What does work for hire mean? Start your own business or work for hire. Is it possible to work and open an individual entrepreneur?

Work for yourself, you can't plow on your uncle

You can't work for yourself, work for your uncle

Surprisingly, one catch in the right place - and the meaning of the entire sentence changes dramatically. So, one subtlety in understanding the essence can radically change both your life and your path to.

In this article I will share the arguments from personal experience, pros and cons - working for yourself or working for hire.

In general, I often come across categorical statements: if you want to succeed, work only for yourself, or stable operation means reliability... and many, many other statements in favor of one way or another of earning money and financial well-being.

It is curious that those people who can earn money themselves, earn good money, do not want to leave their long-established hired jobs. And those who have never studied entrepreneurial activity, we are confident that this is the path to a personal Eldorado (mostly young people think so, the older generation often “idolize” traditional employment in production).

Work for hire


Stable and predicted income. This is perhaps the most compelling argument. Employer in legally commits to pay and pay on time.

There is always a lot of work. Even if there is no job in your specialty, modern business is designed in such a way that there will always be more work overall than unique ideas for your business.

Capital is always with me. Your hands and abilities are the necessary working capital so that after just a month of using it you will receive an appropriate monetary reward. In your business, you may not see income for several years.

Low responsibility. As a plus - because about your discipline, and increasing the level and efficiency of work - another person will think for you, and not you personally. You only need to match the employee template set by your boss. The patterns are generally simple (work, don’t be smart, agree).

Psychological factors.(It’s a vague factor – it can be different for each person).

Well, you don’t like to command and that’s all. You like it when another person solves all your problems for you.

Having your own business involves moving against others and against your own weaknesses; you often need a very strong will; a passive person will never be able to succeed in his business, but as a worker for his uncle, he can be excellent.

Work for others if you don't want to stand out and be a black sheep.

Work for hire - coincides with your personal desires. For example, a scientific podium. (All your life you have dreamed of working at a hadron collider; as a businessman, you are unlikely to build one for yourself).


Fixed salary. There is a ceiling that no matter how hard you try, you can’t jump over it.

Do what you need, not what you want.

Need to adapt under other people's rules, schedules, to be a faceless cog in a gigantic structure.

Work only for yourself


Self-realization. This is a very significant factor for success in general. Working and creating your own business is a huge field for using your talents, a great opportunity for self-realization and ambitions (if you have them, of course).

There is no monetary ceiling. It’s worth clarifying that business is different from business. But if you have taken the path of entrepreneurship, what prevents you from directing your business in a direction that is either closer to your spirit or more profitable?

Psychological factors. As in the case of hiring, individual factors must be taken into account. I'll highlight those key factors in personality traits that are necessary and essential in choosing a job. This is a strong will, great self-discipline, a free-thinking personality that does not tolerate restrictions, an innate leader (with such personal “parameters” you will be out of place in any other person’s work, and you only need to do your own thing).


Freedom? In fact, according to your mind, you will adapt to your superiors, and to yourself - you will adapt to the tax authorities, customers, suppliers, laws. Yes, in business there is more choice - but there are also more rules to play by.

I do what I want? Oh, really? Unlike an employee who spent his 40 hours at work, you will work on your work twice as long without sleep or rest, without days off.

I'm the boss. Subordinates are such creatures that they like to relieve themselves of responsibility and, in addition, create additional problems on your head. Will your ambitions withstand all those problems that will appear in a flurry from everywhere? (especially when you least expect it)

Self-realization. Okay, just great, you have the opportunity to realize yourself in accounting, technological process from a to z, in the psychology of a just tyrant, in kowtowing to local boyars…. (very long list...)

Verdict: should you work for yourself or should you still work for hire?

In general, this is a very complex topic. My experience (I was both an employee and an employer, and on my own, now I combine it) says that a comprehensive analysis is needed in making a decision.

Simple practical advice: You probably have friends in one activity or another - see how they are doing. I know successful, satisfied employees and eternal losers, would-be businessmen. In no case would I be categorical in offering you one specific path - without knowing your personality...

In general, only you can give the most correct answer to this question. In difficult questions, I do this: I take a sheet of blank paper, write down the question correctly and, depending on the question itself, I give the appropriate markings (pros, cons, severity, like or dislike...). (You only need to write by hand and in such a way that it is easy for you to understand what you mean - about the “magical” properties of this approach.)

Don’t believe if someone convinced you within a couple of sentences (all the various scammers, marketers, forex, pyramids) that it’s cool to work for yourself... You’ll be left without your last shirt.

The answer must be well thought out - your entire future life depends on it... and not only yours (think about others too, about those who depend on you).

: work for yourself or be a hired worker.

Work for hire

"...Employment is work in which a person enters into an express (written or oral) or implied contract guaranteeing him a basic remuneration (in cash or in kind) that is not directly dependent on the income of the unit where the person works, some or all the tools that a person uses in the process of work may belong to other persons. The worker’s activities may be carried out under the direct control of the owner or persons designated by the owner and employed by him..."


Order of Rosstat dated December 21, 2010 N 452 “On approval of Methodological provisions for conducting sample surveys of the population on employment issues (surveys labor force)"

Official terminology. Akademik.ru. 2012.

See what “Work for hire” is in other dictionaries:

    JAZZ: Work for hire- JAZZ: Work for hire Developer Game Factory Interactive Publisher Russsobit M Release date November 2 ... Wikipedia

    JAZZ: Hired work- Developer Game Factory Interactive Publisher Russsobit M Release date November 2007 Platform ... Wikipedia

    Jazz: Employment- JAZZ: Work for hire Developer Game Factory Interactive Publisher Russsobit M Release date November 2007 Platform ... Wikipedia

    work done for hire- work made for hire A legal principle that defines legal ownership of works created by employees or contract service providers. [Language Services Department... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Work from home (scam)- The ad promises $2,000 for part-time and $6,000 for full-time. Not to be confused with Working from home is a legitimate way to make money. Work at home scheme... Wikipedia

    JOB- Herculean work (labor). Book A job that requires incredible effort. /i> Goes back to ancient Greek mythology. BMS 1998, 454. Egyptian work (labor). Book Very hard, exhausting work. BMS 1998, 485; DP, 513; SHZF 2001, 72; BTS, 294... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Alpha: anti-terror. Men's work- Developer MiST land YUG Publisher GFI / Russobit M Release date December 7, 2005 Genre Strategy Platform ... Wikipedia

    Shift work- (shift work) one type of schedule labor activity, in which the operating hours during the day on different working days may vary. Applies to continuous production or to ensure a more complete load of equipment, ... ... Wikipedia

    Remote work- in the park This term has other meanings, see Working from home (meanings). Remote work or work from home (also remote work, telework; ... Wikipedia

    Overtime- V labor law work beyond the established (normal) working hours, performed on the initiative of the employer (as opposed to part-time work, when work is performed on the initiative of the employee). Contents... Wikipedia


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Many people believe that working for hire is the only way to earn income. First of all, this is not true. But even if your understanding makes sense, then think carefully about the situation around being hired. What needs to be done to ensure that work brings both moral and material pleasure?

A little history.

The meaning of the word work has its roots in the word slavery. Of course, we are talking about the meaning of this word in Russian. Actually, this is the reason why there is so much gossip in society. It is the origin of the word work that is used in many recruiting texts that abound in the MLM business. Why! Getting rid of slavery is considered a very important task.

The historical roots of slavery lie in the relationship between master and apprentices. In the worst understanding of this relationship. We will not discuss the niche of philosophy, where the situation is somewhat different. In pre-capitalist times, it was extremely difficult to become a master in production, and not many people succeeded. Only to those who really had the makings of a master. Basically, students worked for the master in exchange for bread and a place to sleep. Dull unskilled work. Such a relationship cannot be called work for hire.

The concept of work for hire, as we currently perceive it, appeared relatively recently. It is believed that this concept is a product of the era of bourgeois revolutions. At the same moment, the concept of a fixed salary was formed, which most perceive as a symbol of stability.

The peak of the popularity of hired work occurred in the seventy years of the era of socialism. It was during this period that the concept of work was taken to the point of absurdity, when even representatives of the liberal professions were put on a fixed salary, which often did not reflect the value of their contribution to public life. It is these circumstances that have given rise to the phenomenon of attitudes towards work in our society.

Thirst for freebies. Receive a salary, not earn it. An attempt to be registered at work, and not to fulfill the tasks of the enterprise. All these quirks are not typical for the Western system of thinking. And only the spreading of representatives of our collapsed socialism shows all over the world some possibilities for evading their value system.

Work for hire. Public opinion.

Yes! This is the most important factor that makes most people so drawn to paid work. This is stability. Stable salary, stable position in society, stable career. The final decision is made by management, all that remains is to implement it. Or you can just sit out the decision - maybe it will resolve.

Such philistine psychology has ruined more than one enterprise. When a team of “re-inmates” is selected. Everyone is waiting for someone to fulfill the tasks facing the enterprise, but not them. The day has passed and ok. That's why thousands of people are looking for better job for hire. No, not like that - they are looking for the best option for themselves.

Work for hire. Realities.

Best option? People! Wake up! Socialism is long gone. No one will persuade anyone - come to work, please! There is no trade union committee, no party committee and other superstructures. It's simple - nothing personal, this is business. The harsh realities of life show that any enterprise depends on global conditions. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether the connection is direct or indirect. Poor management - at best, the enterprise will eke out a miserable existence. In the worst case, bankruptcy.

So where is the stability in these conditions? The person seemed to have found a job that suited him, his career seemed to take off, and suddenly bam and it was all over. What about the “undercover” games and intrigues at the enterprise? Is this also stability? What about a career that is suddenly interrupted by a call from a friend? And this is stability? Don't create illusions!

In fact, being hired is your truest self. private business with its own risks, ups and downs. The risks only in this option lie on the shoulders of the owner of the enterprise, and you have no influence on their elimination.

No, I'm wrong, you can. Talk poorly to the client, perform poorly on the task assigned by your manager, and the risks will increase many times over. Unfortunately, most employees forget that the salary is paid not by the owner of the enterprise, but by the client. I personally experienced this phenomenon at my own enterprise. When it came to issuing salaries, many looked in surprise at the payout sheet.

What is this business for you? And in everything, starting with the choice of profession. If you chose the wrong profession, then there is nothing to expect from work. Example? Please. There is an overproduction of lawyers in the country, for example. However, year after year in universities there is competition for specialties in which there is obvious overproduction. But demand creates supply, which is why there are many law departments available. And there are professions in which there is a clear shortage of personnel. But you have to work hard there!

Choosing a profession.

Based on the fact that hired work is still your personal business, this is what you should proceed from when choosing a profession. In fact, choosing a profession is the most important stage in your development. Moreover, I know many examples when the first education was not final solely because of a wrong choice due to youth or something. But after reflection, a person already makes a meaningful decision and gets exactly the profession that completely suits him.

Please note that the choice of profession should be based on the assumption that you should become a professional in this profession. Don’t sit and serve your number at work, but be an effective figure in the overall picture of the enterprise. This is yours personal business! The better you show yourself, the higher the final result. Perhaps this will not happen immediately and not at the enterprise where you currently work.

But definitely to get tangible financial results Employment requires the presence of good professional skills. This is what we must proceed from. And, if your salary does not suit you, then soberly assess your level of professionalism in your chosen profession. Perhaps you have chosen the wrong profession. And don't whine about low wages. Better improve your skills.

I agree that the owner of an enterprise does not always adequately evaluate the efforts of his employees. Then the path is even more obvious - improve your skills and find a more successful enterprise. You just need to know what you can offer him (the company) that the HR department will not be able to ignore your candidacy.

To make your choice of profession meaningful, read the entire section and find the profession that will make you think. It is for this profession that you will look for more material than I could imagine. Perhaps this will be the right choice.

Which is better? Should I start my own business and work for myself, or continue going to work? Or maybe combine both?

Did you know that the survival rate of small businesses in Russia is only 20%? Only one in five new entrepreneurs succeed. Would you like to go into business knowing that there is an 80% chance of failure?

However, this does not stop thousands of entrepreneurs across the country from opening their first businesses. Most of them will close within a year.


Work for hire

for all beginning entrepreneurs this is only:

  • lack of prospects career growth and self-realization;
  • low level of income that does not allow one to provide for a family;
  • complete disappointment and one negative thing?

In order to get rid of wage slavery, people are willing to take risks.

And this risk is justified. Indeed, due to a lack of funds and the desire for more complete self-realization, many are ready to leave their jobs and ride the waves of business and self-employment.

Or maybe they are pushed to take this step by a banal dismissal from their previous job and the difficulty of finding a suitable vacancy.

Start your own business

Isn’t this the desire of every person who is tired of the whims of the boss and the inability to buy anything with a meager salary? Or maybe there’s a genius inside of you, and you just can’t create when you feel the director’s gaze upon you?

More than half of all entrepreneurs say that the desire to be their own boss was a determining factor in their decision to start their own business. own business. To be independent, even if you work more and have no guarantee of a stable income.

Creative people get incomparably more pleasure from their work if there is no management over them that cages their mental potential in the cage of office squabbles.

Let business be a risk. But the possibility of earning more income covers the risks if you plan your activities carefully.

The advantages of your business

These include:

  • cself-realization;
  • opportunity to increase income;
  • an intoxicating feeling of freedom and independence.

Business will change your whole life.

You will learn how to manage money, because now every ruble you earn is yours. This will help you treat money with respect. Now even the smallest expenses will be assessed differently by you.

You will become more responsible and decisive. After all, you are the most important. It's all up to you. All the decisions and small matters.

Yes, it’s very annoying, but no one promised an easy life. Business is the same job, only now for yourself.

You will be proud of yourself and your achievements. Even though they are still very modest, you were able to do it, you broke out of the routine of your past life.

After all, business is a path of constant development and discovery of new abilities and talents. You couldn't even imagine that you were capable of this!

Cons in business

there too. And there are many of them.

After all, if everything were so simple, then half of new enterprises would not close due to financial problems.

You will have to think through the idea carefully and find an area of ​​interest. After all, another third of enterprises close due to an unsuccessful idea and the entrepreneur’s loss of interest in his business.

But the most interesting thing is that a fifth of businessmen were forced to close due to administrative and bureaucratic barriers on the part of state regulatory authorities (SES, firefighters).

On the one hand, domestic legislation seeks to make it easier for small businesses to open. But it does not allow you to work in peace. On paper, laws are passed to support entrepreneurship, but in reality everything follows the opposite pattern.

A Russian entrepreneur is forced to spend more time not on work, but on resolving controversial issues with government agencies.

Add to this illegal competition, low solvency of the population and constantly changing tax legislation.

You must understand that...

Starting your own business is not that easy

Many entrepreneurs would dream of receiving more or less decent wages, working in an enterprise and not spending so much effort and nerves on business.

On the other hand, many of those who work for hire have the opposite desire. Be the owner of your own business and work for yourself. Starting their own business is a cherished dream for them.

This contradiction is quite understandable. Everyone wants a calm, carefree life and great material opportunities at the same time.

But this is only possible for the children of oligarchs. Ordinary workers, like you and me, are forced to earn their own food.

And if this is our destiny, then let us strive to ensure that our work brings us pleasure, both material and moral. Whether you work in your own company or for someone else is a secondary issue.

Hello businessmen! How's life? How are you? For me it’s spring) Today I decided to raise such a serious and pressing topic as “opening my own business.” Naturally, it’s impossible to describe everything in one article! Here I would like to consider the main pros and cons of “owning my own business” and try to answer the question - Should I open my own business or continue to be hired?

Let me make a reservation right away that this material is more suitable for beginners in the topic of business - those who are tired or for other reasons do not want to work for hire and have decided to open their own business.

The advantages of your business

These are the advantages. Moreover, I put money in last place for a reason. The initial stage of doing business is not the most profitable, plus it takes some time to recoup the investment, and even if this is your first business, the payback period will clearly extend.

As a result, if the business is not big (for example, a small car wash, a mini-cafe, a business in a garage, etc.), then to break even it will take at least six months to a year. If we talk about big business, then the payback period can be 5 years or more...

Therefore, I would not recommend counting on wealth at first))

Disadvantages of your business

As you can see, there are plenty of pros and cons. Therefore, before throwing myself into the pool headlong, I would carefully analyze and weigh all the pros and cons.

Among my friends there are those who neglected all these factors and hastened to implement their not the newest and promising idea. The results were mediocre. One comrade simply could not establish at least some processes, everything stopped at the stage of searching for clients, while another completely went bankrupt!

Of course, there are also “crazy” adventurers who will not only dive into the pool, but also boil it thoroughly)) And many of these launch innovative and successful startups. But, it seems to me, the percentage of such geniuses is extremely small, and I am clearly not like that: I more often analyze and carefully weigh. That’s why I give advice from my bell tower.

  • Most best option— start your own business in parallel with your main job. Market analysis, search potential clients, development of a business plan, an experimental sample of a product or service, even first sales - all this can be done while combining it with your main place of work. After all, they pay wages there, and permanent income at the start of a business it will not be superfluous at all!
  • It’s very good if you start organizing your business while at leadership position. Even if there is an option to work as a boss, but for the “same” money and with a larger range of tasks - agree! You will gain experience that will be very useful!
  • If the planned business does not require significant investments, it is better to try to set aside the Nth amount in advance. A little at a time, but put it aside. This money will always come in handy)) As an example, if every month from wages If you put aside 10,000 rubles, then in half a year you will get 60,000. Quite enough for many home or garage ideas.
  • In continuation of the previous point, try not to take loans. Of course, if a large-scale project is planned, then it is rarely possible without investments and loans. But if you want to start producing custom-carved furniture in your garage, then 60 thousand of your set aside funds is just enough for a minimum set of tools.
  • Be sure to plan, write down and count everything! If you don’t have such skills and habits, then start developing them. You can't keep everything in your head. This is a fact. There is a lot of good literature on the topic of planning; you can buy a good book at any bookstore.

    Well planned is half done

  • Try to find companions. It’s still difficult for one person, especially if you’ve never had such experience and haven’t worked as a top manager. Perhaps someone you know would like to do the same thing, or there is a specialist who can be brought in on a partnership basis.
  • Start to form yourself. Perhaps many will neglect this advice, but many have never read business literature, have not thought about planning personal time, counting personal finance, did not attend seminars or trainings. Without all this, even if you manage to start car repairs in the garage, you won’t get further than an inspection hole and a set of keys!

So should I open it or not?

I think so. If you are an initiative person, purposeful, with your own specific opinion, who has not 1-2, but many ideas, and the thought of your business comes to your head more and more often, then it’s definitely worth a try. But! Be sure to take into account the above: having thought it through well, planned it, saved some money, and combined it with your main job.

But once you start, just move forward! Believe, live your business to the last!

And for starters, although not entirely on the topic of starting a business, an interesting conversation.

With respect and faith in a bright future, Alexey Zaitsev.