Express eyebrow correction is a new type of business. Contract in a beauty salon for services Contract with a client for eyebrow tinting

St. Petersburg 26th line d 9a pon 34N.


1.1 The beauty salon undertakes, on the instructions of the Client, to provide services to him (perform certain actions or carry out certain activities), and the Client undertakes to pay for these services.

1.2. The Client accepts and pays for services personally in strict accordance with the terms of provision of the service and the formation of its price, described in Appendix No. 1 to this agreement (Price List).

1.3. All information necessary to determine the service and the procedure for determining the price of the service is provided to the Client before the start of the service in a clear and accessible form.

1.4. All services provided under this agreement are household services, that is, they are exclusively aesthetic and hygienic in nature.


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2.1. The beauty salon undertakes:

2.1.1. Provide the Client with the necessary and reliable information about the proposed work within the framework of the provision of services, which must necessarily contain:

The corporate name of your organization, actual address and operating mode. Specified information placed on a sign located at the entrance to the Beauty Salon where services are provided under this agreement;

In the event of a temporary suspension of the organization’s activities for sanitary, repair and other measures, the Beauty Salon is obliged to inform the Client about the date of suspension and the time during which the organization will not carry out its activities.

List of services provided and forms of their provision (Appendix No. 1 to this agreement (Price List));

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Standard designations, mandatory requirements which services must comply;

Terms and time of service provision;

Requirements that must be observed for the effective and safe use of the work result within the framework of the services provided, as well as the possible consequences for the Client and other persons of non-compliance with the relevant requirements;

Data about the specific person who will provide the service, if this data is relevant based on the nature of the service;

Prices for the services provided, as well as the composition (list) of the Beauty Salon materials used, and information about the procedure and form of payment (Appendix No. 1 to this agreement (Price List))

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Information about confirmation of conformity of services established requirements(number of the certificate of conformity, its validity period, the body that issued it, or the registration number of the declaration of conformity, its validity period, the name of the Beauty Salon that accepted the declaration and the body that registered it).

2.1.2. Provide the Client for initial review in a clear and accessible form:

This agreement with appendices;

Address and telephone number of the department for protecting the rights of the Client of the local government body;

Information materials describing the work within the framework of providing services to the Client;

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List of categories of Clients entitled to receive benefits, as well as a list of benefits provided for the provision of services in accordance with federal laws and others legal acts Russian Federation.

Provide information in Russian and place it in a convenient place for viewing.

Timely provide information about your organization and the services provided, described in paragraphs. 2.1.1 and 2.1.2, in a clear and accessible form also in cases where the service is carried out outside the permanent location of the organization.

Have a book of reviews and suggestions, which is provided to the Client upon his request.

When informing the Client about the services from Appendix No. 1 to this agreement (Price List), do not focus his attention for advertising purposes on the individual advantages of those services that the Client did not indicate in the order.

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2.1.7. Professionally and in full, in accordance with the terms of this agreement, provide the Client with the service he has chosen based on the results of familiarization with Appendix No. 1 to this agreement (Price List) and receipt of all necessary information.

2.1.8. Based on the results of providing the service, the Beauty Salon provides the Client with a receipt-invoice for the work performed (Appendix No. 2 to this agreement), which is presented upon the Client’s request.

The beauty salon has the right:

Withhold the full cost of the advance payment (if made) in the event of the Client’s failure to show up to receive the service by appointment, in order to compensate for the working time lost by the Beauty Salon.

Go to court to demand the full cost of the services provided, as well as for compensation for legal support for such an appeal in the event that the Client evades accepting the service provided or part thereof, performed in accordance with the terms of this agreement and its annexes.

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Suspend the provision of services in the event of possible harm to the Client’s health, inappropriate behavior, as well as in the event of a violation by the Client of any of the terms of this Agreement.


3.1. The client undertakes:

3.1.1. Determine the specific service(s) for the Beauty Salon from Appendix No. 1 to this agreement (Price List) and agree on it in the preliminary invoice.

3.1.2. Accept and pay for the services of the Beauty Salon in accordance with this agreement in full immediately after the service is provided.

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3.1.3. Read in detail this agreement, the Appendices to it, as well as all the information materials that the Beauty Salon will offer him for mandatory review.

3.1.4. Notify the Beauty Salon in writing about special requirements to the services provided.

3.2. The client has the right:

3.2.1. At any time before the delivery of the work to him, refuse to fulfill this contract by paying the Beauty Salon part of the established price in proportion to the part of the work performed before the notification of refusal to fulfill the contract, and by reimbursing the Beauty Salon for expenses incurred up to this point in order to fulfill the contract.

3.2.2. Refuse to fulfill this agreement if the Beauty Salon unreasonably refused to provide the Client with information about the services provided.

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The beauty salon provides a service, the quality of which complies with the terms of Appendix No. 1 to this agreement (Price List).

If the Beauty Salon, when concluding the contract, was informed by the Client about the specific purposes of providing the service, the Beauty Salon is obliged to provide a service suitable for use in accordance with these purposes.

4.3. The beauty salon provides the service within the time limits specified in Appendix No. 1 to this agreement (Price List).

4.4. When providing services at the Client’s home or at another place specified by the Client, the Beauty Salon ensures the appearance of its employee at the time agreed with the Client, and the Client is obliged to create the necessary conditions for the provision of the service.

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4.5. To fulfill the Client's order, the beauty salon uses material and/or equipment, the compliance of which with the established requirements is confirmed by a document (certificate, declaration of conformity), if this compliance is subject to mandatory confirmation according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The beauty salon immediately warns the Client and, until receiving instructions from him, suspends the work (provision of the service) if it detects:

Unsuitability or poor quality of the means or equipment through which the service is provided;

Any possible adverse consequences for the Client of following his instructions on the method of providing the service;

4.7. In the event of any claims to the qualitative or quantitative characteristics of the service provided, the Client is obliged to immediately notify the Beauty Salon in writing by submitting a written Claim to it.

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Otherwise, the service is considered provided in proper form and quality and is fully accepted by the Client from the moment the Client leaves the premises of the Beauty Salon.


The cost of Beauty Salon services is determined in Appendix No. 1 to this agreement (Price List), and total price services, made up of the number of services chosen by the Client - at the time of informing the Client about the services he is interested in, in accordance with paragraphs. 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 of this agreement, by providing him with the appropriate preliminary document, the form of which is established by the Beauty Salon.

The client pays for the services of the Beauty Salon in Russian rubles and makes payments to the Beauty Salon in cash at the Center's cash desk, as a rule, immediately after the provision of services.

Advance payment for services by paying 100% of the total cost of the services chosen by the Client may be provided in the following cases:

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When paying for services using bank cards

When ordering services with a total cost of more than (three thousand) rubles (at the discretion of the Beauty Salon)

In case of refusal of written preliminary agreement on the scope of ordered services.

Payment between the parties is made by depositing 100% of the total cost of the services chosen by the Client to the Beauty Salon cash desk in cash payment in Russian rubles.

By agreement of the Parties, it is possible to pay for the services of the Beauty Salon by non-cash payments to the open account of the Beauty Salon or using a bank card.

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Based on the results of the services, the Beauty Salon provides the Client with a receipt upon request (Appendix No. 2 to this agreement) and cash receipt.

At the discretion of the Beauty Salon, certain groups of clients may be provided with an individual discount on the cost of services (one-time, multiple, cumulative).


In case of detection of deficiencies in the service provided, the Client is given the opportunity, at his choice, to demand from the Beauty Salon:

Free elimination of deficiencies in the services provided;

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A corresponding reduction in the price of the service provided;

The age of the full cost of the service.

6.2. Claims related to deficiencies in the service provided may be presented upon acceptance of the service provided, or during the provision of the service.

6.3. The beauty salon is responsible for the shortcomings of the service if the Client proves that they arose before he accepted the service or for reasons that arose before that moment.

6.4. If the Beauty Salon violated the start, end and intermediate deadlines for the provision of the service, or during the provision of the service it became obvious that it would not be provided on time, the Client, at his choice, has the right:

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Assign a new term to the Beauty Salon;

Entrust the provision of services to another person of the Beauty Salon;

Demand a reasonable reduction in the price for the provision of services;

Terminate the contract for the provision of services with full compensation for losses caused to him in connection with the violation of the terms of provision of the service.

6.5. The client has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract paid provision services by refusal directly during the provision of the service or written refusal of the agreed service. In this case, the Client reimburses the Beauty Salon for the actual expenses incurred by him related to the Client’s unilateral refusal of the contract.

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6.6. If it is impossible to perform the service due to the fault of the Client, the services are subject to payment in full in accordance with this agreement.

6.7. In the event that the impossibility of performance arose due to circumstances for which neither party is responsible, the Client reimburses the Beauty Salon for the expenses actually incurred by him, unless otherwise provided by law or the contract for the provision of paid services.

7.1. The parties are not responsible for consequences resulting from force majeure circumstances (force majeure circumstances), namely: earthquakes, floods, fires, strikes, government regulations or orders government agencies, as well as any actions of third parties that affect the quality of the services provided by the Beauty Salon (cessation of water supply, electricity, emergency situations in the systems for supporting the activities of the Beauty Salon).

7.2. The party citing force majeure circumstances is obliged to immediately inform the other party in writing and/or orally about the occurrence of such circumstances. This information should contain data on the nature of the circumstances, as well as, if possible, an assessment of their impact on the parties’ performance of their obligations under this agreement and the period for their performance.


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8.1. Disputes and disagreements are resolved by a court of general jurisdiction in accordance with current legislation.

8.2. The parties have the right to resolve disputes and disagreements through negotiations, in a claim procedure. Claims are submitted in writing against a receipt with a note indicating the date of acceptance of the claim in the Beauty Salon located at the address: St. Petersburg, 26th line d 9a room 34N


9.1. This agreement comes into force from the moment the Client joins it by starting negotiations with the Beauty Salon on the conditions for the provision of services and is valid until they fulfill their obligations under the terms of this agreement and its annexes.


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199106, St. Petersburg, 26th line, no. 9, room. 34N

In the North-Western branch of MTS-Bank OJSC in St. Petersburg

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General Director Guzova Larisa Aleksandrovna

Agreement for the provision of hairdressing services

1.1. Under this Agreement, the Contractor provides, and the Customer accepts and pays for, the services specified in clause 1.2 of this contract for the provision of paid services.

1.2. The Contractor provides the Customer with hairdressing services, hereinafter referred to as “Services”.

1.3. Deadline: _____________________________.

2.1. The performer is obliged:

2.1.2. Provide Services in full within the period specified in clause 1.3 of this Agreement for the provision of hairdressing services.

2.1.3. Correct all identified deficiencies free of charge at the Customer’s request.

2.1.4. Provide the Customer with one or more types of hairdressing services, namely: Hair coloring. Healing procedures. _________________________________ (indicate the required type of service).

2.1.5. Provide Services using a disinfected instrument.

2.1.6. When servicing the Customer, use clean linen and napkins.

2.2. The customer is obliged:

2.2.1. Pay for the work in accordance with the terms of this contract for the provision of services.

3.1. The cost of the Services provided to the Customer is determined from the cost of the type of Services chosen by the Customer. Prices for each type of Services are indicated in the Price List - Appendix No. 1 to this contract for the provision of paid services.

4.1. The parties are responsible for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this contract for the provision of paid services in accordance with current legislation.

5.1. Disputes and disagreements that may arise during the execution of this contract for the provision of paid services will, if possible, be resolved by the Parties through negotiations.

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  • Cosmetology agreement


tel.: _________________________________________________________________


LLC "Beauty Salons", registered. 07/28/2007 by the Federal Tax Service inspection for the Oktyabrsky district of Rostov-on-Don (Unified State Register of Legal Entities certificate 61 No.), represented by director Larisa Aleksandrovna Miloslavskaya, acting on the basis of the Charter and license No. LO346 dated 07/22/2016, issued by the Ministry Healthcare RO, hereinafter referred to as the “CONTRACTOR”, on the one hand, and ___________________________________________________________________________ (full name of the client), on the other hand, residing at the address _____________________________________________________________________,

Tel. ________________________________hereinafter referred to as “PATIENT”, on the other hand, have entered into this agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) as follows.

1.1. The Contractor undertakes to provide the Patient with paid cosmetology services (hereinafter referred to as cosmetology services):

Under this agreement, the Contractor provides the following services to the Consumer:

price of service, rub

a The patient undertakes to pay for the services provided in accordance with the current price list established by the contractor.

1.2. When signing this agreement, the patient is familiar with the list of services provided by the Contractor, the cost and conditions for their provision, the current benefits for certain categories of citizens and refuses the alternative opportunity offered to him to receive this type medical care within the framework of the program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens and the territorial program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens.

1.3. The patient is notified that after the provision of cosmetic services specified in clause 1.1. of this agreement, it may experience possible negative consequences.

1.4. The result of the provision of cosmetology services is a Receipt and a cash receipt issued by the Contractor to the Patient, or another document confirming the fact of the provision of cosmetology services.


2.1. The performer is obliged:

2.1.1 Organize a consultation with the Patient, and, if necessary, recommend additional consultations and examinations with specialists of other medical profiles in order to clarify the correct choice of procedure.

2.1.2 Provide the Patient with complete and reliable information about the service (procedure) provided, about contraindications, possible complications and temporary discomforts that may arise during the procedure.

2.1.3 Familiarize the Patient with the procedure and plan for the provision of cosmetology services and the current price list for cosmetology services before the start of the service.

2.1.4 Provide cosmetology services using appropriate materials, medications, tools and equipment.

2.1.5 Provide cosmetology services of proper quality in accordance with medical indications, use modern technologies and providing high level service.

2.1.6 Inform the Patient about the prescriptions and recommendations that must be followed to maintain the achieved results of the procedure. Offer the Patient and sign Informed Consent for each type of services provided (Procedures).

2.1.7 If circumstances arise that may lead to complications during the provision of cosmetic services, inform the patient about this through informed consent for cosmetic procedures.

2.1.8 Follow the rules medical ethics in the relationship with the Patient, maintain medical confidentiality.

2.2. The performer has the right:

2.2.1 Independently, in agreement with the Patient, determine the nature and scope of cosmetic services necessary for the Patient as part of the treatment plan, as well as as the treatment procedures are carried out.

2.2.2 Require the Patient to provide information and documents necessary for the provision of cosmetic services with the greatest efficiency, in cases of previous observation or treatment in other medical institutions.

2.3.1 Provide the necessary information to the Contractor about the state of your health or other circumstances that may affect the quality of the service provided by the Contractor.

2.3.2 Carefully study and sign the “Informed Consent” for each type of service provided.

2.3.3 Show up for the appointment at the strictly appointed time, and if it is impossible to show up at the appointed time, notify the Contractor in advance.

2.3.4 Warn the Contractor about drugs known to him that may lead to allergic reactions in the Patient.

2.3.5 Strictly observe and carry out all doctor’s prescriptions, preventive and therapeutic measures to achieve and maintain the results of the procedure..

2.3.6 If any complications or deviations arise during the provision of cosmetic services, immediately notify the Contractor about them.

2.4.1 Receive information about the volume, cost and results of the cosmetology services provided.

2.4.2 Refuse to perform the Agreement at any time by paying the Contractor part of the established price in proportion to the part of the cosmetic services provided, performed before the Contractor received notice of the Patient’s refusal to fulfill the Contract.


3.1 The patient pays the cost of cosmetic services according to the current price list in rubles, both in cash and in non-cash form.

3.2 The patient pays for the provided cosmetic services at each visit.


4.1 The Provider is not responsible for the results of the provision of cosmetic services in cases of non-compliance by the Consumer with treatment recommendations and other unlawful actions.

4.2 The patient has the right to make claims for compensation for losses caused by non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the terms of the contract, compensation for damage in the event of harm to health and life, as well as compensation for damage caused moral damage in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3 In the event of disputes arising on issues provided for in this agreement or in connection with it, the parties will take all measures to resolve them through negotiations.

4.4 In other cases, the parties bear responsibility in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.5 If the Patient fails to show up or if the Patient goes to another medical institution The Contractor does not guarantee the achievement of the desired result of cosmetic procedures.

4.6 The patient has the right to make claims to the Provider regarding the quality of the services provided and, if the service is provided poorly, to demand either repeated provision of the cosmetology service or a commensurate reduction in the established price for the service.


5.1. If the provision of paid medical services requires the provision of additional medical services on a reimbursable basis that are not provided for in the contract, the Contractor is obliged to warn the Consumer about this. Without the consent of the consumer (customer), the contractor has no right to provide additional medical services on a reimbursable basis.

5.2. If, when providing paid medical services, it is necessary to provide additional medical services for emergency reasons to eliminate a threat to the life of the Consumer in the event of sudden acute diseases, conditions, exacerbations of chronic diseases, such medical services are provided free of charge in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens" In Russian federation".

5.3. In other cases, if the Consumer agrees to the provision of additional medical services not provided for in the contract, the volume and cost of additional medical services are agreed upon by the parties in Additional agreements to the agreement, which are its integral part.

5.4. If the Consumer refuses to receive medical services after concluding the contract, the contract is terminated. The Contractor informs the Consumer about the termination of the contract at the initiative of the Consumer, while the Consumer pays the Contractor the actual expenses incurred by the Contractor related to the fulfillment of obligations under the contract.


6.1 All changes and additions to the Agreement are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the parties.

6.2. The agreement is drawn up in two copies, each having the same legal force, one for each side.

6.3. The agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by both parties and is valid indefinitely.

6.4. An integral part of this agreement is the Informed Consent, which the Patient signs for each type of service provided to him. Informed consent is kept by the Contractor.

6.5. The patient gives consent to the Contractor to systematize and use his personal data for internal accounting.

6.6. In all other respects not provided for in this Agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


7.1. All disputes, disagreements and claims arising during the execution of this Agreement or in connection with it, as well as those related to its violation, termination or invalidity, are resolved in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Contractor: LLC "Beauty Salons" TIN3, certificate

Unified State Register of Legal Entities 61 No., Legal address: Rostov-on-Don, lane. Cherepakhina, 243/97,

R/schv Rostov Faculty Bank "Vozrozhdenie" BIC

Director ____________________________Miloslavskaya L.A.

How to draw up an agreement with clients of a beauty salon for the provision of risky services /

1.1 The Contractor is responsible for the quality of services provided

1.2.The Contractor is not liable to the Client in the event

1.2.1. Occurrence of allergies or intolerance to drugs and materials

1.2.2. The occurrence of complications due to previously performed similar services in another organization (we, for example, do not know what exactly they lightened and dyed with, what preparations they used, they could have messed up. “Treat” the hair so that now the dye not taken, etc. It is advisable that new client after all, he was aware of “what” he was painted on)

1.2.3. The occurrence of complications associated with the client’s health condition, information about which was not reported to the Contractor (just critical days, for example, fever, taking any medications) (some have a physiological feature: on critical days, even the most gentle perm does not take and coloring does not give the desired result)

1.3.The client is responsible for timely full payment for services

1.4.The client is warned about possible consequences and complications

LLC "NNN", represented by the Manager (full name), acting on the basis of the charter, on the one hand, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor and


Hereinafter referred to as the Client< с другой стороны, заключили настоящий договор о нижеследующем

The client instructs, and NNN LLC (in accordance with the license of such and such) takes upon itself the organization of work to provide the following services. .

2. Rights and Obligations of the parties

2.1.1.Inform the Client about the volume, estimated cost and duration of the procedures, possible complications and obtain his consent to carry out the procedures. The fact of starting the procedure means the Contractor has fulfilled its obligations under this agreement and the Client’s consent

2.1.2.Provide the services provided for in this agreement using the necessary materials.

2.1.3. Inform the Client about the circumstances that have arisen, cat. may lead to an increase in the volume of services provided and possible complications

2.2 The Contractor has the right

2.2.1. Independently determine the nature and scope of services, demand from the Client the information necessary for the effective provision of services

2.2.2. Refuse to accept the Client if the Client is in a state of alcohol. , narcotic or toxic. intoxication

when the Client’s actions threaten the life, health, honor of staff and other clients

Contract in a beauty salon for services

for the provision of SPA salon services


1.1. Under this Agreement, the Contractor provides, and the Customer accepts and pays for, the services specified in clause 1.2 of this Agreement.

1.2. The Contractor provides the Customer with SPA salon services, hereinafter referred to as “Services”.

1.3. Deadline _____________________________.

1.4. Services are considered provided after the Customer has paid for the work performed.


2.1. The performer is obliged:

2.1.1. Provide Services with proper quality.

2.1.2. Provide the Services in full within the period specified in clause 1.3 of this Agreement.

2.1.3. Provide the Customer with one or more types of Services, namely: _________________________________ (indicate the required type of service).

2.2. The customer is obliged:

2.2.1. Pay for the Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.


3.1. The cost of the Services provided to the Customer is determined from the cost of the type of service chosen by the Customer. Prices for each type of service are indicated in the Price List - Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement.

3.2. Payment by the Customer to the Contractor for the cost of the Services provided is carried out by paying directly to the Contractor's cash desk.

3.3. Confirmation of payment by the Customer for the Services provided is the issuance by the Contractor of a cash receipt.


4.1. The parties are responsible for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement in accordance with current legislation.


5.2. If it is impossible to resolve disputes through negotiations, the Parties, after implementing the procedure for pre-trial settlement of disagreements provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, shall submit them to the court for consideration.


6.1. Any changes and additions to this Agreement are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties. All annexes to this Agreement constitute an integral part of it.

6.2. This Agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one for each of the Parties.

Hairdressing contract

AGREEMENT N ___ for hairdressing services

1.1. Under this Agreement, the Contractor undertakes to provide hairdressing services (hereinafter referred to as “services”), and the Client undertakes to pay for the services provided.

1.2. Duration of service provision: ___________________________________.


2.1. The performer is obliged:

2.1.1. Personally provide services with appropriate quality.

2.1.2. Provide services in full within the period specified in clause 1.2 of this Agreement.

2.1.3. At the Client's request, correct all identified deficiencies free of charge.

2.1.4. Provide one or more types of services for the Client, namely: Model and creative haircuts for adults and children. Hair coloring. Perm hair. Various long-term styling options. Evening and holiday styling. Healing procedures. Massage and shampooing. Selection and execution of work with hairpieces and wigs. Correction and coloring of eyebrows and eyelashes, application of makeup. _________________________________ (indicate the required type of service).

2.1.5. Provide services using disinfected instruments.

2.1.6. When serving the Client, use clean linen and napkins.

2.1.7. When providing services, follow the Client’s instructions on the procedure for providing services.

2.2. The client is obliged:

2.2.1. Pay the cost of services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

2.3. In case of provision of services with deviations from the terms of this Agreement or with other shortcomings, the Client has the right to demand from the Contractor:

2.3.1. Free elimination of deficiencies within a reasonable time;

2.3.2. Reducing the established cost of services;

2.3.3. Reimbursement of expenses for eliminating deficiencies.

If the deficiencies are not eliminated by the Contractor within a reasonable time period established by the Client, the Client has the right to refuse to fulfill the Agreement and demand compensation for losses.


3.1. The cost of services performed by the Contractor under this Agreement is determined based on the cost of the type of service chosen by the Client (clause 2.1.4 of this Agreement). Prices for each type of service are indicated in the Price List - Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement.

3.2. Payment by the Client to the Contractor for the cost of services provided is carried out by depositing cash Money to the Contractor's cash desk or by bank transfer.

3.3. Confirmation of payment by the Client for the services provided is the issuance by the Contractor of a cash receipt.


4.1. The parties are responsible for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


5.1. Disputes and disagreements that may arise during the execution of this Agreement will, if possible, be resolved by the Parties through negotiations.

5.2. If it is impossible to resolve disputes through negotiations, the Parties shall submit disagreements to the court for consideration in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


6.1. Any changes and additions to this Agreement are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties.

6.2. All annexes to this Agreement constitute an integral part of it.

6.3. This Agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one for each of the Parties.

Based Federal Law N 323-FZ of November 21, 2011 “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”

You, as a client of the Platinum studio, have the right to receive information about your condition and the procedure in order to make a decision about the need for this procedure, knowing about possible risk and health hazards. This information is provided to fully inform you before you consent to this procedure.

I am (full name) _____________________,

I voluntarily ask the studio master to carry out the eyelash extension procedure.

In this case, I will have no complaints against the studio.

I have been warned about a possible allergic reaction to the active substance in the glue (cyanoacrylate), which usually occurs on the first day after the procedure and can be manifested by the following symptoms:

Severe itching of the eyelids;

Swelling, redness of the eyelids;


Fear of light.

I'm informed that all materials (except glue) used in the procedure are hypoallergenic.

Artificial eyelashes are made of synthetic monofilament and have certificates of conformity.

It is important that during the procedure the eyes are closed (the eyelids are pressed tightly against each other), otherwise a burn to the mucous membrane of the eye from glue fumes is possible, even if the eye is partially open. In this case, it is not necessary to remove the eyelashes, but you should urgently consult an ophthalmologist (in most cases, it will be enough to use special eye drops).

I'm aware that in case of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to remove the eyelashes and take an antihistamine. All financial risks in this case are borne by the client in full; neither the studio nor the master bears responsibility.

In turn, the master undertakes to comply with all norms and requirements (including disinfection and sterilization of instruments in accordance with SANPIN

I've been warned that contraindications for eyelash extension procedures are:

Previously identified allergic reaction to cyanoacrylate;

Increased tearfulness;

Bronchial asthma;



Demodectic mange;

Eye diseases (conjunctivitis, blepharitis);

Oncological diseases;




Illness (flu, ARVI, acute respiratory infections, etc..);

Active loss of eyelashes, hair in general (consultation with a doctor is required);

Mental imbalance.

Recently undergone plastic surgery on the eyelid;

Unhealthy condition of the client's eyelashes.

I confirm I do not have the above contraindications.

In case of ignoring/concealing, the studio (master) is not responsible for your health. There is no guarantee for work in this case. We will provide you with advice on any issue. Upon request, it is possible to carry out a test build-up.

I am also aware, that the master can refuse to provide me with both the eyelash extension procedure and its correction if this contradicts the client’s health indicators or the client’s wishes fundamentally contradict the master’s professional vision for the procedure.

I carry responsibility for compliance with measures for the care of eyelash extensions, and therefore I undertake to follow the specialist’s recommendations set out in the memo.

I understand information regarding the procedures I ordered, communicated to me during the consultation. I was also given the opportunity to discuss, clarify, and get answers to all questions regarding this information.

I have been granted the opportunity to ask any questions regarding the planned procedures, alternative forms of treatment, risks and health hazards associated with the upcoming procedure.

I've had enough, information received in order to give this informed and informed consent to the eyelash extension procedure.

I'm aware about factors that can reduce the wear of eyelashes:

High sensitivity of eyes and skin;


Menstruation during extension (+ the day before the procedure);

Hormonal instability, pregnancy and lactation;

Taking antibiotics / hormonal drugs;

Oily eyelid skin;

Mechanical impact(friction, twisting, self-removal);

Daily application of oil/rich cream on the eyelids;

Dyeing eyelashes with paint less than 4 days before eyelash extensions;

Removing old eyelash extensions with an oil-based product less than 4 days before new eyelash extensions;

Using waterproof cosmetics / two-phase makeup remover less than 4 days before eyelash extensions;

Increased temperature and humidity in the first 24 hours after the procedure;

Alcohol intoxication, as well as drinking alcohol the day before and after the procedure.

There is no guarantee for work in these cases.

I confirm, that this document has been read and explained to me and its contents are clear to me. I received a reminder about recommended behavior during the post-procedural period, read it, explained it to me and understood it.

The voluntary informed agreement is accompanied by Appendix No. 1 and Appendix No. 2

Client (full name)__________________________________________ Signature: ________________________

Master (full name) __________________________________________ Signature: ______________________

Appendix No. 1 to voluntary informed consent for the eyelash extension service.

Date of the procedure: “____” ____________201___

Client's name _______

Tel. no. _____________________________ Date of Birth _________________________________

Description of the client's mature eyelashes (underline as necessary) thickness: sparse / medium / thick length: short (5-7 mm) / medium (7-10 mm) / long more than 10 mm, thickness: thin / medium / thick

Presence of gaps: yes/no, number of left eyes____, number of right eyes ____

Removal of eyelashes after a third-party specialist: yes / no

Condition of native eyelashes after removal, visible damage::________________________

Oily skin: dry, / mixed / oily skin

The materials used have certificates of quality and compliance in the Russian Federation.

The master's obligations to the client in compliance with the rules for the provision of services:

Providing services in accordance with technology, using the main indicators of quality of services according to

eyelash extensions. GOST R 56396-2015 clause 6.

In the case of restoration of the client's eyelashes, after poor-quality extensions by a third-party master, in case of failure to follow the recommendations, in the event of changing the parameters of artificial eyelashes recommended by the master at the request of the client, the studio, represented by the master, is not responsible for the wearing time of eyelash extensions, the condition of native eyelashes, the type of eyelash extensions during wearing.

The period of preservation of the functional properties of eyelash extensions over intact natural ones should be at least two weeks, after which the eyelash extensions are removed.

If necessary, eyelash correction is carried out after extensions. Correction is carried out by replacing artificial eyelashes that have lost their aesthetic appearance with new artificial eyelashes, as well as by restoring the shape and volume of eyelash extensions for a period of no more than three weeks, no more than 1 or 2 times (at the discretion of the specialist). Or they overbuild. In case of correction, the master is not responsible for the condition of the client’s natural eyelashes.

After the period of wearing the eyelashes has expired, they are removed using chemicals in order to dissolve the glue and detach the artificial eyelashes from the client’s eyelashes.

Studio Platinum, represented by an eyelash extension specialist, guarantees the client the confidentiality of data received from the client.

Explanation of aspects associated with eyelash extensions (contraindications,

the process of providing services received, claims regarding the volume and quality of services provided

I do not have. I agree with the lack of warranty obligations.

Master (full name)/signature:_________________________________________________/__________________

Client (full name)/signature________________________________________________/_________________

Appendix No. 2 to voluntary informed consent for the eyelash extension service.

Repeating the procedure:

Date: "___"____201____

Parameters of artificial eyelashes used: length_______________, thickness________________ bend_____________

Client (full name)/signature/__________________________________________________________/__________________

Date: "____" ___________________________201___

Parameters of artificial eyelashes used: length_______________, thickness________________ bend_____________

The work was completed efficiently and in full, I have no complaints:

Master (full name)/signature ___________________________________________________/__________________

Client (full name)/signature_________________________________________________________/___________________

Date: "____" __________________________201___

Parameters of artificial eyelashes used: length_______________, thickness________________ bend_____________

The work was completed efficiently and in full, I have no complaints:

Master (full name)/signature/:__________________________________________________________/__________________

Client (full name)/signature/__________________________________________________________/___________________

Related information.

Founder of the author's studio Geniya, famous makeup artist and eyebrow correction specialist Geniya Radzievskaya told BeautyHack what you should pay attention to if you come to a new brow bar or to an unfamiliar specialist.

Girls often come to me after unsuccessful visits to other masters. Unfortunately, since the eyebrow correction service became widespread and was offered on almost every corner, its quality has decreased. There are few good masters, there are not enough of them, but they still exist! So, by what signs can you understand that this is a professional and not a hack?

  1. Your personal wishes and reality

“What eyebrow shape would you like?” this question will be asked to you as soon as you sit in the chair. Some girls sometimes even bring photos of actresses and models as a sample. An inexperienced master will immediately begin work, because the client’s desire law. But if you have a professional in front of you, he will first listen to you and then give his recommendations. When choosing the shape of your eyebrows, you need to realistically assess the density of hair growth, their texture, the features of a low or high “rise,” the natural asymmetry of the face and many other details that you may not know or not notice. If the master understands that the eyebrow shape you have chosen will not work or will not suit you, he must explain this.

  1. Previous correction

One of the first questions a professional makeup artist should ask you is, “When was the last time you had a touch-up?” This question is especially important if you currently have thin eyebrows, but in the future you want to grow them and make them wider. The master must understand how intensively hair grows in order to outline an action plan for creating the shape that you want to achieve in the future.

  1. Coloring and correctionnot the same thing

If you signed up for both eyebrow correction and tinting, evaluate the first part of the service before the artist begins the second. The most common case of “hack work” when the shape of your eyebrows is created not by correction, but by finishing with dye. How does this happen? During coloring, the paint pigment is applied not only to the hairs, but also to the skin, forming a temporary contour. After a few days, it is washed off, and then it becomes clear that instead of correction, you only had permanent eyebrow makeup.

  1. Facial expressionsfactor to consider

Before starting the main work, an experienced makeup artist will try to get you to talk, ask you to smile or make a face. For what? When choosing the shape of your eyebrows, you need to be guided not only by the principle of symmetry, but also take into account individual characteristics facial expressions. The position of your eyebrows when you're sitting relaxed with your eyes closed versus when you're socializing, laughing, or frowning can be very different. A simple example: if in a conversation your right eyebrow always rises slightly, when correcting it you do not need to raise it even higher.

  1. Laws of harmony, or how do you choose the shape of your eyebrows?

Beautiful eyebrows should harmoniously complement the rest of your facial features, and not stand out against their background. An eyebrow specialist must know at least the basic rules of this harmony. What shape is your whiskey? What shape are your cheekbones and face shape? All these factors must be taken into account in your work. For example, if you have slightly drooping upper eyelids, you do not need to make wide eyebrows, they will make them even heavier. If your temples are slightly concave in shape, there is no need to lengthen the line in the area of ​​the “tails”; long eyebrows will not suit you.

  1. Working through the mirror

A good master will look at your eyebrows not only up close, but also in reflection. The fact is that looking through a mirror changes the perception of a face and allows you to remove the emotional component. Everyone knows this optical nuance professional makeup artists. The mirror immediately shows all the details that may go unnoticed during normal close-up examination.

  1. Makeup as the final part of the correction

Even after successful correction, as a rule, at least minimal eyebrow makeup is necessary. There are times when there are not enough hairs somewhere to create an even line or volume, and the situation can only be corrected with the help of makeup. A good artist should not only present you with the final version of “ready-made” eyebrows, but also teach you basic techniques so that you can repeat the makeup at home.

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Individual entrepreneur Natalya Valentinovna Berezina (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor) offers each individual (hereinafter referred to as the Customer) to receive services under the conditions and in the manner provided for in this Agreement.

  1. Article 1. Definitions

    Public contract– an agreement for the provision of services, which establishes the same conditions for all customers for receiving such services on the terms of a public offer from the moment of its acceptance by the Customer (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement).

    Public offer– an offer from the Contractor addressed to any individual to enter into a public agreement with him for the provision of services on the terms and in the manner provided for in this Agreement.

    Acceptance – confirmation by the Customer of full and unconditional consent to enter into an agreement with the Contractor, on the terms provided for by the public offer, by partial prepayment of the order.

    Customer – individual, which entered into an Agreement with the Contractor.

    Price list – prices for its services approved by the Contractor, which establishes a uniform amount of payment for all Customers for the provision of the relevant services.

    Website – the Contractor’s website on the Internet, located at:

    Service is the activity of the Contractor, which is carried out according to the Customer’s individual order to meet his personal needs and, in combination with other services, forms a list of services, the full list of which is indicated on the Site.

    The service is provided to citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons in accordance with the current Price List of the Contractor.

    Order – a service or a list of services from the list posted on the Contractor’s Website, which is formed when the Customer’s application for joining is placed on the Website.

    Prepayment– payment of funds in the amount of 150 (one hundred and fifty) hryvnia for one Service, which is performed by the Customer after placing the Order and is confirmation of the Customer’s full and unconditional consent to enter into the Agreement.

    Registration form– Appendix 1 to the Agreement, which is drawn up independently by the Customer or the Contractor (according to the Customer) and is an integral part of this Agreement.

    The required details of the Registration Form are:

      last name, first name, patronymic (in Russian);

      address Email;

      contact phone numbers.

    The Customer bears full responsibility for the content and accuracy of the data specified in the Registration Form.

    Contractor's premises– the place where the Contractor provides Services to Customers in accordance with this Agreement.

  2. Article 2. General provisions
    1. Each of the Parties to the Agreement guarantees that it has the necessary amount of legal capacity, as well as all rights and obligations that are necessary and sufficient to sign and execute this Agreement.
    2. All terms of the Agreement provided for by the Public Offer are binding on the Parties.
    3. If the Customer does not agree with the terms of the Agreement, he has the right to refuse to conclude it. The Customer who has made the Acceptance confirms his familiarization and agreement with all the terms of this Agreement.
    4. The Agreement is drawn up through the Customer’s consent to all the terms of the Agreement, by accepting them, without signing a written copy of the agreement by the Parties. This Agreement has legal force in accordance with Art. 633 of the Civil Code of Ukraine and is equivalent to an agreement signed by the parties.
    5. All information materials presented on the Site are for reference only. If the Customer has any questions regarding the performance of the Service, before placing an Order, he must seek advice from the Contractor or send a request to the email address [email protected].
  3. Article 3. Acceptance of the Agreement
    1. Confirmation of full and unconditional acceptance of the Public Offer is the payment of an Advance Payment on account of the completed Order in the manner and under the conditions provided for in this Agreement.
    2. The Agreement is considered concluded without further signing from the moment the Contractor receives the amount of the Advance Payment on account of the completed Order.
    3. By concluding the Agreement, the Customer automatically agrees to full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of the Agreement, the Contractor’s Price List and all annexes that are an integral part of this Agreement.
  4. Article 4. Subject of the Agreement
    1. The Contractor undertakes, in accordance with the executed Order, to provide the Service to the Customer, which is consumed in the process of carrying out a certain action (activity), and the Customer undertakes to pay the Contractor for the specified Service, in the amount and on the terms provided for in this Agreement.
  5. Article 5. Rights and obligations of the Contractor
    1. The performer is obliged:
      1. Provide Services to the Customer in the manner and within the terms provided for in the Agreement, the application for accession and the Contractor’s Tariffs.
      2. Do not allow the disclosure of the Customer’s personal data, as well as other information that relates to the Customer’s personal data and became known to the Contractor in connection with the execution of this Agreement.
    2. The performer has the right:
      1. Process the Customer’s personal data during the conclusion and execution of the Agreement in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Personal Data” on the basis of the Customer’s agreement during the acceptance of the Public Offer.
      2. Unilaterally make changes to the Agreement and/or Tariffs with subsequent posting of relevant information on the Site.
      3. Refuse to provide service to the Customer in case of return of the Advance Payment in the manner and under the conditions provided for in the Agreement.
      4. Involve third parties in providing Services to the Customer, without coordinating such actions of the Contractor with the Customer.
      5. Refuse to provide the Service to the Customer if such a service can harm health or appearance Customer.
  6. Article 6. Rights and obligations of the Customer
    1. The customer is obliged:
      1. Provide the Contractor with reliable information about yourself.
      2. Make an advance payment for the completed Order for the Contractor's Services in the amount and terms provided for in this Agreement.
      3. Notify the Contractor in advance (no later than 24 hours before the start of the provision of the Service specified in the application for joining) about the impossibility of appearing.
      4. Come to the Contractor at the time specified in the joining application, without violating the Contractor’s established work schedule.
      5. Come to the Contractor for the Service without children, which will increase the quality and speed of provision of the Service, as well as preserve the health of your children.
      6. The Customer agrees to receive newsletters from the Contractor.
    2. The customer has the right:
      1. Receive the Contractor's Services in the manner, terms and conditions provided for in this Agreement.
  7. Article 7. Payment procedure
    1. The provision of Services to the Customer is carried out after acceptance of the Agreement, by making an Advance payment by the Customer. The final payment is made by the Customer immediately after the provision of Services at the Contractor’s premises, taking into account the amount of the Advance Payment.
    2. Advance payment by the Customer can be made in two ways:

      1) transfer of funds to the Contractor’s current account using an acquiring device:

        at the Contractor's office using a bank card;

        using any of the proposed payment methods through the Internet acquiring provider Paymaster.

      2) for cash payment at the Contractor’s Premises.

    3. The deadline for the Customer to make advance payment for the Order is:

        within 2 hours – for promotional Services;

        within 12 hours – for all other Services.

    4. In the event of a change in the price of the Service for which the Order was placed, but which has not yet been provided by the Contractor, the latter undertakes to as soon as possible inform the Customer about the price change. The Customer has the right to confirm or cancel his Order. In the absence of communication with the Customer, the Order is considered canceled within 7 calendar days from the date of registration of the application for accession. In this case, the Advance payment must be returned to the Customer.
  8. Order completion time
    1. The period during which the Contractor undertakes to fulfill the Order ranges from three working days to three calendar months.
    2. The Order is considered completed at the time the Services that constitute the Order are provided to the Customer. By signing the “Informed Consent”, the Customer confirms the proper execution of the Order by the Contractor and the absence of any claims on his part.
    3. The Contractor is not responsible for improper execution of the Order if the Customer provides inaccurate information about himself or errors are identified in the Order.
  9. Responsibility of the Parties
    1. The Contractor has the right to refuse to provide the Service to the Customer with subsequent write-off of the Advance Payment as a fine in the following cases:
      1. the Customer is late for the Service by more than 10 minutes from the time specified in the application for joining;
      2. failure by the Customer to notify the Contractor no later than 24 hours before the time of provision of the Service about the impossibility of appearing at the time specified in the application;
      3. the Customer coming to the Service with children.
    2. The Contractor has the right to refuse service to the Customer if the Advance Payment has been returned.
    3. The Contractor is not responsible for the safety of the Customer’s personal belongings and funds during the latter’s stay at the Contractor’s Premises.
    4. Responsibility for damage caused to the Contractor or third parties who are staying in the Contractor's Premises by the Customer's young/minor children lies with the Customer. Damage caused by the Contractor to the Customer or third parties as a result of the actions of the Customer’s young/minor children is subject to compensation by the Customer.
    5. The Contractor is not liable to the Customer for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Contract if it was the result of force majeure circumstances: fire, natural disaster, military action, civil unrest, epidemic, blockade, earthquake, flood and so on, as confirmed by the decision the relevant authorized body.
    6. All claims relating to non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the Contractor of its obligations under the Agreement, the Customer has the right to present orally or in writing by sending an appeal to the email address [email protected] or by post on legal address Performer. All appeals are considered in the manner and within the time limits provided for by the Law of Ukraine “On Citizens’ Appeals”.
  10. Details of the Contractor

    Individual entrepreneur Natalya Valentinovna Berezina
    EDRPOU code 3142019246
    Current account No. 26009052752302
    in PAT CB "PrivatBank", MFO 305299

Victor started doing business about 10 years ago, and his first project was selling clothes from China. Later, our hero moved from Togliatti to Samara and spent a long time studying music: rapping, selling music of his own composition. A few years later, one of his comrades had the idea to open a dance studio - then the project was started jointly, but was left to be implemented by the ideological mastermind. Victor found this business not so interesting. He plunged into the field for a long time network marketing and as individual entrepreneur built its distribution network.

Victor decided to promote the newly-minted master - the business began to actively develop, and the client base grew rapidly. During 2 months of advertising work, Dmitry’s wife experienced enormous demand for services. After some time, Viktor Raenko initiated the opening of a joint studio - long discussions ended with a number of agreements. The guys set a goal for themselves - to open on December 1, 2015, that is, just 35 days after the decision was made. And they succeeded!

Viktor Raenko: “Perhaps we should have paid more attention to calculations at the start. At the same time, if we had started to thoroughly calculate all this, we would not have opened up so quickly. In our case, it was probably right to first jump into this “pool” and then learn to swim. We started with advertising and started a blog. At first there was no hiring system, no accounting system, but we saw all these nuances only now, when we changed and improved a lot. Most likely, there was little advertising; more could have been invested in it. Secondly, it was worthwhile to tie the main income of employees to their results, and not just pay, although this would not be entirely correct. Nobody knew what would happen in the end.”

Focus on advertising campaign, which the founders started a month before the opening, according to Victor, is a necessity. Each stage of the preparation process for the opening was laid out in in social networks– people followed the news and then came with interest to look at the result. In addition, as a promotion, it was decided to carry out pre-sales at reduced prices in order to attract the first clients. From the first month, the eyebrow studio Brow House became a profit and is still operating only with a profit. The experience gained allowed us to avoid problems that, in principle, almost every startup has. Within a few months, all the necessary nuances were settled, the project began to develop at full speed, and on March 1, 2016, the founders of the network opened a branch in Tolyatti.

So that the mirror of the soul is at its best

When the first Brow House studio opened a little over a year ago, its range of services was limited: eyebrow correction and tinting, eyelash lamination and microblading. Today, the network's offer has expanded and continues to grow. Clients can also order permanent eyebrow makeup using the Watercolor technique, eyebrow art, eyelash tinting and threading, as well as professional makeup. In addition, men who want to have their eyebrows corrected can also become guests of the studios. The owners plan to add eyelash extensions and the development of makeup to their range of services.

On average, a client spends about 1 hour in the studio, and 2-3 hours when ordering makeup. At the end of each working day, the craftsmen remove the instruments for sterilization, and in the morning at 10:00 they begin a new shift. The advantage of the Brow House service is that payment for the services provided can be made not only in cash, but also through any modern services, including prepayment using Sberbank.Online. It is planned to install a bank terminal for card payments on site. The studio sells certificates for service, related products in the form of cosmetics and products for craftsmen. Consumables purchased in large quantities months in advance - Victor advises budding entrepreneurs in this area to concentrate on this point, so that unpleasant situations do not arise with guests.

Victor Raenko: “Our main task after opening the studio and achieving some success is to maintain our position. When you achieve some result, competitors begin to copy you, someone’s envy appears, people leave the team for some reason. It is important to constantly come up with new solutions, moves, and tricks. And it's difficult. I like to develop the beauty market, make it better, develop new standards. Some of the goal for us is to bring awareness of the beauty industry to new level, improving service, increasing guarantees and quality. There is a global plan - to open more than 100 salons in different directions: not only eyebrows, but also nails and hair. We are also currently developing our own accounting system - I have a company in the IT sector where we do this.”

Brow House network of eyebrow studios in facts and figures

Unique offers

– Training of masters takes place within the walls of the Brow House studio.

– The service is guaranteed. The master redoes his work within 2 days, if necessary.

– The largest studio in terms of the number of working artists – 11 people on staff.

– There is always the opportunity to make an appointment with a master. If a person wants to receive a service, and all the specialists are busy, then he will still receive it. Additional craftsmen are coming to work.

Start-up capital

About 1 million rubles of borrowed funds. The largest cost items are: rent, room renovation, furniture, tools and materials, advertising and interior design.

Return on investment

Since borrowed funds were used for start-up needs, which involved the payment of interest, and a studio was opened in Tolyatti shortly after the launch of the studio in Samara, it is difficult to determine the exact payback period. However, according to Viktor Raenko, it would be possible to recoup the start-up funds without additional financial burdens in 1-1.5 years of intensive work.

Promotion tools