Automation of retail trade and accounting systems. Retail trade automation, store automation, store chain automation, store trade equipment, sale of trade equipment, back office, front office. Card file of legal entities

The MyWarehouse service offers a program for the seller's workstation in the store.

  • The software does not require installation on a specific device. Preparing to start work takes a minimum of time.
  • The program is easy to use. Even employees with little experience can work with automated workplaces.
  • Usage modern technologies. Reduced software and hardware requirements. The workplace operates online.
  • User-friendly interface. Visually, it resembles the keyboard of a traditional cash register. Automation retail thanks to him it is carried out quickly. Even employees who previously worked only on conventional cash registers can master the application.
  • Offline mode. Your sales will not stop even if there is no access to the Internet.

Advantages of the MySklad service

  • Wide possibilities for the user. You can always not only prepare and organize workplace seller, but also to provide complex automation retail.
  • Impressive functionality. After automating a retail store, you will be able to maintain a warehouse, manage the release and receipt of goods, control the flow of finances, and plan purchases. The service also allows you to register basic accounting transactions and work with counterparties. Work under commission agreements is supported, including automatic generation of commission agent reports.
  • Fast and simple preparation to work. The solution's interface is as clear and simple as possible. Specialists will not need special skills.
  • Flexibility of settings. The retail automation service can be quickly adapted to the specifics of a particular store.
  • Ample opportunities for a manager. Automation of retail trade will allow you to control revenue, sales, and other important indicators of the enterprise. The workplace and back-office capabilities allow the generation of any reporting, statistics, analysis, operational and strategic planning.
  • Free for one user. Free store automation has become possible!
  • Availability ready-made templates documents. This allows your retail store to run more efficiently and quickly.
  • Opportunities for combining several branches or divisions in one system.
  • Support from specialists by phone and email. Having problems while automating your store? Contact us!
  • Lukyanova Diana Mikhailovna, bachelor, student
  • Bashkir State Agrarian University
  • SALE

Retail automation systems. The article analyzes the transition of retail trade to automated information systems. Retail trade automation systems are complex software and hardware systems, the basis of which is software. Retail trade is an actively developing industry, and currently requires the use of modern automation systems, so this topic is very relevant today. Trade automation systems provide management automation business processes in stores, in general, all trade and purchasing activities retail company, provide analytical information to carry out the management function more carefully.

  • Calculation of the cost of livestock products
  • Review of the 1C software product “Pawnshop Management”
  • Introduction of automated information systems into the activities of enterprises

Retail trade automation systems are complex software and hardware systems, the basis of which is software, and which include various types of specialized equipment (cash systems, including Self-Checkouts, bar code scanners, electronic scales, data collection terminals and etc.). Retail trade is an actively developing industry, and currently requires the use of modern automation systems. Without the use of automated accounting and management systems, it is quite difficult for store managers to make the right decisions. For example, without analyzing sales with an assortment matrix of more than 1000 items, it is impossible to correctly calculate an order for goods to a supplier without the risk of putting illiquid goods on the shelves and thereby freezing working capital. And if we consider the problems of manual stores from the point of view of losses, then the issue of fraud and staff abuse is a headache for every owner retail store.

Trade automation systems provide automation of the management of business processes in stores, in general, all trade and purchasing activities of a retail company, provide managers with analytical information so that they can carry out their management function more carefully, for example, to build an effective assortment policy, which would satisfy the needs of “its” buyer. Thus, trade automation systems provide automation of both business process management and decision support. Retail trade automation systems in terms of specialized software can be classified into the following automation areas:

  • product distribution management;
  • management of sales processes in sales areas, including their audit;
  • pricing management;
  • Inventory Management;
  • supply chain management;
  • managing the location of goods (addressed storage), processing goods flows at the distribution center (WMS);
  • transport management if the company has vehicles;

The implementation of a retail trade automation system involves the following actions:

  • pre-project inspection of the enterprise;
  • management consulting;
  • preparation of specifications and project plan;
  • supply of software and commercial equipment;
  • installation and configuration of the system according to the results of the survey for the specifics of the work;
  • training of personnel according to their responsibilities and rights to work in the installed information system;
  • testing for information absorption;
  • preparation for launching the system (filling out directories and other accounting data, registering cash registers with the tax service, checking the correctness of user operation);
  • testing the system performance before launch;
  • launch;
  • designer's supervision of the work automated system after launch;
  • support of the store's automated system and commercial equipment;

Trade automation is a multifaceted process that requires the use of various automation tools. Systems that are successfully used in trade automation, especially if it is network trade, are complex complexes. Therefore, depending on the scale and the needs of the company, the use and selection of certain automation tools is not an easy task. Retail trade is a complex management object and requires modern industrial trade automation systems.

Today, one of the most popular and accessible programs is “1C: Retail 8”. To automate business processes in retail trade, 1C has released the application solution 1C: Retail 8. This decision designed for use in both stand-alone stores and other retail outlets, as well as in stores integrated into trading network. As part of automation projects, all the main modules and control loops present in retail trade are implemented. This is operational and warehouse accounting: accounting for the movement of goods in warehouses and trading floor, movement of goods between chain stores. Accounting for the operation of non-automated points. Planning: formation of plans and control of fact on various aspects of activity. Assortment management: assortment matrices, category management. Inventory management: orders, deliveries, supplier analysis, inventory analysis. Pricing management: calculation of retail prices, loyalty and discounting system. Production management: planning, cutting-cooking, cost calculation, plan-factual analysis. Marketing management: planning marketing activities, analyzing the effectiveness of promotions, analyzing consumers and competitors. Merchandising: managing shelf space and display efficiency and much more. Using the software product, you can automate the accounting of the movement of goods and funds, and the generation of the necessary reports. Work with trade equipment is supported: fiscal recorders, data collection terminals, barcode scanners, electronic scales, customer displays, acquiring systems and magnetic card readers. The list of supported equipment currently contains about 150 models, and it is constantly expanding. The application solution "1C: Retail 8" can automatically exchange data with the management information system - with the program "1C: Trade Management 8".

The program allows you to keep records in several organizations - legal entities Oh. It is also possible to maintain records in several stores that are not legal entities. In both cases, accounting is performed in the context of warehouses. Accounting in the program is carried out in one currency - rubles. We briefly reviewed all the capabilities of this program and came to the conclusion that this program is very convenient and in demand on the market, as it helps to completely eliminate paperwork and increase the efficiency of accounting.


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  2. Sharafutdinov A.G. Channels for selling products from personal farmsteads [Text] / A.G. Sharafutdinov // News of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen. – 2009.- No. 119.- P. 129-132.

"1C: Trade Management" ("1C:UT") - software for wholesale and retail trade. Allows you to comprehensively automate the management of sales and finance, warehouse, procurement, and inventory. 1C: Trade Management conveniently implements trading, warehouse, financial accounting, as well as working with clients.

"1C: Trade Management" is an updated version of the popular solution "1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7".

The implementation of 1C: Trade Management will allow you to:

  • automate all tasks of operational and management accounting, analysis and planning trading operations;
  • customer relationship management (CRM);
  • manage procurement and analyze suppliers;
  • maintain warehouse records and inventory control;
  • manage wholesale, retail and commission sales;
  • carry out work in accordance with the requirements of the Unified State Automated Information System and 54-FZ;
  • connect any commercial equipment;
  • manage effectively in cash, keep records of credits, deposits and loans;
  • analyze financial results and much more!

Who is 1C: Trade Management suitable for?

"1C: Trade Management" has flexible settings and is suitable for any trading company. The functionality of 1C:UT can be adapted to the needs of a business of any size by enabling/disabling various options. For example, if you have small company, you can buy “1C: Trade Management” and disable the functionality required by large companies. These functions will be hidden from the 1C:UT interface and will not interfere with work.

Program features

Key features and advantages of the 1C: Trade Management program:

  • Sales management

    "1C: Trade Management" automates the entire sales chain: from creation commercial offer before issuing an invoice and processing a return.

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

    CRM in 1C: Trade Management allows you to collect and store detailed information for each client. You will be able to: plan and manage transactions and sales, quickly process customer complaints, monitor the work of sales managers, evaluate the results of marketing campaigns, etc.

  • Procurement management

    “1C: Trade Management” has extensive capabilities for purchasing management: selecting suppliers, monitoring prices, creating orders and monitoring their execution, drawing up delivery and payment schedules, returns, etc.

  • Inventory Management

    The 1C: Trade Management program provides complete control of inventory. Detailed operational accounting of goods in warehouses is maintained. The system records all warehouse operations: receipt and movement of goods, sales, inventory, etc.

  • Financial management

    In "1C: Trade Management" for evaluation financial condition The company has developed a “Management Balance Sheet” report. With its help, you can control the use of funds, analyze accounting data, mutual settlements with clients and suppliers, etc.

  • Monitoring and analysis of performance indicators

    A system has been created in the 1C: Trade Management program target indicators. Their use will allow you to: analyze the efficiency of the company, identify problem areas in a timely manner, monitor the implementation of goals and objectives, make balanced management decisions based on accurate data.

  • Integration with 1C

    1C: Trade Management integrates with other 1C solutions. For example, “1C:UT” can be used as a control system for the “1C:Retail” program. It also supports maintaining accounting and transfer of data to 1C: Accounting.

Why should you buy 1C: Trade Management from 1C Business Architect?

You can buy "1C: Trade Management" in Moscow from free shipping and installation in our company and be confident in the quality of all services. We have many years of experience in automation trading activities. The company has a department specializing only in trade.

Retail networks are actively developing, being represented in various formats. The process is related to information technology. It is impossible to manually work with wide range, consisting of thousands of items. But a computer can do this. Small businesses acquire electronic equipment depending on a number of factors. But there is general principles, which are expressed by specific indicators.

Retail Features

The concept of retail trade means the sale of services and goods in small batches, individually. By the way, our previous article on hotel business automation, which also uses information capabilities, has a very related topic. Such activities are the function of relevant enterprises, usually in need of:

  • in squares;
  • on staff;
  • in a sufficient quantity of goods in the sales area, in the warehouse.

Making a profit, they use trade margin for products. Its value is regulated by the state of the market (30, 200%). Prices for some goods and services are set by the state, then the percentage is lower. The fact of purchase is usually confirmed by a cash register receipt.

The check contains the following information.

  • Business name.
  • Price.
  • Amount and rate of value added tax.
  • Date of.
  • Place, address.
Important! Retail trade has existed since ancient times. First there was an exchange, and then the form became the sale of products and services on the market square. In the history of Russia, this process was well developed. Merchants were famous for their significant turnover, providing the country with the latest goods.

About automation

Retail automation applies to stores ranging from 70 to 350 square meters. The assortment usually does not exceed 6 thousand items. The counter sales format is usually much less efficient than self-service. The reasons are better access to the product, greater speed in the second case.

When planning automation, you should prepare for the restructuring and streamlining of accounting as the first stage. Acquisition computer equipment the process will not be limited. The whole system will change. Thus, newly arrived goods are not immediately placed on the sales floor, but are entered into the database information system. After all, the cost must be reflected in the memory of the cash register, without which the product cannot be sold.

Stages of transition to information technology

Transition process to new technology involves a number of basic steps.

Costs, equipment

In a small store with an area of ​​up to 180 sq. meters will require automation with costs of up to $17 thousand. The suggested list is as follows.

  • POS terminals (Point-of-Sale, point of sale) – electronic devices accepting payments via payment cards. Devices will make trading modern. You can take domestically produced cash registers, calculating how many of them you need: per 100 sq. meters - approximately 2 terminals with a scanner, thermal printer, printing receipt tape.
  • Up to 2 computers (not counting accounting needs), a data storage server is desirable.
  • Automation of a grocery store is usually not complete without scales. For example, the principle of self-service implies the installation of devices in packaging and in the department.
  • A label printer for marking quickly purchased goods will come in handy.
  • Nothing will work if there are no programs.

Store automation equipment is not the only need. Costs include:

  • laying a local network;
  • delivery of computers;
  • installation and configuration of software;
  • training of merchandisers, cashiers, operators and management supervising the operation of the store.

Automation point of sale should be carried out with the assistance and accompaniment of reliable companies, people independent of financial results her work. Otherwise, there is a risk of artificially increasing them.

Note! The final cost figure is subject to adjustment using discounts and phased payments.

Reasons for possible failures

Many entrepreneurs make typical and common mistakes that add up to a list. It is quite possible to avoid them and automate your store in an almost perfect way.

  1. When selling clothing, it is not necessary to use POS systems, which is more expensive and leaves the enterprise without advantages. Or you can use a specialized option. For example, “1C: Retail. Clothes and shoe store." It is preferable to use a PC or POS computer, 1C and POS peripherals.
  2. Ignoring anti-theft systems. The automation system of any store must provide security. Otherwise, up to 12% of revenue or more is lost. The following methods are used.
    • Anti-theft systems.
    • CCTV.
    • Security personnel.

    The best solution includes all methods at once. If it is impossible to implement the project comprehensively, it is necessary to analyze the statistics on thefts. For example, alcohol and clothing are most susceptible to illegal removal. To protect them, trade automation includes an option - anti-theft systems. Food products are monitored by video surveillance.

    Attention! Losses with the use of security are reduced, cost recovery comes within up to 3 months.
  3. Automation of a retail store does not include checking banknotes for authenticity. The price of the detector does not exceed 10,000 rubles, so you should not save.
  4. Do not update systems with innovations. Stores that do not allow you to pay by card lose profits. Another case is that the food department is not equipped with devices for slicing cheese and sausages.
  5. The automation of a store whose ready-made (turnkey) solution was built incorrectly due to incompatible, poorly connected software was carried out unsuccessfully. It is difficult to correct such errors in an information system.
  6. Having carried out automation, they do not delve into the process. It is necessary, together with a team of employees, to monitor the correctness of tasks and decision-making.


What will the store look like if it is not automated at all? It is impossible to carry out accounting on paper or exercise proper control over the process in the absence of such modernization. Although the events are by no means free, it is necessary to acquire equipment software to it and make the settings. Retail store automation accepts solutions with an integrated, multifaceted approach. Literacy, planning, choosing a partner with whom to delve into the processes, and timely updating are important.