Customs Veterans Day. When is Customs Veterans Day celebrated? When is Customs Veterans Day celebrated?

  • Celebrated: in Russia
  • Established: by resolution of the executive committee of the All-Russian Union of Veterans customs service» 06/10/1999
  • Significance: Dedicated to the birthday of the Soviet customs service - the issuance of the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR “On the delimitation of the rights of central and local Soviet authorities to collect duties and on regulating the activities of local customs institutions” 05/29/1918
  • Traditions: Ceremonial events; honoring customs service veterans; public performance and awards for veterans; themed concerts.

When is Customs Veterans Day celebrated?

May 29 is a professional holiday for veterans of customs services, which is widely celebrated by all those who dedicated their lives to protecting the security of the Motherland, its economic and political stability, as well as the development of military infrastructure concentrated in border areas. On this day, traditionally, not only former customs workers are honored, but also very young recruits who are yet to take up an important and responsible post.

history of the holiday

The origins of the customs service go back to the distant 17th century. Then, during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the first customs decree was signed “to collect taxes in the state on imported and exported goods in Moscow and Russian cities.” This happened on October 25, 1653. It was this event that marked the beginning of the existence of the customs service in our country. More than 200 years would pass before the decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the regulation of customs institutions was issued in 1918, which would completely transform the structure of the domestic customs service, and at the same time serve as the reason for the creation of Soviet Customs Officer Day.

Until the collapse of the USSR, May 29 will be celebrated along with the largest public holidays. In 1999, on the initiative of the executive committee of veterans of customs services, the holiday will be restored and dedicated to the old date, familiar to Soviet customs officers - May 29. As the chairman of VSVTS explained, this was done in order to preserve the continuity of generations and preserve long-standing traditions.

It is worth knowing that the work of customs officers is a difficult and responsible task. After all, these professionals must control the movement of people, Vehicle and commodity cargo across the border. This means that after retirement they have the right to their own holiday, which, according to established tradition, is celebrated with honor and dignity.

The Art of Celebration

On the day of celebrations, magnificent concerts are organized with performances by artists, congratulations to distinguished service workers, presentation of state and government awards, competitions, charity events are organized and military honors are given to honored veterans. On the eve of the festivities, the veterans' committee prepares a special message addressed to its large staff, which is read out in the meeting rooms by major political figures.

And for those who have just joined the service, this day becomes a kind of initiation, during which young employees become familiar with the centuries-old traditions of the customs service and adopt the experience of their elders. During a meeting with veterans, they comprehend the old truth of customs officers, which over time has turned into a slogan: “Customs service has a glorious past, a bright present and a promising future.”

Like representatives of any other profession, customs officers have a number of rituals and rituals unique to their profession. So, in no case is it recommended to sit in the boss’s chair during his absence. To be promoted career ladder This is unlikely to result, but it could very well result in dismissal.

You should also not pick up an umbrella forgotten by one of your employees with your bare hands, because something bad might happen to its owner. The weapon should be stored with the barrel facing the window. According to superstition, the bad energy accumulating in it should evaporate from the house like a bullet. Meat dishes must be present on the festive table, because work in the customs service is hard and requires energy.

In the pre-revolutionary alphabet, the letter D was called “good.” The flag that corresponds to a given letter in the code of signals navy means “Yes, I allow, I agree.” This is where the expression “give the go-ahead” came from. The derivative saying “Customs gives the go-ahead” first appeared in the legendary film “White Sun of the Desert.”

Passing on traditions, ensuring the continuity of traditions and connections between generations, educating the younger generation - all these necessary tasks are carried out by veterans of the customs service, people who have dedicated their lives to protecting the foreign economic interests of the country. The establishment of customs at one time played a big role in the fight against smuggling, in restoring the country’s economy, in increasing the volume of foreign trade. Veterans of the customs service stood at the origins of the formation modern structure customs and now they have something to pass on to the younger generation. On May 29, 1918, a decree was issued delimiting the rights of local and central authorities in the matter of “collecting duties and regulating the activities of local customs institutions.” This day in the Soviet Union was celebrated as the Day of the Soviet Customs Officer, and since the current veterans served during the USSR, they chose the usual date for their professional holiday, Customs Service Veterans Day, May 29.

I wish you happiness, luck, friendship,
Peace, tranquility, glorious gaiety,
Clear skies, long-awaited dreams!

Let everyone remember you, call and come,
In life, good luck always dances,
May you find joy during your holidays,
Everything you wanted, you will now find!

Happy Customs Veterans Day!
You spent so much effort for the country.
Your work has always been truly necessary,
From afar, all the merits are visible!

May joy in life meet you
With a warm smile and glorious kindness.
So that you do not know worries and sadness.
Happy May Day, happy solemn day!

All my life on the border, all my life I served,
Today is your holiday - and you deserve it!
The customs officer is an idol, customs is a calling,
And veterans deserve recognition.

Thank you for your long, honest service,
Thank you for your rigor, loyalty and honor.
Thank you for protecting us all!
Thank you for simply being!

Veterans of the customs service,
Congratulations today for you:
Let everything you need in life be
So that the fire in your eyes does not go out!

Health, love and happiness,
Peace and strong family.
Happy and wonderful days,
Find harmony for you!

Veterans of the customs service
On this day my congratulations,
Glory to you, honor, respect,
Wishes of goodness and love.

Experience, knowledge, clear conscience
Boundless loyalty to the law,
You are close in spirit to the customs office,
It became your second home.

We wish you a peaceful service,
The joy that work brings,
So that your worthy successors
They shared their invaluable experience.

The day of valor and honor is in the yard,
Day of courage, example and bravery,
Day of those who dedicated themselves to the country
The day who defended the border for years.

And I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
On Veterans Day of the Customs Service,
So that your dreams come to life,
May everyone in the world live together!

Veterans of the customs service,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Health, goodness, optimism
I wish you a wonderful holiday.

Kudos to you for your work,
For serving the country,
May happiness smile on you
In a difficult and bright fate.

Happy Customs Veterans Day
I need to congratulate you today.
I wish you health and lots of strength,
So that various illnesses do not come.

So that they love you at home and appreciate you,
As you wish, everything worked out right away.
Success, luck, many big victories,
May you always radiate light.

You performed customs control,
They devoted so many years to work!
Thank you for preserving our peace
And saved the country from hundreds of troubles!

I wish you health like steel,
More money, more joy, more goodness,
And, of course, only great happiness,
May you live happier than yesterday!

Their duty is to guard our border,
A keen eye does not sleep at customs.
I wish you more good things,
And so that your work makes you happy.

All hope is on their shoulders today,
So let their work not make them older.
Let there be a lot of health,
And there are more joyful days in life.

Good luck to you in any of your endeavors,
Let no sorrows come upon you.
We value and respect you,
Your work does not go unnoticed.

The customs service is a special government agency that ensures the order of movement of goods, transport and other items, as well as people, across state borders. It is of great importance for the country's economy, as it fights the smuggling of goods and illegal border crossings. A professional holiday is dedicated to its former employees.

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When is it celebrated?

On May 29, Customs Service Veterans Day is celebrated annually in Russia. This holiday was established by the decision of the All-Russian Union of Customs Service Veterans on June 10, 1999. In 2020, it will be celebrated for the 21st time under this name. Before the breakup Soviet Union it was celebrated as the Day of the Soviet Customs Officer.

Who's celebrating

The date May 29 is considered a professional holiday for everyone who devoted their life to customs business. This day belongs to veterans who valiantly performed their duties in the service of the state. And current customs workers of the Russian Federation have another holiday - celebrated on October 25.

history of the holiday

The very first document regulating the work of customs officers can be called the Council Code, published in 1649. As of 2020, most service veterans worked in the USSR. The origin of Soviet customs occurred almost a century ago - on May 29, 1918. On this day, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR issued a decree regulating the activities of local customs institutions. In fact, this resolution established customs in the Soviet Union.

In memory of this event, the Soviet Customs Officer's Day was celebrated in the USSR on May 29. The holiday received its modern name on June 10, 1999.

About the customs service and the profession of a customs officer

The essence foreign economic relations is that each state specializes in the production certain goods and sells their surplus to other countries. And what the republic’s economy does not produce itself, it imports from its neighbors. Thus, a continuous process of import and export of goods is established between countries, which is controlled by the customs service. She is collecting customs duties and execution of relevant procedures.

Joining the customs service is not so easy. To do this, you need to reach the age of majority, have good health, education and appropriate personal and business qualities, and also have no outstanding convictions. Those wishing to sign a contract for service in these bodies undergo a mandatory medical examination, since the work of a customs officer requires good physical characteristics and mental health.

May 29 is a professional holiday for those who gave their debt to the Motherland while serving in the customs service. It is officially believed that the beginning of the work of the customs service coincides with the date of May 29, 1918, when the customs service of the RSFSR was formed by decision of the Council of People's Commissars. And it was this date that during the Soviet era formed the basis of the holiday “Day of the Soviet Customs Officer”. However, the customs service was originally organized back in 1653, when Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich established a customs service to collect trade taxes on foreign goods (this date formed the basis of Customs Day).
After the collapse of the USSR, the Russian Customs Service became the legal successor of the USSR Customs Service. By decision of the President, a decree was adopted on organizing a professional holiday for customs service workers. Since 1999, May 29 has received the status of “Customs Service Veteran’s Day.” At the same time, it was decided not to postpone the celebration of this day to another date.
It is on this day that meetings with industry veterans are organized in all customs areas, certificates and valuable gifts are presented.
Veterans Day of the Customs Service is an official holiday included in the register of memorable and holiday dates Russian Federation. Not a holiday (if it falls on a weekday).

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