The importance of natural indicators in drawing up enterprise plans. Indicators characterizing enterprise planning. Planning to reduce product costs

Lie down on the sofa for about twenty minutes, put your feet up and drink a cup of tea or a fruit smoothie.

Finally, heat up the remaining linden petal tea and make yourself three compresses.


Procedure duration: 1 hour

Finally, the day full of stress and tension has come to an end, and now you most want to find yourself on the Caribbean coast. Experience the Caribbean in your own bathroom! Turn on music that suits the moment and use essential oils to fill your bathroom with Caribbean scents: orange, benzoin, grapefruit, sweet lemon - mix your favorite scents and add them to your aroma lamp.

The following procedure will completely relieve you of stress and, thanks to the use of high-quality essential oils, will give your skin velvet softness and radiant freshness. It is great for dry skin, especially during the summer holidays.

While preparing, cut the lemon into slices and place it in a container that you will later use for a foot bath. From all the essential oils you have, choose the ones you would like to use.

Aromatic shower

Get in the shower and apply shower gel with the scent of orange, bitter or sweet lemon on your body. Take a shower rose or sponge and lather the gel thoroughly. Constantly add a little water to create as much foam as possible - until your whole body is covered with it. Finally, simply rinse it off under running warm water. Imagine a tropical downpour... Dry yourself and wrap yourself in a robe.


Place four to five teaspoons of body oil in a small saucer. Mix it with aromatic oils of your choice (five drops of each scent). Take off your robe and apply the oil to your body with slow caressing movements, like in slow motion in a movie, from your feet to your shoulders.

Stroke your legs with both palms from the ankles to the groin. At the same time, bend and straighten your knees slightly.

Apply oil to your hands from your fingertips to your shoulders on the outer side, and then from the armpit back to the palm on the inner side, constantly stroking gently. Iron until the oil is absorbed by the skin.

Now it’s the turn of the belly and chest to the shoulders. After this, place your buttocks and back wherever you can reach them, while leaning forward slightly.

Thanks to the aroma of the oils, which you will feel during the massage, and the stroking movements of your hands, you will fall into a kind of trance.

Put your robe back on.

Final foot bath

Pour warm water and add a couple of drops of aromatic oil to it in addition to lemon slices. Sit so that your feet can easily stand in the water. Play with lemon slices with your toes - this way you will do gymnastics for your legs at the same time. After ten minutes, dry your feet thoroughly and put on warm socks.

Flower bath

Procedure duration: one and a half hours

For this very special type of body care, you only need a couple of gauze scarves and a mixture of dried herbs or flowers like lavender, rose and lemon balm. If you don't have such herbs on hand, flower tea will do. Choose herbs to suit your taste.

Now you can very easily prepare herbal bags for your flower bath: take four gauze cloths and put a spoonful of dried flowers, herbs or three tea bags (without paper wrapper) in the middle of each one. If they are large enough, tie them tightly, you can even tie them with thread. Place the bags in a saucer and fill them halfway with boiling water.

Fill the bathtub with water.

Meanwhile, you can make a hair mask: use a ready-made one or prepare it yourself from one egg and sesame oil. Wet your hair, dry it slightly with a towel and apply the mask. Comb your hair with a sparse comb. Cover your head with aluminum foil and wrap it in a towel.

When the bath is full, pour the flower infusion into it and place the bags on the edge of the bath. Take a sachet in each hand and rub it in the water. Legs first - all the time from bottom to top. Press the bags lightly to allow your skin to absorb the flower juice.

Now put both of these sachets in water. Breathe deeply so that the air saturated with the aroma of flowers penetrates into your lungs. Take two other bags and rub them on your upper body. For the next five minutes, just soak in the bath.

Thoroughly rinse the mask from your hair with clean water. Get out of the bath, dry yourself, and wrap your hair in a towel again.

Anoint your body with oil. After this, wrap yourself in something - it is best to first wrap yourself in a bath towel, and then put on a robe. Sit back and have a cup of tea. The heat will open your pores and allow your skin to absorb the oil. This procedure is ideal for protecting the skin from dryness and restoring its elasticity.

After resting, rub yourself with a towel to remove excess oil from your skin. They should not remain on the skin in the evening. You can also remove them with a warm, damp compress.

Chapter 4 Movement, energy, activation

Slowing down the aging process

Do fine lines and wrinkles make your skin look tired, lose definition and appear lacking in energy? “Biological lifting” will help you - restorative care with collagen and intense hydration. Contact it not only when the first signs of fatigue are already noticeable, but also to prevent them or after a particularly stressful day.

Place a teaspoon in the refrigerator; you will need it a little later for the mask. After this, prepare water for the compress: mix in a saucer a teaspoon of honey with oils of lavender, geranium and lemon balm - five to ten drops of each. Dissolve this aromatic mixture in a liter of warm water. Inhale the aroma and add the same oils to the aroma lamp. During this procedure, the skin pores should open slowly to allow the skin to absorb moisture from the mask.


Undress to the waist and remove your hair from your face. Remove makeup from your eyes and apply more cleansing lotion to your palms. Rub lightly and apply it to the décolleté, neck and face. Using gentle circular movements, thoroughly remove makeup and dust from the skin.

Pour water for the compress into a sink or cup. Soak a small towel in it, wring it out and place it on your face. Press it lightly and hold it while breathing evenly and deeply. Remove the compress and repeat the procedure.

Spray your face with thermal water to neutralize the effects of lime water on your skin. Using wet fingertips, apply creamy diatom algae peeling to the skin and massage. Wet your fingers constantly. Remove peeling with a compress.

Duration of the procedure: one and a half hours.

You will need: essential oils (lavender, geranium, lemon balm), honey, gentle cleansing lotion (for example, with glacier water and chamomile extract), thermal waters, creamy diatom peel, collagen mask, jojoba oil, clear film.

Mask for face, neck and décolleté

There are special masks made of cotton wool, which are already saturated with all useful substances and wrapped in foil. Take a teaspoon out of the refrigerator and keep it handy.

Open the foil and carefully place the mask first on your eyes, then on your cheeks and chin. The cotton wool should fit tightly to the skin; to do this, smooth it out with the back of a spoon. A cold spoon is not only pleasant for the skin, but also perfectly helps get rid of dilated capillaries.

Leave the mask on the skin for half an hour. During this time, take care of your neck and décolleté area.

Mix jojoba oil with essential oils and apply a generous layer of this mixture to your neck. Cover your neck with a transparent film and apply a warm compress on top. Its warmth will enhance the smoothing effect of the oils.

Apply oil to the décolleté area. Sit back, do some breathing exercises and relax.

After the mask's exposure time has expired, simply remove it from the skin. To strengthen, use an ampoule with concentrated collagen, and finally apply day cream to the skin.

Remove the compress from your neck. You will not find a trace of oils on your neck - the skin has absorbed everything without a trace and has become soft and smooth. Do you like your rested, glowing skin?

In order for this effect to last as long as possible, it makes sense, starting from the tenth day after the procedure, to use a collagen ampoule every two to three days. In addition, you should drink enough fluids to nourish your skin from the inside out.

Pro Tip:

Repeat this procedure every four weeks, it is the best prevention of skin aging.

The skin will smooth out and all small wrinkles will disappear.

Mask options

If you don't have a ready-made mask on hand, you can also use your own revitalizing mask. Cover it with gauze moistened with water for a compress. It should be the size of a small towel - this way the mask will remain soft for a long time and optimally retain moisture.

Perhaps there is another mask in your cabinet that you somehow bought but have never used? So take it, just make sure that the products it contains have not spoiled. If in doubt, apply it to your hands first to rule out the possibility of an allergic reaction.

Strength for body and spirit

Are you tired and stressed, are you fed up with everything? You can’t gather your strength, you don’t have a drop of energy left? Then you just need the following restorative program! Give yourself a time out, rest your mind and body.

Fill your energy stores from within with vitamins. Freshly squeezed fruit juices are great for this purpose.

The program consists of the following main provisions:

Massage with a brush.

Activating bath.

Intensive foot care.

Freshness for the face.

Fill the bathtub before performing the massage. An aromatic bath with pine, peppermint, hyssop and seaweed oils will quickly relieve you of fatigue. Mix essential oils with big amount cream or milk so that they can dissolve in the water. Fill the bathtub and add the oil mixture to it. The water temperature should be approximately 34-36 degrees, which is why it may seem too cold to you at first, but it will give you strength and restore freshness.

The water is running, so let's get to the massage.

Procedure duration: two hours

Massage with a brush

A brush massage in the morning revitalizes you and your circulation.

In the evenings it helps to calm down and relax. Cold feet are one of the main causes of problems falling asleep: in this case, you rub the soles of your feet, which warms them up.

An intensive massage with a brush will restore your strength and at the same time help cleanse skin pores and act as a gentle peeling. The skin will be better supplied with oxygen. Improving blood circulation and oxygen supply to cells will help your skin better absorb nutrients from the subsequent bath.

Basic rule: massage towards the heart in a circular motion.

Start with your right foot. Massage the instep first, then the sole of the foot. The massage then continues along the ankle, calf, thigh and buttock. Move the massage mitten from bottom to top. Massage your left leg in the same way.

Start massaging your breasts from its center.

Massage your abdomen in a clockwise circular motion.

It is best to massage your back using a special belt. Move from right to left and from bottom to top. If you don’t have such a massager, massage with a mitten from bottom to top, wherever you can reach.

Activating bath

If the bath has already filled, it's time to take it. Relax, dream about something, enjoy the time that you can finally spend alone with yourself. Stay in the water for about fifteen minutes. After your bath, rub yourself vigorously with a towel to warm up.

Intensive foot care

It's incredible how much work our poor feet have to do. They carry us around all day and often suffer in rather uncomfortable shoes. Therefore, regular care is a necessary benefit for your feet. It is when you are very tired or stressed that this procedure can truly work a miracle. You will need good nail scissors, a nail file, a pumice stone and avocado chestnut foot balm. Thanks to the bath, the nails and skin of the feet became soft, which allows them to be treated well.

Trim your nails, making sure that the edges of the nails are straight. File them, apply nail oil to the nail bed and push back the cuticles. As with a manicure, so with a pedicure, it does not need to be cut.

Gently work the pumice stone over rough areas on your heels and toes.

Apply the balm to your feet and massage with your fingertips. Take each toe individually, then the sole and instep.

If you want to polish your toenails, degrease them with nail polish remover. Fold a paper napkin and “weave” it between your fingers so that one end is under your little toe and the other under your big toe. This way the fingers will be separated from each other, it will be more convenient to cover the nails with varnish and it will not smear.

Apply a clear strengthening varnish as the first layer, then a colored one, then another layer of colored varnish and finally a quick-drying hardening varnish. After applying each layer, wait about two minutes for it to dry before applying the next one. Correctly applied varnish lasts up to four weeks.

Do you have spots on your feet or rough heels?

Or even calluses?

In this case, let a specialist save you from this problem, and do only the most necessary yourself.

Freshness for the face

For a revitalizing cleanse, combine peeling with a hydrating mask. Apply this mixture in a thick layer and massage your neck and décolleté in circular motions. After this, use small circular movements with the pads of your index and middle fingers to massage your face from the chin to the forehead. Do not touch the area around the eyes. Repeat this massage three times - since the peeling is mixed with a moisturizing mask, it will gently but thoroughly cleanse your skin of dead cells and at the same time restore moisture to it. The skin will become fresh and rosy.

After the massage, leave the mask on for another ten minutes, and then rinse it off with plenty of water and a sponge.

Now give fatigue the final blow by wiping your face with ice. Wrap two to three ice cubes in a cosmetic tissue (never wipe your face with the ice itself) and quickly wipe your face, neck, décolleté and chest once. Dry your skin immediately with a towel.

If you have a cosmetic ampoule on hand, you can use it immediately. An extra dose of nutrients will smooth your skin.

Apply a little eye cream and finish with day cream.

Finally, do a shoulder stretch with a handkerchief: stand in front of a mirror, straight posture, slightly arched. Take the folded handkerchief by both ends, place your hands behind your head and pull it taut. Stay in this position for about 15 seconds and repeat four times, while breathing relaxed.

Taste of the sea

The sea is rich a huge amount nutrients for beauty and health. At the same time, seaweed has a particularly concentrated supply of energy: microelements, nutrients, proteins, amino acids and vitamins. You can hardly give your body more than nature can provide. Restore firmness, elasticity, freshness - with the help of seafood, everything is possible.

The program consists of the following elements:


Body peeling.

Seaweed wrap.


To get started, do a few exercises. If you stimulate your circulation, your body will better accept the subsequent seaweed wrap.

Watch your posture, perform the exercises slowly and carefully, and remember to breathe calmly and evenly.

1. Exercise: strengthen your back.

2. Exercise: elastic buttocks.

3. Exercise: Slim thighs.

4. Exercise: flat stomach.

5. Exercise: slender legs.

Body peeling

To exfoliate your body, take a full handful of sea salt mixed with oil. You can use this mixture straight or tie it in a bag (like the herbal bags in a Flower Bath) and then rinse it off in the shower. Be careful when showering as the oil will make it a little slippery. Lay it on the floor rubber mat or a scarf.

Sea salt revitalizes the skin and prepares it to absorb nutrients from the algae.

Seaweed wrap

Take a bag of seaweed and add some water to make a paste. Place one piece of aluminum foil in the bathtub and keep the other one nearby. Also, place a garbage bag next to the bathtub.

To carry out this procedure, the bath must be warm.

If it is not carried out in a warm place, it will not have any effect - and all your efforts will be in vain.

Put on disposable gloves and apply the algae paste all over your body: first on your shoulders and back – wherever you can reach it, then on your legs, stomach and finally on your arms. All this, of course, is a rather tedious procedure, but the result is worth the effort.

Carefully sit on the foil in the bath and cover with the second piece. You will be quite warm, as you will find yourself in a kind of pressure chamber. The body temperature will rise, the pores of the skin will open and the algae will begin to take effect.

Lie like this for about half an hour.

Fold up the foil and immediately place it in a trash bag. Rinse off the algae thoroughly in the shower. It's best if you use a bath mitten. Finally, a cold shower will strengthen the body.

Algae perfectly rids the body of toxins and restores elasticity to the skin. If you finish by massaging the problem areas with a special cream, the effect of the algae will be further enhanced.

All procedures described here can be performed in a beauty salon.

When choosing it, pay attention to the following provisions:

Even at the time of ordering you should be consulted in detail.

Several types of relaxing massages should be offered.

You should have professionals at your disposal.

Are special offers included? Ask if they offer anti-cellulite, thalasso and anti-aging procedures.

Are foot treatments and pedicures offered?

Find out where the procedures are performed. They should not be held in the same room!

You should have the right to choose and decide what is more important to you.

What cosmetics are used? Doesn't it cause an allergic reaction?

Are gowns and disposable gloves provided?

Hygiene is very important: ensure that all towels are clean and fresh.

At the beginning, the cosmetologist should ask about your well-being, blood circulation, predisposition to allergies, whether you are taking any medications, etc.

Don't be shy about expressing your needs and wishes - you are the client, after all. If you feel uncomfortable, the procedure will not help you!

Chapter 5 Now let's combine three into one

Beautiful – relaxed – active

In this chapter you will find a proposal for a daily program in which all aspects of care are integrated - beauty, relaxation and activation.

Naturally, you will need preparation. Prepare everything the day before so that this day becomes a complete time-out for you.

Shopping for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Shopping plan

Take care of your groceries in advance. The following list is given as an example - of course, you can prepare your own salads or dishes. In this case, buy the necessary ingredients.

Breakfast: 1 glass of natural yogurt, 1 glass of cottage cheese, muesli with nuts, 50 g of fresh blueberries (or berries in season).

Afternoon snack: 80 g berries of your choice, 200 g yogurt, milk.

Dinner: 330 g broccoli, 80 g green onions, 1 head of garlic, 50 g boiled pork, salt, pepper, nutmeg, 1 tablespoon grated cheese, 1 wholemeal bun.

Dinner: a couple of green salad leaves, 100 g each of apples, carrots and fennel, 1 tablespoon rapeseed oil, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar, horseradish, salt, pepper, 1 tablespoon crushed hazelnuts, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley .

Besides: coffee, tea, apple scoop, mineral water, fruits.

Make sure you have everything you need

Make sure you have everything you need on hand for the next day: face and body exfoliation, bath additives, body oil or massage cream, relaxing mask, foil, disposable gloves...

In the evening, prepare recordings of music, scented candles or essential oils for an aroma lamp. A flower bouquet will help you create an even more wonderful atmosphere. Ask at flower shop a few roses that have already begun to fade - you will need them for the bath.

The preparation is complete, now it's time to go to bed and look forward to tomorrow!

Start right in the morning

Try to get some sleep (but not before noon) and greet the new day with a tapping massage in front of an open window. Make a fist with your right hand and tap your chest ten times. Then along the left shoulder to the back of the head, along the outside of the arm to the palm and along the inside back to the armpit. Also use both fists to tap the ribs, thigh and calf. Repeat for the other side.

If the weather permits, put on something comfortable and training shoes and go for a walk outside for about twenty minutes. Run in the following pattern: 5 minute walk, 1 minute run, 3 minute walk, 2 minute run, 3 minute walk, 1 minute run, 5 minute walk. After this, do leg stretching exercises at home.

Prepare breakfast and light the aroma lamp. Then it’s time for a shower with body peeling: wet the body with warm water, distribute the peeling throughout the body and massage a little with wet hands. Don't forget your feet and hands. Dry yourself with a towel and wrap yourself in a robe.

Wash and dry the berries for muesli, then put all the ingredients in a plate and make coffee or tea. Enjoy your breakfast in peace and quiet.

After this, lie down for a couple of minutes, raising your legs high, breathe deeply and calmly. If the room is too bright, you can draw the curtains.

Luxurious morning

Next in line is the bath: place a scented lamp in the bathroom and prepare a bath additive from oils with your favorite scents. Collect petals from wilted roses. Fill the bath with water - about 38 degrees. When it is full, pour the rose petals into it. This bath looks great, smells great and heals the soul and body. Today you will feel like a queen!

After the bath, do not dry yourself, just wrap yourself in a warm robe or towel. This way the oil will be well absorbed and will have a beneficial effect on your skin.

Make yourself comfortable in a chair or on the sofa. Water or tea, a warm blanket, good book, candles and a tape recorder with your favorite disc. Rest for a couple of minutes with your eyes closed.

After you have had enough rest, stretch thoroughly and pamper your body with a massage. Massage with either cream or oil to help relax. Today, the massage can last quite a long time (20–30 minutes), just repeat all its components several times.

If required, you can make a special wrap for the legs, abdomen and buttocks. After a massage, an activating body wrap is ideal, as the skin has received the optimal amount of cream and oil and, thanks to the wrap, elasticity.

Rest briefly again during this procedure. Make sure your feet stay warm. After about forty minutes, unwrap the foil and rub the body with ice cubes from bottom to top. Dry yourself quickly - the thirst for life has awakened, and with it the stomach.

On this day, drink as much water as possible, this will help remove toxins from the body.

Noon is time for hair and face care

For lunch, peel and cut the onion into rings, sauté it along with crushed garlic in a small amount of olive oil. Add sliced ​​pork and peeled broccoli. Fry everything for about 5-6 minutes, stirring, add salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste. Sprinkle with grated cheese and eat with a bun. How about a cup of espresso after that? It is easily digestible and stimulates metabolism.

Think about how you would like to spend the rest of your day. To make a hair mask, wet your hair (but carefully - do not wet your body anymore), then apply the mask and comb your hair with a wide-tooth comb. Cover with foil and then wrap with a towel to keep warm.

Now it's time for thorough facial care: peeling, massage and mask. You will find recommendations in previous chapters. Before the massage, lie down for a while, breathing deeply and relaxing your facial muscles.

While the mask is working on your face, you can devote a little time to caring for your feet and palms: trim and file your nails, rub vitamin oil into the nail bed and cover your nails with varnish.

Remove the mask from your face using a warm compress, then rinse the mask from your hair. Wrap damp hair in a towel.

Thorough facial skin care consists of peeling, massage and mask.


Now is the right time to drink yogurt: put yogurt and berries in a mixer and prepare a puree. Pour into a tall glass, add a little milk.

Now apply cream to your face - don't forget about the area around your eyes. Apply cream to your hands too and wear disposable gloves. Place two damp cotton balls over your eyes and get cozy again. Take a nap for fifteen minutes while listening to pleasant music.

After that, remove the cotton swabs from your eyes and become alert again by doing a couple of stretching exercises.

Take off your gloves, rub in the remaining cream and dry your hair with a hairdryer. Now you can start preparing dinner.

A perfect end to the evening

Wash the lettuce leaves and leave them to drain. Grate the apples, carrots and fennel on a coarse grater. Mix olive oil with lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and horseradish. Pour the dressing over the vegetables, mix everything well, add salt and pepper. Place on lettuce leaves. Sprinkle with crushed nuts and finely chopped parsley. Set the table by candlelight and eat slowly and with pleasure. A glass of red wine will highlight the taste of the dish.

End the evening with a good movie or book, whatever you choose.

So, you had a great rest, took care of yourself, regained your strength and will look fantastic tomorrow. Think about this: only those who take themselves seriously enough can give something to others.


Self-care in the rhythm of the seasons

Spring Awakening

The first greenery foreshadows the imminent arrival of spring. The sun is gaining strength, its rays herald the end of the dark season. We forcefully pull on warm clothes. But definitely the last time. We long for liberation from warm clothes, from winter darkness and from winter fat. As soon as it begins to dawn earlier outside, we wake up from winter hibernation. Our biorhythms switch to activity. But often such an awakening can be quite painful. Looking in the mirror, we see flabby, tired skin, circles under the eyes and no traces of freshness. The light trouser suit we bought last year is tight, and we squeeze ourselves into it without any desire. What to do? A new suit is out of the question. In this case, let’s take care of ourselves: the detoxification program will help you get rid of fat deposits and bring your soul and body back to normal. It is no coincidence that spring is traditionally considered best time years to cleanse the body. Whatever you can achieve in the spring will bear fruit throughout the year.

Getting rid of toxins

All subsequent tips and instructions are designed to help you cleanse your body of toxins. However, they are not a rigid program from which you cannot deviate in any way, but rather offer a number of tips and initiatives for your spring cleansing. Choose what you like best and suits you. You can change procedures with a clear conscience.

Energizing breakfast

First of all, a “vitamin package” is of great importance - in other words, energy recharging of a tired body. Start your morning with fresh muesli, it will give you strength for the whole day. Mix a cup of natural yogurt in a small saucer with a little maple syrup, which contains important vitamin E. Squeeze the juice of one orange and add it to the yogurt to thicken it. Now add the apple cut into small pieces and two teaspoons of cereal. This is a real energy bomb! Then drink some more orange juice. But do not drink it on an empty stomach, as fruit acids are not always well tolerated. You can also take a multivitamin supplement with your food, but it is only a supplement and cannot replace natural vitamins.

Healthy eating plan

If you want to cleanse your body of toxins, carefully and meticulously consider your diet. A light, vitamin-rich diet of fresh fruits, stewed vegetables and salads is preferable. Limit the content of meat, white flour, sugar and fat in the menu.

Remember to drink enough fluids: drink at least two liters of fluid every day. Coffee and black tea deprive the body of fluids, so for every cup you need to drink another glass of water. The same applies to alcoholic drinks. But you don't have to give up coffee completely: scientists have found that it improves metabolism if you drink it in moderation.

Morning work-out

Get up a little earlier and start your day with five minutes of morning exercises. To do this, choose your favorite exercises. Two exercises are enough for her; create your own program. For example, a weekly plan in which you do different exercises every day, or you do the same exercises every day and change them every other week. Try what exactly you like and benefits. Exercising in the fresh air would be ideal. Perhaps you can start every other day with a small set of exercises or a run?

If you don't have enough time in the morning, you can go for a run in the evening between 6 and 8 p.m.

Race walking or jogging is an excellent addition to a program for cleansing the body of toxins.

Run twice a week for at least 20 minutes.

Cleansing from toxins using serum

When cleansing the body of toxins, one “whey” day a week is especially effective. Such a day will perfectly help you clear your stomach. The easiest way is to use sweet whey powder, which is rich in carnitine. Carnitine is a natural vitamin that, among other things, helps burn fat in the human body.

If you take carnitine with milk, it stimulates your metabolism and fat burning.

100 milliliters of whey contain only 24 calories.

In addition, it contains calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, vitamins A, B2, B12, C, folic acid and amino acids. Potassium causes the release of water and waste, amino acids and B-vitamins stimulate metabolism. You should drink two to three liters of whey per day. Whey powder comes in a variety of flavors, such as vanilla, passion fruit, chocolate or raspberry. Just put one and a half spoons of powder in a glass and dilute it with cold water. The next day you will feel great.

In addition, you can drink two to three glasses of whey per day for four to six weeks.

Keep in mind that you will need to go to the toilet more often during this day.

Drinking course

If you do not have enough whey, you can also do the following course: drink special plant juices for two days, then take one algae capsule for 30 days.

You can use special ampoules that contain three types of juices: black radish, which promotes drying, artichoke, which purifies the blood, and fennel, which stimulates digestion. But you can also drink these juices separately or mix them yourself.

Every morning on an empty stomach, drink one ampoule or glass of juice in small sips. It is also very important to drink enough liquid during the day, that is, two liters of water and herbal tea. A good addition to this course is movement and a low-fat, but protein-rich diet. If you also include an enzyme day in your program, in which you eat only enzyme-rich fruits like papaya, pineapple and mango, this will simply support your cycle, as these fruits stimulate metabolism and give energy.

After ten days, one or two kilograms will already disappear, but first of all, you will give an impetus to the metabolism in fat cells and thereby “program” the body to get rid of ballast. If, in addition, you eat rationally and lead an active lifestyle, then you can consider yourself thoroughly prepared for the onset of summer.

For further support, you can take a green tea, micronutrients and algae capsule daily for four weeks. Alternatively, you can take a yeast capsule.

Spring skin cleansing

Getting rid of toxins through nutrition and exercise will also affect the skin, it will become fresher, and the pores will be cleaner. At the beginning, the process of cleansing from toxins can lead to problems with the skin of the face. It is best if you cleanse your face every morning with a special brush and liquid soap, thus dissolving sebaceous secretions. Apply a cleansing mask every second day (application time: 10–15 minutes). To ensure your skin is supplied with vitamins, you need to nourish it from the outside. For the spring period, a course of treatment containing vitamins A and E is ideal. These vitamins promote cell division, stimulate metabolism, increase the skin’s ability to retain moisture, smooth out wrinkles - they improve appearance skin. The skin acquires spring freshness and creates natural protection against exposure environment. In the evening, apply a couple of drops of vitamins to cleansed skin; a 50-milliliter bottle is enough for the entire course. If the skin is prepared in this way, it is able to perform its normal function again and is equipped to face the coming season.

If in doubt, consult a specialist about spring care products. Skin changes with the seasons and requires different nutrients than in winter.

Cleansing with massage

You will support your skin's detoxification by starting each week with a body exfoliation. In addition, massage your body every day with a brush and then rub a special product into your thighs, stomach and buttocks.

In the first week, use a detoxifying aromatic oil that helps reduce body fat.

In the second week, alternate between aromatic oil and firming cream.

In the third week, increase the intensity of the procedure: massage with aromatic oil in the morning and with cream in the evening.

In the fourth week, use both products both morning and evening.

When massaging, make sure to constantly massage in the direction of blood flow to further increase the removal of toxins from the tissues.

“Activating body wrap” is an excellent addition to the course of ridding the body of toxins. Do it twice a week, for example, after a bath with sea salt.

Sea salt bath

If you wish, you can take two sea salt baths, a mixture of brown seaweed and sea salt is ideal. The water temperature is approximately 37 degrees, the bath itself can last for 15–20 minutes. After this, do not wipe yourself dry, but apply cream or oil to damp skin. Stubborn toxins can be dealt with by applying algae gel or aromatic oil before taking a bath.

You can supplement your home treatment with a visit to a beauty salon. Thanks to this, the result will not be long in coming.

Summer delight

In summer, body care products should contain more moisture and less fats and oils.

Warmth, blue sky, bright sun, vacation, beach, sea - whose heart doesn't beat faster at the thought of it? Summer itself is already a wonderful means of self-care. Summer euphoria puts us in better shape and everyone wants to make the most of this time. But make sure that you don’t have to repent of your pleasures later. You can very quickly get sunstroke or get sunburned and spend the rest of your vacation in a hotel room. Sunstroke deprives us of sleep and turns the sun into an enemy.

But if on the one hand the sun is a source of threat to our health and beauty, on the other hand it is a real elixir of life. Thanks to its rays, vitamin D is produced in the skin, which is a decisive factor for strengthening our skin and bones. Today we have the opportunity to optimally prepare for summer in order to fully enjoy the most wonderful time of the year.

Healthy tan

During the winter months, the melanin content in the body is at its lowest level. The face has already been exposed to the spring rays of the sun, but the body is still untouched and white as porcelain. Melanin is formed in the body's melanocytes under the influence of solar radiation and primarily serves to protect the skin: the brown color of the skin protects it from harmful radiation. The intensity of the tan, and with it the sensitivity to the sun, depends on the type of skin - not all organisms produce the same amount of melanin. If a person has not been in the sun for a long time or has spent very little time there, the body begins to produce less melanin, so at the end of winter it is necessary to first stimulate its production.

The first step to this is to take carotene capsules. Carotene is a preliminary step to vitamin A; it supports the tanning process, thanks to which we gain protection from sun rays earlier. It is especially recommended to take carotene for people suffering from sun allergies. Betacarotene, obtained from algae, is of great value and is especially recommended.

If you are allergic to the sun, you should take calcium in addition to carotene.


There are special skin care products that accelerate the body's production of melanin. These are light moisturizing emulsions and creams containing nutrients from bird cherry seeds - tyrosine. Start at least a week before your vacation, or even better – 14 days – applying this emulsion to your skin morning and evening.

Self tanning

But such preparation for summer is not enough - you won’t get a real tan thanks to this. If you would like to shine with beautiful skin color in the summer, use a self-tanner.

It is also an excellent solution for all fair-skinned people who cannot tan. A tanned body simply looks better in summer.

Modern self-tanning creams give the skin a beautiful natural shade, do not dry it out, and they do not have that unpleasant chemical smell as before. When using them, you just need to follow a couple of simple rules - and you will need to try as early as possible which cream is best for you.

Self-tanning cream stimulates a chemical process in the skin that causes the outer skin cells to darken. Because of this, the tan fades over time and needs to be renewed from time to time. But if you are constantly exposed to the sun, you will gradually develop a natural tan and no longer need cream.

Pro Tip:

If you apply self-tanner once a week before your vacation, you can achieve a more intense shade with the second application.

But be careful: tanning from a tube does not provide sun protection!

Tanning from a tube without stripes

To prevent your fake tan from streaking and look like a real one, prepare everything you need and follow these recommendations:

First, use a gentle exfoliator on your face and body. Pay special attention to the elbows, knees, heels and midface. Apply the peeling to your face with a small amount of cleansing milk, as it should be very light. Rinse thoroughly and dry off.

Apply a thin layer of moisturizing lotion to your knees, elbows and heels to prevent your tan from becoming patchy.

Put on disposable gloves and start with your face: for a light tan, mix self-tanning cream with moisturizing lotion in the palm of your hand in a 1:1 ratio and apply it evenly to your face. Be especially careful when applying the cream to the area around the eyes and above the upper lip. For the neck and décolleté area, also use this mixture.

Apply clear cream to the rest of your body. Apply it with peace of mind and generously. If there is more of it in some places, it will not matter. The main thing is that you apply the cream all over your body - where it is not there, the skin will remain noticeably light, and dark spots will not appear if applied correctly. The skin will not absorb excess color.

The back is quite a problematic area for someone who does it alone. But there is a special applicator that looks like a back brush with a long handle and contains a pad at the end, with which you can perfectly apply the cream.

Don't forget about your hands. Be sure to apply a large number of moisturizing lotion on your palms and knuckles before applying self-tanning cream.

Let the cream dry and then wipe off the excess with a towel.

After four hours the tan will become water resistant. Now you can take a shower. your tan is amazing!

You will need: peeling, self-tanning cream, moisturizing lotion, disposable gloves, dark towel. The duration of the entire procedure is approximately one and a half hours.

Self-tanning spray will allow you to “tan” even better.

Optimal sun protection

The sun seduces us with its warm rays. On gray days we miss him. But frightening warnings about the dangers posed by the sun's rays can almost completely discourage us from meeting it. Enough! If you follow some basic rules, you can enjoy the sun with complete fear and a clear conscience.

Protection from solar radiation, determined by skin type, is expressed only after puberty, so children and adolescents need special care in this matter.

More than 30 hours of sunshine per year is taboo.

Skin never forgets sunstroke! Therefore, always take care of good sun protection.

Avoid going out in the sun between 12 and 15 hours.

If you have sensitive skin, you need to use barrier creams as often as possible.

Monitor the compatibility of products so that you do not experience an allergic reaction due to their interaction.

If you have sensitive skin, you will be better off using a cream rather than a lotion. Recommended ingredients: beeswax, D-panthenol, moisture retaining agents and, of course, UV filters.

For mixed skin types, lotion is more suitable. If you have pimples, use oil-free products. Important ingredients are vitamins A and E, as well as aloe vera and UV filters.

If your skin requires restoration, you need to choose high-quality protective creams with regenerating effects. Intensely moisturizing plant polysaccharides, calendula and titanium dioxide provide you with optimal protection. If the cream also provides for slowing down the aging process, then this is simply wonderful.

When using modern sun protection products, it is not necessary to also use day cream. It is best to apply them immediately to cleansed skin.

The solar filter only begins to work approximately 20 minutes after its application. This means you should apply it to your skin ahead of time if you plan to go outside.

Do not apply cream to hot skin on the beach. Due to the heat, the skin will not absorb the product and its effect will not be complete.

It's best if you apply sunscreen before breakfast. Firstly, this will provide you with the best protection, since the cream will have time to be absorbed, and secondly, the skin will not shine.

We encounter the sun not only on the beach. In the garden and in the city we also need protection from its rays. If you don't want to get blemishes, use a day cream with a high content of protective ingredients. Even when driving a car, ultraviolet rays reach our skin through the glass. Good sunglasses are essential, as squinting in the sun causes wrinkles to form around the eyes. Additional protection, especially when playing sports, is a hat to prevent sunstroke. And, as always, don't forget to drink enough fluids!

High quality sun protection and waterproof. But despite this, over time the protection weakens.

The duration of action of the protective cream depends on the skin’s own protective function and the quality of UV filters.

It is best to consult a specialist.

Summer in the city

Sun protection and light, natural makeup that won't smudge from the heat will allow you to look simply magical.

In the morning, apply either a tinted day cream with a UV filter or a protective cream to your skin.

Apply a thin layer of tan-colored powder on top, the same applies to blush. This looks especially good as it highlights your natural tan.

Use light, sparkling shadows, golden and bronze tones are especially good at highlighting a tan.

Line your lips with a silicone pencil; it won't wash out so quickly.

Apply waterproof mascara.

Finally, apply a little gloss to your lips.

On hot days, it is better to use less makeup and always have a powder compact on hand. Before powdering, press a paper towel to your skin.

If your skin constantly shines in summer, use matte powder; it will absorb excess sebum and your complexion will remain excellent for a long time.

Pro Tip:

An aromatic bath with seven to ten drops of rosemary, mint and chamomile, dissolved in a saucer of sweet cream or liquid soap, will refresh your feet.

Beautiful legs in summer

Heaviness in the legs and swollen ankles are often a consequence of hot days. Especially if you work while sitting, for example in an office, and you lack movement. With this cooling wrap you will instantly refresh your tired feet. You will need four long, wide (about 15 cm) medical bandages.

Fill a sink or cup with cold water, add two tablespoons of sea salt and soak the bandages in it.

Wring out the bandages and wrap them around your legs from ankle to groin. Wrap from bottom to top at an angle and do not overlap the edges of the bandages. It's okay if a small piece of skin remains.

Wrap yourself in a towel and lie down for about fifteen minutes with your legs elevated.

Unwrap the bandages and dry your feet slightly. Apply a spray with menthol and camphor - and again you can wear light summer sandals.

Summer recovery

Too much sun? This can happen to you, despite all the advice. In this case, the first thing you need to do is soothe your skin.

Cleanse your skin with a mild lotion and then apply a mask that will refresh, soothe and moisturize your skin. Recommended ingredients: wheat germ oil, St. John's wort, shea butter and D-panthenol. If you don't have a mask on hand, you can also use black tea compresses and then apply a generous layer of night cream. Soluble calcium tablets will help from the inside, take two at once.

Smooth legs

Only smooth legs can be called beautiful. The swimsuit may not be so fashionable - legs covered with dark hairs will ruin the whole impression. In southern countries, women have taught their daughters to remove hair with sugar paste since time immemorial. Now similar means also exist. This paste (wax) sticks firmly only to the hairs and gently removes them along with dead particles of the skin. Thus, this method is not so painful and does not injure the skin. You can buy ready-made wax. If you want to remove hairs especially carefully, contact a specialist. Legs that have been thoroughly depilated remain smooth for several weeks. So that the skin can rest a little after this procedure and restore the necessary cells, it is recommended to carry out depilation three to four days before the vacation.

If you don't like this method, use a depilatory cream that removes the hair shafts so they can simply be washed off. Before doing this, be sure to do a test on the crook of your elbow to make sure your skin tolerates this product well. Creams intended for the face are especially mild.

The skin in the armpit and bikini area is especially sensitive. Therefore, the day before depilation, stop using deodorant, and before this procedure, wipe your bikini area with a piece of ice and apply gel containing aloe. The use of post-depilation cream is especially recommended. It soothes the skin and slows down hair growth.

Summer evening dedicated to self-care

After hours spent on the beach, cooling care is recommended - instead of regular products in the summer, it is better to use special ones. After a shower, apply a special mask to your face; you can leave it on the skin and use it as a base for summer makeup. This way, your skin will be soothed and protected from free radicals that are activated in it due to exposure to sunlight. For the body, also use a special lotion. It contains more moisture, which relaxes the skin, and also allows you to maintain your tan longer.

If you want to go out somewhere in the evening and look great at the same time, spend about fifteen minutes of your time. Moisten your skin with seawater or thermal spray and apply an eye mask or cotton swabs. Apply a soothing mask to your face, neck, décolleté and shoulders in a thick layer and leave it on for ten minutes. After this, apply a cold compress, hold it for at least half a minute and remove only the excess mask. After this, you can apply makeup - sparkling tones are especially good on tanned skin!

Pro Tip:

If you don't want to appear completely naked on the beach, you can apply a little powder to your face.

If you want to “shine”, apply golden body glitter to your shoulders and décolleté – on top of the protective cream.

Against the autumn blues

A gray fog descends, along with the summer tan, the joyful lightness disappears and the skin “shows its real face.” Our mood falls along with the leaves, the sky is gloomy, like our thoughts. It is always difficult to exchange sunlight and warmth for gray, wet, cold autumn. We lack sun, oxygen and walks in the fresh air. In the morning we often feel sluggish and overwhelmed.

Colors and mood

Light and colors affect our mood, even if we don't notice it. Even through closed eyelids, color affects our soul and skin: a person simply cannot live without light and colors. The skin, as the largest sense organ, perceives 80 percent of color radiation, which also reaches internal organs like the lungs, liver, heart and brain. The remaining 20 percent reaches the brain through the optic nerve. Visible color radiation penetrates the skin to a depth of ten millimeters. Skin cells perceive different wavelengths of color vibrations, react to them and transmit them to the brain. There they are evaluated and converted into actions or emotions. Thus, colors affect the human body and soul. Take this into account and in the autumn season, choose those tones that you like and lift your mood: in clothes, in room furnishings (curtains, pillows, flowers, bedspreads, bed linen, paintings on the walls), even in food... .All glimpses of color affect your mood.

This is how colors affect us

Red: color of life, supports the formation of red cells in the blood, stimulates breathing, revitalizes and rejuvenates the skin. Promotes greater self-confidence and is associated with strength and warmth.

Yellow: optimistic color, stimulates the activity of the glands and brain. Helps restore skin elasticity and is suitable for getting rid of wrinkles. Gives rooms a warm, sunny color.

Blue: the coolest, purest and deepest color. Constricts blood vessels, relaxes, restores. Strengthens the nervous system. Revitalizes and promotes concentration.

Orange (yellow + red): It gives strength and improves mood, but for many people it causes anxiety. Increases the ability of cells to regenerate.

Purple (blue + red): inspires and is associated with balance. Soothes, helps cleanse the body of toxins and get rid of cellulite.

Green: the color of nature and hope. Associated with harmony and balance. Soothes, promotes tissue regeneration.

The color treatment in the salon is carried out in combination with aromatherapy and is a real symphony for our senses. It helps you get out of even deep depression!

Skin care

Gradually, your skin loses its radiant shine and fades. Gray skin cells must be removed. In the first weeks of autumn, exfoliate with massage at least twice a week. Apply peeling to cleansed, damp skin and additionally moisturize it with toner. Using constantly moisturized fingertips, massage the skin. This way, you will remove gray skin cells evenly.

Vitamins A and E are particularly suitable as vitamins for the skin after summer. They improve the appearance of the skin, retain its moisture and smooth out small wrinkles. These vitamins are a real blessing - especially for the skin around the eyes. Apply the product in the evening before using night cream.

Now the night cream can again be richer than in summer, for example, rich in vitamins A and E, which are contained in sprouted wheat. Once a week after peeling, apply a restorative mask, for example, containing propolis, trace elements and allantoin, this way you will quickly get rid of the traces of summer. Skin looks clean and fresh when you apply this mask in the evening and leave it on overnight. Be sure to get enough sleep, as at this time of year the body reacts especially sharply to lack of sleep.

Pro Tip: Shine red light on the mask for five minutes to enhance its effects and relax your skin. It is especially recommended to carry out this procedure in the evenings.

Running for a good mood

Winter is approaching, and as long as the weather permits, we can fill our energy stores with running. Jog two to three times a week for about half an hour. If you haven't exercised, start with race walking and then start running about every two minutes. You should not be exhausted, breathe calmly. The basic rule: when running, you must still be able to talk. The duration of the run depends on your fitness level. You can start with ten to fifteen minutes and gradually increase the duration - up to one hour if you want. Fresh air will heal your skin and soul.

Especially for special moments

Time zone change

Air travel is quite common today, whether for business trips or vacations. If you cross a time zone when traveling by plane, the first few hours at your destination or at home can turn into real torture for you. Your biological clock is simply going through the roof. You feel like you've been run over by a train.

While still on the plane, try to adjust to the time of the place where you are flying. You can do this with the help of the mask that you usually do at night. Once you arrive, you should stay as long as possible if you feel tired or drowsy during the day. A vitamin shake high in vitamin C will help you perk up. If possible, lie down for a short time - but no longer than 29 minutes! After this you will have more strength to get through the day. To avoid falling asleep too deeply, set an alarm clock. On weekends, also stay awake 24 hours a day. The skin around the eyes suffers the most from jet lag. You can refresh it by applying a cold compress to your eyes and holding it there until it warms up to body temperature. After this, apply a refreshing mask with a lot of moisture. Special eye swabs can also help you; their application time is only ten minutes. Remove the remaining mask, then apply makeup. Cool cotton swabs soaked in chamomile tea also have a calming effect. Wet several compresses at a time and place them in the refrigerator.

You can take two such breaks a day, but use eye tampons only once.

In the evening you will remain cheerful, despite not getting enough sleep. Don't go to bed right away. Otherwise you will wake up in the middle of the night. Drink soothing tea, a glass of beer or red wine. A drink containing magnesium will also calm you down.

The next morning, before showering, apply a refreshing mask and apply cool cotton balls to your eyes. After five minutes, lie down and lie there a little longer, and then immediately take a shower. Wash off the mask and use a contrast shower to drive away drowsiness. This way you will also prevent the possible appearance of wrinkles from fatigue.

For breakfast - a cup of strong coffee, vitamin muesli - and, please, no rush. With these tips, you'll soon forget you changed your time zone.

Freshness at the end of the working day

Do you have an appointment immediately after work? Can't you go home and freshen up? No problem: with the following tips, you can restore your strength after a busy day at work in just fifteen minutes.

· Put your phone on answering machine. All problems can be solved tomorrow.

· Close your eyes, sit down, take off your shoes. Just relax: tilt your head back, let your arms hang freely. Stay in this position for at least two minutes. Then slowly collect yourself, straightening your back vertebra by vertebra, finally raising your head until you are sitting upright again.

· Breathe deeply for at least five inhalations and exhalations, and on the last exhalation, throw your arms far back. You will immediately feel some relief.

· If your back hurts, unload your buttocks by sitting on the edge of a chair, straighten your back and move them back and forth, repeat eight times.

· Spray feet with foot spray from heel to inner thighs. Gradually, a freshness effect will appear and you will feel your feet feeling lighter.

· Stand up and alternate between heels and toes. This stimulates blood circulation and dissolves blood stagnation. Put your shoes back on.

· Now freshen up your makeup. Do not wash your face under any circumstances, wet a paper napkin and squeeze it in your palm. Straighten the napkin, apply it to your face, press it and remove it. Do the same with a dry cloth. You will remove dust but keep your makeup.

· You should always have a tube of eye cream in your purse - apply it to the area around your eyes. If your eyes are red and swollen, take two teaspoons from the kitchen. Run them under running cold water until they are cool enough, then dry them and stroke your eyelids in a circular motion from the inner corner of your eyes to your temples. If you feel the urge to swallow, this is a sign that circulation has been restored. To relieve redness, move your closed eyes very slowly from left to right.

· Powder your face to make it look clean again.

· Carefully collect smeared shadows with a paper napkin. Powder your crease and your eyes will look freshly painted again. Line your eyes to make them more expressive.

· If you don't have blush on hand, you can use lipstick to restore the freshness of your cheeks. But do not apply it directly to your cheeks, but use your middle finger to blend it towards your temples. Powder again, otherwise the skin will begin to shine after a while.

· Finally, apply lipstick. First apply the first layer, then purse your lips and blot them with a paper napkin. Apply another layer, this time thinner.

· A drop of perfume - and you are beautiful again!

Reception of guests

You invited guests and devoted the whole day to preparations: cooking, table, drinks and flowers. Everything is perfectly prepared, and now you are alone in the kitchen. How can we now achieve the goal of welcoming guests fresh and beautiful if there is very little time left before their arrival? This requires a special skill.

In advance (the day before), give yourself a “manicure” manicure, because when you set the table, xe “guests” guests will look at your hands. Use a light varnish, because if the varnish peels a little during cooking, it will not be very noticeable.

A thin silk blouse is better off hanging in the closet today, you'll be better off with something less sensitive today that you can move freely in, so no long sleeves, no frills. Shoes should also be comfortable. Change your shoes in advance and put on an apron before guests arrive.

Finish work ten to fifteen minutes before guests arrive. Before cooking, apply makeup and refresh your skin. It is best to use a special fast-acting ampoule. If you have a moisturizing mask on hand that can stay on your skin for a long time, then this The best decision for the evening. An alternative to this mask can be a mixture of day and night creams. The ampoule and mask will restore your beauty while you prepare dinner.

Hair is a bit of a problem because in most cases it gets saturated with the smell of the kitchen. You can curl long hair with curlers; a little spray will help get rid of the smell. Wrap your head in a towel and you will be saved. If you then lightly comb your hair up, your hairstyle will look natural.

Time is ticking, the guests will arrive in fifteen minutes. Wet your palms with cold water and apply to your face. Dry it with a paper towel and remove the remaining mask. Apply moisturizing gel or cream to the skin around your eyes. While you're at it, do a breathing exercise to help you get ready for the evening. Now remove the curlers from your hair and comb it. Apply makeup and powder your face. A little eye shadow and mascara, then smile at your reflection in the mirror and apply blush to your cheeks. Finally, tint your lips, add some finishing touches - jewelry, your favorite perfume - and you're ready.

Pregnant and beautiful

During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur, which immediately affects the condition of the skin. Irritation, blemishes or dryness are all possible - depending on your skin type. Contact a specialist. In most cases, there is no need to undergo a comprehensive course of treatment. Often, targeted procedures are enough to get rid of certain problems. For minor problems, remove excess oil from the skin twice a week using a cleansing mask. It is best to use peeling and masks in turn. An herbal ampoule with propolis is best used on certain areas to make pimples disappear quickly.

If irritated, wipe the skin with a soothing tonic - always from bottom to top and from the center of the face to the roots of the hair. Warm chamomile tea compresses will also help.

Dryness can be easily removed with a mask applied at night several times a week.

Dilated capillaries are treated with vitamin K cream. Regularly massage the chest and abdomen with soybean, macadamia or apricot oil. The restorative and soothing effects of these oils increase skin elasticity. In the first months this will be enough, in the third and fourth months, when the stomach is already noticeable, also use a special cream to massage it. Massage evenly in circular motions, but not too hard. This cream will also help you after childbirth, when your stomach becomes flat again. Cold compresses will prevent breasts from sagging. A foot balm or gel will help you relieve heavy legs, but keep in mind that camphor should not be used during pregnancy. You can soothe swollen eyes with a cool compress in the morning. In addition to eye cream, use gel. Apply a thin layer of the gel throughout the day; it stimulates blood circulation, which will protect you from the appearance of wrinkles.


Acne can occur on the face, décolleté, shoulders and back. It first appears during puberty and is caused by hormonal changes. Many also suffer from pimples and unclean skin later on. Before today There is no high-quality treatment with long-lasting results. But there are quite effective drugs that reduce the incidence of acne, improve appearance, prevent the formation of scars and increase self-confidence. The first signs of acne should be taken seriously and treated immediately. A cosmetologist can determine your skin type and recommend medications for treatment. In addition, it will remove acne at a professional level. More severe inflammation is best treated by a doctor.

Daily care

Today there are quite effective drugs for the treatment of acne. Soft fruit acids, salicylic acid, oxygen and zinc are combined in them. Fat production is reduced and inflammation is prevented. Daily care is one of the main prerequisites for effective acne treatment. In the morning: cleansing with a soft gel for washing; too aggressive water procedures can cause skin irritation; applying a special gel to problem areas; applying moisturizer, makeup and concealer pencil. In the evenings: cleansing with a soft cleansing gel; once or twice a week cleansing mask; peeling; applying a special gel to problem areas.

· First, lather the gel in your palm and then wash with this foam. For additional cleansing, use a toner.

· Apply antibacterial gel to problem areas. In this case, zinc oxide and salicylic acid will help, which will help get rid of comedones.

· For special care, a soothing and moisturizing cream with aloe Vera is suitable.

· When using a cleansing mask, dead skin particles are removed: apply to clean skin and remove with a damp cotton wool after ten to fifteen minutes.

· In summer, fat-free sun protection is necessary.

· Makeup is a must! With its help, you will not only hide pimples, but also protect your skin from dust and dirt. Important: makeup should suit your skin type. Apply powder only with a cotton swab and throw it away immediately.

· Makeup tone should not be too pink, so as not to emphasize redness. The use of shiny eye shadow and lipstick is not recommended. It is better to use natural and brownish shades.


The desire to get rid of small scars after acne is common to everyone. With a certain dose of patience and the right means, it is quite possible to realize this desire. Thanks to the natural peeling method based on fruit acids, the skin is gradually cleansed and renewed. Thanks to this process, new cells replace the scars: they become flatter and the redness disappears. The sooner you start treatment, the faster the result will be noticeable; even old scars can be healed. This magical remedy is produced from sugar beet juice. Please strictly follow the instructions for use during the course of treatment: special products can only be used in the evening and only in combination with cream! Always make sure your skin has adequate sun protection.

Care program

First week:

· In the evening, wash your face with a cleansing gel, while cleansing your eyelid skin with a toner.

· Apply five percent cream and moisturize on top; you will feel a slight tingling sensation in your skin.

· In the morning, cleanse your skin as you would in the evening, but apply moisturizer as protection and a base for makeup.

· In the first week, use the five percent solution only twice in the evening, for example on Monday and Tuesday.

Second week:

· Exactly the same as in the first week, only use the five percent solution on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Third week:

· Use a product containing fruit acids every second evening.

Fourth week:

· Apply lotion every day; your skin will become fresher and cleaner day by day.

Meditation in the bath

The life-giving power of water

"Natural Doctor"

or briefly about the most important things

Life originated in water. Perhaps this is why water has a unique life-giving power, giving youth to both our skin and soul. All life on Earth - from the most primitive amoeba to the dry desert shrub - is three-quarters water. She is simple and mysterious at the same time. Mysterious and unique. This is an element that nourishes and cleanses everything it touches. Let us at least remember the fairy tales about living and dead water. Let us also remember that even in ancient times in Rus' they tried to build many churches and monasteries near rivers and springs. Lakes, reservoirs, rivers and streams have the unique property of carrying away the pain, resentment, bitterness and fears of the person next to them. This may be why the Japanese and Chinese prefer to spend most of their holidays in parks near water bodies. The first information about hydrotherapy can be found in the Hindu treatise Rigveda, written 1500 BC. Even then, water was used for healing and served as a remedy for both the ancient Hindus and the Egyptians. A variety of hydrotherapy methods can be found in the works of Avicenna and Hippocrates.

Scientifically, water treatment is called hydrotherapy and includes douches and wraps, rubdowns, baths and showers using ordinary fresh water with various healing additives.

Even the inhabitants of Ancient Rome said: “Seek healing in baths...”. Much time has passed since then, and water treatment methods have changed and improved with each new century. Each century, rediscovering the healing properties of water, found millions of ways to use it.

The Romans knew what they were advising. After all, baths with warm water are one of the best means for relieving muscle tension. They relieve fatigue, promote excellent deep relaxation and good sleep. What is the secret of water? In a buoyant force that can make the body simply weightless, which, you see, is already pleasant in itself.

What if you add healing substances, for example, plant or mineral ones, to the water?! Everyone knows about the healing effects of sodium chloride, or table salt. A bath with salt not only relaxes and restores the body after a hard day, but also treats arthritis, dislocations and muscle injuries, obesity and cholecystitis, and many diseases of the genitourinary system, especially in women.

Pine baths relieve the excitability of the central nervous system and enhance inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex. They make breathing easier, making it rare and deep. The smell of pine needles has a beneficial and calming effect on the entire body as a whole, relieving unnecessary tension, not to mention improving blood supply to internal organs and muscles, or having an effective antispasmodic effect.

Baths with the addition of pine needles are an excellent remedy for treating and relieving pain from gastritis and gastric ulcers, bronchitis and rhinitis, neurasthenia and many other diseases.

For problems with the skin, starch baths are prescribed with their gentle enveloping and softening effect. On the contrary, mustard baths stimulate the nerve endings of the skin with their essential oils, thereby increasing the activity of all metabolic processes. Maybe that’s why they are recommended for diseases of the respiratory tract and nervous system. Recently, in European countries, for example, in France and England, the most fashionable doctors have been using various wraps and rubdowns to treat colds. For these procedures they use the same table salt. Cotton sheets or towels are immersed in the salt solution and wrapped around the patient’s chest and back, covering the area of ​​the lungs and bronchi. A T-shirt is put on top, terry towels are wrapped in several layers, and woolen clothes are put on top. During this procedure, moisture evaporates freely from the surface of the skin, without creating a greenhouse effect, as with compresses. This healing process can last up to six to eight hours until the bandage is completely dry.

At high temperatures, rubbing is useful, especially for young children. To do this, add vinegar to warm water.

But water is good not only because it has buoyant force. Water is an excellent coolant and conducts heat many times better than air.

Water whose temperature differs sharply from skin temperature is most effective. This effect of irritation on the body can instantly increase skin blood circulation and gas exchange. For example, a cold foot bath relieves a headache. Those who regularly suffer from migraines are advised to often walk barefoot through dew or cool water in reservoirs. Ideally, in the summer it is best to wander over pebbles on the banks of a river or sea, but if this is not possible, then you can walk on a prickly rug in the bathroom. This method is associated with the centuries-old traditions of health-improving techniques of the monks of Tibet, who all year round at dawn perform a certain number of steps in the shallow waters of mountain streams. Ice water not only hardens the body, but also helps strengthen the spirit and clarify thoughts.

It is believed that by taking twenty-one steps along the rapid icy stream, a monk charges himself with energy for the whole day.

You can also follow this method, but at home. And the resulting charge of vivacity and healing effect will only add to your ability to work before the upcoming working day. Take some precautions into account: the first procedures should not last longer than a minute; the duration must be increased every three days; Only your feet should be immersed in water, no more than three to four centimeters. If you are carrying out this procedure in the bathroom, then, without plugging the drain hole, run cool water in a strong stream and walk in place, placing a prickly rug under your feet.

For many years, people suffering from asthma have relieved asthma attacks by dousing them with cold water. Cold foot baths can also be used to reduce fever. But the method is suitable only for seasoned people. Even if you dare to use it, try to keep your feet in cold water for no more than one minute. Then you need to rub them vigorously and put on warm socks.

If we talk about hardening, then water is the simplest and most accessible and at the same time the most in an effective way strengthening the body's defenses. Usually, hardening is understood as a variety of cold effects on the body.

But thermal effects cannot be discounted if they are dosed and do not exceed the body’s capabilities. The most important thing when hardening with water is the temperature difference. To compensate for it, our body activates the hardening mechanism. In fact, our hardening is nothing more than the body’s ability on our own absorb temperature loads.

Making a profit, successful development, minimizing risks are the main goals of any company. These goals can be achieved through planning, which allows you to:

  • foresee development prospects in the future;
  • more rational use of all company resources;
  • avoid bankruptcy;
  • improve control in the company;
  • increase the ability to provide the company with the necessary information.

It is advisable to divide the planning process into three stages:

1. Establishing quantitative indicators for the goals that the company must achieve.

2. Determining the main actions that need to be carried out to achieve goals, taking into account the impact of external and internal factors.

3. Development flexible system planning to ensure the achievement of set goals.


Any plan, including production, must be built on certain principles. Principles are understood as the basic theoretical principles that guide the enterprise and its employees in the planning process.

  1. Continuity principle implies that the planning process is carried out continuously throughout the entire period of activity of the enterprise.
  2. The principle of necessity means the mandatory application of plans when performing any type of work activity.
  3. Unity principle states that enterprise planning must be systematic. The concept of a system implies the relationship between its elements, the presence of a single direction for the development of these elements, focused on common goals. In this case, it is assumed that the single consolidated plan of the enterprise is consistent with the individual plans of its services and divisions.
  4. Principle of economy. Plans must provide for a way to achieve the goal that is associated with the maximum effect obtained. The costs of drawing up the plan should not exceed the expected income (the implemented plan must pay for itself).
  5. The principle of flexibility provides the planning system with the opportunity to change its focus due to changes of an internal or external nature (fluctuations in demand, changes in prices, tariffs).
  6. Precision principle. The plan must be drawn up with a degree of accuracy that is acceptable to solve the problems that arise.
  7. Participation principle. Each department of the enterprise becomes a participant in the planning process, regardless of the function performed.
  8. The principle of focusing on the final result. All parts of the enterprise have a single final goal, the implementation of which is a priority.

Depending on the content of the set goals and objectives, planning can be divided into the following types (Table 1).

Table 1. Types of planning

Classification sign

Types of planning


According to mandatory planning


Represents the process of making decisions that are binding on planning objects


Is of an executive nature and is not mandatory


Determines the main directions of enterprise development for the long term (from two years or more)


Determines activities aimed at expanding production, improving product quality, developing new areas of development or production new products

Operational calendar

Defines the sequence of actions when accepting management decisions in short periods of time

According to the duration of the planning period


Covers a period of more than five years

Medium term

From two to five years

Short term

Year, quarter, month

According to the degree of coverage of objects

General plan of the enterprise

Developed across the enterprise as a whole

Site plans (individual divisions)

Designed for everyone structural unit

Process plans

Designed for every process economic activity: production, sales, purchasing, etc.


Production plans are an important component of the entire planning system at an enterprise, so let’s talk in more detail about the development of production plans. Let's consider a production planning system consisting of four main links:

  • strategic production plan;
  • tactical production plan;
  • manufacturing program;
  • production schedule.

The primary goal of production planning is determine production standards to satisfy the needs of buyers, customers or consumers of the company's products.

When creating a production plan, there are four key issues to consider:

1. What, how much and when should be produced?

2. What is needed for this?

3. What production capacities and resources does the company have?

4. What additional costs will be required to organize the production and sale of products in the quantities necessary to meet demand?

These are priority and performance issues.

A priority- this is what is needed, how much and at what point in time. Priorities are set by the market. Productivity is the ability of production to produce goods, perform work, and provide services. Productivity depends on the organization's resources (equipment, work force and financial resources), as well as the ability to timely receive paid materials, work, and services from suppliers.

In the short term, productivity (production capacity) is the amount of work performed over a certain period of time using labor and equipment.

IN production plan reflected:

  • range and volume of products produced in natural and in value terms;
  • the desired level of inventories to reduce the risk of production stoppages due to a lack of raw materials;
  • calendar plan for the production of finished products;
  • manufacturing program;
  • need for raw materials and supplies;
  • cost of manufactured products;
  • unit cost of production;
  • marginal profit.


Strategic production plan is associated with the overall development strategy of the enterprise, sales and purchasing plans, volume of output, planned inventories, labor resources, etc. It is based on long-term forecasts.

Tactical plan aimed at achieving the goals of the strategic plan.

Tactical plans contain detailed information on production units enterprises (availability of labor and material resources, equipment, transport, storage areas for inventories, finished products, etc.), measures necessary for the implementation of the production program and the timing of their implementation.

Tactical action plans are supplemented by cost plans, which contain data on costs (cost) within departments, as well as plans for resource requirements.

Level of detail of manufactured products in production terms is usually low. Detailing is carried out according to enlarged groups goods (for example, refrigeration equipment, ovens, etc.).


The production schedule is developed for production units. It represents the release schedule individual species products on time. The following is used as initial information:

  • production plan;
  • sales orders;
  • information about finished products in the warehouse.

In the calendar plan, the production plan is broken down by date and the number of final products of each type that needs to be produced in a certain period of time is determined. For example, the plan may indicate that each week it is necessary to produce 200 units of model “A” products and 100 units of model “B” products.

Scheduling allows you to:

  • establish the sequence of orders and the priority of work;
  • distribute material resources by production divisions;
  • produce finished products in strict accordance with the sales plan, minimizing equipment downtime, excess inventories and idle personnel.

Level of detail here is higher than in production terms. The production plan is drawn up in larger groups, and the production schedule is developed for individual final products and types of work.


The production program is part of the production plan and contains data on the planned volume of production and sales of products.

The production program may be accompanied by calculations:

  • production capacity of the enterprise;
  • production capacity utilization factor;
  • intensity of workload of production units.

Product output volume

The planned production volume is calculated based on the sales plan and procurement plan.

The basis of the sales plan is:

  • contracts concluded with consumers of the enterprise’s products (customers of works and services);
  • sales data for previous years;
  • data on market demand for products obtained from managers.

Basis of the procurement plan:

  • agreements with suppliers of material and technical resources;
  • calculation of the need for material assets;
  • data on material assets in warehouses.


The quantity and range of products produced must satisfy market demand without going beyond the material reserves available at the enterprise.

The volume of finished products is planned by groups. A product belongs to one or another group according to classification criteria that allow one to distinguish one product from another (model, accuracy class, style, article number, brand, grade, etc.).

When planning the volume of output, priorities are given to goods that are in high demand among buyers and consumers (data provided by the sales department).

Production capacity of the enterprise

The production program determines the production capacity and compiles the balance of the enterprise's production capacity.

Under production capacity understand the maximum possible annual output of products in the nomenclature and assortment established by the plan, with full use production equipment and squares.

General calculation formula production capacity (M pr) looks like that:

M pr = P about × F fact,

where P about is the productivity of equipment per unit of time, expressed in pieces of products;

F fact - the actual operating time of the equipment, hours.

Main items of the balance of production capacity:

  • capacity of the enterprise at the beginning of the planning period;
  • the amount of increase in production capacity due to various factors (purchase of new fixed assets, modernization, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, etc.);
  • the size of the reduction in production capacity as a result of disposal, transfer and sale of fixed assets production assets, changes in the nomenclature and range of products, changes in the operating mode of the enterprise;
  • the amount of output power, that is, the power at the end of the planned period;
  • average annual capacity of the enterprise;
  • utilization rate of average annual production capacity.

Input power determined at the beginning of the year based on available equipment.

output power at the end of the planning period is calculated taking into account the disposal of fixed assets and the introduction of new equipment (or modernization, reconstruction of existing equipment).

Average annual capacity enterprises (M av/g) is calculated by the formula:

M av/g = M ng + (M inv × n 1 / 12) - (M select × n 2 / 12),

where Mng is the input power;

Mvv - power introduced during the year;

M out - power retired during the year;

n 1 - the number of full months of operation of newly introduced capacities from the moment of commissioning to the end of the period;

n 2 - the number of complete months of absence of retiring capacity from the moment of disposal to the end of the period.

Average annual production capacity utilization rate in the reporting period ( K and) is calculated as the ratio of actual production output to the average annual capacity of the enterprise in this period:

K and = V fact / M av/g,

Where V fact - actual output volume, units.


If the actual output volume is greater than the average annual production capacity, this means that the enterprise’s production program is provided with production capacity.

Let us give an example of calculating the average annual production capacity of an enterprise and the coefficient of actual use of production capacity to draw up a production plan.

There are 10 machines installed in the leading production workshop of the plant. The maximum productivity of each machine is 15 products per hour. It is planned to produce 290,000 products per year.

The production process is continuous, the plant works in one shift. The number of working days per year is 255, the average duration of one shift is 7.9 hours.

To calculate the production capacity of a plant, you need to determine operating time fund of a piece of equipment in year. To do this we use the formula:

F r = RD g × T cm × K cm,

where F r is the operating time of a piece of equipment, h;

RD g - number of working days per year;

T cm - the average duration of one shift, taking into account the operating mode of the enterprise and the reduction of the working day on pre-holiday days, h;

K cm - number of shifts.

Regime fund of work time 1 machine in a year:

F r = 255 days. × 7.9 hours × 1 shift = 2014.5 h.

The production capacity of the enterprise is determined by the capacity of the leading workshop. Leading workshop power and will be:

2014.5 hours × 10 machines × 15 units/hour = 302,174 units.

Factor of actual production capacity utilization:

290,000 units / 302,174 units = 0,95 .

The coefficient shows that the machines operate at almost full production capacity. The enterprise has enough capacity to produce the planned volume of products.

Unit load intensity

When drawing up a production program, it is important to calculate labor intensity and compare it with available resources.

Data on the labor intensity of a product (the number of standard hours spent on producing a unit of product) is usually provided by the economic planning department. An enterprise can independently develop labor intensity standards for manufactured types of products, carrying out control measurements of the time required to complete certain production operations. The time required to produce a product is calculated on the basis of the design and technological documentation of the enterprise.

The labor intensity of a product represents the cost of working time to produce a unit of product in physical terms according to the range of products and services produced. Labor intensity of production per unit of production(T) is calculated using the formula:

T = PB / K p,

where РВ - work time, spent on the production of a given amount of product, h;

K n - the amount of products produced over a certain period, in natural units.

The plant produces several types of products: products A, B and C. Two production workshops are involved in the production of products: workshop No. 1 and workshop No. 2.

To draw up a production program, the plant needs to determine the labor intensity for each type of product, the maximum load on production assets, as well as the products that this program will focus on producing.

Let's calculate the maximum possible working time for each workshop.

Represents the maximum amount of time that can be worked in accordance with labor legislation. The size of this fund is equal to the calendar fund of working time, excluding the number of man-days of annual vacations and man-days of holidays and weekends.

Workshop No. 1

The workshop employs 10 people.

Based on this number of employees, the calendar fund of working hours will be:

10 people × 365 days = 3650 person-days

Number of non-working days per year: 280 — annual holidays, 180 - holidays.

Then the maximum possible working time fund for workshop No. 1:

3650 - 280 - 180 = 3190 person-days, or 25,520 people.-h.

Workshop No. 2

The workshop employs 8 people.

Calendar working hours:

8 people × 365 days = 2920 person-days

Number of non-working days per year: 224 - annual vacations, 144 - holidays.

The maximum possible working time for workshop No. 2:

2920 - 224 - 144 = 2552 person-days, or 20,416 person-hours.

Let's calculate the intensity of workload of workshops. To do this, we will calculate the labor intensity of producing the planned number of products and compare it with the maximum possible working time. The data is presented in table. 2.

Table 2. Calculation of workload of production workshops



Maximum possible working hours

Workshop utilization percentage

Quantity of manufactured products, pcs.

Time spent on producing a given quantity of product, h

for one product

for the entire issue

for one product

for the entire issue

Based on the data in table. 2 you can do the following conclusions:

  • Product B is the most labor-intensive;
  • workshop No. 1 is 96% loaded, workshop No. 2 is 87.8% loaded, that is, the resources of workshop No. 2 are not fully utilized.

Feasibility of product release assessed using the ratio of labor intensity and marginal profit. Products with the lowest marginal profit per standard hour are usually excluded from the production program.

The write-off of indirect costs and the formation of product costs occurs using the direct costing method, that is, only direct costs are taken into account in the product costs. Indirect expenses are written off monthly for financial results. Direct costs include material costs and wages for production workers. Therefore, we will draw up an estimate of direct (variable) costs for production. Let's define marginal profit for products A, B and C. The data are presented in table. 3.

Table 3. Calculation of marginal profit


Product A

Product B

Product C

Production volume, pcs.

Selling price of one product, rub.

Labor intensity of one product, standard hours

Direct costs for one product (wages), rub.

Direct costs for one product (raw materials and materials), rub.

Cost of one product, rub.

Marginal profit one product, rub.

Marginal profit per standard hour, rub./standard hour

Product B has the lowest profit margin, so the production plan will focus on products with higher profit margins (A and C).


Usually attached to the production program resource requirement plan— plan for the production and purchase of raw materials and materials that are used in the manufacture of products or performance of work provided for calendar plan production.

The resource requirement plan shows when raw materials, materials and components will be needed to produce each final product.

Production planning has the following characteristics:

  • a planning horizon of 12 months is applied with periodic adjustments (for example, monthly or quarterly);
  • accounting is carried out in aggregate by groups, unimportant details (colors, styles, etc.) are not taken into account;
  • demand includes one or more types of goods or product groups;
  • during the period provided for by the planning horizon, workshops and equipment do not change;
  • used when developing a production plan basic basic strategies:

Pursuit strategy;

Uniform production.


Businesses that produce one type of product or a range of similar products can measure output as the number of units they produce.

Enterprises producing several different types products, keep records of homogeneous groups of goods that have the same units of measurement. Such product groups are determined on the basis of similarity production processes.

Pursuit strategy

The strategy of pursuit (satisfying demand) is understood as producing the amount of product needed at a given time (the volume of production changes in accordance with the level of demand).

In some cases, only this strategy can be used. For example, restaurants, cafes, and canteens prepare dishes as orders are received from visitors. Such catering establishments cannot accumulate products. They must be able to meet demand when it arises. The pursuit strategy is used farms during harvest and enterprises whose demand for products is seasonal.

Companies must maximize their productivity when demand peaks. Possible actions to achieve this goal:

  • additionally hire employees under a contract;
  • enter overtime work due to production needs;
  • increase the number of shifts;
  • if there is not enough capacity, transfer part of the orders to subcontractors or rent additional equipment.


During the recession business activity It is permissible to introduce a shortened working day (week), reduce the number of shifts, and offer employees vacation at their own expense.

The pursuit strategy is important advantage: the volume of inventories may be minimal. A product is produced when there is a demand for it and is not stockpiled. This means that it is possible to avoid the costs associated with storing inventories.

The production program for the pursuit strategy can be designed as follows:

1. Determine the projected volume of production for the period of peak demand (usually this is the season).

2. We calculate the volume of products that need to be produced during the peak period based on the forecast.

3. Determine the level of product inventories.

  • planned cost of finished products (full or incomplete);
  • planned cost per unit of production;
  • additional costs that are incurred to produce products during periods of demand;
  • marginal profit per unit of production.

Uniform production

With uniform production, a volume of output equal to average demand is constantly produced. Businesses calculate the total demand for a planned period (for example, a year) and, on average, produce sufficient volume to satisfy this demand. Sometimes the demand is less than the quantity produced. In this case, product inventories accumulate. At other times, demand exceeds production. Then the accumulated stocks of products are used.

Advantages uniform production strategies:

  • equipment is operated at a constant level, which avoids the cost of its conservation;
  • the enterprise uses production capacity at the same pace and produces approximately the same volume of products every month;
  • the enterprise does not need to maintain excess productivity resources to meet peak demand;
  • there is no need to hire and train new employees, and fire them during periods of recession. It is possible to form a permanent workforce.

Disadvantage of the strategy: During periods of decreased demand, inventories and finished products accumulate, the storage of which requires costs.

General procedure for developing a production program for uniform production:

1. The total forecast demand for the planning horizon period (usually a year) is determined.

2. The projected balances of finished products at the beginning of the planning period and the balances of products at the end of the period are determined.

3. The total volume of products that need to be produced is calculated. Calculation formula:

Total production volume = Total forecast + Finished goods balances at the beginning - Finished goods balances at the end.

4. The volume of products that needs to be produced in each period is calculated. To do this, the total volume of production is divided by the number of periods. If the plan is drawn up by month, then the planned annual production volume is divided into 12 months.

5. Finished products are distributed (based on supply contracts) and shipped according to the dates specified in the delivery schedules.

The production plan reflects the planned costs for the production of finished products and the standard cost of one product, determines the marginal profit for one product and its selling price.

Here are examples of the application of the strategies presented above.

The chemical plant has several lines for the production of de-icing reagents. These products are in demand in winter period. When developing a production plan for this species products the plant uses pursuit strategy.

Peak sales occur in December-February. The shelf life of the reagents is 3 years. The expected balances of reagents in the warehouse at the beginning of the planning year will be 1 t.

Production of the reagent is planned to begin in November and end in March. The balance of finished products at the end of March is minimal.

The formation of the production program by volume for November-March is reflected in table. 4.

Table 4. Production program by volume for November-March, tons








Demand in the previous period

Delivery plan

Production plan

In a production program, the supply plan is adopted at the demand level. The balances of finished goods at the beginning of each month are equal to the balances of finished goods at the end of the previous month.

Production plan for each month is calculated using the formula:

Production plan = Delivery plan - Balance of finished goods at the beginning of the month + Balance of finished goods at the end of the month.

The planned balances of finished products at the end of the month should not exceed 5 % from the planned volume of product supply to customers.

During the demand period falling on December-March, the plant plans to produce 194.6 t of reagent.

Having determined the required production output in the peak period in the program, the plant compiled a planned production cost estimate for 1 ton of reagent (Table 5).

Table 5. Planned production cost calculation for 1 ton of reagent



Production volume, t

Direct costs (salaries), rub.

Direct costs (raw materials and materials), rub.

Total direct costs, rub.

Overhead costs per month, rub.

Packaging costs, rub.

Total costs, rub.

Marginal profit, rub.

Sales price, rub.

Based on the production program and calculation of the cost of 1 ton of reagent, a production plan is drawn up. The data is reflected in table. 6.

Table 6. Production plan








Planned production volume in the current period, t

Total costs per 1 ton, rub.

Planned costs for the entire volume of production, rub.

The planned production volume is 194.6 tons, total amount expenses - 1,977,136 rubles.

Sales plan - 195 tons, sales amount - 2,566,200 rubles. (RUB 13,160 × 195 t).

Profit company: RUB 2,566,200 - 1,977,136 rub. = RUB 589,064.

In addition to deicing products, the chemical plant specializes in the production of household chemicals. Production is uniform, products are released throughout the year. The enterprise forms a production program and production plan for the year.

Let's consider the annual production program and the annual production plan of a washing powder plant.

The annual production plan for finished products is adopted at the level of demand for the previous year. The demand for washing powder for the previous year, according to the sales department, was 82,650 kg. This volume evenly distributed by month. In each month it will be:

82,650 kg / 12 months = 6887 kg.

Supply plan is formed on the basis of existing orders and concluded supply contracts, taking into account changing market demand.

An example of the production program for the production of washing powder for the year is presented in table. 7.

Table 7. Production program for the production of washing powder per year, kg













Production plan

Balances of finished goods at the beginning of the period

Balances of finished goods at the end of the period

Delivery plan

The expected balance of powder in the warehouse at the beginning of the planning year will be 200 kg.

Balances of finished products in warehouse at the end of each month are determined by the formula:

Balances of finished products in the warehouse at the end of the month = Planned volume of production + Balances at the beginning of the month - Volume of supplies.

Remains of finished products:

At the end of January:

6887 kg + 200 kg - 6500 kg = 587 kg;

At the end of February:

6887 kg + 587 kg - 7100 kg = 374 kg.

The calculations are carried out similarly for each month.

The production plan will reflect the following data:

  1. Planned standard cost of 1 kg of powder - 80 rub.
  2. The price of warehouse expenses is 5 rubles. for 1 kg.
  3. Planned production costs:

. per month:

6887 kg × 80 rub. = 550,960 rub.;

. in year:

82,644 kg × 80 rub. = 6,611,520 rub.

  1. Costs for storage of finished products - RUB 19,860.

When calculating warehouse costs, the balances of finished products at the end of each month are taken into account (Table 8).

Table 8. Calculation of warehouse costs













Balances of finished products at the end of the period, kg

Warehouse cost price, rub./kg

Amount of warehouse expenses, rub.

  1. There are no ready-made production plans. Needed A complex approach to the development of an optimal production plan, taking into account economic activities and production technology.
  2. The production plan should reflect changes in both external (fluctuations in market demand, inflation) and internal factors (increase or reduction in production capacity, labor resources and so on.).

Planned indicators– these are the target guidelines for the economic activity of the enterprise. The efficiency of the enterprise and all levels of management at different levels largely depends on their composition and the validity of the calculation methods used. They determine the structure, targeting, development of the plan and reflect its economic social objectives. Technical and economic indicators in the economic mechanism influence not only the adoption of planning decisions, but also the organization of production, sales of products and their accounting. Using indicators you can implement control management functions. The active role of plan indicators depends largely on how fully they reflect the goals of the enterprise and the need for the necessary resources.

Indicators used in planning are divided into general and specific. Summary indicators- these are the main indicators in individual sections of the plan, obtained using valuation, including production, labor and wages, cost and profit. Private indicators are largely informational in nature.

Depending on the underlying measurements, indicators are divided into cost and natural. Natural indicators reflect the material side of production. They are measured in units that are related to the nature of the product. To expand the scope of use of natural indicators, they use conditionally natural indicators. They are established by bringing the variety of natural expressions of a given type of product to a single meter using conversion factors. Common basis to establish conditionally natural indicators, any decisive consumer property of products or works is selected that has the greatest economic importance. Cost indicators determined by the amount of cash costs or payment (revenue) in comparable base and current prices. With their help, the aggregate results of the reproduction process are expressed (production of gross internal product, gross net profit, volume products sold). Various economic balances are compiled using cost indicators.

Depending on the nature of the assessment of production processes, indicators can be quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative indicators are used to express the immediate results of production or work. Qualitative indicators are used to assess the compliance of planned targets with existing criteria (standards, technical specifications). They are divided into two groups: technical, economic and economic. Technical and economic indicators reflect the efficiency of use of fixed and working capital. These include, for example, the yield of gasoline from one ton of crude oil. Economic indicators characterize the effectiveness of the use of material, labor and financial resources. These include: labor productivity, the level of production and distribution costs, profitability, capital productivity, etc.


3. Forecast and plan

4. State planning


List of used literature


The rate at which conditions change and the amount of knowledge increases in today's world is so rapid that planning appears to be the only way to formally anticipate future problems and opportunities. It provides the organization of means for creating an activity plan for both long-term and current periods and provides the basis for making management decisions.

Formal planning helps to find the most appropriate courses of action, justify and systematize planning decisions, and reduce the risk of making wrong decisions due to erroneous or insufficient information about the organization’s capabilities or the external environment. Planning, since it serves to formulate established goals and develop ways to implement them, helps to create unity of common goals within the organization and thereby is the organizing principle in the activities of the enterprise.

Given the ever-increasing scarcity of resources, it is very important to maximize them effective use. The plan must be designed so skillfully that the use of limited resources is optimal.

Capital investments play an important role in the activities of the enterprise. They must make a profit as early as possible. This circumstance once again emphasizes the need to develop a plan and strictly implement it.

Due to rising costs, complication of production and economic relations, rising prices and dynamic changes in environmental factors, the element of risk in the activities of the enterprise is growing. In addition to justifying the technical feasibility of the plan for the normal functioning of the enterprise, reasoned schedules and estimates are also necessary as evidence of its ability and ability to effectively achieve its goals. Therefore, the enterprise’s activity plan must include sections related to its organizational and technical development, core activities, its support and maintenance, plans for cost, profit and profitability, as well as a financial plan.

The process of implementing the plan is affected by changes in internal and external conditions. Therefore it is envisaged operational planning, which takes into account the consequences of the changed situation. It is used to make decisions in any situation that arises. Planning is dynamic in the sense that changes are made to the original plan to reflect changing conditions. It should be emphasized that changes are possible only if the plan itself exists.

Managing the implementation of the plan consists of analyzing information and making decisions. Therefore, there is no doubt about the need to include in the plan a section related to control over the activities of the enterprise.

Planning for the sake of planning is pointless. The value of a plan is revealed in the process of its implementation. Progress in its implementation must be compared with planned goals, against which deviations in the enterprise’s activities are corrected. If the adjustment cannot bring the enterprise into compliance with the plan, then the latter must be revised. The developed schedule of the enterprise's activities and the budget of the plan are maintained thanks to the presence of management, which is no less important (if not more) than the original plan.

1. Planned calculations and indicators

An indicator is a form of expression of a specific task contained in a management decision.

Planned indicators cannot be set arbitrarily. In order to fulfill their function - to express the measure of development of a particular socio-economic phenomenon and process in an enterprise, they must meet certain requirements. The indicator system should:

cover all sides and aspects of enterprise development;

ensure the unity and binding nature of certain indicators (approved, calculated and information-oriented);

ensure comparability and reducibility various sections plan;

be dynamic, reflecting changes in the state of planning objects, trends in their development;

orient the enterprise towards maintaining rational proportions and increasing socio-economic efficiency;

correspond to the enterprise’s orientation towards maintaining sustainable competitiveness in the relevant markets (national, international, regional, local);

have restrictions within the framework of reasonable sufficiency.

The plan indicators are divided for approved and calculated ones; quantitative and qualitative; absolute and relative; natural and cost.

Natural indicators characterize the material aspect of reproduction and are established in physical units (tons, meters, pieces, etc.). In addition, due to the variety of types and types of products with the same purpose, conditionally natural indicators are used (tons of standard fuel, thousand standard cans, etc.).

With the help of cost indicators, the cost structure of reproduction and the most important proportions are expressed. Cost indicators, as is known, are calculated in current and constant (comparable) prices.

Quantitative and qualitative indicators are expressed in both physical and monetary forms. These indicators characterize production and economic processes with different sides: quantitative reflect the volume, size, scale of production, qualitative - intensive and structural factors, production efficiency, quality of work.

Qualitative indicators are divided into economic and technical-production. The first include indicators of labor productivity, production and distribution costs, capital productivity, etc. Technical and production indicators are used to express the degree of efficiency of using certain types of means and objects of labor, as well as working time. These include various indicators (standards for equipment productivity, use of production space, production capacity, consumption of raw materials, fuel, labor time spent on producing a unit of product, etc.).

When planning an enterprise, both absolute and relative indicators are used. Absolute indicators characterize the content of plan targets in absolute terms (production volume, size wages, number of heads of livestock, etc.). They are determined both in physical and in monetary terms.

Relative indicators characterize the dynamics of the corresponding quantities and their structure. These indicators are measured in relative quantities (in percentage of growth or gain, reduction in production costs, in shares of individual cost items of product costs, etc.). They give a generalized idea of ​​the dynamics of indicators over a number of years and allow us to identify existing and future development trends.

The overwhelming majority of indicators are calculated. The approved indicators are in the form of standards (formation of funds, payments, Money); limits (permissible maximum values, resource consumption, etc.) and volumes of budget financing. The approved indicators include those by which the implementation of the plan is assessed. They reflect the most significant aspects of the development of the enterprise. Their number is limited. The approved indicators are mandatory for the enterprise. Their justification is carried out on the basis of calculated indicators, the number of which is not regulated.

Isolating specific and generalizing indicators in the system of planned indicators makes it possible to most reasonably evaluate the implementation of the plan and identify the reasons hindering its effective implementation. Private indicators reflect a specific idea of ​​a particular economic phenomenon. They do not provide a systematic vision of the reproduction process at the enterprise. This function is performed by generalizing indicators. These indicators complete the development of the plan and reflect the results of the calculations performed.

Planned calculations mean the linking of planned indicators with the set strategic goal. The essence of planned calculations is to substantiate the dynamics of planned indicators based on an analysis of their constituent values.

Planned calculations are used both in current and long-term planning. In this case they use various ways and calculation methods. The following methods are most widespread in planning practice: justification of planned indicators based on the actual level achieved; planning based on enlarged economic calculations.

Method for justifying planned indicators based on the actual level achieved is based on calculating the product of the base indicator and the expected rate of its growth (decrease). However, this method has a significant drawback. It does not take into account changes that may occur in the future.

planning calculation strategic goal

Planning method based on aggregated economic calculations involves substantiating the target indicator by analyzing its constituent values ​​and the factors that determine them.

Planned calculations play a special role in solving contingency problems various types plans and stages of their development.

2 System of enterprise plans, their relationship

The system of enterprise plans is determined by the functions of the enterprise and its internal administrative and economic system. The situation is complicated by the fact that each structural unit develops its own plan, which is linked within the framework general plan enterprises.

The system of plans is based on a complex mechanism for the interrelation of planned calculations at all stages of the planning process, a certain connection of plans in time.