Business etiquette Negotiation etiquette. Positions of participants in the negotiation process When is the best time to negotiate?

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preferable for

internal business events or for purely official meetings that should show your importance

inconvenient for equal negotiations

softens the official atmosphere

you show yourself to be a businesslike but democratic person who respects other people's opinions

Positions of participants in the negotiation process

you maintain a democratic image

but at the same time demonstrate that you have the last word

you agree to listen to everyone, but you won’t follow anyone’s lead

Positions of participants in the negotiation process

the most democratic seating arrangement

at regular intervals

Positions of participants in the negotiation process

If you need to discuss several issues with the invitation of relevant specialists

group communication occurs automatically

But such a seating arrangement is unacceptable if an issue is being resolved that requires the attention of everyone, the participation of each person in the discussion

Best time to negotiate

The best days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Worst – Monday and Friday

negotiations may be ineffective on Monday as it is the beginning working week and often on the weekend the partner rested well and allowed himself to relax

Friday is the last day of the working week, the partner is already set up for the upcoming vacation, his head is busy with bright thoughts, and not with business

Optimal time - afternoon

half an hour or an hour later, when the person is already sufficiently awake and full, his attention is not distracted by anything and he perceives the information adequately

The main stages of a business conversation

starting a conversation is the hardest thing

informing partners

argumentation of the proposed provisions


ending the conversation

The right conversation starter

How can you not start a conversation?

show lack of confidence in oneself and the need for a meeting

show disrespect at the beginning of the meeting, even in a mild manner

excite defensive position interlocutor with the first questions

Objectives of the first phrases:

Establish contact with the interlocutor

Create a favorable atmosphere for conversation

Draw attention to the topic of conversation

Arouse the interlocutor's interest

Correct openings

Tension Relief Method

allows you to establish close contact with your interlocutor

a few kind words, joke

"Hook" method

allows you to briefly outline a situation or problem, linking it to the content of the conversation

you can successfully use some small event, comparison, personal impressions, anecdotal incident or unusual question

Direct approach method

means a direct transition to the point without any introduction

the reception is “cold” and rational, suitable for short-term and not very important business contacts

General rules for conducting a business conversation

Be rational, behave with restraint. Uncontrolled emotions have a negative impact on the negotiation process

Try to understand your partner. Inattention to the partner’s point of view limits the possibility of developing mutually acceptable solutions

Initiate communication. If your partners are not very interested, try to consult with them. This will help maintain and improve relationships

Be truthful. False information weakens the strength of argumentation and also adversely affects reputation

Avoid a mentoring tone. It is unacceptable to lecture your partner. The main method is persuasion

Be able to accept the interlocutor's point of view

Negotiation is a critical part of any business partnership. Further work with the client or supplier largely depends on the quality of the negotiations, and it is at this stage that the main conditions of cooperation are determined.

From a psychological point of view, each of us is a unique individual. We have our own life position, views and preferences. The same applies to a person as a counterparty in the transaction process. The director, manager, financier and other officials represent a specific company that needs specific conditions. The private client, in turn, is interested in specific product, in a certain quantity. The people with whom you will negotiate need specifics - this is important. But along with it, there are standard negotiation techniques. They can be considered as a kind of template, in the good sense of the word. These rules are formed based on factors such as business ethics and psychoanalysis, so their effectiveness can hardly be questioned.

So, the rules for successful negotiations include the following points:

  1. Preparation. You must clearly understand the purpose of the negotiations even before they begin. Ideally, break this goal into three points: the planned result, acceptable and undesirable. For each of them, it is necessary to have its own strategy of behavior, which is put into action even before the result is achieved. Let's say you see that the conversation is going in the wrong direction, and you cannot come to a common denominator with your interlocutor. Use techniques that will give you the opportunity to get out of the situation.
  2. Performance. At the beginning of the conversation, make it clear to your partner who you are, what company you are acting for, and for what purpose you invited him to this conversation. This will help avoid many questions in the future. An informal retreat makes sense if you really know how to communicate on abstract topics. If the conversation “about the weather” is done insofar as it is insincere, it will only be harmful, because will be a waste of time. Which many business people simply lack. It's better to get straight to the point.
  3. Understanding. Of course, during the negotiation process you must defend, first of all, your interests. But it wouldn’t hurt to look at the conversation from the other person’s point of view. This will help you better understand what advantages of your offer you can highlight for him. Know how to listen and hear someone else’s position.
  4. Entourage and appearance (for “live” negotiations). Make sure that the negotiations take place in a suitable place, where no one will disturb you. If this is an office, its furnishings should be business-like. Close the door (but don't lock it) and make sure no one disturbs you. If this is a cafe, try to choose a cozy establishment. Do not invite persons whose presence is not required to participate in negotiations. Control the time of negotiations, do not delay them, but also do not look at your watch every 5 minutes, this is a sign of bad manners and your lack of interest in the deal. As for appearance, it must be neat. You're hosting a business meeting and need to look the part.

In fairness, it is worth noting that on this point everything is purely individual. Often people, when promoting their product or service, create such an appearance for themselves that their interlocutor at first cannot understand with whom he is even talking. This makes it possible to play first fiddle in terms of business communication, while the other party devotes time to studying you as a person. But here on a thin one. It is important not to overdo it, because... Excessive expressiveness in style can also give a completely opposite result - a person initially will not see you as a serious partner.

  1. Positive nature of the conversation. Both you and your interlocutor are interested in mutually beneficial cooperation. This is good, isn't it? Showcase your positive attitude. But not with the help of an “on duty” smile or fawning, but so that the emotions are sincere. Talk about the prospects for cooperation with feeling, with a sparkle in your eyes. If you do not prevaricate, it will be very easy to maintain such a tone. But at the same time keep your distance. Perhaps in the future you and your interlocutor will become best friends, but at the moment you are representatives of different business sides, each of which defends its own interests.
  2. Unambiguity. If we're talking about about financial partnership, terms of payment for goods, etc. points, it is necessary that they all be clearly stated, and then spelled out in the contract and not be subject to double interpretation. Naturally, you shouldn’t sign the document right away. Why - see the note above this point.
  3. The main thing is the details. Didn’t understand what this or that phrase from your partner’s mouth meant? Don’t be lazy to ask him a clarifying question. Doubts, uncertainty, etc. feelings must either be confirmed or dispelled. Clarifying questions in this case are the best way.
  4. Maintain balance. Between the “good and evil policeman.” Another important factor how to negotiate cooperation. Here, as in battle, the strongest is not the one who attacks, but the one who takes the blow. You need to defend your positions not through refusals, disputes and other negativity. It is important to demonstrate professionalism. And then the partner will be more loyal to the conditions you propose.
  5. Keep your word. Since we test our partner for honesty and integrity, we can be sure that he will do the same. Promise only what you can guarantee. Keep your promises. More precisely, not even promises, but obligations under a future agreement. Otherwise, you will face not only moral, but also administrative (and sometimes criminal) liability. Plus, it's your reputation. Don't let her get hurt.
  6. Competent end of the conversation. After negotiations, the parties must reach a joint outcome. This may be a compromise, a preliminary agreement, or sometimes a categorical disagreement of the parties with each other. But negotiations cannot be left unfinished. Even if they were just one of the stages, after which you will have other meetings, conversations or correspondence. Treat them like you read a chapter from which you need to draw a conclusion. And, of course, observe basic politeness. Shake the person’s hand (if it’s a man), smile at the lady, wish Have a good day. Do this regardless of the outcome of the conversation.

IMPORTANT! The outcome of negotiations does not mean a decision has been made. The verdict on cooperation should be made only after thinking it over in a calm atmosphere, discussing with your colleagues everything that you talked about during the negotiations. Especially if the interlocutor offered you options for cooperation that you had not previously thought about. You need to carefully analyze this proposal and understand whether the stated conditions suit you. It might be worth looking for pitfalls. To make it easier to understand, take notes during negotiations. If you agree to a deal during the conversation itself, you can become a victim of a personality with strong charisma, due to which you will be confused.

How to negotiate with a client?

The above recommendations applied to negotiations in general. Now let's look at a few points regarding what line to follow when communicating with the person to whom you want to sell something. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a wholesale buyer or a retail client. For us, he is first and foremost a buyer.

  1. Find out what the client needs. What product, in what volume, for what purposes (remember the specifics). After receiving this information, let the person know that you can implement his requests.
  2. Describe the benefits of the product. Preferably with numbers. How many components are richer than its composition, how many times this product will help you save, etc. This will allow you to justify the price you want to receive for the product.

IMPORTANT! You must understand all the advantages, first of all, yourself. Only then will you be able to justify them and convey them to the buyer.

  1. If the price doesn't suit the client, don't complain on the fact that such a cost is due to the costs of production, logistics and other expense items. The buyer is not interested in this. It is better to emphasize once again what benefits he receives from the acquisition. Preferably financial. If there really are any, the person will gladly pay you one time in order to save in the future. In some cases, you can offer a discount and special conditions. Which ones exactly – calculate in advance, as well as the size of the discounts.

Benefits may include:

  • free shipping when purchasing a certain amount;
  • the possibility of purchasing goods in installments;
  • additional bonuses (3 products for the price of 2, etc.).

There are a lot of options, the main thing is that they are economically feasible for you. If a buyer asks for an unrealistic discount, don't be afraid to turn him down. At the same time, justify your refusal, say that such conditions are simply unprofitable for you. And offer an alternative.

ADVICE: Examples of successful negotiations demonstrate the relevance of comparisons when voicing prices. “This book costs the same as 10 cups of coffee,” “A monthly car payment is equal to three dinners at a restaurant,” etc.

The main thing is not to start the conversation with cost. First, introduce the buyer to the product (or general assortment), list its advantages, and then politely but confidently announce the price. Confidence - important point. If the client sees that you are hesitating, he will definitely start bargaining. Pronounce the number as confidently as you pronounce your name. When bargaining, if it does take place, use what was said at the beginning of this paragraph. But don’t rush to make the discount itself if the client talks about “how expensive it is.” He may just be waiting for you to recount to him why the item is worth what you want for it.

  1. Do not despair, if a person refuses to purchase. Perhaps he just needs to wait until payday or find out the conditions and prices of your competitors (especially important for wholesale clients). Leave your contact information and politely say that if anything happens you will always be happy to cooperate.

Difficult client - who is he?

Yes, there is such a separate category of buyers. Many people don’t like them, but these are the people who help sellers understand weak sides of your business. They represent a challenge to be accepted and an obstacle to be overcome. Moreover, these clients themselves are divided into:

  • rude people;

When communicating with such people, the main thing is not to succumb to provocations. Stay calm and confident. Rudeness means the absence of other arguments, and when a person realizes that shouting and accusations will not get through you, he will retreat on his own. And all his negativity will remain with him. Or perhaps these are just emotions that need to be allowed to spill out. If a person is unhappy with the price, appearance product - agree with it, using speech patterns like “Yes, you are certainly right, but let me clarify...”. And then, despite your emotions, try to help him.

  • shy and indecisive people;

Such a person, as a rule, is not confident in himself and in his choice. He is haunted by doubts that you need to level out. Maintain it, expand it, or, on the contrary, narrow the list of options for purchase. Here it is doubly important to emphasize all the advantages of the product. If a person wants to consult with his wife or boss, offer your help in this matter.

  • "smart guys"

The client wants to demonstrate that he knows your product better than you do. Well, in this case you can play his game. Show how much you admire his competence, do not use harsh objections if he criticizes the product, but only offer alternative arguments. The main thing here is to find a compromise. And a healthy discussion always benefits both sides.

How to negotiate on the phone?

First, let’s clarify that any serious transaction requires a personal meeting. Successful telephone conversations are only one of the stages of cooperation. But this stage is also very important. Let's talk about him.

The client calls first

This already means that he has an issue that needs to be resolved. The person found your contacts, dialed the number, and waited for an answer. Here your task is to greet him politely, introduce yourself, and find out about the problem. This will give a boost to a certain amount of trust when the client understands that there is also a real person on the other end of the line, and a robot manager. Don't disappoint his expectations. But at the same time, give the opportunity to be convinced of your professionalism, since the caller is not always an expert in the field of goods or services for which he actually called you. Having learned about his preferences, clearly and concisely voice them in your own words and give the client the opportunity to agree with you. And then make an offer and arrange a meeting.

You call first

In this case, the first priority is to find out whether the person has time to talk. If not, ask when you can call back, since at the moment the busy interlocutor, if he does not hang up, is unlikely to pay enough attention to your proposal.

The rest of the client communication script looks standard:

  • Introduce yourself;
  • Find out about the needs of your interlocutor, clarify them if necessary;
  • Making an offer;
  • You make an appointment.

Individual nuances are selected for each specific area.

If your product or service is intended for business representatives, and not corporate clients, find out from your interlocutor who in the company is authorized to respond to proposals similar to yours and contact this person. And then follow the established pattern: defining the problem - your solution to it - pricing issues - confirmation of interest. And use the necessary marketing moves– provide information about discounts and other favorable conditions.

In practice, conducting such telephone conversations looks like this (example):

– Good afternoon, my name is ..., I am a representative of the company ..., we sell stationery. Do you have time to talk?
- Yes, I’m listening to you.
– Tell me, do you use forms to print tax documents?
- Yes, we use it.
– So, is it important for you to purchase such documents?
- Yes, that’s right, what do you want to offer?
– Our company will be interested in cooperation in supplying such forms for you. We are ready to discuss individual pricing policy and terms of cooperation.

Then the conversation will go on its own if the person is really interested in your proposal. In case of refusal, try to find out the reason and offer Alternative option cooperation. Don’t be shy to ask questions and encourage your interlocutor to provide feedback. This is the only way you can build a constructive dialogue.

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Knowledge of the rules of business cooperation can do a very good job: if the impression made on partners and clients is favorable, then the company’s business will go uphill, since its representatives are pleasant to deal with.

Today website share useful tips psychologist Elena Ber.

How to say hello

  • When entering a room, say hello first.
  • If there are other people in the office of the person you are visiting, limit yourself to a general bow and greeting. Then shake hands with the person who invited you.
  • When greeting someone, don't limit yourself to just a formal "Hello." Call the person you are talking to by name.
  • When meeting someone, when you are introduced or you introduce yourself, do not rush to offer your hand. The person you are introduced to must do so first.
  • At an official meeting, kissing ladies' hands is not customary.
  • If you are sitting, if possible, stand up when greeting.

How to shake hands

  • If you walk up to a group of people and shake hands with one person, you need to shake hands with the others.
  • It is not customary to shake hands across a threshold, a table, or over the head of the person sitting between you.
  • Don't shake hands with someone you're talking to while keeping the other one in your pocket.
  • The leader always gives his hand first.
  • Shaking hands with both hands is discouraged as it is meant to convey closer relationships with people.

How to meet people

  • If there are strangers around you, there is no need to be shy: feel free to introduce yourself, don’t wait for someone to introduce you.
  • When meeting someone at a business meeting (conference, reception), you should not immediately talk about your achievements - it is enough to simply indicate what you do and why you came to the meeting or event.
  • The person you introduce the stranger to is mentioned first. The one you imagine is second.
  • When someone is introduced to you, focus on remembering their name and use their name often during the conversation.
  • Having forgotten the name of the interlocutor, try to soften the situation by correctly asking again: “Sorry, I’ve become a little forgetful lately, could you remind me of your name?”

What should a business card be like?

  • The business card should be designed in a strict, laconic style.
  • Those who often work with foreign partners should print business cards in the partners' language - this is especially welcome in Asian countries.
  • If any information about you has changed, you need to order new business cards: under no circumstances correct the data on old business cards; a card with blots and amendments is a sign of bad taste.
  • Good manners for business man It is considered that business cards are in two languages ​​- Russian and English.
  • If you didn’t find the person there, but want to show him respect, fold the upper right corner of the business card you left.

How to end a meeting

  • When leaving strangers, it is not necessary to say goodbye to everyone personally.
  • If you leave a crowded reception before the rest of the guests, say goodbye only to the hosts of the meeting. Otherwise, your departure may serve as a signal to party participants that it’s time for everyone to go home.
  • If the conversation lasts too long, invite the other person to meet new people, introduce them to each other, apologize and take your leave.
  • The farewell should be short - for example, shaking hands, as at a meeting.
  • End the conversation politely, using universal phrases, for example: “It was nice to meet you.”
  • If you need to leave a meeting early, wait for a pause in the conversation, stand up and say goodbye, expressing your hope for a new meeting.

Language of the body

  • When talking to people, you don’t need to spread your legs wide, hunch over, or keep your hands in your pockets.
  • The fig leaf pose (palms clasped together so that the arms form an inverted "V") indicates shyness and lack of self-confidence.
  • If you make fidgety movements, sway from side to side, or touch your face or hair, you increase your own nervous tension and distract others.
  • Excessive gestures during conversation are not encouraged. Gestures should be restrained - interlocutors may be embarrassed by excessive expression.
  • The distance between you and the interlocutor should be no less than arm's length.
  • You should not sit cross-legged, especially in a chair. If it is deep, you can stretch your legs slightly.

How to negotiate

  • Partners should be invited to negotiations at least two weeks in advance so that they can prepare.
  • The venue for negotiations is proposed by the inviting party, but the invitee has the right to either accept or reject it.
  • When there are many participants and they are unfamiliar, you can place cards with last names on the table.
  • The parties are located opposite each other in order of position.
  • After the greeting, the participants should be introduced to each other. It is also necessary to outline their role and powers in negotiations.
  • If negotiations are conducted with a foreign delegation, it is necessary to agree in advance on the language of negotiations and provide technical means for translators.
  • If the conversation is being recorded, guests should be informed about this.
  • The optimal duration of the meeting is two hours. If negotiations drag on, a half-hour coffee break is necessary.

Reception of business partners

  • The head of the delegation of appropriate rank must meet guests at the airport. He usually arrives accompanied by two or three people.
  • If the guest arrives with his wife, then it is advisable for the host leader to come to the first meeting accompanied by his wife.
  • The head of the receiving party introduces himself first. Then he introduces the spouse, then the employees (in descending order of position).
  • Think in advance about how to seat your guests in their cars so that everything goes smoothly.
  • If the head of the welcoming party arrives driving a personal car, then the place of honor for the guest is next to him.
  • When escorting guests to the hotel, part with them not on the street, but in the lobby.

Mobile etiquette

  • To call a mobile phone for business matters, please contact: work time, on weekdays it is considered to be the time period from 09:00 to 21:00.
  • Always turn off your phone when talking or having lunch together.
  • If you call someone and the answering machine goes on, don't hang up. Introduce yourself and ask to call you back when convenient.
  • If your call is not answered, call back no earlier than two hours later.
  • It is impolite to wait for more than six rings - it is better to hang up after the fifth ring.
  • The one who started it ends the conversation. If the connection is interrupted, the person who called will call back.
  • Dropping a call is considered impolite. You need to answer and ask to call back (or promise to call back) after a specific period of time.
  • Don't give out numbers mobile phones without the consent of their owners.

Negotiation etiquette.

Negotiation etiquette.

When preparing for negotiations or organizing meetings, think: how much could people earn for the company without being present at the meeting?! If the benefit from the event is less, then it is not justified and should not be carried out.

Preparing for negotiations.

The success of negotiations largely depends on how thoroughly they are prepared. Conventionally, the process of preparing for negotiations can be divided into two stages: organizational and substantive. These two stages are closely related, since the nature of the upcoming negotiations determines organizational issues.

The first step is to determine the time and place of the meeting (the meeting place must correspond to the general concept future meeting). You should avoid scheduling a work meeting in the morning or late evening hours, as well as lunch time. The optimal time for a meeting is the first half of the day. Avoid large meetings at the end of the year, when results are summed up and financial reports are made.

If necessary, an expert is involved in the negotiations. The content of negotiations is of great importance: it is important to determine negotiating positions, formulate proposals and arguments for them, prepare instructions for negotiators, documents and materials.


When being introduced, the most polite response would be: “Hello” or “Nice to meet you,” while extending your hand and looking the person in the eyes. If you have no one to introduce you, introduce yourself. The phrase: “You remember me!” is not acceptable; if you are not sure whether your opponent remembers you, it is better to introduce yourself again.

At the first meeting, if the participants do not know each other, it is necessary to introduce themselves. The head of the receiving delegation is introduced first, then the head of the visiting delegation. After this, the heads of delegations introduce their employees. The host delegation should also be represented here first. First, those who occupy a higher position are presented, then those who are of a lower rank. After this, participants can exchange business cards. With a large number of delegations, such an exchange is difficult and therefore unnecessary. In this case, before the start of negotiations, each participant is given a list of delegations, if possible indicating full names and positions.

When introducing people, say their first and last name. Smile and speak clearly. Say a few non-personal words about each person you introduce. The younger one is always introduced to the older one. Gender doesn't matter. In social etiquette, it is customary to introduce a man to a woman, but in business this rule is not necessary. Everyone is equal here.

Young couples are introduced to older couples. In a large group, introduce one person to several at once. If you are introducing people of equal status, introduce someone you know less to someone you know better. An untitled person should be introduced to a person with titles.

Always remove your gloves when being introduced, unless they are part of formal attire or it is too cold outside. If your hands are suddenly busy (with folders, for example), it is not forbidden if you simply nod your head in response.
If the person introducing you suddenly forgot your name, promptly prompt him to eliminate the awkwardness. If you forget his or her name while introducing someone, make it a joke. If a person did not think to tell you his name, ask him about it directly.

Representation of powers.

This point is especially important in any negotiations. In the simplest case, this could be a letter of authority from the head of your company, assuring that you have been instructed to conduct negotiations on a certain topic. In such a document, it is useful to mention that you have been entrusted with signing (or only agreeing on) a joint document. If the agreement you are asked to prepare contains a reference to your organization's Bylaws or Articles of Incorporation, you should have a copy with you to give to the other party.

The head of the company, to confirm his authority, can present letters of recommendation from their bankers or business partners known to the other party. It always works convincingly. A kind of evidence of authority can be a story about your company or organization, accompanied by the transfer of a copy of the audit report, or an article about your organization published in a reputable magazine or newspaper.

In turn, when accepting partners previously unknown to you, you have the right to inquire about their powers, during the conversation ask a question about their partners, bankers, about whether they have the right to sign joint documents. In some cases, it is better to ask your lawyer or the person responsible for paperwork in your delegation to ask such questions (this can be done during the preparation of negotiations or a conversation on the sidelines).

Business meeting.

The success of business meetings depends on preliminary preparation agenda. It is also important to strictly observe it, clearly indicate the start and end times of the meeting, and adhere to the order of speeches. But the most important thing is that the meeting is productive. Business meetings start on time, even if the group is not full. An effective method of dealing with tardiness is to close and lock the door.

The agenda should be designed in such a way that people do not waste time. The issue discussed should concern all meeting participants. It is unacceptable to discuss an issue that concerns only two of those present. If a decision is to be made at the end of the meeting, then on the same day all participants should be given a protocol indicating what was decided and who is responsible for implementing the decision.

Rules of conduct in negotiations.

Being late is unacceptable; it can not only negatively affect your image, but also damage the progress of negotiations. It is better to receive visitors by going out to meet them. The negotiators are seated so that members of each delegation occupying equal positions sit opposite each other. The head of the receiving party is the first to sit down at the negotiating table. The initiative during the negotiations belongs to him. He starts the conversation, makes sure that there are no pauses during the negotiations, which can be perceived as a signal for their end - in general, he leads it.

During negotiations, it is not customary to interrupt partners’ speeches. After the presentation, you can ask clarifying questions. If there is still a need to clarify any detail during the speech, you must apologize and make your statement as brief and specific as possible. During negotiations, it is widely practiced for the head of the delegation to hand over the floor for speech to other members of his delegation, experts and advisers. Tea or coffee may be served during negotiations. Another option is to announce a coffee break. It is usually used during fairly long negotiations, as well as if you need to exchange “informal” opinions, “defuse the atmosphere,” or just relax a little.

The receiving party, as a rule, makes sure that there are pencils or pens, notepads or just blank paper on the negotiating table. If the delegations are large and the room is large, then it is necessary to take care of sound reinforcement. As a rule, the issue of the working language of negotiations is agreed in advance with foreigners. If simultaneous interpretation is provided, then you should think about a workplace for the interpreter - a special booth. During consecutive interpretation, the interpreter of each side sits to the left of the head of the entire delegation or immediately behind him and slightly to the left.

Mistakes during negotiations.

Preparation for negotiations is not given due attention. Participants believe that it will be easier to resolve all issues during the negotiations themselves. At the negotiating table, disputes arise within the delegation. Not enough attention is paid to how exactly their proposals can be implemented. Avoid including in the delegation those who do not have a sufficient level of professionalism. This can negatively affect your image. The quantitative composition of the delegation is often overestimated, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of negotiations. The peculiarities of business communication and etiquette of a partner from another country are not taken into account, which leads to mutual misunderstanding in negotiations.


The transcript must contain the required attributes: confidentiality stamp, date, location and name of the event, names or initials of the stenographers, visa or signature of the chairperson or secretary (the transcript of the negotiations can be endorsed or signed by the heads of delegations). The transcript is used if necessary to ensure full compliance of each speech, remarks of the presiding officer, etc. Each of the parties has the right to keep the transcript independently.

The presiding officer warns the participants about recording at the beginning of the work. Ready written texts of speeches are handed in upon completion. After completion of the work, if a transcript common to all participants is maintained, the chairperson makes a proposal for further work with the text and the use of the transcript. The transcript may be included in official documents of conferences, meetings, negotiations, or only mentioned in them; in such cases, a link is made to where it can be found.

Magnetic recording.

In general, the use of a voice recording has the same basic requirements as a transcript. As a rule, when making a tape recording, it is necessary to warn the negotiators about this, clearly indicating how this tape recording will be used in the future. When recording meetings and negotiations, it is appropriate for the chairperson to invite speakers to identify themselves at the beginning of their speech; this will facilitate further processing of the recording. During negotiations, the party organizing a joint tape recording usually provides a copy of the tape recording to the negotiating partners.

Under no circumstances is it permissible to transmit tape recordings of confidential negotiations, speeches or telephone conversations to third parties. This requires the written consent of the person whose performance was recorded. If you want to record a conversation that is important to you, it is best to do it openly, without trying to hide the recorder.


A protracted farewell is equally inconvenient for everyone - both the one leaving and the one staying. After the allotted time for a conversation or event has passed, you should leave with a brief goodbye. It happens that, as a sign of respect for the guests, the owner accompanies them to the exit. The temptation to turn this gesture of attention into a continuation of negotiations should be avoided.

When parting with your negotiating partners, try to shake their hands. If the delegations are large, then the heads of the delegations say goodbye, limiting themselves to a polite slight bow to the remaining members of the delegation.