Banner advertising with payment for impressions. Banner networks are an effective promotion tool and additional income online. Banner networks with impressions buyout

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Good afternoon, good morning, good evening and hello night! Dear guests! It's time to start making money on advertising for impressions. What's good? And the fact that they installed advertising for impressions and the tanga begins to fill your wallet, and if they also click on the advertisement, then you will also receive an additional tugrik. Advertising from Google and Yandex pay only for transitions (for clicks on advertising), unlike .
They have very strict rules. I was banned from Google only because one visitor started clicking on the advertisement like a button accordion. As a result, my account was blocked, maybe it was for the better, because I started looking for another advertising service. After all, you need to earn a little (at first) to pay for hosting and domain. I myself, like many of you, are a “newbie, a beginner.” And I began to look for an advertising service where they pay for ad impressions, not for clicks. I spent two weekends trying to find advertising suitable for my site, because site traffic is still low, and many advertisers set a “ceiling” on the number of visitors.
I found an advertising service. This is the second advertisement I installed, the first was Google Adsense, which was banned. About You read below, but I want to tell you that you will earn more from this advertising than from advertising from Google (of course, earnings depend on site traffic). I had approximately 200 visitors per day. I placed two advertising blocks on each page (you can see them on the site pages). In two weeks I accumulated $1, which is certainly not enough, but I’m happy, these are the first tugs earned. And in Adsense you can’t earn that much during this time.
I want to warn you right away that all advertising systems have their pros and cons. Reviews about this or that advertising service are different everywhere, and it is very rare to find a truthful review about advertising for impressions or for clicks. Advertisers order both positive reviews about their advertising and negative ones. Then I began to further scour the Internet in search of. I've read so much, brothers, that my head is spinning. I have no idea what to choose. Let's choose advertising services together. Here is the information that I found on the Internet, on advertising services about advertising for impressions.
Sorry for the inaccurate wording. Here are a few that I managed to find. Choose and do not scold me in the future, I am the same as you. If you are deceived, then so am I. I think that from the listed services you will choose the one that suits you. Yes, in the left sitebar on my website you can see a vertical advertising unit that I installed today (January 28, 2014). This is from an advertising service. The service is young, let's see how it works (read about it below). Good luck to you. Here is a list of services that pay for ad impressions.

PAY-CLICK - (500 uniques)
DIRECTADVERT - advertising in the news (300 uniques)
REDCLICK - (50 uniques)
HIT-SALES - (1000 uniques)
EVERYTELL – (300 uniques)
RealTraf (they write that traffic is falling)
Bodyclick (various reviews) (reviews are not very flattering)
AdLabs (reviews vary, many write that you can work with it)
AdSkape - sites with a daily number of impressions of less than 1000 are NOT accepted (you can work with it)
AdSyst - sites with 1000 unique visitors per day are accepted (they write you can work)

Many advertisements may not always appear, but only intermittently. Display depends on advertisers who buy platforms to display their advertising, or interruptions may occur if your traffic drops. In this case, many advertising services provide “stubs”. In these “stubs” you need to write the code of another advertisement from another service so as not to lose money. Then during outages you will see different ads.
Many people write that most advertising systems “cheat” us. As soon as it comes to payments, they block our accounts for no reason and we cannot receive the money we earned. This is especially true for advertising systems where there are advertisements like Clickander and Popander. Be careful! To work with advertising, first promote your website to at least 150-200 visitors per day. Be sure to install a visitor counter and create a WebMoney wallet (mostly all payments go to it).
Thank you for your attention. Good luck with your earnings.

Don't refuse the courtesy don't forget about rec-mu. Sincerely, Yuri Moskvin.
When using site materials, link to required!
Link to this material .

Modern money makers have access to dozens and hundreds of different ways to make money on the Internet. However, only legal and permitted methods deserve attention, in which there is no need to use spam, cheating, and do not violate laws and principles of morality/ethics.

CPM affiliates: what and how

One of these legal ways is to make money on. They are also called CPM affiliates (Cost Per Millenium) - that is, payment per thousand (impressions).

Note: sometimes it is not 1000 impressions that are paid, but a larger/smaller number of them. It all depends on the terms of the offers.

Accordingly, in order to earn money, you need to take advertising banners and show them to as many people as possible. At the same time, views must be real, and not fake. Otherwise, the affiliate algorithms may ban your profile or refuse payment.

CPM affiliates: how they work

1. Go to the website in the “Affiliate type” menu - “Payment for impressions” and see a list of available advertising networks working in this niche.

2. Select any affiliate network you like from the list and proceed to registration. If necessary, confirm your E-mail address.

3. We return to the affiliate website and enter your affiliate account (log in).

4. Let’s move on to the list of available offers that are willing to pay for impressions. We choose the offer we like and carefully study the conditions. You need to make sure that the offer will actually pay for impressions. It is also advisable to find offers with the maximum price so that our earnings are higher. If there are other conditions, such as the subject of the site, we carefully study them.

5. We begin to cooperate with the offer and find promotional materials that can be used. These can be banners, floating sliders, pop-up messengers and other promotions.

6. Copy the code of the element we want to broadcast. We insert the banner on our website and start broadcasting. For every 1000 views, theoretically we will receive some money. If there are a lot of views, the income can be impressive.

7. Be sure to make sure that views are counted by the statistics system of the advertiser or affiliate network. This is an important nuance, since translation or counter errors are possible. If everything is normal, we leave advertising banners until we accumulate at least some money.


The problem of traffic sooner or later affects every website owner. An effective advertising campaign will help solve it. It may consist of the following parts: registration of the site in search engines, directories and banner networks:

Banner networks - what is it and why are they needed?

Banner networks are designed to automate the process of exchanging banners. Representing a set of sites with a single center and special software, the network provides users with places to place a banner. Each participant provides other users (advertisers) with space to place their advertisements on their website. Over time, the participant’s rating points increase, proportional to the displayed other people’s banners, due to which their material can be shown on other resources related to this network.

The banner network retains commissions. For example, if you have shown other people's banners 1000 times, then you can show your own banner 850 times. The income of the banner network in this case is 15%. Impressions paid for by the advertiser are also used to display paid advertising.

If your resource is visited by approximately 50 users per day, and each of them visits 5 pages, you get 250 impressions minus%. Networks may charge a 10-20% commission on impressions. 200 impressions are released. The average CTR is 1-2%.

You can increase this indicator if you register in 2-3 banner networks at once, which make it possible to display materials of different sizes. The number of additional visits may increase to 6-12 per day ( if initially you had 50 people):

Owners of resources related to mobile topics should pay attention to the profitable program offered by a mobile banner network such as Mobn. Participants can be IT and cellular information portals, gadget services and other resources closely related to mobile technologies. The advantages of the system include professional banners, flexible setup of an advertising campaign, zero commission for impressions:

Banner networks - advantages and disadvantages

Its undeniable advantages include:

  • Possibility of free advertising (banner exchange);
  • Significant audience coverage. There are thousands of partner sites in banner networks ( advertising platforms). They combine them and give them the opportunity to mix their materials. With a reasonable volume of impressions, banners do not burn out;
  • Wide possibilities in advertising visualization. In this matter, even Google AdWords with its graphic advertising is inferior to banner advertising;
  • Excellent options for focusing impressions, targeting by site categories, geography, days of the week, time and number of impressions, operating system types, browsers, providers, etc. The effectiveness of banner impressions largely depends on how carefully you configure your targeting parameters. It is worth considering that some networks charge a fee for certain targeting parameters;
  • Banners are automatically placed on resources of related topics. There is more time left for analyzing the displayed banners and collecting statistics. In the future, you will be able to submit the most effective banners for moderation;
  • Impressive control capabilities. If desired, an advertising campaign can be canceled if it does not produce the expected results. You can also increase or decrease the duration of promotional events:
However, banner networks also have disadvantages:
  • Campaigners use up their advertising space;
  • Advertising on your resource may be sold without your knowledge. For example, a competitor’s advertisement may appear on your website;
  • Displaying banners of undesirable quality.

Banner networks with payment for impressions

Working in pay-per-impression networks allows you to receive passive income that does not require active actions on the part of resource visitors. Payment is made for adding banner advertising to the site.

The earnings that pay-per-impression banner networks provide depend on the rating of your blog or website and placement (the top location is more expensive than the bottom). On average, paid banner impressions cost $2 per 1,000 impressions. Today, one of the best banner exchanges is. There is the ability to configure by section of the site, time, geography, frequency of advertising contact, as well as manage placement parameters, including the cost of impression and click.

The real monster of the advertising industry among the Russian-speaking audience of the network is Yandex banner network. However, unlike Google AdSense, only a resource that has at least 300 unique visitors daily can become a member ( the average for the last month is taken into account):

Pay-per-click banner networks

A high-quality resource can make good money from banner advertising with pay-per-click (CPC). Compared to other partners, it has several advantages:

  • Interactive beautiful banners enliven the site and do not take up much space;
  • Users click on banners much more often than on other types of advertising, such as teasers or contextual ads.

Here is a list of popular banner networks:

  • AdScape. An excellent option for paying for clicks and impressions. Attracts a significant number of sites and advertisers. The minimum amount for payments is 300 rubles;
  • PR RE . A good gaming banner network with attractive large formats, high-quality traffic and stable impressions. Supports payment for clicks and impressions;
  • A well-known system that offers a variety of pay-per-click advertising formats ( banners, text blocks, teasers, news blocks, search forms).

One of the most popular banner advertising networks is Nightingale. It includes more than 3,000 sites and 30 million users. Precise focus provides 90 ready-made consumer segments, the latest technologies and an impressive media space allow you to reach even the most unusual target audience. Solovey makes payments for leads, applications, purchases and other targeted actions:

Banner networks with impressions buyout

It would seem that participation in banner networks does not require financial investments - you display banners on your sites, and network members show your banners ( the system takes a certain commission). However, you are not immune from interruption of display or display of “bad” banners. If you do not want to see advertising on your resource, you can work with buying impressions. Moreover, this can be done both in the banner network itself and in the secondary market.

Purchasing impressions from the banner network itself will provide wider audience coverage and will allow you to successfully conduct an image campaign and customize impressions for selling advertising in more detail:

The effectiveness of banner advertising largely depends on the quality of the banner. A good banner should load quickly and have maximum extension. The effectiveness of animated banners is 25-30% higher than that of static banners. The presence of meaningful, attention-grabbing text also has a great influence on the attractiveness of such advertising. Don’t forget about the location of the banner.

By placing advertising material on the main page, you can increase your target audience, but at the same time you will not reach potential customers who visit certain sections of the resource. Therefore, it is better to place the banner on a page that is as close as possible to the advertised services or products. In addition, you should not place advertising at the very top of the screen; it is better to lower it a third below.

According to statistics, such placement gives a response rate of 70% more:

Don’t forget about targeting, rotation time ( if the user sees the banner more than 5 times, he stops noticing it) and display duration ( no more than 5 seconds). Managing impressions will allow you to launch and pause an advertising campaign in a timely manner.

Owners of visited resources can make good money from banner advertising. To do this, they just need to allow displays of banners on their premises, and prohibit the display of their own banners, and then sell the displays. By becoming a member of networks such as RLE, ClickHere or, you will be able to accumulate impressions and sell them through special exchanges (for example, It makes sense to do this business if the traffic to your resource exceeds 100 hosts per day.

Passive income on the site has been and remains a serious issue for webmasters, so Maxtarget with payment for banner impressions will come in handy.

In this area, in recent years there has been a very serious decline in terms of the quantity and quality of proposals. Small systems cannot hold out for long, but large ones can’t last long.

McStarget is a new banner affiliate program, the argument in favor of which (at first consideration) I see is as follows. She pays daily for the previous day. Dot.

Everyone is already accustomed to the fact that large players pay according to the Net30 scheme, and this is extremely inconvenient. In addition, it is impossible to predict in the current market conditions whether there will be payments at all. Therefore, such systems, ready to pay daily, require your closest attention and experiments with making money on sites.

For example, a 240*400 banner might look like this.

Maxtarget banner affiliate review

First, let me turn to the conditions for accepting resources: I must say that they are quite strict and limit the acceptance of traffic in violation of copyright.

BUT! Banner McStarget promises to pay up to 200 rubles per 1000 impressions. Whether this is true or not needs to be checked. It’s a pity that I myself don’t have any resources that fit their requirements, taking into account the topic.

How to add a site

First, enter the URL into the form.

The system checks it for a couple of seconds, and then gives the opportunity to create a block of the required size and graphic design.

Then you need to confirm ownership of the resource and install codes. There is a placeholder form into which you can insert other banner affiliate programs with payment for impressions or teaser networks.

You can use the help of specialists from the affiliate program itself by first filling out the fields with the necessary information.

After sending it for moderation, McStarget analyzes the traffic on the site and issues a CPM, according to which it is ready to work with payment for banner impressions. To speed up the assessment process, you can provide access to Yandex.metrics.

Withdrawal of money is carried out daily to dollar wallets of VMS WebMoney - upon request from your personal account.

Pay-per-impression affiliate programs allow webmasters to earn money by placing advertisements or banners on their website. Payment is made for displaying this advertisement to site visitors. Typically the cost per thousand impressions is quoted. Many banner networks and advertising exchanges with various advertising formats have pay-per-impression affiliates. These can be regular banners of fixed sizes, pop-up windows, etc. Now some advertising networks pay for both clicks and impressions, for example, this is how almost all affiliate networks of contextual advertising networks work. Affiliate programs with payment for impressions are beneficial because even if a low-click banner is shown, you still get money for it. At the same time, the advertiser has the opportunity to save money by creating a banner with a good click-through rate (CTR). In this category, you can choose for yourself the best and most profitable affiliate program with payment for impressions, which will help you consistently earn money on your website. I wish you success!

Total materials: 3
Materials shown: 1-3

Pages: 1

Google AdSense - making money on contextual advertising

The Google AdSense program places ads that either match the theme of your site or match the interests of users. Those. If a visitor to your site has previously used Google search or visited the sites of other Google partners, the system remembers this data and displays the most relevant ads on your site. This approach makes advertising much more effective and allows partners to earn more. You get rewarded for clicks and impressions. Costs per click can vary significantly. It depends on the theme of the site, advertiser prices and other factors. AdSense constantly checks the contents of pages with system advertisements, and if a violation of the AdSense rules is found, the site may be disabled from further participation in the system until the violation is eliminated. In case of gross violations, the entire account may be blocked without payments. Payments are made automatically monthly at the end of the current month for the previous one. The minimum payout amount is $100. Using the Rapida payment system, you can set up an automatic payment to your WebMoney wallet or other electronic wallets. You can also withdraw your earned money to your bank account by transfer in dollars via SWIFT.

Advertur - make money on the site using RTB advertising

With the help of the Advertur affiliate program, you can earn money on your website by placing RTB advertising - banners with payment for impressions and clicks. RTB (Real Time Bidding), i.e. Real-time bidding is a relatively new advertising technology, the essence of which is that the banner and the price of its placement are determined in a real-time auction with the participation of many large advertising networks. This takes into account all available data about your website visitor (time, retargeting data, etc.). Thus, the system automatically selects the most relevant and expensive advertising for each user, which provides you with higher income than when advertising only one advertising network. All the most popular banner formats are available: 728x90, 240x400, 300x250, 468x60 and 160x600, as well as InPage video banner, mobile banner, pop-up banner and image banner. You can also use your own placeholders in case the system does not find suitable advertisements for your site. As a placeholder, you can use either a simple banner or ads from another advertising network, for example, Yandex.Direct or Google AdSense blocks. Payments of earned funds occur once a month, during the first five working days of the month through the Webmoney system (WMR, WMZ), Yandex.Money, QIWI wallets and ePayService. It is possible to set up an automatic payment order and a minimum withdrawal amount.

Contema - Contextual advertising network with pay per clicks, impressions and actions

Contema is a contextual advertising network that provides a stable income to the webmaster by selling the main types of traffic: clicks, impressions and leads (conversions). Even a small website can bring good income to its owner. Advertising prices are set using the auction principle. All types of traffic are analyzed by the anti-fraud system and if signs of low-quality traffic are detected, they may not be counted. Earned funds can be withdrawn once a day upon request. Withdrawal of funds is carried out through the WebMoney, Yandex-money and PayPal systems.

If you have a link to the website of an affiliate program, domain registrar, hosting provider, or a link to a website promotion service that is not on our resource, then you can add it to our database using the add new affiliates form.