Yakovlev Maxim Nikolaevich. Yakovlev Maxim Nikolaevich biography. Letters from the kidnappers of Maxim Yakovlev

Russian businessman, widely known in the North-West, General Director of the Poligrafoformlenie Group of Companies, the history of which is closely connected with the name of E.I. Markus, former owner one of the largest chromolithographs of St. Petersburg of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, as well as the general director of the European representative office of the biotechnological corporation Unhwa, South Korea, located in St. Petersburg.

Childhood and education

Maxim Nikolaevich was born on November 30, 1965 in the city of Temirtau (now Kazakhstan) in the family of a miner.

After graduating from school, he continued his studies at the Construction School and evening school in Moscow. And in 1983, having entered the Leningrad Technological Institute, he moved to the Northern capital for a long time. Maxim Yakovlev graduated from both the Leningrad Technological Institute and the Construction School with honors.

Career and business

Maxim Nikolaevich’s career began with work as a heating engineer at the Leningrad Ceramics Factory and very quickly moved into the sphere of management and top management.

A year after the start of his career, in 1990, Maxim Yakovlev became the head of the Linstek MGP department. And in 1992 general director AOZT "Maya", and two years later - a member of the board of directors of OJSC "Kirov Plant", which is one of the largest Russian industrial holdings in the mechanical engineering sector with a developed metallurgical base and is included in the list of systemically important enterprises in Russia.

In 1994, Maxim Yakovlev took the post of General Director of OJSC Poligrafoformlenie, the largest enterprise in the North-West region of Russia, operating in the packaging industry for more than 135 years.

The number of employees under the management of Yakovlev Maxim Nikolaevich is 556 people. The Polygraph Formulation Group of Companies today structurally combines 4 areas: offset production, flexographic production, production of self-adhesive labels and production of packaging using intaglio printing.

Since 2002, the Group of Companies OJSC Polygraph Formulation has been a member of the international alliance GPA (Global Packaging Alliance), and like all participating companies GPA uses high tech to produce world-class packaging, firmly adhering to defined standards of quality, materials and management.

GC Polygraph Formulation in the GPA (Global Packaging Alliance) interacts and exchanges experience with the world's largest leaders in packaging production from all continents: Diamond Packaging (USA), Cartmont (Mexico), Colorpak (Australia), Goncalves (Brazil), Rob. Leunis & Chapman (Germany), Yau Bon (Hong Kong).

Participation of the Poligrafoformleniya Group of Companies in the GPA (Global Packaging Alliance) is a confirmation of the international status of the Group of Companies as one of the leaders in the packaging industry, which allows it to develop taking into account global market trends.

The scale of activity of the Poligraphoformlenie Group of Companies is evidenced by such customer names as Nestle, Fraft Foods, Baltika, Orimi Trade, Wrigley's, Dirol, JTI, BAT. The conditions for ensuring the quality of production of label and packaging products are confirmed by the ISO 9001 certificate: 2000, issued by the certification society BVQI.


Passion for the culture of the East, which is known in the world for innovative technologies for improving the quality of life and longevity, led Maxim Nikolaevich Yakovlev in 2010 to become one of the investors in the biotechnological Unhwa Corporation, South Korea and the general director of the European representative office of the Unhwa Corporation in his native St. Petersburg .

The Unhwa Corporation, namely the Plant Stem Cell Institute (PSCI), part of the Corporation, in 2005 developed the world's only technology for isolating and cultivating unique cells from plants, which many biotechnologists in the world have been trying to obtain for 160 years.

But only Korean scientists managed to extract these cells from the quickly damaging layer of the plant, called the cambial layer, in which the processes of regeneration, formation and growth of new cells occur.

The isolated cells are called meristematic cambial cells (CMC) because they are extracted from the “meristem” tissue of the cambial layer of the plant and have unique properties for pharmaceuticals and cosmetology.

Cambial meristematic cells/CMCs are cells that produce useful biologically active substances (BAS) of plants, from which plant bioraw materials are created, used in the development and production of herbal medicines and innovative cosmetics, as well as other natural products, including bionutrition.

Cambial meristematic cells/CMCs can be called natural “biologically immortal biofactories”, since the speed of their reproduction and reproduction in bioreactors is enormous.

In dozens of 250-liter bioreactors, one trillion cultivated Cambial meristematic cells/CMCs are doubling every 5-6 days, which allows us to talk about a real technological breakthrough in the field of plant cell cultivation. Cambial meristematic cells/CMC Technology is a real opportunity to obtain industrial volumes of biologically active substances from any plant on planet Earth to exploit the potential useful properties and create natural plant bioraw materials in mass quantities.

At the same time, the resulting bioraw materials based on Cambial meristematic cells/CMC are unique, since they are standardized.

Each cultured Cambial meristematic cells/CMC contains the same amount of biologically active substances. Only standardized bio-raw materials enable pharmaceutical manufacturers to provide the same amount of active substances (BAS) in each tablet they produce.

Identity to each other and stability of all products produced.

Cambial meristematic cells/CMCs were proven in collaboration with the laboratory of Professor Gary Loake at the Institute of Plant Molecular Research at the University of Edinburgh and described in a publication in Nature Biotechnology in 2010.

Maxim Yakovlev is actively initiating the process of transferring to Russia the unique Cambial meristematic cells/CMC Technology, developed by the Plant Stem Cell Institute (PSCI).

Maxim Nikolaevich Yakovlev sees his strategic task in ensuring that biotechnology of this level does not pass by Russia, and Russia can build a powerful research and production base for obtaining active substances from plants for pharmacology, cosmeceuticals, bionutrition, as well as new ways to obtain improved and unique strains from plant cells used in agriculture and industry.

The first presentation of Cambial meristematic cells/CMC Technology to the Russian and foreign pharmaceutical markets, Russian government authorities and the professional community took place on October 5–6, 2015 at the Krasnye Holmy hotel on VII International conference"What's happening on pharmaceutical market?”, where Maxim Yakovlev, in his report on Cambial meristematic cells/CMC Technology, drew attention to the breakthrough nature of this unique technology, and to the fact that it is precisely such technologies that Russia needs to take its rightful place in global competition and the market of herbal medicines.

Family and hobbies

Maxim Yakovlev is married and has three children. In his free time, Maxim Nikolaevich plays badminton, skis and studies the cultures of the East.

Maxim Nikolaevich Yakovlev is a St. Petersburg entrepreneur, director of the Poligrafoformlenie group of companies, director of the European representative office of the biotechnological corporation Unhwa and partner of the EduMarket online project, which allows people interested in education to have the opportunity to develop their careers, and in addition, engage in personal growth .

The future entrepreneur was born on November 30, 1965 in the city of Temirtau (currently the Republic of Kazakhstan).

"Polygraph registration"

The Polygraph Formulation company, headed by Maxim Yakovlev since 1994, traces its history back to 1879, this time was marked by the creation of E.I. Marcus chromolithography in St. Petersburg, on Vasilyevsky Island. After the revolution of 1917, the enterprise was renamed State Lithography No. 3, and in 1974 it merged with Printing Factory No. 17, after which a new name appeared - “Polygraph Formulation”. Finally, in 1994, OJSC Poligrafoformlenie was formed, which currently represents a group of companies.

Today the company is the largest in the North-West of Russia in the label and packaging production segment, and the Polygraph Formulation staff consists of more than five hundred employees.

The company operates in four areas - offset production, production of self-adhesive labels, flexography and creation of packaging using intaglio printing.

Since 2002, the company joined the Global Packaging Alliance. This international organization includes companies from all continents, such as Diamond Packaging, Goncalves, Colorpak, Cartmont and many others.

Today "Polygraphoformlenie" works with large customers, including many famous brands, such as Baltika, Orimi Trade, Wrigley’s, Nestle, Dirol, as well as JTI and BAT.

Biotechnology Unhwa

Maxim Yakovlev has been interested in the culture of the East for many years, and thanks to this hobby he was able to establish business contacts in Asia. Since 2010, Yakovlev has headed the European headquarters of the South Korean biotechnology corporation Unhwa, which is called Unhwa Europe LLC and is based in St. Petersburg.

The South Korean biotechnology corporation is developing a technology for isolating plant stem cells (Cambial meristematic cells) to obtain active biological substances from them to create medicinal and preventive drugs, as well as natural cosmetics.

Experts from scientific and educational institutions such as The Rockefeller University, Harvard Medecal School, and The University of Maryland for Integrative Medicine confirm that this technology is a big step forward compared to traditional technologies for cultivating plant cells for the production of natural products, which previously faced the problem of creating mass production of biologically active substances from cultured plant cells.

The St. Petersburg representative office of the corporation, headed by Maxim Nikolaevich Yakovlev, is working to bring Unhwa biotechnology to the domestic market. The company plans to build a plant in Russia that will produce biologically active substances from plants.

It's been a week now mass media They are actively discussing the mysterious disappearance in Abkhazia of billionaire business partner Maxim Yakovlev, owner of shares in the Kirov Plant, and the subsequent strange ransom demand of 200 million rubles. This requirement looks even more strange in view of the fact that the family of the factory tycoon itself is able to raise such a sum. There are many versions of the disappearance today, the main two are revenge directly on Yakovlev for fraud with other people’s money and an attempt by the “fruit mafia” to put pressure on Mussa Ekzekov.

Much has already been written about the history of the business relationship between the respected St. Petersburg philanthropist, billionaire and businessman Mussa Ekzekov and the owner of the St. Petersburg OJSC Poligrafoformlenie and 25% of the shares of the Kirov Plant, Maxim Yakovlev. Ekzekov and Yakovlev have known each other since their student days at the Leningrad Institute of Technology. OJSC Poligrafoformlenie is part of the holding company Devencroft Enterprises Limited, which in turn is the main shareholder of the Solomon company - the brainchild of Mussa Ekzekov.

Kidnapping of Maxim Yakovlev

Maxim Yakovlev disappeared on the territory of Abkhazia, having allegedly been kidnapped on the night of June 20 from the elite Afon Resort Hotel, owned by relatives of Mussa Ekzekov. The entrepreneur has lived here since April 2018. The media write that Maxim Yakovlev settled in Abkhazia for a long time in order to circumvent the law on the status of currency resident, which states that Russians living abroad for 183 days a year have the right not to report on their foreign accounts.

The very circumstances of the businessman's kidnapping are surrounded by the halo of a detective story: three masked kidnappers, an attack on the administrator and staff, knocking down the doors of the room, furniture in splinters and a mysterious ransom note that appeared a month later.

Law enforcement agencies of Abkhazia opened a criminal case under Articles 159 and 119 of the Criminal Code of the Republic (robbery with penetration into a home and abduction by a group of people using violence and weapons, for mercenary reasons). The investigation is studying leads on the suspects.

According to official reports from the Assistant Prosecutor General of Abkhazia Daur Amichba, “there were three attackers, dressed in camouflage clothing, masks, gloves, height from 160 to 175 centimeters.” In Yakovlev's room, security forces found a cache with a large sum of money hidden under a closet. The amount of cash found is not specified. Apparently, the kidnappers had no idea that the businessman kept a large sum of money on him.

Mussa Ekzekov is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and public figure. In the ranking of billionaires in St. Petersburg, compiled in September 2016, he ranks 48th with the value of the assets of his companies - 17.9 billion rubles. In 2016, having bought up the debts of the owners, Mussa Ekzekov took control of the two largest vegetable warehouses in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region with a total area of ​​95 thousand square meters. m.

In December 2017, Mussa Ekzekov announced the creation of a multifunctional sports complex with an area of ​​more than 30 thousand square meters. m, which will house five swimming pools. The total investment is estimated at 2.5 billion rubles. In December 2017 he was elected chairman supreme council World Abkhaz-Abaza Congress. Mussa Ekzekov is the founder of the Leader children's sports academy in St. Petersburg. This institution has more than 15 sports sections, as well as several children's creative groups. He is the owner of the Grand Canyon shopping and entertainment complex with a total area of ​​almost 200 thousand square meters. m.

Letters from the kidnappers of Maxim Yakovlev

But the most interesting fact- a note left by the kidnappers, in which a ransom for the businessman is demanded not from his relatives, but from his business partner Mussa Ekzekov. Today, this exciting story has been supplemented with new circumstances. Yes, on email The Kirov Plant received a letter from a certain well-wisher who, for 10 million rubles, promised to reveal the truth about the kidnapping of Maxim Yakovlev. The author of the letter also hinted that this whole story was a well-orchestrated performance and that no one had kidnapped anyone, and Maxim Yakovlev was in Turkey, hiding from creditors.

Yakovlev has something to run from: since 2013, at the request of the Kyrgyz authorities, he has been wanted by Interpol, and there are also some from whom, according to sources, the businessman once stole considerable sums.

Maxim Yakovlev

Maxim Yakovlev has been known in criminal circles for a long time. Back in the late 90s, he was known in narrow circles as an experienced builder of financial pyramids (check investment funds). Then he did not shy away from... According to rumors, members also took part in his acquisition of Polygraph Formulation OJSC. They say that after the privatization of the enterprise, its shareholders did not receive a penny of dividends. Until recently, Maxim Yakovlev was involved in the legalization of income and the transfer of assets abroad to offshore companies controlled by him.

But for some time now, Maxim Yakovlev has actively begun to invest his capital in various kinds of projects, many of which are now officially declared not just dubious, but criminal. For example, today he is one of the 10 most wanted criminals in Kyrgyzstan for the fact that in 2010, together with a member of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan for the Independence of East Turkestan, Yuri Vereshchagin, according to local authorities, taking advantage of the riots, he organized a criminal group that carried out raids on several large companies (for example, Continent LLC) and illegally took possession of their premises.

Maxim Yakovlev and Yuri Vereshchagin are accused of arbitrariness with the use of violence, robbery, as well as unauthorized seizure of premises with the use of physical violence or threat of murder. Previously, they were arrested in absentia by the Bishkek district court.

But if such “sins” can find understanding, then today, according to our sources, Maxim Yakovlev has already lost both weight and respect among the “authorities” of the Northern capital. The once respected businessman got involved in, or rather, tried to create it together with his Korean colleagues. The get-rich-quick idea was called “UNHWA” and had all the signs of a commercial cult. The essence of the new project was the sale of miracle drugs made in Korea, the use of which would provide the buyer with salvation from AIDS, cancer and all other types of deadly diseases.

To promote the panacea, several professionals were hired, who, under the guise of doctors, literally enchanted the gullible public with lengthy conversations about the miracle and mystery of the culture of the East. The plans were very extensive. So, it was even planned (when the project began to make a profit) to buy an entire TV channel and from there broadcast the benefits of the drugs, recoup the invested funds, and then competently “jump off.”

However, these grandiose plans were not destined to come true. The hired scammers quickly disappeared, lining their pockets. For some reason, pensioners stubbornly refused to buy the magic liquid, and the entire criminal scheme began to rapidly fall apart. Korean fellow scammers who actually “shared their experience” with Russian businessman, they didn’t want to communicate with the new partner. And Maxim Yakovlev accumulated debts, accumulated loans and for some reason increased his stake in UNHWA.

Of course, Yakovlev understood that the dubious commercial project had failed. They say that he even tried to sell it off by selling it to the American investment corporation World Business Capital, but the Americans, great specialists in promoting various commercial cults, for some reason did not want to acquire and develop the Asian miracle panacea.

It was after this scam that Maxim Yakovlev fell in the eyes of many respected people in St. Petersburg. After all, for those who dangerously built their business in the 90s, personally involved in scamming poor old women and, as they say, “selling them deribas” instead of medicines means becoming an unshakable “huckster.” And meeting Mussa Ekzekov was the last straw for Yakovlev.

According to many sources, Maxim Yakovlev sought protection surrounded by a long-time partner and hid from creditors and enemies in a hotel he owned. Mussa Ekzekov is a prominent figure in Abkhazia. This is a person whose money is used to build houses for the poor, stadiums, hold competitions and educate young athletes. He is also the founder of the Alashara Foundation, which includes 30 of the largest businessmen in Abkhazia who have taken on philanthropic obligations to maintain the cultural and linguistic traditions of their people. If we rely on the available information, it turns out that Mussa Ekzekov gave Maxim Yakovlev asylum.

Versions of the disappearance of Maxim Yakovlev

Version one. Actually, Maxim Yakovlev had a conflict with other shareholders of the enterprise for a long time. According to sources, he was stubborn and did not want to sell his share in the Kirov Plant, raising the price. According to this version, Yakovlev is no longer alive, and the ransom demand of 200 million arose to make the story more truthful.

Version two. They demanded money from Mussa Ekzekov because, knowing about Yakovlev’s debts, he still gave him shelter out of the kindness of his heart. The named amount is a debt that the philanthropist’s long-time partner did not repay. Possible solution Yakovleva also fits into this scenario.

Version three. Some time ago, information appeared that after Mussa Ekzekov quite unexpectedly entered the country’s fruit and vegetable market, he somewhat “pushed” his own compatriots. Such an introduction into the already divided field of semi-criminal business is fraught with a war of clans and a redistribution of spheres of influence. There are several ethnic clans operating in the fruit and vegetable business, for which the arrival of such a significant figure as billionaire Mussa Ekzekov on the market meant the collapse of many hopes.

Maxim Nikolaevich Yakovlev. Born on November 30, 1965 in Temirtau. Russian entrepreneur, General Director of the Poligrafoformlenie group of companies, co-investor of the South Korean corporation Unhwa.

After graduating from school in his hometown, he moved to Moscow, where for a year he studied at evening school and the Construction School, from which he graduated with honors.

In 1983 he moved to Leningrad and entered the Leningrad Technological Institute, from which he also graduated with honors.

Maxim Yakovlev’s first job was as a heating engineer at the Leningrad Ceramics Factory, but soon he began to master the field of management.

In 1990, Maxim Yakovlev received the position of head of the Linstek MGP department. Two years later he became the general director of AOZT Maya. Two years later he became a member of the board of directors of OJSC Kirov Plant. In the same 1994 - general director OJSC "Poligraphoformlenie"- a company that he still heads.

Today Polygraphoformlenie has been transformed into a group of companies and is largest enterprise North-West of the country in the packaging industry, working in four areas: flexographic production, offset production, gravure packaging production and production of self-adhesive labels.

The group of companies is the only Russian member of the international alliance Global Packaging Allience (GPA) and has customers such as Nestle, Baltika, SladCo, Kraft Foods, Bravo International, Wrigley's, Orimi Trade, Dirol, Talosto ", "Petro" (JTI), BAT.

Since 2010, Maxim Yakovlev became a co-investor of the South Korean corporation Unhwa and began transferring its biotechnology to Russia, the essence of which is the cultivation of unique plant producing cells (Cambial meristematic cells (CMC)).

Using SMS technology, it is possible to obtain industrial volumes of biologically active substances from plants and create plant bioraw materials for production medicines and cosmetics.

Cambial meristematic cells have the potential to obtain valuable substances contained in all parts of the plant: stem, leaves, roots, fruits, petals, etc. Cambial meristematic cells are undifferentiated cells, they are able to self-renew, endlessly divide and reproduce their clones, identical to natural plant cells on the genetic and morphological level.

The cultivation of SMS occurs in bioreactors of 250 tons, where every 5-6 days the doubling of one trillion cultured SMS cells occurs.

Currently, the businessman sees his goal as, with the support of Russian pharmaceutical companies and the Russian state, to build an innovative biotechnological plant for industrial production BAS from plants, for the creation of plant bioraw materials for the creation of plant medicines.

Another investment interest of Maxim Yakovlev is the Internet project “EduMarket”. As part of this project, talented students who want to build a career and develop their personal potential have the opportunity to receive grants for education and access to educational information resources. The project is carried out in collaboration with leading Russian universities.

The future entrepreneur was born in 1965 in Temirtau in the family of a miner.

He grew up and attended high school in his small homeland, then moved to Moscow, where he studied at the Construction College and at evening school. In 1983 he moved to Leningrad, where he successfully passed the entrance exams to the Leningrad Technological Institute, from which he graduated five years later.

After receiving his diploma, he worked for some time at the Leningrad Ceramics Plant as a heating engineer, but already in 1990 he moved to the position of head of department at the Linstek company. The first management experience allowed us to hone management skills human capital, which were based on a respectful attitude towards the opinion of each employee, the consistent disclosure of professional talents and the involvement of specialists from their team in the work through emotional interest in the common cause. This humanistic position of forming a circle of people for his team of specialists subsequently became the basis of Maxim Yakovlev’s career.

Members of Maxim Yakovlev’s team, speaking about him, mention this feature of his in this way: “They gather around Maxim Nikolaevich creative people who are capable, like him, inspired by his faith, of creating and transforming the space around them."

Having gained experience as a mid-level manager in two years, after another 2 years Maxim Nikolaevich already began to manage the Maya company, and in 1994 he received membership in the board of directors of the Kirov Plant.

In the same 1994, Maxim Nikolaevich headed another organization, which, with his arrival, firmly stood on the rails of managerial and technological innovations, taking the position of leader in the domestic packaging market. It's about about the Polygraph Formulation Company, whose general director Maxim Yakovlev has been continuously working for more than 20 years. During the years of perestroika, the Soviet printing enterprise was not in the best condition and with unclear prospects, but thanks to the reforms of Maxim Nikolaevich Yakovlev and his team in personnel sphere, and technological re-equipment, which overcame the gap from the players in the foreign printing market, significant progress has occurred, thanks to which Polygraphoformlenie has taken a leading position, and proof of this is the membership of the Polygraphoformlenie Group of Companies in the respected international industry association Global Packaging Alliance (GPA).

In 2010, Maxim Yakovlev focused his management resources and talents in a new innovative area of ​​​​biotechnology, namely in the segment of cellular production of plant substances. We are talking about the biotechnology of the Korean Unhwa Corporation and the initiatives of Maxim Yakovlev to transfer this technology to Russia. Thanks to biotechnology, which became the subject of investment and management interest of Maxim Nikolaevich, for the first time it became possible to talk about the isolation and industrial cultivation of unique plant cells - producers (Cambial meristematic cells (CMC) - cambial meristematic cells)) which, due to their high speed reproduction and the endless process of reproduction are natural “biofactories” that produce useful biologically active plant substances in mass quantities.

As a progressive person who relies on technological innovation in development, Maxim Yakovlev did not ignore biotechnology and became the head of the European representative office of the Unhwa corporation, which is located in St. Petersburg. Currently, one of the main tasks of the organization is the transfer of this biotechnology to Russia.

Maxim Yakovlev is firmly convinced that this biotechnology can solve the most important problem for the Russian market of plant bioraw materials, namely, to organize the production of standardized bioraw materials on a large scale, each unit of mass of which will contain the same amount of plant biologically active substances (biologically active substances).

Cambial meristem cells guarantee an identical amount of biologically active substances, as they have the property of genetic and physiological identity, which was proven in collaboration between the South Korean corporation and the Institute of Plant Molecular Research, which is part of the University of Edinburgh, where these cells were studied at the molecular level.

Maxim Yakovlev believes that the breakthrough South Korean technology and the organization of its transfer to Russia will make it possible to build and launch an innovative biotechnological plant with many cell lines from various plants, and to obtain, on their technological basis, biologically active plant substances that were previously unavailable to pharmaceutical manufacturers of medicines and cosmetics and natural products on a mass industrial scale.

This plant bioraw material can be used both domestically and exported, since the global market for plant substances is also interested in solving the most important problem obtaining bio-raw materials and optimizing the production of herbal medicines.

Another project of Maxim Yakovlev, focused on creation, is “EduMarket”. useful websites on career and educational topics, which today are used by more than 1 million people monthly. The mission of the EduMarket Project Group is to give people the opportunity to receive necessary knowledge and skills for growth and development in professional activity, increasing competitiveness in the labor market. Today, the EduMarket Project Group is a significant player in the education market in Russia and has the largest audience in the market of additional professional education.