High level of technical equipment. I. The concept of technical equipment of an enterprise. Research paper on the topic

Technological equipment is a set of production tools necessary for the implementation of the technological process. The technological process is equipped in order to ensure the required accuracy of the processed parts and increase labor productivity. Optimal equipment is understood as such equipment in which maximum efficiency of product production is achieved with the obligatory receipt of the required quantity of products and a given quality within a specified period of time, taking into account a set of conditions associated with technological organizational capabilities production assets and labor force.

Technological equipment is divided into on the:

Technological equipment;

Means of mechanization and automation technological processes(auxiliary operations and transitions);

Technological equipment.

Technological equipment - these are means of technological equipment in which, to perform a certain part of the technological process, materials or workpieces, means of influencing them, as well as technological equipment are placed. Technological equipment is selected depending on the design of the part and the requirements for ensuring surface quality. In some cases, technologists develop technical task for the design of special machines.

Technological equipment - these are means of technological equipment that complement technological equipment to perform a certain part of the technological process and are installed on the technological equipment (or used by the worker) to perform this specific operation or group of operations. Equipment for receiving workpieces includes: dies, casting molds, models, molds, etc. Equipment for machining includes: fixtures, cutting, auxiliary and measuring tools.

Device - this is technological equipment designed for installing or directing an object of labor or a tool when performing a technological operation. A machine tool device is an auxiliary production tool that does not have any forming means, intended for installing workpieces in it for the purpose of manufacturing products on machining equipment.

Devices are divided according to the type of work being equipped into: milling, drilling, turning, grinding, etc. 70% of labor costs for putting products into production are associated with the design and manufacture of technological equipment and tools. Directions for successful implementation of progressive equipment are:

1. Transition from the development of individual structures to

standardization of target complexes and equipment systems.

2. Improvement and standardization of planning methods and

implementation of technological training and mastering production

products in enterprises.

H. Organization of specialized serial production

standard equipment.

4. Introduction of assessment of the quality and level of technology equipment

production of products.

Depending on the rules for the design and operation of fixtures, there are six systems of machine fixtures.

1. Universal non-adjustment devices (UPD). For example:

3- and 4-jaw chucks, driving chuck, machine vice.

2. Universal adjustment devices (UND). For example: 3-jaw chucks with replaceable jaws, machine vices with replaceable jaws, faceplates with replaceable clamps, dividing heads for milling machines. Manufactured centrally or at the consumer plant. They are used in serial and mass production.

3. Universal prefabricated devices (USD), assembled from a set of standard parts manufactured centrally. The assembly of the device is carried out without a drawing, directly for this operation, after which the device is disassembled. Recommended for use in single and small-scale production.

4. Collapsible devices /SRP/. They are assembled from a set of standardized and non-standardized parts by the worker himself at the workplace for each operation, after which they are disassembled. Custom parts are designed and manufactured for new parts as needed. Recommended for

application in serial production for groups of parts /unified technology/.

5. Specialized adjustment devices /SS/. They are also called group or quick-change devices. Designed at the consumer plant for certain groups of parts / unified technology / in conditions of single and serial production.

6. Non-collapsible special devices /NSP/. They are designed at the consumer plant and used only for one part-operation /unit technology/. They are recommended for use in mass and large-scale production, less often in medium and small-scale production, but in the absence of the possibility of using devices from other systems.

As can be seen from the presented systems, the rule follows when equipping technological equipment - from a minimum of costs for preparing production to a forced maximum.

Methods for achieving a given processing accuracy in devices of various systems.

Profitability zones for using machine tools of various systems.

The time required to design and manufacture fixtures must be taken into account. This does not apply to UBP, because Such devices are supplied with the equipment and are always available at the workplace.

Devices are classified: - according to the number of simultaneously fixed workpieces (single and multi-place); - by fastening method (manual, mechanized and automated); - according to the method of fastening. Methods for mechanizing fastening can be very diverse. All the parts that make up the devices can be considered as elements of these devices. The following elements are installed according to their typical purpose: installation, clamping, installation-clamping, guides, dividing mechanisms, body parts, fasteners and other auxiliary parts.

The installation elements are used to install workpieces on them and position them accurately. Sometimes the body of the device itself is used as mounting surfaces.

However, since the housing is always manufactured “raw”, thermally

is not processed, this is only permissible for special simplified devices designed for the manufacture of very small batches of parts. The installation elements are made of tool steels and are heat treated and then ground. Varieties of standardized installation elements: pins, fingers, prisms, etc. The supports can be rigid, adjustable, or self-aligning. Clamping elements. Their purpose is to ensure contact between the base surfaces of the workpieces and the mounting surfaces and securely secure the workpieces, ensuring that they cannot be displaced when the cutting force is applied. The clamping elements should be placed: above the support points of the installation elements, preventing the workpieces from moving during fastening, as well as their deformation, and creating a clamping force in the direction of the cutting force. Clamping elements must be placed in places convenient for the workplace, observing safety regulations. Main types of clamping devices: clamping bolts with a heel, clamps

lever type, etc. Guides serve to guide the movement of a cutting tool, such as a drill, or to guide movement

elements of the device.

Dividing mechanisms are used for more complex devices, when it is necessary to process a part in several positions in one device, without unfastening the devices. For example, turning devices for cutting multi-pass threads, milling devices, and sometimes drilling devices. Dividing devices have a disk with the number of holes or grooves required for dividing and a lock. Such a device significantly complicates the design of the devices.

Housings for complex devices designed for long-term use are made of cast iron or cast. For mass production, it is advisable to select shaped profiles or make them composite or welded with subsequent annealing.

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Chapter 1. Technical equipment of production

1.2 Methods of analysis

Chapter 2. Analysis of technical equipment

2.2 Requirements for the design of functional groups of a room

2.3 Principles of equipment placement. Equipment in production workshops

2.4 Analysis of the efficiency of property use

Chapter 3. Analysis of measures taken to improve the technical equipment of production

3.1 Analysis of organizational and technical measures

3.2 Main directions for increasing enterprise efficiency




premises equipment technical equipment

Currently, public catering occupies a predominant place compared to eating at home. In this regard, there is a need for further mechanization and automation of production processes, as the main factor in increasing labor productivity. Domestic industry creates a large number of different machines for the needs of enterprises Catering. Every year, new, more modern machines and equipment are mastered and implemented, ensuring mechanization and automation of labor-intensive processes in production.

New machines and equipment are being created and mastered that will operate automatically without human intervention. Currently, one of the most important tasks in the country is a radical reform to accelerate scientific and technological progress in national economy. In public catering, this is especially acute; in enterprises, the vast majority of production processes are still carried out manually. There are many types of work that employ large numbers of low-skilled workers. Therefore, a radical restructuring in this area of ​​production presupposes the need for widespread industrialization of production processes, mass introduction industrial methods preparation and delivery of products to consumers.

Today, the provision of catering services, as one of the types entrepreneurial activity, a huge number of organizations are involved and individual entrepreneurs. At the same time, public catering establishments designed to satisfy the need for nutrition and leisure activities differ in type, size, and also in the types of services provided.

The level of technical equipment of an enterprise determines the efficiency of production of products by the main production and determines the possibility of rhythmic production with given consumer properties.

The purpose of this work is to consider the technical preparation of production as the organization of an existing separate enterprise.

When writing this work, I set myself the following tasks:

Consider the concept of technical equipment of an enterprise and its content;

Using the example of a specific enterprise, consider the technical equipment of a public catering enterprise.

The solution of economic, social and other problems of the enterprise is directly related to the rapid technical progress of production and the use of its achievements in all areas of economic activity. At an enterprise, it is carried out the more effectively, the more advanced the technical equipment of production is, which is understood as a complex of design, technological and organizational measures that ensure the development and development of production various types products, as well as improving manufactured products.

Thus, we see that the process of carrying out technical preparation of an enterprise is not in itself simply the installation of equipment, but is a complex set of interrelated activities. In fact, this is a radical restructuring of the enterprise, starting with equipment and ending with the specialization of workers.

Chapter 1. Technical equipment of production

1.1 The essence and importance of technical equipment of production

The main objectives of the technical equipment of production at the enterprise are: the formation of a progressive technical policy aimed at creating more advanced types of products and technological processes for their production; creating conditions for highly productive, rhythmic and profitable operation of the enterprise; consistent reduction in the duration of technical preparation of production, its labor intensity and cost, while simultaneously improving the quality of all types of work.

First, it is necessary to define the technical equipment of the enterprise, because it applies to any type of technical training, whether we are making individual product changes or setting up a new enterprise. There is the following definition of the technical equipment of an enterprise: “the technical equipment of an enterprise is a set of regulatory and technical measures regulating the design, technological preparation of production and the system for putting products into production.”

In turn, the technical equipment of the enterprise is part of life cycle product, including technical preparation, actual production and sale of the product.

The level of technical preparation of production depends on many factors. They can be divided into groups. Including technical, economic, organizational and social aspects.

Technical factors - development and implementation of standard and standard technological processes, use of standardized and unified technological equipment; use of computer-aided design systems for technological equipment; use of advanced technological processing methods; introduction of progressive blanks in order to reduce the labor intensity of mechanical processing and material consumption of products, the use of active and objective means technical control quality; automation of control over the implementation of network schedules for the design and production of technical equipment.

Economic forces- stage-by-stage advanced financing of technical preparation of production; provision of preferential loans; creation of a development stimulation fund new technology.

Organizational factors- development and deepening of production specialization; certification of the quality of technological processes and manufactured technological equipment, improvement of the organization of auxiliary production; improving relations between auxiliary and main production; expansion of cooperation within the enterprise, with other enterprises, within the industry.

The technical equipment of an enterprise is a set of normative and technical measures that regulate the design, technological preparation of production and the system for putting products into production.”

These measures ensure that the enterprise is fully prepared to produce high-quality products.

Thus, we see that the process of carrying out technical preparation of an enterprise is not in itself simply the installation of equipment, but is a complex set of interrelated activities. In fact, this is a radical restructuring of the enterprise, starting with equipment and ending with the specialization of workers.

There is a certain system of technical preparation of production. It is a set of interrelated scientific and technical processes that ensure the technological readiness of the enterprise to produce products with high quality conditions. As the enterprise develops, entering the market with its products will become more difficult. The amount of labor spent on installing new equipment will increase significantly due to the complexity and level of technological preparation of the final product.

The tasks of technical preparation of production are solved at all levels and are grouped according to the following four principles: ensuring the manufacturability of products; development of technological processes; design and manufacture of technological equipment; organization and management of technical preparation of production.

To develop standard technological processes, technological operations are classified by dividing them from complex to simple to obtain the smallest indivisible elements of technology in compliance with the technological sequence of the entire process. For each indivisible element or technological operation, an enterprise standard is developed, which provides a comprehensive description of all the transitions from which this elementary operation is formed, with all the necessary explanations and notes.

It is the technical equipment that ensures the enterprise’s full readiness for production new products with a given quality, which, as a rule, can be implemented on technological equipment that has a high technical level, ensuring minimal labor and material costs.

Typification, normalization, and technological unification have a particularly great effect if carried out at the level of standards of enterprises and industries. To ensure a high organizational and technical level of production and quality of products, strict adherence to technological discipline plays an important role, i.e. accurate implementation of the technological process developed and implemented at all operations, areas and stages of production.

The time required for technical preparation of production can be significantly reduced if labor-intensive operations are mechanized and automated. The efficiency and degree of automation and mechanization of work are determined by their nature and content.

But developing a production process and technology is not everything. For the normal functioning of the enterprise, we need to ensure normal maintenance and supply of all necessary components.

Basic production also requires a supply of materials, semi-finished products, various types of energy, tools, and transport. Performing all these diverse functions is the task of the enterprise’s auxiliary departments: repair, instrumental, energy, transport, warehouse, etc.

Ancillary production and maintenance may employ up to 50% of the plant's workforce. Of the total volume of auxiliary and maintenance work, transport and storage accounts for approximately 33%, repair and maintenance of fixed assets - 30, instrumental maintenance - 27, energy maintenance - 8 and other work - 12. Thus, repair, energy, Tooling, transport and warehouse services account for approximately 88% of the total volume of these works. From them proper organization and further improvement depends most on increasing efficiency Maintenance production in general.

A repair facility is created at the enterprise in order to ensure the rational operation of its fixed production assets with minimal costs. The main tasks of the repair facility are: maintenance and repair of fixed production assets; installation of newly acquired or manufactured equipment by the enterprise itself; modernization of operating equipment; production of spare parts and components (including for equipment modernization), organization of their storage; planning all maintenance and repair work, as well as developing measures to improve their efficiency.

During operation, individual parts of machines and equipment are subject to wear. Restoring their performance and performance properties is achieved through repair, operation and maintenance of the equipment. The basis for this at enterprises is the system of maintenance and repair of fixed assets, which is a set of interrelated provisions, means, and organizational decisions aimed at maintaining and restoring the quality of operated machines, mechanisms, structures, buildings and other elements of fixed assets.

The leading form of the system for technical maintenance and repair of equipment at enterprises is the system of scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment (PPR). The PPR system is understood as a set of planned activities for the care, supervision and repair of equipment. Equipment maintenance and repair work under the PPR system includes: equipment care, overhaul maintenance, and periodic repair operations. Caring for equipment consists of following the rules technical operation, maintaining order in the workplace, cleaning and lubricating work surfaces.

Periodic repair operations include washing equipment, changing oil in lubrication systems, checking equipment for accuracy, inspections and scheduled repairs - current, medium and major. These operations are performed by the company's repair personnel according to a pre-developed schedule. Not all equipment is subject to washing as an independent operation, but only those that operate in conditions of great dust and contamination.

All equipment is periodically inspected. Their task is to identify the degree of wear of parts, regulate individual mechanisms, eliminate minor faults, and replace worn or lost fasteners. When inspecting the equipment, the scope of upcoming repairs and the timing of its implementation are also clarified. Maintenance is the smallest type of scheduled repair performed to ensure or restore the functionality of the unit. It consists of partially disassembling the machine, replacing or restoring its individual components and parts, and repairing non-replaceable parts.

An average repair differs from a current one in the larger volume of work and the number of worn parts that need to be replaced.

Overhaul - complete or close to complete restoration of the resource of the unit with the replacement (restoration) of any of its parts, including basic ones. Consequently, the task of a major overhaul is to bring the unit into a state that fully meets its purpose, accuracy class and performance. Progressive maintenance systems are based on the implementation of only two types of planned repairs during the repair cycle - current and major, i.e. without average repairs.

For each type of equipment, a standard repair cycle duration is established. A repair cycle is the smallest repeating period of equipment operation, during which all established types of maintenance and repair are carried out in a certain sequence. Since all of them are carried out during the period from the start of operation of the equipment until its first major overhaul or between two subsequent major overhauls, the repair cycle is also defined as the period of operation of the equipment between two consecutive major overhauls.

The period between repairs is the period of equipment operation between two next scheduled repairs. The inter-inspection period is the period of equipment operation between two regular inspections or between the next scheduled repair and inspection. The repair period is the time the equipment is idle for repairs.

The main technical and economic indicators characterizing the work of the repair service of the enterprise are: the labor intensity and cost of maintenance and repair of each type of equipment, the proportion of repair personnel in the total number of employees, the percentage of equipment downtime for repairs in relation to the operating time fund, the consumption of auxiliary materials for piece of equipment.

The increasing importance of effective maintenance and repair of equipment for the smooth functioning of production requires their further improvement. The most important ways of this improvement are:

Timely provision of the enterprise with spare parts and fasteners, strengthening discipline in compliance with supply contracts between industrial enterprises and enterprises producing components for their equipment;

Development of a system of branches for technical maintenance by equipment manufacturers;

Application of advanced methods and technologies for carrying out repair work;

Most processes in an enterprise, from basic production to equipment repair, require a supply of various types of energy. This task is undertaken by the enterprise's energy management. The purpose of the energy sector is the uninterrupted provision of all divisions of the enterprise with the necessary types of energy services at minimal costs for the maintenance of this service. To do this, its efforts should be aimed at solving the following main tasks:

Organization and planning of rational energy consumption by all departments of the enterprise;

Supervision of the correct operation of power equipment, its maintenance and repair;

Development and implementation of measures to save energy resources.

The main source in modern conditions is the centralized supply of the enterprise with energy resources for general industrial purposes: electricity, steam, hot water - from regional thermal power plants.

Rational use of energy resources presupposes strict regulation of their production and consumption.

Based on the direction of use, they distinguish between technological, motor, lighting and heating energy. The main ways to rationalize energy consumption in these areas are: eliminating direct losses of fuel and energy; right choice energy resources; use of secondary energy resources; improvement of technology and organization of main production; carrying out general economic measures to save fuel and energy. Measures to eliminate direct losses of fuel and energy in networks, pipelines, technological and energy equipment. The main thing here is systematic monitoring of the condition of networks and pipelines, and the implementation of preventive measures in connection with changes in their operating conditions.

The technical equipment of production is carried out in accordance with the technical preparation project which consists of the following points:

Selection and placement of technological equipment, refrigeration systems, energy supply, sanitary communications;

Determination of methods for removing production waste and their recycling;

Calculation of the number of production and technical personnel, determination of the payback period of the enterprise and its profitability;

Organization of the technological production process of the enterprise as a whole and its individual workshops;

Development of a space-planning diagram of the building that meets the technological process.

These are not all the points that should be considered when carrying out technical preparation of production, but these are the basis.

Designed by next plan technical preparation of production:

1. Determination of the technology (formulation) for production of products;

2. The volume of processed raw materials and semi-finished products, as well as production waste;

3. Quantity and types of technological equipment necessary for production, cargo flows;

4. Arrangement of equipment in the technological process and its characteristics, placement of equipment;

5. Organization of acceptance and storage of raw materials.

Material resources represent part of the working capital of the enterprise. Working capital is those means of production that are completely consumed in each production cycle, transfer their entire value to finished products and, during the production process, change or lose their consumer properties.

The working capital includes: 1) basic and auxiliary materials, fuel, energy and semi-finished products received from outside; 2) low-value and wear-out tools and spare parts for equipment repair; 3) work in progress and semi-finished products of own production; 4) container.

Working capital, with the exception of low-value tools and equipment, work in progress and self-made semi-finished products, as well as energy, are classified as material resources.

It should be noted that when dividing the means of production into fixed and circulating assets, some quite justified conventions are allowed in practice. Tools and equipment are divided into two parts. The first of them includes low-value and fast-wearing (with a service life of less than one year) tools and equipment. They belong to revolving funds. The other part, which includes all other tools and equipment, refers to fixed assets.

Largest share material resources enterprises make up basic materials. These include objects of labor that go into the production of products and form its main content.

Auxiliary materials include materials consumed in the process of servicing production or added to basic materials in order to change them appearance and some other properties.

1.2 Methods of analysis

When starting to analyze the use of materials, first of all, their relative savings or overuse are determined. For this purpose, they calculate how many materials the enterprise should have consumed given the actual volume of output and product range achieved while observing planned standards, and compare this amount with actual consumption.

The planned consumption is recalculated in accordance with the actual production output only for basic materials, process fuel and those types of auxiliary materials, the consumption of which is directly related to the production of the enterprise's main products. The consumption of other materials does not directly depend on the volume of production, and therefore is not subject to recalculation. Relative savings or excess consumption of materials E m are determined by the formula:

where R f is the actual consumption of materials;

R p --planned consumption of materials;

In p --production plan;

In f - actual production output.

Since such calculations for all types of products and for the entire range of materials are too labor-intensive, to simplify they are often performed in total terms based on the cost of materials consumed or by group range of materials, based on product output in monetary terms. In some cases, if it is necessary to analyze the use of the most scarce or expensive materials, the specified recalculation is carried out for their individual types.

One of the reasons for violation of material consumption standards is interruptions in the material supply system, violation of completeness and delivery times of materials.

To clarify the actual situation in the implementation of the logistics plan, the completeness and timeliness of deliveries are checked.

The completeness of supply is determined in the following way: the total cost of materials that should be received according to the plan and the cost of actual receipts within the planned range are calculated. In this case, above-plan or unplanned receipts are not included in the volume of actual supplies.

To check compliance with planned delivery dates, cases of delays are written out from data on the receipt of materials, indicating how many days this delivery of materials was delayed.

Meeting delivery deadlines is closely related to the condition warehouse stocks. To assess changes in inventories, all cases where the actual inventory was below the normal level are specifically recorded, and the reasons for each of these cases are determined. Inventory flow analysis can often replace compliance testing planned dates supplies, since these indicators are closely related to each other.

Timely provision of production with material resources depends on the size and completeness of production inventories in the warehouses of the enterprise.

Industrial inventories are means of production that have arrived at the enterprise's warehouses, but have not yet been involved in the production process. The creation of such reserves makes it possible to ensure the supply of materials to workshops and workplaces in accordance with the requirements of the technological process. It should be noted that a significant amount of material resources is diverted to create reserves.

Reducing inventories reduces maintenance costs, reduces costs, and speeds up turnover. working capital, which ultimately increases profits and profitability of production. Therefore, it is very important to optimize inventory levels.

Control industrial reserves The enterprise involves performing the following functions:

development of stock standards for the entire range of materials consumed by the enterprise;

correct placement of stocks in the company's warehouses;

organizing effective operational control over inventory levels and adopting necessary measures to maintain their normal condition;

creation of the necessary material base for placing reserves and ensuring their quantitative and qualitative safety.

The provision and technical equipment of enterprises with the main means of production and the efficiency of their use are important factors, on which the results of economic activity depend, in particular the quality, completeness and timeliness of work, and, consequently, the volume of production, its cost, financial condition enterprises.

The objectives of the analysis are to determine the security of the enterprise and its structural divisions fixed assets and the level of their use according to general and specific indicators; establish the reasons for changes in their level; calculate the impact of the use of fixed assets on the volume of production and other indicators; study the degree of utilization of the production capacity of the enterprise and equipment; identify reserves for increasing the efficiency of use of fixed assets.

The main goal of financial analysis is to obtain a small number of key (the most informative) parameters that give an objective and accurate picture of the financial condition of the enterprise, its profits and losses, changes in the structure of assets and liabilities, in settlements with debtors and creditors, while the analyst and manager (manager ) may be of interest both in the current financial state of the enterprise and its projection for the near or longer term, i.e. expected parameters of financial condition.

But it is not only time boundaries that determine the alternativeness of the goals of financial analysis. They also depend on the goals of the subjects of financial analysis, i.e. specific users of financial information.

The goals of analysis are achieved as a result of solving a certain interrelated set of analytical problems. The analytical task is a specification of the goals of the analysis, taking into account the organizational, informational, technical and methodological capabilities of the analysis. The main factor ultimately is the volume and quality of the source information. It should be borne in mind that the periodic accounting or financial statements of an enterprise are only “raw information” prepared during the implementation of accounting procedures at the enterprise. To make management decisions in the areas of production, sales, finance, investment and innovation, management needs constant business awareness on relevant issues, which is the result of the selection, analysis, evaluation and concentration of raw information. an analytical reading of the source data is necessary based on the purposes of analysis and management. The basic principle of analytical reading of financial statements is the deductive method, i.e. from general to specific, But it must be applied repeatedly. In the course of such an analysis, the historical and logical sequence of economic facts and events, the direction and strength of their influence on the results of activity are reproduced.

The practice of financial analysis has already developed the basic rules for reading (analysis methods) of financial reports. Among them there are 6 main methods:

horizontal (time) analysis - comparison of each reporting item with the previous period;

vertical (structural) analysis - determining the structure of the final financial indicators, identifying the impact of each reporting item on the result as a whole;

trend analysis - comparison of each reporting item with a number of previous periods and determination of the trend, i.e. the main trend of the indicator dynamics, cleared of random influences and individual characteristics separate periods. With the help of a trend, possible values ​​of indicators in the future are formed, and therefore, a promising forecast analysis is carried out;

analysis of relative indicators (coefficients) - calculation of relationships between individual report positions or positions of different reporting forms, determination of relationships between indicators;

comparative (spatial) analysis is both an intra-farm analysis of summary reporting indicators for individual indicators of a company, subsidiaries, divisions, workshops, and an inter-farm analysis of the indicators of a given company with the indicators of competitors, with industry average and average economic data;

factor analysis - analysis of the influence of individual factors (reasons) on a performance indicator using deterministic or stochastic research techniques.

Analysis absolute indicators arrived;

Analysis of relative profitability indicators;

Analysis of the financial condition, market stability, balance sheet liquidity, solvency of the enterprise;

Analysis of the efficiency of use of borrowed capital;

Economic diagnostics of the financial condition of the enterprise and rating assessment of issuers.

There is a variety of economic information about the activities of enterprises and many ways to analyze these activities. Financial analysis based on data financial statements called the classical method of analysis. On-farm the financial analysis uses other system data as a source of information accounting, data on technical preparation of production, regulatory and planning information, etc.

Sources of data for analysis: business plan of the enterprise, technical development plan, form No. 1 "Balance sheet of the enterprise", form No. 5 "Appendix to the balance sheet of the enterprise" section 3 "Depreciable property", form No. 11 "Report on the availability and movement of fixed assets ", BM form "Balance of production capacity", data on the revaluation of fixed assets (form No. 1-revaluation), inventory cards for recording fixed assets, design estimates, technical documentation and etc.

The analysis usually begins with a study of the volume of fixed assets, their dynamics and structure (Table 1). Fixed assets of an enterprise are divided into industrial-production and non-industrial, as well as non-industrial funds industrial purposes. The production capacity of an enterprise is determined by industrial production assets. In addition, it is customary to distinguish the active part (working machines and equipment) and the passive part of funds, as well as separate subgroups in accordance with their functional purpose (industrial buildings, warehouses, working and power machines, equipment, measuring instruments and devices, vehicles and etc.).

Such detail is necessary to identify reserves for increasing the efficiency of using fixed assets based on optimizing their structure. Of great interest in this case is the ratio of the active and passive parts, power and working machines, since capital productivity, capital profitability and the financial condition of the enterprise largely depend on their optimal combination.

Table 1. Availability, movement and structure of fixed production assets

Availability at the beginning of the year

Received within a year

Dropped out during the year

Availability at the end of the year

Buildings and constructions

Power machines

Working machines

Measuring instruments

Computer Engineering



Total production assets

As can be seen from Table 1, during the reporting period there were significant changes in the availability and structure of fixed assets. Their amount increased by 1,600 thousand rubles, or 12%. The share of the active part of the funds has increased significantly, which should be assessed positively.

Of great importance is the analysis of the movement and technical condition of fixed production assets, which is carried out according to financial statements (form No. 5). For this, the following indicators are calculated:

renewal coefficient (Kobn), characterizing the share of new funds in their total value at the end of the year.

The implementation of the plan for the introduction of new equipment, commissioning of new facilities, and repair of fixed assets is checked. The share of advanced equipment in its total quantity and for each group of machines and equipment, as well as the share of automated equipment, is determined.

To characterize the age composition and obsolescence, funds are grouped by duration of operation (up to 5, 5-10, 10-20 and more than 20 years), calculated average age equipment.

The information in Table 2 shows that during the reporting year, the technical condition of fixed assets at the enterprise improved somewhat due to their more intensive renewal.

The provision of an enterprise with certain types of machines, mechanisms, equipment, and premises is established by comparing their actual availability with the planned need necessary to fulfill the production plan. General indicators characterizing the level of provision of an enterprise with basic production assets are the capital-labor ratio and the technical equipment of labor.

The indicator of the total capital-labor ratio is calculated by the ratio of the average annual value of industrial production assets to average number workers on the longest shift (meaning that workers employed in other shifts use the same means of labor).

Table 2. Data on the movement and technical condition of fixed assets


Indicator level

Last year

Reporting year


Renewal factor

Renewal period, years

Attrition rate

Growth rate

Wear rate

Usability factor

Average age of equipment, years

The level of technical equipment of labor is determined by the ratio of cost production equipment to the average number of workers in the longest shift. Its growth rate is compared with the growth rate of labor productivity.

It is desirable that the growth rate of labor productivity outpace the growth rate of technical equipment of labor. Otherwise, there is a decrease in capital productivity.

The company's technical equipment and highly qualified specialists provide it with high competitiveness and constitute a significant part of its production potential.

Chapter 2. Analysis of technical equipment

2.1 general characteristics enterprises

OJSC "TPP" (Trade and Production Enterprise) includes:

Canteen of the city administration for 100 seats, located at the address: *********, Sovetskaya st., 80, t.8*********

Food shop for 50 seats, located at: Novotroitsk, st. Gorkogo, 12, Main activity of the enterprise:

production and sale of lunch products, culinary products, semi-finished products, sale of purchased and related products.

Since 1995 the company has been budgetary institution transferred to new business conditions with maintaining a chart of accounts for self-supporting enterprises.

In 1999, the enterprise, using funding from the budget, replaced old equipment with new ones, purchased new machines that were not previously available, or newer models.

Thus, at the end of 1998, the company received at its disposal 4 new ovens (6 in total), 2 new meat grinders (3 in total), 2 mixers for the culinary department, with the replacement of old ones, a bread slicer, 2 new dishwashers (3 in total), 2 stoves, 1 old refrigeration unit replaced with a newer one. All new equipment during the reporting period was under warranty service from the supplier, which was carried out as necessary throughout the reporting period.

“The amount of economic assets at the disposal of enterprises” is an indicator of the generalized value of the assessment of assets listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise.

"Share of the active part of fixed assets." According to regulatory documents The active part of fixed assets means machinery, equipment and vehicles. The growth of this indicator is assessed positively.

“Wear rate” is usually used in analysis as a characteristic of the state of fixed assets. The addition of this indicator to 100% (or one) is the "fitness coefficient".

“Renewal coefficient” - shows what part of the fixed assets available at the end of the reporting period is made up of new fixed assets.

“Retirement ratio” - shows what part of fixed assets was disposed of due to disrepair and other reasons.

2.2 Requirements for the design of functional groups of a room

The premises of public catering establishments, depending on its type, capacity, nature of production and form of service, are combined into functional groups.

At catering establishments that use raw materials, all premises are combined into the following:

for receiving and storing products;

for mechanical culinary processing of raw materials and production of culinary semi-finished products;

for consumers;



At catering establishments working on semi-finished culinary products, their production is excluded from the production process. In this regard, the premises of such enterprises are combined into the following functional groups:

for receiving and storing products and semi-finished products;

for cold processing of semi-finished products and processing of greens supplied as raw materials;

for the production of culinary and confectionery products;

for consumers;



Functional groups of premises, in turn, consist of a number of separate premises, each of which is subject to certain design requirements.


In the warehouses of public catering enterprises, short-term storage of raw materials and semi-finished culinary products necessary for the operation of the enterprise, as well as items of material and technical equipment and waste, is carried out.

They include:

refrigerated chambers for storing frozen meat;

refrigerated chambers for storing chilled meat, poultry and offal;

refrigerated chambers for storing fish (if the enterprise operates on raw materials);

chamber of dairy and fat products and gastronomy;

chamber of vegetables, fruits, drinks, pickles and herbs;

food waste chamber;

potato and vegetable pantry;

dry food pantry;

container pantry;

inventory storage room;

storekeeper's room.

At an enterprise operating in culinary meat and fish factories, instead of refrigerated chambers for meat, poultry, offal and fish, a chamber for culinary semi-finished products is designed.

The composition and size of warehouse areas depend on the capacity of the enterprise. Warehouses can be located in basements, basements and any other floors of buildings. However, they should not be passable.

It is recommended to place cells and storage rooms in the plane of one floor as a single block - in the northern or northeastern part of the building. The configuration of all rooms should be rectangular, without protrusions, since otherwise it leads to irrational use of space.

It is not recommended to place refrigerated chambers next to boiler rooms, boiler rooms, showers and other rooms with high temperature and humidity, above or below these rooms. Also, they should not be placed under production premises in which there are drains for draining water (washing rooms, bathrooms), and under premises with elevated temperatures (hot shop, confectionery, flour products room, etc.).

The vegetable pantry should be located no higher than the first floor. The lighting of the refrigerated chambers and the vegetable pantry is only artificial. To store dry products, a bright, dry room is required. It is advisable to place this pantry next to the confectionery shop or room for flour products. Avoid proximity to places with high air humidity.

At enterprises with a capacity of more than 100 places, the entrance to a group of warehouse premises is designed separately from the entrance of service personnel.

Industrial premises.

Compound production premises depends on the type of enterprise, its capacity, the nature of the production process (working on raw materials or semi-finished products) and the form of service.

Production facilities of raw material-based enterprises include:

hot and cold shops,





premises for flour products or confectionery shop,

washing tableware and kitchen utensils,

bread cutting room,

production manager's room.

The composition of the premises of enterprises working on culinary semi-finished products differs in that instead of meat and fish (meat and fish) shops, they have a pre-cooking shop (for finishing semi-finished products) and a herbs processing shop, as well as a washing facility for semi-finished containers.

When designing public catering establishments, production workshops are subject to a number of requirements that take into account the requirements scientific organization labor. Workshops should be located in separate rooms on the ground floors of the building (vegetables - no higher than the first floor) with the following orientation relative to the cardinal directions: vegetable - to the east and south, the rest - to the north, northeast, northwest.

Shops should not be walk-through, the only exception being departments of workshops connected by a sequential technological process, for example, if a confectionery shop has kneading and baking departments, a finishing department, etc.

Production premises must be interconnected and also have convenient communication with a number of other premises.

Production workshops must have natural light, with the exception of washing rooms and bread slicing rooms

Meat shop

Designed for processing meat (beef, lamb, pork) and producing semi-finished culinary products (large pieces, portions, small pieces, etc.). It should have convenient communication with the warehouse group, hot shop, culinary shop (if the enterprise has one).

The meat shop may have a dedicated line for processing poultry and offal. This workshop is equipped with mechanical, refrigeration and auxiliary (tables, bathtubs) equipment, which is installed in accordance with the technological process of processing raw materials and manufacturing semi-finished products.

Fish shop

Designed for processing fish, seafood and manufacturing semi-finished products: specially cut carcasses, portioned pieces, minced products, fillets, links sturgeon fish. Fish workshops are located in one room on the ground floor of the building, taking into account convenient communication with the fish storage room and the hot shop. The fish workshop is equipped with mechanical and refrigeration auxiliary equipment installed in accordance with the technological process of fish processing and production of semi-finished products.

Meat and fish shop

At enterprises working on raw materials, with a relatively small amount of processed meat and fish, a meat and fish workshop is designed, which is located, as a rule, on the ground floor of the building, taking into account convenient communication with storage facilities and hot shop Workplaces in the shop are combined into processing lines for meat, poultry and fish by-products, equipped with appropriate equipment - mechanical, refrigeration and auxiliary.

Vegetable shop

Designed for processing potatoes, root vegetables, cabbage seasonal vegetables, greens and the production of semi-finished products: raw peeled potatoes, fresh peeled root vegetables and onions, peeled fresh white cabbage, processed roots and herbs. Vegetable shops of relatively small capacity are designed on the ground floor in one room. It should be conveniently connected to the vegetable pantry, hot and cold shops. Workplaces for processing are allocated in the workshop individual species vegetables equipped mainly with mechanical and auxiliary equipment. In addition, special equipment is used to facilitate the work of workers: tables for cleaning potatoes and root vegetables, tables for peeling onions.

Pre-production shop and greenery processing shop

Designed for enterprises working on semi-finished products.

The pre-production shop is designed for finishing cutting, grinding, etc. semi-finished products coming from procurement enterprises. In the greenery processing workshop, greens, vegetables, berries, and fruits are prepared and supplied to the enterprise in the form of raw materials. Pickles are processed in the same workshop.

The pre-production shop and the greenery processing shop should have convenient communication with storage facilities, hot and cold shops, as well as with the washing of semi-finished containers.

The pre-production shop is equipped with mechanical, refrigeration and auxiliary equipment. In accordance with sanitary requirements, the workshop must provide separate workplaces for the processing of meat, fish and vegetable semi-finished products, equipped with equipment according to technological operations.

The greenery processing workshop is equipped with various types of auxiliary equipment (baths, tables, shelving).

Hot and cold shops.

Designed for all public catering establishments, regardless of their capacity, where there are halls for serving consumers.

Hot and cold shops are designed for the preparation of hot dishes, snacks and desserts for sale in the halls, as well as culinary products for sale in culinary stores.

Hot and cold shops should be designed on the ground floors of the building with windows towards the courtyard facade. The workshops are located on the same level as the halls. If the enterprise has several halls located on different floors, the workshops should be designed on the floor where the hall with the largest number places To other floors equipped with dispensing rooms, finished culinary products are transported by a special lift (sometimes several hot and cold shops are designed).

The workshops must have convenient communication with each other, as well as with other premises: washing tables and kitchen utensils, pre-cooking and greenery processing shops (if the enterprise operates on semi-finished products) or meat and fish and vegetable shops (if the enterprise operates on raw materials), a culinary store and warehouse premises. Depending on the form of service, the hot and cold shops must have a convenient connection with the food distribution premises. When serving by waiters, the workshops are adjacent directly to the dispensing room; when serving by self-service, they are adjacent to the halls on the area of ​​which the dispensing lines are located.

The hot shop is equipped with thermal, mechanical, refrigeration and auxiliary equipment. The arrangement of equipment is linear-group, allowing it to be placed according to technological processes. Auxiliary equipment is installed in independent lines located parallel to the lines of thermal equipment.

In the cold shop, areas for preparing cold snacks and sweet dishes are equipped with production tables with refrigerated containers and slides. Refrigeration equipment(cabinets, low-temperature sections) are installed either in a separate line or in a line of production tables.

Mechanical equipment, both in the cold and hot shops, should be located taking into account convenient maintenance of all production lines.

Confectionary shop

It is designed as an independent enterprise or is part of some restaurants and cafes. The workshop produces a wide range of products from various types of dough - yeast, shortbread, puff pastry, choux pastry, and can also be produced in the form of semi-finished dough, yeast, shortbread, puff pastry.

The composition of the premises of a confectionery shop depends on the number of confectionery products produced per day or on the amount of flour consumed.

For a confectionery shop with a capacity of up to 5 thousand products, the following is designed:

dough kneading department;

department for cutting and baking products;

egg processing room (ovoscoping, washing and disinfection);

washing equipment.

In confectionery shops of greater capacity, additional premises are provided for carrying out various technological operations.

In accordance with the technological process, the workshop is equipped with the following equipment: mechanical, thermal, refrigeration, auxiliary. Equipment in the workshop premises is placed in sequence with the technological process, maintaining permissible distances, perpendicular to the windows to ensure normal illumination.

Washing tableware

This room is designed in all public catering establishments, regardless of their type and capacity, that have rooms for serving consumers.

When placed in the building plan, the tableware washing area should have a convenient connection with the hall and the hot shop (for self-service) or with the serving and service area (for waiter service), as well as with the waste chamber. The lighting here may be artificial. The washing room is equipped with mechanical and auxiliary equipment. According to sanitary standards, in addition to the dishwasher, it is necessary to install five washing baths in case the machine breaks down.

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Structure of the enterprise's fixed assets.Fixed assets of the enterprise- means of labor that are repeatedly involved in the production process, transfer their value to the product in parts as they wear out and are reproduced in an updated form after a long time.

Accounting for fixed assets of enterprises, providing them and calculating depreciation rates require determining their structure and classification. Based on their functional purpose, fixed assets are divided into production And non-productive. The former operate in the sphere of production and provision of services (buildings, structures, equipment, etc.), and the latter satisfy the everyday and cultural needs of workers (medical center, subsidiary farm, club, store, etc.). According to their purpose, fixed assets are divided into groups (Table 1.1), which form their structure. It depends on the complexity and characteristics of the products and services provided, the type and concentration of production and other factors. In the structure of fixed production assets, their production part must continuously increase.

Depending on the degree of direct relationship to services and products, fixed production assets are divided into parts. Technological part funds (equipment, fixtures, instruments, etc.) has a direct impact on the quantity and quality of services and products. Auxiliary part fixed assets ( wastewater treatment plants, transformers, fans, etc.) are the means that ensure the operation of the technological part of these funds.

The share of equipment and accessories in the cost of fixed assets of the enterprise reaches 50%. Their quantity, variety, technical level and technical condition determine the production capabilities of the enterprise and the quality of products, and the completeness of use is the result of the production and economic activities of this enterprise.

Basic terms and definitions.Technological equipment– this is technological equipment and technological equipment necessary for performing technological processes. The main purpose of the service station is to save living labor in every possible way by replacing humans in technological processes with devices that consume the energy of inanimate nature.

Technological equipment– service stations in which technological equipment, materials or workpieces and means of influencing them are installed to perform part of the technological process.

Examples of technological equipment: disassembly stands, cleaning machines, metal-cutting machines, running-brake stands.

Table 1.1

Structure of the enterprise's fixed assets

Groups Purpose and characteristics
Building Architectural and construction facilities for industrial purposes (workshops, warehouses, laboratories, etc.)
Facilities Engineering and construction facilities that perform technical functions to service the production process (sewage treatment plants, roads, overpasses, etc.)
Network engineering Devices for transmitting energy, material resources (cable, heat and gas networks, gas ducts, collectors, etc.) and waste
Facilities Energy Objects for energy conversion and distribution (transformers, turbines, compressors, etc.)
Technological Objects that directly affect objects of labor (machines, presses, furnaces, hoisting and transport machines, etc.)
Measuring and laboratory Manual or automatic devices for control and regulation of technological processes, laboratory tests and research
Transport Devices for moving people and goods
Computing Machines for automatic solution of mathematical production problems
Tool Tools for direct shaping and measurement
Office equipment Auxiliary tools for organizing technological operations

Technological equipment– devices that expand the technological capabilities of equipment and are used only in conjunction with it. Equipment includes fixtures and tools.

Examples of technological equipment: cutters, cutters, boring bars, fixtures, stamps, molds.

Adaptations– technological equipment designed for installing a repaired (restored) or serviced product or orienting a tool when performing a technological operation.

Tools– technological equipment designed to directly influence a product in order to change or measure its condition. The range of tools is large. On the basis of technological characteristics, tools are distinguished between metalworking, forging, cutting, measuring, etc. Depending on the ratio of types of energy when used, manual tools are distinguished (wrench, sledgehammer, chisel, plug, etc.) and mechanized (pneumatic impact wrench, grinder, etc.).

Some of the service stations (machine tools, metalworking and metal-cutting tools, etc.) are purchased, the rest of the service stations are manufactured at the enterprise.

Classification of technological equipment.Service station classification– dividing them into groups according to availability established signs. The choice of classification characteristics depends on the purposes of the classification. The division must be based on one base, continuous, without remainder, each member of the division must be included in only one group. The classification of service stations serves the purpose of their unification, which leads to a reduction in design volumes and an increase in their serial production.

Unification technological objects - rational reduction of their types, types and sizes, materials and accuracy standards. Some losses from using some system objects with redundant parameter values ​​are recouped at the stage of their design and manufacture. Unification of objects belongs to the class of optimization problems.

Equipment is classified according to types of technological operations, and its parts - according to types of technological transitions.

Troubleshooting and restoring the service life of vehicles requires the use of the following technological equipment: diagnostic; inspection, disassembly, cleaning, to determine the technical condition of parts, for coating, pressing, metal-cutting, electrical, thermal, measuring, balancing, assembly, painting, running in, testing, for moving objects of labor, for waste recycling.

Based on the breadth of functions performed, technological equipment is divided into universal, specialized and special.

Universal equipment(metal cutting, forging and pressing, thermal, etc.) has wide technological capabilities.

Specialized equipment has increased productivity and processing accuracy of similar workpieces, but narrower technological capabilities compared to universal equipment. Universal equipment (usually metal-cutting) is converted into specialized equipment through factory modernization.

Special equipment performs a narrow technological function on a product of a certain model being repaired (restored), has the highest productivity and ensures the highest accuracy.

Examples of special equipment: grinding machines for processing main or connecting rod journals of crankshafts, boring machines for simultaneous processing of main bearings, camshaft bushings and starter holes in the cylinder block, inspection stands, etc. Special metal-cutting equipment is manufactured at machine tool factories to order.

Based on their adaptability to various production conditions, technological equipment is divided into reconfigurable, reconfigurable and flexible.

Reconfigurable equipment can be used to process another part or group of parts at a cost of funds and labor commensurate with its cost.

Reconfigurable equipment when switching to processing another part or group of parts does not require additional investments and production stops, but its subsequent operation is associated with changes in current costs.

Flexible equipment when switching to processing another part or group of parts, it does not require additional investments, no stoppage of production, or an increase in current costs.

Many technological transitions on the part of service station executive units are determined as a result of the development of appropriate technological documents. Figure 1.1, for example, shows the distribution of types of technological transitions associated with the repair of an internal combustion engine. Most often they measure lengths (35.2%), apply disassembly and assembly moments (14.4% each), feed and orient workpieces and parts (6.2% each), base and secure workpieces during processing (4.0% each ). The considered distribution of technological transitions determines many types of executive units in the composition technological machines. Thus, devices are often used for basing and securing repaired and restored products, applying disassembly and assembly forces and moments, intraoperative movement of products, measuring lengths, shape and location of surfaces, flow rates and pressure of media, rotational and translational movement of parts or assembly units and etc.

Actuating units of one type of technological equipment differ from each other in the values ​​of their main parameter (for example, the length of the measured segments, the values ​​of disassembly and assembly moments, the mass of workpieces, the fastening force).

Technical level of equipment and equipment – a relative characteristic of their quality, based on a comparison of the values ​​of the indicators of the evaluated product, characterizing its technical excellence, with the values ​​of the same indicators of the best analogues. Continuous improvement of the technical level of service stations is an indispensable condition for improving production.

The technical level of a product is a particular indicator of its quality level, because the properties that make up the technical level of a product are included in the totality of its properties. Many indicators of technical excellence include indicators that determine a significant increase in the beneficial effect of products from the use of scientific and technical achievements. Technical excellence is expressed in terms of productivity and accuracy, material and energy consumption, ergonomics and safety, etc. Equipment and accessories become more advanced as a result of the use of new design solutions, materials, advanced technological processes, control and testing methods.

The technical level of service stations is increased during repairs through their modernization, which consists of replacing individual components more advanced to reduce obsolescence.

1.2. The need for equipment and fixtures and their use

Some of the technological transitions are performed on industrially manufactured equipment (lathes, drilling, grinding machines, presses, etc.), and the rest - on home-made equipment.

Need for equipment. When determining the need for service stations, their time funds are calculated.

Nominal annual equipment time fund F n.o is determined by the formula

F But = F n.r η 3s n c , h/year, (1.1)

Where F n.r – nominal annual fund of worker time, h/year; η 3с – time loss coefficient in the third shift; n c– number of shifts per day.

The coefficient η 3c takes into account the fact that the third shift is organized during the remaining time of the day between the second and first shifts without a lunch break and without a reduction on holidays.

During single-shift work F n.o = F n.r. When calculating F n.r. necessary information selected from table 1.2.

Actual annual equipment time fund F d.o is determined taking into account its presence in adjustment and scheduled maintenance, if the latter is carried out in work time

F before = F n.o (1– k n.r.), h/year, (1.2)

Where k n.r – coefficient taking into account the time spent on setting up equipment and its repair, k n.r = 0.01–0.03 (Table 1.3).

Table 1.2

Nominal annual fund of the worker, h/year

No. Indicators Production with working conditions
normal harmful
Number of calendar days in a year 365/365* 365/365
Number of non-working days per year: holidays (rest days) 9/9 104/103 9/9 104/103
Number of working days per year (nominal working hours) ( page.1 – page. 2) 252/253 252/253
Duration working week, h
Shift duration, h 7,2
Number of shortened shifts per year (pre-holidays)
Nominal annual time fund (F n.r), h ( page. 3× page. 5 – page. 6) 2008/2015 1806,4/1812,6
* The numerator shows the values ​​of indicators for 2013, the denominator – for 2014.

Table 1.3

Coefficient values k nr, taking into account the time spent on setup
and equipment repair

Type of equipment Values k nr at work
one shift in two shifts
Cleaning equipment 0,03 0,04
Disassembly, assembly and testing equipment 0,02 0,03
Metal-cutting and woodworking machines 0,02 0,03
Forging and pressing equipment for single, small-scale and mass production areas 0,02 0,04
The same for large-scale production 0,06
Thermal electric furnaces with an operating cycle of up to 1 hour non-mechanized 0,06
mechanized 0,02 0,04
Thermal electric furnaces with an operating cycle of over 1 hour 0,03 0,05
High frequency installations 0,10
Equipment for applying metal and paint coatings non-automatic 0,03
automatic 0,02 0,04
Chamber drying ovens 0,03 0,04
welding equipment 0,03 0,04
Installations for product preservation 0,02 0,03

Depending on the indicators that determine labor costs, there are four methods for calculating the required amount of technological equipment.

Number of equipment units n o associated with manual or machine-manual labor (disassembly, assembly, soldering, etc.), is calculated according to labor intensity work performed

Where T g.o – annual labor intensity of work performed on equipment of this type, man-hours/year; η i.v – coefficient taking into account the use of equipment over time.

By machine capacity work is calculated on equipment that provides machine processing methods (for example, metal-cutting machines). In this case, the annual volume of work is expressed in machine hours. Small batches of processed workpieces lead to frequent equipment changeovers. Therefore, when calculating the need for equipment, the time spent on setup work is also taken into account.

, (1.4)

Where T g.o – annual labor intensity of work performed on equipment of this type, machine-hour; T g.o.p – annual volume of equipment changeovers, h.

By duration of technological operations determine the number of pieces of equipment, work on which involves the installation and removal of products and periodic monitoring of its operation. Such equipment includes submersible cleaning machines, drying chambers, running-brake test benches, etc. The amount of equipment is determined by one of the formulas

or (1.5)

, (1.6)

Where n h – number of equipment starts during the year, year –1; t t.o – duration of the technological operation (cleaning, drying, etc.) taking into account the time for loading and unloading products, h; k n – unevenness coefficient; N– number of products per annual program, units/year; A - number of simultaneously processed (serviced) products, units.

Coefficient k It takes into account possible deviations from the calculated production cycle that arise as a result of organizational problems at individual production sites.

The number of running-brake or test benches is determined by the formula

, (1.7)

Where k P the coefficient taking into account repeated running-in or testing of units (vehicles) after detection of defects is 1.10–1.15.

In formula (1.7), in contrast to formula (1.6), the quantity is excluded A, since the test stands are designed for the simultaneous installation of only one unit (vehicle).

By physical parameters of processed products, the equipment is calculated, the productivity of which is determined by the mass of the workpieces (thermal and heating furnaces, forging hammers, etc.), as well as the equipment of coating areas, the productivity of which is expressed by the surface area of ​​the processed products (stands for surfacing and spraying, galvanic baths, painting booths and etc.). The quantity of such equipment is determined by the formulas

or (1.8)

, (1.9)

Where M g and S d – respectively, the annual volume of work, expressed by the mass (kg) and surface area (dm 2 or m 2) of the processed products; m h – productivity of forging and thermal equipment, kg/h; s h – productivity of equipment for applying restoration (dm 2 / h) or paint and varnish (m 2 / h) coatings; h 3 – coefficient that takes into account the equipment load by weight depending on the overall dimensions and shape of the products (h 3 = 0.7–0.8).

Required amount handling equipment
n p.-t is calculated by the formula

, (1.10)

Where n op – number of operations per year, year –1; t op – average duration of one operation, min; k p – coefficient taking into account equipment downtime for repairs, 0.95–0.97.

Average duration of one operation for a load-lifting crane

, min, (1.11)

Where l k – average length of cargo movement along the span, m; v k – speed of movement of the crane, m/min; kс – coefficient of movement combination, 0.7;
l t – the average length of the travel path of an overhead and single-girder crane trolley, equal to half the length of the crane, m; v t – speed of movement of the overhead crane trolley, m/min; h v c – speed of vertical movement of the load, m/min; t pp – average time for slinging cargo, min.

For loaders, the operation time is determined by the formula

, min, (1.12)

Where h– average lifting height, m; v gr – load lifting speed, m/min; l– length of horizontal movement of the loader, m; vср – average speed of the loader, m/min; t 1 – time for tilting the frame into loading, transport and unloading positions is 0.25 minutes; t 2 – time for maneuvers associated with orienting the loader relative to the load (for loaders equipped with forks, equals 0.8–1.2 minutes).

The need for devices and tools. The required number of devices is determined by formula (1.5).

Consumption rate j th cutting tool N and ij on i-th operation in mass production is calculated on 1000 workpieces

, (1.13)

Where t ij – duration of part processing for i th operation j-m tool, min; T wear j – time of complete wear j th tool, h (Table 1.4); A ij – quantity j-x tools in one setup on i th operation; k j is the coefficient of random loss of an instrument, varies for different types of instruments from 0.05 to 0.40.

Table 1.4

Time for complete wear of tools

The time for complete tool wear can also be determined by the formula

T purl = (n+ 1)t st, h, (1.14)

Where t st – durability, h; n = l/Δl– number of permissible sharpenings; l– the amount of permissible grinding of the cutting part of the tool, mm; Δl– amount of grinding per sharpening, mm.

When calculating the consumption rate of abrasive wheels, it is taken into account that when dressing, their diameter decreases by 20–25%, and 0.2–0.3 mm is removed per dressing. Resistance indicators are given in Table 1.5.

Table 1.5

Average durability of abrasive wheels

Consumption rate of the measuring instrument (calibers) N out of 1000 parts is determined by the formula

, (1.15)

Where With– number of measured parameters on one part; k select – the proportion of parts subjected to random inspection; m o– the number of measurements performed using a tool until it is completely worn out.

Number of measurements m o depends on the wear tolerance of the caliber and the material of the part being measured. So for smooth plugs and staples when working on steel m o = 10–80 thousand, and when working on cast iron, the number of measurements is reduced by three times.

Indicators of the use of technological equipment. The German economist Mellerovich K., in his recommendations to entrepreneurs, notes that “there is nothing more expensive than the unused production capacity of an enterprise and nothing is cheaper than its full use.” The production capacity of an enterprise is determined by the fleet of available technological equipment and its operating time. The recent low level of utilization of the capabilities of enterprises to produce industrial products is a negative phenomenon both for the enterprises themselves and for the state economy as a whole.

Indicators of the use of time and capacity of technological equipment are used.

The use of equipment over time is taken into account by the coefficient

Where t m – machine operating time of the equipment during the year, h.

The production and dispatch department of the enterprise keeps records of the operation of equipment and takes measures to load it. The lower value of η i.v., which characterizes satisfactory use of the equipment, is 0.75.

Equipment power utilization is characterized by the coefficient

Where M f and M y – developed and installed power of the main drive motor, kW.

Test questions and assignments

1. By what criteria are service stations divided into groups?

2. What is the importance of assessing the technical level of a service station?

3. What types of equipment are used to restore parts?

4. What is the purpose of the devices?

5. What values ​​are used when calculating the amount of technological equipment?

6. Outline the features of calculating the amount of technological equipment (devices and tools).

Topics of research and abstracts

1. The influence of service station classification on the volumes, costs and timing of technological preparation of production.

2. The role of the service station in the system of fixed assets of the enterprise.

3. The influence of the technical level of service stations on production efficiency.

4. The influence of the technical level of service stations on product quality.

Requirements for students

The student must know:

– purpose, objectives, structure and development prospects motor transport enterprises;

– the problem of increasing the technical level of service stations in production, its efficiency and the quality of equipment repair;

– material resources of motor transport enterprises;

– classification of service station system;

– indicators of the use of service stations and measures for their better use.

The student must be able to:

– use basic terms and definitions of the discipline;

– classify technological objects;

– determine the need for equipment, fixtures and tools.

After studying the first section, students write an essay on one of the proposed topics:

1. The influence of the technical level of the service station on the performance of the enterprise.

2. Structure and analysis of the enterprise's fixed assets.

3. Classification and characteristics of service stations of the enterprise.

4. Determination of the required amount of equipment, devices and tools and measures for their effective use.

The teacher evaluates students' knowledge after reading essays, taking into account answers to test questions

For a high grade of an abstract, you need to be fluent in the material, demonstrate the importance of the topics, and analyze the connections between various parameters of the service station and the performance indicators of the enterprise.

Introduction 3

I. The concept of technical equipment of an enterprise 5

II. Technical equipment of the enterprise: essence, organization, features, material support 10

Conclusion 23

Literature 24


The main objectives of the technical equipment of production at the enterprise are: the formation of a progressive technical policy aimed at creating more advanced types of products and technological processes for their production; creating conditions for highly productive, rhythmic and profitable operation of the enterprise; consistent reduction in the duration of technical preparation of production, its labor intensity and cost, while simultaneously improving the quality of all types of work.

The solution of economic, social and other problems of the enterprise is directly related to the rapid technical progress of production and the use of its achievements in all areas of economic activity. At an enterprise, it is carried out more effectively, the more advanced the technical equipment of production is, which is understood as a complex of design, technological and organizational measures that ensure the development and mastery of production of various types of products, as well as the improvement of manufactured products, as a result of which the chosen topic should be considered relevant.

The purpose of the work is to explore the theoretical aspect of the technical equipment of enterprises. In accordance with the purpose of the work, the following tasks arise:

    define the concept of technical equipment of enterprises;

    describe the essence and content of the technical equipment of enterprises;

    draw conclusions based on the material being studied.

When performing the work, the works of domestic authors on enterprise economics were used, teaching aids on economics, as well as encyclopedic publications.

I. The concept of technical equipment of an enterprise

The level of technical equipment of an enterprise determines the efficiency of production of products by the main production and determines the possibility of rhythmic production with given consumer properties.

First, it is necessary to define the technical equipment of the enterprise. Let us give the following definition of the technical equipment of an enterprise:

Technical equipment of the enterprise - this is a set of regulatory and technical measures that regulate the design, technological preparation of production and the system for putting products into production. 1

These measures ensure that the enterprise is fully prepared to produce high-quality products.

In turn, the technical equipment of an enterprise is part of the product life cycle, including technical preparation, the actual production and sale of the product.

The level of technical preparation of production depends on many factors. They can be divided into groups. Including technical, economic, organizational and social aspects.

Technical factors :

    development and implementation of standard and standard technological processes;

    use of standardized and unified technological equipment;

    use of computer-aided design systems for technological equipment;

    use of advanced technological processing methods;

    introduction of progressive blanks in order to reduce the labor intensity of mechanical processing and the material intensity of products;

    application of active and objective technical quality control means;

    automation of control over the implementation of network schedules for the design and production of technical equipment.

Economic forces :

    stage-by-stage advanced financing of technical preparation of production;

    provision of preferential loans; creation of a fund to stimulate the development of new technology.

Organizational factors:

    development and deepening of production specialization;

    certification of the quality of technological processes and manufactured technological equipment, improvement of the organization of auxiliary production;

    improving relations between auxiliary and main production; expansion of cooperation within the enterprise, with other enterprises, within the industry.

Social factors:

    improving the qualifications of performers;

    mechanization and automation of production and support operations in order to improve working conditions;

    development of the social sphere;

    improving the psychological atmosphere in the team.

Technical preparation of production may include technical re-equipment, reconstruction and expansion of individual production areas, as well as modernization of equipment.

Thus, we see that the process of carrying out technical preparation of an enterprise is not in itself simply the installation of equipment, but is a complex set of interrelated activities. In fact, this is a radical restructuring of the enterprise, starting with equipment and ending with the specialization of workers.

The implementation of a unified technical policy at the enterprise is managed by Chief Engineer(first Deputy general director association), relying on the apparatus of technical preparation of production. The organizational forms and structure of its bodies are determined by the production preparation system adopted at the enterprise, in the production association. At enterprises there are three organizational forms technical training: centralized, decentralized and mixed. 2

The choice of form depends on the scale and type of production, the nature of the product being manufactured, the frequency of its renewal and other factors. Large enterprises, associations of mass and large-scale production are characterized by a centralized form of training, in which all work is carried out in the plant management apparatus. For this purpose, departments of the chief technologist, a general plant laboratory, and a department for planning technical preparation of production are created. At some enterprises, two design departments are organized: an experimental design department, which is engaged in the development of new products, and a serial design department, which has the task of improving manufactured products.

At enterprises of single and small-scale production, a predominantly decentralized or mixed form of production preparation is used: with the first form, the main work on technical preparation is carried out by the corresponding bureau of production workshops; in the second case, the entire volume of work is distributed between factory and workshop bodies. In this case, design training is most often carried out in the department of the chief designer, and technological training is carried out in workshop production preparation bureaus. In small enterprises, all technical training is concentrated in a single technical department.

The enterprise is obliged to effectively use its production potential, increase the shift of equipment, carry out constant updating of it on an advanced technical and technological basis, and achieve every possible increase in labor productivity. It is forming a program for the continuous modernization of its material and technical base, focusing efforts and resources on technical re-equipment and reconstruction of production based on progressive projects. 3

Technical re-equipment, reconstruction and expansion are carried out by the enterprise at the expense of the production development fund, science and technology, other similar funds, as well as bank loans and are provided, as a matter of priority, with the necessary resources and contract work.

For carrying out large-scale measures for the reconstruction and expansion of existing production, as well as for the construction of social facilities in special cases, the enterprise is allocated centralized financial resources. The list of relevant enterprises and facilities is approved in the state plan.

The company carries out technical re-equipment, reconstruction and expansion of existing production by rationally combining economic and contract construction methods. It ensures compliance with regulatory construction deadlines, production capacity development standards and return on investment.

Discipline: Economy
Kind of work: Essay
Topic: Technical equipment of enterprises

Technical equipment of enterprises

Introduction 3

I. The concept of technical equipment of an enterprise 5

II. Technical equipment of the enterprise: essence, organization, features, material support 10

Conclusion 23

Literature 24


The main objectives of the technical equipment of production at the enterprise are: the formation of a progressive technical policy aimed at creating more advanced types of products and technological processes for their production; creating conditions for highly productive, rhythmic and profitable operation of the enterprise; consistent reduction in the duration of technical preparation of production, its labor intensity and cost, while simultaneously improving the quality of all types of work.

The solution of economic, social and other problems of the enterprise is directly related to the rapid technical progress of production and the use of its achievements in all areas of economic activity. At an enterprise, it is carried out more effectively, the more advanced the technical equipment of production is, which is understood as a complex of design, technological and organizational measures that ensure the development and mastery of production of various types of products, as well as the improvement of manufactured products, as a result of which the chosen topic should be considered relevant.

The purpose of the work is to explore the theoretical aspect of the technical equipment of enterprises. In accordance with the purpose of the work, the following tasks arise:

define the concept of technical equipment of enterprises;
describe the essence and content of the technical equipment of enterprises;
draw conclusions based on the material being studied.

When performing the work, the works of domestic authors on enterprise economics, textbooks on economics, as well as encyclopedic publications were used.

I. The concept of technical equipment of an enterprise

The level of technical equipment of an enterprise determines the efficiency of production of products by the main production and determines the possibility of rhythmic production with given consumer properties.

First, it is necessary to define the technical equipment of the enterprise. Let us give the following definition of the technical equipment of an enterprise:

The technical equipment of an enterprise is a set of regulatory and technical measures regulating the design, technological preparation of production and the system for putting products into production.1

These measures ensure that the enterprise is fully prepared to produce high-quality products.

In turn, the technical equipment of an enterprise is part of the product life cycle, including technical preparation, the actual production and sale of the product.

The level of technical preparation of production depends on many factors. They can be divided into groups. Including technical, economic, organizational and social aspects.

Technical factors:

development and implementation of standard and standard technological processes;
use of standardized and unified technological equipment;
use of computer-aided design systems for technological equipment;
use of advanced technological processing methods;
introduction of progressive blanks in order to reduce the labor intensity of mechanical processing and the material intensity of products;
application of active and objective technical quality control means;
automation of control over the implementation of network schedules for the design and production of technical equipment.

Economic forces:

stage-by-stage advanced financing of technical preparation of production;
provision of preferential loans; creation of a fund to stimulate the development of new technology.

Organizational factors:

development and deepening of production specialization;
certification of the quality of technological processes and manufactured technological equipment, improvement of the organization of auxiliary production;
improving relations between auxiliary and main production; expansion of cooperation within the enterprise, with other enterprises, within the industry.

Social factors:

improving the qualifications of performers;
mechanization and automation of production and support operations in order to improve working conditions;
development social sphere;
improving the psychological atmosphere in the team.

Technical preparation of production may include technical re-equipment, reconstruction and expansion of individual production areas, as well as modernization of equipment.

Thus, we see that the process of carrying out technical preparation of an enterprise is not in itself simply the installation of equipment, but is a complex set of interrelated activities. In fact, this is a radical restructuring of the enterprise, starting with equipment and ending with the specialization of workers.

The implementation of a unified technical policy at the enterprise is led by the chief engineer (first deputy general director of the association), relying on the apparatus for technical preparation of production. The organizational forms and structure of its bodies are determined by the production preparation system adopted at the enterprise, in the production association. At enterprises, there are three organizational forms of technical training: centralized, decentralized and mixed.2

The choice of form depends on the scale and type of production, the nature of the product being manufactured, the frequency of its renewal and other factors. For large enterprises, associations of mass and large-scale production are characterized by a centralized form of preparation, in which all work is carried out in the plant management apparatus. For this purpose, departments of the chief technologist, a general plant laboratory, and a department for planning technical preparation of production are created. At some enterprises, two design departments are organized: an experimental design department, which is engaged in the development of new products, and a serial design department, which has the task of improving manufactured products.

At enterprises of single and small-scale production, a predominantly decentralized or mixed form of production preparation is used: with the first form, the main work on technical preparation is carried out by the corresponding bureau of production workshops; in the second case, the entire volume of work is distributed between factory and workshop bodies. In this case, design training is most often carried out in the department of the chief designer, and technological training is carried out in workshop production preparation bureaus. In small enterprises, all technical training is concentrated in a single technical department.

The enterprise is obliged to effectively use its production potential, increase the shift of equipment, carry out constant updating of it on an advanced technical and technological basis, and achieve every possible increase in labor productivity. It is forming a program for the continuous modernization of its material and technical base, focusing efforts and resources on technical re-equipment and reconstruction of production based on progressive projects.3

Technical re-equipment, reconstruction and expansion are carried out by the enterprise at the expense of the production development fund, science and technology, other similar funds, as well as bank loans and are provided, as a matter of priority, with the necessary resources and contract work.

For carrying out large-scale measures for the reconstruction and expansion of existing production, as well as for the construction of social facilities in special cases, the enterprise is allocated centralized financial resources. The list of relevant enterprises and facilities is approved in the state plan.

The company carries out technical re-equipment, reconstruction and expansion of existing production by rationally combining economic and contract construction methods. It ensures compliance with regulatory construction deadlines, production capacity development standards and return on investment.

II. Technical equipment of the enterprise: essence, organization, features, material support

In the first chapter of the work, we found out that the technical equipment of an enterprise is a set of regulatory and technical measures for design and technological preparation, as well as a system for putting products into production. Let us consider in more detail the complex of regulatory and technological measures.

The set of regulatory and technological measures includes:

1) stage of development work;

2) the stage of production of technological equipment and non-standard equipment.

At the first stage, drawings of main products, technological equipment, and non-standard equipment are prepared; means for technical control of product quality, testing, capping, laying or uncoupling it on platforms Vehicle. At this stage, the development and improvement of technological processes for manufacturing products also occurs; experimental work to test the functioning of non-standard equipment, technological equipment, etc.

Design documentation for commercial (main) products can be developed by the manufacturer or received from the customer. Technological documentation for technological processes, technological conditions, manufacturing instructions, drawings for technological equipment and non-standard equipment, etc., as a rule, are developed by the technological services of the product manufacturer.

The development stage plays an important role in shaping the technical level of future products, since at this stage the main technical parameters and design solutions of new equipment are laid down, the shortcomings of which are difficult, and sometimes impossible, to correct at subsequent stages.

At the second stage, scientific developments obtained at the stage of development work are materialized. The quality of manufacturing of parts, assemblies and assemblies of the final product depends on the quality and reliability of manufacturing of the above-mentioned equipment.

There is a certain system of technical preparation of production. It is a set of interrelated scientific and technical processes that ensure the technological readiness of the enterprise to produce products with high quality conditions. As the enterprise develops, entering the market with its products will become more difficult. The amount of labor spent on installing new equipment will increase significantly due to the complexity and level of technological preparation of the final product.4

The tasks of technical preparation of production are solved at all levels and are grouped according to the following four principles:

ensuring the manufacturability of products;
development of technological processes;
design and manufacture of technological equipment;
organization and management of technical preparation of production.

To develop standard technological processes, technological operations are classified by dividing them from complex to simple to obtain the smallest indivisible elements of technology in compliance with the technological sequence of the entire process. For each indivisible element or technological operation, an enterprise standard is developed, which provides a comprehensive description of all the transitions from which this elementary operation is formed, with all the necessary explanations and notes.

It is the technical equipment that ensures the full readiness of the enterprise to produce new products with a given quality, which, as a rule, can be implemented on technological equipment that has a high technical level, ensuring minimal labor and material costs.

Typification, normalization, and technological unification have a particularly great effect if carried out at the level of standards of enterprises and industries. To ensure a high organizational and technical level of production and quality of products, strict adherence to technological discipline plays an important role, i.e. accurate implementation of the technological process developed and implemented at all operations, areas and stages of production.

The time required for technical preparation of production can be significantly reduced if labor-intensive operations are mechanized and automated. The efficiency and degree of automation and mechanization of work are determined by their nature and content.

But developing a production process and technology is not everything. For the normal functioning of the enterprise, we need to ensure normal maintenance and supply of all necessary components.

Differences in the production structure of fixed assets in different industries are the result of the technical and economic characteristics of these industries. Even enterprises within the same industry tend to have different production structure fixed assets. The highest proportion of active elements of fixed assets is at enterprises with a high level of technical equipment and electrical equipment, where production processes mechanized and automated, and chemical processing methods are widely used.

Basic production also requires a supply of materials, semi-finished products, various types of energy, tools, and transport. Performing all these diverse functions is the task of the enterprise’s auxiliary departments: repair, instrumental, energy, transport, warehouse, etc.

Ancillary production and maintenance may employ up to 50% of the plant's workforce. Of the total volume of auxiliary and maintenance work, transport and storage accounts for approximately 33%, repair and maintenance of fixed assets - 30, instrumental maintenance - 27, energy maintenance - 8 and other work - 12. Thus, repair, energy, Tooling, transport and warehouse services account for approximately 88% of the total volume of these works. The increase in the efficiency of technical maintenance of production as a whole depends to the greatest extent on their proper organization and further improvement.5

A repair facility is created at the enterprise in order to ensure the rational operation of its fixed production assets with minimal costs. The main tasks of the repair facility are:

carrying out maintenance and repair of fixed production assets;
installation of newly acquired or manufactured equipment by the enterprise itself;
modernization of operating equipment;
production of spare parts and components (including for equipment modernization), organization of their storage;
planning all maintenance and repair work, as well as developing measures to improve their efficiency.6

During operation, individual parts of machines and equipment are subject to wear. Restoring their performance and performance properties is achieved through repair, operation and maintenance of the equipment. The basis for this at enterprises is the system of maintenance and repair of fixed assets, which is a set of interrelated provisions, means, organizational decisions aimed at maintaining and restoring the quality of operated machines, mechanisms, structures, buildings and other elements of fixed assets.7

The leading form of the system for technical maintenance and repair of equipment at enterprises is the system of scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment (PPR). The PPR system is understood as a set of planned activities for the care, supervision and repair of equipment. Equipment maintenance and repair work for the PPR system includes:

equipment care;
overhaul maintenance;
periodic repair operations.

Equipment care consists of following the rules of technical operation, maintaining order in the workplace, cleaning and lubricating working surfaces.

Periodic repair operations include:

washing equipment, changing oil in lubrication systems,
checking equipment for accuracy,
inspections and scheduled repairs - current, medium and major. These operations are performed by the company's repair personnel according to a pre-developed schedule. Not all equipment is subject to washing as an independent operation, but only those that operate in conditions of great dust and contamination.

All equipment is periodically inspected. Their task is to identify the degree of wear of parts, regulate individual mechanisms, eliminate minor faults, and replace worn or lost fasteners. When inspecting the equipment, the scope of upcoming repairs and the timing of its implementation are also clarified. Current repairs are the smallest type of scheduled repairs performed to ensure or restore the functionality of the unit. It consists of partially disassembling the machine, replacing or restoring its individual components and parts, and repairing non-replaceable parts.8

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