Electronic formula i. Laboratory research work "drawing up electronic formulas of atoms of chemical elements and graphic diagrams, filling them with electrons." Basic characteristics of elementary particles

An atom is an electrically neutral system consisting of a positively charged nucleus and negatively charged electrons. Electrons are located in an atom, forming energy levels and sublevels.

The electronic formula of an atom is the distribution of electrons in an atom across energy levels and sublevels in accordance with the principle of least energy (Kletchkovsky), the Pauli principle, and Hund’s rule.

The state of an electron in an atom is described using a quantum mechanical model - an electron cloud, the density of the corresponding sections of which is proportional to the probability of finding an electron. Usually, the electron cloud is understood as the region of the perinuclear space, which covers approximately 90% of the electron cloud. This region of space is also called an orbital.

Atomic orbitals form an energy sublevel. Orbitals and sublevels are assigned letter designations. Each sublevel has a certain number of atomic orbitals. If an atomic orbital is depicted as a magnetic quantum cell, then the atomic orbitals located on sublevels can be represented as follows:

Each atomic orbital can simultaneously contain no more than two electrons with different spins (Pauli principle). This difference is indicated by arrows ¯. Knowing that on s-sublevel one s-orbital, on R-sublevel three R-orbitals, on d-sublevel five d-orbitals, on f-sublevel seven f- orbitals, you can find the maximum number of electrons in each sublevel and level. Yes, on s-sublevel, starting from the first energy level, 2 electrons; on R-sublevel, starting from the second energy level, 6 electrons; on d-sublevel, starting from the third energy level, 10 electrons; on f-sublevel, starting from the fourth energy level, 14 electrons. Electrons on s-, p-, d-, f- sublevels are named accordingly s-, p-, d-, f-electrons.

According to principle of least energy, the sequential filling of energy sublevels with electrons occurs in such a way that each electron in an atom occupies a sublevel with the lowest energy corresponding to its strong connection with the nucleus. The change in the energy of sublevels can be represented as a Klechkovsky series or energy scale:


According to Hund's rule, each quantum cell (orbital) of an energy sublevel is first filled with single electrons with the same spin, and then with a second electron with the opposite spin. Two electrons with opposite spin, located in the same atomic orbital, are called paired. Single electrons are unpaired.

Example 1. Place 7 electrons on d-sublevel taking into account Hund’s rule.

Solution. On d-sublevel – five atomic orbitals. The energy of orbitals located at the same sublevel is the same. Then d-a sublevel can be represented like this: d . After filling atomic orbitals with electrons, taking into account Hund’s rule d-the sublevel will look like .

Now using the concepts of the principles of least energy and Pauli, we will distribute electrons in atoms according to energy levels (Table 1).

Table 1

Distribution of electrons across atomic energy levels

Using this scheme, it is possible to explain the formation of electronic structures of atoms of elements periodic table, written in the form of electronic formulas. The total number of electrons in an atom is determined by the element's atomic number.

Thus, in the atoms of elements of the first period, one s-orbital of the first energy level (Table 1). Since there are two electrons at this level, there are only two elements in the first period (1 H and 2 He), the electronic formulas of which are as follows: 1 H 1 s 1 and 2 Not 1 s 2 .

In atoms of elements of the second period, the first energy level is completely filled with electrons. Will be sequentially filled with electrons s- And R-sublevels of the second energy level. Sum s- And R-electrons filling this level are equal to eight, therefore in the second period there are 8 elements (3 Li... 10 ne).

In atoms of elements of the third period, the first and second energy levels are completely filled with electrons. Will be filled in sequentially s- And R-sublevels of the third energy level. Sum s- And R-electrons filling the third energy level is eight. Therefore, in the third period there are 8 elements (11 Na... 18 Ar).

In the atoms of the elements of the fourth period, the first, second and third 3 are filled s 2 3R 6 energy levels. At the third energy level remains free d-sublevel (3 d). Filling of this sublevel with electrons from one to ten begins after it is filled with a maximum of 4 electrons s-sublevel. Next, electrons are placed at 4 R-sublevel Amount 4 s-, 3d- and 4p electrons is equal to eighteen, which corresponds to 18 elements of the fourth period (19 K... 36 Kr).

The formation of electronic structures of atoms of elements of the fifth period occurs similarly, with the only difference that s- And R-sublevels are on the fifth, and d-sublevel on the fourth energy levels. Since the sum is 5 s-, 4d- and 5 R-electrons is equal to eighteen, then in the fifth period there are 18 elements (37 Rb... 54 Xe).

There are 32 elements in the super-large sixth period (55 Cs... 86 Rn). This number corresponds to the sum of electrons per 6 s-, 4f-, 5d- and 6 R-sublevels. The sequence of filling sublevels with electrons is as follows. First filled with electrons 6 s-sublevel. Then, contrary to the Klechkovsky series, it will be filled with one electron 5 d-sublevel. After this, the maximum will be filled 4 f-sublevel. Next, 5 will be filled in d- and 6 R- sublevels. The previous energy levels are filled with electrons.

A similar phenomenon is observed during the formation of electronic structures of atoms of elements of the seventh period.

Thus, in order to write the electronic formula of an element’s atom, you need to know the following.

1. Ordinal number of an element in the periodic table of elements D.I. Mendeleev, corresponding to the total number of electrons in an atom.

2. The period number, which determines the total number of energy levels in the atom. In this case, the number of the last energy level in the atom corresponds to the number of the period in which the element is located. In atoms of elements of the second and third periods, the filling of the last energy level with electrons occurs in the following sequence: ns 1–2 … 1–6. In atoms of elements of the third and fourth periods, the sublevels of the last and penultimate energy levels are filled with electrons as follows: ns 1–2 …(n–1)d 1–10 … 1–6. In atoms of elements of the sixth and seventh periods, the sequence of filling sublevels with electrons is as follows: ns 1–2 …(n–1)d 1 …(n-2)f 1–14 …(n–1)d 2–10 … 1–6 .

3. In the atoms of the elements of the main subgroups, the sum s- And R-electrons at the last energy level is equal to the group number.

4. In the atoms of elements of side subgroups, the sum d-electrons on the penultimate and s-electrons at the last energy levels are equal to the group number, except for atoms of elements of the subgroups of cobalt, nickel, copper and zinc.

The placement of electrons in atomic orbitals of the same energy sublevel occurs in accordance with Hund's rule: the total value of the spin of electrons located at the same sublevel must be maximum, i.e. This sublevel initially accepts one electron with parallel spins into each orbital, and then a second electron with the opposite spin.

Example 2 . Write electronic formulas for atoms of elements having serial numbers 4, 13, 22.

Solution. The element with atomic number 4 is beryllium. Therefore, there are 4 electrons in a beryllium atom. Beryllium is in the second period, in the second group of the main subgroup. The period number corresponds to the number of energy levels, i.e. two. These energy levels must accommodate four electrons. At the first energy level there are two electrons (1 s 2) and the second also has two electrons (2 s 2) (see table 1). Thus, the electronic formula is as follows: 4 Be 1 s 2 2s 2. The number of electrons in the last energy level corresponds to the number of the group in which it is located.

In the periodic table, atomic number 13 corresponds to the element aluminum. Aluminum is in the third period, in the third group, in the main subgroup. Therefore, at the third energy level there should be three electrons, which will be located in this way: 3 s 2 3R 1 (sum s- And R-electrons is equal to the group number). Ten electrons are in the first and second energy levels: 1 s 2 2s 2 2p 6 (see Table 1). In general, the electronic formula of aluminum is as follows: 13 Al 1 s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 1 .

In the periodic table, element with atomic number 22 is titanium. There are twenty-two electrons in a titanium atom. They are located on four energy levels, since the element is in the fourth period. When placing electrons into sublevels, it is necessary to take into account that this is an element of the fourth group of the secondary subgroup. Therefore, at the fourth energy level, s-sublevel contains two electrons: 4 s 2. First, second, third levels s- And R-sublevels are completely filled with electrons 1 s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 (see Table 1). The remaining two electrons will be located on d-sublevel of the third energy level: 3 d 2. In general, the electronic formula of titanium is: 22 Ti 1 s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 2 4s 2 .

Electron leakage

When writing electronic formulas, one should take into account the “leakage” of electrons from s-sublevel of the external energy level ns on d-sublevel of the pre-external level ( n – 1)d. It is assumed that this state is the most energetically favorable. Electron “leakage” occurs in some atoms d-elements, for example, 24 Cr, 29 Cu, 42 Mo, 47 Ag, 79 Au, 41 Nb, 44 Ru, 45 Rh, 46 Pd.

Example 3. Write the electronic formula of the chromium atom, taking into account the “leakage” of one electron.

Solution. The electronic formula of chromium, according to the principle of minimum energy, should be: 24 Cr 1 s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 4 4s 2. However, in the atom of this element there is a “leakage” of one s-electron from external 4 s-sublevel to sublevel 3 d. Therefore, the arrangement of electrons in a chromium atom is: 24 Cr 1 s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 5 4s 1 .

It is written in the form of so-called electronic formulas. In electronic formulas, the letters s, p, d, f denote the energy sublevels of electrons; The numbers in front of the letters indicate the energy level in which a given electron is located, and the index at the top right is the number of electrons in a given sublevel. To compose the electronic formula of an atom of any element, it is enough to know the number of this element in the periodic table and follow the basic principles that govern the distribution of electrons in the atom.

The structure of the electron shell of an atom can also be depicted in the form of a diagram of the arrangement of electrons in energy cells.

For iron atoms, this scheme has the following form:

This diagram clearly shows the implementation of Hund's rule. At the 3d sublevel, the maximum number of cells (four) is filled with unpaired electrons. The image of the structure of the electron shell in an atom in the form of electronic formulas and in the form of diagrams does not clearly reflect the wave properties of the electron.

The wording of the periodic law as amended YES. Mendeleev : the properties of simple bodies, as well as the forms and properties of compounds of elements, are in a periodic dependence on the magnitude of the atomic weights of the elements.

Modern formulation of the Periodic Law: the properties of elements, as well as the forms and properties of their compounds, are periodically dependent on the magnitude of the charge of the nucleus of their atoms.

Thus, the positive charge of the nucleus (rather than atomic mass) turned out to be a more accurate argument on which the properties of elements and their compounds depend

Valence- This is the number of chemical bonds by which one atom is connected to another.
The valence capabilities of an atom are determined by the number of unpaired electrons and the presence of free atomic orbitals at the outer level. The structure of the outer energy levels of atoms of chemical elements mainly determines the properties of their atoms. Therefore, these levels are called valence levels. Electrons of these levels, and sometimes of pre-external levels, can take part in the formation of chemical bonds. Such electrons are also called valence electrons.

Stoichiometric valency chemical element - this is the number of equivalents that a given atom can attach to itself, or the number of equivalents in an atom.

Equivalents are determined by the number of attached or substituted hydrogen atoms, so the stoichiometric valency is equal to the number of hydrogen atoms with which a given atom interacts. But not all elements interact freely, but almost all of them interact with oxygen, so stoichiometric valence can be defined as twice the number of attached oxygen atoms.

For example, the stoichiometric valence of sulfur in hydrogen sulfide H 2 S is 2, in oxide SO 2 - 4, in oxide SO 3 -6.

When determining the stoichiometric valence of an element using the formula of a binary compound, one should be guided by the rule: the total valence of all atoms of one element must be equal to the total valence of all atoms of another element.

Oxidation state Also characterizes the composition of the substance and is equal to the stoichiometric valency with a plus sign (for a metal or a more electropositive element in the molecule) or minus.

1. In simple substances, the oxidation state of elements is zero.

2. The oxidation state of fluorine in all compounds is -1. The remaining halogens (chlorine, bromine, iodine) with metals, hydrogen and other more electropositive elements also have an oxidation state of -1, but in compounds with more electronegative elements they have positive oxidation states.

3. Oxygen in compounds has an oxidation state of -2; the exceptions are hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2 and its derivatives (Na 2 O 2, BaO 2, etc., in which oxygen has an oxidation state of -1, as well as oxygen fluoride OF 2, in which the oxidation state of oxygen is +2.

4. Alkaline elements (Li, Na, K, etc.) and elements of the main subgroup of the second group of the Periodic Table (Be, Mg, Ca, etc.) always have an oxidation state equal to the group number, that is, +1 and +2, respectively .

5. All elements of the third group, except thallium, have a constant oxidation state equal to the group number, i.e. +3.

6. The highest oxidation state of an element is equal to the group number of the Periodic Table, and the lowest is the difference: group number is 8. For example, the highest oxidation state of nitrogen (it is located in the fifth group) is +5 (in nitric acid and its salts), and the lowest is equal to -3 (in ammonia and ammonium salts).

7. The oxidation states of the elements in a compound cancel each other out so that their sum for all atoms in a molecule or neutral formula unit is zero, and for an ion it is its charge.

These rules can be used to determine the unknown oxidation state of an element in a compound if the oxidation states of the others are known, and to construct formulas for multielement compounds.

Oxidation state (oxidation number) — an auxiliary conventional quantity for recording the processes of oxidation, reduction and redox reactions.

Concept oxidation state often used in inorganic chemistry instead of the concept valence. The oxidation state of an atom is equal to the numerical value of the electrical charge assigned to the atom, assuming that the bonding electron pairs are completely biased towards more electronegative atoms (that is, assuming that the compound consists only of ions).

The oxidation number corresponds to the number of electrons that must be added to a positive ion to reduce it to a neutral atom, or subtracted from a negative ion to oxidize it to a neutral atom:

Al 3+ + 3e − → Al
S 2− → S + 2e − (S 2− − 2e − → S)

The properties of elements, depending on the structure of the electron shell of the atom, vary according to periods and groups of the periodic system. Since in a series of analogue elements the electronic structures are only similar, but not identical, then when moving from one element in the group to another, not a simple repetition of properties is observed for them, but their more or less clearly expressed natural change.

The chemical nature of an element is determined by the ability of its atom to lose or gain electrons. This ability is quantified by the values ​​of ionization energies and electron affinities.

Ionization energy (E and) is the minimum amount of energy required for the abstraction and complete removal of an electron from an atom in the gas phase at T = 0

K without transferring kinetic energy to the released electron with the transformation of the atom into a positively charged ion: E + Ei = E+ + e-. Ionization energy is a positive quantity and has the lowest values ​​for alkali metal atoms and the highest for noble gas atoms.

Electron affinity (Ee) is the energy released or absorbed when an electron is added to an atom in the gas phase at T = 0

K with the transformation of an atom into a negatively charged ion without transferring kinetic energy to the particle:

E + e- = E- + Ee.

The halogens, especially fluorine, have the maximum electron affinity (Ee = -328 kJ/mol).

The values ​​of Ei and Ee are expressed in kilojoules per mole (kJ/mol) or in electron volts per atom (eV).

The ability of a bonded atom to shift electrons of chemical bonds towards itself, increasing the electron density around itself is called electronegativity.

This concept was introduced into science by L. Pauling. Electronegativitydenoted by the symbol ÷ and characterizes the tendency of a given atom to add electrons when it forms a chemical bond.

According to R. Maliken, the electronegativity of an atom is estimated by half the sum of the ionization energies and electron affinities of free atoms = (Ee + Ei)/2

In the periods, there is a general tendency for the ionization energy and electronegativity to increase with increasing charge of the atomic nucleus; in groups, these values ​​decrease with increasing atomic number of the element.

It should be emphasized that an element cannot be assigned a constant electronegativity value, since it depends on many factors, in particular on the valence state of the element, the type of compound in which it is included, and the number and type of neighboring atoms.

Atomic and ionic radii. The sizes of atoms and ions are determined by the sizes of the electron shell. According to quantum mechanical concepts, the electron shell does not have strictly defined boundaries. Therefore, the radius of a free atom or ion can be taken as theoretically calculated distance from the nucleus to the position of the main maximum of the density of the outer electron clouds. This distance is called the orbital radius. In practice, the radii of atoms and ions in compounds are usually used, calculated based on experimental data. In this case, covalent and metallic radii of atoms are distinguished.

The dependence of atomic and ionic radii on the charge of the nucleus of an element’s atom is periodic in nature. In periods, as the atomic number increases, the radii tend to decrease. The greatest decrease is typical for elements of short periods, since their outer electronic level is filled. In large periods in the families of d- and f-elements, this change is less sharp, since in them the filling of electrons occurs in the pre-external layer. In subgroups, the radii of atoms and ions of the same type generally increase.

The periodic system of elements is a clear example of the manifestation of various types of periodicity in the properties of elements, which is observed horizontally (in a period from left to right), vertically (in a group, for example, from top to bottom), diagonally, i.e. some property of the atom increases or decreases, but the periodicity remains.

In the period from left to right (→), the oxidizing and non-metallic properties of the elements increase, and the reducing and metallic properties decrease. So, of all the elements of period 3, sodium will be the most active metal and the strongest reducing agent, and chlorine will be the strongest oxidizing agent.

Chemical bond- This is the mutual connection of atoms in a molecule, or crystal lattice, as a result of the action of electrical forces of attraction between the atoms.

This is the interaction of all electrons and all nuclei, leading to the formation of a stable, polyatomic system (radical, molecular ion, molecule, crystal).

Chemical bonds are carried out by valence electrons. According to modern concepts, a chemical bond is of an electronic nature, but it is carried out in different ways. Therefore, there are three main types of chemical bonds: covalent, ionic, metallic.Arises between molecules hydrogen bond, and happen van der Waals interactions.

The main characteristics of a chemical bond include:

- connection length - This is the internuclear distance between chemically bonded atoms.

It depends on the nature of the interacting atoms and the multiplicity of the bond. As the multiplicity increases, the bond length decreases and, consequently, its strength increases;

- the multiplicity of the bond is determined by the number of electron pairs connecting two atoms. As the multiplicity increases, the binding energy increases;

- connection angle- the angle between imaginary straight lines passing through the nuclei of two chemically interconnected neighboring atoms;

Bond energy E SV - this is the energy that is released during the formation of a given bond and spent on its breaking, kJ/mol.

Covalent bond - A chemical bond formed by sharing a pair of electrons between two atoms.

The explanation of the chemical bond by the emergence of shared electron pairs between atoms formed the basis of the spin theory of valency, the tool of which is valence bond method (MVS) , discovered by Lewis in 1916. For a quantum mechanical description of chemical bonds and the structure of molecules, another method is used - molecular orbital method (MMO) .

Valence bond method

Basic principles of chemical bond formation using MBC:

1. A chemical bond is formed by valence (unpaired) electrons.

2. Electrons with antiparallel spins belonging to two different atoms become common.

3. A chemical bond is formed only if, when two or more atoms approach each other, the total energy of the system decreases.

4. The main forces acting in a molecule are of electrical, Coulomb origin.

5. The stronger the connection, the more the interacting electron clouds overlap.

There are two mechanisms for the formation of covalent bonds:

Exchange mechanism. A bond is formed by sharing the valence electrons of two neutral atoms. Each atom contributes one unpaired electron to a common electron pair:

Rice. 7. Exchange mechanism for the formation of covalent bonds: A- non-polar; b- polar

Donor-acceptor mechanism. One atom (donor) provides an electron pair, and the other atom (acceptor) provides an empty orbital for that pair.

connections, educated according to the donor-acceptor mechanism, belong to complex compounds

Rice. 8. Donor-acceptor mechanism of covalent bond formation

A covalent bond has certain characteristics.

Saturability - the property of atoms to form a strictly defined number of covalent bonds. Due to the saturation of bonds, molecules have a certain composition.

Directivity - t . e. the connection is formed in the direction of maximum overlap of electron clouds . With respect to the line connecting the centers of the atoms forming the bond, they distinguish: σ and π (Fig. 9): σ-bond - formed by overlapping AO along the line connecting the centers of interacting atoms; A π bond is a bond that occurs in the direction of an axis perpendicular to the straight line connecting the nuclei of an atom. The direction of the bond determines the spatial structure of the molecules, i.e., their geometric shape.

Hybridization - it is a change in the shape of some orbitals when forming a covalent bond to achieve more efficient orbital overlap. The chemical bond formed with the participation of electrons of hybrid orbitals is stronger than the bond with the participation of electrons of non-hybrid s- and p-orbitals, since more overlap occurs. The following types of hybridization are distinguished (Fig. 10, Table 31): sp hybridization - one s-orbital and one p-orbital turn into two identical “hybrid” orbitals, the angle between their axes is 180°. The molecules in which sp-hybridization occurs have a linear geometry (BeCl 2).

sp 2 hybridization- one s-orbital and two p-orbitals turn into three identical “hybrid” orbitals, the angle between their axes is 120°. Molecules in which sp 2 hybridization occurs have a flat geometry (BF 3, AlCl 3).

sp 3-hybridization- one s-orbital and three p-orbitals transform into four identical “hybrid” orbitals, the angle between the axes of which is 109°28". Molecules in which sp 3 hybridization occurs have a tetrahedral geometry (CH 4 , NH 3).

Rice. 10. Types of hybridization of valence orbitals: a - sp-hybridization of valence orbitals; b - sp 2 - hybridization of valence orbitals; V - sp 3-hybridization of valence orbitals

6.6. Features of the electronic structure of atoms of chromium, copper and some other elements

If you carefully looked at Appendix 4, you probably noticed that for atoms of some elements the sequence of filling orbitals with electrons is disrupted. Sometimes these violations are called “exceptions,” but this is not so - there are no exceptions to the laws of Nature!

The first element with this disorder is chromium. Let's take a closer look at its electronic structure (Fig. 6.16 A). The chromium atom has 4 s-there are not two sublevels, as one would expect, but only one electron. But at 3 d-sublevel has five electrons, but this sublevel is filled after 4 s-sublevel (see Fig. 6.4). To understand why this happens, let's look at what electron clouds are 3 d-sublevel of this atom.

Each of five 3 d-clouds in this case are formed by one electron. As you already know from § 4 of this chapter, the total electron cloud of such five electrons has a spherical shape, or, as they say, spherically symmetrical. According to the nature of the distribution of electron density in different directions, it is similar to 1 s-EO. The energy of the sublevel whose electrons form such a cloud turns out to be less than in the case of a less symmetrical cloud. In this case, the orbital energy is 3 d-sublevel is equal to energy 4 s-orbitals. When symmetry is broken, for example, when a sixth electron appears, the energy of the orbitals is 3 d-the sublevel again becomes greater than energy 4 s-orbitals. Therefore, the manganese atom again has a second electron at 4 s-AO.
The general cloud of any sublevel, filled with electrons either half or completely, has spherical symmetry. The decrease in energy in these cases is of a general nature and does not depend on whether any sublevel is half or completely filled with electrons. And if so, then we must look for the next violation in the atom in whose electron shell the ninth one “arrives” last d-electron. Indeed, the copper atom has 3 d-sublevel has 10 electrons, and 4 s- only one sublevel (Fig. 6.16 b).
The decrease in the energy of the orbitals of a fully or half-filled sublevel causes a number of important chemical phenomena, some of which you will become familiar with.

6.7. Outer and valence electrons, orbitals and sublevels

In chemistry, the properties of isolated atoms, as a rule, are not studied, since almost all atoms, when part of various substances, form chemical bonds. Chemical bonds are formed by the interaction of electron shells of atoms. For all atoms (except hydrogen), not all electrons take part in the formation of chemical bonds: boron has three out of five electrons, carbon has four out of six, and, for example, barium has two out of fifty-six. These "active" electrons are called valence electrons.

Valence electrons are sometimes confused with external electrons, but this is not the same thing.

Electronic clouds of outer electrons have a maximum radius (and a maximum value of the principal quantum number).

It is the outer electrons that take part in the formation of bonds in the first place, if only because when atoms approach each other, the electron clouds formed by these electrons come into contact first of all. But along with them, some electrons can also take part in the formation of a bond. pre-external(penultimate) layer, but only if they have an energy not very different from the energy of the outer electrons. Both electrons of an atom are valence electrons. (In lanthanides and actinides, even some “outer” electrons are valence)
The energy of valence electrons is much greater than the energy of other electrons of the atom, and valence electrons differ significantly less in energy from each other.
Outer electrons are always valence electrons only if the atom can form chemical bonds at all. Thus, both electrons of the helium atom are external, but they cannot be called valence, since the helium atom does not form any chemical bonds at all.
Valence electrons occupy valence orbitals, which in turn form valence sublevels.

As an example, consider an iron atom, the electronic configuration of which is shown in Fig. 6.17. Of the electrons of an iron atom, the maximum principal quantum number ( n= 4) have only two 4 s-electron. Consequently, they are the outer electrons of this atom. The outer orbitals of the iron atom are all orbitals with n= 4, and the outer sublevels are all the sublevels formed by these orbitals, that is, 4 s-, 4p-, 4d- and 4 f-EPU.
Outer electrons are always valence electrons, therefore 4 s-electrons of the iron atom are valence electrons. And if so, then 3 d-electrons with slightly higher energy will also be valence electrons. At the external level of the iron atom, in addition to the filled 4 s-AO there are still 4 free p-, 4d- and 4 f-AO. All of them are external, but only 4 of them are valence R-AO, since the energy of the remaining orbitals is much higher, and the appearance of electrons in these orbitals is not beneficial for the iron atom.

So, the iron atom
external electronic level – fourth,
external sublevels – 4 s-, 4p-, 4d- and 4 f-EPU,
outer orbitals – 4 s-, 4p-, 4d- and 4 f-AO,
outer electrons – two 4 s-electron (4 s 2),
outer electronic layer – fourth,
external electron cloud – 4 s-EO
valence sublevels – 4 s-, 4p-, and 3 d-EPU,
valence orbitals – 4 s-, 4p-, and 3 d-AO,
valence electrons – two 4 s-electron (4 s 2) and six 3 d-electrons (3 d 6).

Valence sublevels can be filled partially or completely with electrons, or they can remain completely free. As the nuclear charge increases, the energy values ​​of all sublevels decrease, but due to the interaction of electrons with each other, the energy of different sublevels decreases at different “speeds.” Energy fully filled d- And f-sublevels decreases so much that they cease to be valence.

As an example, consider the atoms of titanium and arsenic (Fig. 6.18).

In the case of titanium atom 3 d-EPU is only partially filled with electrons, and its energy is greater than energy 4 s-EPU, and 3 d-electrons are valence. The arsenic atom has 3 d-EPU is completely filled with electrons, and its energy is significantly less than the energy of 4 s-EPU, and therefore 3 d-electrons are not valence.
In the examples given, we analyzed valence electron configuration titanium and arsenic atoms.

The valence electronic configuration of an atom is depicted as valence electron formula, or in the form energy diagram of valence sublevels.


1. On the energy diagrams you have compiled and in the complete electronic formulas of the atoms Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar, indicate the outer and valence electrons. Write the valence electronic formulas of these atoms. On the energy diagrams, highlight the parts corresponding to the energy diagrams of the valence sublevels.
2. What do the electronic configurations of atoms have in common: a) Li and Na, B and Al, O and S, Ne and Ar; b) Zn and Mg, Sc and Al, Cr and S, Ti and Si; c) H and He, Li and O, K and Kr, Sc and Ga. What are their differences
3. How many valence sublevels are in the electron shell of an atom of each element: a) hydrogen, helium and lithium, b) nitrogen, sodium and sulfur, c) potassium, cobalt and germanium
4. How many valence orbitals are completely filled in the a) boron, b) fluorine, c) sodium atom?
5. How many orbitals with an unpaired electron does an atom have: a) boron, b) fluorine, c) iron
6. How many free outer orbitals does the manganese atom have? How many free valences?
7.For the next lesson, prepare a strip of paper 20 mm wide, divide it into cells (20 × 20 mm), and apply a natural series of elements (from hydrogen to meitnerium) to this strip.
8.In each cell, place the symbol of the element, its atomic number and valence electron formula, as shown in Fig. 6.19 (use Appendix 4).

6.8. Systematization of atoms according to the structure of their electron shells

The systematization of chemical elements is based on the natural series of elements And principle of similarity of electron shells their atoms.
You are already familiar with the natural series of chemical elements. Now let's get acquainted with the principle of similarity of electronic shells.
Considering the valence electronic formulas of atoms in the ERE, it is easy to discover that for some atoms they differ only in the values ​​of the principal quantum number. For example, 1 s 1 for hydrogen, 2 s 1 for lithium, 3 s 1 for sodium, etc. Or 2 s 2 2p 5 for fluorine, 3 s 2 3p 5 for chlorine, 4 s 2 4p 5 for bromine, etc. This means that the outer regions of the clouds of valence electrons of such atoms are very similar in shape and differ only in size (and, of course, electron density). And if so, then the electron clouds of such atoms and the corresponding valence configurations can be called similar. For atoms of different elements with similar electronic configurations we can write general valence electronic formulas: ns 1 in the first case and ns 2 n.p. 5 in the second. As you move through the natural series of elements, you can find other groups of atoms with similar valence configurations.
Thus, atoms with similar valence electron configurations are regularly found in the natural series of elements. This is the principle of similarity of electronic shells.
Let's try to identify the type of this regularity. To do this, we will use the natural series of elements you made.

The ERE begins with hydrogen, the valence electronic formula of which is 1 s 1 . In search of similar valence configurations, we cut the natural series of elements in front of elements with a common valence electronic formula ns 1 (i.e. before lithium, before sodium, etc.). We received the so-called "periods" of the elements. Let's add the resulting “periods” so that they become table rows (see Fig. 6.20). As a result, only atoms in the first two columns of the table will have similar electronic configurations.

Let's try to achieve similarity of valence electronic configurations in other columns of the table. To do this, we cut out from the 6th and 7th periods elements with numbers 58 – 71 and 90 –103 (they fill 4 f- and 5 f-sublevels) and place them under the table. We will move the symbols of the remaining elements horizontally as shown in the figure. After this, the atoms of elements located in the same column of the table will have similar valence configurations, which can be expressed by general valence electronic formulas: ns 1 , ns 2 , ns 2 (n–1)d 1 , ns 2 (n–1)d 2 and so on until ns 2 n.p. 6. All deviations from the general valence formulas are explained by the same reasons as in the case of chromium and copper (see paragraph 6.6).

As you can see, by using the ERE and applying the principle of similarity of electron shells, we were able to systematize chemical elements. Such a system of chemical elements is called natural, since it is based solely on the laws of Nature. The table we received (Fig. 6.21) is one of the ways to graphically depict a natural system of elements and is called long-period table of chemical elements.


6.9. Long period table of chemical elements

Let's take a closer look at the structure of the long-period table of chemical elements.
The rows of this table, as you already know, are called "periods" of elements. The periods are numbered with Arabic numerals from 1 to 7. The first period has only two elements. The second and third periods, containing eight elements each, are called short periods. The fourth and fifth periods, containing 18 elements each, are called long periods. The sixth and seventh periods, containing 32 elements each, are called extra long periods.
The columns of this table are called groups elements. Group numbers are indicated by Roman numerals with Latin letters A or B.
Elements of some groups have their own common (group) names: elements of group IA (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr) - alkaline elements(or alkali metal elements); Group IIA elements (Ca, Sr, Ba and Ra) – alkaline earth elements(or alkaline earth metal elements)(the name "alkali metals" and alkaline earth metals" refer to simple substances formed by the corresponding elements and should not be used as names of groups of elements); elements VIA group (O, S, Se, Te, Po) – chalcogens, group VIIA elements (F, Cl, Br, I, At) – halogens, group VIII elements (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn) – noble gas elements.(The traditional name "noble gases" also refers to simple substances)
The elements with serial numbers 58 – 71 (Ce – Lu) usually placed at the bottom of the table are called lanthanides(“following lanthanum”), and elements with serial numbers 90 – 103 (Th – Lr) – actinides("following sea anemone"). There is a version of the long-period table, in which lanthanides and actinides are not cut out from the ERE, but remain in their places in ultra-long periods. This table is sometimes called ultra-long-period.
The long period table is divided into four block(or sections).
s-Block includes elements of IA and IIA groups with common valence electronic formulas ns 1 and ns 2 (s-elements).
r-Block includes elements from Group IIIA to VIIIA with common valence electronic formulas from ns 2 n.p. 1 to ns 2 n.p. 6 (p-elements).
d-Block includes elements from group IIIB to IIB with common valence electronic formulas from ns 2 (n–1)d 1 to ns 2 (n–1)d 10 (d-elements).
f-Block includes lanthanides and actinides ( f-elements).

Elements s- And p-blocks form A-groups, and elements d-block – B-group of the system of chemical elements. All f-elements are formally included in group IIIB.
The elements of the first period - hydrogen and helium - are s-elements and can be placed in groups IA and IIA. But helium is more often placed in group VIIIA as the element with which the period ends, which fully corresponds to its properties (helium, like all other simple substances formed by the elements of this group, is a noble gas). Hydrogen is often placed in group VIIA, since its properties are much closer to halogens than to alkaline elements.
Each of the periods of the system begins with an element having a valence configuration of atoms ns 1, since it is from these atoms that the formation of the next electronic layer begins, and ends with an element with a valence configuration of atoms ns 2 n.p. 6 (except for the first period). This makes it easy to identify on the energy diagram groups of sublevels filled with electrons in atoms of each period (Fig. 6.22). Do this work with all the sublevels shown in the copy you made of Figure 6.4. The sublevels highlighted in Figure 6.22 (except for completely filled d- And f-sublevels) are valence for atoms of all elements of a given period.
Appearance in periods s-, p-, d- or f-elements fully correspond to the filling sequence s-, p-, d- or f-sublevels with electrons. This feature of the system of elements allows, knowing the period and group into which a given element belongs, to immediately write down its valence electronic formula.

Write down the general valence electronic formulas of atoms of elements of a) IVA and IVB groups, b) IIIA and VIIB groups?
2. What do the electronic configurations of atoms of elements of groups A and B have in common? How are they different?
3. How many groups of elements are included in a) s-block, b) R-block, c) d-block?
4.Continue Figure 30 in the direction of increasing the energy of the sublevels and highlight groups of sublevels filled with electrons in the 4th, 5th and 6th periods.
5. List the valence sublevels of a) calcium, b) phosphorus, c) titanium, d) chlorine, e) sodium atoms. 6. State how s-, p- and d-elements differ from each other.
7.Explain why the membership of an atom in any element is determined by the number of protons in the nucleus, and not by the mass of this atom.
8.For atoms of lithium, aluminum, strontium, selenium, iron and lead, compose valence, full and abbreviated electronic formulas and draw energy diagrams of valence sublevels. 9.Which element atoms correspond to the following valence electronic formulas: 3 s 1 , 4s 1 3d 1 , 2s 2 2 p 6 , 5s 2 5p 2 , 5s 2 4d 2 ?

6.10. Types of electronic formulas of the atom. Algorithm for their compilation

For different purposes, we need to know either the total or valence configuration of an atom. Each of these electron configurations can be represented by either a formula or an energy diagram. That is, full electron configuration of an atom is expressed full electronic formula of an atom, or complete energy diagram of an atom. In its turn, valence electron configuration of an atom is expressed valence(or as it is often called, " short") electronic formula of the atom, or diagram of valence sublevels of an atom(Fig. 6.23).

Previously, we made electronic formulas for atoms using the atomic numbers of the elements. At the same time, we determined the sequence of filling sublevels with electrons according to the energy diagram: 1 s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s and so on. And only by writing down the complete electronic formula could we write down the valence formula.
It is more convenient to write the valence electronic formula of an atom, which is most often used, based on the position of the element in the system of chemical elements, using period-group coordinates.
Let's take a closer look at how this is done for elements s-, p- And d-blocks
For elements s-block valence electronic formula of an atom consists of three symbols. In general, it can be written as follows:

In the first place (in place of the large cell) the period number is placed (equal to the main quantum number of these s-electrons), and on the third (in superscript) - the group number (equal to the number of valence electrons). Taking the magnesium atom (3rd period, group IIA) as an example, we get:

For elements p-block valence electronic formula of an atom consists of six symbols:

Here, in place of the large cells, the period number is also placed (equal to the main quantum number of these s- And p-electrons), and the group number (equal to the number of valence electrons) turns out to be equal to the sum of the superscripts. For the oxygen atom (2nd period, VIA group) we get:

2s 2 2p 4 .

Valence electronic formula of most elements d-block can be written like this:

As in previous cases, here instead of the first cell the period number is put (equal to the main quantum number of these s-electrons). The number in the second cell turns out to be one less, since the main quantum number of these d-electrons. The group number here is also equal to the sum of the indices. Example – valence electronic formula of titanium (4th period, IVB group): 4 s 2 3d 2 .

The group number is equal to the sum of the indices for the elements of the VIB group, but, as you remember, in their valence s-sublevel has only one electron, and the general valence electronic formula is ns 1 (n–1)d 5 . Therefore, the valence electronic formula, for example, of molybdenum (5th period) is 5 s 1 4d 5 .
It is also easy to compose the valence electronic formula of any element of the IB group, for example, gold (6th period)>–>6 s 1 5d 10, but in this case you need to remember that d- the electrons of the atoms of the elements of this group still remain valence, and some of them can participate in the formation of chemical bonds.
The general valence electronic formula of atoms of group IIB elements is ns 2 (n – 1)d 10 . Therefore, the valence electronic formula, for example, of a zinc atom is 4 s 2 3d 10 .
General rules The valence electronic formulas of the elements of the first triad (Fe, Co and Ni) also obey. Iron, an element of group VIIIB, has a valence electronic formula of 4 s 2 3d 6. The cobalt atom has one d-electron more (4 s 2 3d 7), and for the nickel atom - by two (4 s 2 3d 8).
Using only these rules for writing valence electronic formulas, it is impossible to compose electronic formulas for the atoms of some d-elements (Nb, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ir, Pt), since in them, due to the desire for highly symmetrical electron shells, the filling of valence sublevels with electrons has some additional features.
Knowing the valence electronic formula, you can write down the full electronic formula of the atom (see below).
Often, instead of cumbersome complete electronic formulas, they write abbreviated electronic formulas atoms. To compile them in the electronic formula, all the electrons of the atom except the valence ones are isolated, their symbols are placed in square brackets, and the part of the electronic formula corresponding to the electronic formula of the atom of the last element of the previous period (the element forming a noble gas) is replaced with the symbol of this atom.

Examples of electronic formulas of different types are given in Table 14.

Table 14. Examples of electronic formulas of atoms

Electronic formulas



1s 2 2s 2 2p 3

2s 2 2p 3

2s 2 2p 3

1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 5

3s 2 3p 5

3s 2 3p 5

1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 4s 2 3d 5

4s 2 3d 5

4s 2 3d 5

1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 10 4s 2 4p 3

4s 2 4p 3

4s 2 4p 3

1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 10 4s 2 4p 6

4s 2 4p 6

4s 2 4p 6

Algorithm for compiling electronic formulas of atoms (using the example of the iodine atom)




Determine the coordinates of the atom in the table of elements.

Period 5, group VIIA

Write the valence electron formula.

5s 2 5p 5

Complete the symbols for the inner electrons in the order in which they fill the sublevels.

1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 4s 2 3d 10 4p 6 5s 2 4d 10 5p 5

Considering the decrease in energy of fully filled d- And f-sublevels, write down the complete electronic formula.

Label the valence electrons.

1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 10 4s 2 4p 6 4d 10 5s 2 5p 5

Identify the electron configuration of the preceding noble gas atom.

Write down the abbreviated electronic formula by combining everything in square brackets nonvalent electrons.

5s 2 5p 5

1. For elements of the 2nd and 3rd periods, the third operation (without the fourth) immediately leads to the complete electronic formula.
2. (n – 1)d 10 -Electrons remain valence on the atoms of group IB elements.

1. Make up the valence electronic formula of an atom of the element a) the second period of the third A group, b) the third period of the second A group, c) the fourth period of the fourth A group.
2.Make abbreviated electronic formulas for the atoms of magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, bromine and argon.

6.11. Short period table of chemical elements

Over the 100-plus years that have passed since the discovery of the natural system of elements, several hundred different tables have been proposed that graphically reflect this system. Of these, in addition to the long-period table, the most widespread is the so-called short-period table of elements by D. I. Mendeleev. A short-period table is obtained from a long-period table if the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th periods are cut in front of the elements of the IB group, moved apart and the resulting rows are folded in the same way as we previously folded the periods. The result is shown in Figure 6.24.

Lanthanides and actinides are also placed below the main table here.

IN groups This table contains elements whose atoms same number of valence electrons regardless of what orbitals these electrons are in. Thus, the elements chlorine (a typical element forming a non-metal; 3 s 2 3p 5) and manganese (a metal-forming element; 4 s 2 3d 5), not having similar electron shells, fall here into the same seventh group. The need to distinguish such elements forces us to distinguish them in groups subgroups: main– analogues of the A-groups of the long-period table and side– analogues of B-groups. In Figure 34, the symbols of the elements of the main subgroups are shifted to the left, and the symbols of the elements of the secondary subgroups are shifted to the right.
True, this arrangement of elements in the table also has its advantages, because it is the number of valence electrons that primarily determines the valence capabilities of an atom.
The long-period table reflects patterns electronic structure atoms, similarities and patterns of changes in the properties of simple substances and compounds across groups of elements, regular changes in a number of physical quantities characterizing atoms, simple substances and compounds throughout the entire system of elements, and much more. The short-period table is less convenient in this regard.

1. Convert the long-period table you constructed from a natural series of elements into a short-period table. Do the reverse conversion.
2. Is it possible to compile a general valence electronic formula for atoms of elements of one group of the short-period table? Why?

6.12. Atomic sizes. Orbital radii


The atom has no clear boundaries. What is considered the size of an isolated atom? The nucleus of an atom is surrounded by an electron shell, and the shell consists of electron clouds. The size of the EO is characterized by a radius r eo. All clouds in the outer layer have approximately the same radius. Therefore, the size of an atom can be characterized by this radius. It is called orbital radius of the atom(r 0).

The values ​​of the orbital radii of atoms are given in Appendix 5.
The radius of the EO depends on the charge of the nucleus and on the orbital in which the electron forming this cloud is located. Consequently, the orbital radius of an atom depends on these same characteristics.
Let's consider the electronic shells of hydrogen and helium atoms. In both the hydrogen atom and the helium atom, electrons are located at 1 s-AO, and their clouds would have the same size if the charges of the nuclei of these atoms were the same. But the charge on the nucleus of a helium atom is twice as large as the charge on the nucleus of a hydrogen atom. According to Coulomb's law, the force of attraction acting on each electron of a helium atom is twice the force of attraction of an electron to the nucleus of a hydrogen atom. Therefore, the radius of the helium atom must be much smaller than the radius of the hydrogen atom. This is true: r 0 (He) / r 0 (H) = 0.291 E / 0.529 E 0.55.
The lithium atom has an outer electron at 2 s-AO, that is, forms a cloud of the second layer. Naturally, its radius should be larger. Really: r 0 (Li) = 1.586 E.
The atoms of the remaining elements of the second period have outer electrons (and 2 s, and 2 p) are located in the same second electron layer, and the nuclear charge of these atoms increases with increasing atomic number. Electrons are more strongly attracted to the nucleus, and, naturally, the radii of the atoms decrease. We could repeat these arguments for atoms of elements of other periods, but with one clarification: the orbital radius decreases monotonically only when each of the sublevels is filled.
But if we ignore the details, the general nature of the change in the sizes of atoms in a system of elements is as follows: with an increase in the ordinal number in a period, the orbital radii of atoms decrease, and in a group they increase. The largest atom is a cesium atom, and the smallest is a helium atom, but of the atoms of elements that form chemical compounds (helium and neon do not form them), the smallest is a fluorine atom.
Most atoms of elements in the natural series after the lanthanides have orbital radii that are somewhat smaller than would be expected based on general laws. This is due to the fact that between lanthanum and hafnium in the system of elements there are 14 lanthanides, and, therefore, the charge of the nucleus of the hafnium atom is 14 e more than lanthanum. Therefore, the outer electrons of these atoms are attracted to the nucleus more strongly than they would be in the absence of lanthanides (this effect is often called “lanthanide contraction”).
Please note that when moving from atoms of group VIIIA elements to atoms of group IA elements, the orbital radius increases abruptly. Consequently, our choice of the first elements of each period (see § 7) turned out to be correct.

1.According to the data given in Appendix 5, draw on graph paper a graph of the dependence of the orbital radius of an atom on the atomic number of the element for elements with Z from 1 to 40. The length of the horizontal axis is 200 mm, the length of the vertical axis is 100 mm.
2. How can you characterize the appearance of the resulting broken line?

6.13. Atomic ionization energy

If you give an electron in an atom additional energy (you will learn how this can be done in a physics course), then the electron can move to another AO, that is, the atom will end up in excited state. This state is unstable, and the electron will almost immediately return to its original state, and excess energy will be released. But if the energy imparted to the electron is large enough, the electron can completely break away from the atom, while the atom ionized, that is, turns into a positively charged ion ( cation). The energy required for this is called atomic ionization energy(E And).

It is quite difficult to remove an electron from a single atom and measure the energy required for this, so it is practically determined and used molar ionization energy(E and m).

Molar ionization energy shows what is the minimum energy required to remove 1 mole of electrons from 1 mole of atoms (one electron from each atom). This value is usually measured in kilojoules per mole. The values ​​of the molar ionization energy of the first electron for most elements are given in Appendix 6.
How does the ionization energy of an atom depend on the position of the element in the system of elements, that is, how does it change in the group and period?
In its physical meaning, ionization energy is equal to the work that must be expended to overcome the force of attraction between an electron and an atom when moving an electron from an atom to an infinite distance from it.

Where q– electron charge, Q is the charge of the cation remaining after the removal of an electron, and r o is the orbital radius of the atom.

AND q, And Q– the quantities are constant, and we can conclude that the work of removing an electron A, and with it the ionization energy E and, are inversely proportional to the orbital radius of the atom.
By analyzing the values ​​of the orbital radii of atoms of various elements and the corresponding ionization energy values ​​given in Appendices 5 and 6, you can make sure that the relationship between these quantities is close to proportional, but differs somewhat from it. The reason that our conclusion does not agree very well with the experimental data is that we used a very crude model that did not take into account many important factors. But even this rough model allowed us to draw the correct conclusion that with increasing orbital radius the ionization energy of the atom decreases and, conversely, with decreasing radius it increases.
Since in a period with increasing atomic number the orbital radius of atoms decreases, the ionization energy increases. In a group, as the atomic number increases, the orbital radius of atoms, as a rule, increases, and the ionization energy decreases. The highest molar ionization energy is found in the smallest atoms, helium atoms (2372 kJ/mol), and of the atoms capable of forming chemical bonds, fluorine atoms (1681 kJ/mol). The smallest is for the largest atoms, cesium atoms (376 kJ/mol). In a system of elements, the direction of increasing ionization energy can be shown schematically as follows:

In chemistry, it is important that ionization energy characterizes the tendency of an atom to give up “its” electrons: the higher the ionization energy, the less inclined the atom is to give up electrons, and vice versa.

1. Using the data given in Appendix 6, determine how much energy must be expended to remove one electron from all sodium atoms with a total mass of 1 g.
2. Using the data given in Appendix 6, determine how many times more energy is needed to remove one electron from all sodium atoms weighing 3 g than from all potassium atoms of the same mass. Why does this ratio differ from the ratio of the molar ionization energies of the same atoms?
3.According to the data given in Appendix 6, plot the dependence of the molar ionization energy on the atomic number for elements with Z from 1 to 40. The dimensions of the graph are the same as in the assignment to the previous paragraph. Check whether this graph corresponds to the choice of “periods” of the system of elements.

6.14. Electron affinity energy


The second most important energy characteristic of an atom is electron affinity energy(E With).

In practice, as in the case of ionization energy, the corresponding molar quantity is usually used - molar electron affinity energy().

Molar electron affinity energy shows the energy released when one mole of electrons is added to one mole of neutral atoms (one electron for each atom). Like molar ionization energy, this quantity is also measured in kilojoules per mole.
At first glance, it may seem that energy should not be released in this case, because an atom is a neutral particle, and there are no electrostatic forces of attraction between a neutral atom and a negatively charged electron. On the contrary, approaching an atom, an electron, it would seem, should be repelled by the same negatively charged electrons that form the electron shell. Actually this is not true. Remember if you have ever had to deal with atomic chlorine. Of course not. After all, it exists only at very high temperatures. Even the more stable molecular chlorine practically does not occur in nature; if necessary, it must be obtained using chemical reactions. And you have to deal with sodium chloride (table salt) constantly. After all salt consumed by humans every day through food. And in nature it occurs quite often. But table salt contains chloride ions, that is, chlorine atoms that have added one “extra” electron. One of the reasons why chloride ions are so common is that chlorine atoms have a tendency to gain electrons, that is, when chloride ions are formed from chlorine atoms and electrons, energy is released.
One of the reasons for the release of energy is already known to you - it is associated with an increase in the symmetry of the electron shell of the chlorine atom during the transition to singly charged anion. At the same time, as you remember, energy 3 p-sublevel decreases. There are other more complex reasons.
Due to the fact that the value of electron affinity energy is influenced by several factors, the nature of the change in this quantity in a system of elements is much more complex than the nature of the change in ionization energy. You can be convinced of this by analyzing the table given in Appendix 7. But since the value of this quantity is determined, first of all, by the same electrostatic interaction as the values ​​of ionization energy, then its change in the system of elements (at least in A- groups) in general outline similar to a change in ionization energy, that is, the energy of electron affinity in a group decreases, and in a period it increases. It is maximum for fluorine (328 kJ/mol) and chlorine (349 kJ/mol) atoms. The nature of the change in electron affinity energy in a system of elements resembles the nature of the change in ionization energy, that is, the direction of increase in electron affinity energy can be shown schematically as follows:

2.On the same scale along the horizontal axis as in previous tasks, construct a graph of the dependence of the molar energy of electron affinity on the atomic number for atoms of elements with Z from 1 to 40 using app 7.
3.What physical meaning do negative electron affinity energy values ​​have?
4. Why, of all the atoms of elements of the 2nd period, only beryllium, nitrogen and neon have negative values ​​of the molar energy of electron affinity?

6.15. The tendency of atoms to lose and gain electrons

You already know that the tendency of an atom to give up its own electrons and to add others’ electrons depends on its energy characteristics (ionization energy and electron affinity energy). Which atoms are more inclined to give up their electrons, and which ones are more inclined to accept others?
To answer this question, let us summarize in Table 15 everything that we know about the change in these inclinations in the system of elements.

Table 15. Changes in the propensity of atoms to give up their own electrons and gain foreign electrons

Now let's consider how many electrons an atom can give up.
Firstly, in chemical reactions an atom can only give up valence electrons, since giving up the rest is energetically extremely unfavorable. Secondly, an atom “easily” gives up (if inclined) only the first electron, it gives up the second electron much more difficult (2-3 times), and the third even more difficult (4-5 times). Thus, an atom can donate one, two and, much less frequently, three electrons.
How many electrons can an atom accept?
Firstly, in chemical reactions an atom can only accept electrons into valence sublevels. Secondly, the release of energy occurs only when the first electron is added (and not always). The addition of a second electron is always energetically unfavorable, and even more so with a third. Nevertheless, an atom can add one, two and (extremely rarely) three electrons, as a rule, as much as it lacks to fill its valence sublevels.
The energy costs for the ionization of atoms and the addition of a second or third electron to them are compensated by the energy released during the formation of chemical bonds. 4. How does the electron shell of potassium, calcium and scandium atoms change when they give up their electrons? Give equations for the release of electrons by atoms and abbreviated electronic formulas for atoms and ions.
5. How does the electron shell of chlorine, sulfur and phosphorus atoms change when they add foreign electrons? Give equations for electron gain and abbreviated electronic formulas for atoms and ions.
6. Using Appendix 7, determine what energy will be released when electrons are added to all sodium atoms with a total mass of 1 g.
7. Using Appendix 7, determine how much energy is needed to remove “extra” electrons from 0.1 mole of Br– ions?

To learn how to compose electron graphic formulas, it is important to understand the theory of the structure of the atomic nucleus. The nucleus of an atom is made up of protons and neutrons. There are electrons around the nucleus of an atom in electron orbitals.

You will need

  • - pen;
  • - paper for notes;
  • - periodic table of elements (periodic table).


Electrons in an atom occupy vacant orbitals in a sequence called the energy scale: 1s/2s, 2p/3s, 3p/4s, 3d, 4p/5s, 4d, 5p/6s, 4d, 5d, 6p/7s, 5f, 6d, 7p . One orbital can contain two electrons with opposite spins - directions of rotation.

The structure of electron shells is expressed using graphical electronic formulas. Use a matrix to write the formula. One or two electrons with opposite spins can be located in one cell. Electrons are represented by arrows. The matrix clearly shows that two electrons can be located in the s orbital, 6 in the p orbital, 10 in the d orbital, and -14 in the f orbital.

Consider the principle of drawing up an electronic graphic formula using manganese as an example. Find manganese in the periodic table. Its atomic number is 25, which means there are 25 electrons in the atom, it is an element of the fourth period.

Write down the serial number and symbol of the element next to the matrix. In accordance with the energy scale, fill the 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s levels in succession, writing two electrons per cell. You get 2+2+6+2+6+2=20 electrons. These levels are completely filled.

You still have five electrons left and an unfilled 3d level. Arrange the electrons in the d-sublevel cells, starting from the left. Place electrons with the same spins in the cells, one at a time. If all the cells are filled, starting from the left, add a second electron with the opposite spin. Manganese has five d electrons, one in each cell.

Electron graphic formulas clearly show the number of unpaired electrons that determine valence.

When creating theoretical and practical work in mathematics, physics, chemistry, a student or schoolchild is faced with the need to insert special characters and complex formulas. With the Word application from the Microsoft office suite, you can type an email formula of any complexity.


Open a new document in Microsoft Word. Give it a name and save it in the same folder where you have your work so you don’t have to look for it in the future.

Go to the "Insert" tab. On the right, find the symbol?, and next to it is the inscription “Formula”. Click on the arrow. A window will appear in which you can select a built-in formula, such as a quadratic equation formula.

Click on the arrow and a variety of symbols will appear on the top panel that you may need when writing this particular formula. After changing it the way you need, you can save it. From now on, it will appear in the list of built-in formulas.

If you need to transfer a formula into text that you later need to place on the site, then right-click on the active field with it and select not the professional, but the linear writing method. In particular, the formula of the same quadratic equation in this case will take the form: x=(-b±?(b^2-4ac))/2a.

Another option for writing an electronic formula in Word is through the constructor. Hold down the Alt and = keys at the same time. You will immediately have a field for writing a formula, and a constructor will open in the top panel. Here you can select all the signs that may be needed to write an equation and solve any problem.

Some linear notation symbols may not be clear to a reader unfamiliar with computer symbology. In this case, it makes sense to save the most complex formulas or equations in graphical form. To do this, open the simplest graphic editor Paint: “Start” - “Programs” - “Paint”. Then zoom in on the formula document so that it fills the entire screen. This is necessary so that the saved image has the highest resolution. Press PrtScr on your keyboard, go to Paint and press Ctrl+V.

Trim off any excess. As a result, you will get a high-quality image with the desired formula.


Remember that chemistry is a science of exceptions. In atoms of side subgroups of the Periodic Table, electron “leakage” occurs. For example, in chromium with atomic number 24, one of the electrons from the 4s level goes into the d-level cell. A similar effect occurs in molybdenum, niobium, etc. In addition, there is the concept of an excited state of an atom, when paired electrons are paired and transferred to neighboring orbitals. Therefore, when compiling electronic graphic formulas for the elements of the fifth and subsequent periods of the secondary subgroup, check the reference book.

Many metals are common in nature not only in various rocks or minerals, but also in a free - native form. These include, for example, gold, silver and copper. However, active metal elements such as sodium, whose electron-graphical formula we will study, do not occur as a simple substance. The reason is their high reactivity, leading to rapid oxidation of the substance by atmospheric oxygen. That is why in the laboratory the metal is stored under a layer of kerosene or technical oil. The chemical activity of all alkali metal elements can be explained by the structural features of their atoms. Let's consider the electronic graphic formula of sodium and find out how its characteristics are reflected in the physical properties and features of interaction with other substances.

Sodium atom

The position of an element in the main subgroup of the first group of the periodic table affects the structure of its electrically neutral particle. This diagram illustrates the arrangement of electrons around the nucleus of an atom and determines the number of energy levels in it:

The number of protons, neutrons, electrons in a sodium atom will be respectively equal to 11, 12, 11. The proton number and the number of electrons are determined by the atomic number of the element, and the number of neutral nuclear particles will be equal to the difference between the nucleon number (atomic mass) and the proton number (atomic number ). To record the distribution of negatively charged particles in an atom, you can use the following electronic formula: 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 1.

The relationship between the structure of the atom and the properties of matter

The properties of sodium as an alkali metal can be explained by the fact that it belongs to the s-elements, its valency is 1, and its oxidation state is +1. One unpaired electron in the third and final layer determines its reduction characteristics. In reactions with other atoms, sodium always gives up its own negative particle to more electronegative elements. For example, when oxidized by atmospheric oxygen, Na atoms become positively charged particles - cations that are part of the molecule of the main oxide Na 2 O. This reaction has the following form:

4Na +O 2 = 2Na 2 O.

Physical properties

The electronic graphic formula of sodium and its crystal lattice determine such parameters of the element as the state of aggregation, melting and boiling points, as well as the ability to conduct heat and electric current. Sodium is a light (density 0.97 g/cm3) and very soft silvery metal. The presence of freely moving electrons in the crystal lattice causes high thermal and electrical conductivity. In nature, it is found in minerals such as table salt NaCl and sylvinite NaCl × KCl. Sodium is very common not only in inanimate nature, for example, as part of rock salt deposits or sea water of the seas and oceans. It, along with chlorine, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus and other elements, is one of the ten most important organogenic chemical elements that form living biological systems.

Features of chemical properties

The electron graphic formula of sodium clearly shows that the only s-electron rotating on the last, third energy layer of the Na atom is weakly bound to the positively charged nucleus. It easily leaves the confines of the atom, so sodium behaves as a strong reducing agent in reactions with oxygen, water, hydrogen and nitrogen. Here are examples of reaction equations typical for alkali metals:

2Na + H 2 = 2NaH;

6Na + N 2 = 2Na 3 N;

2Na + 2H 2 O = 2NaOH + H 2.

The reaction with water ends with the formation of chemically aggressive compounds - alkalis. Sodium hydroxide, also called, exhibits the properties of active bases and in the solid state has found use as a gas desiccant. Metallic sodium is produced industrially by electrolysis of a molten salt - sodium chloride or the corresponding hydroxide, while a layer of metallic sodium is formed on the cathode.

In our article, we examined the electronic graphic formula of sodium, and also studied its properties and production in industry.