Job description of a 5th grade road worker. Profession mechanic of mechanical assembly works (5th category) in the Unified Tariff Qualification Directory. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

\Typical job description for a 5th grade road worker

Job description of Road Worker 5th category

Job title: Road worker 5th category
Subdivision: _________________________

1. General Provisions:

  • A road worker of the 5th category is directly subordinate to...................
  • Road worker 5th category follows instructions.................................................... ..........

  • (the instructions of these employees are followed only if they do not contradict the instructions of the immediate supervisor).


  • Road worker of the 5th category replaces................................................... ......................................
  • Replaces 5th category road worker.................................................... ....................................
  • Hiring and dismissal:
    A road worker is appointed and dismissed by the head of the department in agreement with the head of the department.

2. Qualification requirements:
    Must know:
  • methods for assessing the condition of road surfaces and artificial structures. Design and rules for using geodetic instruments. Methods to combat soil erosion. Methods for eliminating ice on roads. When carrying out work on road marking highways: basic types and properties of paints, solvents and thermoplastic materials, methods for determining their viscosity and fluidity
  • methods of applying paints and varnishes
  • dimensions of lines, arrows and horizontal markings
  • the procedure for applying markings in combination with road signs or traffic lights
  • technical requirements requirements for road markings
  • rules for applying marking materials in combination with reflective elements. Labor protection instructions. The design and principle of operation of a mechanized tool for applying thermoplastic materials. Composition and technology of application of two-component plastic materials.
3. Job responsibilities:
  • Carrying out complex work during the construction, repair and maintenance of roads, artificial structures on them and sidewalks.
page 1 Job description Road worker
page 2 Job description Road worker

4. Rights

  • A road worker has the right to give instructions and tasks to subordinate employees on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • A road worker has the right to control the implementation of production tasks and the timely execution of individual assignments by employees subordinate to him.
  • The road worker has the right to request and receive necessary materials and documents related to his activities and the activities of his subordinate employees.
  • A road worker has the right to interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • The road worker has the right to get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning the activities of the Division.
  • The road worker has the right to submit proposals for the manager’s consideration to improve work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Job Description.
  • A road worker has the right to submit proposals for consideration by the manager on rewarding distinguished workers and imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  • The road worker has the right to report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
5. Responsibility
  • The road worker is responsible for improper performance or failure to fulfill his official duties provided for by this job description- within the limits specified labor legislation Russian Federation.
  • A road worker is responsible for violating the rules and regulations governing the operation of the enterprise.
  • When transferring to another job or being released from a position, the Road Worker is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of work to the person taking up the current position, and in the absence of one, to the person replacing him or directly to his supervisor.
  • A road worker is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The road worker is responsible for causing material damage- within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The road worker is responsible for compliance with applicable instructions, orders and regulations regarding the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
  • The road worker is responsible for compliance with internal regulations, safety and fire safety rules.
This job description has been developed in accordance with (name, number and date of document)

Head of structural


If a person gets a job for the first time and has an education document, then tariff category assign it based on this document. The rank indicated in the education document has already been confirmed by the state qualification commission educational institution in accordance with the level of theoretical and vocational training worker and the results of qualification exams.

Please indicate the assigned rank in your employment documents ( employment contract, employment order, employee’s personal card, work book).

If a person gets a job for the first time and does not have an education document, then assign the lowest rank to such a worker - 1st or 2nd.

Open the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory (ETKS), select the industry, issue of ETKS, select a profession, characteristics of work of the 1st and 2nd categories, compare with the work that will be entrusted to the employee, assign the category -1st or 2nd. Indicate the tariff category in the employment documents. In the future, increase the worker’s grade and assign more complex work in the process labor activity.

If you need to determine the category of a worker without an education document, but with work experience in a given profession, then in this case, look at the entry in the employee’s work book from the previous place of work. When hiring a worker, assign a rank to such a worker in accordance with this entry.

During the course of work, a worker’s tariff category can be increased. In this case, the increase in ranks is carried out by a qualification commission created by order of the enterprise. The commission usually includes the heads of the workshop, section, employees of the industrial training department, the personnel department, and the remuneration department.

So, the worker’s wage level needs to be increased. Ask the worker to submit an application signed by the head of the unit (foreman, head of the section, workshop), ask the head of the section, workshop to write a statement or reference for this worker.

Inform the commission about the need to conduct a qualifying examination.

During the exam, the worker must answer theoretical questions that are written in the sections of the unified tariff and qualification reference book “job characteristics” and “must know” of the category for which he is applying.
During the practical part of the exam, the worker must perform trial work corresponding to the level of the declared qualification.

Based on the knowledge and skills of the worker, the qualification commission makes a decision: to assign or not to assign a new category. Inform the employee of the commission's decision immediately after voting. Next, you draw up a protocol of the commission, in which you enter a rating (excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory) and note the result of the commission’s decision.

Sign the protocol by the members of the commission and keep it together with the employee’s application in his personal file. Based on the protocol, assign a new rank to the employee and make a note about this in work book and the employee’s personal card, fill out changes to the salary documents.

Characteristics of the work.

Metalworking and finishing of thermally untreated parts, products and assemblies of complex configuration at 6th grade and complex configuration at 7th grade. Assembly, adjustment and debugging of complex machines, instrumentation, consoles and devices, unique and precision units and machines, selection and assembly of large-sized and combined bearings. Testing of pressure vessels and deep vacuum testing. Taking the necessary diagrams and characteristics based on the test results and handing over the machines to the quality control department. Installation and dismantling of test stands. Checking complex unique and precision metal-cutting equipment for accuracy and compliance technical specifications. Installation of pipelines operating under high air (gas) pressure and special products. Static and dynamic balancing of parts and assemblies of complex configuration.

What you should know:

  • design, purpose and operating principle of assembled complex mechanisms, instruments, units, machines and machines
  • technical specifications for adjustment, testing and delivery of assembled machine components and assemblies and their operational data
  • techniques for assembling and adjusting machines and test modes
  • measures to prevent deformation of parts
  • rules for checking machine tools for accuracy.

Work examples

  1. Post and distribution devices of mechanical centralization - assembly and adjustment.
  2. Shut-off and control equipment for chemical production high pressure- disassembly, adjustment, grinding in, assembly.
  3. Spool valves - grinding in and finishing of sealing surfaces.
  4. Propeller and stern tube shafts - scraping the cones and fitting the keyways to the caliber.
  5. Differential rollers of a special design - sawing of the supporting planes perpendicular to the axis with a perpendicularity tolerance of 0.02 mm.
  6. Propellers for shafts - fitting the hub to the shaft taper or caliber.
  7. Liners - fitting and scraping in the turbine housing.
  8. Air ducts of all types - control assembly and alignment.
  9. Gyroscopes - preliminary and final assembly.
  10. Internal combustion engines with power over 736 to 1472 kW (over 1000 to 2000 hp) - assembly, adjustment and adjustment.
  11. Diffusers - fitting and pressing into the steam box and into the turbine housing.
  12. Wagon retarders of all types - assembly, adjustment and maintenance in good condition.
  13. Calibers propeller shafts and propellers with two or more keyed connections, with the keys installed in any position relative to the grooves - scraping and fitting the cone with keys.
  14. Frames for radio devices made of profile steel with a number of incoming parts over 50 - assembly.
  15. Frames and casing for turbines - manufacturing.
  16. Carousels, leaks of vacuum installations - assembly.
  17. Pulse valves and covers of all types and sizes - assembly.
  18. Control valves, dual with a servomotor and with a dual lever system - assembly, adjustment.
  19. Regulating valves of protective devices - assembly, adjustment.
  20. Valves, clinkers and gate valves with planetary gear drive - assembly, adjustment, delivery.
  21. Main shunting valves for all types of vessels - assembly, adjustment.
  22. Steam valves with remote control - assembly.
  23. Clinkettes with a separate wedge with a nominal bore over 875 mm - assembly, delivery.
  24. Kingstons and valves with pneumatic and hydraulic drives - assembly, adjustment, delivery.
  25. Compressors and drying units (DB) with gas supply under pressure over 230 kgf/sq.m. cm up to 400 kgf/sq. cm - installation (connection of bench devices, valves, sensors, etc.), identification and elimination of defects that arose during testing.
  26. Complex metal structures: panels, rafts, slabs, etc. for non-standard experimental technological equipment - manufacturing.
  27. Wheels digital and lettered - replacement.
  28. Piston rings of a six-ton ​​steam crane - filing.
  29. Piston rings with a diameter of over 400 mm - lock fitting.
  30. Piston rings with a diameter of over 550 mm - scraping of the ends and fitting to the piston.
  31. Housings for vacuum valves and pumps, chemical equipment installations - assembly.
  32. Housings of main and central devices, consisting of sections - assembly and connection of sections to each other with processing of places for mechanisms.
  33. Instrument housings are complex various materials- assembly with the production of individual elements.
  34. Grinding wheels with a diameter of over 750 mm - assembly, testing, balancing.
  35. Covers - fit to the turbine housing.
  36. Number lines in the numbering apparatus - adjustment and correction during assembly and repair.
  37. Shafting line for all types of vessels, except boats - pairing, installation on a machine (stand), drilling holes, fitting bolts, assembly, delivery.
  38. Gravure printing machines - assembly.
  39. Horizontal forging machines with a pressure force of up to 20 MN - general assembly.
  40. Self-propelled agricultural machines - final assembly.
  41. Mine lifting machines with a bicylindrical drum - general assembly and adjustment with testing.
  42. Ship auxiliary mechanisms - commissioning.
  43. Lifting and anchor mechanisms - assembly, testing and delivery.
  44. Mechanisms and fittings remote control ship and marine systems with electric, pneumatic and hydraulic servo drives - grinding in, assembly and adjustment.
  45. Assembled threshing machines - testing, running-in and delivery.
  46. Steam hammers - assembly, testing of steam distribution spools and valves, piston stroke, control mechanisms.
  47. Couplings and half-couplings of ship shafts - scraping of the cone, cutting of keyways according to caliber.
  48. Elastic couplings of the main shafting - assembly, balancing.
  49. Hardened guides with a triangular groove up to 340 mm long - grinding with a tolerance of +/- 0.01 - 0.02 for parallelism at 300 mm.
  50. Gear pumps for various purposes and performance - assembly, testing, delivery.
  51. Packages of hollow blades - assembly and fitting.
  52. The rudder blade and stock with a flange connection - scraping the flange planes, assembling the connection, aligning the center line, reaming the holes, fitting the keys, bolts and pins, handing over.
  53. Rudder blade with stock - scraping of cones and keyways, fitting of keys, assembly, delivery.
  54. Planes, cams - processing according to 1st class of accuracy with certification of dimensions.
  55. Planes - scraping and adjusting borings for liners.
  56. Pneumatic couplers type SPU-20, pneumatic impact wrenches type GPU-80 - assembly.
  57. The surfaces of the compensator flange are scraped with an accuracy of at least 2 spots per square meter. cm.
  58. Rolling and combined bearings - assembly.
  59. Hydraulic presses with a force of over 30 to 100 MN - assembly, adjustment, testing, delivery.
  60. Control panels and other complex automatic stations - complete production and assembly (without installation).
  61. Diamond rollers of complex profile - balancing.
  62. Rotors - static and dynamic balancing.
  63. Rotors, turbines - assembly, installation of thrust bearings.
  64. Rotors - assembly of blades with bandage fastening.
  65. Servomotors - interlock assembly.
  66. Beds of longitudinal milling and other machines - installation on shoes with alignment to the water level and string with an optical device.
  67. Beds of unique and precision machines - scraping of guides.
  68. Precision lathes - scraping of carriage and support.
  69. Screw-cutting lathes - testing the machine for power with adjustment and adjustment, testing for accuracy with adjustment, adjustment and correction of defects.
  70. Experimental turbochargers, air and oxygen compressors - final assembly, adjustment and delivery.
  71. Components, mechanisms, structures of large ships - installation using plastics.
  72. Assemblies of impact pneumatic jacks - assembly, adjustment.
  73. Complex units, units and machines of experimental designs - assembly and testing.
  74. Complex components and assemblies of high-class passenger cars - assembly, adjustment, testing.
  75. Gas turbine units - assembly.
  76. Rudder shifting devices - assembly, adjustment, delivery.
  77. Perforation control device - final processing of incoming parts after hardening, centering of punches according to dies, maintaining dimensions within tolerances of up to 0.01 mm.
  78. Centrifuges - grinding in the shaft with the rotor and sealing rings, assembly, adjustment and testing.
  79. Faucet connecting rods and regulators, water feed pump housings, jacks - assembly.
  80. Gear assemblies - static and dynamic balancing.
  81. Electric spiers, spier drive mechanisms - assembly.
  82. The probe after hardening is pressed into the guide with a parallelism tolerance of +/- 0.01 per 120 mm of length.
  83. Eccentrics - final metalworking after hardening with the removal of tables on a comparator.
  84. Electric guns of blast furnaces - disassembly, assembly.


I. General provisions

  1. A road worker of the 5th category is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position in the manner established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Organization.
  2. A 5th grade road worker is directly subordinate to __________________.
  3. A person with _______ is appointed to the position of road worker of the 5th category professional education and work experience in the specialty ________ years.
  4. Must know:
    - methods for assessing the condition of road surfaces and artificial structures;
    - device and rules for using geodetic instruments;
    - methods of combating soil erosion;
    - ways to eliminate ice on roads;
    - when carrying out work on marking the road surface of highways:
    • basic types and properties of paints, solvents and thermoplastic materials, methods for determining their viscosity and fluidity;
    • methods of applying paints and varnishes;
    • dimensions of lines, arrows and horizontal markings;
    • the procedure for applying markings in combination with road signs or traffic lights;
    • technical requirements for road markings;
    • rules for applying marking materials in combination with reflective elements;
    - instructions on labor protection;
    - design and principle of operation of a mechanized tool for applying thermoplastic materials;
    - composition and technology for applying two-component plastic materials.
  5. During the period of temporary absence of a road worker of the 5th category, his duties are assigned to __________________.
  6. _________________________________________________________________.

II. Job responsibilities

  1. Carries out complex work during the construction, repair and maintenance of highways, artificial structures on them and sidewalks:
    - eliminates subsidence areas of road surfaces.
    - installs and repairs pipes, trays, caps, retaining walls and parapets.
    - corrects individual damage to architectural elements of highways.
    - breaks up the picketage and road elements in the plan.
    - determines the elevations of road structures using geodetic instruments.
    - installs and repairs drainage and paving with the restoration of filters.
    - installs fencing and signaling devices.
    - consolidates developing ravines.
  2. When carrying out work on marking the road surface of highways:
    - applies zebra crossing lines with paints and thermoplastic materials;
    - denotes islands separating traffic flows in opposite directions, using a stencil using spray guns;
    - applies arrows indicating the direction of movement along the stripes using two-component plastics, retroreflective elements with a pneumatic gun, marking the vertical surfaces of supports, bridges, overpasses, end surfaces of portals, tunnels, parapets.
  3. Performs work using paints and varnishes.
  4. _________________________________________________________________.
  5. _________________________________________________________________.

III. Rights

A road worker of the 5th category has the right:
  1. Request and receive necessary materials and documents related to issues of its activities.
  2. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues production activities within its competence.
  3. _________________________________________________________________.
  4. _________________________________________________________________.

IV. Responsibility

A road worker of the 5th category is responsible for:
  1. failure to fulfill one's functional duties
  2. inaccurate information about the status of the work.
  3. failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions from the head of the Organization.
  4. failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.
  5. failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.
  6. _________________________________________________________________.
  7. _________________________________________________________________.

This job description has been automatically translated. Please note that automatic translation is not 100% accurate, so there may be minor translation errors in the text.

Instructions for the position " Road worker 5th category", presented on the website, meets the requirements of the document - "DIRECTORY qualification characteristics workers' professions. Issue 64. Construction, installation and repair work. (Taking into account the additions approved: by order of the State Committee for Construction and Architecture No. 25 of 08.08.2002, No. 218 of 12.22.2003, No. 149 of 08.29.2003, letter of the State Committee for Construction and Architecture No. 8 / 7-1216 of December 15, 2004, by order of the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services N 9 of December 2, 2005, N 163 of May 10, 2006, N 399 of December 5, 2006, by order of the Ministry of Regional Development , construction and housing and communal services of Ukraine N 558, December 28, 2010)", which was approved by order of the State Committee for Construction, Architecture and Housing Policy of Ukraine on October 13, 1999 N 249. Agreed by the Ministry of Labor and social policy Ukraine. Entered into force on January 1, 2000.
The document status is "valid".

Preface to the job description

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Road worker 5th category" belongs to the category "Workers".

1.2. Qualification requirements- complete or basic general secondary education. Vocational and technical education. Training. Work experience as a 4th category road worker for at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies in practice:
- methods for assessing the condition of road surfaces and artificial structures;
- device and rules for using geodetic instruments;
- methods of combating soil erosion;
- ways to eliminate ice on roads. When performing work with road marking: main types and properties of paints, solvents and thermoplastic materials, methods for determining their viscosity and fluidity;
- methods of applying paints and varnishes;
- dimensions of lines, arrows and horizontal markings;
- the procedure for applying markings in combination with road markers or traffic lights;
- technical requirements for road markings;
- rules for applying marking materials in combination with reflective elements;
- design and principle of operation of a mechanized tool for applying thermoplastic materials;
- composition and technology for applying two-component plastic materials.

1.4. A road worker of the 5th category is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position by order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. A 5th grade road worker reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. A road worker of the 5th category supervises the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. A road worker of the 5th category during his absence is replaced by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Performs complex work during the construction, repair and maintenance of roads, artificial structures on them and sidewalks.

2.2. Knows, understands and applies current regulations relating to his activities.

2.3. Knows and complies with the requirements of regulations on labor protection and environment, complies with the standards, methods and techniques of safe work performance.

3. Rights

3.1. A Grade 5 Road Worker has the authority to take action to prevent and correct any violations or non-compliance.

3.2. A road worker of the 5th category has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. A road worker of the 5th category has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his duties and the exercise of his rights.

3.4. A road worker of the 5th category has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. A road worker of the 5th category has the right to get acquainted with draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. A road worker of the 5th category has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to perform his job duties and management orders.

3.7. A road worker of the 5th category has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. A road worker of the 5th category has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his work and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. A road worker of the 5th category has the right to familiarize himself with documents defining the rights and responsibilities of the position held, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of job duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. A road worker of the 5th category is responsible for failure to fulfill or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) failure to use the granted rights.

4.2. A road worker of the 5th category is responsible for failure to comply with internal regulations labor regulations, occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. A road worker of the 5th category is responsible for disclosing information about an organization (enterprise/institution) related to a trade secret.

4.4. A road worker of the 5th category is responsible for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of internal requirements regulatory documents organization (enterprise/institution) and legal orders of management.

4.5. A road worker of the 5th category is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. A road worker of the 5th category is responsible for causing material damage to an organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. A road worker of the 5th category is responsible for the unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

5. Examples of work

5.1. Elimination of subsidence areas of the road surface.

5.2. Installation and repair of pipes, trays, caps, retaining walls and parapets.

5.3. Repairing individual damage to architectural elements of highways.

5.4. Breaking down picketage and road elements in plan.

5.5. Determination of elevation marks of road structures using a geodetic tool.

5.6. Installation and repair of drainages and pavements with the restoration of filters.

5.7. Installation of protective and signaling devices.

5.8. Strengthening ravines that are developing.

5.9. During the work on marking the road surface of highways: applying zebra crossing lines with paints and thermoplastic materials, marking islands separating traffic flows in opposite directions, using a stencil using spray guns; applying arrows indicating the direction of movement along the stripes with two-component plastics and reflective elements with a pneumatic gun; marking of vertical surfaces of supports, posts, overpasses, end surfaces of portals, tunnels, parapets; performing work using paints and varnishes.