All diagrams for the radio amateur. Radio circuits electrical circuit diagrams

Website simple interesting radio circuits, is dedicated both to professionals involved in the design and assembly of complex electronic digital devices, and to beginner radio amateurs taking their first steps in electronics, trying to understand the principle of operation of radio components - transistors, microcircuits, pic and avr controllers. The site contains only proven radio circuits of simple LED effects, alarms and power supplies. A large section contains descriptions of metal detectors of all popular home-made models - Terminator, Tracker PI-2, Chance and, of course, the famous volksturm, with the assembly of which begins the path of many radio amateurs specializing in assembling equipment for treasure hunting. For novice spies, we have collected a large collection of proven circuits for bugs and radio microphones - on transistors and specialized microcircuits. All diagrams are provided with drawings printed circuit boards And detailed description transmitter settings.

It should be remembered that a powerful FM bug can interfere with FM broadcast radio stations, so try to respect the law. Current problem Today the issue is the selection and operation of chargers. Now almost any electronic portable equipment, including mobile devices, battery powered. At the same time, the types, voltage and other parameters of the battery may vary greatly. Therefore, assembling a homemade universal charger will be quite justified, especially in the event of a breakdown of a rare standard one that is not available for sale.

In our age of scientific and technological progress, when the development of electronics and radio engineering is increasingly miniaturized, mastering the work with microcontrollers of the popular pic and avr series will be mandatory. Using the ATmega MK, you can create small and very functional devices that would have dimensions 10 times larger if they were made using transistors and conventional digital microcircuits. Simple programmers, the basics of microcontroller firmware and interesting circuits on pic16f84 - all this is on the radio circuit website. Despite a large number of other radio engineering resources for beginners - radio cat, soldering iron, radio pilot, we try to introduce you to useful circuits and new radio engineering products in the most efficient and fastest possible way. Progress does not stand still, and now such a traditional area as lighting has begun to change and improve every year. In just under 10 years, the incandescent lamp has undergone an evolution, first into a fluorescent lamp, and then into an LED lamp. How to choose or make your own LED light bulb, lamp or flashlight - see the LEDs section. And if you have a question about finding the right schematic diagram or setting up the operation of a device you assembled yourself - contact the forum, where our moderators will quickly and professionally advise you on any amateur radio issues.

Website simple interesting radio circuits, is dedicated both to professionals involved in the design and assembly of complex electronic digital devices, and to beginner radio amateurs taking their first steps in electronics, trying to understand the principle of operation of radio components - transistors, microcircuits, pic and avr controllers. The site contains only proven radio circuits of simple LED effects, alarms and power supplies. A large section contains descriptions of metal detectors of all popular home-made models - Terminator, Tracker PI-2, Chance and, of course, the famous volksturm, with the assembly of which begins the path of many radio amateurs specializing in assembling equipment for treasure hunting. For novice spies, we have collected a large collection of proven circuits for bugs and radio microphones - on transistors and specialized microcircuits. All diagrams are equipped with drawings of printed circuit boards and a detailed description of the transmitter settings.

It should be remembered that a powerful FM bug can interfere with FM broadcast radio stations, so try to respect the law. A pressing problem today is the issue of selection and operation of chargers. Nowadays, almost any portable electronic equipment, including mobile devices, is battery powered. At the same time, the types, voltage and other parameters of the battery may vary greatly. Therefore, assembling a homemade universal charger will be quite justified, especially in the event of a breakdown of a rare standard one that is not available for sale.

In our age of scientific and technological progress, when the development of electronics and radio engineering is increasingly miniaturized, mastering the work with microcontrollers of the popular pic and avr series will be mandatory. Using the ATmega MK, you can create small and very functional devices that would have dimensions 10 times larger if they were made using transistors and conventional digital microcircuits. Simple programmers, the basics of microcontroller firmware and interesting circuits on pic16f84 - all this is on the radio circuit website. Despite the large number of other radio engineering resources for beginners - radio cat, soldering iron, radio pilot, we try to introduce you to useful circuits and new radio engineering products in the most efficient and fastest possible way. Progress does not stand still, and now such a traditional area as lighting has begun to change and improve every year. In just under 10 years, the incandescent lamp has undergone an evolution, first into a fluorescent lamp, and then into an LED lamp. How to choose or make your own LED light bulb, lamp or flashlight - see the LEDs section. And if you have a question about finding the right schematic diagram or setting up the operation of a device you assembled yourself - contact the forum, where our moderators will quickly and professionally advise you on any amateur radio issues.

Electrical circuits for beginners, amateurs and professionals

Welcome to the Radio Circuits section! This is a separate section of the Radio Amateurs Site, which was created specifically for those who are comfortable with a soldering iron, are used to doing everything themselves, and it is dedicated exclusively to electrical circuits.

Here you will find circuit diagrams various topics like d la self-assembly for beginner radio amateurs, and for more experienced radio amateurs, for those for whom the word RADIO has long become not just a hobby but a profession.

In addition to circuits for self-assembly, we also have a fairly large (and constantly updated!) database of electrical circuits for various industrial and household electronics techniques - diagrams TVs, monitors, radios, amplifiers, measuring instruments, washing machines, microwaves and so on.

Especially for workers in the repair industry, we have a section on our website “Datasheets”, where you can find background information to various radioelements.

And if you need any scheme and want it download, then we have everything here free, no registration, no SMS, no file sharing and other surprises

If you have questions or haven’t found what you were looking for, come to our FORUM and let’s think together!!

To make it easier to find the necessary information, the section is divided into categories

Schemes for beginners

This section contains simple circuits for beginner radio amateurs.
All diagrams are extremely simple, have a description and are intended for self-assembly.
materials in category

Light and music

light devices x effects: flashing lights, color music, stroboscopes, automatic switching of garlands and so on. Of course, you can assemble all the circuits yourself

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Power supply circuits

Any radio-electronic equipment needs nutrition. This category is dedicated to power supplies.

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Electronics in everyday life

This category contains device diagrams for household use: rodent repellers, various alarms, ionizers and so on...
In general, everything that can be useful for the home

Antennas and Radios

Antennas (including homemade ones), antenna components, as well as radio receiver circuits for self-assembly

Spy things

This section contains diagrams of various "spy" devices - radio bugs, phone jammers and listeners, radio bug detectors

Auto-Moto-Velo electronics

Schematic diagrams of various auxiliary devices to cars: chargers, direction indicators, headlight control and so on

Measuring instruments

Electrical circuit diagrams of measuring instruments: both home-made and industrial production

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Domestic technology of the 20th Century

A selection of electrical circuit diagrams of household radio equipment produced in the USSR

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LCD TV circuits

Electrical circuit diagrams of LCD TVs (LCD)

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Programmer circuits

Schemes of various programmers

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Audio equipment

Circuits of sound-related devices: transistor and microcircuit amplifiers, pre-amplifiers and tube amplifiers, sound conversion devices

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Monitor circuits

Schematic diagrams of various monitors: both old kinescopes and modern LCDs

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Schemes of car radios and other car audio equipment

A selection of car audio circuits: car radios, amplifiers and car TVs