"Buk": history of creation and characteristics. Air defense systems: self-propelled air defense system "Buk" Anti-aircraft missile system Buk m1

Cooperation of enterprises headed by "NIIP named after V.V.Tikhonravov" in 1994-1997. work was carried out to create a modernized Buk-M1-2 complex on the basis of the 9K37 Buk air defense system. At the same time, the complex turned into a universal fire weapon.

Through the application new rocket 9M317 and the modernization of other means of the complex, for the first time, the possibility of hitting tactical ballistic missiles of the "Lance" type, aircraft missiles at ranges up to 20 km, elements of high-precision weapons, surface ships at ranges up to 25 km and ground targets (aircraft at airfields, launchers, large command posts) at ranges up to 15 km. The effectiveness of destroying aircraft, helicopters and cruise missiles has been increased. The boundaries of the affected areas have been increased to 45 km in range and up to 25 km in height.

The uniqueness of the Buk complex and all its modifications lies in the fact that with a significant size of the affected area in terms of range, height and parameters, a combat mission can be performed by the autonomous use of only one fire ground weapon - a self-propelled firing system. This quality makes it possible to ensure the surprise of shelling air targets from ambush, autonomous operational change of combat position, which significantly increases the survivability of the installation.

Currently, the developers are proposing a new version of the family, designated "Buk-M2".


The Buk-M1-2 complex differs from its predecessor the Buk-M1 air defense system primarily in the use of the new 9M317 missile (see photo). In addition to the use of an improved missile, it is planned to introduce a new tool into the complex - a radar for illuminating targets and guiding missiles with the antenna placed in a working position at a height of up to 22 m using a telescopic device (see photo).

With the introduction of radar for target illumination and guidance, the combat capabilities of the complex for hitting low-flying targets, in particular, modern cruise missiles, are significantly expanded.

The composition of the complex:

  • command post 9S470M1-2 (see photo , , , , )
  • six self-propelled firing systems 9А310М1-2 (see photo)
  • three launchers 9A39M1 (see photo)
  • target detection station 9S18M1 (see photo)
  • a car Maintenance(MTO) 9V881M1-2 with trailer ZIP 9T456
  • maintenance workshop (MTO) AGZ-M1
  • repair and maintenance vehicles (MRTO):
    • MRTO-1 9V883M1
    • MRTO-2 9V884M1
    • MRTO-3 9V894M1
  • transport vehicle 9T243 with a set of technological equipment (CTO) 9T3184
  • automated control and test mobile station (AKIPS) 9V95M1
  • missile repair machine (workshop) 9T458
  • unified compressor station UKS-400V
  • mobile power plant PES-100-T / 400-AKR1 (see photo).

The complex is offered in two versions - mobile on tracked vehicles of the GM-569 family, similar to those used in previous modifications of the Buk complex, as well as transported on road trains with semi-trailers and KrAZ vehicles. In the latter option, with some cost reduction, the cross-country performance deteriorates and the deployment time of the air defense system from the march increases from 5 to 10-15 minutes.

The self-propelled firing system 9A310M1-2 includes:

  • radar station (RLS)
  • launcher (PU) with four missiles
  • digital Computing System,
  • television optical sight,
  • laser rangefinder,
  • navigation and communication equipment,
  • radio interrogator "friend or foe",
  • built-in trainer
  • documentation equipment.

The location of the radar and launcher with missiles on one rigid platform allows using an electro-hydraulic drive to carry out their simultaneous rotation in azimuth with the rise and fall of the artillery unit. In the process of combat work, the SOU carries out detection, identification, auto-tracking and recognition of the type of target, development of a flight task, solution of a launch task, launch of a rocket, target illumination and transmission of radio correction commands to the rocket, evaluation of firing results. The JMA can fire at targets both as part of an anti-aircraft missile system when targeting from a command post, and autonomously in a predetermined sector of responsibility. The shelling of targets can be carried out both from the SDA itself, and from the launcher-loader attached to it.

The 9A310M1-2 SOU can be equipped with both the standard 9M38M1 missile and the newly developed 9M317 missile.

The 9M317 anti-aircraft guided missile was developed as a single air defense missile for the ground forces and air defense of the Navy ships (SAM "Ezh"). It strikes tactical ballistic missiles, strategic and tactical aviation aircraft, including those maneuvering with an overload of up to 12 units, cruise missiles, fire support helicopters (including those hovering at low altitudes), remotely piloted aircraft, anti-ship missiles in conditions of intense radio countermeasures, as well as radio-contrast surface and ground targets.

The 9M317 missile, compared to the 9M38M1, has an expanded kill zone of up to 45 km in range and up to 25 km in height and parameters, as well as a large range of targets to be hit.

Outwardly, it differs from the 9M38M1 by a significantly shorter wing chord length, it provides for the use of an inertially corrected control system with a semi-active radar seeker 9B-1103M guided by the proportional navigation method.

The technical solutions incorporated in it made it possible, based on the results of recognition, to adapt the control system and combat equipment of the missile to the type of target (ballistic target, aerodynamic target, helicopter, small target, surface (ground) target) and increase the probability of destruction. Due technical solutions, implemented in the on-board equipment of the rocket and the means of the complex, firing at radio-contrast surface and ground targets and their defeat due to a direct hit are provided. The missile can hit targets flying at ultra-low altitudes. Target acquisition range with EPR = 5 m² - 40 km.

A fully assembled and armed rocket is explosion-proof and does not require checks and adjustments during the entire period of operation. The rocket has high level reliability. Its service life is 10 years and can be extended after special work.

The high efficiency, versatility and possibility of using the 9M317 SAM was confirmed during military exercises and firing.

The secrecy of the JMA operation has been improved due to the introduction of a laser rangefinder, which, together with a television-optical sight, provides passive direction finding of ground (NZTs) and surface (NVTs) targets. Modified software digital computing system provides optimal angles of flight of the missile to the target, at which the influence of the underlying surface on the homing head of the missile is minimized. To increase the effectiveness of the missile warhead when working on surface (ground) targets, the radio fuse is turned off and the contact fuse is connected. To improve the noise immunity of the complex, new mode- "coordinate support". In this mode, for firing at the active jammer, the range coordinate from other means of the complex is used. Thus, in comparison with the previously used "Triangulation" mode, in which two SDAs were involved, the number of firing channels for the active jammer is doubled.

SOU 9A310M1-2 can be interfaced with the means of the "Cube" complex. At the same time, the Kub complex can simultaneously fire at two targets instead of one. One target channel is SOU 9A310M1-2 with an attached self-propelled launcher (SPU) 2P25, the second is a regular one, that is, a reconnaissance and guidance control station (SURN) 1S91 with SPU 2P25.

IN last years in the Research Institute of Instrument Engineering and related organizations, a number of developmental works have been successfully completed for the further modernization of the anti-aircraft missile system as a whole and its individual elements.

The main directions of modernization:

  • increase in the number of simultaneously fired targets through the use of a phased antenna array (PAR);
  • Improving noise immunity by adapting the phased array beam to tactical and jamming conditions.
  • increasing the efficiency of the radar by increasing the power of the transmitter and the sensitivity of the microwave receiver (new electronic devices);
  • the use of high-speed computers and modern digital signal processing.

The modernized SDA with PAR can be interfaced with the means of the BUK-M1-2 complex, as a result of which the number of targets simultaneously fired by it can be increased from 6 to 10 - 12.

The Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Engineering was appointed as its main developer, and the 9A39 launcher-loaders were created at the Start Machine-Building Design Bureau. Unified tracked chassis for combat vehicles of the complex were developed at OKB-40 of the Mytishchi Machine-Building Plant, while the design of 9M38 missiles was entrusted to the Sverdlovsk Machine-Building Design Bureau Novator. The 9S18 Kupol detection and target designation station was developed at the Research Institute of Measuring Instruments. In the West, the complex received the designation SA-11 Gadfly ("Bumblebee").

The Buk air defense system included:

- ZUR 9M38 anti-aircraft missile It was equipped with a dual-mode solid-propellant engine (total operating time - 15 seconds), and in front of it a semi-active homing head, autopilot equipment, power sources and a high-explosive fragmentation warhead were sequentially placed.

- Command post 9S470 Its function is to receive and process information about targets coming from the 9S18 detection station and six self-propelled firing installations, select targets and distribute them between installations. The command post processed messages about 46 targets at an altitude of up to 20 km in a zone with a radius of 100 km.

- Detection and target designation station 9S18 "Kupol" A three-coordinate centimeter-range coherent-pulse station with electronic beam scanning in the sector and mechanical rotation of the antenna was designed to detect and identify air targets at ranges up to 120 km and transmit information to the command post.

- Self-propelled firing system 9A310 The time for transferring the installation from traveling to combat was no more than 5 minutes, and the time for transferring from standby to working mode was no more than 20 seconds, it took no more than 12 minutes to charge the installation with four missiles. Length 9A310 - 9.3 m, width - 3.25 m (9.03 m in working position), and height - 3.8 m (7.72 m, respectively).

- Launcher-loader 9A39 It was intended for the transportation and storage of eight missiles (4 each on the launcher and on fixed cradles), launching four missiles, self-loading its launcher with four missiles from cradles and self-loading eight missiles from a transport vehicle (in 26 minutes). The composition of the launcher, in addition to the launcher, crane and lodgements, included: a digital computer, navigation equipment, topographic reference and orientation, a communication system, power supply and power supply units. The launcher is 9.96 m long, 3.316 m wide and 3.8 m high.

Joint tests of the Buk complex were carried out from November 1977 to March 1979 at the Emba training ground in Kazakhstan. "Buk" has surpassed all complexes of a similar purpose that preceded it (SAM "Kub-M3" and "Kub-M4"), demonstrating higher combat and operational characteristics.

The installation ensured the simultaneous shelling of up to six targets by the division, and, if necessary, the performance of up to six independent combat missions with the autonomous use of self-propelled firing systems. The Buk was distinguished by greater reliability of target detection due to the organization of a joint survey of space by a detection station and six self-propelled firing systems.

According to the results of fire tests, it was determined that the Buk air defense system provides shelling of non-maneuvering targets flying at speeds up to 800 m / s at altitudes from 25 m to 18 km, at ranges from 3 to 25 km (up to 30 km at target speeds up to 300 m / s) and with a probability of defeat equal to 0.7−0.8. When firing at targets maneuvering with overloads of up to 8 units, the probability of hitting was reduced to 0.6. As a result, the Buk complex was adopted by the air defense forces in 1980.


In accordance with the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of November 30, 1979, the Buk air defense system was modernized to increase its combat capabilities, the protection of electronic equipment from interference and anti-radar missiles. The combat means of the Buk-M1 complex were interchangeable with the Buk air defense system without modifications, the regular organization of combat formations and technical units is also similar to the Buk complex.

The 9A310M1 self-propelled firing mount, compared to the 9A310 mount, ensured the detection and capture of a target for escort at long ranges (by 25–30%), as well as the recognition of aircraft, ballistic missiles and helicopters with a probability of at least 0.6.

The 9S470M1 command post, compared to the 9S470 command post of the Buk complex, ensured the simultaneous reception of information from its own detection and target designation station and about six targets from the control point.

The complex used a more advanced detection and target designation station 9S18M1 ("Kupol-M1"), which has a self-propelled tracked chassis GM-567M, of the same type with a command post, a self-propelled firing system and a launcher-loader.


Cooperation of enterprises headed by NIIP named after V.V. Tikhomirov in 1994-1997, work was carried out to create a modernized Buk-M1-2 complex. As a result, it turned into a universal fire weapon: due to the use of the new 9M317 missile and the modernization of other weapons, it was for the first time possible to destroy tactical combat missiles, aircraft missiles at ranges up to 20 km, elements of high-precision weapons, ships at ranges up to 25 km and ground targets ( aircraft at airfields, launchers, large command posts) at ranges up to 15 km. The effectiveness of the destruction was also increased, the boundaries of the affected zones were increased to 45 km in range and up to 25 km in height.

The Buk-M1-2 complex differs from its predecessor before in the use of the new 9M317 missile. In addition, it is planned to introduce a new tool into the complex - radar illumination of targets and guidance of missiles with the placement of the antenna in the working position at a height of up to 22 meters using a telescopic device. Thanks to this, the combat capabilities of the complex to defeat low-flying targets, in particular, modern cruise missiles, have significantly expanded.

The complex is offered in two versions - mobile on tracked vehicles of the GM-569 family of the type used in previous modifications of the Buk complex, as well as transported by KrAZ vehicles with semi-trailers. In the automotive version, with a slight decrease in cost, the cross-country performance and deployment time deteriorate. anti-aircraft missile system increases from 5 to 15 minutes.

The composition of the self-propelled firing system 9A310M1-2 includes:- radar station (RLS) - launcher with four missiles - digital computer system - television optical sight - laser range finder - navigation and communication equipment - radio direction finder


The multifunctional highly mobile medium-range anti-aircraft missile system 9K317 "Buk-M2" is designed to destroy tactical and strategic aviation, cruise missiles, helicopters and other aircraft throughout their range practical application in conditions of intense enemy electronic and fire countermeasures, as well as to combat tactical ballistic, aviation missiles and other elements of high-precision weapons, destroy surface and ground targets. The Buk-M2 air defense system can be used for air defense of troops, in various forms military operations, administrative and industrial facilities and territories of the country.

The Buk-M2 was intended to replace the Kub and Buk anti-aircraft systems of previous generations and was supposed to enter service in the early 1990s, but this did not happen due to the collapse of the USSR and the difficult economic situation. Work to improve the complex continued in 2008, and Ulyanovsk mechanical plant began mass production of the modern version of the 9K317 Buk-M2 complex, which began to enter the troops. In parallel, taking into account the requirements of foreign customers, an export version of the Buk-M2E - Ural was developed. Currently, the Buk air defense system is in service with Belarus, Azerbaijan, Venezuela, Georgia, Egypt, Cyprus, Serbia, Syria, Ukraine, and Finland.

The composition of the complex 9K317 "Buk-M2":- combat means - 9M317 anti-aircraft guided missiles - 9A317 and 9A318 self-propelled firing systems (towed) - 9A316 and 9A320 launchers - controls - 9S510 command post - 9S18M1-3 target detection radar - 9S36 missile illumination and guidance radar

Self-propelled firing system 9A317 is made on the tracked chassis GM-569. In the process of combat operation of a self-propelled firing system, it detects, identifies, auto-tracks and recognizes the type of target, develops a flight mission, solves a launch task, launches a rocket, illuminates the target and transmits radio correction commands to the rocket. The installation is capable of firing at targets both as part of an anti-aircraft missile system when targeting from a command post, and autonomously in a predetermined sector of responsibility. The complex can be transported without limitation of speed and distance by rail, air and water transport.


Currently, work is underway to create new military air defense systems, including the promising Buk-M3 air defense system. It is expected that the new complex will have 36 target channels and will be capable of hitting air targets flying at speeds up to 3 km/s at a distance of up to 70 km and an altitude of up to 35 km, which will allow attacking highly maneuverable targets in conditions of strong radio countermeasures, hitting all existing aerodynamic targets, ground and surface targets, tactical missiles. The modernized self-propelled firing system will receive a modified seven-roller tracked chassis and 6 missiles in transport and launch containers.

The uniqueness of the Buk complex and all its modifications lies in the fact that with a significant size of the affected area in terms of range, height and parameters, a combat mission can be performed by the autonomous use of only one fire ground weapon - a self-propelled firing system. This quality makes it possible to ensure the surprise of shelling air targets from ambush and autonomous operational change of combat position, which significantly increases the survivability of the installation.

This post will explain to you in detail what a military air defense system "BUK" is and how it functions in a combat environment. I think many of us have heard this abbreviation of the anti-aircraft missile system in the media in connection with, but not everyone understands how the BUK air defense system works and how it functions.

The military air defense system "Buk" (9K37) was intended to combat aerodynamic targets flying at speeds up to 830 m / s, at medium and low altitudes, maneuvering with overloads up to 10-12 units, at ranges up to 30 km, and in perspective - and with ballistic missiles "Lance".
The development was started according to the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of January 13, 1972 and provided for the use of cooperation between developers and manufacturers, in terms of the main composition corresponding to that previously involved in the creation of the Kub air defense system. At the same time, the development of the M-22 Uragan air defense system was determined for Navy using a single missile system with the Buk complex.

The developer of the Buk air defense system as a whole was determined by the Research Institute of Instrumentation (NIIP) of the Scientific Design Association (NPO) Fazotron ( CEO VC. Grishin) MRP (former OKB-15 GKAT). A.A. Rastov was appointed chief designer of the 9K37 complex as a whole, G.N. semi-active Doppler homing head 9E50 for missiles - I.G. Akopyan.
Launcher-charging units (PZU) 9A39 were created at the Machine-Building Design Bureau (MKB) "Start" of the MAP (former SKB-203 GKAT) under the leadership of A.I. Yaskin. Unified tracked chassis for combat vehicles of the complex were created in OKB-40 of the Mytishchi Machine-Building Plant (MMZ) of the Ministry of Transport Engineering by a team headed by N.A. Astrov. The development of 9M38 missiles was entrusted to the Sverdlovsk Machine-Building Design Bureau (SMKB) "Novator" MAP (former OKB-8), headed by L.V. Lyulyev, refusing to involve the Design Bureau of Plant No. 134, which had previously developed missiles for the Kub complex. The detection and target designation station (SOC) 9S18 ("Dome") was developed at the Research Institute of Measuring Instruments (NIIIP) MRP under the leadership of the chief designer A.P. Vetoshko (then - Yu.P. Shchekotov).
The completion of the development of the means of the complex was envisaged in the II quarter. 1975

However, for the speedy strengthening of the air defense of the main striking force of the Ground Forces - tank divisions - with an increase in the combat capabilities of the Kub anti-aircraft missile regiments included in these divisions by doubling the target channel (and ensuring, if possible, the full autonomy of these channels in the process of work from detection to hitting the target). By a decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of May 22, 1974, it was ordered to carry out the creation of the Buk air defense system in two stages. Initially, it was proposed to develop at an accelerated pace the missile defense system and the self-propelled firing system of the Buk air defense system, capable of launching both 9M38 and 3M9M3 missiles from the Kub-M3 complex. On this basis, using other means of the Kub-M3 complex, it was planned to create the Buk-1 (9K37-1) air defense system, ensuring its access to joint tests in September 1974, while maintaining the previously prescribed volumes and terms of work on the Buk complex » in full specified composition.
For the Buk-1 air defense system, each of the five anti-aircraft missile batteries of the Kub-M3 regiment, in addition to one self-propelled reconnaissance and guidance unit and four self-propelled launchers, had one 9A38 self-propelled firing system from the Buk air defense system. Thus, due to the use of a self-propelled firing system with a cost of about 30% of the cost of all other battery assets in the Kub-MZ anti-aircraft missile regiment, the number of target channels increased from 5 to 10, and the number of combat-ready missiles - from 60 to 75.

In the period from August 1975 to October 1976, the Buk-1 air defense system as part of the 1S91M3 self-propelled reconnaissance and guidance system, the 9A38 self-propelled firing system, 2P25M3 self-propelled launchers, 3M9M2 and 9M38 missiles, as well as a maintenance vehicle (MTO) 9V881 passed state tests at the Emba test site (head of the test site B.I. Vashchenko) under the leadership of a commission headed by P.S. Bimbash.
As a result of the tests, the detection range of self-propelled firing system radar aircraft in autonomous mode was obtained from 65 to 77 km at altitudes of more than 3000 m, which at low altitudes (30-100 m) decreased to 32-41 km. Helicopters at low altitudes were detected at a distance of 21-35 km. In a centralized mode of operation due to disabilities of the 1S91M2 self-propelled reconnaissance and guidance system that produces target designation, the detection range of aircraft was reduced to 44 km for targets at altitudes of 3000-7000 m and to 21-28 km at low altitudes.

The operating time of a self-propelled firing system in autonomous mode (from target detection to launch of missiles) was 24-27 seconds. The charging and discharging time for three 3M9M3 or 9M38 missiles was about 9 minutes.
When firing the 9M38 missiles, the defeat of aircraft flying at altitudes of more than 3 km was ensured at a distance of 3.4 to 20.5 km, and at an altitude of 3.1 m - from 5 to 15.4 km. The affected area in height ranged from 30 m to 14 km, in terms of heading parameter - 18 km. The probability of hitting an aircraft with one 9M38 missile was 0.70-0.93.
The complex was put into service in 1978. Due to the fact that the 9A38 self-propelled firing system and the 9M38 missile defense system were means that only supplemented the means of the Kub-MZ air defense system, the complex was called the Kub-M4 ″ (2K12M4).
The Kub-M4 complexes that appeared in the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces made it possible to significantly increase the effectiveness of the air defense of the tank divisions of the Ground Forces of the Soviet Army.

The Buk-M1-2 air defense system is a multi-purpose system that simultaneously fires six targets flying at different azimuths and heights. High firepower, created by the 6 firing channels of the complex, allows you to effectively hit the tracked targets. The armament of the complex is modern anti-aircraft guided missiles 9M317, which have high technical specifications that ensure the destruction of air and surface targets, as well as the conduct of combat work on ground targets. Missiles are launched from 9A310M1-2 self-propelled launchers and 9A39M1-2 launchers.

One of the significant differences between the Buk-M1-2 air defense system and the Buk-M1 complex is the presence of a laser rangefinder in the SOU 9A310M1-2, which makes it possible to successfully carry out combat work on surface and ground targets with microwave radiation turned off, which significantly improves performance noise immunity, secrecy and survivability of the complex.
The “coordinate support” mode implemented in the Buk-M1-2 complex allows you to successfully solve combat missions with an intense impact on the active interference complex.

The complex ensures the defeat of aerodynamic targets with maximum approach speeds of 1100-1200 m/s and removal - 300 m/s in the zone in height from 15 m to 25 km, in range from 3 to 42 km. Provides destruction of cruise missiles (CR) at ranges up to 26 km, tactical ballistic missiles (TBR) - at ranges up to 20 km. The zone of destruction of the complex when firing at surface targets is up to 25 km. The probability of being hit by one missile is 0.8-0.9, the working time is 20 s. The deployment time of the complex from traveling to combat is up to 5 minutes. The combat means of the complex are mounted on highly passable self-propelled tracked chassis, providing movement both on the highway and on a dirt road and off-road with maximum speed 65 km/h Fuel reserve - 500 km with reserve for two-hour combat work.
The complex provides operation at temperatures environment from -50°C to +50°C and at altitudes up to 3000 m, as well as in the conditions of the use of nuclear and chemical weapons.

The facilities of the complex are equipped with autonomous power supply systems, along with this, the possibility of working from external power sources is provided. Time continuous work facilities of the complex -24 hours.
The complex includes combat means:
command post 9S470M1-2, designed to control the combat operations of the complex (one);
target detection station 9S18M1, which provides detection of air targets, identification of their nationality and transmission of information about the air situation to the command post (one);
self-propelled firing system 9A310M1-2, which provides combat work both as part of a complex in a given sector of responsibility, and in an autonomous mode and performs detection, target acquisition, identification
its nationality and the shelling of the escorted target (six);
launcher-loader 9A39M1-2, designed for launching, transporting and storing missiles 9M317, as well as carrying out loading and unloading operations with them (three are attached to two SOU 9A310M1-2);
anti-aircraft guided missile 9M317, designed to destroy air, surface and ground targets in conditions of intense enemy radio countermeasures.

The high combat readiness of the 9K37M1-2 complex is maintained with the help of attached technical means.
All technical means, except for PES-100 and UKS-400V, are mounted on the chassis of Ural-43203 and ZIL-131 vehicles.
Currently, in parallel with the serial development of the Buk-M1-2 complex, work is underway to significantly modernize the complex, aimed at significantly improving its tactical and technical characteristics.
Directions for the modernization of the Buk-M1-2 air defense system:
a mobile station for automatic detection of sources of radio emission "Orion" is introduced into the complex, which provides information support and increases the efficiency of the complex in conditions of massive use of organized interference and anti-radar missiles;
SOU 9A310M1-2 and PZU 9A39M1-2 are equipped with objective control systems (SOC), which provides operational documented control of the process of combat operation of a self-propelled firing system (SDA) and launcher-charging unit (ROM) with information output to a special electronic computer.
SOK can be used to control the actions of the crew of the firing system in the process of its training.

Today we will talk about such a type of weapons as Buk missile systems. This article has nothing to do with politics, so we will consider the purely technical side of the issue. Let's try to figure out a little what this self-propelled army is, let's get acquainted with its tactical and technical characteristics, firing range, in short, with all its abilities. So, before us is the Buk installation.

The beginning of the story

First you need to decide on the purpose of this installation. It consists in the destruction of aerodynamic targets flying at medium and low altitudes at speeds up to 830 m / s, maneuvering with 12-unit overloads and at a distance of up to 30 kilometers. In accordance with the well-known Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and dated January 13, 1972, they began to develop it. A team of developers and manufacturers, who had previously participated in the creation of the Kub air defense system, was involved in this. Along with this, they appointed the development of the M-22 complex, called "Hurricane", for the Navy using a missile that is fully compatible with the Buk.


The following were identified as developers: the Research Institute of Instrument Engineering, as well as the scientific and design association, which has the name "Fazotron". Rastov A. A. was appointed chief designer of this complex. The launcher-loader was created at the Mashinostroitelny Design Bureau "Start", where Yaskin A.I. was the head. Tracked chassis, unified for the machines of the complex, were developed by the Mytishchi Machine-Building Plant, which was led by Astrov N.A. The Sverdlovsk Design Bureau "Innovator" was instructed to develop 9M38 missiles. The detection station and, of course, target designation "Kupol" was created at the Research Institute of Measuring and Precision Instruments of the Ministry of Radio Industry. In order for the Buk installation to fully function, a set of maintenance and technical support facilities was developed on an automobile chassis. Completion preparatory phase was scheduled for the second quarter of 1975.

Change of plans

By the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU of May 22, 1974, in view of the need for an early strengthening of air defense with the build-up of the Kub regiments that are part of these divisions, it was ordered to create the Buk complex in two stages. First of all, it was necessary to quickly develop a guided anti-aircraft missile and a self-propelled firing system of the complex, which could launch 9M38 missiles, as well as 3M9M3 missiles of the already existing Kub-M3 complex. Then, on this base, the Buk, a new-generation missile system, was to be created. And in September 1974, ensure its participation in joint tests. But, regardless of this, the previously appointed deadlines had to be fully respected.

Self-propelled fire mount 9A38

It was mounted on the GM-569 chassis, and in one installation it combined the functions of a self-propelled launcher and SURN, which were used in the Kub-M3. The created 9A38 installation provided a high-quality search in a given sector, performed detection and subsequent capture of targets for automatic tracking. She also solved the problems before the launch, launch and homing of the three missiles that were located on it, and the other three 3M9M3-guided missiles from the 2P25M3 launcher associated with it.

The firing unit could operate both from the SURN and autonomously. Its weight is 34 tons. The Buk air defense system consisted of: radar 9s35; computing digital system; optical-television sight; starting devices with power servo drive; radar ground interrogator, which operates in the "Password" system; equipment with SPU and SURN; gas turbine generator; equipment for orientation, topographic reference and navigation; life support systems.

Functions of the 9S35 radar station

By the time described, significant progress has been made in the creation of quartz and electromechanical filters, microwave devices, digital computers, which made it possible in 9S35, which is part of the Buk complex, to combine the functions of illumination, detection and target tracking stations. It used two transmitters - pulsed and continuous radiation, she herself worked in the centimeter wave range. One transmitter detected and tracked targets, the other illuminated targets and guided anti-aircraft missiles.

The antenna system carried out the search by sectors, the processing of the received signals was performed by the central computer using the electromechanical method. The transition time for 9S35, part of the Buk air defense system, from standby to combat was less than twenty seconds. The speed of the targets was determined with an accuracy of +10 to -20 m/s, which ensured their selection in a moving state. Possible errors: the root-mean-square when measuring the angular coordinates was 0.5 d.c., the maximum in range was 175 meters. The station was protected from all active, combined and passive interference.

Anti-aircraft missile 9M38

In this rocket, which is part of the Buk air defense system, a solid-propellant dual-mode engine was used. Due to the complexity of mining, they abandoned the use of direct-flow. In addition, he had a lot of resistance in some, mostly passive, sections of the trajectory and, at a large angle of attack, was unstable in operation. For these reasons, the deadline for the creation of the Kub air defense system was disrupted. The scheme of the rocket was normal, standard, X-shaped, with a low elongation wing. From the first glance of her appearance reminiscent of anti-aircraft missiles of the ship families "Tartar" and "Standard" produced by the United States, which fully complied with the size restrictions for the Soviet Navy.

In front of the 9M38, there was an autopilot equipment, a semi-active HMN, a warhead and power. The rocket did not have parts that separated in flight, its length was 5.5 meters, its diameter was 400 millimeters, and the steering span was 860 millimeters. It was equipped with a homing head, which had a combined control system using proportional navigation. "Buk" - a missile system with such a missile - could hit targets flying at an altitude of 25 meters to 20,000 and a range of three and a half to 32 kilometers, its speed was 1000 m / s. The rocket had a weight of 685 kg, including 70 kg of the warhead.

Tests of the Buk installation

The Buk installation from August 1975 to the end of October of the next, 1976, passed state tests. Bimbash P.S. led them, and they were carried out on the territory of the Emba training ground. As you can see, the Buk installation (its photo is presented in the review) consisted of: 1S91M3 SURN, 9A38 firing system, 3M9M3 and 9M38 anti-aircraft guided missiles, 2P25M3 self-propelled launchers, as well as maintenance vehicles. As a result, some amendments were made: the detection range of helicopters was 21-35 kilometers at low altitudes, aircraft - 32-41 km.

The time from the moment the target was detected was 24-27 seconds. Charging time, as well as discharge - nine minutes. The defeat of the aircraft with the 9M38 missile was ensured: at a distance of 3.5-20.5 km - at a flight altitude of more than 3000 meters, 5-15.5 km - at a height of 30 meters. in terms of the course parameter it was 18.5 km, in height - from 30 m to 14.5 km. The probability of fire damage is 0.70-0.93 when launching one missile. In 1978, the Buk-1 (Kub-M4) installation was put into service.

Characteristics of the Buk, command post

We have now learned a lot of details about the weapons we are considering. It's time to group the most basic in one place. So, before us is the Buk complex. The characteristics of his combat means are as follows. 9S470 - a command post installed on the GM-579 - provided display, reception and processing of all data coming from the target designation and detection station, as well as six 9A310 - self-propelled firing systems.

He ensured the selection of the necessary dangerous targets and their correct distribution in manual and automatic modes between firing self-propelled installations, assigned them responsible sectors and many other important activities. The Buk complex, thanks to the CP, works normally when using missiles against radar and with interference. The command post can process 46 targets at an altitude of up to 20,000 m in a zone with a radius of 100,000 m. Up to six target designations were issued in one station survey cycle. 28 tons - the mass of the KP, given from six people.

Target designation and detection station "Kupol"

We continue the conversation about what the Buk installation is. The characteristics of the “Dome” are the next stage of its consideration. This station has an electronic beam scanning in elevation in a 30-40 degree sector with a mechanical rotation of the antenna along a given azimuth. The purpose of the 9S18 is to detect and identify targets in the air at an altitude of 30 meters to 45.5 kilometers, at a distance of up to 120 kilometers. Then information about the situation in the air is transmitted to the CP 9S470. Depending on the set sector and the presence of interference, the viewing speed is 5-18 seconds with a circular view and 2.5-4.5 seconds with a 30-degree sector view. The received information was transmitted over the telecode line during the review period, which is 4.5 seconds, in the amount of 75 marks. Protection against aiming, response, non-synchronous impulse noise was also developed.

Also, regardless of the presence of barrage noise interference, the detection of a fighter located at an altitude of up to 5,000 meters was ensured. The “dome”, which is part of the Buk anti-aircraft complex, in turn, consisted of a rotary device, an antenna post, an antenna tracking device, a receiving device, a transmitting device and other systems. The station went into combat position in five minutes from the marching position, from the duty position - in 20 seconds.

Differences between firing systems 9A310 and 9A38

The first installation differed from the second (“Buk-1”) in that it communicated via telecode line not with the self-propelled launcher 2P25M3 and with SURN 1S91M3, but with the ROM 9A39 and the command post 9S470. Also, the 9A310 had four 9M38 guided anti-aircraft missiles on its launcher, rather than three. It was loaded in 12 and a half minutes from a ROM and 16 minutes from a transport supply vehicle. Weight - 32.4 tons, including four people of the combat crew. The width of the self-propelled launcher is 3.25 meters, the length is 9.3 meters, and the height is 3.8 meters. Let's look further at what the Buk complex consists of. Photos will help us in this, as always.

9A39 - launcher-loader

This ROM was installed on the GM-577 chassis. Its purpose is the storage and transportation of guided anti-aircraft missiles - eight pieces, four of which were on fixed cradles, four - on the launcher. It was also intended for launching four guided missiles, their further self-loading from their cradles, and subsequent self-loading of eight missiles from a transport support vehicle. Thus, the Buk is a missile system that combined in one ROM the functions of the self-propelled launcher of the earlier Kub complex and the TZM.

It included: a starting device with a servo drive, lodgements, a crane, a digital computer, telecode communication equipment, navigation, topography references, power supply and power supply units. The mass of the installation is 35.5 tons, including the calculation of three people, dimensions: width - 3.316 meters, length - 9.96 meters, and height - 3.8 meters.

Possibilities of the air defense system "Buk"

This complex had higher combat, external and operational characteristics compared to the Kub-M4 and Kub-M3 complexes. Even if you just look at what the Buk installation is like, a photo of its weapons, then any person will understand all its power, which provided:


According to the results of modeling and testing, it was determined that the firing range of the Buk launcher is from 3 to 25 kilometers at an altitude of up to 18 kilometers and a speed of up to 800 m/s. In this case, high-quality shelling of targets that do not maneuver was ensured. The probability of defeat was 0.7-0.8 when one guided missile was fired and the course parameter was up to 18 km. If the target is maneuvering, then the probability of hitting is 0.6. The Buk complex was adopted by the air defense forces in 1980. Since that moment, it has been modernized several times in order to increase combat capabilities and security.