Business life magazine. Business life. Statement from our team for the media

This Russian moved to England in 2014. He changed his job in Moscow to a London office owned by the same large company. He told the TJ resource about the contrasts.

According to the Russian, the business district where his office is located is very similar to Moscow City with only one exception:

"District in general outline similar to Moscow City, but originally designed for people. Those who work or have at least once been to Moscow City know that each tower is a practically impregnable fortress. To get to the entrance to the building from the nearest bus stop (who knows where they are?), you need to walk several barriers and climb a bunch of stairs.

Likewise, no taxi will ever take you directly to the entrance. The only way to travel between the towers is through the parking lot around shopping center. Canary Wharf, in turn, is designed in such a way that you realize that you are standing right next to a skyscraper only when you look up. All buildings directly face the roadway, and, for example, the distance from the exit from my office to the public transport stop is approximately 10 meters."

Churchill Place

The differences between Russian and English offices lie in the office premises themselves:

Inside, most offices of large companies are designed according to the principle open space. And if in Russia only low- and middle-level employees are usually accommodated in open spaces, then in London, in most cases, top management will sit in the same places, along with ordinary employees.

Do you want to work remotely, please!

The government and companies themselves actively encourage remote work from home at least 1-2 days a week, and for this reason, most employees basically do not have their own places.

This is both in the interests of municipal authorities and for employers themselves:

So one thing workplace can be used by different people on different days of the week. This relieves pressure on the transport system, which is greatly welcomed by the government. At the same time, such a system allows corporations to save on office space for employees.

Office at 7 am

There is also a special room in the hero’s office where you can retire to communicate by phone:

For confidential calls there are special rooms that work on the principle of “whoever has time, get away with it.”

Single room for confidential calls

In the capital's English office there are no canteens:

There are no canteens in the usual sense here. Most people prefer to eat food brought from home or bought in a store at work - sandwiches, salads, sushi. There is, of course, an office cafe, but you won’t be able to buy borscht or mashed potatoes with a cutlet - you’ll have to be content with sandwiches or fish & chips.

Breakfast in the office

If the weather permits, London employees can enjoy their lunch outdoors.

Jubilee Park

The main difference between Moscow and London, in the Russian’s opinion, is the people:

Firstly, it is one of the most multicultural cities on the planet. Here, no one cares where you are from, what your skin color is, what religion you are, or whether you have an accent.

In my team of 17 people, with whom we work on the project all year round, there are only four locals (three English and one Welsh). The rest are those who moved (or were on business trips) from Japan, South Africa, Australia, the Netherlands, Germany, Canada, Hong Kong, Ukraine, Poland and Russia. And this is a common situation for any large company.

Just a couple of years ago, my life was like this: a working day lasts 12 hours, a couple of events in the evening, and then a busy weekend, during which you don’t have time to not only recover, but even get enough sleep. This active life lasted for almost five years, during which time I attended dozens of business and non-business events in various cities around the world - from New York to Hong Kong, visited 25 countries and met with countless financiers, bankers and other investors. And even received a business education. But one day the body, exhausted by this rhythm of life, malfunctioned. And I chose between my business and my health in favor of the latter, recognizing that I am not one of those lucky people who can function in a super-efficient mode all my life.

I now live in Seattle, a booming city with headquarters for Amazon, Boeing, and Microsoft, but still with a touch of the American heartland. I study to be a designer in college, go to bed at ten in the evening, occasionally write articles for Forbes, and in a year and a half I have attended only three business conferences. I don’t know how long this professional downtime of mine will last, but I’m trying to maintain business connections, although this is not easy due to the 11 hour difference with Moscow. For myself, I formulated several rules: how not to go crazy and even spend time usefully if business activity decreased sharply. These tips may be useful to professionals who are looking for their dream job, parents in maternity leave or those who moved to a new country while waiting for a work permit, in general, all those who, for one reason or another, took a break in their career.

Read business media. It’s clear that Vedomosti’s front-page exclusives no longer excite you, but the easy style of Meduza and the exciting features of Forbes will help you keep up a conversation over dinner with friends or casual acquaintances at a boring party.

Become a volunteer. At your child's school, symphony orchestra, museum or library. You will again plunge into the working atmosphere and find a place where you can dress up, although not paid.

Learn. Online programming courses, a workshop on sewing textile dolls or a college class on oil painting - it's time to realize your cherished aspirations or simply improve your skills. For example, has hundreds of courses to choose from.

Play sports. Ellipse, Zumba, yoga or running - it doesn’t matter. Even 15-minute sessions will bring benefits. And again a reason to leave the house. And if you’re lazy, apps come to the rescue. Asana Rebel, for example, will tailor a yoga video workout for you based on your goals, weight, and age.

Develop connections. You never know what the next career turn will be and where a new acquaintance at a group meeting with will lead. Yes, now it’s not your company that pays for the ticket to an industry conference, but you, but a cool annual event where everyone will be there is worth it.

Write articles. An expert in his field can become a sought-after columnist; editors of business publications are always on the lookout for fresh and talented authors. And now you have more time than ever to try your hand at writing. Maybe you even dare to book?

Think about your health. Have you heard of biohacking? It's time to understand the topic, remember your chemistry lessons and use the latest developments for your own benefit, rather than eating dull multivitamins year after year.

Invest. In Bitcoin or shares of American corporations. Opening a brokerage account now takes minutes (for example, in the Robinhood app), and free time can be spent reading analytical reports and choosing promising instruments. After all, Apple's first investors became multimillionaires.

Communicate with family, friends and acquaintances. Now you can afford a shopping marathon with your mother, hour-long Skype calls with a classmate, meaningful chats with your former favorite colleagues and discussions on Facebook under resonant posts.

Get your accounts in order in social networks . Edit LinkedIn, don’t abandon Facebook (even if your posts don’t get the same number of likes), think over an Instagram strategy, start a Telegram channel. You might think about promoting them, because the reputation of a sought-after professional and an interesting blogger has never harmed anyone. And the popular Telegram channel can be sold.

Travel. It doesn’t matter where - to the next town or around the world. Pleasant discoveries and new horizons will await you everywhere.

Improve your languages. You can improve your English by watching TV series with subtitles, and learn Italian via Skype with a native speaker from Florence. New levels of proficiency will decorate your updated resume. And, of course, your trip to Italy.

Dance. Salsa or tango lessons don't require much effort, and your dream of being the queen of the dance floor can come true. And a charge of positive emotions is guaranteed.

Understand the art. In my opinion, everyone should be able to distinguish Monet from Manet, know what Dmitry Rybolovlev collects and what works made the box office at the last Sotheby's auction.

Plan for the future. Finally, you have time to think about what you will do “when you grow up.” Set goals, prioritize, and go!

Intense business life: what is it?

How many times have we observed and how many times have we ourselves participated in a situation as old as time: the coach energetically says something, tells, shows, explains, solves problems himself, motivates, persuades... and the group sits and listens passively. At best, only a few people work. At worst, the group only presents the coach with new tasks... They say, have you coped with this one? - Well done... what about this one?

Another ancient profession?

And everything seems to be correct. The client orders a service. The trainer must provide it, and provide it in such a way that the client is satisfied. But the more the coach does, the less the group does. And at the end we get a lot of emotions and often no results. We looked at the visiting luminary, listened to new ideas and interesting examples, but... we won’t be able to do that...

If we like the coach, we give him good marks and write flattering reviews. And if we don’t like the coach, we will always find a way to annoy him. For example, ask “where are the results? Why didn’t we get results?”... So the trainers try their best to please, satisfy all the whims of the client, be super competent and super careful with the group... And sadly, they often find themselves in the role of a representative of one of the oldest professions... there are a lot of jokes on this topic . “What is the difference between a coach (consultant) and a prostitute? “A prostitute becomes cheaper with age, but a coach (consultant) becomes more expensive...”

Agree, it’s not very pleasant to associate your work with such a profession? And isn’t it very pleasant to crawl home after training, squeezed like a lemon and completely devastated? And after a few years you suddenly realize that you are not achieving any results, but are unsuccessfully fighting the stupidity and stupidity of your clients, and you are already beginning to quietly hate them... But life is just beginning...

The teacher doesn't dance himself

If you ever take a dance class with good instructors, you will be surprised: they hardly dance in front of the students. They only show the elements of movements, a little at a time, without going beyond the level that students can repeat. So as not to discourage them from learning further.

To learn to dance, students must be active. But the teacher has no need to dance. He already knows how to do this. If a coach himself solves the problems that the public throws at him, he is likened only to a good dancer. Who himself dances brilliantly... but cannot teach.

In order to launch a group into training mode, it is enough to just take this basic condition as a support: the trainer himself does not have to do anything. All, absolutely all the work must be done by the group members.

I think most of my colleagues will agree with this and will say that they themselves have been thinking in this direction for a long time. But there's one catch: the format. Standard format“training seminar” by default implies a kind of “guru show”, where the trainer must be competent and delight the audience with answers to questions. The audience is waiting, the audience is demanding, and willy-nilly you fall into this trap... And then you fight, you fight...

Need a format

To avoid having to fight later, it is better to think about the rules of the game in advance. One of the most powerful solutions I once discovered from my colleagues was not even the rules of the game. This was a completely revised format for the coach's work. It was called "Intense Business Life."

At first I (as a client) was horrified... then I was delighted... and then I myself began to work only in this format. The format was developed by Sergei Bykov in the process of adapting the “Intensive Therapeutic Life” methodology of Dr. Alexander Alekseichik to solving business problems.

I won’t theorize too much about this – it’s better to experience such things from your own experience. Therefore, here I will describe only the most important elements of this format - and how they are set, using the example of the first two hours in the life of a certain corporate group that solved its business problems in this format. There are only seven of these elements.

Point 1. This is not a training

Start of a new project in the company. Starting intensive 25 people are sitting in a circle and looking at me warily. Hello, I say. My name is Alexander Sorokoumov, and I will be the moderator of this working group. As you already understand, this is not a training or a seminar. We came here to work on your tasks...

At the very beginning it is said that no “training seminar” is implied. We can say that we work in a training space (sitting in a circle and talking). But no one here will teach anyone. We will work on real tasks and, if necessary, learn to perform them as we go. This is a working group. And the main thing here is the tasks for which we have gathered.

Point 2. I am not a coach

Who knows who the moderator is, I ask. Painful silence, punctuated by several nods. Okay, let me explain. Have you seen forums on websites? There are people there who monitor compliance with the rules of communication - they are called moderators, remember? It’s the same here: in this working group I will support the rules of communication and the general format of work - so that you can meet the allotted time and solve your problem.

The roles of coach and consultant are good. But they are very authoritative. You want to look up to them and expect that they know everything and can do everything. I just want to hang the whole burden of the tasks being solved on them. While the role of a moderator is really the role of an outsider: he will help you establish working together and negotiate with each other. But not more. The implementation of the work lies entirely with the participants in the process.

Point 3. Assistants

In order for us to move quickly, I need several assistants to take on a number of functions that support our work. The first function is the information keeper. All information that will be developed here should be recorded on sheets of paper, the sheets will be hung on the walls of the classroom, photographed on digital camera and be entered into your databases...Who wants to take responsibility?... After a few seconds, the participants begin to intensively nominate each other, and this has to be stopped: stop, stop, I didn’t ask to nominate those who wanted, I asked who wanted... Finally, the first person made up his mind. Okay, I say, I ask you to take a felt-tip pen and go to the flipchart. Now we will identify all the available functions, the people who will take them on, and you will write all this down on a separate sheet.

The group must take responsibility for its work and begin to actively act from the very first minutes. This is best accomplished if you identify several active roles and invite participants to take on them.

In addition to the information keeper, you must also enter:

    time keeper(duty – to warn about the beginning and end of breaks, to monitor the schedule of performances, etc.);

    climate keeper(monitor the state of the physical atmosphere, ventilate during breaks, and also monitor the state of the moral atmosphere and give signals if someone in the group becomes uncomfortable);

    money keeper(in the format of business life, money circulates and a custodian of the funds that the entire group earns is required);

    "samovar woman/grandfather"(the one who organizes drinks and snacks during breaks)... however, people usually don’t like this old Russian name, so we usually call this function “samovar girl/boy”... Sometimes it comes in as component as a climate guardian.

    If necessary, other functions can be introduced.

Particularly sophisticated participants may try to say that you are a coach, you should do all this... Absolutely right, you might say. I can also make coffee for you in the process. Just what is more important to you - that I disperse my attention between these functions - or concentrate on the main thing: on helping you solve your problems?

Point 4. The most important roles

So, I ask you to write down everyone who has decided on the functions... do not forget to mark me as a moderator... and now we move on to the most important role for your corporate format: the role of the Customer of the work. The customer, or the group leader, by definition, is your boss, who is present here. The one who pays your salary and who paid for this intensive field trip for you. He did this to solve a specific problem, which he will now pose to you. And you will have the opportunity to clarify the task, specify the criteria by which he will evaluate its solution, etc. Chief, please...

The most important roles are the roles Customer(team leader) and Performer. Often they try to make a coach the leader of the group, which is completely futile. Any company already has a team leader, who is also the customer - this is the boss.

Just as often, participants try to put the coach in the role of the main performer, which is already fraught. Performers are the employees of the company and no one else, they must solve the problems facing them, consultants will come and go - and they will continue to live and work... But in practice, one would like to shift the role of the performer and responsibility for the result onto a coach, consultant, etc. .

Therefore, at the very beginning of work, roles and responsibilities are discussed very carefully. Eat Customer. He can set a task and not work, but just walk around and watch how others work (but he can also work as a performer). Eat Performers- these are the people who solve the task (you can invite consultants to the group - to play the role of performers, no one forbids). And there is Moderator– a specially invited person who establishes and supports the collaboration of performers. After such an arrangement, it becomes extremely clear to everyone who is responsible for what.

Clause 5. Operating principles

We work with you in the format of intense business life. It differs from other training formats in that it creates conditions that bring you as close as possible to real life. There will be no greenhouse conditions here. But there will be life. Small, but extremely intense. It differs from big life in that here we will make it more complete - we will include those things that ordinary life is deprived of. We will add feelings and experiences to thoughts, imaginative thinking to logic, actions to reasoning, and saturate it with a huge number of events. And one more main difference - in this small life you will have to pay much, much less for your mistakes than in the big life...

Well, are you ready? Then let's move on to the principles. Here the principles by which ordinary life, especially business life, is built will be announced. The principles may or may not be followed. But they still exist. Let's take the first principle: You have to pay for everything (I ask the information keeper to write this down on a separate sheet of paper).

An excitement runs through the hall... Do you agree that in life you have to pay a lot for everything? Without reciprocity there would be no life, right? So it is here... Now for us this principle means the following: everyone sitting here can pay money - and everyone can receive money... Well, for example: those who were late... how much do you estimate your lateness? Now you can literally pay for it - to the group, to the general cash register... don’t you want to? Do you consider this a “swindle”? Well, if you don’t want to, don’t pay, because the rule is still formulated as follows: “you can pay money.” And note that the principle still worked: those who were late paid at least by missing the information at the very beginning and now do not understand what is happening here. And they think that they are trying to “divorce” them...

There are about ten principles in the format of intense business life. As a rule, work begins with the 4 most important, supporting ones:

    There is no unnamed(until you name the problem, no one will see it);

    Information in the system is the property of the entire system(all information, all conversations during work should be heard by everyone sitting in the circle. Whispers - during breaks);

    We work by the hour and minute(we work for 1 hour, break for 10 minutes);

    You have to pay for everything(you can pay money and you can receive money)

The most general rules that follow from these principles are marked in brackets. For mature, well-functioning groups, principles are sufficient. For groups of young, unemployed or in conflict, principles and general rules sometimes it’s not enough, and then you have to propose specific rules. For example, if there are constant whispers, you can stop work and demand that a rule be adopted that will support the principle “information is the property of the system.” And the moderator, due to his responsibility, is obliged to keep the group on this issue and not allow it to move further until the rule is adopted and the agreement is concluded. And the usual complaints to the coach “here we are (by your will) doing crap, but time is running out” is now a strong move on the part of the moderator: “You can’t agree on a rule. And time is running out... and the Customer is dissatisfied... Then he can bill you for wasted time... right, Customer?” The customer nods affirmatively, and it’s simply amazing how much short term even the most irresponsible groups take responsibility and begin to agree on rules... Sometimes quite strict, and they have to be restrained: “Wait, wait, 100 (500, 1000) rubles (meaning Russian rubles) for whispering (for a minute of late) - isn’t that too much? Any fine should not discourage you from working. Maybe we can settle on a smaller amount that is convenient for everyone?”

Point 6. The result is a product

So we have three days. During these three days you must solve the problem and present the solution in a simple, convenient and understandable form. Three days are enough to solve this problem. We will now form several working subgroups. Each subgroup needs to decide on the composition and roles: leader, moderator and information keeper, at a minimum. Once the groups are formed, they will receive their first task. How long do you need to form groups? Timekeeper, please follow...

For training, the result is a thick handout, also listened to in the form of lectures (and even “trained” in exercises), plus an emotional uplift at the end... For a working group, the result is the product that it creates. For example, a conceptual model of the balanced scorecard. Or a brand model. Or a description of the company in four modalities. Or a merger project. Or a model for reorganizing business processes... But in no case is the main product “the experience gained and emotional experiences.” These are all just by-products.

Therefore, from the very beginning, the group aims to produce a product in three days that will satisfy the customer located right there. Or it won’t satisfy, which is also likely.

Point 7. Place of the product - on the market

But that is not all. Every product you create will be put up for sale on the market. You will make presentations, present them to everyone else (other subgroups) - and these presentations will be bought - or not bought. Unlike big life, here the market will directly say what it buys and what it doesn’t, and why. All you have to do is hear what the market says and listen to it. Although in many cases this will not be easy... But here you can count on my help.

If we have an intense business life, if we have money flowing in from the very beginning, then we already have a market. All that remains is to name it - after all, there is no unnamed...

During the presentations, the market comes into full force. A show is played out on stage, the purpose of which is to convey to the market (the rest of the group) what each subgroup has developed. The market values ​​these products with real money, but, unlike the ordinary market, it also says why and for what it pays exactly that much... And on this rather harsh feedback, the only learning possible for an adult occurs - learning from personal experience. Learning by creating results.

Let's go…

...And now the two hours allotted for organizing the process have passed. Participants break into subgroups, move flipcharts, someone ran to solve an urgent problem over the phone... Someone looks offended, someone has tricks pouring out of their eyes... The customer perked up, now he will finally be able to convey to people why he is ready to pay, and for what - not...

There are three days of life ahead. We will have achievements and failures, crises and successes, unexpected situations and their resolutions, tight time pressure and unexpected discoveries... We will live a real, albeit small, life, which then someone will appreciate in a few months... and others in a few years of events of ordinary, “big” life.

And at the end, the group will generate and protect the result - exactly the result that they are capable of creating themselves. And which at the moment will be enough for them to take further steps. Will it be a balanced scorecard or a merger model? corporate cultures, or a single adjusted business process – it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that they will be able to implement these developments in everyday life and move on independently. Because, in essence, there is no difference between “big” and “small” lives. In three days the script is created, acted out and adjusted. And then it just comes true.

About approved by the Duma new military budget And tense economic situation in the country, about trillions of rubles and depreciation of the national currency- and about the indexation of military salaries... And at the end of the article there is such a section -
Compensation for military personnel taking part in hostilities in Ukraine in 2014 - 2015
“Also, the Russian Government made an important decision on monetary compensation for military personnel who took part in hostilities in eastern Ukraine.
Thus, for the families of fallen servicemen who took part in hostilities in Ukraine, financial compensation will amount to 3 million rubles; those who received disability during hostilities - 1.5 million rubles. In addition, provision is made for contract soldiers to be paid “combat” for each day of their stay in a military conflict zone in the amount of 1,800 rubles.
In total, as of February 1, 2015, monetary compensation has already been paid for more than 2,000 families of deceased military personnel and for 3,200 military personnel who were seriously injured and recognized as disabled.”

So, like this:

  • First, the president, ministers, generals and Kiselyovs with life news stubbornly repeat - for a year in a row - “there are no Russian troops in Ukraine!”

  • Then they issue a decree on non-disclosure of losses in Peaceful time- and about criminal liability for disclosure.

  • And then the Business Life website informs us - dryly and in a businesslike manner - about the compensation already paid - in military operations in Ukraine.

If I remember correctly, during the entire Afghan war there were 15 thousand losses - this is over nine years, from December 1979 to February 1989. This works out to be 1650 on average per year.

“Disgusting stench,” Rumata said with feeling.
“Yes, it’s terrible,” Don Tameo agreed, closing the flask. - But how freely one can breathe in the revived Arkanar!

Don’t ask me what the Strugatskys have to do with it. This is a complex associative relationship.

UPDATE Regarding “fake” and “stuffing”:

The reality of the web resource "Business Life" is fully confirmed, for example, by the Internet ratings site
There are a lot of other tools (share yours - thank you :)

Copyright for the title "Business Life" is also quite real and the current registration has been valid since 2008.

And the most important thing- this news is quite old, available in the web archive since MARCH 2015 - thanks edroovna
It’s just that the Business Life website is really highly specialized and rarely visited - to put it mildly.
This note could continue to lie there, gathering dust - unnoticed by anyone...
The decree of the President of the Russian Federation on classifying data on losses in peacetime came into force on May 28, 2015.
That is, at the time of publication, this article in Delovaya Zhizn did not violate any laws or decrees.

All this DOES NOT remove questions about the source of data on “compensations” for more than 2,000 families of fallen military personnel and for 3,200 military personnel who were seriously injured and recognized as disabled- in military operations in Ukraine." And about the reliability of the numbers, too. And errors here are also possible.
However, this is not a hoax or a hoax.

In the absence of other data, we can consider “2000 killed” as the MINIMUM estimate of the losses of Russian military personnel in the war in Ukraine as of February 2015
**************************************** **************************************** *********************************

A few days ago, our military team came across the website “Business Life” (, on one of the pages of which there was the following text:

The text seemed both loud (because wow, this is Russia's admission that its troops are participating in the war) and absurd. Absurd, because the adoption of such a resolution and even discussion of the adoption of such a resolution is impossible until Russia officially acknowledges its participation in the war. Those. the sequence must be strictly as follows: first we officially recognize participation in the war, and only then we adopt decisions on compensation, but not the other way around.

Moreover, social guarantees military personnel are already provided for by Law 306-FZ of November 7, 2011, and no separate resolutions are required to pay compensation to the families of deceased military personnel (both in the war in Ukraine and in future wars).

In addition, the war has been going on for more than a year. There have been deaths almost from the very beginning. Is it really only now that people are thinking about compensation? No, of course not, compensation to the families of fallen soldiers has been paid for a long time.

Accordingly, the existence of such a document (Government resolution) and even discussion of its adoption is completely absurd. In addition, if, nevertheless, let’s imagine, the Government started talking about adopting such a resolution, then we can say with 100% confidence that this information would have already been reported by a number of other sources, truly journalistic, well-known ones. And here is some completely unknown site, which has never been seen in journalistic activities before, and even now is not any kind of media, flaunts such secret information and such high-ranking sources.

Therefore, our team and I came to the unequivocal conclusion that the information on this site is fake, and the site itself is a spammer who is trying to get free PR and visitors on a high-profile topic.

We simply ignored the site and began to work further. A few days later, to our great regret, this site caught the eye of a number of media outlets and they fell for it and believed in the information. After that we wrote a warning that the site and its information are fake. We didn’t write this warning earlier because we didn’t think the media would fall for such an obvious fake.

PR for the site began, after which the site owner immediately removed information about 2,000 dead military personnel from the article, but this information remained in the cache. From the point of view of mass psychology, media psychology, the owner of the spam site did the right thing: deleting part of the article only further convinced a number of media outlets that it was an accidental leak of true information.

To make it even more unfortunate, the world’s largest media took the bait, wrote articles about it, and representatives of a number of the world’s largest media began contacting me for comments.

Journalists from one of the media showed me a response letter from the “editorial staff” of this site (they sent them a request to the found e-mail address):

There are a few things worth noting here. Firstly, the address [email protected]- clearly indicates that the owner has a number of spam sites and contact addresses for them like A real media outlet would have an address like [email protected], so or [email protected], or at least as a last resort [email protected].

Next point: this name is “Anatoly Kravchenko”. The point is that it's mine good friend. He is a fairly well-known oppositionist in the political community, heads the Voronezh branch of the Progress Party, and now lives in Moscow. He has nothing to do with war investigations, I know him well, I communicate almost every day, you can see it in the photo from my birthday(leftmost). Therefore, I immediately asked him if this letter was his:

It turned out to be quite logical that someone simply introduced himself by his name. Could it just be my friend's namesake? In theory, this is possible, but given that this is absolutely a spam site and its owner is well aware of the fake information, it is logical that he introduced himself with a fictitious name, in this case Anatoly Kravchenko, a real person. Perhaps this was a subtle calculation by the site owner that information-checking media would google Anatoly’s name and see that he is connected with politics and opposition activities, thereby becoming even more confident in the veracity of the published information.

What exactly is the Business Life website?

Next, I decided to dig deeper into the “Business Life” website about what it was created for, how it makes money, etc. It turned out that everything was quite simple. A few years ago, a certain IT specialist simply created a number of directory sites, satellites, on which he publishes news copied from somewhere (after rewriting), articles found somewhere, etc. Everything is on a single topic, so that the site has good positions in search engines and attracts visitors on the relevant topic.

Then the owner of this site simply turned to the so-called “customer exchange”, of which there are many on the Internet. In this case, it was the client exchange This exchange offers a fairly simple algorithm for website owners: you embed the “online chat with a consultant” code into your website, and if a visitor to your website leaves his phone number through this online chat, and even more so orders legal advice, then we will we pay. The online chat widget is inserted directly from the website and is simply an automatic script that lures out the phone numbers of visitors, this is not a real consultant sitting there.

Here is the code for “online chat with a consultant”, which is posted on the “Business Life” website, but in reality it is taken from the website

Here is the main page of, offering easy money to site owners:

Here are the prices of for referred clients, for those who left their phone number in an online chat or ordered a service:

And posting an “article” with information about the Government’s adoption of a “resolution” and with information about 2,000 dead military personnel was simply a good decision by the site owner, as get huge PR for free(the site was quoted and given a link by the world's largest media) on a high-profile topic.

I recorded detailed video evidence of how the Business Life website and its “online chat” work, how it lures phone numbers:

I waited for a call back from the consultant and talked to him about the site:

He also called himself using the contact phone numbers listed on the Business Life website:

Statement from our team for the media

Now there is an information war, and the spread of fakes is a strong trump card in the hands of our enemy, showing the incompetence of the media. Therefore, if you come across loud information, don't rush to spread it, try first to consult with various military teams investigating the events in the Donbass. On behalf of our team, I declare that we are always ready to provide such consultations for the media free of charge. Write to telegram @leviev or email [email protected]

The dissemination of the post is warmly welcomed, since a number of top media outlets and the most authoritative people continue to disseminate fake information from the Business Life website.

Translation of the post into English and distribution is welcome. Compiling English subtitles for videos is welcome. Because the fake spread wildly on the English-language Internet and English-language media. We allow all media to use any information from this post, including attached videos, without prior approval.

P.S.: but Russia Today is already mocking everyone who bought the fake news.

UPDATE: Interestingly, in the Russia Today article, “Anatoly Kravchenko” does not boast about government sources, but states that his website was hacked from a Kyiv IP. Whoever it is is clearly not good at lying consistently.