Filling out a vacation schedule sample. Drawing up a vacation schedule: step-by-step instructions and sample. How to plan and reflect a part-time partner’s vacation

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The vacation schedule is an important and absolutely necessary document. Believe me, the GIT inspector, when he comes to check whether workers’ right to rest is being observed, will first of all ask for a vacation schedule. And it’s good if your document is ideal - both in form and content... The law contains a strict rule - the schedule must be approved no later than two weeks before the new year. But before that you need to collect everything necessary information, draw up a draft document, take into account the opinion of the trade union. All this takes time, which means you need to start preparing your vacation schedule now. And we will help you with this.

The order of provision of paid vacations is determined annually in accordance with the vacation schedule ( Part 1 Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The schedule is approved by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization no later than two weeks before the start of the calendar year in the manner prescribed by Art. 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for the adoption of local regulations. To reflect information about the time of distribution of annual paid leave of employees for the calendar year by month, the unified form No. T-7 is used.

The time a personnel officer works on a draft vacation schedule depends on the number of employees of the company, as well as on how the process of preparing this document is organized in it.


The vacation schedule is signed by the head of the HR department, which means that it is the HR department employees who are responsible for the preparation and execution of this document

Instructions for the use and completion of forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment ( ) contain a rule: when drawing up a vacation schedule, the provisions current legislation, the specifics of the organization’s activities and the wishes of employees.

What are the provisions of current legislation that must be taken into account when drawing up a vacation schedule?

These are, of course, the rules that determine the rules for granting leave:

1. General rules for granting leave. Thus, paid leave must be provided to the employee annually. Leave for the second and subsequent years of work can be granted at any time of the working year in accordance with the order of provision of annual paid leave established by the employer.

2. Rules for calculating the duration of vacation. The duration of annual basic and additional paid vacations for employees is calculated in calendar days and is not limited to a maximum limit. Non-working holidays those falling during the paid vacation period are not included in the number of calendar days of vacation. When calculating the total duration of annual paid leave, additional paid leave is added to the annual main paid leave. You can find expert articles on any types of additional paid leave in Electronic system personnel officer

3. Features of the use of vacation by individual categories. In cases determined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other federal law, individual employees are granted leave taking into account special rules. For example, employees under the age of 18 have the right to take vacation at a time convenient for them ( Art. 267 Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

For a table of features of the use of vacation by certain categories of employees, see.

4. Special duration of vacation. In accordance with the law, individual employees are provided with extended basic, as well as additional holidays.


In fact, the vacation schedule can be drawn up and approved by the employer, especially if the organization does not have a trade union, whose opinion should be taken into account when approving the document.

However, in order to maintain a balance of interests of the parties to the employment contract, it is desirable that employees have the opportunity to take part in planning their vacations.

In practice, most often all interested parties participate in drawing up a vacation schedule, including employees, their immediate supervisors, managers structural divisions, personnel service. Information about the desired time for employees to use vacations is received by the personnel service in various ways.

In some companies, heads of structural divisions draw up a list of planned vacation dates for department employees and coordinate them with the employees. Then the list is drawn up (for example, in a memo) and transferred to the personnel department.

All wishes of employees, formalized in one way or another, are analyzed by personnel service employees and adjusted taking into account the provisions of the law and the specifics of the organization’s activities. And for each employee it is necessary to take into account his individual characteristics use of vacation (duration of vacation, current working year, duration of vacation used for previous periods, etc.).

In this case, the employer organizes the preparation of the schedule at his own discretion. If the procedure, deadlines, and employees responsible for drawing up and executing the schedule are enshrined in local regulations, there will be no need to annually organize work on vacation planning.

For example, employees under the age of 18 are entitled to annual basic paid leave of 31 calendar days. Employees with irregular working hours annually receive additional paid leave of at least 3 calendar days.

5. Features of granting leave to individual employees. Exceptions to the general rules for the provision and use of leave by employees are provided for by law and must be taken into account when drawing up the schedule.


For example, an employee may not use all or part of the vacation for the previous working year, which means that this vacation (part of the vacation) should be provided to him in the next working year, which should be reflected in the vacation schedule.

Further, when drawing up a vacation schedule, the specifics of the employer’s activities are taken into account so that the use of vacation by employees does not affect the normal course of work of the organization. Here it is advisable to take into account the interchangeability of workers, work plans for the next calendar year, and the scope of the organization’s activities.


For example, in educational institutions Due to the specific nature of the educational process, leaves are granted to all employees in the summer months (after the end of the next academic year and before the next one).

Define the procedure, terms of preparation and persons responsible for drawing up the vacation schedule in a local regulatory act, for example, in the instructions for personnel records management

As for taking into account the wishes of employees, the law does not provide for the rule that the order of vacations is determined by agreement of the parties. Taking into account wishes is a recommendation, but in fact the vacation schedule is approved by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the trade union committee.

Changing the vacation schedule

If an employee is hired after the employer has approved the vacation schedule, then there is no need to make changes or additions to it.
In the first working year, leave is granted to the employee for the period specified in the application, but subject to one condition - six months must have elapsed continuous operation at the employer. At the same time, employees who in the first working year use vacation not according to the vacation schedule, but according to applications, will be included in the schedule for the next calendar year.

Form T-7

To reflect information about the time of distribution of annual paid leave of employees for the calendar year by month, the unified form No. T-7 is used ( approved Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 01/05/2004 No. 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment”) (example 2).

Structural units;
positions (specialties, professions) according to the staffing table;
last names, first names, patronymics and personnel numbers workers;
number of calendar days of planned vacation;
planned and actual vacation dates;
information about the transfer of leave (grounds and dates of the proposed leave).

The preparation of a vacation schedule is not limited to entering this information.

When preparing documents, details are grouped within three main parts of the document: header, content and design.

Let's look at each order detail in more detail.

Part 1. Heading. This is the beginning of the document, which contains information about the organization (the author of the document) and primary data about the document.

1. Name of organization

The name of the organization is indicated in all its official documents, including in the vacation schedule, in full accordance with the name enshrined in the constituent documents, including the abbreviated name and name foreign language(if any).

If there is an abbreviated name of the organization, first indicate the full name, and then, below or after it, the abbreviated name (in parentheses).

2. OKUD form code

This detail is affixed only to documents that have a unified form, and the name of which is contained in the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD).

3. Organization code

The organization code is entered according to All-Russian classifier enterprises and organizations (OKPO) and includes 8 characters.

The vacation schedule is consolidated; it reflects information about the time of distribution of annual paid vacations of employees of all structural divisions for the calendar year by month.

The schedule is drawn up in the form of a table consisting of ten columns. When drawing up a vacation schedule, only columns 1-6 of the table are filled in. Let's see how each column of the vacation schedule should be filled out.

4. Structural unit

This column of the vacation schedule table indicates the structural divisions available in the organization (if such a structural division is provided for in the company).

The names of structural divisions are indicated in one of the following options:
Option 1. In alphabetical order;
Option 2. According to the degree of functional significance;
Option 3. In descending order of staffing levels;
Option 4. In accordance with the classification of structural units approved by the employer.

The names of structural divisions are indicated without abbreviations, in full accordance with the internal division adopted in the organization, in nominative case, in the singular.

If the company does not have an internal division, this column of the vacation schedule table is not filled in (you can put dashes in it).

5. Position (specialty, profession) according to the staffing table

This column of the vacation schedule is usually completed

appears in the following order:
job titles are grouped by category and listed in order of importance (from the head of a structural unit to a technical executive);
Job titles are usually listed in alphabetical order.


When calculating the total duration of annual paid leave, additional leaves are summed up with the main leave

In practice, the names of positions (professions, specialties) can be indicated in the schedule and in the order of priority for granting vacations. Many personnel officers prefer filling out column 2 of the table in this way, since it allows them to clearly display the order in which vacations are granted to employees.

The names of positions (professions, specialties) are transferred without abbreviations from the staffing table and are indicated in the nominative case, in the singular.

6. Last name, first name, patronymic

Last names, first names and patronymics of employees are indicated in column 3 of the vacation schedule table in accordance with personal cards of employees or other personnel records.

7. Personnel number

The vacation schedule indicates the personnel numbers of employees.

A personnel number is assigned to each employee upon hiring for the purposes of time sheet actual working time used by him.

8. Vacation. Number of calendar days

This column of the vacation schedule table indicates the total number of calendar days of annual paid leave provided to the employee.

The duration of leave for each employee is determined based on the terms of employment contracts, on the basis of data from employees’ personal cards and other accounting documents.

By general rule The duration of the annual basic paid leave is 28 calendar days (Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Longer basic leave is granted to certain categories of workers in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and certain federal laws(for a summary table of employees who are entitled to extended basic leave, see the portal).

Some employees, in accordance with legal requirements, must be provided with additional paid leave (for a summary table of employees who are provided with additional paid leave, see the portal).

The total duration of vacation entitled to each employee is calculated by adding the duration of the annual main and all additional paid vacations.

A certain total duration of annual paid leave is indicated in the vacation schedule without dividing into main and additional paid leave.


For example, the positions of head of the personnel department and personnel inspector are included in the list of positions with irregular working hours approved by the employer. The regime of irregular working hours is also enshrined in the employment contracts of these employees.

The collective agreement in force with the employer provides for the provision of additional leave to employees with irregular working hours, the duration of which depends on the position held by the employee. Thus, heads of structural units with irregular working hours are provided with additional paid leave of 4 calendar days. For other employees - 3 calendar days.

Thus, the total duration of paid leave provided to the head of the HR department will be 32 calendar days (28 days of annual basic paid leave + 4 calendar days of additional paid leave). The duration of the HR inspector's vacation will be 31 calendar days.

Please note that the vacation schedule cannot record the division of vacation into parts. This is explained by the fact that, in accordance with Art. 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the division of vacation is the subject of agreement between the parties to the employment contract. The vacation schedule is a local normative act, in the preparation and approval of which the wishes of employees may not be taken into account at all. And since granting leave in parts is an exception to general rule, then you should not throw such an exception at the local level.

9. Vacation. Planned vacation date

This column of the vacation schedule table indicates the planned calendar dates of vacation.


For example, the vacation schedule plans to provide leave to the head of the HR department in August 2011. From August 8 to September 4, he will be granted annual basic paid leave. From September 5 to September 8, 2011 - additional paid leave for irregular working hours. A total of 32 calendar days of leave will be provided from August 8 to September 8, 2011. The HR inspector is scheduled to take leave in July 2011. From July 1 to July 28, 2011, the employee will be granted annual basic paid leave, from July 29 to July 31, 2011 d. - additional paid leave for irregular working hours. A total of 31 calendar days of leave will be provided from July 1 to July 31, 2011

In practice, the question often arises: is it possible to indicate in this column of the table not specific dates, but the calendar month in which the employee will be granted leave?

The Instructions for the use and completion of primary accounting documentation forms state that the unified form No. T-7 is used to reflect information about the time of distribution of annual paid leave for the calendar year by month. At the same time, in the most unified form No. T-7, in columns 6 and 7 it is required to indicate the planned and actual dates. The “Date” attribute, as a rule, contains three elements entered in a certain sequence: day, month, year. Thus, from the contents of the Instructions and the names of the columns of the vacation schedule table, it is impossible to make an unambiguous conclusion about whether it is possible to indicate only the calendar month when planning a vacation. Therefore, in practice, both planning options are used.

Do not forget that the employer must comply with the procedures for granting leave provided by law. Thus, the employee must be notified of the start time of the vacation against signature no later than two weeks before its start ( Part 3 Art. 123 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The start of the vacation is determined according to the vacation schedule. And if the schedule does not include calendar dates, it will be difficult for the employer to fulfill the obligation to warn the employee about the start of vacation.


“Break” the annual paid leave into the main and additional ones in the vacation schedule, as well as fix the provision of leave in parts

We recommend indicating the exact date of vacation in column 6 of the table in order to facilitate the registration of granting vacation to the employee. If the vacation schedule does not indicate a specific calendar date for the start of the vacation, then in order to draw up the necessary documents (order for granting vacation, note-calculation), the employee must write a vacation application each time. In practice, quite often there is a situation where employees refuse to use vacation for several working years in a row. Meanwhile, the employer is responsible for failure to provide leave in any case. In such situations, having planned the exact start dates of the vacation in the vacation schedule, you have the opportunity to “forcibly” send the employee on vacation by fulfilling the requirements of Part 3 of Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and notifying the employee about the start time of the vacation against signature no later than two weeks before its start.

Part 3. Design. It contains details confirming the authenticity of our document and the reliability of the information contained in it.

When planning employee leave, schedule specific calendar dates for its provision.

10. Opinion of the elected trade union body

If the organization has a trade union, then the vacation schedule is approved taking into account the opinion of the trade union committee in accordance with the procedure established in Art. 372 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. To do this, before approving the vacation schedule, the draft document and justification for it should be sent to the trade union committee ( Part 1 Art. 372 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The draft vacation schedule is a unified form No. T-7 filled out in accordance with all the rules, not signed by the head of the personnel department.

The trade union committee, no later than 5 working days from the date of receipt of the draft vacation schedule, sends a reasoned opinion on the draft in writing. After receiving this document, a note is made on the vacation schedule that the opinion of the trade union committee was taken into account when planning vacations.

This detail is not filled in if the organization does not have a trade union, and also if the trade union committee is in specified deadlines did not provide a reasoned opinion on the draft vacation schedule.

11. Date of compilation

This detail allows you to determine when the personnel service began work on determining the priority of vacations. Therefore, the date of drawing up the first draft of the consolidated vacation schedule is entered in this column.

The date is written digitally in Arabic numerals in the following sequence: day, month, year. The day and month are recorded by two pairs of Arabic numerals separated by a dot; year - four Arabic numerals.

The vacation schedule is drawn up for the upcoming calendar year, starting on January 1 and ending on December 31. The next year is entered in this column of the unified form.

13. Signature of the head of the HR department

The vacation schedule must be signed by the head of the HR department.

14. Approval stamp

The vacation schedule is approved by the head of the organization or a person authorized by him. The “Approval stamp” detail contains the word “APPROVE”, the name of the position of the person who approved the document, a personal signature, its transcript and the date of approval.

15. Document number

The unified vacation schedule form contains the column “Document number”. The vacation schedule is a local regulatory act, issued once a year in one copy, so in practice this document is assigned the number 1.

Familiarization of employees with the vacation schedule

Part 2 Art. 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the employer’s obligation to acquaint the employee, upon signature, with the accepted local regulations, directly related to their labor activity. The regulations do not provide for a form for familiarizing employees with the vacation schedule; the unified form No. T-7 does not contain a special column for issuing visas to familiarize employees with the vacation schedule. Therefore, there are several options for familiarizing employees with this document; the choice remains with the employer.

Option 1. Use a special accounting form for familiarization, for example, a Journal for familiarizing employees with the vacation schedule. This journal is very convenient because it can be used for several years.

Option 2. Supplement the unified vacation schedule form with a column for issuing visas to familiarize workers with the schedule. Such changes must be formalized by order of the employer (example 1).

After the issuance of such an order, the unified form of the vacation schedule used by the personnel service to draw up the schedule is supplemented with a special column designed to indicate familiarization with the schedule of the organization’s employees. After approval of the schedule by the head of the organization, the personnel service familiarizes all employees of the organization with the schedule against signature, while familiarization visas are issued on the schedule itself (example 2).

Storing vacation schedules

The vacation schedule is usually stored in the organization's personnel department. Extracts from the schedule can be sent to the relevant structural units.

During the calendar year, the person responsible for maintaining the vacation schedule fills out columns 7-10 of the schedule table, entering information about the actual date of vacation, transfer of vacation, and also making the necessary notes.

The storage period for the vacation schedule is one year ( Art. Section 693 8 List of standard management documents generated in activities government agencies, organs local government and organizations indicating storage periods, approved. by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558).

Download a blank vacation schedule form No. T-7

Order to supplement the unified form No. T-7 with column 11

Vacation schedule (form No. T-7) (sample)

Magazine: Everything for HR, Year: 2010, Issue: No. 5

  • HR records management


1 -1

One of the mandatory personnel documents of an enterprise is vacation schedule, the form has standard form T-7, which you can download at the end of the article. The main purpose of this T-7 form is to determine the order in which employees of the enterprise leave. How to make a vacation schedule correctly? You will find a sample of filling out the T-7 form below.

Two weeks before the start of the new year, this personnel document must already be formalized and approved by management. A schedule is drawn up at the end of the year for the next year. Before you start filling out the vacation schedule, you need to find out from employees their desired vacation period. These wishes must be taken into account when filling out the form.

Vacation schedule form T-7 sample filling

To fill out the T-7 form, you can use it; data about employees is taken from it: their full name, position, structural unit and personnel number. This data is entered into a table in form T-7.

When the day comes for the employee to go on his next paid vacation, you will need to indicate in the table the actual date the employee’s vacation began.

When the vacation schedule has been drawn up and the planned start dates for the vacation are indicated for all employees, the document is given to the employees for review, after which each of them must sign next to their last name. Also, the vacation schedule must contain the signatures of the heads of the structural divisions of the enterprise, the personnel service employee and the manager himself, who approves the drawn up schedule.

If in the future a situation arises in which the employee decides to change the time of his vacation (and such a situation arises very often), then you need to act as follows. First, you need to receive a statement from the employee in which he will write his request to postpone the start date of the vacation and indicate the reason why he wants to do this. If management does not mind, then on the basis of this application an order is drawn up to change the vacation schedule, and the necessary amendments are made to the T-7 vacation schedule.

To organize personnel records in a company, beginner HR officers and accountants are perfectly suited to the author’s course by Olga Likina (accountant M.Video management) ⇓

The use of unified forms of primary accounting documentation approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia is not mandatory. However, if you decide to maintain a vacation schedule according to the form developed by Goskomstat, then you must use the unified T-7 form.

It was approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. It is legal to draw up a vacation schedule established duty employer.

Each employee who is registered according to employment contract, has the right to annual paid leave. When drawing up a vacation schedule, you must provide for annual paid vacations for all employees. In addition to the basic paid leave, which is provided annually, annual additional paid leave must be entered into the unified T-7 form.

The employer has the right to independently decide whether to take into account the desire of employees to take vacation in a certain month or period of the calendar year. In some areas of activity, there are periods of increased workload. In this case, it may not be advisable for employees to go on vacation.

If, during the period of drawing up the schedule, employees or the employer himself find it difficult to determine the duration and dates of granting leave, then in the schedule in this case it is possible to indicate not specific dates, but simply the month of granting leave.

Sample of filling out the unified form T-7

If you decide to draw up a vacation schedule using the unified T-7 form, it must be signed by the head of the personnel department. The vacation schedule is finally approved by the head of the company.

In the header of the form, you need to fill in the required details: name of the organization, date of compilation, year for which the vacation schedule is drawn up, then there must be the signature of the manager and a note that the opinion of the trade union body has been taken into account.

The vacation schedule itself consists of a table with 10 columns:

  • structural subdivision;
  • the position of the employee, as indicated in the staffing table;
  • Full name of the employee;
  • employee personnel number;
  • number of calendar days of vacation;
  • planned vacation date;
  • actual start date of vacation;
  • the basis for transferring vacation, if any (for example, an employee took sick leave during vacation);
  • date of intended vacation;
  • notes.

Should employees be made aware of the final vacation schedule? The form is approved only by management; the employer does not have such an obligation by law (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However better workers familiarize yourself with the schedule with your signature. For example, this can be done in a familiarization sheet or in a log of familiarization with local acts.

What categories of employees are not taken into account when drawing up the vacation schedule? Typically, such employees include those who are not entitled to leave next year or who will obviously not take advantage of the leave: for example, employees who work under civil contracts or are on maternity leave.

Consider the fact that the employee vacation schedule should be approved in advance: for the next calendar year, the schedule must be signed no later than two weeks before the start of the calendar year, that is, in fact no later than December 17. Employees must also be notified of the start date of leave no later than two weeks before it begins.

Sample of filling out a vacation schedule using the unified form T-7.

Download the blank Vacation Schedule 2018-2019 47 kb. Word (doc).


The vacation schedule must be drawn up no later than two weeks before the start of the year. Until December 14 (16th Sunday) 2018 for 2019. This is the last date that can be there.


If you do not meet the deadline, the fine will be from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

Using or

Who to include

All full-time and part-time employees must be included in the schedule.

The schedule does not include employees with whom a civil law contract has been concluded, because They are not entitled to leave.

Sample filling

Any changes to the schedule (if the employee left for another period, etc.) must be made in a timely manner, otherwise a fine of 50,000 rubles is also possible.

For the vacation schedule, a special form No. T-7 is provided, approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.

Download a sample of filling out the vacation schedule 2018-2019 47 kb. Word (doc, No. T-7).


What information should be included in the graph?

The vacation schedule is a consolidated document; it is drawn up in one copy and is valid for one calendar year, which is why in practice it is assigned the number 1.

If an employee came to work in the first half of the year and went on vacation in this year is not going to, then there is no need to make changes to the vacation schedule. The right to the first vacation arises only after six months of work (Part 2 of Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Please note how the following details are filled in:

Name of company– indicated in full accordance with constituent documents. If there is an abbreviated name, the full name is indicated, and then the abbreviated name in brackets.

Organization code– is entered in the coding zone as a number of eight characters according to the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO)

Date of preparation. Indicated digitally. Dates are written in Arabic numerals in one line sequentially: day, month, year. It also indicates for which calendar year the schedule is drawn up.

The table below shows the rules for filling out the columns of the tabular part of the vacation schedule.

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Table column

Description of filling

Column 1 Structural unit

The names of structural units are indicated without abbreviations in full accordance with the staffing table.

Column 2 Position (specialty, profession) according to the staffing table

Name of the position (specialty, profession) without reduction from the staffing table

Column 3 Last name, first name, patronymic

Information is indicated without abbreviations

Box 4 Personnel number

The personnel number assigned upon admission is indicated, in accordance with the Personal Card or the admission order. In organizations where personnel numbers are not used, the column may not be filled in

Column 5 Vacation. Number of calendar days

The total number of calendar days provided to the employee is indicated. When calculating the total duration, additional leaves are summed up with the annual main leave.

Column 6 Vacation. Scheduled date

The date is indicated in full in the format 00.00.0000

Columns 7,8,9 are filled in later, in the next calendar year.

You can fill out the schedule either in alphabetical order or by the order of your planned vacation dates. But in the latter case, the names of employees who decided to split their vacation into parts will be repeated.

It is easier to group employees by the departments in which they work.

What length of vacation should I indicate in the schedule?

Before filling out column 5 for all employees, determine how many vacation days employees are entitled to claim next year.

Minimum duration of leave. The duration of annual paid leave is 28 calendar days (Part 1 of Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Extended holidays. For some categories of employees, extended annual paid leave has been established (Part 2 of Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

Along with the main annual paid leaves, the vacation schedule also takes into account additional paid leaves (provided to employees engaged in work with hazardous and (or) hazardous conditions labor, workers with a special nature of work, workers with irregular working hours, workers working in the Far North and equivalent areas, etc.)

Using this online service for organizations, you can conduct tax and accounting on the simplified tax system and UTII, generate payment slips, 4-FSS, SZV, Unified Settlement 2017, submit any reports via the Internet, etc. (from 250 rubles / month). 30 days free, with your first payment (if you follow these links from this site) three months free. For newly created individual entrepreneurs now (free).

Vacation may be divided into parts by mutual agreement between the employee and the employer.

Moreover, at least one part of this vacation must be at least 14 calendar days.

Don't forget to include vacation days not used in previous years in your schedule.

Add unused vacation days from previous years to the vacation planned for the coming calendar year. For example, an employee is entitled to vacation of 28 calendar days. In 2018, he used only 18 days, with 10 more left. Therefore, in the vacation schedule for 2019, the employee will not have 28 calendar days, but 38 days (28 + 10). In this case, in column 10 you need to make a note about the number of added days, for example “28 days. + 10 days in a year".

Labor Code The Russian Federation obliges both the employer and the employee to comply with the deadlines specified in the vacation schedule.

Sample filling: vacation schedule- This required document for any boss, and novice owners of structures often do not know how to draw it up and in what form to do it. In this regard, there are often search queries such as “filling out a vacation schedule” or, say, “drawing up a vacation schedule,” “vacation schedule form,” “vacation schedule form,” and others. It turns out that this topic, like any other related to filling out papers, is quite relevant and needs clarification.

Filling out the vacation schedule is carried out according to a unified, state-approved standard Form No. T-7 "Vacation Schedule", which is approved by our state, and is unified form primary documentation for accounting for wages, and labor itself in general. It is worth noting that the completed form is signed by the manager or an authorized person (but in this case the manager’s seal is still affixed).

Naturally, the question of how to draw up a vacation schedule correctly and how to ensure that filling out the vacation schedule is systematized remains quite relevant. In order for everything to be in order, it is important to indicate additional annual holidays(paid), but remember that those vacations that are given without pay should not be reflected in the schedule.

You also need to take into account all “non-vacation” vacations, that is, those vacations that were not previously used by employees during the year, including those that were carried over to the next year.

Filling out the vacation schedule at an early stage, that is, at the vacation planning stage, is filled out by a personnel service employee from the first to sixth column of standard form No. T-7. Moreover, the names of positions in the second column must be indicated in full accordance with the staffing table. If the organization does not assign personnel numbers to employees, then the vacation schedule is filled out without the fourth column, it simply remains empty.

Columns seven, eight and nine are filled in only by hand, and as employees go on vacation. In the seventh column, all notes must be made after the actual end of the vacation; in the eighth column, the document on the basis of which the vacation is transferred is indicated (such documents include a personal statement or an order from the manager).

Vacation scheduling should also reflect the vacation time of absolutely all employees, including those who have the right to vacation at any time, and for such employees the start date of the vacation is indicated in the sixth column of the schedule, while its change is recorded in the eighth and ninth.

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