Job description of the engineering inspection service of energy sales companies. Eksd - director (general director) of an energy sales organization. Qualification requirements for accounts payable engineer

Chairman Astakhova I.A. (No. 3/10-304/2018)

APPEAL DECISION No. 22-427/2019

Bryansk Regional Court composed of:

presiding Orlovsky S.R.

under secretary Feters K.N.,


Prosecutor of the Bryansk Region Prosecutor's Office D.A. Khandogogo,

having considered in open court the materials on the appeal of K.Yu.A. against the decision of the Sovetsky District Court of Bryansk dated October 18, 2018, which left without satisfaction his complaint against the decision of the investigator for especially important cases of the department for investigating especially important cases of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee at the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation for the Bryansk Region, V.A. Vorobyov. from DD.MM.YYYY about the refusal to initiate criminal proceedings.

Having heard the report of the presiding judge, the opinion of the prosecutor, who believed that the court decision should be left unchanged, the appellate court


Applicant – convicted K.Yu.A. appealed to the Sovetsky District Court of Bryansk with a complaint in accordance with Art. 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation to the resolution of the investigator for especially important cases of the department for the investigation of especially important cases of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee at the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation for the Bryansk Region, V.A. Vorobyov. from DD.MM.YYYY on the refusal to initiate criminal proceedings against employees of the Organized Crime Control Department at the Department of Internal Affairs according to S.O.F., Shch.D.V., K.A.V., indicating that the inspection did not establish the circumstances of the crime him bodily harm in the form of.

By the decision of the Sovetsky District Court of Bryansk dated October 18, 2018, the complaint was left unsatisfied.

In the appeal, the applicant is convicted K.Yu.A. indicates that in the ruling the court did not evaluate his arguments based on decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, which led to a violation of his right to a fair trial. He asks that the decision be canceled and the case be sent for a new trial in a different court.

In objections to the appeal, acting. head investigation department Zavalov E.S., pointing out the correctness of the court’s assessment of the applicant’s arguments, asks the court’s decision to be left unchanged.

In objections, Deputy Regional Prosecutor R.P. Kobernik asks the appeal to be dismissed.

Having checked the case materials and discussed the arguments of the appeal, the appellate court finds no grounds for satisfying it.

Refusing to satisfy the complaint of K.Yu.A., the court correctly pointed out that the applicant’s arguments about not establishing the circumstances of causing him bodily harm in the form are not grounds for recognizing the investigator’s decision as illegal and unfounded.

Arguments of the applicant-convict K.Yu.A. that the court did not evaluate his arguments based on decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and did not indicate the grounds on which he rejected his arguments are untenable, since the conclusions of the court indicated in the decision are motivated and correspond to the factual circumstances established in the case.

There are no violations of the requirements of criminal procedural legislation that entail the cancellation or modification of the resolution.

Based on the aforesaid and guided by Article. Art. 389.20, 389.28, 389.33 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, court of appeal


Resolution of the Sovetsky District Court of Bryansk dated October 18, 2018 dismissing K.Yu.A.’s complaint, filed in accordance with Art. 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case from DD.MM.YYYY is left unchanged, and the appeal of the applicant - convicted K.Yu.A. - without satisfaction.

The appeal decision can be appealed through the cassation procedure established by Chapter 47.1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation to the Presidium of the Bryansk Regional Court.

Chairman S.R. Orlovsky




Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan Gafarov R.F., having considered the complaint of Makhmutov Ravil Magasovich against the decision of the acting magistrate of judicial district No. 3 in the Sovetsky judicial district of the city of Kazan of the Republic of Tatarstan dated December 26, 2018 and the decision of the judge of the Sovetsky district that entered into legal force court of the city of Kazan of the Republic of Tatarstan dated February 11, 2019, issued in the case of an administrative offense under Part 1 of Art. 12.8 of the Code Russian Federation about administrative offenses against the applicant,


by the resolution of the acting magistrate of judicial district No. 3 for the Sovetsky judicial district of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan dated December 26, 2018, Makhmutov R.M. found guilty of committing an administrative offense under Part 1 of Art. 12.8 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, and was subjected to administrative punishment in the form of a fine in the amount of thirty thousand rubles with deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one year and ten months.

By the decision of the judge of the Sovetsky District Court of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan dated February 11, 2019, the above resolution of the magistrate was left unchanged.

In a complaint filed with the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan, the applicant R.M. Makhmutov asks the court decisions to be canceled and the proceedings to be terminated.

Having studied the case materials and verified the validity of the applicant’s arguments, I believe that the complaint should be rejected.

According to Part 1 of Art. 12.8 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences, driving a vehicle by a driver who is intoxicated, if such actions do not constitute a criminal offense -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of thirty thousand rubles with deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one and a half to two years.

In accordance with the requirements of clause 2.7 of the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, the driver is prohibited from driving a vehicle while intoxicated (alcohol, drugs or other), under the influence medicines, impairing reaction and attention, in a painful or tired state, jeopardizing traffic safety.

It was established that on November 5, 2018, at approximately 15:20, R.M. Makhmutov. drove a car while intoxicated.

As follows from the presented materials, the factual circumstances of the offense that occurred are fully confirmed by the evidence collected in the case in the aggregate, including the administrative offense protocol 16 RT No. 01602196 dated November 5, 2018, drawn up in relation to R.M. Makhmutov. according to Part 1 of Art. 12.8 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences, and containing information about the circumstances of the offense committed (case file 2); protocol on suspension from driving a vehicle 16 OT No. 167166 dated November 5, 2018 due to the presence of signs of alcohol intoxication (case file 3); arrest protocol vehicle 16 ST No. 0367823 dated November 5, 2018 (case file 6); certificate of examination for the state of alcoholic intoxication 16 AO No. 092190 dated November 5, 2018 with the use of a technical measuring instrument and a paper carrier of the breathalyzer readings, from the content of which it follows that as a result of the examination of Makhmutov R.M. a state of intoxication was established, that is, in the exhaled breath of R.M. Makhmutov. the presence of absolute ethyl alcohol in a concentration of 0.729 mg/l was detected in the air, with which he agreed (case sheets 8, 9); the report of the traffic police inspector Gainullin I.F. about the circumstances of the offense committed (case file 7); video recording attached to the case (case file 23), and other case materials, the reliability and admissibility of which as evidence is beyond doubt.

During the consideration of this case of an administrative offense, the magistrate and the district court judge in accordance with the requirements of Art. Art. 24.1 and 26.1 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, the circumstances of the administrative offense committed were comprehensively, completely, objectively and timely clarified, all evidence available in the case was taken into account and properly assessed in conjunction with other materials in the case of an administrative offense in accordance with the requirements of Art. 26.11 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, legally significant circumstances that are subject to proof and important for the correct resolution of the case are determined correctly; there are no grounds for re-evaluating the established circumstances and the conclusions of lower-level judges.

The arguments of the applicant's complaint about his innocence and illegal bringing to administrative responsibility under Part 1 of Art. 12.8 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses due to the fact that his actions do not contain the elements of the specified administrative offense, since he did not drive a car while intoxicated, the materials of the case have not proven his guilt in committing this offense, are unfounded, since they are based on an incorrect interpretation of the actual circumstances of the event.

Also unfounded are the applicant’s arguments that during the proceedings in the case the traffic police officer violated the requirements of the current regulations, when considering the case the judges of the lower courts did not take into account all the circumstances of the case, and did not give a proper legal assessment to all available evidence and presented arguments, since the noted arguments completely contradict the circumstances established during the proceedings and are refuted by the above evidence, which together indicate that R.M. Makhmutov, contrary to the requirements of the Traffic Rules, was driving a car while intoxicated.

As follows from the content and meaning of Part 1.1 of Art. 27.12 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, a person who drives a vehicle and in respect of whom there are sufficient grounds to believe that this person is intoxicated is initially subject to examination for alcohol intoxication using an appropriate technical means. If such an examination is refused or the specified person disagrees with the results of the examination, as well as if there are sufficient grounds to believe that the person is intoxicated, and the result of the examination for alcohol intoxication is negative, the specified person is subject to referral for a medical examination for intoxication in medical institution.

Reason to believe that Makhmutov R.M. was in a state of intoxication, he showed signs of intoxication - the smell of alcohol on his breath, unsteady posture, speech impairment, a sharp change in the color of the skin of his face, behavior inappropriate for the situation (case files 3, 5, 7).

These signs are indicated in clause 3 of the Rules for examining a person who drives a vehicle for alcohol intoxication and recording its results, sending the said person for a medical examination for intoxication, medical examination of this person for intoxication and recording its results, approved by Government Resolution of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2008 No. 475, and are sufficient grounds to believe that the driver is intoxicated.

Due to the presence of signs of intoxication, the authorized traffic police official Makhmutov R.M. was asked to undergo an alcohol intoxication test using a technical measuring device, to which he expressed his consent. Subsequently, he was examined for alcohol intoxication using a technical measuring instrument, where his state of alcoholic intoxication was established, with which the latter also agreed (cases 4, 5), which is why there was no need to send him to a medical institution for undergoing a medical examination.

State of intoxication Makhmutova R.M. established on the basis of a positive result of determining alcohol in exhaled breath by R.M. Makhmutov. air at a concentration of 0.729 mg/l of exhaled air using an appropriate technical measuring instrument.

During the proceedings, all procedural actions by the traffic police officer were carried out in compliance with the requirements of current regulations and within the scope of authority, established by law. When drawing up a protocol on an administrative offense (case file 2), a protocol on suspension from driving a vehicle (case file 3), a protocol on the detention of a vehicle (case file 6), an examination report for alcohol intoxication (case file .d.5) there were witnesses present who, without any comments or objections, recorded with their signatures the procedural actions performed in their presence.

The offense committed by R.M. Makhmutov was revealed by traffic police officers directly during the performance of their duties. official duties to ensure road safety.

During an examination for alcohol intoxication using a technical measuring device, R.M. Makhmutov. agreed with the result of the examination in the presence of witnesses, as evidenced by his own handwritten note and signature in the relevant columns of the examination report (case sheet 5). However, he did not express a desire to undergo a medical examination for intoxication.

Since during the consideration of this complaint there was information about any interest of traffic police officers in the outcome of this case, their impartiality towards R.M. Makhmutov. or any abuses committed in the case have not been established, there is no reason to doubt the reliability of the factual data indicated by officials in the procedural documents drawn up by them.

The documentary information available in the case materials was given a proper and correct legal assessment by the judges of lower instances; they correctly established the factual circumstances of the offense that occurred.

Any contradictions or irremovable doubts affecting the correctness of the conclusions of the judges of lower courts about the proof of the guilt of R.M. Makhmutov. in the commission of the administrative offense described above, the case materials do not contain.

Thus, the entire body of evidence collected in the case fully confirms the fact that R.M. Makhmutov committed the crime. administrative offense under Part 1 of Art. 12.8 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, and his guilt in this.

Similar arguments of the applicant about his innocence have already been the subject of verification by the judge of the district court, they were properly assessed and reasonably rejected on the grounds given in the relevant court decision, and do not call into question the legality and validity of the judicial acts taken in the case.

The applicant did not present any other new arguments or objective evidence that could lead to the cancellation of the appealed court decisions.

The circumstances referred to by the applicant in his complaint did not find their objective confirmation during the consideration of this complaint, they did not affect the comprehensiveness, completeness and objectivity of the consideration of the case, and also did not entail the issuance of illegal court decisions and violation of the rights of the person in respect of whom administrative proceedings are underway.

Under the above circumstances, the magistrate and the district court judge came to a reasonable and correct conclusion about the presence of R.M. Makhmutov in his actions. an administrative offense under Part 1 of Art. 12.8

Applicant R.M. Makhmutov brought to administrative responsibility within the statute of limitations established by Part 1 of Art. 4.5 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses for this category of cases, he was given an administrative penalty under the sanction of Part 1 of Art. 12.8 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences, while taking into account the requirements established by Art. Art. 3.1, 4.1, 24.1 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses.

There were no significant procedural violations of the norms of substantive and procedural law, entailing the unconditional cancellation of the judicial acts taken in the case, when the appealed court decisions were made.

The conclusions of the magistrate and district court judge correspond to the factual circumstances of the incident and do not contradict the norms of substantive law.

Under such circumstances, the appealed court decisions of lower courts are legal and justified and are not subject to review.

Based on the above, guided by clause 1, part 2 of Art. 30.17 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences,


Resolution of the acting magistrate of judicial district No. 3 for the Sovetsky judicial district of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan dated December 26, 2018 and the decision of the judge of the Sovetsky District Court of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan dated February 11, 2019, issued on the case of an administrative offense under Part. 1 tbsp. 12.8 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, in relation to Makhmutov Ravil Magasovich, leave unchanged, the applicant’s complaint is not satisfied.


Chairman of the Supreme Court

Republic of Tatarstan /signature/ Gafarov R.F.

We bring to your attention typical example job description of an energy engineer, sample 2019. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions of at least 3 years or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions of at least 5 years can be appointed to this position . Don’t forget, every instruction from an energy engineer is handed out against a signature.

The following provides typical information about the knowledge that an energy engineer should have. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

This material is part of the huge library of our website, which is updated daily.

1. General Provisions

1. An energy engineer belongs to the category of specialists.

2. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions of at least 3 years or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions of at least 5 years.

3. An energy engineer is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization.

4. An energy engineer must know:

— regulations, instructions, orders, methodological and regulatory materials for operation energy equipment and communications;

— organization of energy management;

— prospects for the technical development of the enterprise;

specifications, design features, operating modes and rules technical operation power equipment;

— A unified system of scheduled preventive maintenance and rational operation of equipment;

— organization of energy engineering repair work;

— methods of installation, adjustment, adjustment and repair of power equipment;

— the procedure for drawing up applications for energy resources, equipment, materials, spare parts, tools;

— rules for handing over equipment for repair and acceptance after repair;

— fundamentals of energy engineering for production of enterprise products;

— requirements for labor organization during operation, repair and modernization of power equipment;

- advanced domestic and Foreign experience on operation and repair of power equipment;

— fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

— basics of labor legislation;

- internal rules labor regulations;

— rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. In his activities, the energy engineer is guided by:

legislation of the Russian Federation,

Charter of the organization,

- orders and instructions of employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with these instructions,

- this job description,

— Internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. The power engineer reports directly to the chief power engineer.

7. During the absence of an energy engineer (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities of an energy engineer

Energy Engineer:

1. Ensures uninterrupted operation, proper operation, repair and modernization of energy equipment, electrical and heating networks, air and gas pipelines.

2. Determines the need of production for fuel and energy resources, prepares the necessary justification for technical re-equipment, development of the energy sector, reconstruction and modernization of energy supply systems.

3. Draws up requests for the purchase of equipment, materials, spare parts necessary for the operation of the energy sector, performs calculations with the necessary justification for measures to save energy resources, the needs of enterprise divisions for electrical, thermal and other types of energy, participates in the development of standards for their consumption, operating modes of divisions enterprises based on their energy needs. Monitors compliance with fuel consumption standards and all types of energy.

4. Draws up schedules for reducing energy loads during hours of maximum load on the energy system and ensures their implementation within the limits determined for the enterprise division, carries out certification of energy, electrical and environmental installations installed at the enterprise.

5. Participates in testing and acceptance power plants and networks in industrial operation, in considering the causes of accidents of power equipment and developing measures to prevent them and create safe working conditions.

6. Organizes inspection and testing of relay protection and automation equipment.

7. Carries out technical supervision of instrumentation, electrical and thermal equipment used at the enterprise, and also ensures the preparation of boilers, pressure vessels, steam and hot water pipelines, electrical installations and other energy facilities for acceptance into operation, inspection and inspection state supervisory authorities.

8. Monitors compliance with operating instructions, maintenance and supervision of energy equipment and electrical networks.

9. Participates in the development and implementation of standards and technical specifications for power equipment.

10. Prepares necessary materials to conclude contracts for equipment repairs with contractors.

11. Monitors the implementation of major and other repairs of power equipment.

12. Studies and summarizes advanced domestic and foreign experience in the rational use and saving of fuel and energy resources.

13. Ensures compliance with labor safety rules and regulations during operation and repair of power plants and networks.

14. Prepares reporting on approved forms and indicators.

15. Complies with internal labor regulations and other local regulations organizations.

16. Complies with internal rules and regulations of sales, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

17. Ensures cleanliness and order in his workplace,

18. Carry out, within the framework of the employment contract, the orders of the employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with these instructions.

3. Rights of an energy engineer

An energy engineer has the right:

1. Submit proposals for consideration by the director of the organization:

— to improve work related to those provided for herein instructions and duties,

- on encouraging distinguished employees subordinate to him,

- about attraction to material and disciplinary liability employees subordinate to him who violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization information necessary for him to perform his job duties.

3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the energy engineer

The energy engineer is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage organizations - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description energy engineer - 2019 sample. Job responsibilities of an energy engineer, rights of an energy engineer, responsibilities of an energy engineer.

1. General Provisions

1.1. This instruction is compiled on the basis of:

  1. order of the oblenergo (on approval of the division structure);
  2. directory qualification characteristics workers' professions;
  3. classifier of professions DK 003:2005;
  4. regulations on the sales department.

1.2. Officials for whom knowledge of this instruction is required:
- Sales Manager;
- Leading economist of the sales department;
- sales engineers;
1.3. A sales department engineer is appointed to a position and dismissed from it by the director of the ES on the recommendation of the head of the department or the deputy director of the ES for sales.
1.4. The engineer reports directly to the head of the department (leading economist of the department), as well as to the deputy director for energy sales.
1.5. The ES engineer provides methodological guidance to the subordinate personnel of the ES and RES within the limits of his competence.
1.6. In the event of a long absence of an engineer, his functions are assigned to other employees of the department by order of the head of the department.
1.7. The engineer undergoes certification for suitability for the position held in the manner and at intervals determined by the management of the ES.
1.8. Workplace engineer is established by the management of the ES.

Qualification requirements for accounts payable engineer

2.1. A person with a complete or basic higher economic (technical) education is appointed to the position of engineer (technician).
2.2. Possess computer skills, including office applications, by email at the user level.

The Accounts Receivable Engineer must know

3.1. The engineer (technician) must know:

  1. Law of Ukraine “On Electric Power Industry”;
  2. regulations on the sales department;

Resolutions of NERC of Ukraine on the application of electricity tariffs;
The procedure for calculating electricity losses not taken into account by metering devices);
The procedure for making payments for reactive electricity;
Methodology for determining the volume and cost of electricity underaccounted for due to consumer violation of PPEE;
Oblenergo order on current tariffs;
terms of the contract for the supply of electricity;

  1. instructive and directive documents of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy and others government agencies, oblenergo, power plants, regional power distribution networks within their competence;
  2. basics of labor legislation, safety precautions, industrial sanitation, fire safety, internal labor regulations;
  3. this job description;
  4. composition and procedure for maintaining department documentation.

Roles and responsibilities of a customer accounts engineer

4.1. The main functions of a consumer calculation engineer:

  1. carrying out settlements with consumers – legal entities for all types of accruals;
  2. preparation of documents for consumer payments;

analysis of electricity consumption by consumers;
4.2. Basic job responsibilities calculation engineer:
making settlements with consumers only on the basis of relevant documents or a written order from the management of a structural unit. It is prohibited to make calculations based on oral instructions from management.
receiving from consumers, checking and registering reports on consumed electricity, acts of acceptance and transmission of electricity and reconciliation acts signed by the consumer;
calculation of volumes and cost of electricity consumed to consumers;
execution of settlement documents (electricity acceptance and transfer act, invoice, debt reconciliation act) and issuing them to the consumer;
analysis of the calculated volumes of electricity consumption in order to identify the theft of electricity by the consumer, concealment of the true volumes of consumption, transmission of erroneous information about meter readings, irregularities in accounting;
participation in control readings of consumer metering devices as directed by management;
participation in raid work to identify violations of PPEE as directed by management;
clarifications to consumers on issues related to payments for electricity;
making changes to consumer settlement schemes based on supporting documents;
control of compliance of the calculation scheme with the terms of the contract with the consumer;
participation in implementation work automated systems calculations;
preparation of reporting data on consumer payments;
control of the correctness of calculations in structural divisions, including the correct application of tariffs, use of the calculation scheme, filling out settlement documents;
execution of other orders and instructions from management, including oral ones.

Rights of a consumer accounts engineer

The calculation engineer has the right:
5.1. Demand from employees of the Distribution Zone (ES) and consumers correct design documents used in calculations.
5.2. Require consumers to fulfill contractual obligations regarding payments for electricity.
5.3. Receive from consumers the information necessary to make payments for electricity.
5.3. Provide consumers with oral explanations on issues related to payments for electricity.
5.4. Upon presentation of an official ID, unhindered access to the metering devices of consumers of their electric power plants (RES).
5.5. Participate in drawing up reports of violations of PPEE.
Check the correctness of settlements with consumers in the distribution zone.
Make proposals to management to improve the organization of work and improve its results.
5.8. Bring to the attention of management facts about violations by company personnel of their official duties.
5.9. Receive the necessary information and advice from other services and departments of the Distribution Zone, Electric Power Supply and the management staff of the oblenergo.

Relationship between the billing engineer and customers

6.1. When performing his official duties, the calculation engineer (technician) interacts within his competence:
- with the economic planning department on the issue of obtaining approved tariffs;
- with the EPUE service for servicing metering devices in terms of obtaining information about replacing metering devices or making changes to the metering scheme, information about restoring broken metering;
- with the technical audit service in terms of obtaining information about the readings of metering devices obtained during bilateral recording of readings, taking readings at the company’s substation (TP), during inspections and verification of metering schemes, when making calculations on acts of violations of PPEE, information on the restoration of settlement accounting, about consumer outages, provides information about consumers who have reduced their consumption by more than 20%, etc.;
- with VT maintenance service software And computer equipment;
-With legal department ES in terms of preparing materials for claims work, legal assessment of accruals;
- with other ES (RES) personnel on official need.
6.2. Disagreements that arise during the work between employees of services and departments of the company are considered by the head of the service (department), the deputy head of the Distribution Zone for Energy Sales (deputy director of the Distribution Zone for Energy Sales).

Responsibility of the Accounts Receivable Engineer

7.1. The calculation engineer is responsible for:
- for the correctness of entering initial information into the calculation program;
- for the correct application of tariffs;
- for making payments without availability necessary documentation;
- for the lack of analysis of the information provided on consumption volumes;
- for the quality of documents compiled by himself and received from consumers, services and departments of the Electric Power System (RES);
- for the reliability of information provided to management;
- for disclosing personal parameters for entering the settlement program and violating other rules for access to settlement information;
- for violation of labor and production discipline, safety requirements, fire safety, industrial sanitation;
- for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment functional responsibilities;
- for exceeding their powers and using them for personal purposes;
- for disclosure of trade secrets and confidential information.
7.2. If an engineer (technician) causes damage to the company due to failure to perform the functions assigned to him, he bears financial responsibility for it.

Single qualification directory positions of managers, specialists and other employees (EKS), 2019
Qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees of electric power industry organizations
Approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated January 29, 2004 N 4

Director (CEO) of an energy sales organization

Job responsibilities. Manages, in accordance with current legislation, the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the energy sales organization. Organizes the work of subordinate employees and structural divisions of the organization, ensures their effective interaction among themselves, as well as with representatives of electric power industry entities, wholesale and retail markets energy (generating and network companies, administrator of the trading system of the wholesale energy market, system operator, organizations - energy consumers), authorities, other organizations. Distributes responsibilities for managing individual areas of the organization's activities and subscribers served between his deputies and other employees, production, functional services and departments, territorially separate divisions (branches, inter-district and district offices). Issues orders and others administrative documents on regulation of the organization's activities. Organizes work on: studying, analyzing and forecasting the situation in the wholesale and retail markets of electrical and thermal energy in the serviced region (territory); collection and synthesis of applications for energy supply; assessment of the current and future solvency of served and potential consumers; preparation of business plans and planned budgets for the purchase and sale of electrical and thermal energy. Ensures the participation of organization representatives in ongoing auctions on the wholesale electricity and power market. Monitors compliance with the conditions for minimizing economic risk, providing guarantees for compensation for damage due to violations of contractual obligations by subjects, protecting the property interests of both the energy sales organization and all other participants joint business for the production, transmission and sale of supplied energy (power) during contractual and claim work. Ensures timely and correct calculation of payments and issuance of payments for energy supplied to consumers (power used). In accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents and the terms of contracts, it ensures control over the passage of payments in banking institutions, their receipt in the organization's current accounts, timely transfer of payments to energy suppliers, organizations providing energy transmission services, and other organizations - participants in joint business for production, distribution, transmission and sale of energy. Takes the necessary measures to ensure a reduction in accounts receivable and payable, monitors the efficiency of individual work with consumer debtors. Ensures the ongoing work of structural divisions and employees of the organization, aimed at: increasing income and profit from the purchase and sale of electrical and thermal energy, the number of solvent consumers served and improving the quality of service; improvement of calculation systems, implementation (development) of an automated control and management system for energy consumption (ASCAE). Takes the necessary measures to: ensure organization qualified personnel, their rational placement, use and advanced training; conducting certification of employees for compliance with the position held; nominating candidates, training and career advancement of the organization's management reserve; conducting constant work with personnel aimed at maintaining their readiness to fulfill their duties professional functions. Together with the trade union organization, it ensures the preparation and discussion of a draft collective agreement, as well as the necessary conditions for fulfilling the terms of the adopted agreement. Ensures that the organization fulfills its obligations to higher authorities, joint business participants, energy consumers, suppliers and contractors, budgetary authorities, extra-budgetary funds, as well as obligations under employment contracts(contracts), collective agreement. Manages the work to improve the system of material and moral incentives for department teams and individual employees of the organization. Provides healthy and safe conditions labor, organizes ongoing work to improve the state of labor protection and fire safety. Works to explain the organization’s policies, maintains constant contacts with representatives of funds mass media and public organizations. Provides maintenance of all types of records and preparation of reports in accordance with the established list. Participates in the work of the board of directors, reports on the production, economic and financial-economic activities of the organization to the board and other governing bodies of the joint-stock company (company) in the electric power industry, authorities government controlled and control.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts defining the main directions of development of the economy and the electric power industry, regulating production, economic, economic and other relations in the electric power industry; organizational and administrative, regulatory, methodological documents regulating the activities of an energy sales organization; basic technological processes production, distribution, transmission and sale of energy, capacity of generating and transmission installations of energy organizations - joint business partners; standard energy metering schemes for all categories of consumers; the procedure for drawing up business plans and planned budgets for energy sales activities; conditions, procedure for submitting price bids for purchased energy, conducting tenders for supplies electrical energy(capacity) in the wholesale and retail markets; rules for concluding and executing public contracts on the wholesale and retail electricity markets, the procedure for execution, extension and revision of energy purchase and sale agreements, provision of energy transmission services and other agreements; the procedure for ensuring legal protection of the interests of the energy sales organization in the judicial authorities; prospects for the technical and economic development of the electric power industry and the economy of the served region (territory); energy market conditions; structure of electricity and heat consumption by consumers served (by sectors of the economy and categories of consumers, the amount of connected power and voltage levels of electrical energy receivers connected to the transmission network, types and supply parameters of the coolant, etc.); current financial condition main energy consumers served; basic methods for analyzing and forecasting the dynamics of energy consumption, studying the solvency of energy consumers, a system of economic indicators of the state of the energy resources market; pricing procedure in the field government regulation and the sphere of competitive prices (tariffs) for electric and thermal energy; economic, financial and other production relations of the organization with joint business entities, energy consumers and other organizations; basics of civil, administrative, financial and tax legislation; modern methods of economic management and personnel management; Rules of technical operation power stations and networks of the Russian Federation; Rules for working with personnel in electric power industry organizations of the Russian Federation; rules of the wholesale market, basic provisions on the functioning of the wholesale and retail energy markets; rules for the use of electrical and thermal energy, rules and instructions for energy accounting during its production, transmission, distribution and supply to consumers; current (approved) regulated prices (tariffs) for electric and thermal energy (for all categories of consumers served) and negotiated tariffs of the competitive wholesale and retail markets for energy (power) generated and supplied to consumers; procedure for payment for energy transmission services, operational dispatch control, and administrator services trading network; rules for the technical operation of electrical and heat-using consumer installations; rules and instructions for civil defense, other rules and instructions (the composition and scope of knowledge on them are determined by the body in which periodic tests of the director’s knowledge are carried out ( general director)); scientific and technical achievements and best practices in the field of energy sales activities; fundamentals of economics and organization of production, labor and management in the electric power industry; fundamentals of sociology and managerial psychology; the procedure for developing and concluding a collective agreement, industry tariff agreements, regulating labor relations, preparing and submitting reports; labor legislation; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional (technical or economic) education and work experience in management positions in energy organizations for at least 5 years.

  1. An electrician is an integral part of the operational staff.

    The responsibilities of a housing and communal services electrician include repair, operation, and preventive maintenance of electronic equipment.

    To make sure that the specialist will properly perform all his duties, management hires only citizens with the appropriate education for this position. professional type.

    Experience as an electrician in the housing and public utilities sector also plays an important role. It must be at least two years in the electrical field.

  2. Due to the specifics of his profession, an electric gas welder must have an excellent understanding of the structure and operating principle of electric welding machines that are designed for arc welding. You also need knowledge of gas welding and gas cutting equipment.

    Professional skills also include a thorough knowledge of gas generators, semi-automatic and automatic electric welding equipment, acetylene and oxygen cylinders.

    He must apply all this knowledge to perform his official duties, which include preparing gas and electric welding equipment for operation, and performing work related to the electric gas welding type.

    Control quality welded joints is also part of his direct responsibilities.

  3. Electrician. This position can be obtained by a person who has a secondary education of a professional type and work experience in his specialty for at least three years.

    A citizen wishing to obtain a position in this profession must have certain professional knowledge. The future electrician must have an excellent understanding of remote control and automatic control circuits.

    According to the job description of an electrician for emergency housing and communal services, he must know exactly how to eliminate any malfunction and establish their operation.

    He must know the rules in accordance with which complex logical systems are operated.

    An employee holding this position must know everything about the methods of comprehensive testing of electrical machines, as well as electrical devices and equipment. Knowledge of the technology of working with epoxy-type materials is also necessary.

    As a person who has undergone appropriate training, he must know the basics of electrical and radio engineering, electronics and electronic circuits.

  4. The power engineer is a specialist who must ensure uninterrupted operation, as well as the competent use of energy-type equipment, heating networks, gas and air pipelines. In order to perform his duties efficiently and cope with them, such a specialist must have professional knowledge.

    Thus, the job description of a power engineer in housing and communal services states that he must know well how to organize an energy-type economy.

    Regarding power equipment, he must know literally everything, namely technical characteristics, design features, operating mode features and operating rules of the technical type.

    Such an employee must have a good understanding of unified system scheduled and preventative repairs, as well as rational use of equipment. He must know how to set up, repair, and adjust power equipment.

    As a specialist who is part of the personnel of an organization, an energy engineer must have information general regarding production technology. Such a person must also know the tariffs set for electrical energy.

    The energy engineer must have general knowledge of the economics of organization, management, and production. As a qualified specialist, such an employee is required to have some knowledge of Russian labor legislation.

  5. An electrician undertakes to perform tasks of varying degrees of complexity when installing a variety of electrical networks. He must install automatic devices, as well as boxes and fences.

    Also, as an electrical specialist, he must mark cables and various branches that were carried out in advance.

    In addition, such a specialist must apply markings and lay wires of all possible varieties.

    The preparation and installation of cable-type wires is also the direct responsibility of the electrician.

    If it comes to installing different-sized lamps of mercury or conventional type, then you cannot do without such a specialist. Installation of such equipment is also part of his direct responsibilities.

    The installation of distribution panels and power panels must be carried out by an electrician. His responsibilities also include installation of floodlights and other large lighting equipment.

    In addition, he must be responsible for pulling wiring and bundles of cables through trays installed in advance. Carrying out certain measurements and drawing up sketch diagrams of the wiring units under study are also his direct responsibilities.

    These basic duties must be performed by an electrician who has just started working in the profession. In the future, the number of his responsibilities will increase slightly along with wages.

Job Descriptions

Download the free electronic version of job descriptions in housing and communal services.

Wage level

The salary for this profession depends primarily on the region of Russia in which the electrician works.

A person who is just starting his career in this field and has no experience can count on wages from 7500 to 15000 rub.

In the future, when an employee has gained a certain amount of experience and received higher qualifications, his salary will increase and will range from 22,000 to 30,000 rubles.

However, along with the salary, the degree of responsibility will increase, as well as the importance of the work performed.


If we remember everything that was mentioned above, we can conclude that Housing and communal services electrician is a fairly responsible profession and one that is needed today.

However, they don’t take just anyone there. You will have to undergo appropriate training before becoming a lord of light.