Greenpeace's birthday - we engage in plogging and care about the environment. Environmental organization Greenpeace. Help Birthday of the environmental organization Greenpeace

Humanity is developing at a tremendous pace, and at some point it became clear: this development often occurs at the expense of those natural resources that should not suffer. We have caused a lot of harm to the environment, ecology, and individual animal populations. It became clear: this is a dead-end path, which will ultimately make life on the planet unbearable. To teach people to live in harmony with nature and the world, an organization such as Greenpeace arose. It is international and non-governmental. This year on September fifteenth she celebrates her forty-sixth birthday.

history of the holiday

The date of the celebration was chosen for a reason. It was on September 15, 1971 that a significant event occurred. Nuclear tests were carried out in America, and many people came out to protest. The initiators of the rally were environmentalists, but they were also supported by other people, including successful businessmen and famous personalities.

A relatively small action very quickly grew into the largest organization that today is engaged in environmental issues and nature conservation. The peculiarity of the association is that it exists completely outside of politics and concentrates exclusively on its own tasks.

Today, not only people who are directly related to the state of the planet by virtue of their profession work in this field. Works within the community great amount volunteers, simply caring people who try to provide at least minimal help different ways: from participation in promotions to financial support.

September 15, 1971 - 40 years ago - the day of the first organized action of environmentalists against nuclear tests - is considered the day of creation (the day the activities began) of the international environmental organization Greenpeace (Green World).

Greenpeace (Green Peace) is an independent international public organization, which aims to prevent degradation environment.

The organization initially focused on US nuclear testing issues, but gradually expanded its activities to the rest of the world and to a wide range of environmental topics.

In the Soviet Union, the Greenpeace branch appeared in the late 1980s. In March 1989, a double music album entitled “Greenpeace Breakthrough” was released in the USSR, in which the groups U2, Eurythmics, R.E.M., INXS, Sade, Bryan Ferry and other musicians participated. The album sold more than 3 million copies and became not only the highest-selling record by Western musicians released in the USSR, but also the first album that appeared in the USSR and in different countries of the world at the same time. Within the first hours of the record's release, half a million copies were sold.

By May 15, 1989, the total number of albums sold reached one million. Proceeds from the sale of the album were used to establish Greenpeace branches in Moscow and Kyiv, as well as to support environmental projects in the USSR.

In July 1989, at a press conference on board the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior, Alexey Yablokov (then chairman of the USSR Committee on Environmental Protection) officially declared the Greenpeace branch in the USSR “the first independent organization in the Soviet Union.”

In 1992, Greenpeace Russia was formed.

In 2001, a branch was opened in St. Petersburg.

In Russia, Greenpeace promotes the preservation of the last corners of untouched nature, fights the nuclear danger, strives to eliminate threats caused by chemical and genetic pollution, and campaigns for the preservation of the pristine purity of Lake Baikal.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Greenpeace is one of the largest and most famous organizations in the world.

Greenpeace has hundreds of thousands of active members, millions of people around the world who support them and more than 3 million of them donate.

These images spread around the world and helped change it for the better.

The first photograph was taken by Robert Kizaire in 1971, during the first Greenpeace expedition. A small group of activists, inspired by the dream of a world without war and violence, set off from Vancouver to sail to the island of Amchitka in Alaska, in the area where the US government was planning to conduct nuclear tests.

So the small but determined crew decided to name their team: Green + Peace = Greenpeace.

Thanks to actions such as this, burying radioactive waste at sea is prohibited. Two huge barrels were thrown directly onto the boat with the activists; it capsized and its driver, William Groiner, was seriously injured.

Greenpeace photographer Fernando Pereira died during this action. In 1985, the crew of the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior protested in Auckland against French atomic testing in the Pacific Ocean. Agents of the French secret services blew up the ship on the eve of the action. The explosion of the ship was reported by the entire world press, the public realized the strength of those whom Greenpeace opposed.

Thanks to the will of Greenpeace, Antarctica was recognized as a natural reserve dedicated to peace and science.

The picture shows the deployment of the base of the international natural park. Greenpeace monitored pollution in the region associated with the New Zealand and US bases. So, in the penguin nesting areas, they carried out construction and blasting work.

1995, Greenpeace team block the Brent Spar platform in the North Sea to achieve a ban on the discharge of waste into the water from coastal structures. The promotion lasted for 2 whole months. Due to their persistence, the discharge of toxic substances into the North Sea is prohibited.

In 1982, Greenpeace achieved consideration by the International Whaling Commission of a moratorium on commercial whaling, which came into force in 1986. In the photo, activists were literally ready to hang from the hook of a Japanese whaling ship while the dead whale was lifted aboard. For the first time in the history of the whaling industry, whale hunters faced opposition to their cruelty.

A small child sitting around e-waste in China. This photo impressed the whole world. The photo helped highlight the impact of electronic waste on the lives of the local population.

The photograph spread around the world as an illustration of the dangers that people and nature face as a result of the oil industry. In 2010, in the same China, there was an oil spill in the port city of Dalian. Everyone had to liquidate it: fishermen, local residents, firefighters, government officials.

In this photo, workers trying to repair an underwater pump were caught in a sticky oil slick, killing one of them.

The presentation is part of a lesson with students of senior correctional classes on the topic of environmental protection. It can be used in extracurricular activities or in a lesson in the GPD. The main goal is education ecological culture.



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Slide captions:

Presentation of "Greenpeace" Goal: Formation of an environmental culture Objectives: -introducing students to the Greenpeace organization, its structure, principles, goals. - education of cultural behavior in nature - expansion of horizons - enrichment of vocabulary. School No. 584 “Ozerki” Educator: Naumova L.I. year 2013

Greenpeace (“Green World”) is an international public environmental organization.

On September 15, 1971, a small group of environmentalists “declared war” (protest) on the American government conducting nuclear tests on the island of Alaska. On this day, the first organized action to protect the environment was held. Thus came the birth of an organization that is now considered by many to be a force capable of changing the world. For their organization, activists and members chose a name that reflected their concern for environmental issues and their desire to see a world free of nuclear danger. Green Peace – Green World

An organization appeared in Canada in the city of Vancouver

Founder and organizer of Greenpeace - Canadian businessman David Fraser Mac Taggart He was called “the first warrior of the green army”

Greenpeace's main goal is to achieve a solution global problems, including by attracting the attention of the public and authorities to them.

Greenpeace members take to the streets, organize environmental rallies and hold actions to protect the environment.

One of Greenpeace's actions is the fight against nuclear testing.

Greenpeace fights against environmental pollution from industrial waste.

The organization prevents the destruction of rare species of animals.

There is a struggle against the destruction of forests and rare plant species.

In Russia, the Greenpeace branch appeared in July 1989. The initiator was Alexey Yablokov (at that time the chairman of the USSR Committee on Environmental Protection)

The Russian branch has 10 projects: Energy Project (for the abandonment of nuclear energy and nuclear testing)

Forestry project (for forest conservation, against tree cutting, forest fire prevention, for forest restoration)

Toxic Project (against chemical pollution of the environment)

Waste separation project

Baikal project (against pollution of Lake Baikal)

In 2001, a Greenpeace branch was opened in St. Petersburg and the Clean Neva project was launched (problems with pollution of the Neva, canals and rivers of the Leningrad region are being solved).

The following projects are also being implemented: Volunteer Project (Recruitment and training of volunteers who are willing to help implement various projects of the organization free of charge) “World Heritage” (identification and protection of unique natural complexes that are threatened by the serious negative impact of human activity.)

“Ecohouse” (Principles: install energy-saving lamps in your home, insulate the windows in your apartment, choose safe household chemicals, collect household waste separately and you will make your contribution to the common cause of environmental protection.

There are now 3.5 million Greenpeace activists in the world. “Greenpeace has become an outstanding symbol for many people around the world who do not want to put up with the pollution and destruction of the Earth. Friends! Join Greenpeace! Become their supporters! Help make life on Earth safe for humans and preserve the beauty of our planet!

Preserve the beauty of the Earth

Thank you for your attention

Resources used: http:// / ……… http://www.greenpeace .org/russ... http ://…… http:// / radio_ru… http:// / radio_ru… … … … /det http:// / indi http:// / user / bazykin …… /… …Illustrations:›en/Greenpeace_USA_ee5c Text:


Lesson notes

(for students of correctional classes (VIII century) of high school)

Greenpeace Birthday

Target : Formation of ecological culture

Tasks :

Introduce students to the Greenpeace organization, its structure, principles, and goals.

Foster cultural behavior in nature;

Expand your horizons;

Enrich your vocabulary.


big globe; posters on ecology, illustrations depicting natural objects - for classroom decoration; laptop, interactive whiteboard; Whatman paper sheets, wax crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens, gouache, brushes.

Progress of the lesson

1. B introductory word. Conversation “The Planet is in Danger.”

There are many miracles in the world,
The man is the most wonderful of them all.
But he only loved himself
nature ruined.
He couldn't understand
What nature -
our Mother!
Forests are being cut down, rivers are being polluted ,
And we already have water in the river
I do not like
There are no animals in the forests now ,
Man is the most important of all!
He couldn't resist
This was his vice.
Why can't he
Live calmly and wisely?
Protect, love, appreciate,
All nature
treasure !
And now we see
Forests without birds, and land without water...
less natural surroundings,
More and more environment.

(Victoria Kish, Natalia Osmak)

Our planet Earth is in danger. There are many sore spots on it. This happened because people built many plants and factories. These enterprises pollute the air - it is polluted by the smoke that comes out of the chimneys into the sky, gases from cars, waste from factories flow into rivers and pollute them.Forests are cut down, this makes the air dirtier and more harmful, animals disappear or even die, plants die, people get sick.

This is how our Earth is polluted.

We all owe our lives to our planet - the beautiful Earth, groaning in pain, crying out for help and, alas, remaining childishly defenseless in front of people. French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery noted: “We are all passengers of one ship called Earth. And there is simply nowhere to transfer from it. Our life and our future depend on us” (Accompanied by a display of the globe). The health of our planet depends entirely on human activity, and only we humans should take care of it.

2. Reading and commenting on an excerpt from the environmental story “Why did the whales die” from the book “Ecology in Pictures” by V. Tanasiychuk.

“I was once sitting on a small beach. Two boys were playing on the shore. They found abandoned plastic bags, inflated them and floated them into the sea with the wind. At first the packages floated like ships with swollen sails, and then slowly sank.

Several months passed, and I read in the newspapers about a disaster that happened off distant shores. Whales began to die there. Scientists examined them and found the cause of death. Do you think they died from some terrible disease? Nothing like this. They simply suffocated because their breathing holes were blocked plastic bags or simply pieces of polyethylene that were brought by the sea current. And I thought - these could have been those bags that the boys on the beach floated through the water.

Smoke from factories, oil spilled into the sea, and trash thrown in the forest or on the beach harm nature in different ways. But every year they harm more and more. After all, there were no such powerful factories before as there are now. Such huge ships have never sailed the seas. And there were never as many people on Earth as there are now.

What can we do to make our Earth not dirtier, but cleaner? So that forests and steppes, rivers and lakes remain on it, so that fish and dragonflies, butterflies and whales live on it next to us, so that our cities do not drown in garbage and waste.

When starting any business, you must first think and calculate it like this. So that it does not harm nature. To do this, you need to know and follow strict environmental rules.”

And guys, there is an organization that fights pollution of our planet. It is called “Greenpeace” (i.e. “green world”).

Now I suggest you rest a little, and then we’ll talk about this organization.

3. Physical education minute.

We walk, we walk, we raise our hands higher,

We don’t lower our heads, we breathe evenly and deeply.


Suddenly we see from the bush

The chick fell out of the nest


Quietly we take the chick

And we put it back

(hands up)

A sly fox is looking out from behind a bush ahead

We'll outwit the fox

Let's run on our toes.

4.Greenpeace presentation screening

5. Gymnastics for the eyes.

  • Move your eyes from left to right.
  • Move your eyes up and down.
  • Move your eyes diagonally: top left - bottom right.
  • Move your eyes diagonally from top right to bottom left.
  • Rotate your eyes clockwise.
  • Rotate your eyes counterclockwise

6. Reflection.


What natural factors does human health depend on?

How can we help nature?

How can the Greenpeace-Ecohouse project be brought to life?

Would you like to become a conservationist?

7.Drawing posters on the theme “Take care of nature.”

Greenpeace's birthday is a celebration of the founding of an organization that worldwide opposes humanity's destructive actions against the environment and nature. We will tell you how the organization came into being, the goals and principles of the participants in the “green movement”, and how Russian gardeners support it, as well as what plogging is.

Greenpeace Birthday - date and history of founding

Greenpeace was founded on September 15, 1971. It was on this day that activists protested against nuclear weapons tests conducted by the United States of America. The indignation of environmentalists was supported by two successful businessmen, who later became curators and sponsors of the movement.

Initially, the project was a group of enthusiasts who were not indifferent to environmental problems on the planet. Given the relevance of the issue, the activists’ idea was picked up by followers all over the world.

Very quickly, a small organization turned into a company of global scale, which has weight in political and economic circles. Today Greenpeace has branches in 43 countries. They function like independent organizations, have their own charter, executive director, and staff. Each branch works to solve environmental problems within one or more countries, but they all pursue a common goal - to avoid environmental disaster and global environmental pollution.

Principles and goals of the green movement

From the first day of its founding until 1996, the organization actively fought against the use of nuclear weapons. The result was the termination of testing, and then a ban on the dumping of technological waste into the sea.

Over time, movement participants achieved the following goals:

  • the signing of a moratorium on the capture of whales for commercial purposes, the organization of a reserve for mammals in the Antarctic zone;
  • development by specialists from Germany of cooling systems that do not destroy the ozone layer and do not harm the environment;
  • initiation of a ban on the import and cultivation of genetically modified crops in the European Union;
  • overseeing numerous projects to protect natural resources.

The main principle of the company is the absence of violence in achieving goals. Volunteers draw attention to issues through peaceful actions. The founders and employees of Greenpeace position themselves as an organization outside of politics. Management does not accept funding from political parties, businessmen and government agencies. The company exists only through donations from followers and members.

What to do as a gardener on September 13

The birthday of an environmental organization is an excellent occasion to show personal initiative and help environmentalists around the world in your own way. To do this, you can go to official events that are held in many large cities of Russia, or support a local project.

Many gardeners who love and support nature in its original form are concerned about environmental issues. Therefore, today there are regularly held promotions and even competitions in plogging - a new sport that combines running with collecting garbage in the roadside forest belt.

To support the environment it is not at all necessary to participate in mass events. It is important to pay constant attention to this, and not just one day a year:

  • do not litter the surrounding area;
  • sort and remove waste to specially designated areas;
  • use as little chemicals as possible to feed and protect plants from insects;
  • eliminate or reduce to a minimum the regular use of plastic and polyethylene.

While relaxing at your dacha on Greenpeace’s birthday, you can clean up the area and plant deciduous trees in the surrounding area. In the garden on September 15, you can perform the following types of work:

  • pruning of bushes and fruit trees;
  • treating trunks with insect repellents;
  • loosening of surrounding circles;
  • planting seedlings of coniferous trees;
  • mowing, fertilizing and aerating the lawn.

When preparing the area for winter, you should remove weeds, fallen leaves, and dried tops. It is recommended to check harvested fruit trees for the presence of rotten fruit - they can become a source of infection.

Bottom line

Greenpeace's birthday is a global event that is important for people who are not indifferent to the fate of our planet. This day should be devoted to nature, planting trees or sorting garbage at your dacha, organizing a green area or garden outside your site, or participating in public events.