Once upon a time there lived a wolf who read. Russian folk tale “Stupid wolf. Russian folk tale "The Stupid Wolf"

About the fairy tale

Russian folk tale "The Stupid Wolf"

The world of Russian fairy tales is bright, rich, filled with kindness and magic. Fairy tales were formed gradually and passed on from generation to generation. They are an integral part folklore and Russian history. Many generations of children have grown up reading folk tales with their simple but exciting plots.

Older people still vaguely remember the simple and vivid images of Russian fairy tales, but modern children, unfortunately, are almost unfamiliar with them. Nowadays, children are surrounded by a wide variety of modern gadgets and colorful toys, but fairy tales still remain an integral element of education. It is through fairy tales that a child comprehends good and evil. Simple images and funny, uncomplicated stories from children's books give a child an idea of ​​adulthood.

Fairy tales instill in a child a love of reading books, develop his imagination, and stories told in literate Russian also instill a culture of speech.

The plot of the fairy tale “The Stupid Wolf” is simple and at the same time instructive. old wolf, driven by hunger, goes out into the forest to look for food. The first thing he decides to eat is the foal. The wolf directly informs the victim of his intentions, to which the foal responds with cunning: he mocks the teeth of the old predator, forcing the wolf to bare his teeth. After the wolf carefully shows off its fangs, the foal kicks at them and runs away.

For the second time, the wolf hopes to dine at the tailor’s expense, which he ingenuously informs him about. Luckily, the tailor has an iron arshin with him, with the help of which the cunning man manages to drive away the predator. The tailor asks the wolf to make sure that such a large prey will fit into his belly. The wolf agrees, and the tailor, taking advantage of the wolf’s blind trust, catches him by the tail and hits him on the sides with a yardstick. The wolf, having lost half of its tail, struggles to escape.

The third victim of the unlucky hunter is a goat. Hearing about the wolf's desire to dine on himself, he immediately agreed. The goat, in order to make the wolf’s task easier, decided to run down the mountain into the predator’s belly. The wolf liked this idea and, standing under the mountain, he was hit in the forehead with goat horns, and his next victim ran away. The fairy tale ended with the fact that, rushing to the carrion, the hungry wolf fell into a trap.

The fairy tale exposes ingenuity and simplicity. Its moral is that you cannot tell everyone about your intentions and take everyone you meet at their word. You shouldn’t go ahead in your plans: you often need to be smart. And the essence of the final part of the fairy tale is that “free cheese is only in a mousetrap.”

Everything learned by a child in childhood is unconsciously used by a person in adulthood. Simple truths, instilled in a person in childhood, form the foundations of his consciousness and worldview, and lay the foundations of moral values. In childhood, a child learns the good and the bad with the help of fairy tales, and in adulthood, a person, relying on impersonal images laid down by fairy tales in early childhood, navigates difficult life situations.

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Once upon a time there lived a wolf, an old, old one. His teeth are broken, his eyes see poorly. It became hard for the old one to live: at least lie down and die.

So the wolf went into the field to look for prey and saw a foal grazing.

Foal, foal, I will eat you!

Where can you, old man, eat me! Yes, you don’t even have teeth.

But there are teeth!

Show me if you're not bragging!

The wolf bared his teeth:


And the foal kicked him with all his might on his bared teeth, and that was it.

The wolf fell unconscious. I lay there and lay there, and barely came to my senses. Hunger is not a problem, he wandered on.

Walking through the forest, a tailor meets him. Such a cheerful tailor: he sings songs and waves an iron arshin.

The wolf stopped in the middle of the road:

Tailor, tailor, I'll eat you!

The tailor looked at the wolf:

Well, what to do! So be it, eat. Just let me measure your belly to see if I can still fit into you.

Measure it, says the wolf, quickly, otherwise I really want to eat.

The tailor came from behind, grabbed the wolf by the tail, wrapped it around his hand and started hitting the sides with a yardstick, hitting him and saying:

Arshin along, arshin across! Arshin along, arshin across!

The wolf tore and tore, tore off half of his tail, and carried away his legs.

The wolf trudges along and licks its wound. Suddenly he sees a large goat grazing on the mountain.

A goat, a goat! I'll eat you!

Well, if you want. But why should I break my teeth in vain? You’d better stand under the mountain and open your mouth wide, and I’ll run down the mountain and straight into your mouth.

The wolf stood under the mountain, opened its mouth and waited.

The goat ran down the mountain and hit the wolf in the forehead, which knocked him down. And that’s what the goat was.

The wolf lay down, stood up and thought:

“Did I swallow the goat or not? If I ate a goat, my belly would be full. He probably deceived me, the slacker.”

He grieved and grieved and went again to look for prey. He saw carrion under a bush, rushed at it and fell into a trap.

Once upon a time there lived a wolf. He was so stupid that they even made up a fairy tale about him.

One evening a hungry wolf walked through the forest and thought about what to profit from: some kind of bone or carrion. He went out onto the high road that led to the village. And then he met a donkey. The wolf rejoiced at the prey and shouted to the donkey:

Hey, donkey, I'll eat you now! And the donkey answers him:

Don't you, stupid wolf, know that donkey meat is eaten in the morning on an empty stomach? And if anyone eats donkey meat during the day or evening, he will die immediately. Are you tired of life?

What should I do, you ass? - asks the wolf. The donkey thought and thought and said:

I’ll go home, sleep until the morning, and come back early in the morning. Then you will eat me.

Okay, go, but make sure you don’t oversleep, come early, I’ll be here waiting for you.

The donkey shouted his donkey “e-a-a, e-a-a!” three times, turned and ran into the village. And the wolf remained on the road to wait for the donkey to return. The wolf hardly slept all night, and when he fell asleep, he dreamed that he was eating donkey meat, and fat was pouring from his lips.

Tasty! - the wolf screamed in his sleep and woke up. He sees that it is already morning, the sun is rising. “Well, well,” the wolf thinks, “I’ll finally eat a hearty meal.”

He is waiting for the donkey, but the donkey still does not appear. The sun has already begun to get hot, but the donkey still doesn’t come. And the wolf stands and waits, looking around.

Finally the wolf realized that the donkey had deceived him. He got angry, but there was nothing to do. The wolf went his way.

All day and all night an angry and hungry wolf wandered through the forest. “No, no one will deceive me again! - thought the wolf. “If anyone gets caught now, I’ll eat it right away.”

Before dawn, the wolf met a kid. He was nibbling the grass on the lawn. “Here comes the prey,” the wolf rejoiced.

Hey little goat, I'll eat you now! - he shouted.

“I’m in your paws, eat,” the kid answered. - But without garlic and sour seasoning, what taste does my meat have... If you want to enjoy goat meat to your heart’s content, then let me run for the seasoning. I live nearby.

And that's true! - the wolf agreed. - I know myself that meat and flour dishes taste better with seasoning. Run back and forth faster, and look, if you don’t come, I will bring down God-sent misfortune on your head.

“Okay, I’ll be right there,” said the little goat, and that was it.

And the wolf waited and waited, but it never came. “The donkey deceived me, but it didn’t make me any smarter,” the wolf thinks. - How did I believe the kid?! God forbid anyone hears about this! They will disgrace you!” - the wolf even gritted his teeth in anger and wandered on.

How long he walked, who knows, but the road led him to the seashore.

The wolf approached the water and saw: a buffalo lying in a dirty puddle not far from the shore.

Hey buffalo, come out, I'll eat you! - the wolf shouted from afar and ran to the puddle.

The buffalo stood up, came out of the puddle and answered the wolf:

I thought you were smart, but it turns out you couldn’t be more stupid in the world. How are you going to eat me? After all, I'm covered in dirt.

“Ballah, the buffalo is right,” thought the wolf and said:

Well, that's it. Get into the sea and wash off the dirt. Just quickly!

I'll be there in a jiffy! - the buffalo answered and ran into the water. The buffalo began to splash in the sea, and the wolf stood on the hot sand, burning its paws and waiting for the buffalo. Finally he couldn’t stand it anymore and shouted:

Stop splashing around. Come out! I'll eat you just like that.

“Oh, you fool,” answered the buffalo from the water. - Yes, you can wait for me on the shore until your death. Still can't wait!

The wolf got angry and climbed into the water.

Again he began to wait for the buffalo. And he’s not going to come out. The wolf got angry, rained down curses on the buffalo's head and trudged away.

For three days and three nights a wolf wandered through the forest. He walked many roads and paths in search of prey, but never got anything. He became completely exhausted, sat down on the grass at the edge of the forest and thought.

And suddenly a horse appeared right in front of him - he was running along the road. The wolf even jumped for joy.

Hey, horse, you won’t leave me! - the wolf shouted and ran after the horse.

Then the horse stopped and asked the wolf:

Dear wolf, I know that you will tear me to pieces. So fulfill my last request.

Well, post it quickly.

Before my late father died, he wrote on my hoof the day and year of my birth,” the horse began. - Please, look at my hoof and tell me when I was born. I want to count how many years I have lived... This is my last request. And there you can eat me for your health.

Okay,” the wolf agreed. - Show me your hoof.

The horse raised his hind leg. The wolf approached, bent down and began to look for the inscription. And at that very moment the horse kicks the wolf in the face! The wolf fell down and never got up again,

The dog Serko lived with a peasant, but he grew painfully old. The owner sees that he will be of no use, and he drives him out of the yard. Serko wanders around the field.

A wolf approaches him and asks:

Why are you walking here?

Serko answers:

Well, brother, the owner drove me away, and here I am. and I wander.

Do you want, - the wolf says to him, - I will make sure that the owner will take you back again? Serko says:

Do it, my dear, I’ll thank you somehow.

The wolf says:

Well, look: when your master and his wife come out to reap, the mistress puts the child under a haystack, and you walk around the field so that I know where it is: I’ll grab the child, and you take it away from me, and I’ll be scared and throw it away his.

The owner and his wife went out to the stubble field to reap. The wife laid her child under the hay, and she reaped next to her husband. Lo and behold, a wolf runs through the village, grabs a child and carries him across the field.

Serko after the wolf.

Somehow I caught up, took the child away, brought it to the owner, and gave it to him. Then the owner took bread and a piece of lard from the bag and said:

Here, Serko, eat, for not letting the wolf eat the child!

They come from the field in the evening and take Serko. We returned home, and the owner said:

Make more buckwheat dumplings, wife, and season them well with lard!

As soon as they were cooked, he seated Serko at the table, sat down next to him and said:

Well, Zhinka, serve some dumplings, we’ll have dinner.

My wife did. He also puts Serka in the bowl, he pleases him so much that he doesn’t get burned by the hot stuff!

And Serko thinks: “I’ll have to thank the wolf for such a service.”

And the owner waited for the meat-eater and gave his daughter in marriage. Serko went out into the field, found a wolf there and said to him:

Come to our garden on Sunday evening, I will let you into the house and thank you for serving me.

The wolf waited until Sunday and came to the place where Serko pointed him. And on this very day the owner celebrated a wedding. Serko went out to the wolf, led him into the hut and sat him down under the table. So Serko took a bottle of vodka and a large piece of meat from the table and carried it under the table; people wanted to beat the dog for this. And the owner says:

Don’t beat Serko, he served me, and I will repay him with kindness throughout my life.

Serko takes the best thing lying on the table, gives it to the wolf, feeds him, gives him something to drink so that the wolf cannot resist and says:

And Serko says:

Don't sing, otherwise you'll be in trouble! It’s better if I give you another bottle of vodka, but just keep quiet. The wolf drank a bottle of vodka and said:

Well, now I’ll sing! And how it howls under the table!

Some rushed out of the hut, some rushed to beat the wolf. And Serko leaned on the wolf, as if he wanted to strangle him. The owner said:

Don't hit the wolf, otherwise you'll kill me and Serko! He can handle it himself.

Then Serko took the wolf out into the field and said:

You served me, and I repaid you kindly. With that we said goodbye.

Based on this fairy tale, the cartoon "Once Upon a Time There Was a Dog" was filmed.

A fairy tale about how a cat, a goat and a ram ran away from the house so that their owners would not harass them. In the forest they met a bear and gray wolves...

Frightened wolves read

Once upon a time there lived a goat and a ram in the same yard; They lived together amicably: a tuft of hay - and that in half, and if a pitchfork is in the side - so to one cat Vaska.

He is such a thief and robber - every hour he is on the hunt, and where he lies badly - then his belly hurts!
One day a goat and a ram are lying down and talking; out of nowhere came a purring little cat, a gray forehead, walking and crying so pitifully!

A goat and a ram and they ask: “Cat-cat, gray pubis! Why are you crying, why are you jumping on three legs?” - “How can I not cry? An old woman beat me; she beat and beat, tore out her ears, broke her legs, and even got a noose!” - “And for what reason are you going to die like this?” “Oh, that’s why I was killed because I didn’t identify myself and licked the sour cream!” And the purring cat cried again.

“Cat-cat, gray pubis! What else are you crying about? - “How not to cry? The woman beat me and said: “My son-in-law will come to see me, where can I get sour cream? Whether you like it or not, you’ll have to slaughter a goat or a ram!”

The goat and the ram roared: “Oh, you gray cat, stupid forehead! Why did you ruin us? Here we gore you!”

Here purringly he brought his guilt and asked for forgiveness.

They forgave him and the three of them began to think: what to do and what to do? “And what, middle brother Baranko,” asked the purr, “is your forehead strong: try it on the gate!”

The ram hit the gate with its forehead as it ran: the gate swayed, but did not open. The elder brother, the ugly goat, got up, ran, hit himself - and the gate opened...

The dust rises in a column, the grass bends to the ground; A goat and a ram are running, and behind them a cat is jumping on three legs - a gray forehead. He was tired and prayed to his named brothers: “Neither the elder brother nor the middle brother! Don’t leave your little brother to be devoured by the beasts!”

He took the goat, put it on himself, and they rushed again over the mountains, over the valleys, over the shifting sands. They ran for a long time, day and night, until there was enough strength in their legs.

Here comes a steep slope, under that turning there is a mown field, on that field there are stacks of cities. A goat, a ram and a cat stopped to rest, and it was a cold autumn night. “Where can I get fire?” - the goat and the ram think. And the little purr had already obtained birch bark, wrapped the horns of the goat and ordered him and the ram to bump their foreheads. A goat and a ram hit each other so hard that sparks fell from their eyes: the birch bark caught fire! “Okay,” said the gray cat, “now let’s warm up.” And with that word, he flooded the haystack.

Before they had time to warm up, lo and behold, an uninvited guest, a gray man named Mikhailo Ivanovich, showed up. “Let me in,” he says, “to warm up and rest: I can’t do something!”

- “Welcome, gray anthill man! Where are you coming from, brother?

- “I went to the apiary and got into a fight with the men, that’s why I feigned illness; I’m going to the fox for treatment.”

The four of us began to share the dark night: the bear - under the haystack, the purr - on the haystack, and the goat and ram - by the fire.

Seven gray wolves are walking, the eighth is white - and straight to the haystack. “Fu-fu,” says the white wolf, “it smells like a non-Russian spirit. What kind of people are here? Let’s torture the force!” The goat and the ram bleated out of fear, and the purr made such a speech: “Ahti, white wolf, prince over the wolves! Don’t make our elder angry: God have mercy, he is angry! How it diverges is not good for anyone. But you don’t see his beard: that’s where his strength lies, with his beard he kills animals, but with his horns he only removes the skin. It’s better to come up with honor and ask: we want, they say, to play with your little brother who lies under the haystack!” The wolves bowed to the goat, surrounded Mishka and began to bully him. So he fastened himself, and fastened himself, until there was enough for each paw of the wolf: they sang Lazarus, somehow got out, with their tails between their legs, God give us their legs!

Meanwhile, the goat and the ram picked up the purr and ran into the forest and again came across gray wolves. The cat climbed to the very top of the spruce tree, the goat and the ram grabbed a spruce branch with their front legs and hung. And the wolves stand under the spruce tree, baring their teeth and howling, looking at the goat and ram.

The cat, with a gray forehead, saw that things were bad, and began throwing fir cones at the wolves and saying: “It’s a wolf! Two wolves! Three wolves! Only a wolf per brother. I, purr, just ate two wolves, and with bones, and I’m still full, and you, big brother, went after the bears, but didn’t catch them, take my share for yourself!” As soon as he said these words, the goat fell from the tree and fell with its horns right on the wolf.

And the purr, you know, is screaming: “Hold him, catch him!” Then such fear came upon the wolves that they began to run as fast as they could without looking back.

And the goat, the ram and the gray pubis cat quickly ran home.
(Afanasyev, vol. 1, Ill. E. Rachev, Baby, 1992)

Published by: Mishka 19.11.2017 11:06 24.05.2019

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Once upon a time there lived a wolf, an old, old one. His teeth are broken, his eyes see poorly. It became hard for the old one to live: at least lie down and die.

So the wolf went into the field to look for prey and saw a foal grazing.

Foal, foal, I will eat you!

Where can you, old man, eat me! Yes, you don’t even have teeth.

But there are teeth!

Show me if you're not bragging!

The wolf bared his teeth:

And the foal kicked him with all his might on his bared teeth, and that was it.

The wolf fell unconscious. I lay there and lay there, and barely came to my senses. Hunger is not a problem, he wandered on.

Walking through the forest, a tailor meets him. Such a cheerful tailor: he sings songs and waves an iron arshin.

The wolf stopped in the middle of the road:

Tailor, tailor, I'll eat you!

The tailor looked at the wolf:

Well, what to do! So be it, eat. Just let me measure your belly to see if I can still fit into you.

Measure it, says the wolf, quickly, otherwise I really want to eat.

The tailor came from behind, grabbed the wolf by the tail, wrapped it around his hand and started hitting the sides with a yardstick, hitting him and saying:

Arshin along, arshin across! Arshin along, arshin across!

The wolf tore and tore, tore off half of his tail, and carried away his legs.

The wolf trudges along and licks its wound. Suddenly he sees a large goat grazing on the mountain.

A goat, a goat! I'll eat you!

Well, eat if you want. But why should I break my teeth in vain? You’d better stand under the mountain and open your mouth wide, and I’ll run down the mountain and straight into your mouth.

The wolf stood under the mountain, opened its mouth and waited.

The goat ran down the mountain and hit the wolf in the forehead, which knocked him down. And that’s what the goat was.

The wolf lay down, stood up and thought:

“Did I swallow the goat or not? If I ate a goat, my belly would be full. He probably deceived me, the slacker.”

He grieved and grieved and went again to look for prey. He saw carrion under a bush, rushed at it and fell into a trap.