Everything that happens for a reason. (8 photos). Is it true that nothing in life happens for nothing?

Nothing happens just like that - everything goes on as usual!

Nothing happens just like that - everything goes on as usual!

We often feel like something is happening unfairly. But this is only a look from one life and it only seems so, because we do not take into account all the aspects, nuances and opinions of the parties.
Long-term observation of your thoughts, actions, states, experience of conducting past life regressions puts everything in its place. At the moment, it is an absolute axiom for me that everything in life is ABSOLUTELY FAIR, nothing happens for nothing - everything goes on as usual!

So, the set of laws:

Law of Reflection

As is within, so is without, as above, so below.

A very important law that shows that the world around you is a reflection of our own ideas about it.

Corollary 1: to change the world you need to change your ideas about it.

Corollary 2: To change beliefs, you need to learn about them.

Naturally, we don't like what doesn't meet our expectations. They, in turn, are shaped by beliefs about how things should be. Such discrepancies make us angry or worried. Therefore, you can learn about limiting ideas and beliefs by observing your states.

The first desire that arises at a moment of anger or anxiety is to blame another. But remember, pointing at him with one finger, we are pointing at ourselves with three, which means we ourselves created this situation!

Analyze what you don't like about other people? Write it down. Look for these qualities in yourself, you may not find them right away, then observe your behavior in all states - both when you are happy and when you are angry. Having discovered this quality in yourself, accept it, say: “Now I understand, I do this too, but I will try not to do this in the future,” and try... Then people with such qualities will no longer come into your life, because they have no reason to will get caught.

It's always what's inside us that irritates us. These are the hooks with which we cling to each other, it is not by chance that the gaze clings, the person clings, clings.

Law No. 2

What you put out is what you receive.

At every moment of time we are in the process of energy exchange with the environment, people, and everything living around us. Emission and reception have a common root - ray. Indeed, every person at any moment in his life emits either positive, negative, or neutral energy. This is already recorded by modern instruments and recognized by scientists.

Energy, going out into space, attracts something similar to itself - and returns back along the beam. These laws have long been known to us from the sayings: “What goes around comes around,” and also “Like attracts like.” In fact, by sowing one seed, we get a whole ear of corn, sowing negative energy around us, which is exactly what we will get back, but in larger quantities.

Ecclesiastes also said: “There is a time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones.” The saying “The dirty does not stick to the clean” has always seemed a mystery to me, but it turned out that it is absurd in the physical world, but in the energetic world this is exactly what happens. Moreover, the words chance, chance do not mean something unexpected, not expected, but just the opposite, an absolute pattern. In randomness, rays of the same quality merge and are projected into a specific event. So we come to the understanding that everything in the world is ABSOLUTELY LEGAL.

Every time you encounter an unpleasant event, remember that it came to you for a reason. Try, as paradoxical as it may sound, to radiate more positive energy - gratitude, recognition, love.

The technique of converting negative mental energy into positive physical energy will also help. To do this, you need to do active work and say: “I wash (wash, clean out) all the negativity from my life, all the dirt from my soul.” “I smooth out our relationships - they become even, smooth,” etc.
Carefully monitor your words and actions, because... this is your sowing for the future.

If you understand what and how is happening in your life, then the opportunity to change anything will not be a dream, but a reality.
Each person has his own philosophy of life, each person determines for himself the rules and norms by which he lives and what he believes in. However, thanks to my own life experience and experience professional activity, I can say that there are certain constant patterns in life. It doesn’t matter what kind of person he is, what he does, what he is looking for in life and what difficulties he has, these are the patterns.
Life is not a set of chaotic events, everything in life is interconnected, nothing happens for nothing, each event “pulls” another event along with it.

Do a little analysis of what is happening in your life and you will see that the first pattern “works”. A striking example is a breakup with a person or a sudden layoff at work, when something suddenly happened and you are trying to prevent these events, fight with all your might, but what happened happened. And it doesn’t even occur to you to think “why did this happen?” You worry and it seems like something terrible happened! Only after a while do you realize that without this event, something else would not have happened, that you would not have been laid off, you would have worked the same way and would not have decided to take another job, but now you are satisfied with both the salary and the team. If you had not broken up with this person, you might never have known great happiness with another person who is actually “your person.”

When this happens, you can hear the following from a person: “When we broke up, I was in despair, I was scared to live on, and today I feel terribly scared that I might never meet my husband and never know true happiness!”

There are many such events in our lives, when in the end, through events that upset and upset us, we come to what we really need. It’s just that at the moment when we lose something or something doesn’t work out the way we wanted, we don’t think “why did this happen?”, We try to “force” circumstances to turn out the way we wanted at that moment. Therefore, if you want to change your life, stop falling into despair if something doesn’t go as you planned, but think about why this is happening and what new things are appearing in your life. What needs to happen will happen when the time is right and when you are ready for it.

If you treat reality as “everyone is crazy” or “life is terrible”, then it is in this “mess” that you will “cook”. And no matter what you do, nothing will change until you change your attitude towards your surroundings.

An irritated and negatively disposed person will receive the same thing in response to his attitude, i.e. and the bus will leave from under your nose and a passerby will push you, and you will run out of movie tickets. And you can “fight” with the world ad infinitum until you change the prism of negativity to positivity. As soon as you leave the house with a smile and simply enjoy the colorful leaves, your day will turn out to be unusually successful!
If you want to change the world, start with yourself! Change your life, understand what is happening in it.

If you have any questions, our consultants, astrologers, fortune tellers, and clairvoyants will help you find the answers. Treat them with confidence.

The human mind can handle anything but catastrophic disorder. No one can lead a completely unorganized life full of chaos. Yes, a teenager's messy room can look quite chaotic, but the owner made his own decisions about it. appearance. He just chose chaos, and as long as there is a choice, one cannot talk about complete disorganization. But does disorganization exist at all? Is what is happening random, or does everything have a special, higher meaning? Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

Accidents in life

In fact, life is sometimes filled with accidents; there is even a separate scientific field devoted to this. And atoms collide by chance, and random modifications of animals move forward the evolution described by Darwin. A lot can happen in nature; it is filled with accidents, which is not easy for a person to realize simply due to the orderliness of his thoughts, although people are sometimes visited by sudden impulses, whims, and attacks of emotions. Even a scientist who is busy studying random atoms does not consider that he is doing something uncertain. He has a specific goal, a specific meaning, and he moves in his direction, although from the outside the process may seem quite chaotic and disorganized.

The meaning of chance

So how can you break out of this vicious circle of ordered actions and begin to notice meaningful coincidences in random events? Just think about the expression itself, because something meaningful has a purpose, and a coincidence is random by definition. The truth is that a sense of trust will help you find meaning in the chaotic flow of events around you. Believe that somewhere above in everything that happens there is also meaning, purpose and direction - somewhere in the mystical sphere, which controls the events of life. This is the meaning of the expression “nothing happens for nothing”: the accidents of life are predetermined. However, this is quite difficult to prove. This idea exists as a general belief, as a postulate of faith or as a dream, and for some - as all this at once, in different combinations.

How is it really going?

Perhaps this idea is difficult to accept because it is not formulated entirely correctly. It would be much more correct to say: “Everything happens for a purpose, despite the fact that it seems otherwise.” Life is not limited to these events; it can combine pronounced order with chaotic accidents. Let's go back to the teenager again. There is order in his daily trips to school, but in his bedroom there is chaos. Note the key word “seems.” Everything may seem random, although in reality it is completely different. There may be a reason for everything, you just don't know it. Einstein may have seemed like an ordinary clerk at the Swiss patent office, but in fact he was pondering critical issues physics. Creative people seem just distracted, and at this moment they come up with a masterpiece! When a person cannot read, the letters appear to be scattered randomly across the page, when in fact they are arranged in a very specific way. Once you realize that it is impossible to assess the situation at first glance, new opportunities will open up for you.

Key Features

Randomness itself may be a misleading term. The great Dutch philosopher Spinoza believed that there is nothing random in nature. Everything that seems random to us appears so only because we do not have enough knowledge to understand the situation. Our perception is the main difficulty on the path to understanding. We look at a chain of unpredictable events and believe that they are random because we cannot look at what is happening from the other side. If you look at the artist's painting through a magnifying glass, it seems that his brush uses completely different colors, but if you look differently and see the whole picture, the plot that he paints will become clear.

How to create your own story?

First of all, understand that it is illogical to expect life events to conform to clear rules; cause and effect do not work in the usual way. What is happening can be described by mechanical laws, for example, if you kick a ball, it will fly into the air, and if you hit a person, then there will certainly be a reaction, but not so predictable for you personally. The thing is that the processing of events in the brain does not imply a straight line of analysis of events; it is not a way to connect event A with cause B.
There is a whole cloud of reasons and thoughts in the head, it is not straightforward, it is supplemented by memories, upbringing, habits, mind, emotions, relationships, genetic code and many hidden biological factors. And in this cloud, your brain is looking for a specific solution - a process much more complex than a clear scientific explanation. So how can you control the story of your life? Firstly, we already make up our own stories when we cannot explain what is happening, because living in complete uncertainty is uncomfortable. You can control the way you explain to yourself everything that happens around you. This will be your essence and your story.

Unusual conclusion

After all the previous thoughts, we can come to an intriguing conclusion. The history of each person is made up of a combination of chance and chaos, so maybe reality is always ordered and meaningful, and we determine the volume of ordered events ourselves? Each person decides for himself how to perceive the flow of life events. Everything happens for a reason, if you believe in it, if you find a hidden meaning in it. You cleanse your existence of chaos if you simply believe in order. However, trust is not enough. This is just one necessary part. In addition to trust, you will need the ability to establish partnerships between yourself and higher powers. We are not talking about something mystical here, but about aspects of your own consciousness. About invisible forces that include creativity, intuition, intentions. Find a balance between yourself and nature, draw on age-old wisdom - and notice that there really is order in everything that surrounds you. Don’t put off your search for meaning for too long - learn to notice the special order in the things around you right now.

During a difficult period, it seems that the black streak will never end. Psychologists say that people who are positive are much luckier and happier than those who are often in a bad mood. How to achieve this?

Perhaps everyone is familiar with the feeling of anger, indignation, currents and sadness. And if you feel doomed, unsuccessful, worthless or empty, then remind yourself often of these 15 truths.

  • You are not surrounded by enemies or people who want with all their hearts to hurt you. Remember that there are at least two people on this planet for whom you are ready to give your life. At least 13 people love you in their own way. The only reason why someone might hate you is because they want to be like you.
  • When you think life has turned away from you, look at it from a different angle.
  • Life is too short to wake up every morning with guilt, regret, sadness and a bad mood.
  • No one knows what will happen to each of us tomorrow. All in your hands. What will happen is what you attract to yourself with your thoughts, actions and words. This means there is no point in being sad and tormenting yourself.
  • If you get a chance, take it! This chance can change your whole life, let it do it for your benefit.
  • Other people's negative reactions to you are not your problem. Why should you worry about what and in what context they say about you, who thinks what about you and who they take you for. You know yourself very well, your strengths and weaknesses, so the opinions of others should not worry you too much. Only you can decide whether to accept what is said about you or not.

  • Everything passes. And what is happening to you now will also pass. The world is changeable and you will never guess who will be the happiest person in the world tomorrow and who will not. Don't stop waiting for a miracle and make sure it finally happens.
  • Nobody wishes you harm. It seems so to you. All people are different and how we evaluate them depends only on our perception of good and bad, good and evil. The same can be said about goodness: no one wishes you well. You yourself determine what is evil and what is good for you.

  • A bad streak in life is a transitional stage which you must overcome. When problems arise in life, it is important to overcome them. Only then will you understand the value of everything that happens to you - and this is the growth and strengthening of your fortitude and will.
  • When everything gets better in your life, you will remember what is happening with a smile. And perhaps your problems today will seem like nonsense to you in the future.

Don't stop believing in the best, no matter what happens! Remember that your attitude and willingness to change your life for the better can


Archive 12/15/2014

Dear readers, today I am finishing the “Recipes” competition Have a good mood", which took place on my blog. We meet the latest competition entries. And information from me to all the competitors: follow the news, one of these days in the very, very near future we will be summing up the results of the competition. Be attentive, stay in touch. And our readers have room for thought - after all, our participants sent so many recipes for a good mood. I hope we all feel positive.

Today I publish competition work from Nina Vilisova. It is called “Nothing in this life happens for nothing”, she participates in the nomination “Soulful recipes for yourself, your loved one, family and hearth.” Many of my blogger friends know Nina Vilisova very well. I myself often correspond with her, communicate and never tire of being amazed at the tenacity of this fragile mother’s character. Nina runs her own blog Healthy lifestyle, releases electronic journal"Bereginya", let's get acquainted with her work. I give the floor to Nina.

Nothing in this life happens for nothing

Hello dear readers! I probably won’t say anything special or wise in my article, but once again think about why situations happen to each of us in life in which we ask ourselves the question: “why?”, “why did this happen to me?” , we blame ourselves, those around us, our loved ones... Believe me, nothing happens to us in this life for nothing! This is my firm belief. Everything that happens is a lesson given to us that we must learn. If we do not pass it with dignity, it will be repeated until we solve it correctly. And if we still don’t understand something from this lesson, we can step on the same rake all our lives.

I want to tell you about my story, personal life experience. It so happened that I alone am raising four wonderful kids, one of whom has been sick since birth with such a serious disease as cerebral palsy and epilepsy. To be honest, we all had to go through a lot of good and bad. But this thought never left me, it seemed to always go ahead of me, and I saw it in capital letters - I am the most happy man on Earth and the Lord loves me, but I am so ungrateful... I grumble, become despondent, despair, swallow pills (yes, this happened before).

But it’s true: I’m not alone, ALL my children are with me (there are families in which, during a divorce, husbands take their children together from their wives), I wouldn’t survive this; also with a child who has cerebral palsy, there are children with the same disease who cannot walk or talk at all, and my child, even with some disabilities in the body - while he walks, runs, and enjoys life along with the other children.

And thirdly, in fact, the father of my children can live peacefully with us, because there, in another house somewhere, he still lives alone with his 14-year-old son, but, alas, it turns out that for more than a day He cannot be under the same roof with us. It takes him out of his seat like a demon, it becomes very difficult for him. Why is that? I've asked myself this question more than once. Or maybe this is God’s providence? After all, if he had stayed with us, our life would have been completely different, just imagine a family where the husband drinks alcohol every day without getting dry, there is a constant smell of alcohol and tobacco in the house, he chases his wife, and all this in front of four young children.

Out of naive love, I waited for 12 years, hoping that the time would come and he would finally want to stay with us, he wouldn’t behave with me like he did with his first ex-wife, everything would be different with us, because we love each other very much. Stupid and funny, isn't it? But seriously, there is still that bitterness and resentment in my soul for unfulfilled hopes. But now I have every opportunity to start living my real life - a new home, a new village, and I believe that these times will be better for us than before.

I have been blogging on the Internet for over 4 years now, and they regularly write letters to me here, asking where I find the strength to raise four children on my own?! Well, I think the moment has come to tell about all this.

What makes me feel good

Sometimes we feel apathetic, deprived of strength, unprepared for any activity. Perhaps there was a loss of something important, something that formed the basis of our idea of ​​ourselves and of life. When dreams collapse, prospects break, each of us must realize one thing: everything happens for our good, personal growth and well-being.

1.Smile more often. It has been said more than once that a smile is like a vitamin, a medicine for health. A smile filled with good feelings inspires people to good deeds and business. What to do when, instead of smiling, you want to shed a tear? Don't hold back. When you feel bad and want to cry, it’s better to go to a place where others won’t see your tears and cry. There is no need to suppress an emotional cry. Tears help ease the state of mind. Tears bring cleansing.

And we should give a smile to those around us. What can a smile do to a person??? It lifts the mood of the one who smiles and the one to whom we smile. Strengthens the aspiration for good in the one who smiles and in the one to whom he smiles. Helps to establish people's trust in each other, makes it possible to establish close spiritual relationships. Helps to cultivate faith, hope, and love in people. A smiling person wins people over, makes them spiritually rich, heals their souls, possessing healing powers.

A smile influences the character of people, kills anger, hostility, enmity, hatred. A smiling person is a beautiful, healthy person. A smile is a mirror of health, remember this. Look at these smiles of sweet children, how happy they are, isn’t it true that your soul becomes light and joyful.

2. Physical education and sports are great for lifting your mood. IN summer time I really loved to shower myself in the morning and go for a morning jog. And in winter, I really like to ski. Since childhood, in school years I went to the ski section three times a week, and physical education lessons were always held on the ski track.

When the weekend or holidays came, home and her two younger brothers always went skiing in the forest for the whole day. It was very interesting to look and observe the amazing traces of forest inhabitants. I remember seeing fox tracks and walking for kilometers past various trees and bushes. It was an amazing time.

Now I’m trying to instill in my children a love of sports, physical education, and in winter - skiing and skating.

3. Delicious and healthy recipes to lift your spirits. The mood and condition of our body mainly depends on how we eat. You can increase the body's resistance to all kinds of diseases using simple and proven folk remedies.

a) Be sure to make it a rule to drink a glass of boiled warm water every day on an empty stomach with the addition of freshly squeezed juice from half a lemon and a tablespoon of honey. This drink cleanses the body and gives you energy and vigor for the whole day.

b) Especially in winter and spring, be sure to take a vitamin mixture. It has a beneficial effect on the entire body and strengthens memory. It is prepared like this:

Take 200 g of dried apricots, figs, walnuts, raisins, prunes, lemon and a glass of honey. Grind dried fruits and lemon through a meat grinder (be careful not to get any seeds), add honey, place in a glass jar and keep in a cool place. This mixture can be consumed one tablespoon in the morning and at night every day.

Eating lemon will restore digestion and disturbed microflora in the intestines, strengthen the immune system, add strength and energy to the body, strengthen bones, nails and hair, and improve skin condition. This vitamin mixture of dried fruits was recommended to my son and me during his illness many years ago by a very good neurologist. Since then, every winter I prepare it for future use, and not only for a sick child, but also healthy children gladly take it instead of sweets to maintain immunity.

c) You shouldn’t forget about yourself being beautiful either. After all, if you look at yourself in the mirror and like yourself, that already means a lot. Involuntarily, the mood rises. For these purposes, I will share with you my favorite women's miracle medicine for rejuvenation.

A miracle mixture of honey, garlic and flaxseed oil

This magical composition helps cleanse the body of toxins, instills good spirits and health in a person, smoothes and refreshes the skin, burns fat, improves metabolism in the body, enhances hair growth and even restores its original color, fighting gray hair. Preparing a miraculous composition is quite simple.

For 1 kg of honey you need to take 180 grams of flax oil, 4 small lemons and 3 medium-sized heads of garlic. A couple of lemons should be peeled, the other two are used with the peel. Garlic and lemons are ground in a meat grinder or blender, then mixed with butter and honey. The mixture is stored in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dark place. Consume shortly before meals, about half an hour, a tablespoon. A month after you start taking it, you can take a break for a week, then start “rejuvenating” again.

4. Being stuck in a state of grief and apathy is dangerous for the individual, who actually stops living and fully developing. Therefore, you need to find yourself a hobby, something you like, something that would bring you joy, and devote yourself to it. It is known how an interesting hobby can cheer up a person, fill him with new meaning, and help him re-believe in himself and his strength.

When I was overcome by fatigue in the summer, I had to do a lot of things in the gardens and around the house with one hand, and other times simply out of a feeling of loneliness, pain and resentment towards someone, at such moments I went to my bees or simply went into nature to hug birch tree You know how great this helps, to forget past bitterness, gain strength and energy. Everything seems to be clearing up in my head.

5. If all the ways to put yourself in order and lift your spirits have been tried, but your soul remains the same not calm and some kind of blackness, then the best way helping yourself is helping other people. Start helping those in need. These could be charity events, performances, assistance to orphanages and the disabled. Start with those who are nearby, whom you see every day, start with your loved ones! Take care of your parents, your own children, let them have enough for happy life. If possible, help financially. But even if this is not possible, only sincere love can perform miracles and heal wounds. Give them your warmth and affection, show love with generosity and selflessness. The meaning of life will immediately return, even after experiencing a very great loss, as soon as you begin to take care of those around you. You will thereby help yourself cope with the enormous feeling of fear, anxiety and uselessness.