Far East business without experience. Goat breeding farm. Examples from the past, or Farmers not to worry

The Far East is a region with such diverse characteristics that you can afford to develop virtually any business here. But at the same time, fertile places are still poorly developed and have a number of problems that force people to leave.

However, within the framework of a remarkable development, a stream of very ambitious residents with an entrepreneurial spirit may pour into the region.

Features of the region's business environment

Well-established infrastructure, identity, a decent level of medicine and education, low unemployment are the primary factors motivating people to stay in small homeland and work here.

A stable economic situation will attract the attention of investors, and only on this solid basis can strong and promising companies begin to develop.

The main areas of business now in this region are the mining industry. Water, forest, biological and other resources are being developed with varying degrees of success. We can note the good level of development of such industries as:

  • manufacturing industry;
  • transport and communications.

The main branches of specialization of the Far East are: mining and processing of non-ferrous metals, diamond mining, fishing, forestry, pulp and paper industries, shipbuilding, ship repair.

Problems of the Far East

The key problems of the region's business sector are the low level of development of the service sector, lack of qualifications of most workers, lack of investment, and high level of population migration.

Agricultural production

The most promising type of business in the Far East today may be agricultural production. Grain crops are grown in abundance in this region, and it is profitable to sell them to China, Korea and other countries located in the Pacific basin.

There are many conditions for this, and the first of them is the good climate of the country in the region. South Korea and China were not affected by the sanctions and therefore can provide good equipment, loans, and invest in the Far Eastern lands. There are also gardens and greenhouses - the region is able to feed both itself and its investors. Any business needs human resources, knowledge, skills, physical presence. The specificity of the region is its remoteness, which makes life difficult for entrepreneurs from the middle part of the country. In order for business in the Far East to be successful, it is necessary to attract people who understand the specifics of the Far East, who are carriers of knowledge who permanently live in these places.


The Far East has every opportunity to unite and strengthen the economic ties of several powerful countries at once - Russia, China, South Korea and Japan. In this case, distributors of goods from Asia will have great prospects.

It is known that the Far East today is not ready to offer established infrastructure and modern facilities- industrial, residential, commercial, entertainment. Investment in infrastructure is another type of business that holds great promise in the region.

Trade and enterprises

The region has access to the ocean. In addition to connections with Asian countries, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to find partners in the USA and Canada. It's about here about the fish trade and transport business.

The natural advantages of the Russian East, which include energy resources, natural resources, forest resources, biological resources and water resources, should arouse great interest among investors.

In addition to investing in infrastructure (industrial, housing, etc.), here you can profitably develop and own production, for example, build a hydroelectric power station with the cheapest electricity.

In the all-Russian production of individual resources, the Far East accounts for (%): diamonds - 98, tin - 80, boron raw materials - 90, gold - 50, tungsten - 14, fish and seafood - more than 40, soybeans - 80, wood - 13, cellulose - 7.

Logistics and transport

There are 9 federal subjects in the Far Eastern region of Russia:

  • Amur region;
  • Jewish Autonomous Region;
  • Kamchatka Krai;
  • Magadan Region;
  • Primorsky Krai;
  • The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);
  • Sakhalin region;
  • Khabarovsk region;
  • Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

It makes sense to call the Far East a connecting link between Southeast Asia and Europe. A single sea route can be formed through the mouths of the Lena and Yenisei. The development of this channel will create the need to develop large ports, logistics centers, and produce high-quality river transport. In addition to river routes, we should not forget about the development railways to Iran and China.

For a resident of the Far East, a trip to the west of Russia is practically the same as going abroad, and in some cases, it’s cheaper to go to China.

In the Far East, prospects are opening for interaction between the Russian Federation and the European Union: a single economic space from Vladivostok to Lisbon.

Business ideas in the Far East

  1. Growing potatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots and other vegetables and fruits. It would seem that the Far East is not the best place for this type of activity, but practice shows the opposite: at food markets, many farmers sell products from their plots; however, in supermarkets vegetables and fruits from the central part of Russia or even neighboring countries are offered for sale;
  2. Organize cottage village: either resell construction organization- let her build up this area with cottages; or do the construction yourself.
  3. Organization of a hippodrome: I hope that for horse riding, one hectare of land will be enough - it is clear that covering such a distance, even for a riding horse, is not the easiest task;
  4. Organizing a paintball or laser tag site: this will be a story for fans of large-scale battles (real battles). Alternatively, you can organize a site for amateurs role playing games(knights) and combine it with a hippodrome - you get a real medieval castle;
  5. Organize a rally track. Yes, even for karting!
  6. Organize the “first Far Eastern amusement park” - like Disneyland. It’s also good to invite some chain of coffee shops - let them put their outlets on every corner.
  7. The hectare of land will provide a good training ground for long-distance runners. If you add a gym and a swimming pool, you can organize a “Specialized Center for All-Around Training”;
  8. Tourism: the region is inhabited by small nationalities (Nanais, Udege, Yakuts), they are very interesting for their culture and inner world: they encourage many researchers to study their way of life, which is directly related to nature.
  9. Organize a campus of some agricultural institute - with the opportunity for students to apply the acquired skills in practice;
  10. Organize an exhibition site with a hotel; you can make good money selling all sorts of souvenirs, travel paraphernalia, tea\coffee\sandwiches. If desired, you can organize a snack bar/cafe;
  11. Divide a hectare of land into small plots - and rent them out summer cottages. With seasonal pricing. You can also make good money by selling related products/services: as an option, you can offer the Ant brand to some specialized enterprise ala Intergroup LLC, and organize a trading platform there.

Ermolai Solzhenitsyn, senior partner at McKinsey:

— Here I would argue within the framework of three time horizons. Today and in the short term, exports of agricultural products, as well as some categories of raw materials exports, can be competitive (although not all due to expensive logistics and falling prices for energy, metals, coal, and iron ore). In the medium term, it is logical to increase the export of raw materials - this should not bother us if it is competitive on the world market. At the same time, it may be appropriate to establish certain requirements for the organization of raw material processing in the Far East as a condition for benefits and foreign investment into the raw materials palette of the region. In addition, it is advisable to develop new logistics solutions. Since the Far East is geographically close to advanced markets Asian region, then in addition to being integrated into the raw material chains, I would like to see its participation in the economy of the region. And full integration into the Asian economic space, in turn, will require new large-scale decisions in the field of education and immigration policy in order to achieve maximum openness and interpenetration of cultures.

David Yakobashvili, vice-president of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs:

— First of all, agricultural production. The region can produce enough grain crops to sell them to China, Korea, and other countries in the Pacific Rim. There are all conditions for this, especially a good climate. Since the countries of the region were not included in the sanctions, you can get from them good equipment, create a base of credit resources and raise the Far Eastern virgin lands. And also gardens, greenhouses - the region will feed both itself and the country on the other side. For some kind of breakthrough in the production cluster there are no human resources, high-quality specialists, or schools.

Anton Danilov-Danilyan, co-chairman Business Russia":

— If you develop something, then only that which allows you to manage through electronic systems or remote access, for example consulting, some elements wholesale trade, with an appropriate logistics organization, venture projects. The Far East is really far away to manage a business in terms of physical presence. I am not as mobile a person as other entrepreneurs. But such a business requires people who are carriers of knowledge and permanently reside in this region. This is the only way business development can be successful.

Evgeniy Kogan, Managing Director of Moscow Partners:

— First of all, this is a business related to trade with Japan and China. In general, the Far East is a tool for interaction between the Russian, Japanese, Chinese and Korean economies, and it is from here that we must start. Infrastructure projects there are also interesting. Infrastructure is always important: this is where everything starts.

Andrey Movchan, director of the Economic Policy program at the Carnegie Moscow Center:

— If we ignore the current economic policy of the country, then there are a lot of options. The Far East is a magnificent gateway to the Pacific Ocean, where the world's largest economies are China and the United States. You can open everything there: from fish processing to a transport business. In addition, the climate there is good - you can build big cities, you can develop industry designed for the USA and China, for example, the chemical industry, IT, and aircraft manufacturing. But this requires legal protection of the market and investors.

Vladislav Tetyukhin, member of the board of directors of VSMPO-Avisma:

— In the Far East, any business can be developed, expanded or opened. But first you need to understand what disappoints people who live in the Far East and who leave there. Any self-sufficient province is more attractive both for ordinary people and for business than crazy Moscow. But there must be culture, medicine, education. There should be no shabby houses, there should be sports so that children can exercise and not rush to the gates. Life should be like in the capital. We must do everything to prevent people from leaving. If they don’t leave, the economy will develop, and life itself will tell you which business to develop.

Alexander Idrisov, President of Strategy Partners Group:

— The Far East has natural advantages, such as energy resources, other natural resources, forests, ocean biological resources, etc. Investments in infrastructure (transport, energy, industrial and housing construction). A number of projects in the field of tourism and agribusiness are being discussed. But also, do not underestimate the opportunity to enter the rather significant market of the Eurasian Union (about 180 million inhabitants). Even given the difficult current economic situation, this is an interesting opportunity with good growth potential in the future. Taking into account plans for the development of transport infrastructure, the possibility of investing in production in Russia becomes more realistic. In this case, an essential factor is that, for the first time in the Far East, conditions for investment that are unprecedented for Russia have been created. These are both the ASEZ and the Free Port, which provide a wide range of preferences for investors and make this territory competitive in terms of investment attractiveness.

Sergey Krekov, President of the Association of Real Estate Service Companies:

— The strategy for the effective development of this region should primarily focus on the outside world (more precisely, Southeast Asia), and not be tied to the internal demand of the European part of our country. The Far East locomotive is a cheap resource basis for production. In other words, the region is a kind of Klondike of the globe, where it is simply necessary to develop deposits and build high-tech production facilities for their processing. The industrialization of the Far East should go through the development of petrochemical production, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and ship repair. This region is a promising and attractive platform for international investors who are primarily interested in unique local characteristics for the development of production: a large number of Hydroelectric power station (the cheapest electricity, so hydropower has the maximum potential here) and incomparable natural resources. I would suggest making Irkutsk the center of this zone and an important platform, a connecting industrial link between Europe and Southeast Asia. The city has a universal location (the mouth of two rivers - the Lena and the Yenisei) for the formation of a single transport channel to the Northern Sea Route. This implies the need to create large ports in the Yenisei and Olenek gulfs for further integration of river transport into the NSR project in order to provide it with additional cargo traffic. Rivers should become the second Silk Road, blood supply logistics system, which will help companies minimize costs for the delivery of finished products and actively develop. Today, the largest cargo turnover is carried out by water, and the seasonality of transportation is a generally accepted global reality, to which all companies have adapted, and it is no longer a significant factor. Therefore, it is necessary to actively build and develop logistics centers and warehouse complexes, and organize the production of a large number of river transport, preferably ice class. This will allow you to make the most of the shipping period. It is also necessary to further develop railway lines to China and Iran (via Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan) in order to reach the ports of the latter. As a result, the investor needs a ready-made site, which the Far East has, and the only thing it lacks is cheap logistics infrastructure. Well, then we can talk about the development of other related business areas.

Dmitry Penyaz, vice speaker of the Vladivostok Duma, head of the faction " United Russia":

— In the Far East it is necessary to develop production - metalworking, woodworking, etc. But the current tax policy of the state does not contribute to this. Now only the “buy and sell” business is profitable, and not factories are being built in Primorye, but warehouses for imported goods.

Nadezhda Bagrova, director of the Blagoveshchensk Social and Cultural Center, deputy of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma:

— The Far East seems to have everything, but there is not enough production. Basically, everyone is engaged in buying and selling, and this does not work in the current conditions. I believe that the Amur Region needs to develop its own production, in all types of activities. Our agriculture has begun to improve - we must continue in the same spirit. But we don’t sew anything, because China is nearby and provides us with clothes. We do not produce spare parts or cars. We need a glass factory. All these areas need to be developed, factories and factories should be opened.

Dmitry Stepchenko, CEO LLC "Strela" (Anadyr):

— The service sector is poorly developed in Chukotka. In most villages there is simply no such thing: there is no place to get a haircut, have your shoes repaired, have your equipment repaired, there are no canteens, not to mention hotels, etc. Even in the capital of the region, Anadyr, there are problems with this. Meanwhile, northerners do not earn so badly - they are ready to spend money on quality service. I think this is just an uncultivated field for small businesses. Moreover, the government of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug began to pay great attention to supporting entrepreneurs - moral, legal, and financial - in the form of grants. The development of small businesses is hampered by difficulties in obtaining loans and... laziness and inertia of the residents of Chukotka. Unfortunately, we don’t have many initiative people.

Yakov Radchenko, chairman of the regional public chamber:

— In the Far East, in general, there are high nominal incomes, long distances, and a high level of motorization. However, the fleet of private cars is one of the oldest among federal districts. Far Easterners are just now getting a taste of new dealer cars. Opening dealer auto centers, and even more so organizing branded maintenance at them, is an excellent business... If we take industry and resources, I would choose gold. It’s an excellent and romantic business, and there is a choice: in five Far Eastern regions there are many reserves of this precious metal"

State within a state or Far Eastern Republic- this is what the East Siberian region and the entire Far East are unofficially called. True, the loud name does not reflect reality much. These territories, rich in natural resources, are among the least economically developed. At the same time, attempts to “raise” the Far East do not stop.

In the era of a market economy, the main condition economic growth of the region- good functioning of its business area. The latest attempt to breathe life into this area, create new jobs and make the region attractive for living was undertaken by the Russian Government in 2012. The Ministry was created by presidential decree Russian Federation on the development of the Far East. However, less than a year has passed, and many experts are already openly declaring that the project is not bringing the planned results. The injection of huge amounts of money does not change the depressing situation much.

An urgent task

The Far East is a large economic region occupying a strategically important geopolitical position for Russia. At the same time, according to all economic and social indicators, the Far Eastern region can be classified as more than just a problem area. It is in a situation of acute socio-economic crisis. Its depth and scale are increasingly transforming into a national security problem. In this regard, the problem of choosing a strategy for the economic development of the Far East in the near and especially long term is an urgent task.

Business sector of the Far East characterized by high monopolization and an extremely narrow level of development of the service sector. As a result, today domestic workers of a “narrow-industry” profile and unskilled workers work in this area. work force- mostly migrants. And this is despite a fairly high educational level of the local population.

The Far East has always possessed enormous natural resources of export value, the extraction of which requires significant investment. Their absence led previously (and this continues now) to the inability of the population to engage in highly meaningful work. Making the situation worse extreme natural and climatic conditions and high migration turnover, especially in the northern regions. Finally, production assets Most state and private enterprises in the region are over 40-50 years old. There is no talk of modernization. Many industries are already on the verge of bankruptcy. And if the southern zone of the Far East has relatively broad opportunities to correct the situation due to its production and social base, then the northern territory without radical measures is doomed to devastate the land.

Salvation in private business, not in mega-projects

The Far East is a region that is in close proximity to countries such as China and Japan. These states are the world's most famous manufacturers of household and industrial equipment. This geographical location is undoubtedly convenient and allows us to import products of absolutely all brands into the region. However, despite the relative development of this market, the problem remains acute qualified personnel to service such products. This often leads to cheap equipment entering the market. Due to low incomes among the population, it sells well, but needs frequent after-sales service and even repairs. It happens that such equipment, included in the assortment of a store, spoils the latter’s reputation.

Businesses in the region, according to a survey by VTsIOM, assess the role of foreign and domestic mega-projects to improve the prospects of the territory is very low. Entrepreneurs and experts believe that only the development of private business can ensure stability. And this requires not mega-projects, but the creation of the business environment itself. The rapid growth of the middle class, according to experts, is ensured, first of all, by the investment attractiveness of the region. But investors are attracted not by the scale, but by the conditions, in addition big projects associated with high level corruption risk.

Here's how businessmen themselves assess the situation:

“We are remote and in difficult climatic conditions. Our main problem is transport, delivery of goods and cargo,” says individual entrepreneur Irina Gamyanina in an interview with the magazine "Business Quarter". - We have our own production, but most of the goods are imported. Many Yakut entrepreneurs work with China, but delivering goods to us is difficult and expensive. 80% of our business is concentrated in the city of Yakutsk; business is impossible in remote settlements. In addition, there are other problems known to all regions of the country: administrative barriers, confusion over land issues. There is financial support for small and medium-sized businesses, and there are corresponding programs in place, but on the other side - in terms of the regulatory justification of administrative barriers - everything is, of course, complicated.”

Political dependence

And one more factor that determines a lot in investment attractiveness, and in conditions for business development - a political risk. It is connected with the instability of the political system in the region. Investors do not have the feeling that there is any long-term policy (regional or federal) for the economic development of the Far East. There is no certainty that when the government changes, economic policy will remain the same.

At the same time, from a business point of view, the Far East is very heterogeneous. Central cities in the regions attract large numbers of small and medium businesses. However, outside these cities the situation looks different. In each specific municipality, much depends on the policies of the current mayor. In this situation, a change of power can entail any unforeseen consequences for business, as, for example, this happened in Kamchatka with the director of the company MIR LLC and the Urban Fountain ANO Olga Zhilonkina. The businesswoman has been suing the new administration of the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky for several years now. From a project developed under a contract with the previous administration, for which the entrepreneur paid 10 million rubles, who began managing the city in 2011 new chapter Petropavlovsk simply refused, leaving the entrepreneur with debts.

“Moreover, in the dialogues with the new head of the city, there was only criticism on his part and no suggestions, comments or requests to correct anything. And recently, the head of Petropavlovsk A. Alekseev showed me an image of a new project, which, with minor changes, is essentially identical to mine,” says Olga.

Far Eastern character

With significant potential of the territory conditions for business in the Far East have always been less convenient than in other districts. But here a special character of entrepreneurs has developed, who for the most part are descendants of people who at one time were not afraid of the unknown land and overcame the difficulties of developing a complex, remote territory.

“Of course, the process of making money in the Far Eastern region differs in many ways from working in the western part of the country, where the population density, and therefore the concentration of money, is higher,” says Vitaly Fomichev, general director of TFM LLC in Vladivostok. - But on the other hand, this is precisely why doing business here is more interesting: more importance is attached to the authority, honesty, and openness of businessmen and companies. It is easier for an unscrupulous company to get lost there - the sales market is larger. But it’s more pleasant to work here, the business itself becomes more significant when you think not only about making a profit, but also about the method. Here we still do business with “people”, and not with statistics, prices, discount manipulations. It is often said that “the further from the capital, the more soulful people are” - this can also be attributed to Far Eastern business».

However, the seemingly positive picture is spoiled by the state itself. Entrepreneurs of Kamchatka and the entire Far East are obviously placed in unequal conditions by geographic parameters compared to the majority of entrepreneurs in the country. A Labor Code It also reinforces these inequalities. In accordance with it, employers doing business in the Far Eastern region must pay compensation, northern bonuses, provide their employees with travel on vacation and pay for additional vacation days. Entrepreneurs have to do this at their own expense.

Previously, benefits were paid from budget funds, i.e. the state promised a benefit, and it paid for it. This was indeed a benefit in the classical sense of the word, and no taxes were charged on it. Today the situation is the opposite - the benefit has become an unbearable burden for employers and, moreover, businessmen pay taxes on it.

Way out

Behind last years A lot of work was done, and, unlike in previous years, most officials sided with the entrepreneurs of the Far East. Russian legislators are working on return to the northern benefits of the old status. Undoubtedly, this will be an impetus for business development throughout the region.

Many experts agree that state participation in the development of the region should be stimulating nature, and not be a form of direct injection of money. It is necessary to solve three main problems: energy tariffs, energy, infrastructure. Regarding measures state support To attract investors to Eastern Siberia and the Far East, experts consider the system of tax benefits and lending to be the most effective.

The law on allocating a Far Eastern hectare to Russians was signed by the President of the Russian Federation on May 1 and comes into force on June 1. However, so far the parliamentarians themselves have not really understood the bill they adopted on the Far Eastern hectare and now intend to analyze it. If necessary, they are ready to accept additional amendments. Let us note that the law was developed over 1.5 years. /website/

“A working group has been created in the Federation Council under the leadership of Vice-Speaker Galina Karelova, we expect that by the end of June she will propose her proposals on the law,” RIA-Novosti quotes the statement of Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matvienko, made on May 18.

When and where will the land be given?

According to the document, from June 1, 2016, you can get 1 hectare of land for free from state or municipal property in 9 regions of the Far East:

Khankaisky district (Primorsky Krai),
Amursky district (Khabarovsk Territory),
Oktyabrsky district (Jewish Autonomous Region),
Arkharinsky district (Amur region),
Neryungri district (Republic of Sakha, Yakutia),
Olsky district (Magadan region),
Ust-Bolsheretsky district (Kamchatka region),
Tymovsky district (Sakhalin region),
Anadyrsky district (Chukotka Autonomous Okrug).

From October 1, 2016, plots will be provided throughout the Far Eastern regions, but only for residents of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation. And from February 1, 2017, all citizens of the country will be able to receive a “Far Eastern hectare”.

Terms of Use

The land is given for use for 5 years; sale or lease of the plot is not permitted. After 5 years, citizens can register the plot as ownership or lease. It is assumed that the land will be developed.

Forest fund plots will be available for ownership only after 15 years of their use.

The law provides for the creation of agricultural cooperatives based on the calculation of 1 hectare per person.

Any activity is permitted on the sites. “It is planned to provide solutions in the following areas: low-rise housing construction, crop production, livestock farming, hunting, fishing and fish farming, forestry, manufacturing food products, production of non-food products, crafts, tourism and leisure, social services and others,” the Ministry of Eastern Development explained to Vesti.Ekonomika.

There are 5 solutions for investors

The Ministry for the Development of the Far East offered investors 5 business plan options.

Plant nursery ― cultivation and sale of agricultural crops with year-round sales of products (seedlings, seedlings, large-sized plants and others). Additional services include landscaping and landscaping, creation of gardens and flower beds, plant rental and others. The project is relevant because private houses are being built in the region.

The total estimated cost of the business project is 5.296 million rubles (own funds - 1.240 million rubles). Profitability - 32.2%, payback - 30 months, project implementation period - 3 years.

Growing strawberries ― is in stable demand. The strawberry market is growing by 30–35% per year. Demand significantly exceeds supply.

The initial investment volume is 900 thousand rubles, the payback period is 1 year. Revenue in the first year exceeds initial costs for 300 thousand rubles. Over the estimated three years, you can earn more than 2.7 million rubles.

Family dairy farm ― the demand for high-quality milk exceeds the supply in the regions of the Far East. With a planned cow herd size of 50 heads, milk production will be about 250 tons per year and meat - 5.5 tons per year.

Initial investment - 16.7 million rubles, payback - 5 years. Regional livestock support program - up to 10 million rubles.

Farming rabbit breeding - this product will always be in demand; it has no substitute. Rabbit meat is a substitute for the meat of other animals. Supplies of rabbit meat to Russia are carried out mainly from China.

The initial investment volume is 3 million rubles, the project profitability is 54%, the payback period is 8 months.

Goat farm ― sales of milk by supplying the product to processing plants. Another promising direction is the production of Mozzarella cheese from goat milk with subsequent sale to restaurants - from 800 rubles/kg.

To start an activity, 30 goats and 1 hectare of land are enough. Selling young animals directly is an even more profitable process: two-month-old goats of the Saanen breed reach a price of 5 thousand rubles.

The total cost of the project is 3.4 million rubles, the profitability of the business is 33%, the payback of the project is 16 months.

Expert opinion

The most favorable lands for farming in the Far East are already being used, noted Alexander Danshin. A plot of land of 1 hectare is not very popular. If a collective application is possible, they can go to the Far East large families, he thinks.

The Ministry for the Development of the Far East has prepared 5 typical business-plans for the development of the Far Eastern hectare. Let us remind you that on June 1, the first stage of the implementation of the plan to provide citizens with land plots in the Far East starts.

On May 1, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law allocating land to Russians for free use in the Far East. The law was published on the official Internet portal of legal information.

According to the law, any Russian can receive 1 hectare of land owned by the state or municipally in the territory of 9 regions of the Far East:

  • Khankaisky district (Primorsky Krai),
  • Amursky district (Khabarovsk Territory),
  • Oktyabrsky district (Jewish Autonomous Region),
  • Arkharinsky district (Amur region),
  • Neryungri district (Republic of Sakha (Yakutia),
  • Olsky district (Magadan region),
  • Ust-Bolsheretsky district (Kamchatka region),
  • Tymovsky district (Sakhalin region),
  • Anadyrsky district (Chukotka Autonomous Okrug).

The land is transferred for free use for a period of 5 years. The purchase and sale of acquired land is not permitted. The site cannot be leased or transferred for use to foreigners or companies created with their participation, as well as stateless people.

After the expiration of the 5-year period and subject to the development of the plots, Russians will be able to rent them or register their ownership.

Plots belonging to forest fund lands can be obtained into ownership only after 15 years of their proper use and only subject to their prior transfer to lands of other categories, the law says.

Citizens can submit joint applications for land allotments, but not more than 1 hectare per person. It is possible to create agricultural cooperatives.

At the first stage, only Russians who are permanently registered or registered in the Far East receive land.

The second stage begins on February 1, 2017, when all Russian citizens have the right to receive land, regardless of their place of registration.

The adopted laws allow freely, without any restrictions, to conduct any activity permitted by Russian legislation.

“It is planned to provide solutions in the following areas: low-rise housing construction, crop production, livestock farming, hunting, fishing and fish farming, forestry, food production, non-food production, crafts, tourism and leisure, social services and others,” Vesti explained. Economy" in the Ministry of Eastern Development.

An Internet portal with all the necessary information will soon be launched for investors - “Nadalnivostok”.

Below are 5 typical business solutions from the Ministry for the Development of the Far East.

Plant nursery

The project implementation period has been set at three years.

On initial stage it is planned to build a nursery and plant planting material. The start of product sales is scheduled for the high season - spring.

The payback period for the project will be 30 months.

Profitability – 32.2%.

The total estimated cost of the business project is RUB 5,296,000.


Invested cost – RUB 2,740,000, incl.

at the expense of state support - 1,500,000 rubles,

due to own funds 1,240,000 rub.,

Operating cost – RUB 2,556,000.

The goal of the project: to open a plant nursery for the cultivation and sale of agricultural crops with year-round sales of products.

The nursery is an independent enterprise, the main activity of which is the reproduction and cultivation of planting material - seedlings, saplings, large trees, etc. In turn, planting material is used to create artificial plantings, as well as forest reclamation, recreational and landscaping plantings.

It is planned to provide additional services:

  • landscape design,
  • improvement of land plots,
  • landscaping,
  • creation of small architectural forms,
  • creating flower beds,
  • creation of winter gardens,
  • garden care,
  • plant rental.

Opening of this enterprise relevant because the construction of private houses with garden plots is rapidly developing in the region; nearby there is the construction of several cottage villages, a large number of gardening partnerships and peasant farms, whose members need high-quality seedlings of agricultural and flower crops for growing on their gardening plots.

The nursery will supply flower seedlings and seedlings of trees and shrubs for the needs of city improvement. Thus, the creation of such an enterprise is also important for residents of nearby settlements.

Some of the plants will have a closed root system, which will allow them to be planted in gardens from April to November with a high rate of survival. To improve the quality of planting material, the site is planned to be equipped with automatic irrigation, and drip irrigation will be provided to large-sized plants.

Advantages of the project:

  • little competition,
  • participation of experienced professionals in the project,
  • high-quality planting material.

Activities for organizing a nursery:

  • register a peasant farm;
  • conduct marketing research, which will allow us to determine priority types of crops and methods of growing them in our climate zone;
  • create a business model that will allow you to achieve the project’s goals and make a profit.

Growing strawberries

Initial investment: 900 thousand rubles.

Payback period: 1 year (12 months)


  • strawberries are one of the most unpretentious crops,
  • does not require deep professional knowledge,
  • minimum investment volume,
  • quick payback.

Strawberries have a number of advantages over other garden crops: early ripening (strawberry berries are the first to arrive at the consumer’s table), plasticity (the ability to adapt to different natural conditions and Wednesdays).

Strawberries do not have any special requirements for climatic conditions and successfully grow and bear fruit in various areas.

Strawberries are undemanding to soil type. It can be successfully grown in almost any type of soil.

Strawberries are in stable demand. The strawberry market is growing by 30-35% per year. Demand significantly exceeds supply. The main consumption of strawberries in Russia is provided by imports. At the "strawberry business" big potential growth. Considering the short shelf life of fresh berries under natural conditions and the strong trend towards the consumption of natural products, the production and sale of environmentally friendly strawberries in the domestic market is ensured by expanding demand.

It is possible to start a business growing strawberries on a plot of land with an area of ​​1 hectare within the framework of a peasant (farm) enterprise without involving employees. The simplicity of technology and modern equipment do not require special professional knowledge, which allows even a beginner to start the process. agriculture.

Starting a strawberry growing business does not require significant expenses. There is also no need to obtain special licenses or permits. The volume of initial investment is 900 thousand rubles. The main costs are associated with the purchase of high-quality material for seedlings. Other costs are associated with the purchase of minimal equipment for the formation of beds and covering material.

Payback is achieved within a year. Revenue in the first year exceeds initial costs by 300 thousand rubles. . Over the estimated three years, you can earn more than 2.7 million rubles.

Risks this business plan consist in the sale of finished products, which is due to short term its storage. When deciding to start a business, you need to familiarize yourself with the market situation during the season, the availability of alternative manufacturers, suppliers retail chains, quality of supplied products.

This business plan represents the simplest approach to growing strawberries in open ground and selling finished products without processing. With further development of the business, the technology can be adapted to year-round cultivation of strawberries in closed ground. In addition to grown berries, the sale period of which is no more than one week, it is advisable to carry out processing strawberries and selling finished products with a long shelf life (jams, compotes, jams).

Family dairy farm

Initial investment 16.7 million rubles.

Regional livestock support program - up to 10 million rubles.

With a planned herd size of 50 cows, milk production will be about 250 tons per year and meat - 5.5 tons per year.

Milk will be sold to the dairy plant at the average market price (as of November 2015 - 22.86 rubles per liter).

Starting a family farm to breed cattle for milk production is an economically profitable venture. The demand for high-quality milk exceeds supply in the regions of the Far East. Actual milk consumption lags behind medical standards on average by two times. The current situation in the milk production market makes it possible to plan long-term sales of finished products.

You can build a cowshed and maintain a herd of cows for milk and meat production as part of a family farm.

This requires:

  • land - at least three hectares (including the purchase of feed for cows), or rent of an additional area of ​​​​about 100 hectares for the preparation of bulk feed (hay, haylage),
  • barn,
  • equipment,
  • number of animals.

In the Primorsky Territory, for example, there is a program to support the development of family livestock farms. Within the framework of this program, you can receive a grant of up to 10 million rubles, which is a good help for the creation and development of livestock production in the format of a family farm.

The main costs of the project are the purchase of breeding cattle, the construction of a barn and the purchase of equipment. Total costs are about 16.7 million rubles. Most of the costs can be covered by a grant, part of the costs must be financed from own funds, and an investment loan can be obtained for part of the costs.

The main activity of the farm will be milk production. With a planned herd size of 50 cows, milk production will be about 250 tons per year and meat - 5.5 tons per year.

The business plan stipulates that milk will be sold to a dairy plant at the average market price.

At the current level of prices for milk and meat, the projected payback period for the project should be 5 years (the first year is preparation and participation in the competition for a grant, four years of farm operation).

Rabbit farm

The business plan was developed taking into account the conditions of the Khabarovsk Territory.

Initial investment volume: 3 million rubles.

Payback period: 8 months.

The profitability of the project is 54%.


  • quick payback,
  • high profit,
  • small starting capital.

Main goals of the project:

  • create a farm for breeding rabbit breeding stock in order to increase offspring and subsequently sell rabbit meat,
  • reach self-sufficiency,
  • collect required capital for further development of business activities,
  • creation of a recognizable brand.

Organizational and legal form:

Peasant (farm) economy. The main activity is breeding rabbits and fur-bearing animals on a farm (OKVED 01.25.2). Taxation system – Unified Agricultural Tax, tax rate - 6% of profit.

Livestock farming is one of the priority areas in agriculture. Increasing the production of high-quality livestock products is a problem that has not lost its relevance over the years, but has become increasingly important both with the growth of the population of our planet, in particular our country, and with the satisfaction of humanity’s need for food. In this regard, the development of this industry is given great economic importance.

The mission of the enterprise is to satisfy the population's demand for domestically produced agricultural products, which meets the interests of the state in supporting domestic producers.

Market analysis shows that the demand for rabbit meat is constant and growing. The demand for meat as an essential product is inelastic, which indicates that this product will always be in demand, and also that it has no substitute. Rabbit meat, on the contrary, is a substitute for the meat of other animals. Supplies of rabbit meat to Russia are carried out mainly from China. Consumer preferences are given to local producers.

The advantages of a rabbit breeding business include:

  • quick payback,
  • high profits,
  • good fertility of rabbits,
  • small starting capital,
  • low maintenance costs (especially in summer),
  • underdevelopment of the rabbit business (lack of competition),
  • low tax.

The disadvantages include:

  • high mortality of young animals.

Goat farm

The total cost of the project will be 3,400,000 rubles.

Business profitability is 33%.

The payback period for the project is 16 months.

Project goals:

  • raising goats to obtain milk from them (with its subsequent sale),
  • production of Mozzarella cheese from goat milk.

The farm plans to sell milk by supplying the product to processing plants. There the milk will undergo pasteurization and will be used to produce sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, cream, and butter. Another promising direction is the production of Mozzarella cheese from goat milk, with subsequent sale to restaurants - from 800 rubles/kg.

To start an activity, 30 goats and 1 hectare of land are enough. If you plan to independently prepare feed for goats, then it is advisable to have a larger plot of land. Selling directly young animals is an even more profitable process: two-month-old goats of the Saanen breed reach a price of 5 thousand rubles.

In the future, as the business develops, the production of these products will be organized directly on our farm. Whey is very popular among beauty salons, so the products can also be sold. This will increase the farm's profit several times.

There is not much competition in goat farming. The demand for products is constant. This ensures that goat farming is profitable and has a long-term planning horizon.