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After the resume has been reviewed, if successful, the applicant is invited for an interview. Often this is a certain type of stress - when applying for a job, the candidate does not know what to expect from the interview. How to competently present yourself in front of a potential boss? What questions should you expect from an employer? What's worth mentioning? These and many questions concern the applicant when he goes for an interview.

It is very important to do this without seeming boastful and maintaining your dignity. You must remember to clarify all the conditions that interest you. There are a lot of little things that you can only remember after the interview. And it is quite obvious that you do not have to tell the whole story of your life. What needs to be said?

When going for an interview, it is important to understand that this meeting should take place in the form of a dialogue. This is not an interrogation, and the applicant has the right to ask counter questions. Not only are you interested in obtaining a suitable vacancy, but the employer is also interested in finding the most suitable employee. At the same time, you need to remember that if you are asked any questions, they must be strictly to the point.

How to answer a personal question

Many job seekers are afraid of tricky questions from the employer. They can occur regardless of the level of the resume. You can often observe a situation where personnel service employees try to push an applicant out of his comfort zone - they ask him “off-topic” questions and comment on his remarks. It is a common belief that if you discourage a person, he will answer more honestly. What to do in this situation? You should know that you are not obligated to answer all questions, especially if they are too personal. Of course, you shouldn’t create a scandal and accuse the employer of incompetence. The best way out of the situation would be a polite answer that this topic is too personal and you would not like to touch upon it in the context of the interview. In some cases, you can answer a question with a question and clarify how exactly this information relates to your functional responsibilities.

Often personal questions include the question of the reasons for leaving your previous job. This question is asked at almost every interview, but it is not a reason to start complaining about the previous boss, saying that he treated you rudely, paid you too little, was too rude. It is best to answer such a question in general phrases. For example, you can answer that you did not find any prospects for growth in the company. You must show yourself to be a good professional, and not a boring bore.

The fairly common question “tell me something about yourself” can throw you off balance. The applicant’s consciousness begins to rush around in search from childhood to today, try to understand what exactly the employer wants to hear. As a rule, this is one of the most difficult questions for job seekers. It often happens that the employer himself does not know what specific information he wants to receive. But, most likely, the most appropriate answer will be a summary listing of career achievements.

You should think in advance what to tell the employer about yourself at the interview. An example of an answer could be that you start talking about your career path from your very first job, or, conversely, without mentioning specific places, you will talk about what principles you adhere to regarding your profession.

You can also talk about why you decided to choose this profession. Any applicant can use their imagination and tell about themselves what they consider most appropriate regarding that vacant place which he claims. This question may be a winning one for you because there is no wrong answer. If the employer wants to know more specific information, he will have to formulate the question more precisely.

Another tricky question is the clarification addressed to young girls about the presence of children. For a girl, such a question is always tricky, because if there are no children, then the employer will consider there is a high risk that the employee will soon go on maternity leave, and if there are children, then there is a high probability of frequent sick leave. Thus, if you are planning to become a mother in the near future, then it is better not to disclose this information to your employer. But if you are already a mother and in the event of a child’s illness you have the opportunity to leave him with his father, grandmother or nanny, then it is best to inform your potential boss of this fact, calming his fears. But, of course, in this matter it is better to be honest, because if you assure a person that there will be no frequent sick days, but in fact the opposite will happen, then the relationship with the employer can be seriously damaged.

Any interview usually begins with a request from the employer to tell about yourself. What should this story include? What to tell the employer during an interview, what facts are worth mentioning - and many more similar questions are asked by applicants before going to an interview. In fact, telling about yourself is a completely common form of introduction between an employer and a candidate.

At the moment, telling a story about yourself during an interview is the most important part of the interview; the success of the interview depends on how well your story is written and how confident you are. Our specialists are ready to help you prepare for an interview and practice your self-presentation. About 500 applicants have already used this service and successfully passed the interview.

But what does the employer want to hear, what information is important to him when he asks you to tell about yourself? There are several basic principles to follow when answering this question. Let's look at these features in more detail.

  1. First, introduce yourself, tell us about your education and work experience in your specialty.
  2. Tell us about your latest experience (what position did you hold, what tasks did you face)
  3. Briefly describe your responsibilities.
  4. Mention why the job search is important to you at the moment.

During the story, the employer may ask you clarifying questions, but usually the HR manager gives the applicant a certain time for such a story and only after that asks questions that may be of interest to him.

An example of a story about yourself at an interview:"My name is Ivanova Irina. I have been working in sales since 2000. My my job has always involved constant communication with people; before my current job, I worked as a sales department coordinator. For the past few years I have worked for a hardware manufacturing company. I held a position" key account manager,” I managed only large clients of the company, which, I think, is the most interesting thing. It is here that you have the opportunity to communicate with the most interesting people; your personal success or teamwork plays a big role and brings good income to the company. I was able to achieve a significant increase in sales volume, based on market analytics, a number of measures were proposed aimed at increasing sales, which made it possible to increase the company’s revenue for 2011. In fact, It was very difficult for me to leave the company, since I worked there for more than 3 years, but I need to move on. Therefore, I have started an active job search at this time and am open to new and interesting offers."

What not to talk about at an interview

  • I have a small child(ren) and family problems.
  • My children get sick often, and I also have health problems.
  • Last timeThe boat was just a nightmare and the manager was inadequate.
  • The salary I received no longer satisfied me.
  • In fact, I simply could not work well with the manager (other options are possible).
  • I can't work in one place for a long time.
  • The company started having problemsI didn’t wait until it got really bad and left immediately.

As you can see, there is nothing very difficult about telling about yourself at an interview. There is certain information that the employer needs, is important and interesting, we recommend choosing a similar version of the story about yourself, which we described above. Think in advance about what you will say and in what sequence to build the story. Do not say too much, only the most basic things, internally limit yourself in time - give yourself 2-3 minutes - no more, to talk about yourself, be prepared to answer additional or clarifying questions from the employer.
We wish you successful interviews and only worthy job offers!


Try to behave modestly but with dignity during the interview. Yes, you are now actually acting as a petitioner. But don’t ask for alms, but offer your labor, your abilities, your willingness to bring benefit and profit to this organization. Therefore, behave like a polite, well-mannered person who knows his worth.

Be yourself. When talking about yourself, be completely honest. Do not try to attribute to yourself non-existent achievements, knowledge that you actually do not have. Believe me, an experienced employer will either immediately sense a lie, or, if you are hired, your incompetence in this or that matter will very soon become clear to him. How after this he will treat the braggart and deceiver is a purely rhetorical question that does not require explanation.

Speak briefly, clearly, and to the point. When it comes to your achievements at your previous job, try to be as specific as possible. For example, “So many new customers were attracted” or “Profit increased by such and such amount.” If new projects were implemented with your direct participation, new types of activities were introduced, be sure to tell us about it.

Interpret any fact that relates to you personally in your favor. For example, if you are still young and not very experienced, when talking about yourself, dispel the potential employer’s possible concerns with the following arguments: “I am full of strength, energetic, I have good health, I am ready to work a lot and hard, and along the way learn what I have not yet I know!"

If you are a person of mature age, focus on the experience gained, connections, acquaintances, the ability to understand people, find a common language with them, and negotiate. After all, this is very important. In addition, any employer knows that a person of advanced youth usually values ​​service very much; because with age you find Good work, alas, it is becoming more and more difficult.

Of course, even the most precise adherence to these tips does not guarantee that you will certainly be hired. The final decision in any case remains with management. But the chance of getting a positive answer will be very high.

It is important to be able to tell about yourself using a few phrases. Moreover, the story must be different from similar stories of other people. You can arrange a game together to understand the effectiveness of your story. This skill will be useful during a telephone interview, when making acquaintances at seminars, and in other situations where you need to leave a lasting impression. To achieve this effect, you should prepare in advance.


Write 30 sentences about yourself in . Sentences should be short and to the point. Describe what you have achieved. Remember your achievements in different areas of life - in learning, leadership. Write down what machines you know, what books you have read, what languages ​​you have studied. Add phrases about what you were like in your youth. Remember what you valued and what goals you set for yourself.

Write 30 sentences about yourself in the present. Formulate your current goals, dreams, character traits. Try to look at yourself from the outside.

Write 30 sentences about your future self. Imagine that you are already there. Describe how you will feel and what new goals you will set.

Print out all offers on a printer. There should be 90 or more sentences printed one above the other.

Cut the list into strips. There should only be one sentence on each strip of paper.

What is the best way to talk about yourself in different situations during casual acquaintance or for professional purposes? You probably find this task scary and daunting. But with a little thought and looking inside yourself, you can find the words with which you reveal your personality. Start with the first step and you will find some tips to help you introduce yourself. You can also use the sections displayed above to find answers to more specific questions.


How to talk about yourself at an interview

    Find out more about the company. Each company has its own unique personality, its own culture. If you describe qualities that reflect the company's values, you will demonstrate that you are collaborative and proactive.

    • For example, if you're interviewing for an entry-level position at a technology startup, try talking about your interest in and experience working with innovative technologies, products and your desire to work in the creative team of a start-up company.
  1. Be prepared to be asked to talk about yourself during the interview. If you think through possible answers to common questions, you can figure things out in advance.

    • If you make a list of your qualities or achievements, it will be easier for you to determine which traits are of great importance and which ones can be left out because they will be redundant.
  2. Research the position you are applying for. Please read the job description carefully. Pay attention to what responsibilities the position entails and what skills the applicant needs to have. Demonstrate your interest and ability to perform the required responsibilities.

    • If you are being interviewed for leadership position, you can talk about what management strategies you used while in a similar position at a similar company. For example: “I am a sales director at a company. I recently entered new program to track our sales progress."
    • If you are interviewing for an assistant position, you can talk about your ability to multitask or give an example that demonstrates excellent organizational skills: “I am currently an assistant to four employees at the firm. They are pleased with my organizational skills and communication skills. Recently they assigned me to deal with all organizational work in the office".
    • If you're interviewing for an entry-level position, you can talk about your ability to adapt quickly and your desire to gain new experiences. For example: “I recently graduated from university and did an internship in offset printing, but I want to gain more experience and opportunities to deepen my knowledge.”
    • As a promising university graduate, show that you can put your knowledge to practical use. You can show off your best self if you talk about your scientific accomplishments, interests, travel plans, and other things you value: “I'm interested in making paper by hand and doing my own experiments. I’m really interested in how I can use this experience in your book making courses.”
  3. Describe yourself not in empty and general phrases, but using specific examples what you did. If you are an excellent organizer and write on your resume that you have good organizational skills, this will not be enough. But if you talk about a specific case in which you were tasked with organizing a large conference with a hundred executives in attendance, your abilities will be more visible.

    Practice the interview with your friend. Perhaps he will be able to adequately evaluate you and advise you on what is worth talking about and what not.

    You must understand the difference between self-confidence and overconfidence. It is perfectly acceptable to talk about your accomplishments as long as they are truthful and relevant to the conversation. If you talk about your achievements and good qualities, without evidence or if it is inappropriate, it can be harmful to you.

    Be positive. Emphasize your positive qualities and do not criticize yourself.

    Speak about yourself briefly and clearly. An interview is not the time to talk about your whole life. Describe yourself and your achievements as briefly as possible.

    Be professional. Choose words that describe you as a competent professional. Avoid words like "cool", "sexy", "cool" or "cute".

    Create a quick resume. It is also called an “elevator pitch.” This is a condensed story about yourself and your activities. This speech highlights the most important and memorable things about you. Here are some questions that you can answer to help you create your resume:

    • Who am I? "I am a writer." “I'm a recruiter.” “I'm the administrator.”
    • What organization do I work for? “I work for an online art publication.” “I work for a start-up IT company.” “I work for a small non-profit business.”
    • What are my functions in this organization? “I review local exhibitions for an international online art magazine.” “I am engaged in the search and employment of new talents for the development of specialized software" “I am involved in adjusting business plans for startups.”
  4. Find what you like about your job and focus on it. By answering the previous questions, you may find it easier to identify your values ​​and passions. Use them to condense your answers into a short, to-the-point presentation:

    • “I write articles for an online publication about art that has readers from different countries. This is a great opportunity as I attend local exhibitions and do reviews.”
    • “I am a recruiting manager for a small start-up IT company. I discover new talents, meet and communicate with them.”
    • “I am an administrator at a small non-profit business. I offer support to start-up companies who want to improve their business plan.”
  5. Listen to others. Instead of starting a conversation with stories about yourself, ask questions. If you give the other person the opportunity to talk about himself, you will learn more about him and his needs.

How to tell about yourself on your page on a social network or on a dating site

  1. Be honest. To avoid further complications, always tell the truth. Don't exaggerate and don't say that you look like some star or model.

    • Age may be a sensitive topic for you, but lying about it won't do you any good. If you're 45, try saying you're in your early 40s. Then tell us something else interesting about yourself, for example: “I’m in my early 40s, I look like I’m 30-something, I like to do Latin American dancing, rock climbing, and try new types of whiskey.”
    • If you have children, perhaps it's time to talk about them. For example: “35-year-old mother of a fidgety 5-year-old.”
  2. Write specifically. general description, for example, “joyful” or “I like to have fun” will not highlight your personality. Try using specific expressions or writing examples.

    • If you love to travel, write down where you were last and why you would like to go there again.
    • If you consider yourself a foodie, why not mention a couple of your favorite restaurants or a great meal you cooked last weekend?
    • If you're an art lover, talk about a type of art you love or an exhibition you recently visited.