orders and the formation of an optimal production process in order to maximize the level of customer service.

Production to warehouse
This process is more typical for production with a high degree of serial production and the main difference is the lack of a constant flow of orders from customers, but a new business process arises - the formation of a sales forecast for finished products, otherwise the process consists of the same set of subprocesses as custom production .

Custom development
One of the most complex business processes affecting the product design process. When using this business process, it is assumed that the product (or part of it) ordered by the client does not yet have design and technological documentation for its production, which naturally requires its development. Otherwise, the custom production process is repeated.

Custom configuration
This process also practically repeats the process of manufacturing to order, with the exception that the customer has the opportunity to change the geometric or other characteristics of the product (for example, changing sizes within the available limits, changing color), which do not lead to the need to create a new set of design and technological documentation for product (i.e. the need new development)". Various logistics business processes associated with various purchases (to order, warehouse, for a specific job) and warehouse operations (for example, distribution between warehouse sites) are also widely used."

Enterprise automation can be understood in various aspects. It is necessary to distinguish between the automation of production processes (“Automated process control system” or APCS) and Full automation of production (previously – “ACS-production” or APCS, now – production modules of ERP systems

Below we will dwell on these terms in more detail.


Automated process control system (APCS)- a set of hardware and software designed to automate the control of technological equipment at industrial enterprises. A process control system is usually understood as a comprehensive solution that provides automation of the main operations of the technological process in production as a whole or in some part of it that produces a relatively completed product.

Separate systems can be components of automated process control systems automatic control(ACS) and automated devices connected into a single complex, such as supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, distributed control systems (DCS), and other smaller control systems (for example, programmable logic controller (PLC) systems). As a rule, the automated process control system has unified system operator control of the technological process in the form of one or more control panels, means for processing and archiving information about the progress of the process, standard automation elements: sensors, control devices, actuators. Industrial networks are used for information communication of all subsystems.

MES class functional modules- specialized application software designed to solve problems of synchronization, coordination, analysis and optimization of product output within any production.

The main difference between MES and ERP is that MES systems are focused mainly on automating the production process. While modern production ERP systems include, in addition to MES, wider functionality, including financial and management processes.

Experts believe that for successful automation in industry, MES or SCADA systems alone are not enough: automation must be comprehensive and implemented at all levels. This is possible thanks to modern ERP systems.

The term ERP, which came to us from the West, can be interpreted quite differently, and ERP is often considered to be a completely different class of system. ERP is a comprehensive system for managing business processes of an enterprise. This system is focused on planning and management of production, financial block, warehouse activities, and other key processes. One of the key tasks of software products of this class is the construction of a unified information space that ensures fast and convenient exchange of information between divisions of the enterprise, which allows management to quickly take management decisions based on transparent, real-time data.

Despite the somewhat contradictory attitude towards ERP systems, many manufacturing companies highly appreciate the opportunities that open up with the implementation of a system of this class.

In particular, ERP implementation allows you to coordinate complex structure business processes of a manufacturing enterprise, increases planning efficiency, optimizes complex relationships that determine supply, demand and the implementation of planned plans, which ensure the achievement of new, advanced levels economic activity. ERP systems for enterprise management help achieve maximum efficiency within a specific production facility.

ERP solutions are highly integrated solutions for accounting and planning resources of a distributed enterprise, necessary for the implementation of the full cycle of its activities. From receiving an order, its production, shipment and preparation financial statements. A distributed database with shared access provides the ability to obtain the necessary information from the required source at the required time, thereby helping all users in the technological chain make effective, informed decisions.

A significant advantage of an ERP system, in contrast to an MES, is the breadth of process coverage. If MES is focused more on production processes, then the ERP system covers more wide range circuits, including customer relationship management (CRM), supply chain management (SCM), sales management, planning and scheduling using MRP2 calculation, product life cycle management (PLM), quality performance management (QPM, as well as other areas. In according to a statement from Forrester Research that corporate systems The next generation will not only be designed with change in mind, they are also designed for people. They will be transformed taking into account the development of platforms developed by corporations such as Microsoft, under the influence social factors, and corporate tools Web 2.0, which shape the user's practical experience.

Examples of effective automation

In an effort to “ride the wave” of new, promising ERP systems, the American company Howe Corporation, engaged in the production and supply of refrigeration equipment, decided to move to a software solution based on the second generation of service-oriented architecture (SOA) and designed for growing companies in the domestic and global markets.

“We chose this ERP system because we needed scalable software solution, which would evolve with our company,” says Andrew Ortman, sales and IT manager at Howe Corporation. “Realizing that a lot of time had passed since the last update to our system, we decided that the company should start over.”

Howe decided to move to a new ERP system to improve bottom-line profitability by reducing waste in internal processes. In addition, Howe expects to reduce costs by using the platform built into Windows compared to the previous operating system UNIX.

Since the transition, Howe has experienced the benefits of first-hand, real-time information in a system that has improved the efficiency of all parts of the company. In this way, Howe was able to significantly improve its manufacturing operations.

“We now have better control over our inventory and know what we have and what we need,” explains Ortman. “The new ERP system allowed us to abandon the methods scheduling constraints and move towards a robust forecasting and scheduling process that is suitable for planning both day-to-day and long-term business needs.”

A big advantage for Howe was the ability to organize collaboration through business processes. In particular, the automatic routing function has increased the transparency of the production floor. “We now have complete control over our products and operations,” says Ortman. Previously, Howe employees had to register for projects manually using punch cards. Product Data Management (PDM) is a comprehensive solution for managing all aspects of the product lifecycle.

The global enterprise strategy of the international company Alfa Laval (headquartered in Lund, Sweden), which is a world leader in the field of heat exchange, distribution and transportation of liquid substances, is to optimize production processes to improve results. In particular, the company's enterprises automate the calculation of component requirements and calculate the cost using a standard assessment model for the product itself. After the release of each product, using these expedited procedures, the actual cost is calculated based on the cost of the components purchased and spent in production, and the deviation of the standard cost from the actual cost is recorded in the general ledger. All of the above processes are fully automated.

As another example, we note that at the Alfa Laval plant in Sofia (Bulgaria), the new ERP solution Epicor iScala was also implemented in production, which made it possible to improve control over the consumption of components, reduce production waste, and carry out timely purchases of products directly for issued orders. With the help of complete automation of the entire production process, the top management of the enterprise also managed to solve the problems of minimizing production downtime and warehouse overflow.

The third example of effective management through the implementation of a new generation ERP system in production is IO Electronics (London, UK), a British supplier production solutions for companies producing electronics and computer equipment. This company chose ERP solution for the successful implementation of a four-year rapid development plan.

The IO Electronics team looked at six different ERP solutions before settling on their choice. Many of the applicants met IO Electronics' requirements, but the key benefit of the selected solution was its exceptional value-added features. Company representatives say that these functions will be useful both now and in the future when implementing the development plan. Other advantages of the new solution include the ability to adapt the system to the needs of each user and tight integration with the Microsoft Outlook package.

"Development new territory and the expansion of the business means that the exchange of information and communication within the company risks becoming incomplete, which can have a negative impact on productivity indicators, - Andrew Cridland, managing director of IO Electronics, commented on his choice, - Departments of the company have access to all information in real time. Each time a task is completed, the ERP system is updated. Thus, we have the opportunity to track the progress of production and the location of the consignment of goods on the territory of any of the facilities.”

Another important problem that the new ERP system solved at IO Electronics was the excessive amount of inventory in the warehouse. The earlier solution was not able to unify components of the same product from different suppliers with a single article number, which led to the ordering of additional volumes of spare parts, because existing volumes were unaccounted for due to differences in component part numbers. As soon as the article number of each product became uniform at all stages of information processing, the company’s management had the opportunity to optimize the number of spare parts in the warehouse and not make additional orders unnecessarily. The new ERP system solved this problem by introducing uniform SKUs for the same components of each product, which in turn improved production planning management and allowed the company to ensure optimal availability of spare parts.


In order to be successful and effective, automation of a manufacturing plant must be a planned, consistent, comprehensive and logical process. Such a process should not take place chaotically, from case to case, or be like “patching holes.” At the same time, it is very important to standardize the internal processes of the enterprise, since the work of each department ultimately affects the result and competitive position in the market. Of course, you can completely modernize the equipment, but if you do not train your staff, there will be no point in modernizing. Also, the production process itself is not a separate use of technology, but a complex of solutions consisting of financial indicators, planning, logistics, linked into a single system, a single organism.

Enterprise automation is the most important stage technological development humanity. But in order to fully use automation systems industrial production, it is necessary to set tasks accurately and competently. For example, reducing tied capital by reducing warehouse balances, reducing financial losses through timely payment, promptly displaying the results of business processes for decision-making by management.

According to Denis Prudnikov, using enterprise resource management systems focused on production-type enterprises, namely, supporting the main business processes of a production enterprise, such as volume-calendar and operational planning, accounting of production at workplaces (MES interfaces), integration with systems of design and technological preparation of production, it is possible to achieve solutions to many typical problems and tasks at various levels of enterprise management, for example:

  • reduce production costs by creating a schedule optimized for equipment, taking into account technological limitations and synchronized by resources and materials;
  • reduce stocks finished products and ensure production to order rather than to stock, using the shipment date as a reference point;
  • reduce inventories of raw materials and materials by planning equipment loading, synchronized with the need for materials and their availability in the warehouse;
  • reduce work in progress by planning production orders for semi-finished products in such a way as to reduce the time they wait in line for processing at the next stage;
  • reduce the number of changeovers using optimization criteria associated with reducing the number of technological transitions;
  • reduce penalties for late shipment of finished products and reduce transportation costs for urgent delivery by planning production by the shipment date;
  • increase productivity through optimal use of all pieces of equipment used in production, balancing their load and reducing the time orders are in production;
  • improve the quality of customer service by using realistic production plans and increasing the number of orders completed on time,
  • speed up the introduction of new products to the market through a transparent and unbroken chain of processes, starting from obtaining design and technological documentation to launching products into production and shipping finished products to the customer.

It is worth emphasizing that automation of an industrial enterprise must be comprehensive and implemented at all levels. Because to successfully automate the work of an enterprise, only MES or only SCADA systems are not enough. We need a modern ERP system.

With the help of technologies that optimize processes within the enterprise, ensuring speed and accuracy of information exchange, the management of any production company has a high chance of achieving success in competition in the global market, expanding the geography of activity, choosing the most successful strategy and eliminating ineffective links in the enterprise supply chain.

The means to achieve a leading position in the industry is the coordination of complex relationships that determine supply, demand and the implementation of planned plans that ensure the achievement of new, advanced levels of economic activity.

SCADA (abbreviation for Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) is a software package designed to develop or ensure real-time operation of systems for collecting, processing, displaying and archiving information about a monitoring or control object. SCADA can be part of an automated process control system, ASKUE, environmental monitoring system, scientific experiment, building automation, etc. SCADA systems are used in all sectors of the economy where it is necessary to provide operator control over technological processes in real time.

MES (abbreviation for Manufacturing Execution System) is specialized application software designed to solve problems of synchronization, coordination, analysis and optimization of product output within any production. Since 2004, the term stands for English. Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions - corporate production management systems. MES systems belong to the class of shop-level control systems.

ERP (abbreviation for Enterprise Resource Planning, enterprise resource planning) - organizational strategy for integrating production and operations, management labor resources, financial management and asset management, focused on the continuous balancing and optimization of enterprise resources through a specialized integrated application package software, providing a common data and process model for all areas of activity. ERP system is a software package that implements the ERP strategy.

CAD (abbreviation from English, “computer-aided design system”) is an automated system that implements information technology performing design functions, is an organizational and technical system designed to automate the design process, consisting of personnel and a set of technical, software and other means of automating its activities. The abbreviation CAD is also widely used to denote such systems.

Epicor 9 Manufacturing – Solution for manufacturing enterprises. Effective investments in the future of your company. Epicor Customer Success Stories. Moscow, 2012

“Order” means form No. TORG-26 filled out in two copies, containing information about the type, name and volume or quantity of goods, as well as delivery conditions. From the point of view of the management system, the customer’s order is of decisive importance: it is he who “launches” production or a chain of logistics activities in the company.

All clients at a glance in one CRM system.
Conduct productive work with orders, manage relationships with clients!

A well-organized order management system allows you to reduce to a minimum the time and number of activities from the moment the consumer places an order to the moment it is processed and sold.

Where does an order management system begin?

When developing an effective application management system, it is necessary to take into account their type. Applications and orders can be classified by form and processing time, subject and object of the application. The decisive role in the development of a control system is played by the subject of the order - the consumer. The customer can be:

  • one of the departments, workshops or branches of the enterprise ("internal" consumer);
  • "external" consumer: state, municipality, trade company or manufacturing enterprise, private person.

The order goes through several stages of processing:

1. documentation;
2. sending the order to the manufacturer or supplier;
3. direct order fulfillment (production, delivery from a wholesaler or manufacturer);
4. delivery to the customer.

Each of these stages requires separate study. With an established order management system, customer waiting time and manufacturer costs are reduced to a minimum.

On the way to placing an order

The order is formed in document form No. TORG-26, where all the necessary data is indicated (names of goods or services, volume or quantity; date and time of delivery; cost and terms of payment). The receiver fills out two copies, one of which he keeps for himself, and the second he gives to the customer.

The document is drawn up in the presence of the client, certified by his signature, as well as the signatures of the persons responsible for processing the order. After this, the application is entered into the enterprise database and processed in the order of priority, or on the terms agreed with the client.

It is mandatory to indicate the name and details of the customer’s organization if it acts as entity, or passport and contact details, if the client is individual. All necessary information, including telephone number, details, last name or name of the customer, is entered into the database along with data on the type and time of delivery of the goods.

Execution of customer order

After the order is generated, it is processed by:

1. production, if we're talking about about products made according to individual sizes or designs;
2. warehouse, where goods of the required type in the ordered volume are selected and produced:

  • equipment
  • examination
  • package
  • shipment.

Delivery is the last stage of order fulfillment, which is implemented at a strictly defined time. Upon completion of delivery, the goods are shipped to the customer, who signs the documents provided by the carrier, makes payment if this has not been done previously, and accepts the order.

Without fail, each stage of order processing, up to its complete completion, is recorded in the documentation or database. This is necessary in order to track the progress of the order, speed up its implementation and ensure its safety.

In addition, having in hand data on all processed orders for the last reporting period, a manager or financial analyst of an enterprise can predict future profits or develop an effective business plan for the next period (month, quarter or year).

It is quite difficult to systematize information about completed and current orders if it is stored in paper form, entered into an Excel spreadsheet, or recorded in some other ineffective way.

Automate order and customer management in the Class365 online program. Join for free!

Effective management orders in the modern situation is impossible without the use of automated systems. Using the online business automation program Class365, which allows you to process and control the implementation of orders automatically, it is possible to:

  • significantly reduce the time costs for accepting, processing and analyzing orders, and therefore improve the quality of order fulfillment;
  • create an effective order fulfillment scheme;
  • analyze the fulfillment of orders, the profitability of the enterprise, draw up a forecast and business plan with the least labor costs;
  • increase customer loyalty and encourage repeat purchases

Class365 is characterized by ease of management, no need for installation and debugging at the enterprise itself, high security and maximum convenience. The program has all the necessary functions for simple and effective automation of work in a warehouse, financial and trade accounting, working with clients in a built-in CRM module, integration with an online store. You can start working immediately after registration, because mastering the program will take no more than 15 minutes.

Use the order management system for free with Class365 and forget about routine work with orders today!

Join Class365 for free today.
Process orders 2 times faster!

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How often have you asked yourself the question: What do your managers and production workers spend their time on?

Customer service specialists spend hours poring over your business's multi-page product catalogs to make Commercial offer to the client. They draw up work orders for production and independently take them to the production manager, who is forced to store and sort them, constantly going through them and making some notes on them that only he understands. To inform the customer about the status of his order, the manager is often forced to contact the production department for information. In addition to wasting time, this causes disunity in the work of departments and the inability to fully control the work of the enterprise.

Do you want to reduce the time wasted by your employees, systematize information about orders, and have a complete picture of production operations?

- Then you need automation system for order and production management.

What does it give

The order and production management system combines tools that significantly reduce the waste of employee time and provide benefits:

For account manager

  • Ease of filling requests from customers using automated input forms .
  • Access to systematic information about company products, prices and availability in stock.
  • Automatic calculations and registration commercial offers.
  • Systematization and quick search information about customers.
  • Maintaining order history.
  • Instant access to information about status of production orders.

For the production worker

  • Prompt receipt of applications for production in a form that meets the requirements of the enterprise.
  • Decision support order fulfillment order, the ability to increase the priority of an order or pause it.
  • Constant control over production progress, obtaining information about which employee is busy with a particular order.
  • Opportunity planning by each employee of his work through access to information about orders undergoing previous production operations.
  • Reducing the number of production errors and defects

For the manager

  • Complete control over the situation.
  • Possibility of formation financial and production reports.
  • Centralization of data storage about clients, orders, employee work.
  • Reducing the number of paper documents, taking up space and taking time to study them.

Why our order and production management systems

When automating work with orders, it is most important to build an automation system around your products. Application forms and the structure of directories should correspond as much as possible to the significant characteristics of your products. This will ensure that the perceptions of your managers, clients receiving an automatically generated commercial proposal, or production workers receiving an “electronic” work order from the sales department are consistent. When creating a management system, we carefully study your production processes and unique techniques so that they are reflected in the program, enhancing your advantages over competitors.

The "PS: Furniture Factory Management" system includes a specialized module "Warehouse Management (WMS)", which provides:

  • separate accounting circuit ("order scheme")
  • address warehouse
  • products in several packages; partial acceptance/shipment
  • serial accounting - creation of "containers" (palletizing) with barcode
  • loading control and inventory using ShK and TSD

The task of managing warehouses is one of the basic tasks for any manufacturing company.

The implementation of a warehouse management system allows you to increase the efficiency of the company as a whole, increase the speed and accuracy of operations, and minimize losses associated with the “human factor”.

The furniture industry is characterized by high dynamics of warehouse operations and the difficulty of identifying products that, when packed in boxes, are no different in appearance. One product may consist of several packages. In some cases, one package may include parts from different products of the same order. All this creates conditions for errors that lead to direct and indirect (reputational) costs. If there is a wide geography of sales, the cost of an error increases many times over.

The "PS: Furniture Factory Management 3.0 ERP" system, in addition to the "standard" warehouse accounting functions, supports a number of "advanced" ones that allow you to take warehouse management to a new qualitative level. Let's take a closer look at them.

"Order scheme": separate warehouse accounting

T.N. The “order scheme” involves separate, additional to the main, accounting of balances in warehouses by storekeepers. Let's call him extended warehouse accounting (ASC).

If there is a DCS, a change in the main balances does not lead to an automatic change in the “warehouse” balances. The latter change only IN THE FACT of goods movement and only after the storekeepers prepare special documents - “commodity orders”. Thus, storekeepers can be full-fledged financially responsible persons, and the remains of the warehouse are always up to date.

The fact that both accounting - basic and extended - are maintained in a single information base, provides transparent control of discrepancies between two levels of accounting.

In addition, advanced warehouse accounting provides the following capabilities:


Barcoding technology can significantly speed up the process of identifying item items, as well as reduce the number of errors.

Purchased items - at the time of receipt, and produced ones - upon release/packaging, are marked with barcodes. In addition, for purchased items - goods and materials, barcodes already available on their packaging can be used.

A barcode can contain not only information about the product and version, but also the batch (series) number, packaging identifier (number), etc.

The use of barcode equipment - barcode scanners or data collection terminals (DCTs) allows you to automate warehouse operations of acceptance, movement, order completion (assembly), and shipment. There are 2 possible approaches:

  • filling out the document in information system according to barcoding data
  • control of the completeness/correctness of the execution of a particular operation relative to the “plan” (acceptance order, shipment order, shipping invoice).

"Address" warehouse

An “addressed” warehouse involves dividing it into an arbitrary number of storage zones (locations), up to the construction of a three-dimensional structure of cells “rack / row / cell”. We will call such storage locations “cells”.

Cells can be specialized - intended for a specific type of inventory or universal.

There are two approaches to storing inventory items at an address warehouse. The first involves choosing a storage location for incoming inventory items by the information system. To do this, the system must accurately describe the characteristics of cells and packaging of goods and materials (primarily dimensional), as well as the logic of filling the cells. In the second, simpler case, the cell selection is made by the storekeeper, noting the location of a particular inventory item in the system.

In any case, if shipment is necessary, the system can provide the warehouseman with up-to-date information about the cells for placing the required inventory items.

To perform any operation, be it warehousing, removal or optimization (moving between cells within a warehouse), barcoding technology is effectively used. Not only inventory items, but also cells can have bar code markings. Particularly useful for an “addressed” warehouse are data collection terminals with screens that allow you to clearly see the list of inventory items and cells - both those to be “processed” and those already “processed”.

Serial accounting

Along with taking into account inventory items according to design options, in some cases there is a need for accounting by series. Series can be either production batches or serial numbers of specific product copies.

Serial accounting of materials is used for fabrics and other materials where there may be differences in shades between series (batches) of the same color. A series of products/semi-finished products can also guarantee uniformity of shade and, in addition, have a link to the performer - an employee or team. The latter will be useful in case of quality issues.


Furniture products are often packaged in several packages. At the same time, at the level of basic accounting it is convenient to deal with a single item item. At the warehouse level, it is necessary to work with packages, placing them in various cells, controlling the loading of packages.

The same position may have several packing schemes, especially during transition periods. Serial and standard products usually have a fixed set of packaging. At the same time, custom-made products can have a completely arbitrary set of packaging. In some cases, one package may include parts from different products of the same order (for example, glass from all cabinets of the order).

There may be situations when part of the product packaging is shipped to the client (for example, packaging with body parts without fronts). It is useful to reflect and track such facts in the information system.

"Containers". Order picking

One of the most important warehouse tasks is order completion for shipment. In a fully automated version, the system displays to the storekeeper on the TSD screen a list of required packages and cells from which they should be picked up. As the work progresses (removal and scanning), the list of items decreases.

Many packages assembled for a particular order can be combined in the information system into a “container”, which is physically equipped with a corresponding label with a barcode. Large orders can be assembled on several pallets, i.e. consist of several "containers". The system stores information about the composition of containers. When reading the barcode of a pallet, for example, when loading a machine, the system understands which set of packages of which goods and materials is loaded under which order.

Features of implementation

Although initially seemingly simple, the task of building an effective warehouse management system, as we see, has many aspects and options. However, its solution will provide tangible economic effect, deriving the work of one of key functions company to a new qualitative level.

The key to success in our case is the use of powerful specialized software product, as well as rich experience in solving this problem in its various variations. The specialized warehouse management module, which is part of the software product "PS: Furniture Factory Management ERP", if properly implemented, can solve ALL the issues listed in this article.