Business plan for the production of jam. Making jam at home: a tasty and profitable business. Mistake in a million - jam production went wrong: Video

From the wide variety of food products presented on the shelves of modern stores, people are increasingly choosing those made from natural ingredients. Fragrant jams and preserves with bright summer flavors, made from juicy berries and fruits, well known to us since childhood, have gained new popularity today. They are consumed both as an independent dessert and in combination with toast, pancakes, and pancakes. On an industrial scale, such products are used in the production of cookies, cakes, buns and other confectionery.

You can make jam, marmalade or marmalade at home. People who have summer cottages and garden plots and grow fruit and berry crops on their territory usually do this. City residents prefer to buy ready-made products and do not skimp on paying two or even three hundred rubles per jar to treat themselves and their loved ones to natural sweets. Making jam is a relevant and promising idea for a business, but for such an enterprise to lead to success, you need to plan everything correctly and learn about some important details in this area.

Types of products and manufacturing technology

Jam is a product obtained by boiling berries and fruits with added sugar. Sometimes nuts, pine cones, rose petals, and dandelion flowers are used as raw materials. The main feature of this dessert is that the fruits included in it retain their shape. The finished product has a heterogeneous consistency and looks like berries (or pieces of fruit) in a viscous syrup.

The jam has high nutritional value and good taste. Valuable chemical substances, included in the original products, are largely preserved. Depending on quality indicators, jam is assigned one of three grades: extra, highest or first. It can be either specific (strawberry, raspberry, etc., obtained from one type of raw material), or blended (for example, pear-apple, made from a mixture of fruits).

Along with concentrated jam, gelatinous fruit and berry desserts: jam and marmalade have become widespread in our country. They differ in consistency and manufacturing technology.

To produce jam, not only whole but also crushed fruits are used, which are boiled for a long time in sugar syrup, resulting in a gelled mass with parts of berries or fruits evenly distributed in it.

Jam is made from fruit or berry puree. Spices (cloves, cinnamon and others) are often added to its composition. It has the appearance of a monotonous mass without solid inclusions.

Jam production as a business begins with searching for suppliers of high-quality raw materials, forming a product line and developing your own recipe. The technological process consists of the following stages:

  • preparation of raw materials. At this stage, the fruits are sorted, washed, if necessary, peeled, pitted, stalked and crushed;
  • preparing syrup. It is obtained from sugar, purified water, spices and molasses (the latter ingredient is not always added);
  • boiling the fruits in hot syrup and then allowing the mixture to settle. This operation is carried out from 1 to 5 times depending on the type of raw materials and the type of product that needs to be obtained at the output;
  • curing and removing foam;
  • packing and packing.

In most cases, at the final stage, the finished jam is sterilized. It is sealed in sealed containers and processed at a temperature of 90-110°C for about 20 minutes. This allows you to increase the shelf life of products and avoid microbiological spoilage (fermentation, sugaring).

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Material and technical resources

To open your own small workshop you will need a site measuring about 200 square meters. m (approximately 60% should be in the production area, the remaining 40 - in warehouse and administrative premises). Details about existing hygiene requirements and principles of zoning premises Food Industry we talked about in the article about.

Having properly prepared the room, you should also take care of the equipment for making jam. Most manufacturing companies today offer universal equipment capable of producing jam, marmalade and marmalade. Production lines usually include:

  • receiving hopper;
  • washing container;
  • conveyor;
  • chopper;
  • blancher;
  • digester with evaporation unit;
  • Vacuum pump;
  • homogenizer;
  • several storage units for finished products;
  • sterilizer;
  • filling and dosing machine.

In addition to the basic equipment, you will also need scales, various vats and containers, sifters for bulk products and other equipment. To store raw materials, you will need to purchase refrigeration and freezers. Transportation of some types of fruit and berry desserts requires special conditions, therefore it is advisable to purchase immediately and freight car with isothermal van.

What documents are needed for work?

The production of jams and preserves and their subsequent sale is a type entrepreneurial activity aimed at making a profit, therefore, it must be registered in the prescribed manner with the tax authority. You can choose any legal form convenient for you: individual entrepreneur(IP), limited liability company (LLC), etc. To understand the advantages and disadvantages of each of these forms, read.

Type code economic activity By OKVED classifier, which includes such production - 10.39 - “Other types of processing and canning of fruits and vegetables.” This code must be indicated in the appropriate column of the enterprise registration application.

Find out what else you will need when contacting the tax service. Read about at what stages of registration difficulties may arise and how to avoid them.

If you have chosen LLC as an organizational form, please clarify.

Having gone through the stage of business registration, you should contact the certification authorities to receive a declaration of compliance of manufactured products with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On Safety food products».

A registration certificate issued by the tax service and a declaration of conformity received at a certification center - these documents will allow you to freely sell your products not only to private clients, but also to large retail chains and organizations Catering, confectionery factories, etc.

Financial plan

The total cost of starting a business will be approximately 2.5-3 million rubles. This amount includes the costs of renting and renovating the premises, purchasing production line, paperwork, purchasing the first batch of raw materials, label development, etc. You will need information on how.

TO current expenses enterprises include the costs of raw materials and Consumables, payment utilities, taxes, labor costs, transportation costs, etc. It is necessary to calculate the amount of monthly expenses based on what raw materials you will purchase, what products and in what volumes you will produce.

For example, the cost of 0.5 kg of premium raspberry jam in a glass container is approximately 70 rubles, and Wholesale price– about 75 rub. If you produce 15 tons of raspberry jam per month, production costs will be 2,100,000 rubles, and income from the sale of the entire batch will be 2,250,000 rubles. In this case, the net profit will be 150,000 rubles. per month, and the return on investment will be achieved in 1.5-2 years.

Sales and promotion of manufactured products

If you are producing jams and preserves on an industrial scale, you need to develop a program for selling your products through three sales channels at once:

  • wholesale;
  • retail;
  • distribution

Competition in this area is not too high; large canneries are the main competitors. A competent person will help you introduce your product to the market marketing strategy and correct price policy. To make yourself known, take part in food fairs and sales exhibitions. Be sure to make a high-quality selling website (see,).

Try to take part in government procurement as a supplier, because jams, preserves and preserves are used to prepare various dishes in municipal preschools and school institutions. If your advertising budget allows, you can try sponsorship and take part in large city or regional public events. It is important to understand that all these measures will have a positive result only if the products produced have good taste and high quality indicators.

Your own can be a great addition to your processing facility.

Will supply you with raw materials for the production of berry jam.

Read. Having your own retail outlet is more profitable than working only with wholesale buyers.

Various jams or preserves are tasty, healthy and enjoyable products that are in demand among many people. People usually do not have the opportunity and time to prepare these delicacies on their own, so they prefer to purchase ready-made products sold at the market or in supermarkets.

Therefore, activities related to the production of products are a promising and interesting area in entrepreneurship.

The specifics of this area of ​​business activity include:

  • you have to deal with food products, so you definitely need to purchase the best equipment, prepare premises in accordance with the requirements of the SES, and also hire only specialists with open medical records;
  • It’s best to start with a small production to make sure the business is in demand;
  • production will be constantly subject to inspections from the SES and fire inspection;
  • to increase profits from work, it is recommended to focus not only on the city where it is located production organization, but also to nearby regions;
  • It is important to find proven and optimal ones, since the taste and quality of the created products depend on the raw materials used.

Reasons for opening and running a business

A business based on the production of various jams or preserves has many positive parameters, due to which it is in high demand among beginning and experienced entrepreneurs.

It is based on several reasons:

  • a high markup on the finished product allows you to receive high profits from your activities;
  • good demand guarantees constant sales;
  • These products, if properly created, have a long shelf life, so the return of expired products will be minimal;
  • if you carry out production correctly and offer customers really high-quality preserves and preserves, then demand will constantly increase, so this area of ​​​​work is considered promising;
  • If you first focus on creating a mini-production, then the initial investment in opening it will be low, so such work is available even to beginning entrepreneurs with a limited budget. How to open a mini-bakery from scratch - find out

Important! Each individual entrepreneur has the right to receive a subsidy from the state to open a business, and also receives certain payments when registering employees from the labor exchange, which significantly reduces the financial burden on him.

Types of jams, preserves and preserves

Varieties of jams and jams.

Jam is classified according to different criteria:

  • according to the specifics of production: sterilized (packaged in a hermetically sealed way) or unsterilized;
  • by class: extra, higher or first;
  • according to the raw materials used: from fresh or frozen fruits, and sulfated raw materials are also considered in demand;
  • by the amount of sugar used;
  • according to the fruits used, so the jam can be apple, pear, fruit, sea buckthorn or some other.

Important! Jam is a fruit and berry product, for the production of which fruits are boiled in sugar syrup, and a gelling agent, spices or organic acids can be added to them.

Jam can be:

  • sterilized or unsterilized;
  • made from cherries, raspberries, apples or other fruits and berries;
  • created from fresh or frozen fruits;
  • with or without various spices, additives and citric acid.

Jam is created by boiling various fruit, berry or other types of purees. It is divided depending on the ingredients used.

Some manufacturers use sugar, while others do not use it to produce a dietary product. Jam can be sterilized or unsterilized, and homemade unsterilized jam is also classified as a separate type.

Step-by-step process of starting a business

The creation of such a business, based on the production of marmalade, jam and preserves, is carried out in several successive stages.

Important! Before starting work, it is recommended to create a competent and detailed business plan containing the main nuances of future activities, and with its help it is possible to receive a subsidy from the state for starting a business.

The procedure for starting a business is divided into stages:

  • registration, for which the optimal one is selected organizational form() and tax regime. Which tax system to choose for an LLC - find out
  • search for a production facility that has all the necessary utilities connected to it, and its area must be sufficient for the location production equipment and allocating a separate place for storing finished products;
  • purchased quality equipment for production of products;
  • for the production of food products, it is necessary to obtain permission to operate from the SES, fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • there are optimal suppliers who offer truly high-quality products, represented by various fruits, berries and fruits, and it is necessary that the sellers have quality certificates and other documents for raw materials, and it is also advisable to independently check the quality with special devices for determining nitrates and other additives;
  • creating recipes for the production of various jams, jams or preserves;
  • contacts are being established with large trading organizations, to which manufactured goods will be supplied in wholesale quantities, and advertising may be directed not at intermediaries, but at direct buyers, so they will independently search for these products on store shelves.

Thus, if you correctly follow the competent stages of starting a business, there will be no difficulties in organizing a high-quality manufacturing enterprise.

The business plan for jam production is discussed in this video:

Technologies for the production of jam, marmalade and marmalade

If you plan to produce these three types of products from the very beginning, then it is important to have a good understanding of the features of their creation.

The difference between jam is that special fruits are used to create it, which provide a jelly structure, and special natural ingredients can also be added for this.

Jam does not contain large berries, so only purees are used, and jam consists of whole berries and fruits or large parts of them, which are boiled in syrup.

Important! The production of each variety has its own characteristics, and different equipment is also used for this.

Production is carried out using different technologies:

  1. Jam. It is created using whole or cut fruits or berries. They are boiled in sugar syrup until a jelly-like mass is obtained. First, the fruits are pitted, then blanched and boiled in a weak sugar solution. The finished product is poured into a glass container, after which it is sterilized for 15 minutes.
  2. Jam. This product is ungelled, and it is created by boiling fruits and berries in sugar syrup. Berries and fruits are sorted, washed, pitted and boiled in strong sugar syrup. After soaking in syrup, the resulting solution is poured into the boiler and cooked over low heat.
  3. Jam. Fruits and vegetables are prepared in the standard way, after which they are boiled and pureed. Next they are boiled with sugar, water and various additives.

Thus, the production of each product has its own characteristics, so before starting work you should study the nuances of the processes.

What equipment will be needed?

Specifics of purchasing equipment

To carry out this process, the following equipment is certainly used:

  • cutting surfaces for preparing raw materials;
  • containers for washing ingredients;
  • hobs for direct cooking of preserves, marmalade and marmalade;
  • container sterilizers;
  • special installation for fast and high-quality bottling of products;
  • automatic machine for gluing labels on containers;
  • capper;
  • scales for determining the mass of products and finished products;
  • different containers and additional elements that will be needed during the work process.

The cost of equipment can vary significantly depending on whether an entire line is purchased or all units are purchased separately. On average, the cost of all elements is 350 thousand rubles if a mini-production is created.

Business plan: approximate opening costs

To open an enterprise you will need 965 thousand rubles:

  • rent of premises per month – 35,000;
  • purchase of equipment for production process – 350 000;
  • finishing and preparation of premises – 50,000;
  • purchase of raw materials for work - 300,000;
  • employees – 140,000;
  • advertising and promotion of products in stores – 45,000;
  • taxes, communal payments and other expenses - 45,000.

In the process of calculating approximate costs and income, one should take into account the demand for products, the possibility of cooperation with large retail chains, competition in the region and nearby cities, as well as the purchasing power of the population.

What is the approximate income from the activity

Sales of jam are considered quite significant, since these products are in demand on the market. If you set average prices and offer tasty and high-quality products, then demand will be high.

When distributing goods to various retail grocery stores, you have the opportunity to earn from 1.2 million rubles. per month, and the net profit will be equal to 235 thousand rubles, which is considered good result activities.

You can achieve payback within one year, but this period is influenced by many factors, which include good publicity, distribution of products to many retail outlets, taste qualities of jam, as well as other factors that directly affect buyers.

If the jam is really tasty and inexpensive, then it will be in demand in any market.

Target audience and rules of competent marketing

The main consumers of goods are private buyers, however, it is necessary to sell the produced jam and jam in wholesale quantities to intermediaries, who act as Retail Stores. Also production company can cooperate with large wholesale companies operating throughout Russia.

There are two ways to attract customers:

  • impact on intermediaries, why retailers trade organizations offers comfortable and profitable terms for cooperation;
  • advertising in the media, which will attract the attention of direct consumers to the product, so they will look for preserves and marmalade on store shelves, which will lead to trading companies will independently strive to purchase these goods.

Important! If there are significant funds for initial stage opening, it is allowed to use the two above methods.

You can find out how a jam production workshop works in this video:

To this activity at the first stage of work brought good income, it is recommended to take into account the advice of experienced entrepreneurs:

  • a lot of attention is paid to the quality of products, on which the saleability of goods depends, since if they are tasteless or of low quality, they will not be in demand among buyers;
  • prepare before starting work industrial premises so that there are no future problems with the SES and other inspection bodies;
  • It is initially recommended to do this to ensure the feasibility and profitability of the activity;
  • Suppliers are selected especially carefully, since their raw materials must be of high quality, environmentally friendly and safe for use.

Thus, opening a business based on the production of jam, preserves or marmalade is considered quite promising and interesting. If it is managed correctly, high profits are guaranteed. However, to achieve high results, certain nuances of the work must be taken into account.

It is one of the fastest growing segments in the agricultural industry in the world. According to analysts, by 2017 the volume of the natural products market will approach the $1 trillion mark. In Russia, the market for natural products is just emerging; in 2011, the capacity of the market for environmentally friendly products was only 2-2.4 billion rubles; it is worth noting that the main share is occupied by imported products.

The Russian market of eco-products has huge potential to growth, according to experts, growth rates for the next 5 years will be double-digit (more than 10% per year). It is also expected that Russian manufacturers will gradually increase their market share. So by 2020 it is expected that the share of Russian manufacturers in the market will be organic products will increase from the current 10% to 60-70%.

In this regard, the production and sale of natural food products is a promising activity.

One of such eco-productions is the production of natural jam.


The raw material for production is berries ( cranberries, raspberries, lingonberries, blackberries, blueberries, chokeberries, currants, etc.) and sugar.

The technology for producing natural jam is quite simple and consists of rubbing peeled berries with sugar and packaging it in special containers (cups, jars, buckets, barrels).

The main stages of production are

  1. Preparing berries (cleaning, washing)
  2. Processing of berries (rubbing with sugar)
  3. Sterilization of containers
  4. Packaging of finished products
  5. Packaging of finished products

Product consumers

The main buyers of natural jam are the urban population with above-average income (middle class).

Sales channels

The main channel for selling products are grocery supermarkets aimed at people with above-average incomes, as well as stores (including online) for eco-products.

What equipment is needed to make jam?

To open a berry processing workshop, the following equipment is required:

1. Production equipment

  • For preparing berries (cutting table, washing bath);
  • For processing berries (installation for production, container for the finished product);
  • Equipment for sterilization (UV water sterilizer, sterilizer of jars and lids, device for rinsing jars);
  • For packaging and capping (finished product filling plant, capping device, labeling machine);
  • Auxiliary equipment (scales, sand sifter, trays, containers, containers, etc.).

Background information: The cost of a set of equipment with a capacity of 1200 kg. per shift with all options is 1.5-1.6 million rubles.

In the section equipment for jam production you can familiarize yourself with technical characteristics and the price of the line described in this article.

2. Equipment for storing raw materials and finished products

  • Freezers, temperature range from - 20C (for storing raw materials)
  • Refrigeration chambers, temperature range +2C - 0C (for storing finished products)

3. Transport for delivery of finished products.

To deliver finished products, you need to purchase a light-duty cargo vehicle with an insulated van.


Total costs ( purchase of equipment, preparation of premises for the organization food production, purchase of raw materials, purchase of transport for delivery of finished products) to open the production of natural jam with a capacity of 1,200 kg. per shift is about 3 million rubles.

An area of ​​about 70 sq.m. is required to accommodate the equipment; 10-12 people are required to service the production. The return on investment is 1.5-2 years.

Every year, the demand for eco-products is steadily growing, and one of the most promising options is making natural jam from berries.

Features of the jam production business

Currently, the production and sale of natural products is one of the fastest growing areas in the agricultural industry. There is a huge demand for such products abroad. In Russia, the market for eco-products is just emerging. If our grandmothers were happy to pick berries themselves, make jam, spend their vacations and all their free time on this, then modern active population is no longer so eager to take on this process, because with the growth of people’s well-being, new opportunities for recreation and travel open up, and new prospects for work and income appear. And it’s much easier to buy high-quality natural jam in the supermarket and not spend all your free summer time creating it.

So far, the main share of eco-products in stores is occupied by imported goods, therefore, becoming one of the first domestic producers of natural jam, you can quickly go up and gain popularity

Opening such a business makes sense for those who live in large cities that have chain stores for people with above-average incomes.

Production technology

The raw materials for making jam are berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, lingonberries, currants, chokeberries) and sugar.

The essence of production is quite simple. It consists of rubbing peeled berries with sugar and packaging the finished puree in a special container.

Production stages:

  1. Cleaning and washing berries
  2. Rubbing berries with sugar
  3. Sterilization of containers
  4. Packaging of finished products
  5. Product packaging.

Who is the consumer?

As a rule, buyers of natural jam will be urban residents with above-average income.

Selling jam

The main distribution channel will be grocery stores targeting customers with above-average incomes, as well as organic food stores.

Equipment for the production of

To make jam you will need the following equipment:

1. Production:

  • Cutting table
  • Washing tub
  • Production setup
  • Reservoir for the finished product
  • UV water sterilizer
  • Sterilizer for lids and jars
  • Equipment for rinsing jars
  • Jam filling plant
  • Can sealing device
  • Label Applying Machine
  • Sugar sifter
  • Containers, trays, packaging

The cost of the entire set of equipment for producing 1200 kg of jam per shift is 1.5-1.6 million rubles.

2. Equipment for storing raw materials and finished products

  • Freezers from -20C (raw materials)
  • Refrigeration chambers from +2C to 0C (jam)

3. Transport for delivery of goods through distribution channels

  • Light duty truck with insulated van

Worth considering!

Jam is a seasonal product. It will be in greatest demand in winter period and until mid-spring. In the summer there is a decline in sales, because... At this time, consumers prefer to buy fresh berries and fruits. On the other hand, it is worth starting this business in the summer, when the berries and fruits are harvested, in order to start selling canned food in the fall.

We calculate income and expenses

To produce jam you will need a room with an area of ​​70 sq.m. and 10-12 people as staff. Payback period is 1.5-2 years.

The production and sale of eco-products is one of the fastest growing segments in the agricultural industry in the world. According to analysts, by 2017 the volume of the natural products market will approach the $1 trillion mark. In Russia, the market for natural products is just emerging; in 2011, the capacity of the market for environmentally friendly products was only 2-2.4 billion rubles; it is worth noting that the main share is occupied by imported products.

The Russian market of eco-products has enormous potential for growth; according to experts, growth rates will be double-digit for the next 5 years (more than 10% per year). It is also expected that Russian manufacturers will gradually increase their market share. Thus, by 2020, it is expected that the share of Russian producers in the organic products market will increase from the current 10% to 60-70%.

In this regard, the production and sale of natural food products is a promising activity.

One of such eco-productions is the production of natural jam.

The raw materials for production are berries (cranberries, raspberries, lingonberries, blackberries, blueberries, chokeberries, currants, etc.) and sugar.

The technology for producing natural jam is quite simple and consists of rubbing peeled berries with sugar and packaging it in special containers (cups, jars, buckets, barrels).

The main stages of production are

  1. Preparing berries (cleaning, washing)
  2. Processing of berries (rubbing with sugar)
  3. Sterilization of containers
  4. Packaging of finished products
  5. Packaging of finished products

Product consumers

The main buyers of natural jam are the urban population with above-average income (middle class).

Sales channels

The main channel for selling products are grocery supermarkets aimed at people with above-average incomes, as well as stores (including online) for eco-products.

What equipment is needed to make jam?

To open a berry processing workshop, the following equipment is required:

1. Production equipment

  • For preparing berries (cutting table, washing bath);
  • For processing berries (installation for production, container for the finished product);
  • Equipment for sterilization (UV water sterilizer, sterilizer of jars and lids, device for rinsing jars);
  • For packaging and capping (finished product filling plant, capping device, labeling machine);
  • Auxiliary equipment (scales, sand sifter, trays, containers, containers, etc.).

Background information: The cost of a set of equipment with a capacity of 1200 kg. per shift with all options is 1.5-1.6 million.

Production line for mashed berries and jam. Equipment for processing berries and fruits.

In the section equipment for jam production you can familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics and price of the line described in this article.

2. Equipment for storing raw materials and finished products

  • Freezers, temperature range from - 20C (for storing raw materials)
  • Refrigeration chambers, temperature range +2C - 0C (for storing finished products)

3. Transport for delivery of finished products.

To deliver finished products, you need to purchase a light-duty cargo vehicle with an insulated van.


Total costs (purchase of equipment, preparation of premises for organizing food production, purchase of raw materials, purchase of transport for delivery of finished products) for opening the production of natural jam with a capacity of 1,200 kg. per shift is about 3 million rubles.

An area of ​​about 70 sq.m. is required to accommodate the equipment; 10-12 people are required to service the production. The return on investment is 1.5-2 years.

Various homemade preparations are very popular not only here, but also in many other countries. For example, in America large networks supermarkets order batches of various home preserves from small private farms for sale to their customers.

There are also more and more private small shops offering homemade goodies. For example, on such a product is definitely sold. This type business will not require large start-up investments and costs, and it is accessible to almost everyone.

But there is demand. Many people annually purchase a variety of berries, which for the most part are used for home preparation. But even more workers lack the time, energy, or desire to tinker with the stove in the kitchen. But they would probably be happy to taste such a delicious delicacy as jam on long winter evenings.

What are the benefits of such a business?

Everyone who grows berries for sale knows: if you don’t manage to sell them in the very first days, you won’t be able to sell them anymore, which means you either need to eat them urgently, or simply throw them away, or process them for your own needs. The sale of fresh berries is hampered by hot weather and numerous competitors. But jam packaged in jars has practically no competitors yet, and you can sell it even in a month, even in six months - it won’t spoil.

This home business can be done even by those who are not familiar with farming. It’s worth just driving around the nearby markets in the late afternoon to buy already leaking raspberries or strawberries from grandmothers at bargain prices. Another source of raw materials for this business can be various villages, where it will be possible to agree on regular inexpensive purchases of various berries.

With the help of wholesale purchases of containers and inexpensive raw materials, it is possible to achieve profitability above 100% with prices for your finished products almost equal to the costs of those who make their own jam. According to statistics on sales of similar products (for example, the same homemade honey by private beekeepers), after the end of the first year from the start of such a business, grateful and regular customers have accumulated.

Starting investments

Another encouraging aspect of this type of business is that you can start it practically from scratch.

Everything you need to start farming is already there. You will need a kitchen and some equipment, such as a stove, a large saucepan, containers and a seaming machine.

Production of natural jam as a business

“The capacity of your production” will depend only on the amount of money invested at a given time in circulation: for berries (if you don’t have your own, and you will need to buy them), sugar, as well as the necessary containers (cans) and sealing lids.

If desired, the business can be converted from a home business to a small (or family) one. Here you will need almost the same thing, only the “workshop” will need to be larger, with big amount stoves, pots, cans and, of course, people working in this production. Capacity can be gradually increased, while simultaneously reducing costs by setting up your own gardens and berry fields. And the sales market can be increased with the help of an organized online store.

Mini equipment for home production of jam, preserves and confiture

Any housewife can set up a mini business for the home production of jam products. A home mini line for the production of jam, marmalade and confiture includes equipment that is affordable for everyone who receives at least some income. A good microwave oven and a seaming wrench are all that your mini plant will be equipped with. The main equipment for home dessert production will be a microwave oven. Here it performs two functions: sterilization and the process of making jam. Today everyone has the opportunity to buy frozen fruits and berries at any time of the year. You can even buy exotic berries and tropical fruits. Therefore, there will be no problems with the supply of products for processing using the equipment. The price of frozen strawberries is $2 per kilogram. Sugar is cheaper to buy in bags, especially since it will be used up very quickly. The cost of a bag of sugar is $44, that is, $0.88/kg. It’s cheaper to buy containers in bulk - it’s quite affordable. Minimum order glass jars 0.5 l. with the “twist” type of closure starts from 2000 pieces, the price is $340 per set, that is, $0.17 per jar. A twist-type lid for a jar will cost 0.04 per piece. From a kilogram of strawberries and a kilogram of sugar we get 3 jars of strawberry dessert with a capacity of 0.5 liters each. The retail price in stores for one half-liter jar of strawberry jam is $1.5. The benefit is obvious. We spent on recyclable products: $2 + $0.88 = $2.88. We spent on packaging: ($0.17 + $0.04) X 3 = $0.63. The total expenses were: 3.51. And we earned $4.5 from selling three jars at $1.5 each. Total: $4.5 – $3.51 = $0.99 net profit. In one day, it is quite possible for one person to prepare 120 half-liter jars. Of course, the prices given in the calculations change under the conditions of the summer and winter seasons. Prices for strawberries and jam in summer are significantly lower than in winter. You can earn additional income from this. Guarantee period The jam can be stored for 24 months. When making jam in the summer, it is wise to make a small deposit for winter sales. In this way you can get double net profit. Try to repeat Fraser Doherty's success. He's still in school years engaged in home production of fruit desserts. He built a whole business producing jams based on his grandmother’s recipes. Fraser Doherty founded the company SuperJam at the age of 14, and at the age of 16, he had already earned his first million. At first he sold his neighbors 12 jars a week. And then I cooked up to 1000 cans a week in my parents’ home kitchen.

We equip a mini production line at home

You can make jam using different kitchen equipment. List of suitable equipment for home production jam:

  • multicooker;
  • bread machine;
  • microwave.

Modern multicookers and bread makers support the “jam” function. You simply add all the necessary components and set the appropriate mode settings. The equipment comes with a recipe book that includes jams. Perhaps the most complex jam recipes cannot be easily prepared in the microwave. But you need to start simple and to start a business it is rational to start production using a microwave oven. The reasons for the rationality of choice are as follows:

  1. The ratio of price and volume of production.
  2. Possibility to sterilize jars for subsequent preservation of finished products.

When home production begins to generate income, it is quite rational to think about purchasing additional equipment to modernize the production line. Then it’s better, of course, to purchase a multicooker for producing complex recipes. But if you already have a bread machine with suitable functions, great, it will fit harmoniously into the production cycle. Making jam in the microwave is very convenient and quick. Now you don’t need to constantly monitor, stir and worry that the jam will burn.

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First, let's return to strawberry jam. Place the strawberries (even when frozen) in a microwave-safe bowl. For the berries, you need to squeeze the juice out of half a lemon and put the peel directly into the bowl. Place in the microwave for 5-6 minutes at 800 watts. Add sugar to the hot strawberries, mix well and put in the microwave for 20-25 minutes. The jam will thicken and become completely cooked. Remove the lemon peel from the finished jam. You are using home equipment. For now, you have not industrial, but home production of dessert products. You should produce a wide variety rather than a large stock of fruit desserts. Wide range You can significantly increase jam sales. Try making unconventional, exotic jams. Experiment and mix up your own recipe that will be unrivaled. Let's try to simply prepare quite complex orange jam in the microwave. We thoroughly wash the fruits from wax and place them in water for 5-10 minutes to remove unnecessary substances that are used to treat fruits. Using a fine grater, remove the zest (thin orange layer of peel) from three oranges and two lemons. Then we squeeze the juice out of the fruit, without throwing away the peel. We need pectin from the peel. Pour the juice into a glass container, cover the peel with gauze and place it in a bowl of juice. Cook for 20-25 minutes at 800 watts. until the peel becomes completely soft. Then we take out the peel and squeeze out the remaining pectin from it. Then add sugar and cook for another 12-15 minutes until the product thickens. Ready-made jam is best served with pancakes with sour cream.

Launch of equipment for home jam production

Jam, marmalade and confiture can be prepared very quickly in the microwave. The main requirement for equipment for home business- it's price, quality and performance. Therefore, it is better to choose a large microwave oven. For $620 you can buy a Panasonic NN-CD997SZPE microwave oven with a capacity of 42 liters internal space. In addition, this equipment model supports convection mode. The microwave oven is very convenient and high-quality sterilization of canning jars. Before sterilizing, carefully inspect the glass on the jars. Due to the slightest crack or just a chip, the jar will burst in the microwave. You need to wash the container well with baking soda and running water. Then pour water into the jars to a level of 1cm. and place in the microwave for 2-3 minutes at 700-800 watts. When the water boils, the jar is sterilized with steam. The more dishes in the microwave oven, the longer the sterilization time. The main advantages of sterilization in the microwave: fast, high quality and not expensive. Another plus is checking the cans for integrity. A jar that has a crack or chip will burst in the oven before preservation. This way, potential product defects can be identified at an early stage of production. Jam jars that have cracks are likely to ferment and soon burst. A three-liter jar can be placed on its side. Lids, of course, cannot be sterilized in the microwave, and metal objects cannot be placed in the oven. Use traditional equipment to sterilize caps. When you cook jams in the microwave, you sterilize not only the jars, but also the berries and fruit during the cooking process. Just like on industrial production. Buying a capping key for twist-off cans is not a problem at all. The price of a good key is $3.

Recipe and technological composition of canned fruit desserts

Before you start a home business, you should research it well. Using this technology you can produce preserves, marmalade, and marmalade. It is important to have a good understanding of the recipe in order to properly set up the equipment during the home production process. Let's consider the profile of the technological composition of canned fruit desserts. Jam– this healthy dessert dish is made from fruits or berries, which are boiled in concentrated sweet syrup. Jam can only be made from one type of fruit. All fruits in the jam must be entirely preserved in their shape and well soaked in syrup. The color and aroma of the fruit berries should be preserved. Properly prepared jam retains up to 50% of vitamin C in fruits, and vitamin P – up to 90%. Long-term storage of jam is achieved due to the high sugar content (up to 65%). All bacteria that cause spoilage of fruits and berries cannot exist in such conditions. For this reason, if you do not add enough sugar to the jam, it may ferment or become moldy during storage. These processes also threaten the jam if the containers for bottling the product are not sterilized. Another reason is damp, unventilated, damp storage conditions. Jam– has significant differences from jam. When preparing jam, berries and fruits should be beaten and completely boiled to a homogeneous, thick jelly-like mass. Can be mixed as part of jam different types fruits and berries. You can combine to create your own different recipes. Sometimes you get the divine taste of a fruit dessert that seems to be incompatible fruits. For example: pumpkin, dried apricots and lemon. Jam is made from ripe or slightly unripe berries and fruits. Overripe fruits contain little pectin (Pectin is a large group of carbons, found in all plants, designed to support the firmness and elasticity of tissues), which is why the jam will not gel. Sweets made from berries, fruits or vegetables cooked in sugar are called confiture. When preparing confitures, all components are finely chopped and boiled in sugar, molasses or honey. An important feature is that before preparing the confiture, all the fruits are left to sit for several hours until the juice is released. Due to the quick preparation of confiture, the natural color of all the components from which it is prepared is preserved.

Production of homemade wine from defective products

If some types of jam did not sell well and the jars sat for more than 24 months? What if you have a defective product and some jars of jam or marmalade have fermented? Don't rush to throw them away. You can make excellent homemade wine from old or fermented jam. The main thing is that the jam is mold-free! The recipe is simple and does not require special skills. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 3kg. jam;
  • 3l. ordinary water;
  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons raisins.

Heat the water and add jam to it while stirring. Then add raisins and sugar. On the surface of raisins there are many wine bacteria necessary for high-quality fermentation. This cocktail must be poured into a glass container filled 2/3 full. Then you should close it with a special lid with a fitting, to which a tube is connected at one end, and the other end of the tube is lowered into a glass of water. This entire structure must be left for several weeks in a warm place for fermentation. When the wine ferments, the glass of water will stop gurgling. It's time to strain through a triple layer of gauze and add half a glass of sugar. Then close the wine tightly with a lid and leave to settle for 2 months in a dark and cool place. After 2 months, the wine is ready to serve. Do not use moldy products for wine - it is dangerous! Thus, it is possible to reinsure a significant part of unforeseen expenses.

Home production gives rise to industrial business

Most likely, you already have everything in your kitchen to turn your culinary talents into a stable income. Try making one jar of jam for yourself and sell the other to your friends, even your neighbors. Then draw the right conclusions and act, expanding the circle of consumers and the range of products produced. Fraser Doherty sold his own products and proved that nave millionaires are born. Now SuperJam brand products can be found in all TESCO supermarkets. But even if you don’t manage to earn a million, as Fraser did, the additional income will still not be superfluous. The business idea is based on a concept that works effectively. And with the help of unique recipes you can compete with any major manufacturer. Believe in the product you produce and sell and you will achieve business success. Your product is healthy, tasty and can become unique. There are not many business ideas that start working with minimal investment. In addition, all such ideas are usually resistant to financial crises.

Fruit processing line (apples, pears) for the production of jam, confitures, marmalade and jams.

Vacuum homogenizing digester for making preserves, jams

NZPO LLC - Molpromline™ develops and produces the lineup Vacuum boilers, homogenizing modules and production lines for the production of preserves, jams with or without the addition of whole berries.

Vacuum boiler or line of equipment for jam, jams is produced taking into account the requirements technological process manufacturing the product taking into account the customer's wishes.

The line, module or vacuum boiler can be made of any volume, ranging from 50 to 3000 liters per production cycle.

The working size of the containers is limited not by our technical capabilities, but by the ease of servicing the equipment and the sum of such indicators as cooking time + product mixing quality + energy consumption.

A vacuum boiler or module for the production of thermostable fillings can be manufactured with a lifting lid using an electromechanical screw lift, or with a sealed lid and a technological hatch, or with a manual lifting of the lid. The design of the boiler is determined only by the working volume and ease of maintenance.

BERRY - kit for producing berries ground with sugar

The design of the lid does not affect the quality of the product.

The advantage of vacuum cooking jams and preserves

Preparation of the product in a vacuum container (boiler) occurs at lower temperatures than in atmospheric containers (boilers), which helps to preserve a greater percentage of the content of useful substances in the final product. Using a vacuum when loading the product makes the process faster and more convenient.

The use of vacuum when cooking a product in a vacuum container, vacuum homogenizing unit, module or boiler significantly increases the shelf life of a number of products due to degassing, namely, the removal of air inclusions from the resulting mixture.

Equipment for making jam and jam

In fact, the configuration of a production line or homogenizing vacuum module depends 50% on the technologist who will work with this equipment.

The module can be equipped with homogenizing and pumping units and devices, both submersible and remote type.

The product can be heated either with steam or other coolants using electric heating elements.

Some technologists prefer universal modules with combined heating and cooling jackets, others insist on separate containers, often this depends not only on the requirements for the technological process.

The recovery of dry components and further pasteurization of the mixture before entering into the main vacuum boiler, reactor or module can be carried out in separate emulsifier mixers, or directly introduced through a special funnel into the circulation pipeline, through a homogenizer-dispersant using vacuum.

Jam is a product made from fruits or berries boiled in sugar or sugar-treacle syrup so that the fruits in the finished product are not boiled.

The syrup should be thick, viscous, but not gelling. The syrup separates freely from the fruit; the ratio of fruit to syrup in the jam should be 1:1.

Used as a raw material for making jam different kinds pome and stone fruits, berries, as well as figs, tangerines, nuts, melons, Kazanlak rose petals.

Jam is made from ripe fruits or berries. The exception is walnuts, which are used by greens.

Unripe or overripe raw materials are unsuitable for making jam. Fruits that have not reached full maturity produce a product that is poor in taste and does not have the aroma characteristic of mature raw materials. The cells of unripe fruits have small vacuoles and are almost entirely filled with protoplasm. Under the influence of sugar syrup, strong plasmolysis is observed in such cells. As a result, the volume of the fruit decreases sharply, which reduces the yield of the finished product. The consistency of fruits in jam made from unripe raw materials is hard. The syrup in such jam gels easily, especially if it is made from fruits rich in pectin and acids (cherry plum, dogwood, cranberry, black currant, etc.). As a result, the product acquires a jelly-like consistency that is undesirable for jam.

Overripe fruits and berries are not suitable for making jam, as they easily boil over.

Pome and stone fruits intended for making jam must reach their maximum size, have the color characteristic of mature raw materials and have juicy, but not softened tissue. For stone fruits and Chinese apples, minimum permissible raw material sizes have been established. Jam can be made from dogwood only if the weight of the stone does not exceed 30% of the weight of the fruit. Green walnuts must be in the milky stage of maturity - without a woody shell. To determine the technical maturity of nuts, the upper part of the fruit is cut off and the absence of hardening is checked. The petals of the Kazanlak rose are collected from flowers that have not fully blossomed. Petals should be natural color, soft, not dry. For making jam, tangerines are used when they are ripe, have reached their maximum size, have an intense orange color, without any green spots. Unripe raw materials are rich in the glucoside naringin, which gives the fruits bitterness.

Both fresh and quick-frozen or sulfated fruits can be used to make jam. The exceptions are melons and walnuts, which are used only fresh.

Raw materials entering production are sorted by quality, degree of maturity, color, and size. At the same time, unusable specimens are removed. Fruits rejected by appearance, but healthy, are used to make jam.

The sorted raw materials are washed in a fan washing machine, cleaned, cut, blanched, pricked, and rolled. The nature of the operations for preparing fruits and berries for making jam depends on the type of raw material.

Pre-treatment of fruits and berries has a significant impact on the quality of jam. The cooking process can be greatly accelerated by cutting or pricking the raw material, as well as blanching it.

In the finished jam, the fruits should be evenly soaked in sugar. Some fruits have a skin consisting of dense cells that prevent the diffusion of sugar syrup into the fruit tissue. Cutting the fruit into pieces or piercing them removes this obstacle. The punctures should be deep and frequent enough so that the syrup can quickly soak the fruit. Needling also helps remove air from the intercellular passages. When whole fruits are heated, the air expands and can cause damage to the integrity of the fruit tissue and especially their skin - the fruits crack.

Pricking or cutting ensures that the syrup penetrates into the fruit, but sugar cannot penetrate into the cells, since the protoplasm of a living cell is semi-permeable. Under such conditions, under the influence of concentrated sugar syrup, the cells are easily dehydrated and the volume of the fruit decreases. This reduces the yield of jam and deteriorates its quality.

Blanching the fruit causes the coagulation of protoplasmic proteins. At the same time, its permeability increases, which ensures the penetration of sugar syrup into the cells.

Some types of berries (black currants, cranberries) have rough skin. To ensure that the berries in the finished jam are not hard, they are lightly rolled before cooking.

Preparation individual species raw materials, in addition to the sorting, washing and inspection processes common to all fruits and berries, includes the following operations

Cherries and cherries are freed from the stalks. In addition, sometimes the bones are removed.

White and pink cherries are blanched in hot water at a temperature of 80-90 ° C for no more than 3 minutes, then cooled in cold running water to avoid overcooking.

Small apricots (up to 35 mm in diameter) are supplied for making jam as whole fruits with pits, and large apricots - in halves. Apricots used with the pit are pricked.

Peaches are cut into halves or slices, removing the seeds, and then subjected to chemical peeling in a boiling solution of caustic soda with a concentration of 2-3%. Then the raw material is blanched in hot (85° C) water for no more than 5 minutes and washed intensively, removing any remaining skin, as well as alkali.

Sometimes peaches are blanched in 25-30% sugar syrup.

How to open a jam production workshop (VIDEO)

In this case, the fruits must be washed from alkali before blanching, since alkali destroys the sugar contained in the syrup

The plums are peeled from the stalks and processed in a boiling 0.5% solution of caustic soda to apply a mesh, which, as in the production of compotes, protects the fruits from cracking. Instead of applying a mesh, plums are sometimes deeply cut lengthwise (along the “groove”) or blanched for no more than 5 minutes in water at a temperature of 80-85 ° C, and then pricked. Plums are also blanched in 25% sugar syrup at 80-85 ° C, using this syrup to pour over the fruit before cooking.

Large plums for making jam can be cut into halves, removing the pit. Plum halves are not blanched.

The dogwood is peeled from the stalks and blanched in 10% sugar syrup at a temperature of 100°C for a minute or in water at a temperature of 80°C for up to 5 minutes, then cooled.

Pome fruits (pears, apples and quinces) are cleaned of the skin, calyx and seed nest. The skin of pears and quinces can be removed by treating the fruits in a hot solution of caustic soda, followed by thorough rinsing in water. The peeled fruits are cut into slices 15-25 mm thick. Small-fruited pears and apples are preserved in halves, and large-fruited quince in pieces. Apple and pear slices are blanched in boiling water for 10-15 minutes, and quince slices are blanched until softened, after which they are cooled. For boiled apples, blanching in 50% sugar syrup is practiced.

To avoid darkening, peeled fruits are stored in a 1% solution of citric or tartaric acid.

Chinese and paradise apples are boiled with whole fruits. Their stalk is cut short and the sepals are removed. The fruits are blanched for 3-5 minutes in boiling water or in 10% sugar syrup and cooled.

Apples are pricked. If blanching is carried out in water, then they are pricked after blanching in order to reduce the loss of extractives. In the case of blanching in sugar syrup, they are pricked before blanching, which makes it easier for the syrup to penetrate the fruit.

The grapes are removed from the ridges.

Black currants are freed from the ovary and treated with steam or hot water. Sometimes, instead of heating, pre-calibrated blackcurrants are passed through stainless steel rollers.

Cranberries and lingonberries are peeled and blanched in boiling water or rolled.

Strawberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries are cleaned of sepals and stalks.

The gooseberries are freed from the stalks and pricked.

The stalks of figs are cut off. The fruits are blanched for 5 minutes in hot water.

Tangerines are boiled in halves or whole fruits, pre-drilled along the diameter along the segments. The raw material is blanched for 15 minutes in hot water, then soaked in cold water for 12 hours in the case of subsequent cutting into halves or 24 hours when boiling whole fruits. When soaked, the bitter glucoside naringin contained in the skin and albedo is leached.

Nuts can be processed in one of the following ways. According to the first method, the rough covering layer of nuts is removed by immersing the fruits for 3-5 minutes in a 5% boiling solution of caustic alkali. After this, the nuts are washed with cold water to completely remove the peel, as well as alkali from the surface of the raw material.

Peeled nuts are kept for two days in cold water, changing it every 6 hours. This leaches tannins, which give the fruits an extremely tart taste. Soaking is completed when the nuts turn yellow and the water is no longer colored. Then the nuts are treated for 24 hours in lime water with a density of 1.045-1.060 g/cm3. In this case, the nuts acquire a dark purple color and become hard due to the formation of calcium pectate. Next, the nuts are thoroughly washed with cold water, pricked, treated for 15-20 minutes in a 1.5% boiling solution of potassium alum to give the fabric greater strength, and blanched for 20-30 minutes in a 5% sugar solution or in water. Jam made from nuts prepared using this method has a dark, almost black color.

According to the second method, the nuts are dried in air for 1-2 days. In this case, the skin dries out and can be removed with a knife. Peeled fruits darken very quickly in air due to the oxidation of tannins with oxygen, so immediately after cleaning they are immersed in a 0.3% solution of tartaric acid. The prepared fruits are bleached with sulfur dioxide, then blanched in a boiling solution containing 0.3% potassium alum and 0.3% tartaric acid. Blanched nuts are water cooled. Nut jam made using this method is light yellow in color.

Melons for making jam are peeled, seeds and a thin layer of pulp adjacent to the seeds, and then cut into pieces 3-5 cm long and up to 2 cm thick or into cubes. Then the raw material is blanched for 5-10 minutes in hot water and cooled. To strengthen the tissue, tender varieties of melon are kept in lime water for 20-30 minutes before blanching.

Rose petals are removed from the flower by cutting off the stem and the rough base of the petals with scissors. After this, the petals are sifted to remove pollen, washed with cold water and blanched for no more than 10 minutes in boiling water with stirring. The water remaining after blanching contains the aromatic substances of the rose and is therefore used to prepare the syrup in which the jam is cooked.

Feijoa is peeled, immersed for 2-3 minutes in a 3% caustic soda solution, then washed with cold water. Peeled fruits easily darken in air, so they are stored in a 1% solution of citric or tartaric acid until further processing.

Sulfated fruits and berries are first desulfated by blanching in hot water. When long-term heating is necessary for desulfitation, leading to boiling of the raw material, the fruits are pre-soaked in cold water, thereby reducing the duration of blanching. Desulfitation should be carried out so that the content of sulfur dioxide in the finished jam does not exceed 0.01%.

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