Attractions as a business. How to open an amusement park. The cure for boredom

Have you ever wanted to build the perfect amusement park? Missed the good old days RollerCoaster Tycoon? Then you will be inspired Planet Coaster from Frontier Developments.

Concentrated fun

Planet Coaster gives everyone the opportunity to open their own amusement park. Everything is in the best traditions: rides, roller coasters, food courts and colorful decorations. You can combine them with one theme or don’t limit yourself and build whatever you like.

Your amusement park can become a place where moms and dads will bring their children to ride on pink carousel horses, or... You can build a breathtaking, crazy roller coaster where young people will squeal from an excess of adrenaline in their blood! Or you can combine both, expanding your target audience.

At the very beginning of the game you will even be allowed to choose an avatar.

After erecting a monumental creation, be ready to test it. The steeper the turns and the more complex the slide, the higher the chance that the “trailer” will stop during the test run and refuse to go further. No one has canceled physics and the fundamentals of engineering. We'll have to rebuild!

The crazier the better!

Don't forget about decorating the park. You can customize buildings, plant trees, hang colorful signs and much more. You have the power to build mountains or dig a pond, lay sand under the feet of visitors or scatter clods of dirt. Nobody can shortchange you. Have fun for your health!

Organize pirate wars in the middle of the park? Why not!

Harsh workdays

But never forget that almost nothing in the world is free. And your own amusement park is not only entertainment, but also a great responsibility, and also a very difficult way to make money. The game has three modes: “Career”, “Sandbox” and “Challenge”. Unlimited resources will only come into your hands in the “Sandbox”, while in the other two modes you will have to work hard.

Each park in Planet Coaster has its own face, its own symbol!

In "Career" you will have to complete the construction of an already existing amusement park with a certain theme: pirate, fairy tale, or, say, space. You will have goals that you will have to achieve step by step, having a starting amount for development. Launch advertising campaigns, explore new attractions, hire service personnel. And try not to waste all the money!

You have a huge space to realize your ideas.

In the "Challenge" mode, everything is easier and more difficult at the same time. You choose a location, difficulty level and go ahead: build an amusement park from scratch, when you have a louse on a lasso in your pocket. A “test” indeed.

Over time, dozens of settings will become available. Prices for entrance tickets, single and family, the cost of riding on each individual attraction, the duration of the park's operation, and much more are regulated. Everything is in your power.

An insane number of tabs, and you have to keep track of them all.

Houston, we have problems!

Unfortunately you don't only person, who should like the created park. We have to work, first of all, for visitors. And, believe me, it will be much more difficult to satisfy them than your own sense of beauty.

These little computer people will express their “fie” about any reason: “we are hungry”, “we are thirsty”, “we need more toilets”, “it’s too dirty in here”, “the line for the carousel is too long”! And as soon as you try to shut up this flow of claims, it will definitely break out somewhere else.

You hire more cleaners - and now you need to solve the staffing problem. Workers simply quit if they don't like the working conditions or the pay. While they were increasing the incentive for guys to work with brooms, the roller coaster broke down. People are dissatisfied again, mechanics are rioting, the park's rating is falling as rapidly as its income - garbage and despondency are everywhere.

Remember these happy faces, you won’t see them like this often.

And when you try to understand the current situation by turning to the game itself with a question, you will find that all the training was fit into four videos from YouTube. No pop-up tips or other in-game assistants - a huge amount of the game’s functionality will have to be mastered by trial and error. Strange.

* * *

For now, Planet Coaster looks more like a large-scale park editor than the economic strategy it wants to appear to be. Being carried away by choosing the width and color of the paths, you often forget to pay attention to the really important aspects. When you sit down to build an amusement park, be prepared for the fact that everything will work out, but... not the first time.

Who hasn’t cherished the dream as a child of having a huge amusement park at their own disposal, where you can do whatever you want all day long? As I got older, there was less time for entertainment, but the desire to relax in a similar way remained. The founder of a network of unique indoor amusement parks, Pavel Timets, told the BIBOSS portal about why adults are big children and how amusement parks help turn a hobby into a job.

As a student I spent a lot of time in billiard rooms. I was passionate about billiards - I liked being in this atmosphere, playing, communicating with professionals. At the same time he worked in construction company father as an installer. My parents guessed that construction, unlike billiards, was of little interest to me. Therefore, when I announced my intention to get a job as a salesman in a billiard store, they reacted normally and supported me. I quickly understood the nuances of the work and thanks to my initiative and knowledge foreign languages achieved distribution of the world's largest billiard market companies - Iwan Simonis, Aramith, Longoni, Italardesia. While selling equipment, I noticed that purchases were made in another similar store in Finland. Then I decided to send letters to all foreign manufacturing companies and negotiate sales directly. The proposal attracted the interest of suppliers, and they agreed to cooperate. The owner noticed the activity and after a year and a half promoted me to the position of store director. By the time he started the construction of the Leader entertainment center with a large billiard club with 120 tables, I had proven myself to be an effective manager and was accepted into the project team.

For almost 10 years I worked as the general director of Leader, the largest indoor entertainment complex in Russia. The work captivated me completely and became my hobby. At that time I was not yet married and spent 60-70 hours a week at work. In 2012, after the ten-year lease expired, Leader was closed. During my work, I gained tremendous experience in managing an entertainment center and realized that the entertainment industry is mine. A team of guys from Leader and I started designing our own entertainment center. We were looking for investors, partners, developing a mission and concept. The result of this work was the opening of the Maza Park entertainment center in St. Petersburg in 2013.

I had savings, but opening a large entertainment business required much larger investments - hundreds of millions of rubles. We began to look for financial partners. My friend Mikhail Tevelev, founder of the Dve Palochki restaurant chain, joined us, becoming one of the main shareholders. For the opening of the first center with an area of ​​13,500 sq. m spent about 400 million rubles.

All our parks operate on an all-inclusive basis. After paying the entrance fee, guests can use any of the attractions without paying extra for anything. We first tested this concept at Leader in the summer of 2010 and got a stunning effect - revenue of 80-150 thousand rubles, instead of 30-60 thousand per day in the low season.

A lot, but not enough for the scale of a large center, so we began to look for additional opportunities. We came to the decision to regulate the ticket price depending on the time of day and day of the week. Within a few weeks, we reached revenues on a weekday up to several hundred thousand rubles, and records reached a million. This was a real breakthrough.

When opening Maza Park, we introduced the All Inclusive operating format from the first day of operation of the entertainment center. Thanks to this, the opening year turned out to be the most successful in terms of attendance and revenue. After the launch of the first Maza Park, we began to open parks almost every year: 2014 - FUN24 in Kazan, 2015 - the second Maza Park in St. Petersburg and Galaxy Park in Smolensk. When constructing large entertainment centers, we focus primarily on the climatic features of the region and population size. Cities with a population of over a million people with long and cold winters are relevant for us.

Smolensk is a small town. We opened Galaxy Park there only because one of our partners is from Smolensk and he really wanted to make a gift to his hometown. Galaxy Park is the largest entertainment center in the Smolensk region. This is one of our most expensive, but least profitable projects, if you focus on the cost per square meter of area. There were many difficulties. For example, we encountered regional specifics when recruiting employees. Personnel there are cheaper, but finding qualified specialists is more difficult due to the outflow of personnel to nearby Moscow.

I first came to Kazan in 2014 to open the FUN24 entertainment center. Here we met with disbelief in us, as well as in the fact that we could quickly open the park. We had to forcibly part with some contractors because they did not want to meet our deadlines (and we were talking about six months, not a day later). FUN24 has become the best proof that if you want, nothing is impossible. We opened exactly on schedule, minute to minute. On the eve of the opening, everyone is working hard, so after the launch of the entertainment center, we send the core of the team on a motivational trip, for example, to Cyprus or Egypt. People who have been tense and taut for so long, like a bowstring, are happy to relax and rest. In parallel with the rest, we conduct strategic sessions and training sessions.

Kazan entertainment centerdiffers from the rest. When we opened FUN24 in Kazan, we had low revenue on Fridays. Although, based on the experience of St. Petersburg, we were sure that Friday is profitable, since it is a party day. It turned out that in Tatarstan it is customary to spend Fridays in a homely family atmosphere. We have worked through this lull by introducing, in addition to All Inclusive, Ultra All Inclusive. These tickets are more expensive, but include drinks and food. It worked and people went.

For many, working in an amusement park is a dream come true! The children of our employees brag: “At my dad’s or at my mom’s best job in the world because I can go to the entertainment center every day.” And indeed it is! When recruiting employees, we say: “If you are young and cheerful, come and hang out with us!” Working playfully is part of our corporate culture. We don’t use “you” or patronymics; we are each other’s friends and acquaintances. We periodically practice self-government days, when the manager of an entertainment center, say, serves visitors in the cloakroom. This is how we encourage our colleagues and show that no work is shameful. A manager should treat employees the way he would like them to treat guests.

Over time, visitors' interests change. Billiards is disappearing from the list of popular entertainments, and we are replacing it with other activities. In Kazan FUN24 we have two circuits. This is a popular attraction, and we thought: why not make several sites to distribute the queue. The calculation was justified.

Nowadays VR and computer games are at the peak of popularity. We immediately began to develop the e-sports direction as soon as we noticed this trend. In the Smolensk entertainment center, even at the construction stage, a large computer Club. It is difficult to carry out a complete reform in already functioning centers. To organize a cyber arena with an area of ​​5 thousand square meters. m. requires serious investments and, perhaps, even a temporary closure of the center. We are not yet ready to take such risks. But it is within our power to create small cyber zones.

The market dynamics are such that every year since 2014, we have been losing from 7 to 15% of gross revenue. The reasons are the crisis and declining incomes. People began to save, the average bill decreased. But in 2017 the decline slowed down. We hope that 2018 and the events that we are preparing within the framework of the World Cup will give positive dynamics.

Advice for beginning businessmen. Decide on long-term goals. Don’t do what’s fashionable, what you came across, or what was recommended by a friend. Find something that brings you pleasure. This should be the basis of your business.


Pavel Timets is the founder of Russia's largest indoor amusement parks Maza Park in St. Petersburg, FUN24 in Kazan and Galaxy Park in Smolensk. Born in 1977 in St. Petersburg. Graduated from the Faculty of Statistics, Accounting and economic analysis St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Philosophy in 1999. For 10 years he headed the largest billiard club in Europe, Leader. From 2015 - CEO company "Indoor Amusement Parks".

Average annual turnover Entertainment center: 300 million rubles per year.​​​​​​​

In Russia, the market for amusement rides increases by 20% annually. Ticket prices are rising and demand is increasing. Let's consider interesting idea business, how to open an amusement park for children. Since an amusement park aimed at adults requires large investments.

To launch an amusement park with dead center a large amount is required. Given the high business risks, we need to conduct and determine whether our project is viable and what threats there are.

A sound business plan is required, especially if you plan to attract outside investment. We will not dwell on this issue; we have already described this process several times.

We also need a design diagram for the location of future facilities. The layout will consider zoning, compliance with safety standards, traffic flow and others. important nuances. The creation of such projects is carried out by a specialized agency.

Examples of projects with the location of attractions in the park

How full is the market and what is the competition like?

According to marketing research, on Russian market There are about 400 companies present in park attractions. These are mainly municipal organizations, where all the entertainment is outdated Soviet technology. Mobile amusement parks are less profitable due to transport restrictions and high prices for electricity.

For a large city, it is cost-effective to open a children's park with 8-12 types of entertainment. With an approximate catalog of models you can. Analyze the competition in advance, because several parks cannot operate in one city.

Deciding on the types of attractions

The list of entertainment depends on the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur. Our children's park will provide children with these types of entertainment.

  1. Project summary.
  2. Description of the amusement park concept.
  3. Market analysis, including competitors and potential clients.
  4. Project for organizing the park territory, erecting buildings and attractions.
  5. Client attraction plan.
  6. Organization marketing strategy, determination of sources of income and their amounts.
  7. Current cost plan.
  8. Ways to mitigate project risks.
  9. Assessing the feasibility of launching a project.

Why do you need an amusement park business plan?

  1. Business plan - expert assistance in organizing your own amusement park and protection from errors.
  2. A business plan is a document that will be of interest to all external users of the project: bankers, investors, etc.
  3. A business plan is an action strategy that will allow you to achieve the expected result in the shortest possible time.

Example of an amusement park business plan

suitable option


with financial calculations
With financial model Excel

with adjustments

Standard business plan

Extended amusement park business plan with full business analysis and financial plan for 5 years

Detailed financial model of an amusement park

  • Break-even point calculation
  • Analysis of profit and profitability by individual business areas and products
  • Analysis of risks and business safety margin by sales volume, cost and credit load
  • Sales forecast quarterly for 5 years
  • Quarterly cost forecast for 5 years
  • Calculation of conditions for obtaining and repaying a loan
  • Break-even point calculation
  • Movement Report Money quarterly for 5 years
  • Analysis of financial and investment indicators

Adjustment of the business plan to your numbers by our analysts within 5 working days

Business plan volume: 30 pages. Business plan volume: 80 pages. Business plan volume: 80 pages.

10,000 rub.

20,000 rub.

39,000 rub.

This kit is ideal for those who need a business plan to obtain a loan or attract investment.


The extended business plan includes an amusement park financial model in Excel format.

The business plan was developed taking into account the practice of evaluating projects in Russian banks, as well as taking into account the requirements of investors and funds for supporting entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation. It will allow you to justify management decisions on investing in the creation and development of an amusement park, predict it financial results and assess risks.

A full description of the business plan can be downloaded from the link:


To view the content, download the file:

Tables and graphs

To see the list of tables, graphs and diagrams, look at the file:

Payment and delivery

You can pay in the following ways:

  • Bank cards(Russia)
  • Electronic money
  • Terminals and communication salons
  • Money transfers
  • Bank cards (International)

Submitting a business plan and financial model:

Dispatch is carried out within 24 hours after payment to your email address.

Business organization

An amusement park is an opportunity to have a good rest with the whole family and get a boost of energy and Have a good mood. In the territory Russian Federation such vacation spots are not very common, especially in medium and small cities. At the same time, business profitability can be very high even in small areas. The main thing is to plan the project correctly. For this, an indispensable document for you will be an amusement park business plan.

Stages of business organization:

  1. Choosing the most accessible location for an amusement park.
  2. Design stage.
  3. Coordination of the project with supervisory authorities and obtaining permits.
  4. Construction of structures, buildings, attractions.
  5. Attracting personnel.
  6. Mass launch advertising campaign.
  7. Grand opening and start of work.

The main risk of business is its seasonality. As a rule, the park operates only in the warm season, that is, no more than 6 months a year. In order to partially compensate for lost profits and maintain at least partially stable personnel composition, you should consider options for using the park in the winter season. For example, open a skating rink with the possibility of renting skates.

Market analysis and description of the amusement park project

IN last years There is a revival in the market for organizing amusement parks, although their number in Russia is relatively small - about 1000. In addition to children's attractions, park organizers organize entertainment for the whole family, indoor and outdoor restaurants and islands of services (face painting, cotton candy, etc.). Since the niche is not yet occupied enough, and the demand for services is high, you should enter the market as quickly as possible and take a worthy position in it.

Produced goods/services

Amusement services, equipment rental, cafe and restaurant services, etc.

Potential clients


An example of calculations for opening a small amusement park is given in the business plan.

Financial part of an amusement park business plan


AttachmentsDeadlinesAmount, thousand rubles

Registration of an organization, paperwork

Rent of land (for the first 3 months of operation)

Design work

Construction of structures, attractions and premises

Providing communications (electricity, water supply, etc.)

Carrying out territory development work

Organization of parking

Landscaping of the park

Other costs

According to the example of an amusement park business plan, investments in the business will amount to at least 120 million rubles.


Average revenue will be about 60 - 80 million rubles annually.


Annual expenses average 50 million rubles.

Profit, payback and profitability of the business:

The payback period of the project is about 7 years, the profit is on average 15 - 20 million rubles, and the profitability is 25%.


If in countries Western Europe and the United States, amusement parks have long become a favorite vacation spot, in Russia this area is just developing, but at a very impressive pace. One of the options for organizing a business could be a mobile amusement park, where all the equipment is dismantled and transferred to other areas. Regardless of your choice, it's a good idea to take a closer look at a good business plan.

Download the business plan template and you can:

  • On your own, calculate business plan indicators that will allow you to determine the effectiveness of an idea within your business and adjust the concept.
  • Attract the attention of potential investors to the project and obtain a loan or credit for favorable conditions.
  • Monitor the implementation of the project at all stages of its implementation, including introducing a system of current financial planning, which will become a work guide for park employees.
  • Save on third-party business consultants. You can work with the financial model of the template yourself, even if you do not have the education of a financial manager.

Giving people positivity, charging them with positive emotions and at the same time earning excellent profits, what could be better? Enter the world of exciting business and become the first in your industry.

Other ready-made business plans.

Let's look at opening an amusement park as a business, its profitability and reviews from the owners. People always like such entertainment because they provide an opportunity to take a break from everyday life, spend time with family and plunge into a fabulous world of adventure.

Today there are many different parks, which feature all kinds of swings, slides, trampolines, cars and other attractions. Some of them are intended only for adult clients, as they involve rather extreme entertainment. Having opened such a complex, you can expect an influx of visitors and make a solid profit.

Business specifics

According to statistics, more than 700 amusement parks of various formats operate successfully on the territory of the Russian Federation. But they do not saturate the market properly, because in many small regional centers, where there are enough people who want to relax, entertainment activities are presented in very limited quantities or there are none at all.

Of course, you will have to spend a significant amount on such a project, but all investments will pay off fairly quickly. Open an amusement park in a modern style using the latest equipment, the business is very profitable and promising. Especially if there are no major competitors nearby.

To draw up a business plan and calculate how much money will be needed at the start, and what the profitability of the project is, you need to initially think through the concept itself in all details. To do this, decide on the format and volume of the park, whether it will be outdoors or indoors, what attractions you should bet on, etc.

In our country there are many old amusement parks, the equipment in which hardly works or has already lost its former attractiveness. The state and a number of entrepreneurs do not have sufficient funding to update them. Therefore, if we propose a complete reconstruction of old territories and purchase new popular attractions, then the local authorities will meet them halfway and will be happy to cooperate.

Most often, an amusement park is presented not only with swings, slides and other entertainment, but also supplemented with all kinds of retail outlets, cafeterias, etc.

Experts draw the attention of novice entrepreneurs to the fact that 70% of the profit should come from the direct operation of the equipment and only 30% from related sales. If the ratio is violated in the direction of additional services, it means that the attractions themselves were chosen incorrectly or there are other errors that urgently need to be corrected.

This project has the following advantages:

  1. Low level of competition - there are very few reputable parks in the country with a good workload of visitors.
  2. At the same time, the demand for entertainment among the population is quite high; people want to have fun all year round.
  3. To bring joy to their child, parents are willing to pay for interesting services and attractions.
  4. Working with children is rewarding and enjoyable work with a huge positive impact.
  5. Such a park, if properly and thoughtfully organized, will become a permanent source of income.

Of course, as in any business, there are some drawbacks. But the main thing is to be able to level them out. So, before organizing such a project, think about how to deal with the main difficulties:

  • At open type In an amusement park, all activities significantly depend on seasonality and weather conditions.
  • Large investments will be required to purchase modern equipment.
  • Some mistakes made during the planning stage can greatly impact future success and profitability.

Therefore, approach the issue with special care and pay close attention to various little things - zoning, selection of attractions and their proper location relative to each other, personnel selection, pricing, etc.


The paperwork process is not too complicated. When opening an amusement park, licenses, certificates and various activity verification procedures are not required. Although it should be taken into account that if you are going to organize an entertainment facility indoors, then you cannot avoid communicating with representatives of the SES and State Police.

Let us briefly list what is needed to open an amusement park:

  1. Register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the tax service. The first option is suitable for small projects with a feasible budget for one entrepreneur. If you need a lot of funding, then it makes sense to arrange entity with several co-founders.
  2. The form of taxation is selected immediately when submitting documents. In this case, it will be most appropriate and profitable to choose a simplified scheme according to the “income minus expenses” plan, since significant amounts will be spent on the purchase of equipment.
  3. Indicate the OKVED code according to which you can conduct your activities. In this case, 93.21 or 93.29 is suitable - the work of cultural parks and themed entertainment in open or closed spaces.
  4. When purchasing equipment, be sure to check each attraction for safety and require appropriate certificates from suppliers.
  5. When searching for personnel, pay attention not only to the availability of health records, but also to the absence of a criminal record in the past. After all, work involves communicating with children.

To ensure that no claims are made against you during your activities, you need to have the following package of documents on hand:

  • A well-drafted agreement for the lease of land or premises where all your business facilities are located.
  • Written permission from the city administration to install attractions in a certain place for a specified period.
  • Quality certificates for each type of equipment and specified admission standards for age categories of visitors.

You will also have to inform Rospotrebnadzor before opening about what services you provide and where exactly you intend to conduct your business.

Park format

It is very important from the very beginning to think about what exactly your entertainment business. If this is an open territory, then you can only earn money in summer period. In the form of a closed pavilion, the park will be open all year round, but it has significant restrictions on the placement of only small and simple objects.

In general, modern parks are divided into the following options:

  1. Single attractions, where only one type of entertainment is presented. For example, small entrepreneurs often purchase a trampoline or water slides and install them in a crowded place. This type of business does not require large capital investments or rent of land, but every year you will have to obtain permission from the authorities to locate the attraction again. In this case, most often only family members are employed and no outside personnel are hired. For the winter, the equipment is hidden in the garage.
  2. Mobile parks - characterized by a small amount of entertainment and frequent movement from place to place. At the same time, the costs of organizing a business become larger, since you will have to purchase freight transport for storing and moving equipment, as well as an autonomous electric generator. Ease of installation makes it possible to take a more advantageous position in relation to competitors. But there are also difficulties - the owner of the park never knows whether next time he will be able to agree with the authorities on the desired location.
  3. A stationary amusement park is more interesting small size. At the same time, they try to set up to 8-10 positions for the most different ages. The costs of organizing such a project will require about 300 thousand dollars, but the prospects are quite good, since many cities lack such a place for family recreation. Therefore, a park of this type will have constant attendance.
  4. You can focus on 15-25 positions, among which there are extreme entertainment for young people. But it makes sense to install such a park only in a populated area with a population of 500 thousand.
  5. Larger complexes will require significant expenses and require a long payback period. If you set out to create a large park, like Disneyland or other world centers, you will have to rent land of 4 hectares or more and invest several million dollars.
  6. Parks “at the crossroads” are a virtually untapped market segment in our country, although they have long since gained popularity in Western countries. But it is assumed that with the growing number of motorists, it makes sense to open amusement parks on the route between cities. And the lack of free space in megacities contributes to this as much as possible.

Let's consider the nuances of opening an amusement park using the example of an average-sized territory (up to 2 hectares), since this project It is considered more promising, profitable and can be organized by several enterprising businessmen in modern conditions.

Finding a location for a park

If you decide to purchase and install from 10 to 20 attractions, then you will need 1-2 hectares of land, although a lot depends on the equipment itself and its dimensions. It is important that the area is accessible to the majority of city residents and can be easily reached on foot or by public transport.

Provided that in your locality there are abandoned parks that have enough space, but do not have modern and popular attractions, it is worth negotiating with the authorities about renting a site.

Experts argue that it is profitable to open medium-sized entertainment complexes only in cities with a population of 500 thousand people or more. But if the entertainment industry is completely undeveloped in the region, then you can try your hand at smaller areas.

It is believed that the presence of any attractions or natural beautiful objects near the park is a significant advantage. Therefore, try to find a place where the success of the project is ensured by the surrounding landscape.

You need to carefully consider the zoning of space, the placement of each attraction and the expected flow of customers. Thus, experts recommend installing the most attractive equipment in the area farthest from the entrance, so that visitors walk through the entire territory when getting to it.

Controlling and directing the flow of people is one of the most important tasks of a park owner. And for this purpose, it is worth hiring an experienced specialist so as not to make a mistake.

Range of entertainment

It is better for a novice entrepreneur to start by paying attention to equipment that does not require complex repairs and management, and is also not too expensive. But it must be modern, safe and attractive to visitors. It is better to start with a smaller number of attractions and add more as your business and profits grow.

Give preference to positions that are not represented in the city or even the region. Therefore, it is initially worth assessing your competitors and noting what equipment they have installed. For a new park it is better to choose something unique. If this is difficult, give preference to a better quality swing, then people will want to enjoy the same entertainment, but in an improved form.

Please note that there are attractions for children, family type and extreme ones, more suitable for young people. For a medium-sized park, it is recommended to select 4-5 types of entertainment for children, 4-5 for families, and 1-2 unique and arousing strong emotions, especially popular among people 15-25 years old.

When purchasing equipment, pay attention to the safety of each element; check these points personally or with an experienced mechanic. Also, be sure to require quality certificates. Italians and Germans are considered the best manufacturers, but domestic factories for creating attractions should not be neglected.

Do not forget that an amusement park is not only swings, slides, etc. Here you need to equip a recreation area, lay paths, install benches, you can open a cafe or restaurant, rooms for different age groups, place concert venues, etc. What The more interesting the territory is decorated, the more profit you will get in the end.


For the smooth functioning of the park, a lot of people will be needed. It is advisable to train some specialists over several years in order to obtain a professional for the needs of the park. But the seasonality of business leaves its mark on this issue.

The staff must have:

  • ticket takers;
  • administrator;
  • accountant;
  • mechanic for equipment repair;
  • cleaners;
  • animators.

If there is a cafe or retail outlets additional specialized personnel will be required - waiters, cooks, sellers, etc. It all depends on the range of services offered.

Solving the seasonality problem

Since opening an amusement park is a complex and expensive matter, you need to seriously think about what sources to make a profit from. winter period. This issue is also acute with regard to personnel. Do I need to fire and look for new workers every year or pay them? wages When is the park closed?

Experienced entrepreneurs advise doing things in a special way. During the cold season, it is advisable to open the following entertainments in the park:

  1. Ice rink.
  2. Snow slides.
  3. Organize winter-themed competitions.
  4. Conduct concerts and master classes.
  5. Let the restaurant or other catering establishments be open all year round.
  6. Open bowling, billiards, karting, slot machines, shooting range, etc.
  7. Create a tubing course.
  8. Install ice sculptures.
  9. Organize a mini-cinema, etc.

As you can see, most of the attractions can operate year-round or change from one season to another. Due to this, hired personnel do not have to be fired, since they are provided with work for the whole year. And profits are constantly growing, because in winter people also want to have fun and are ready to spend money on it.

If the park is located on the site of an outdated city center, then no special actions will be required to attract customers. After all, people will come here out of habit, and when they see new attractions, they will definitely want to try them out. Word of modern entertainment will quickly spread throughout the city.

If such a park is located somewhere in previously undeveloped territory, then advertising will have to be used. To do this, you can hire a special agency or disseminate information in all available modern ways:

  • printing products;
  • billboards;
  • announcements on public transport;
  • advertising in the media;
  • Internet.

The key to the success of such a business is well-chosen attractions, their proper location relative to each other and correctly set prices.

Financial questions

You will have to draw up a business plan yourself or with specialists in this field. Depending on the region, expected size, rented area and selected equipment, the numbers will differ significantly. Here are the average figures for how much a similar project costs in various formats.

The payback of the project also depends on its size. For example, an investment of 300 thousand dollars with proper space planning can be returned in 2-3 years. But the park, for which about $20 million was initially spent, will not return the investment in less than 5 years, even with a large influx of visitors. Therefore, you should be patient and move according to a well-thought-out plan.

Video: entertainment business.