Assortment of smoked poultry products. Commodity characteristics of boiled-smoked poultry thigh. Technology and equipment for the production of smoked poultry

To produce baked beef sirloin, the psoas muscle is used.
There are two ways to produce fillet:
1- injecting with brine in an amount of up to 10% by weight of the raw material, rubbing with spices and garlic, baking;
2- massage with brine, rub with spices and garlic, bake.
The yield of finished products to the weight of unsalted raw materials is 62%.
The shelf life of beef fillet at temperatures from 0 to 8 ºС and relative humidity (75±5)% is no more than 5 days.

2. DELICIOUS PRODUCTS FROM MEAT OF PIGLES AND CALVES TU 49 774-84 with Amendment No. 1 (instead of TU 49 774-80)

Products from the meat of piglets and calves are produced in the following names: smoked-boiled piglet roll, smoked-boiled stuffed piglet roll, baked veal ham, smoked-boiled veal ham in lard.
To produce a Piglet Roll, piglet meat is used, a Stuffed Piglet Roll - piglet meat and minced doctor's sausage, a veal leg - the hip part of veal, a veal leg in lard - the hip part of veal and lard.
Raw materials for the production of piglet and calf meat products are extruded, kept in brine, smoked and baked.
The shelf life of piglet and calf meat products at temperatures from 0 to 8 ºС is no more than 72 hours.

3. RAW SMOKED BONELESS PORK PRODUCTS TU 49 813-81 with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3

Raw smoked boneless pork products are produced in the following assortment: “Chicken Leg”, “Boneless Loin”, “Okhotnichya” ham, “Delicatessen” fillet.
To produce pork products, it is used for “leg” - the thigh part of a half carcass in the skin with a subcutaneous layer of bacon thickness of 15 - 30 mm, weighing 1.1 - 2.4 kg; for “Boneless loin” - the back part of a half carcass in the skin with a subcutaneous layer of fat thickness of 15 - 30 mm, weighing at least 1.2 kg; for Okhotnichya ham - the superficial muscle of the hip part of the half carcass, a layer of bacon no more than 10 mm, weighing no less than 0.5 kg; for the “Delikatesnaya” fillet - the internal adductor muscle of the hip part of the half carcass, the fat layer has been completely removed, weighing at least 0.2 kg.
There are two salting methods: mixed (leg, loin) and wet (sirloin, ham). Then smoking and drying at a temperature of (11±1) °C for 12-14 days - for the leg and loin, 7-10 days - for ham and fillet.
The yield of finished products to the weight of unsalted raw materials is for: legs - 85%, boneless loins - 82%, Okhotnichya ham - 65%, fillet - 58%.
Shelf life of raw smoked boneless products
at temperatures from 0 to 4 ºС and relative humidity (75±5)% - no more than 30 days,
at temperatures from 0 to 12 ºС - no more than 15 days,
at a temperature of minus 7 - minus 9 ºС - no more than 120 days.
The shelf life of raw smoked boneless products packaged under vacuum is
at a temperature of 5 to 8 ºС whole piece or cut into slices - no more than 7 days,
at temperatures from 5 to 15 ºС - no more than 3 days.


The documentation applies to rendered edible animal fat with fillers, intended for direct consumption and preparation of various dishes and snacks and provides for the release of 5 types of products in the following range:
- “Homemade lard”; - “Amateur lard”;
- “Garlic lard”; - “Apple lard”;
- “Fragrant lard”;
The composition of the lard recipes includes: sausage lard, unsalted back fat without skin, raw pork fat of the first group (omentum, peri-renal, fresh lard trimmings, with kaltyks, liver, fat trimmings from sausage and canning shops), onions (fresh , dried, dried fried), garlic (fresh, dried, preserved with table salt), spices, apples (fresh, dried), salt.
Fat is packaged in metal cans, glass jars, and plastic cups various shapes.
Shelf life from the moment of production, months, at temperature, ºС:
1. Type of packaging:
1.1. Cans made of electrolytic tinning plate EZhK-III, unvarnished:
- no more than 25ºС - 3 months;
- from 0ºС to 6ºС - 6 months;
- from minus 5ºС to minus 8ºС - 9 months;
- from minus 12ºС and below - 9 months.
1.2. Hot tinning tinplate cans:
- no more than 25ºС - 3 months;
- from 0ºС to 6ºС - 6 months;

1.3. Cans made of electrolytic tinning plate EZhK-III varnished:
- no more than 25ºС - 3 months;
- from 0ºС to 6ºС - 9 months;
- from minus 5ºС to minus 8ºС - 12 months;
- from minus 12ºС and below - 12 months.
1.4. Glass jars:
- from 0ºС to 6ºС - 3 months;
- from minus 5ºС to minus 8ºС - 6 months;
- from minus 12ºС and below - 6 months.
1.5. Plastic glasses:
- from 0ºС to 6ºС - 1 month;
- from minus 5ºС to minus 8ºС - 2 months;
- from minus 12ºС and below - 2 months.

5. CHICKEN CARCASSES AND CHICKEN LEGS SLAVIC SMOKED-BOILED AND BAKED TU 9213-405-00419779-06 (instead of TU 9213-405-00419779-98)

Chicken meat products are produced in the following types:
- smoked and boiled “Slavyanskie” chicken carcasses;
- baked chicken carcasses “Slavyanskie”;
- smoked and boiled chicken legs “Slavyanskie”.
The technology provides two methods for salting chicken meat products:
- injection with brine in an amount of 15% by weight of raw materials, massaging;
- filling with brine, salting duration from 16 to 24 hours.
The shelf life at storage temperatures from 2 °C to 6 °C for chicken meat products is no more than 72 hours, vacuum packed - no more than 12 days.

6. BOILED, BOILED-SMOKED, SMOKED-BOILED, SMOKED-BAKED BEEF PRODUCTS TU 9213-406-00419779-08 with Amendment No. 1, 2

The documentation includes 20 new types of beef products: 5 - boiled (Moscow beef, Aromatnaya beef, Russian beef, Puff beef, Dinner beef), 5 - boiled-smoked (Domestic sirloin, Lyubitelskaya brisket, Deli beef, Spiced brisket on the bone , Spicy tongue), 5 smoked-boiled (Special beef, beef roll, Meat appetizer, Moskvoretsky fillet, Spicy roll), 5 - smoked-baked (Stolichnaya tenderloin, Maryinskaya beef, Slavyansky fillet, Prima basturma, Special pastrama).
To produce beef products, they use the muscles of the hip and shoulder blades, pulpy tissue from the thoracocostal and cervical parts, deep and superficial pectoral muscles, longissimus dorsi and lumbar muscles, tenderloin and tongue.
The production technology provides for differentiated salting methods using a single brine with domestic ingredients: extrusion and massaging, extrusion and filling with brine, filling with brine (wet salting), the method of rubbing with salt and spices (dry salting). A formula is given for calculating the massage time at different massager speeds. Products are produced in metal forms, meshes, films and without them.
The shelf life of beef products at temperatures from 2 to 6 ºС is no more than 8 days.
Shelf life of vacuum packed beef products
for serving cutting - no more than 10 days;
for portion cutting - no more than 30 days.
Shelf life of “Aromatic” boiled beef, packaged under modified gas atmosphere conditions in multilayer bags made of polymer materials"Cryovac" type at storage temperature from 2 to 6 ºС - 30 days
The shelf life of beef products vacuum-packed in multilayer Amivak bags at a temperature of 2 to 6 ºС and a relative air humidity of 75-78% when portioned and as a whole product is no more than 40 days.

7. HAM FROM POULTRY, BEEF AND PORK (using food additives from Altex-M Germany) TU 9213-418-00419779-07 (instead of TU 9213-418-00419779-02)

Regulatory documentation includes 9 types of hams:
Boiled hams: “Gourmet poultry ham”, “Gourmet poultry ham with cheese”, “Gourmet poultry ham with egg”, “Gourmet beef ham”, “Gourmet pork ham”, “Holiday ham”, “Ham” embassy";
Smoked-boiled hams: “European ham”, “Honey ham”.
For the production of new types of hams, it is envisaged to use poultry meat or mechanically separated poultry meat (up to 10% by weight of unsalted raw materials), premium, first and second grade beef, lean and semi-fat pork, as well as cheese, honey, boiled eggs, food additives f. "Altex". Thanks to different degrees of grinding, specially selected for each meat ingredient, as well as the use of vegetable fillers - canned olives, olives, mushrooms, red and green paprika, pistachios - the hams create a varied and original taste and cut pattern.
The technology involves the use of steamed, chilled and defrosted raw meat.
For all types of hams, brine compositions have been developed using complex food additives with varying amounts of brine introduction in the amount of 30, 50, 60 and 100% brine to the weight of unsalted raw materials. It is allowed to use traditional brines with the introduction of 25% brine.
The yield of finished products, depending on the amount of brine introduced, is 110-170%.
The shelf life of hams in artificial steam, gas, and waterproof casings at temperatures from 2 to 6 °C is no more than 30 days.
The shelf life of hams packaged under vacuum or in a modified atmosphere at a temperature of 2 to 6 °C for serving and portioning is no more than 5 days.

8. BOILED AND SMOKED-BOILED PRODUCTS FROM HORSE MEAT AND COAL MEAT TU 9213-442-00419779-07 (instead of TU 9213-442-00419779-02)

Real technical specifications apply to horse meat and foal products intended for direct consumption and preparation of various dishes and snacks, including for halal products.
Products from horse meat and foal are produced in the following types:
- “Boiled horse meat”
- “Pressed horse meat”
- “Boiled horse meat roll”
- “Horse ribs in casing”
- “Smoked-boiled horse neck”
- “Smoked-boiled horse fillet”
- “Cased horse sirloin”
- “Smoked-boiled horse brisket”
- “Smoked-boiled horse meat”
- “Smoked-boiled horse meat roll”
- “Horse meat minced, smoked and boiled”
It is allowed to use national names, for example, Kazy (Coated horse ribs).
The technological instructions provide for the use of various salting methods for each product name - dry, mixed or mixed with preliminary extrusion and the use of mixtures of spices and food ingredients. It is allowed to use beef from the appropriate cuts instead of horse meat and foal in an amount of no more than 50% in the production of cooked products and “chopped smoked and boiled horse meat”.
Shelf life of horse meat and foal products at temperatures from 2 °C to 6 °C:
- boiled products - no more than 3 days;
Shelf life of vacuum-packed horse meat and foal products at temperatures from 2 °C to 6 °C:
- boiled products:

- smoked and boiled products:
for serving cutting - no more than 6 days;

9. BONELESS PORK PRODUCTS (boiled, smoked-boiled, smoked-baked) TU 9213-448-00419779-99 with Amendment No. 1, 2, 3

Regulatory documentation provides for the production of 18 types of products with various heat treatments:
boiled in a mold - Pressed brisket, Slavic roll, Puff roll, Sokolnichesky roll;
boiled in a net - Vladimirsky ham, Special ham, Russian bacon, Homemade pork;
smoked-boiled - Special sirloin, Radonezh neck, Prima pastrami, Spicy brisket, New ham;
smoked-baked - Podmoskovny roll, Dorozhny roll, Delikatesnaya neck, Okhotnichya brisket, Zarechensky carbonade.
To produce them, raw materials are used from various parts of a pork half-carcass with skin and without skin: cervical-subscapular, dorso-costal, breast-costal, scapular, hip, knuckle, shank. The production technology provides for differentiated salting methods using a single brine with domestic ingredients: extrusion and massaging, extrusion and filling with brine, filling with brine (wet salting), rubbing with salt and spices (dry salting).
The yield of pork products is for:
boiled in a mold - extrusion and massaging - 102-104%, extrusion and filling with brine - 90-93%;
boiled in a net - extrusion and massaging - 100-101%, extrusion and filling with brine - 89-91%, dry salting - 65-66%;
smoked-boiled - extrusion and massaging - 100-106%, extrusion and filling with brine - 80-91%, filling with brine - 65-71%, dry salting - 64-68%;
smoked-baked - injecting and massaging 103-106%, injecting and filling with brine 80-88%, dry salting 65-66%.
Shelf life of smoked-baked and smoked-boiled pork products, vacuum-packed in serving slices in multilayer polymer film PA-PE type ICE 75 at a storage temperature of 2 to 6 ºС and a relative humidity of 75% - 20 days from the date of expiration technological process.

10. DELICACY PRODUCTS FROM PORK AND BEEF TU 9213-521-00419779-10 (instead of TU 9213-521-00419779-05)

Regulatory documentation provides for the development of 17 types of gourmet pork and beef products:
smoked-boiled pork - boneless leg “Domashny”, roll “Slavyansky”, neck “Podmoskovnaya”, carbonade “Yubileiny”, roll “Sunday”, pork “Aromatic”, pork “Delicious”, pork “European”;
smoked and boiled beef - “Selected” beef, “Boyarskaya” beef, “Aromatic” beef, “Delicious” beef, “Peasant” roll;
smoked-boiled pork and beef - “Family” balyk;
boiled hams - Baden-Baden ham, Pork ham, Delicatessen ham.
Smoked-boiled products are produced from various parts of pork and beef half-carcasses: muscle tissue from the scapular, hip, thoracocostal and thoraco-abdominal parts, the dorsal and lumbar part of the longissimus muscle, they also use lean or semi-fat trimmed pork, premium trimmed beef, side or spinal lard with using complex food additives from BK Giulini (Germany).
The technology for the production of smoked and boiled products involves the use of various brine compositions for extrusion in amounts from 30 to 80% by weight of the raw material, followed by massaging.
For the production of ham products, first grade trimmed beef, lean and semi-fat trimmed pork, boneless poultry, hydrated soy protein in an amount of 15% by weight of raw materials (for Pork ham), starch, and powdered milk are used. For extrusion of raw materials, brines are used with an injection level of 50 to 70% by weight of the raw material, depending on the name of the product.
The approximate yield of products is 102-160%. to the mass of raw materials.
Shelf life of smoked and boiled pork and beef products from the end of the technological process at a storage temperature of 0 to 6 ºС:
- wrapped in parchment, sub-parchment - no more than 5 days;
- packaged under vacuum or in a modified atmosphere: whole products - no more than 30 days, in the form of portioned or serving slices - no more than 20 days.
Shelf life of boiled hams from the end of the technological process at a storage temperature of 0 to 6 ºС:
- in natural casing, Belkozin casing and cellophane - no more than 5 days;
- in artificial steam-, gas-, waterproof shells - no more than 25 days
- packaged under vacuum or in a modified atmosphere: whole products (without removing the shell) - no more than 30 days, in the form of portioned or serving slices - no more than 10 days.

11. DEER PRODUCTS TU9213-555-00419779-00 with Amendment No. 1

Regulatory documentation provides for the development of the following product names:
boiled - Pressed venison;
smoked-boiled - Reindeer fillet, Deer ham, Deer neck, Deer shoulder roll, Deer flank.
The product is produced from various parts of a deer half carcass, using: muscle tissue from the shoulder, hip and dorsal rib cuts, the longissimus muscle of the back and lower back, the flesh of the neck part, the rib part with or without spices or flavoring additives, in metal forms, nets, films.
The production technology provides for three salting methods: the first is pouring brine; the second is injecting and massaging, maturing; the third is injecting and filling with brine with aging.
The yield of the finished product is for: Pressed Venison - 65%, Venison Loin - 72%, Venison Ham - 75%, Venison Neck - 65%, Deer Shoulder Roll - 65%, Deer Side - 85%.

for smoked and boiled - no more than 5 days.
for boiled

for portioned meals - no more than 6 days;
for smoked-boiled
with portions - no more than 7 days.
Shelf life of venison products at a temperature of (4±2) ºС
for boiled - no more than 3 days,
for smoked and boiled - no more than 5 days.
Shelf life of vacuum-packed venison products at (4±2) ºС
for boiled
for serving cutting - no more than 5 days,
for portion cutting - no more than 6 days;
for smoked-boiled
when serving - no more than 6 days,
for portion cutting - no more than 7 days.

12. BOILED, BOILED-SMOKED AND SMOKED-BAKED PORK PRODUCTS (rolls, ham, brisket and boiled pork) TU 9213-627-00419779-09 (instead of TU 9213-627-00419779-01)

The documentation provides for the production of 8 types of products:
boiled - Ham with mushrooms, Ham from pig meat;
boiled-smoked - Extra roll, Yubileiny roll, Amateur roll, Language roll, Amateur brisket;
smoked-baked - boiled pork Lyubitelskaya.
To produce them, raw materials are used from various parts of the pork half: neck, dorsal and lumbar muscles, brisket, hip, lean lean pork, fatty trimmed pork, as well as pig meat, tongues, and heart.
The technology provides for the use of brine with domestic or imported ingredients with varying amounts of brine introduction from 10 to 30% by weight of the raw material.
For the production of Ham with mushrooms, Ham from pig meat, molds, cellophane or collagen casing are used; for the Extra roll, cellophane or collagen film or mesh is used; for Jubilee roll - collagen film or mesh. Ljubitelsky and Tongue rolls are produced in forms with layer-by-layer laying of fatty pork, tongues or heart. Lyubitelskaya brisket is stuffed with minced meat up to 35%, sprinkled with spices and wrapped in cellophane film. Buzhenina Lyubitelskaya is injected with brine without sodium nitrite in an amount of 25-30% by weight of the raw material.
The yield of pork products is:
boiled in a mold - injecting + massaging - 102-104%,
extrusion + filling with brine - 90-93%;
boiled in a net - injecting + massaging - 100-101%,
extrusion + filling with brine - 89-91%,
dry salting - 65-66%;
smoked-boiled - injecting + massaging - 100-106%,
extrusion + filling with brine - 80-91%,
filling with brine - 65-71%,
dry salting - 64-68%;
smoked-baked - injecting + massaging - 103-106%,
extrusion + filling with brine - 80-88%,
dry salting - 65-66%.
The shelf life of boiled, boiled-smoked and smoked-baked pork products at temperatures from 0 to 8 ºС is no more than 5 days.
Shelf life of boiled, boiled-smoked and smoked-baked pork products, vacuum-packed at a temperature of 2-6 ºС
whole piece - no more than 6 days,
for serving cutting - no more than 5 days,

13. DRY-DRYED BEEF PRODUCTS TU 9213-697-00419779-2008 (instead of TU 9213-697-00419779-01)

The documentation provides for the production of 2 types of beef products: “Dry-cured basturma”, “Dry-cured beef tongue”.
For the production of “Basturma”, the dorsal and lumbar parts of the longissimus muscle and/or the muscle of the hip part are used, for “Tongue” - beef tongues.
The technology provides for the use in various ways salting: for “Basturma” - salted dry and kept at a temperature of 0-4 ºС for 24-36 hours, for “Beef Tongue” - preliminary extrusion and exposure to brine (salt, sodium nitrite, sugar) at a temperature of 0- 4 ºС for 2-8 days. Drying at a temperature of 12-14 ºС for 25-30 days.
The yield to weight of unsalted raw materials is for: “Basturma” - 55%, for “Beef Tongue” - 69%.
The shelf life of dry-cured beef products at a temperature of 2-6 ºС and a relative humidity of 75% is no more than 20 days.
The shelf life of dry-cured beef products, vacuum-packed, at a temperature of 2 to 6 ºС when sliced ​​for serving is no more than 10 days, when portioned - no more than 20 days.

14. BEEF AND PORK PRODUCTS WITH FOOD ADDITIVES BY "ALMI" TU 9213-702-00419779-2003 with Amendment No. 1, 2, 3

Regulatory documentation provides for the production of 15 types of products: smoked and boiled - “Exquisite beef”, “Cossack beef”, “Carbonade Festive”, “Viennese ham”, “Viennese neck”, “Porchetta roll”, “Stuffed brisket”, “ Moscow-style brisket"; boiled-baked - “Breast with cumin”, “Roasted ham”; boiled - “Russian brisket”, “Marble roll”, “Slavic ham”, “Okhotnichya ham”, “ham with cheese”.
The products are made from various parts of beef and pork half carcasses: scapular, hip, cervico-subscapular, thoracocostal and thoraco-abdominal parts, dorsal and lumbar parts of the longissimus muscle with or without spices, in metal forms, meshes, casings.
The technology provides for the use of complex and flavored food additives, decorative toppings, spices, smoking preparations, food colorings from Almi with varying amounts of brine introduction - 25, 30, 50% by weight of the raw material.
Shelf life of beef and pork products at temperatures from 2 to 6 ºС
for smoked-boiled and boiled-baked products - no more than 5 days,
for smoked-boiled stuffed (“Moscow-style brisket” and “Stuffed brisket”) and boiled products - no more than 3 days.
The shelf life of smoked-boiled, including stuffed (“Moscow-style Brisket” and “Stuffed Brisket”) and boiled-baked products, vacuum-packed,
at a temperature of 2 to 6 ºС when sliced ​​for serving - no more than 5 days,
with portions - no more than 6 days.
The shelf life of boiled products packaged under vacuum at a temperature of 2 to 6 ºС when sliced ​​for serving is no more than 5 days, when portioned - no more than 6 days.
Shelf life of boiled “Marble roll”, smoked-boiled “Viennese ham” and “Vienna-style neck”, packaged under modified gas atmosphere conditions in multilayer bags made of polymer materials such as “Criovak” at a storage temperature of 2 to 6 ºС - 30 days .

15. BOILED, BOILED-SMOKED PORK AND BEEF PRODUCTS (using food additives from the Nesse Spice Mill company) TU 9213-719-0419779-2009 (instead of TU 9213-719-00419779-2002)

The documentation provides for the production of 19 types of products:
- boiled pork products - “Hunting knuckle”, “Semyonovskaya pork”, “Izmailovskaya neck”;
- boiled-smoked pork products: “Slavic Carbonade”, “Capital Ham”, “Anniversary Meat Nut”, “Original Neck”, “Aromatic Brisket”, “Puff Brisket”, “Perm Loin”, “Spicy Roll”, “ Shchekovina snack bar”, “Oreshek meat gourmet”;
- boiled beef products: “Volga beef”;
- boiled-smoked beef products: “Siberian beef sirloin”, “Ural beef”, “Steppe beef”, “Lux beef”, “Balyk Ural souvenir”.
For the manufacture of pork products, lean and semi-fat trimmed pork, neck, shoulder, sternocostal, dorso-lumbar and hip cuts, as well as flank, sideburns, and hind shank are used.
For the manufacture of beef products, the lumbar, hip, shoulder and breast cuts are used.
The technology provides for the use of brines with various amounts of introduction - 30-50% by weight of raw materials with the use of complex food additives and ingredients from the Nesse Seasoning Mill company.
Shelf life of pork and beef products at temperatures from
2 ºС to 6 ºС and relative air humidity 75% for no more than 5 days.
Shelf life of pork and beef products packaged under vacuum and/or in a modified environment at a temperature of 2 °C to 6 °C:
for serving cutting - 5 days;
for portion cutting - 6 days.

16. RAW SMOKED PRODUCTS (with food additives from Almi) TU 9213-766-00419779-07 (instead of TU9213-766-00419779-02)

Regulatory documentation provides for the production of raw smoked pork products of 6 names - brisket "Yantarnaya", balyk "Vienna", neck "Extra", ham "Parma", fillet "Grand", Ham "Danube" and 4 names of beef products - fillet "Po- Austrian”, “Alpine” tenderloin, “Gourmet” beef, “Troitskaya” beef.
The products are made from various parts of beef and pork carcasses: tenderloin, dorsal and lumbar parts of the longissimus muscle, scapula, hip, neck meat, thoracocostal and thoraco-abdominal parts.
The technology provides for the use of three methods of salting raw materials in a massager, depending on the complex additives and starting cultures used. In addition, it is allowed to use decorative sprinkles.
The shelf life of raw smoked products from the moment of completion of the technological process at a relative humidity of 70 to 80% and a storage temperature from 2 to 6 ºС is no more than 30 days, at a temperature from 6 to 12 ºС - no more than 15 days, at a temperature not exceeding minus 7 ºС - no more than 90 days.
Shelf life of raw smoked products packaged under vacuum at a storage temperature of 2 to 6 ºС: when sliced ​​for serving - no more than 15 days, when sliced ​​in portions - no more than 20 days, whole piece - no more than 40 days.

17. PORK AND BEEF PRODUCTS (with food additives from Almi) TU 9213-802-00419779-03 with Amendments 1, 2, 3, 4

Pork and beef products are produced in the following range:
smoked-boiled - brisket “Amateur”, brisket “Spicy”,
ham “Capital”, roll “Special”,
loin “Amateur”, carbonade “Special”,
“Spicy” neck, “Viennese” bacon, “Stolichny” sirloin,
beef "Spicy";
boiled - Vienna ham, Refectory ham, Apollo ham,
“Almi” ham, “Fragrant” ham, “Tender” ham,
"Beef" ham.
To produce pork products, they use the dorsal and lumbar muscles, the fleshy tissue of the hip, scapular and cervico-subscapular parts, the thoracocostal part without ribs with or without skin, the dorsal part with ribs in skin and without it, the thoraco-abdominal part without skin, tanks, forearm, pieces of lean and semi-fat pork.
To produce beef products, they use pulpy tissue removed from the breast bone.
The technology provides for the use of brines with varying amounts of its introduction - 25-30% by weight of raw materials using multifunctional food mixtures from Almi.
The shelf life of pork and beef products at temperatures from 2 to 6 ºС, smoked and boiled - no more than 5 days, boiled - no more than 4 days, ham in the form - no more than 3 days.
Shelf life of pork and beef products, boiled, boiled-smoked, vacuum-packed, at a temperature of 2 to 6 ºC: for serving - no more than 5 days, for portioned - no more than 6 days.
The shelf life of “Osobogo” carbonate, “Lyubitelskaya” brisket and “Stolichny” smoked and boiled ham, packaged under modified gas conditions in multilayer bags made of polymer materials such as “Kriovak”, at a storage temperature of 2 to 6 ºC is 30 days.
The shelf life of Stolichny ham, vacuum-packed in serving slices in multilayer film PA-PE type ICE 75 at a storage temperature of 2 to 6 ºС and a relative humidity of 75%, is 20 days.

18. HAM FROM CHOPPED BEEF AND PORK TU 9213-804-00419779-03 with Change No. 1

The regulatory document includes the following range of ham products:
from beef:
"Beef with soy protein";
Spiced Beef Ham;
from pork:
“Slavyanskaya” ham;
“Student” ham;
from beef and pork:
“Assorted meats”;
Russian ham.
The original technology of cooked products from minced meat in large-diameter forms and shells involves the use of hydrated soy protein in an amount of 10 to 25%, as well as genugels (carrageenans) in an amount of 1% by weight of unsalted raw materials.
The yield of finished products ranges from 100 to 135% depending on the name.
Shelf life of products at temperatures from 2 to 6 ºС no more than 4 days,
in the polyamide shell "Amitan-PRO" no more than 6 days;
in the “Amiflex M” shell - 20 days; in the "Amiflex L" shell - 25 days.
Shelf life of ham packaged under vacuum at a temperature of 2 to 6 ºС:
for serving cutting - no more than 5 days;
for portion cutting - no more than 6 days.
The shelf life of “Russian” ham, produced in a natural casing, packaged under modified gas conditions in multilayer bags made of polymer materials such as “Kriovak” at a storage temperature of 2 to 6 ºC is 30 days.

19. POULTRY MEAT PRODUCTS (with food additives from Almi) TU 9213-842-00419779-09 (instead of TU 9213-842-00419779-04)

The documentation provides for the development of 29 types of poultry products:
boiled (boneless) - Pozharskaya ham, Stolichnaya ham,
“Curry” ham, “Boiled” roll;
smoked-boiled (boneless) - “Pikantny” roll, “Poltavsky” roll,
“Posolsky” roll, “Chicken Nut” roll;
smoked-boiled (on the bone) - “Viennese chicken”,
"Chicken forequarter"
"Chicken hind quarter"
“Chicken leg”, “Chicken thigh”,
“Chicken drumstick”, “Chicken fillet”,
“Chicken breast”, “Chicken wing”,
"Viennese Turkey"
"Turkey forequarter"
"Turkey hindquarter"
“Turkey leg”, “Turkey thigh”,
“Turkey drumstick”, “Turkey fillet”,
“Turkey breast”, “Turkey wing”;
baked (boneless) - “Moskovsky” roll, “Kyiv” roll,
Christmas roll.
The technological process for the production of poultry meat products includes preparation and isolation of raw materials, extrusion, massaging, followed by keeping the raw materials in salting and heat treatment.
The technology involves the use of brines with varying amounts of its introduction: 15, 25, 35 and 50% by weight of raw materials, depending on the product range,
using complex food additives from Almi, as well as spices and decorative sprinkles. When making rolls, fillings consisting of dried fruits, nuts, mushrooms, and dry paprika are used.
The shelf life of poultry products at temperatures from 0 to 6 ºС and relative air humidity from 80 to 85% from the end of the technological process is not 72 hours;
- packed under vacuum or in a modified atmosphere - no more than 5 days;
- boiled boneless products in artificial vapor-gas-impervious shells - no more than 10 days.
The shelf life of smoked and boiled poultry products - “Viennese Chicken” and “Chicken Legs”, packaged under modified gas atmosphere conditions in multilayer bags made of polymer materials of the “Cryovac” type at a storage temperature of 2 to 6 ºC - is 30 days.

20. HAM AND ROLLS (using food additives from the Nesse Spice Mill company) TU 9213-845-00419779-09 (instead of TU 9213-845-00419779-04)

Hams and rolls are produced in the following assortment:
- ham (boiled):
Meat: “Classic”, “Novonikolaevskaya”, “Surprise”, “Beer”, “Vienna”.
Meat-containing: “Tender”.
rolls (smoked-boiled):
Meat: “Ural Souvenir”, “Savory”, “Rustic”, “Delicacy”, “Viennese”, “Hedgehog”.
Meat-containing: “Tyrolean”, “Gourmet”.

The products are made from trimmed beef (highest, first grade), trimmed pork (lean, semi-fat), poultry, cheese, beef or pork tongues, pork skin, spices and herbs produced by the Nesse Seasoning Mill company, etc.
The shelf life of hams and rolls from the moment of completion of the technological process in a net, in a mold, in a cellophane film at a temperature of 2 to 6 ºС and a relative air humidity of 70% to 80% is no more than 5 days.
The shelf life of hams and rolls in artificial steam-, gas-, and water-proof casings from the moment of completion of the technological process at a temperature of 2 to 6 ºС is no more than 20 days.
The shelf life for hams and rolls packed under vacuum is from the moment of completion of the technological process at a temperature of 2 to 6 ºС, when portioned - no more than 8 days, when served - no more than 5 days.
Shelf life for hams and rolls packaged in a modified atmosphere at a temperature of 2 to 6 ºС - no more than 5 days


Regulatory documentation provides for the release of products in the following assortment: “Rabbit “Festive”, “Rabbit “Tender”, “Rabbit Ham “Savory”, “Rabbit Ham “Moskovsky”.
The technology provides for the use of phosphate-containing and flavoring food additives, spice mixtures, and decorative sprinkles from Almi. When preparing the brine, traditional and imported ingredients are used; the level of brine introduction is from 10 to 30% by weight of the raw material. Salting includes the following operations: extrusion and massaging of raw materials, maturation.
The approximate yield of unsalted raw materials by weight is 85-105%, depending on the level of extrusion.
The shelf life of rabbit meat products at temperatures from 0 to 6 ºС is no more than 72 hours; vacuum-packed products are no more than 10 days.

22. SMOKED-BOILED PORK PRODUCTS TU 9213-905-00419779-06 (instead of TU

Regulatory documentation provides for the development of 3 types of pork products: Knuckle, Shank, Ribs.
The technology provides for wet salting, the brine contains salt and sodium nitrite, ripening in brine for 1-2 days (ribs) and 2-3 days (knuckle, rump).
The yield of smoked-boiled pork products to the weight of unsalted raw materials is 90%.
The shelf life of pork products at temperatures from 0 to 6 ºС is no more than 5 days.

23. BALYK “DARNITSKY” RAW SMOKED HIGH GRADE TU 9213-909-00419779-06 (instead of 10.02.01-296-97)

To produce Darnitsky balyk, the dorsal and lumbar parts of the longissimus muscle of pork half-carcasses are used.
The developed technology provides three methods for salting raw materials for balyk:
- extrusion, massaging, holding raw materials before and after massaging for 6-12 hours;
- injection, filling with brine and soaking in brine;
- rubbing with a curing mixture (salt, sugar), pouring with brine and aging in brine and ripening. Then the balyk is smoked and dried.
The shelf life of Darnitsky balyk from the end of the technological process at a relative air humidity of 70-75% and a storage temperature of 0 to 4 ºС is no more than 30 days; at temperatures from 4 to 12 ºС - no more than 15 days; at temperatures from minus 7 to minus 9 ºС - no more than 120 days.
The shelf life of “Darnitsky” balyk, vacuum-packed from the moment the technological process is completed, at a storage temperature of 5 to 8 ºС when sliced ​​for serving is no more than 15 days, when portioned - no more than 20 days; at a temperature of 12 to 15 ºС when sliced ​​for serving - no more than 10 days; for portioned meals - no more than 15 days.

24. BOILED AND SMOKED-BOILED BEEF AND PORK PRODUCTS (with food additives from Chr. Hansen) TU 9213-930-00419779-07

The documentation includes 5 types of cooked beef and pork products - Stolichnaya ham, Special ham, Festive ham, Stolnaya ham, Extra ham and 10 types of smoked-boiled products - Kremlevskaya brisket, brisket " Hungarian", "Prazdnichny" bacon, "Dobryninsky" roll, "Stolichnaya" loin, "Original" neck, "Special" beef, "Prazdnichny" sirloin, "Tambov style" ham, "Stolichny" carbonate.
Boiled beef and pork products are produced from premium and second grade trimmed beef, lean and semi-fat trimmed pork. Brine is introduced in an amount from 25 to 100% by weight of the raw material. It is allowed to use starch in quantities of up to 6 kg per 100 kg of main raw materials.
Smoked and boiled beef and pork products are produced from the back-lumbar, hip, cervical, shoulder, and ribcage cuts of beef and pork half-carcasses. Brine is introduced in an amount from 25 to 75% by weight of the raw material.
Distinctive feature The developed assortment is the use of complex and flavoring additives from Chr.Hansen.
For boiled beef and pork products, the use of both natural and artificial vapor-gas-tight casings is provided.
Shelf life at temperatures from 2 to 6 ºС: boiled beef and pork products - no more than 3 days, in artificial steam-, gas-, waterproof casings - no more than 10 days; smoked and boiled beef and pork products - no more than 5 days.
Shelf life for beef and pork products packed under vacuum at a temperature of 2 to 6 ºC:
for serving cutting - no more than 5 days,
for portion cutting - no more than 6 days.

25. BOILED AND SMOKED DEER PRODUCTS TU 9213-945-00419779-08

Venison products are produced in the following assortment: “Tender” sirloin, “Usinskaya” shoulder, “Pikantny” ham, “Tsarski” nut, “Murmanskaya” venison.
Smoked and boiled venison products are produced from the longissimus dorsi and lumbar muscles, shoulder and hip cuts obtained from cutting venison.
The technological process includes preparation and isolation of raw materials, injection with brine in an amount of 30% by weight of raw materials, massaging, ripening of raw materials for 12-16 hours and heat treatment.
The shelf life of venison products from the end of the technological process at a temperature of 0 to 6 ºС and a relative air humidity of no higher than 75% is no more than 5 days.
Shelf life for venison products packaged under vacuum at temperatures from 0 to 6 ºС: for serving cutting - no more than 6 days, for portion cutting - no more than 7 days.

Whole carcasses or pieces of meat of all types of poultry are suitable for the production of smoked meats.

Depending on the duration of salting, smoking method, packaging material, storage temperature and production technology, pastrami is produced with a short (up to 14 days) and longer (up to one year) shelf life.

Salting with aging is done with table salt using sodium nitrite. Table salt is a preservative and forms the taste of the product, and nitrite causes the formation of the characteristic color and taste.

To improve the color and taste of products, starter cultures of microorganisms are used.

During the process of cooling in water during primary processing, the bird absorbs moisture. In this regard, before salting, one should take into account the higher moisture content of the raw materials compared to raw materials from the meat industry.

Dry and wet salting, as well as a combination of both, are used. Taking into account the duration of salting, short (24 hours) and longer (5-6 days) curings are used. Depending on the salting method, the following technologies have become widespread:

ordinary salting in containers made of artificial material- the raw materials are placed in a container and kept in salting without mechanical impact;

vacuum salting, when the salting is kept under vacuum, while the raw materials are subjected to mechanical stress.

With any salting method, the salt concentration in flat and small pieces of raw material is higher than in large ones. In this regard, to equalize the salt concentration after salting, it is advisable to keep the raw materials (let them ripen). Finished smoked poultry products with a long shelf life after production also require maturation. The ripening period varies depending on the type of bird, the finished product and the processing method.

The production technology of some smoked poultry products is discussed below.

Smoked pastrami

Smoked pastrami can be produced from any bird in the form of a whole carcass or cut meat from any part of the carcass, or from fillet after deboning the bird. A characteristic feature of all types of pastrami is that more short term for salting and smoking. Smoking is carried out in a universal smoking-cooking chamber, so the shelf life of such products (without freezing) is 14 days. There are also products that require aging in a smoking oven for 1-2 days. The shelf life of such products is 4-6 weeks. With both smoking methods, the storage temperature of the pre-cooled product should not exceed 10 °C. It is advisable to package whole and piece smoked poultry in film to preserve flavor and prevent drying.

Film or smoke-permeable artificial casing can be used as packaging material.

Fillet pastrami is made from breast and thigh meat after deboning a poultry carcass, for example, delicacy turkey in the form of a finished product in various packaging. By changing the composition of the mixture of herbs and spices, you can achieve a wide range of flavor effects. The above products require vacuum packaging primarily in order to preserve product quality.

Goose pastrami

The raw material for this product is breast meat (fillet) with skin without bones and cartilage after deboning fattened geese. The fat layer of the skin should not exceed 10 mm.

If pastrami is not produced from fresh meat, then frozen raw materials must be stored in a defrosting room for at least 16 hours before salting in order to thaw to a temperature of 18-20 ° C.

Brining begins by rubbing salt (dry brining) and adding nitrite onto each piece of fillet. The salted raw materials are placed in salting vats. The salt remains in a saturated state until completely dissolved. The mixture of salt and nitrite is made up in the following ratio: 50% table salt and 50% mixture of salt and nitrite. The saturated solution protects the raw materials from bacteriological decomposition.

The optimal room temperature for salting is 8-10 °C. The brine is prepared as follows: all spices are dissolved in hot drinking water temperature 90-95 °C (to dissolve spices in water). At this temperature, a significant part of microorganisms die. After making the solution, when diluting it with cold water, salt is added and it dissolves. The brine temperature should be 8-10°C. Brine concentration 14-15°Ве. After pouring the brine into the vat, a weight made of white artificial material with a weight is placed on top (the top layer of the goose breast should be filled with brine).

To prepare the brine, you can prepare mixtures of spices of various compositions, which allow you to obtain different flavors and aroma.

The duration of aging in brine depends on the thickness of the fillet, the age of the goose, the thickness of the fatty tissue of the skin and is 4-5 days. The aging ends when the salt concentration in the meat reaches 4% and the cut surface becomes uniform in color. Before unloading, the salt content in the raw materials is determined in the laboratory. At the end of salting, the salt content in the brine must be at least 18°Ве.

From the curing container, the meat is placed in water at a temperature of 8-10 ° C, then placed on mesh aluminum or plastic trays to drain the water. In order to partially equalize the salt concentration in meat, it is advisable to leave the raw materials in a vertical position.

Raw materials are placed in artificial smoke-permeable shells of various sizes. Before use, the shells, cut into appropriate sizes, are soaked in water for 2-3 hours. Filling can be done using a special filling device.

The ends of the shells are knitted using a semi-automatic machine for applying staples. When clipping one end of the shell, twine is tied. The filled shell should not have tension or air voids. It is prohibited to remove air by puncturing the casing. After hanging the filled casings on the frame, the product is transferred for smoking.

Cold smoking

The product loaded into the smoking chamber must be cooled (using a fan) for 5 - 6 hours. Only after cooling the smoke generator is started, and in its absence, the sawdust is set on fire in the firebox. Only sawdust from hardwood is suitable for smoking. The main condition for smoke formation is maintaining smoldering at a low temperature. The smoking temperature should not exceed 18°C.

Under the influence of smoking, a crust forms on the surface of the product. To slow down the drying process of the product, high humidity is maintained in the smoking chamber.

Temperature and humidity must be constantly monitored and recorded. The duration of smoking with a constant supply of smoke is 6 - 8 days. After finishing cold smoking, the product is cooled for 24 hours.

To store goose pastrami, you need a special room, which should be well ventilated, have a temperature of 4 - 10 ° C and a relative humidity of 75%. Temperature and humidity must be maintained at a given level; the temperature should not fall below 0°C. Strong temperature fluctuations lead to the formation of condensation, which can lead to product spoilage. The ripening period for the finished product in such a room is 4 - 5 weeks. With strict adherence to the regimen described above, the shelf life of the product is 4 months minus the ripening period. It is prohibited to store other products in the storage room for goose pastrami.

The organoleptic characteristics of goose pastrami are as follows: the color of the product is golden brown, the aroma is characteristic of smoked poultry without any foreign taste or smell. When cut, the meat is uniformly red in color, the layer of fat completely covers the meat, the thickness of the fat layer should not exceed 10 mm. Define content table salt, moisture and nitrite.

The finished product is stored in dry form individually. Particles of soot and fatty deposits are removed from it.

Well-ventilated boxes lined with parchment are used as containers.

At the buyer's request, after packing into boxes, the product can be frozen. In this case, store at a temperature of at least -25°C. Shelf life is 15 months.

Short description

The purpose of fulfilling my course work: comparative assessment quality of smoked poultry products. The main tasks when completing coursework are: to study general characteristics smoked poultry products, chemical composition, nutritional and biological value, assortment, raw materials used, production scheme, standard requirements for the quality of smoked poultry products, defects and their causes, storage conditions and periods. And also compare the results obtained with the requirements of the current regulatory documentation, determine their compliance (or non-compliance) with these documents and the rationale for the merchandising assessment of the product under study.

1. Literature review………………………………………………………………………………...5
1.1 General characteristics……………………………………………………………5
1.2 Chemical composition, nutritional, biological and energy value of smoked poultry products…………………………………………………………………….....7
1.3 Assortment (classification) of smoked poultry products………………..8
1.4 Raw materials used in production, requirements for their quality…………...11
1.5 Scheme for the production of smoked poultry products………………………….12
1.6 Standard requirements for the quality of smoked poultry products………………………………………………………………………………….....14
1.7 Flaws, defects and their causes……………………………………...16
1.8 Storage conditions and periods………………………………………………………18
2. Characteristics of the trading enterprise…………………………………………….
2.1 Material and research methods…………………………………………….19
2.2 Research results and their analysis…………………………………………………….....20
Conclusions based on the results of the work………………………………………………………..27
List of used literature……………………………………………………………..28

Contents of the work - 1 file

1.3 Assortment (classification) of smoked poultry products

Smoked poultry products are classified:

I. By type of bird:


II. By heat treatment method:




The industry produces smoked poultry products in the following assortment in accordance with T

Smoked chickens and ducks;

Baked chicken;

Roasted and smoked-roasted duck;

Boiled chickens and chickens;

Roasted poultry;

Goose and duck pastrami.

1.4 Raw materials used in production, requirements for their quality and safety

Main raw materials. Raw materials include all products of slaughter of chickens (chickens), geese, ducks, turkeys: carcasses and dressed poultry. Use pre-chilled or frozen raw materials. The selection and assessment of its quality is carried out in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, taking into account the nutritional and consumer value, as well as the possibility of processing.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements. For processing, only raw materials that meet veterinary requirements are used. It should not have any changes in quality, primarily this applies to color, smell, taste, deviation from consistency, and physical contamination. Raw materials must not contain toxins of infectious microorganisms and microbes, as well as residues chemical substances beyond the established limits.

Auxiliary raw materials. This includes:

Table salt. Under its influence, muscle tissue swells and its moisture absorption increases. Salt increases the stabilization of fat emulsions;

Phosphates. The sodium salt of phosphoric acid is highly soluble in water and insoluble in saline solution. The permitted dose of phosphates is 0.4%;

Smoking substances. These substances reach the surface of the product with smoke and penetrate inside. They produce liquid and powdery smoking substances. They are easily dosed and do not contain foreign impurities, but have the disadvantage that the effect of the smell of soot is somewhat different from natural smoking materials.

Table salt – GOST 13830;

Granulated sugar - GOST 21;

Drinking water – GOST 2874.

Sodium benzoate must comply with the requirements of the State Pharmacology of the USSR FS or other regulatory and technical documentation;

1.5 Scheme for the production of smoked poultry products

Smoked chickens and ducks. Gutted carcasses of chickens and ducks in a cooled, chilled or defrosted state are cut into two halves, the cut line should run along the middle of the spine and keel. The prepared carcass halves are washed in baths with running water or in machines with a shower device. Lightly dried carcasses are rubbed with a salted mixture, placed in wooden barrels, metal containers, etc., filled with a solution containing 10 liters of water and 10 g of sodium nitrite (to preserve the natural color of the meat) per 100 kg of raw materials, and pressed. The duration of salting at a temperature of 3-4 °C is 3-4 days.

After salting is completed, the half carcasses are taken out, the brine is allowed to drain, they are tied with twine by the leg or hung on hooks and served for smoking. They are smoked with smoke at a temperature of 90-105 ° C for 2-3 hours. After smoking, the half carcasses are cooled in a suspended state to a temperature of 8 ° C, and then the twine is removed or removed from the hooks.

Baked chickens. Thawed chicken carcasses are salted in perforated baskets using the wet method: with a cold 5% solution of table salt at a temperature of 2-4 °C for 16-18 hours. After unloading and draining of the brine (within 40-60 minutes), the carcasses are wrapped in two layers special aluminum foil, tucking the skin of the neck behind the wing, tie both ends with twine with one dressing and secure with metal clamps (clips). The remaining ends of the film are cut off.

Carcasses are baked in ovens on baking sheets or perforated trays at a temperature of 190-200 ° C for 50-80 minutes, and during the first hour of baking, hot steam is supplied to the chamber. By the end of baking, the temperature inside the thickness of the pectoral muscles should be at least 91 ° C. The unloaded frames with the finished product are first cooled without forced circulation, and then at an air speed of 3-4 m/s. The temperature in the thickness of the muscles of a chilled carcass should not exceed 8 °C.

Baked carcasses are sold in a two-layer cellophane wrapper in which they were baked.

Roasted and smoked-roasted duck. Technological operations are similar to the production of baked chickens: defrosting, preparing carcasses, salting, wrapping, baking, looping, smoking, cooling, cooling, packaging, packaging in transport containers, cooling, storage.

Unlike baked chicken, ducks and ducklings are smoked in frying chambers at a temperature of 100-105 ° C for 4-5 hours. In the first 2 hours, the temperature in the frying chambers is maintained at 105 ° C and wet smoke is supplied, then the temperature is reduced to 100 ° With and serve dry smoke. At the end of hot smoking, the temperature in the thickness of the pectoral muscles should be 78-80 °C.

Boiled chickens and chickens. Technological diagram: defrosting; preparation of carcasses; molding; ambassador; cooking; cooling; cooling; packaging; packaging in transport containers; cooling; storage.

Prepared carcasses of chickens and chickens (for chicken carcasses, the wings are removed up to the elbow joint, for chickens, they are left on the carcass) are molded; the legs (tarsal joints) are tucked into cuts in the wall of the abdominal cavity, which are made on both sides of the carcass, the skin of the neck is tucked into the hole formed after the removal of the goiter, trachea and esophagus, the wings of chicken carcasses are folded behind the back, fastening them together.

The formed carcasses are placed in perforated baskets, loaded into curing containers, filled with a cold 5% solution of table salt and kept in it for 12-16 hours at 2-4 ° C. Then the baskets with the poultry are unloaded and left to drain the brine for 50 minutes.

Carcasses are cooked with live steam in steam chambers on perforated trays placed on frames, or in water in digesters. Cooking with live steam at 98-100 °C lasts from 30 to 70 minutes, depending on the type of carcass. At the end of cooking, the temperature in the thickness of the pectoral muscles should not be lower than 78 °C.

Boiled carcasses are unloaded onto a perforated table to drain liquid and cool. Cooled carcasses are placed in one row in returnable containers or on the shelves of multi-tier carts and sent for cooling.

Fried poultry.. Technological diagram: defrosting; preparation of carcasses; molding; ambassador; frying; cooling; cooling; packaging: packaging in transport containers; cooling; storage.

They are made similarly to boiled chicken, but instead of boiling, the carcasses are fried in rotary ovens, electric or gas ovens. At the end of roasting, the temperature in the thickness of the chest and thigh muscles of the carcass should not be lower than 78 ° C.

Goose and duck pastrami. When making pastrami from frozen carcasses, they are first defrosted by hanging them on hangers or laying them out on racks in one LAYER. The prepared carcasses are washed and sent for cutting. When cutting, remove the wings up to the elbow joint, then the sirloin along with the leg. The skin is not removed. The femur and tibia bones are not removed from the hams. The loin is given an oval shape. After this, the prepared raw materials are rubbed with a salted mixture, placed for salting in wooden vats, barrels or metal containers and filled with brine. The duration of salting is 3-4 days. at a temperature of 3-4 °C. After removing and draining the brine, the raw material is tied with twine behind the shin and submitted for smoking, which is carried out at a temperature of 90-105 ° C for 6-8 hours.

After smoking, goose and duck pastrami are cooled in a suspended state to a temperature of 8 ° C, then the twine is removed, packaged and packaged.

1.6 Standard requirements for product quality and safety indicators

Organoleptic characteristics of smoked poultry products according to TU 9213-162-23476484-2001

Table No. 2


According to TU 9213-162-23476484-2001


Products with a clean, dry surface, without stumps, feather residues, skin tears and bruises. Surface color ranges from yellow to light brown. The presence of crushed herbs (spices) is allowed on the surface of carcasses or parts of carcasses


Elastic, dense

Section view

Uniformly colored muscle tissue from light pink to white or brownish gray, fat white or with a pinkish tint, without yellowing.

Smell and taste

Peculiar this species products with the aroma of spices and smoke, the taste is moderately salty, without any foreign taste or smell.

Physico-chemical parameters of smoked poultry products.

Table No. 3


According to TU 9213-162-23476484-2001

Mass fraction of sodium chloride, % not more than

No more than 2.5

Moisture content, %

No more than 72

Mass fraction of sodium nitrite, %

No more than 0.005

Mass fraction of protein, % not less

Not less than 15.0

Mass fraction of fat, % no more

No more than 15.0

Residual activity of acid phosphatase, % no more

No more than 0.006

The bulk of poultry farm products is killed poultry - meat chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, less often guinea fowl and quail, and semi-finished products from it - legs, breasts, wings, soup sets, etc. Almost no farm or even large poultry enterprises subject poultry to further processing, in particular smoking. Meanwhile, smoked poultry meat is considered a high-quality product, and, for example, quail - even a gourmet dish.

Considering that the price of any processed agricultural product increases significantly, and the costs of related equipment are extremely low, the production of smoked poultry can become very profitable business– especially considering that the food industry itself is the most profitable and non-risky: food products are quickly turned over (sold) and in the overwhelming majority bring income that is not comparable to costs. In addition, smoked products have a longer shelf life than fresh poultry, second only to frozen poultry.

There will be no problems with the sale of products: such delicacies are readily accepted by chain supermarkets, small local stores, and large grocery warehouses. Competition in this segment is at an average level; the market is not oversaturated and even opening an enterprise in a city where there are already similar production facilities is not dangerous in terms of loss of investment. Moreover, there will be no difficulties with supplies: poultry farming, and in particular, chicken farming, both egg and meat, is now one of the most developed in the agro-industrial complex as a whole.

Technology and equipment for the production of smoked poultry

First of all, you should decide on the raw materials, or rather, what kind of raw materials are supposed to be used - cleaned (or cut), that is, carcasses, wings, breasts, legs, thighs, drumsticks, etc. or whole poultry, unpeeled.

This is a question, first of all, not of technology, but rather financial side matters: cleaning broken poultry requires additional equipment, while for cleaned carcasses or parts only smoking equipment is needed.

On the other hand, killed poultry costs about 50-75% of cleaned poultry, therefore, if the enterprise plans to reach any serious production volumes, then investments in additional equipment will sooner or later pay for themselves.

In addition, with this production method, by-products are also formed - fluff, feathers and offal, which are no less profitable to sell than the main one.

So, for completeness of information, we will consider both types of production depending on the raw materials used in connection with the configuration of the equipment. If you are using uncleaned beaten poultry, then the first step is to purchase a special machine (automatic) for removing feathers from the carcass of beaten poultry.

Such devices are also called installations for removing feathers and they cost from 85 thousand rubles. (about 2800 dollars or a little less than 2100 euros) to approximately 110 thousand rubles. ($3600 or just under 2700 euros).

The carcass, cleared of feathers, goes to the next unit, which cleans the bird’s paws. It costs about 125 thousand rubles. ($4,100 or just over 3,000 euros). The next stage of poultry processing is washing and cutting the stomachs.

The corresponding machines will cost approximately 80 thousand rubles. ($2600 or slightly less than 2000 euros) and 155 thousand rubles. ($5,100 or just under 3,800 euros), respectively.

If the bird undergoes further processing, that is, cutting, then you will also need a machine for removing the cuticle (about 85 thousand rubles, which is equal to almost 2800 dollars or a little more than 2000 euros), a machine for cutting off the legs (about 105 thousand rubles, which is equal to just over 3400 dollars or 2500 euros) and automatic line poultry cutting worth 2850 thousand rubles. ($92,300 or 68,600 euros). The same devices will also be required when cleaned poultry carcasses are used.

After cleaning and cutting, the poultry meat is smoked in industrial smokehouses. Their range is large, but the differences in universal thermal smoke chambers from different manufacturers are only in the volume of products loaded at the same time.

The lineup chambers produced in Russia include chambers with simultaneous loading of 50, 100, 250, 300, 500 and 1000 kg of product - in this case, poultry meat. The cost of a 50-kilogram camera is about 90 thousand rubles. ($3,000 or a little more than 2,200 euros), 1,000 kg - more than 550 thousand rubles. (almost 18,000 dollars or just under 13,500 euros).

Samples equipped with a refrigeration unit will cost slightly more – approximately 115 thousand rubles. (about 3,700 dollars or a little less than 2,800 thousand euros) and about 710 thousand rubles. (almost 23,000 dollars or a little more than 17,000 euros), respectively.

In addition, there are also samples of thermal smoke chambers made of stainless steel or combined - where only the working surfaces are made of stainless steel. Combined cameras are 30-40% more expensive than conventional ones, and in the case of those completely made of stainless steel, both the spread and the difference are greater - from 80 to 160% for small (50 kg) and large (1000 kg) cameras, respectively.

In principle, the main thing is that the working surface of the camera is protected from corrosion, so the combined option seems more preferable. In some cases, additional equipment is installed on thermal smoke chambers - semi-automatic washers for finished products, and this configuration is the most profitable: the difference in price (the prices indicated are for combined 50- and 1000-kg chambers equipped with refrigeration units, refrigeration units and washers, respectively) is not so significant - only about 10-60 thousand rubles (320-2040 dollars or 240-1520 euros).

Organization, premises, personnel and profitability of smoked poultry production

TO organizational issues include issues of obtaining permits and regulatory documentation. In this case, there is no GOST or OST (industry standard) specifically for smoked poultry, so a package for its production regulatory documents is registered by entrepreneurs independently.

Usually these are various technical specifications (technical conditions) and technical instructions (technological instructions that clearly regulate the composition and manufacturing technology of products), agreed upon with the relevant regulatory and registration authorities - regional departments of consumer supervision (Rospotrebnadzor) and the Center for Standardization and Metrology.

The development of specifications is carried out either independently or by specialized companies. However, for products such as smoked poultry meat, technical specifications already exist - they can be purchased, as a rule, from manufacturers of the relevant equipment, unless, of course, the original recipe is used.

Room smoking shop must comply with SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations Catering, production and turnover in them food products and food raw materials" - be equipped with appropriate communications: electricity, hot and cold water, sewerage, gasification and ventilation up to the installation of forced - exhaust - ventilation.

There are some additional requirements for companies working with frozen raw materials - defrosters must be equipped with drain ladders and located separately from production premises. However, when working with beaten poultry, there are also some restrictions - in particular, regarding the storage of raw materials, separate rooms for cleaning carcasses, etc.

But smoking equipment can also be placed outdoors - of course, not in the open air, but under special canopies, if, of course, the design of the thermal smoke chamber allows this to be done.

An average-sized enterprise producing 5-6 tons of products per day (i.e. in 2-3 shifts) requires only 5-8 workers (per shift), depending on the chosen work scheme - with purified or unrefined raw materials. The shift must include a master with education 260100 “Food Technology” or 260301 “Technology of Meat and Meat Products” in OKSO and a technologist with education 260601 “Machines and Apparatuses” food production"or 260602 "Food engineering of small enterprises." The remaining workers may be unskilled. Fund wages is 200-300 thousand rubles. (including social insurance contributions, the current rate of which is 34%).

It is quite difficult to calculate the profitability of production: the range of products is large - raw and cooked-smoked products vary greatly in class: they can be either economy or elite segment of the market, but the minimum profitability is at least 25% (when using ready-made - peeled and cut raw materials and production of only the cheapest smoked meats).

The real average profitability ranges between 50 and 100%, and in some cases (for example, when using meat from musk duck or guinea fowl and other expensive species) – even 200-250%.

Alexey Mitrokhin


Chicken is most often chosen because of its dietary meat and affordable price. It is suitable for almost anyone.

And using a recipe for boiled-smoked chicken at home, you can quickly and without any hassle prepare a delicious dish.

Chicken meat is considered a dietary product due to its low calorie content. For boiled-smoked chicken it is 134-326 kcal per 100 g of meat.

To get more benefits and not harm your health, follow these simple tips.

Choose quality raw materials. The surface of the chicken's skin should be dry and whitish-yellow. Fat is pale yellow. Muscles are well developed and elastic.

Important! If you want to make boiled smoked chicken correctly and tasty, do not buy a bird with gray or bluish skin. This indicates that the meat is lean and hard. Finished products will not be chewable. Do not choose carcasses that are wet, slippery, with a musty smell and flabby muscles - these are signs of spoilage.

Use of wood materials

Good results are achieved by using chips of alder, juniper, ash, oak, beech, poplar, willow, maple, chestnut, and branches of fruit trees. You can add almond shells, rosemary, herbs (1 teaspoon dry).

Advice! To cold smoke boiled chicken, the wood chips must be moistened.

Preparing poultry for smoking

Before preparing boiled-smoked chicken by cold smoking, excess fat is cut off from semi-finished products, since it is fusible and will melt out during smoking. Blood clots on the inside are removed. Rinse with cold water. You can use carcasses for smoking either whole, or cut lengthwise into 2 halves, or individual parts (legs, wings, breast).

In carcasses, you can immediately tie the legs in the area of ​​the lower joints. This is done so that during further processing the boiled-smoked chicken looks compact, as well as for ease of hanging during drying and smoking.

To make the bird smoke better, you can crush the bones and joints. Halves of a medium-sized chicken are placed between 2 boards and hit on the top board with a heavy hammer.

Salting for cold smoking of pre-cooked chicken is presented in the recipes.

Cooking boiled-smoked chicken

Recipe for boiled smoked chicken:

  • chicken meat – 1 kg;
  • table salt – 1 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - on the tip of a teaspoon;
  • black pepper – ½ tsp;
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 3-4 cloves.

The garlic is crushed and combined with salt, sugar, black pepper, and chopped bay leaf.

You can experiment by adding other aromatic spices to taste, such as ground coriander. Fresh garlic can be replaced with dry garlic. Rub the resulting mixture onto the chicken inside and out, place it in a plastic bag and leave at a temperature of 2-4 °C for a day.

After 24 hours, the chicken is removed from the bag and kept for several hours at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C to warm up. Heat water to boiling. Place the chicken in boiling water and continue heating for 1-2 minutes so that the meat becomes soft after smoking.

The carcasses are removed from the broth and left hanging for 2-3 hours to dry.

You can additionally tie the bird with twine or hemp rope to maintain the integrity of the meat after smoking.

After preliminary heat treatment, semi-finished poultry products are placed in the smokehouse chamber.

Advice! If you want, try to ensure that the products do not touch during smoking, otherwise the side surface will turn out to be light and unsmoked. The distance between individual semi-finished products must be at least 1 cm.

Light a smoke generator or fire, direct smoke into the chamber and leave the bird in a smoking environment at a temperature of 30 to 40 °C. The duration of smoke treatment depends on the size of the bird and ranges from 3-4 to 6-8 hours.

After cold smoking, the chicken is left hanging for airing for several hours. During this time, the smoking substances will penetrate into the deep layers of the pulp, and the too strong aroma of smoking will disappear.

Remove threads from the carcass and cut into pieces.

Smoked-boiled chicken

You can prepare smoked and boiled chicken products. Cooking occurs in the reverse order - boil after smoking.

First, the prepared, salted carcasses are smoked with cold smoke at a temperature of 30-35 ° C for 3-4 hours (this time can be increased if desired). After treatment with smoke, they are cooked until tender at a temperature not exceeding 85 ° C (at a slow boil). The products should warm up in the thickness of the muscles to 72-74 °C.

Chicken prepared by this method of cold smoking is left to air in a well-ventilated place for 2 to 4 days, maintaining the temperature no higher than 10 ° C.

You can try this recipe for smoking:

  • chicken – 1 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dill and coriander seeds – 1 tsp;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns – 6-8 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onions – 1 pc.

Boil water, add onions cut in half lengthwise, carrots in large slices, pepper, salt, dill and coriander seeds, a chicken carcass tied with twine, and after boiling the broth, cook for 20-30 minutes.

The carcass is removed, dried, hanging by the twine, for 60 minutes.

Prepare the smokehouse, fill it with wood chips, and place a tray for fat under the chicken. Hang the carcass on a hook and smoke with the lid closed for 2 hours.

Certain conditions are created in the smokehouse - the temperature must be maintained within 90-95 °C.

The finished products are left in the air for a day or so for ventilation.

Liquid Smoke Chicken Recipe

You can cook quickly boiled smoked chicken without leaving your apartment using the following recipe:

  • chicken – 1 kg;
  • water – 1 l;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • liquid smoke - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • onion peel - at least 150 g;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves.

The chicken is prepared as described above. You can use it whole, you can cut it lengthwise into 2 parts, or cook it from legs, wings, and breast parts. For compactness, the whole carcass is tied with twine, tightening the legs and wings.

Place half the husk at the bottom of the pan, pour in a liter of water, add salt, liquid smoke and garlic.

Place the bird, cover it with the remaining husk, pour in water so that it covers the carcass by 1-2 cm. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cook at a low simmer and with the lid closed for 30-50 minutes until fully cooked. Cool with the broth. Take it out and dry it with a napkin. Leave in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Boiled-smoked chicken, cooked with liquid smoke, tastes and aroma resembles a product from a smokehouse, but is much simpler to prepare.

Feeding features

That's it - just a few hours and it's ready to serve. It is served as a cold appetizer and used for sandwiches. You can garnish with mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, green peas. The dish is decorated with cranberries, red currants, lingonberries, and herbs.