Encyclopedia of Marketing. Effective advertising channels: TOP without water Advertising channels on the Internet

As of October 2017, there are approximately 12 internet marketing channels that are available to everyone. But for small businesses it is enough to receive their customers through only a few of them. Trying to use all channels is an extremely time-consuming and expensive task.

Of course, you can go through a trial and error phase to identify the most effective channels that lead to sustainable sales growth. Ultimately, most entrepreneurs will focus solely on those that provide a return on investment.

Small businesses need to use only those marketing channels that are directly related to.

List of 12 Internet Marketing Channels

1. Search engine optimization or briefly – SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

It consists of tactics aimed at increasing organic traffic from search engines such as Yandex and Google. It’s quite brief and probably doesn’t make sense for most of us to go into detail.

2. Referral Marketing

Viral tactics of disseminating information about goods and services based on the principles of “word of mouth” through one’s clients and supporters, who are “recruited” to independently promote the company’s products to their surroundings.

3. Content Marketing

The technology of creating and distributing valuable and useful information in order to generate search traffic, subsequently retain visitors on the site and build brand supporters. Additionally, it serves as the basis for the formation of an external link profile.

4. Public relations or PR (Public Relations)

Tactics of forming the desired image of a brand, product or person in the eyes of the target audience. Thanks to the possibilities of the Internet, a business can always be “in touch” with its target audience. Social networks and news portals provide an opportunity to speak out on the most important and relevant topics.

5. Online Advertising

One of the most effective marketing tactics that can attract the attention of customers from the colossal space of electronic media by placing various options for advertising messages (contextual, media, text, teaser, promotional sites, spam).

6. Email Marketing

Tactics of direct communication between business and target audience. Using targeted and automated email campaigns, effective communication with consumers is built. This is a great way to get your information in front of the right people.

7. Promoting products through opinion leaders (Influencer Marketing)

This tactic involves building relationships with individuals (bloggers, for example) in order to influence a large group of people who fit your target audience.

8. Affiliate Marketing

Internet promotion technology by webmasters who have become your partners in order to generate their own income. The essence of the tactic is to redirect traffic from partner sites to yours.

9. Social Media Marketing

Tactics to attract the attention of the target audience through. The emphasis is on content that can attract attention and create an audience to whom you are trying to convey the desired image of the company or product.

10. Online Events

Tactics of attracting an interested audience to events you organize on the Internet, such as webinars, seminars, conferences, etc., using specialized software. Event marketing allows you to manipulate the opinions and behavior of a specially invited audience online. The main task is to form a personal positive opinion of those invited to the event towards your company and the services offered to the market.

11. Community marketing (Community Building)

This technology involves creating a special microcosm around the brand. The goal is to create a high level of commitment to the target audience through an emotional impact on their subconscious. The tactics are based on the phenomenon of unification, belonging to common values ​​and a common lifestyle.

12. Link Building

Tactics for increasing high-quality external link mass in order to increase search engine optimization indicators.

Having briefly outlined to you the features and differences of various Internet marketing channels, I ask you to look at your marketing and determine the most effective channels. Try not to confuse the success of one channel with another. For example, if customers come from personal calls, it is very tempting to call personal selling the most effective. However, consumers may call after they have visited your site. Tactics for attracting visitors to your site will be based on one or more of the marketing channels listed in the list.

This way, you will be able to save your own financial resources and concentrate on those channels that have already proven their effectiveness, rather than jumping around in search of new strategies and tactics.

Having identified the main drivers of your success, you need to spend a lot of effort and find more options in order to make the most of successful tactics. And don’t just accept what is already available to you at any given time.

Having analyzed effective promotion channels, you can carefully begin to consider new tactics for growth by creating “stand-alone” projects to study marketing channels. Only new techniques that have proven their effectiveness can be included in the overall marketing strategy.

To properly measure success, set new goals for the upcoming quarter. Focus on tactical objectives for the new channel. Test your actions and compare the results obtained with the key indicators of effective tactics.

There are many opinions and advice on what is best for a small business and what fashion trends are out there. Before you make a decision, look around and see what others are already doing. Your competitors can also be a great source of new ideas!

Often, marketers in search of new tactics try to implement something new without testing and without assigned goals. In the end, you just have to hope for capricious luck.

It is important to set limits on time, funding and KPIs. You need to select new Internet marketing channels based on actual ratings. Then document and delegate powers to performers. This will allow you to focus on what works and is profitable.

A couple of days ago I conducted another one-time consultation, at which I gave recommendations on improving marketing. And you know what I can say?

Despite having experience and a client base, all company representatives want to know how to attract new clients, believing that this is their salvation. It is for this purpose that I have prepared channels and methods of advertising on the Internet: TOP-8.

Because I sincerely believe that you can attract hot customers who are ready to buy “here and now”, first of all, using the Internet (not in all niches).

But at the same time, I also believe that if you have a client base, you can earn quick money without attracting new ones. But more on that in another article.

There are 300+ ways to advertise

I need more

I won’t argue, I’ll just say that they usually mislead you a little, passing them off as channels - methods.

Important.Channels are a more global concept and there cannot be so many of them. There can be many ways within one channel.

Therefore, there may be only 8, but the most basic channels for obtaining clients “yesterday”.

Well, now that we are completely confused with the channels and methods (understanding does not come immediately), let’s temporarily move on to another topic in order to shift our attention.

Where are they going?

Having started attracting clients from the Internet, a logical question arises: where to attract them? Or just show ads and let them call?

Now let’s look at the main sites where we will “imprison” our potential clients for further execution.

Web site

The main engine of the company and the main earner of customers on the Internet. Naturally, the sites may be different, but since we are talking about the desire to get clients, I still recommend a one-page site (landing page).

From this article you will also learn why landing pages will get you clients. Such a site can be created in two ways:

  1. (well, you understand, to us);
  2. Do it yourself on .

To be frank, I’m now cutting down the branch I’m sitting on, but I’ll suggest you first make a website using a website builder.

Firstly, it will save you money, and secondly, you will thoroughly understand creating an Internet site. Again, 3 things will help with this:

Social media page

This, of course, is not very solid, but there is a hypothesis that people are more comfortable moving within one site rather than jumping from one to another.

So to speak, do not leave your home, which for most is considered social networks. Therefore, if you advertise within any social network. networks, it is better to attract people within this portal.

You definitely need to arrange everything beautifully and, if possible, create a wiki menu. So that clients can see a mini-site, so to speak. If you are interested in the topic of social networks, then we have an informative article to get you started.

For those who are especially lazy, you can encourage people to immediately write a private message to the manager, but I personally have not seen this.

And I think this is only relevant if you are a specialist who works on his own and your niche is the field of beauty.

We wait, but they don't fly

I often laugh at the owners (don’t tell anyone about this) when I hear: “Well, we made a website, but there are no clients!”

This is the same as making a good restaurant, without a sign and doors. I have no doubt that your restaurant will be good, but without a “portal” how will they get to you? Underground or through windows?

Although there are always such craftsmen who, even on unknown sites, groups in social networks. Somehow they get into the networks.

It’s a pity that we see their presence only through statistics, and not in the form of money or purchases. Therefore, the result of the fable: you always need to attract clients; they will not come to you on their own.

Except for those that can be called “statistical figures”. Therefore, let's now study the main channels and methods of promotion and advertising on the Internet in our time.

1. Contextual advertising

Yandex Direct and Google Adwords. If you are not familiar with what it is and what it looks like, here are examples.

Yandex Direct Advertising
Google Adwords Advertising

The principle is very simple. A person enters the phrase he is looking for in a search engine (most often Yandex or Google) and he is offered sites where he can view or buy what he was looking for.

You will pay not for views, but for clicks, in other words, for the number of people who will come to your site. Ideal scheme.

This is the very first and main tool that I immediately recommend to get hot clients.

Moreover, as I wrote in my article about native advertising, most buyers do not even understand that they are following an advertising link.

2. SEO marketing

It is very important for you not to confuse this point with the previous one, if in contextual advertising you pay for specific people (for clicks) and stand in strictly designated places for this with the mark advertising.

And remember once and for all: such advancement is not fast, not at all fast. You need to focus on getting the first results in at least 3 months.

3. Targeted advertising

Advertising on VKontatka
Facebook Advertising

Their main task is to get the person on social networks to take the desired action:

  1. Went to the site;
  2. Joined the group;
  3. Installed ;
  4. And much more.

It seems to be the same as Yandex Direct, but the main difference is that you can precisely focus on your target audience.

For example, “Girls from 20 to 25 years old. Married. They use apple technology. They fly abroad at least once a year. And who will have a birthday in 2 weeks.”

I suggest paying special attention to Facebook. Setting up targeted advertising there is not so complicated, but the purchasing power of the audience is quite high. But still, a lot depends on your target audience.


4. Content marketing

The idea is that you are doing something free for consumers, giving them useful content that influences their trust and loyalty to you. Among the main methods are:

  1. Youtube channel (here’s a hint and everything about it);
  2. Publication of articles in thematic media (online and offline);
  3. Conducting webinars.

And definitely! A blog as cool and interesting as this one. True, the results are not quick, of course. But you got it right, we are looking long-term andoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

5. Email marketing

Most likely your question now is, how does this apply to classic business? As applicable, I told many different examples.

The next question that should arise. Isn't it difficult? Yes, you are right, it takes time to do well.

And last questions. So how long does it take? What kind of quick money can there be?! Maybe some more. We have cases where, after a client entered the email funnel, he made a purchase literally within 5 minutes.

Well, okay, let's say these are fairy tales! But in a week or two, a client can buy something by receiving sales letters? Maybe. And the main beauty is that all this can work completely automatically.

Auto funnel

So that, as I already wrote, the client makes a decision about a purchase at least 1-3 days in advance, and does not decide forever.

You understand that when using such a channel, those who are still just thinking about buying, as they say, “ripe”, can become your clients. With your e-mail marketing, you will help them decide faster 😉

6. Notice boards

Yes, those same “Avito” and “From Hand to Hand”. Lately, “Yula” seems to be doing well, but I haven’t worked with it myself, so I can’t say anything. But what I can do for sure is that at the moment this is a great way to get customers who want to buy.

The example is very simple. We currently have a client with whom we are working on the principle of marketing consulting.

He asked to add an online store to his retail store. Imagine our surprise when we learned that with a cost of 5,000 rubles on Avito (for listing a company), it receives more clients than with Yandex Direct at a cost ten times more.

Yes, he had to spend a lot of time placing goods on Avito, but in the long run it paid off.


This is what your company will look like if you start posting your products on Avito. And don’t forget that besides Avito, there are more than 200 adequate boards on which you can post goods or services completely free of charge.

7. Market Place

Another great way to attract customers is through websites that combine offers from different companies, somewhere only goods, somewhere only services, and somewhere both.

If you are not posted there yet, then put your feet up and run to post on Yandex.Market, Tiu.ru, BLIZKO.ru, molotok.ru, etc... For example, Yandex.Market looks like this:

Yandex Market

Well, accordingly, you will find different formats in different sites; there is no point in writing them here, since they are constantly changing. In general, they have 3 options for cooperation:

  1. For impressions (standard advertising company);
  2. For clicks (Yandex Direct principle);
  3. Percentage of sales.

8. Directories

The same 2Gis, for example. A fairly simple example from a friend of mine. He decided to start a seasonal business - installing air conditioners.

As you understand, I didn’t spend much money on advertising. I just posted my organization in 2Gis. Absolutely free.

And he worked great all summer, receiving clients only through this advertising channel. The money I earned was normally enough for a trip to Thailand.

  1. Google Business;
  2. Yandex. Directory;
  3. And a bunch of others.

But based on my example above, don't rely on one advertising channel. It was rather an exception and luck that there was no competition and the demand was so great that he was lucky.

9. Couponers

To be honest, I, like many people, believe that couponers have outlived their usefulness. There has been a boom in them and now you can post there only if you need to sell “something very unnecessary.”

But there is still a certain target audience there and these services are perfect if, for example, you have services.

Are you opening a cafe, car wash or beauty salon? Organize a promotion on a coupon site and, at a minimum, you definitely won’t be left without customers.

  1. Biglion;
  2. Frendi (aka former Groupon);
  3. Vygoda.ru

The principle of working with such sites is quite simple. You choose a product or service that you will promote and give it a discount of 50% (if more, even better).

Post it on the website and get new clients. One of the unpleasant moments is that the entire amount sold through the site is given to you in the amount of 50% (the rest is a service commission).

There are various options for cooperation with them, but this is the most common. The second unpleasant moment is that customers who came through coupon sites are a special category of people and they are extremely reluctant to buy for the second time at full price.

Therefore, this channel must be used very carefully, as they say, constantly “keep your finger on the pulse.”

Briefly about the main thing

And finally, here’s a funny video for you :) If advertising on the Internet were a person:

That's basically it. And now a short summary of the article itself. As you can see, there are only 8 channels, but there are many methods and methods of advertising.

I can say one thing: if you implement and configure at least half of these channels correctly, you will no longer complain about the lack of clients, I can guarantee it.

By the way. Don’t forget to analyze the effectiveness of advertising, and for this I recommend the Roistat service, it will become your faithful assistant. And in addition to the free 14 days, you will receive another 5,000 rubles. (using the promotional code “INSCALE”) as a gift.

Product promotion

Promotion is any form of communication to inform, persuade, remind about goods, services, social activities, ideas, etc. That is, the promotion of goods to the market means the use of various methods by which the seller can convince the buyer to buy these products.

Promotion goals: stimulating demand and improving the company's image.

Specific actions depend on the so-called impact hierarchy (Appendix 1).

The most important promotion functions:

  • - creating an image of prestige, low prices, innovation,
  • - information about the product and its parameters,
  • - maintaining the popularity of goods (services),
  • - changing the way the product is used,
  • - creating enthusiasm among sales participants,
  • - persuading customers to switch to more expensive products,
  • - answers to consumer questions,
  • - favorable information about the company.

Product promotion methods are:

  • · informing consumers about the product (where you can buy the product, what its price is and other information about the characteristics of the product);
  • · conviction in the merits of the product, motivation to purchase this product;
  • · a reminder about the product necessary to stimulate additional demand.

When forming a product promotion complex, it is appropriate to use other tools.

Establishing effective marketing communications is carried out in the following sequence:

  • · the target audience is identified;
  • · her desired response is determined, which in most cases involves a purchase;
  • · the goals of the communication campaign are determined;
  • · a communication message is developed;
  • · communication channels are selected;
  • · the person who makes the message (transmits information) is determined;
  • · feedback is established with the target audience;
  • · developing a general promotion budget (communications budget);
  • · promotion methods are selected and the effectiveness of communication activities is assessed.

The choice of certain promotion methods/combinations of methods is determined by the following main factors: financial resources, promotion campaign goals, characteristics of the target market, product characteristics, its price, the possibility of using certain promotion methods, whether the consumer is at a certain stage of readiness to buy the product, chosen promotion strategy.

When promoting a product, the following strategies are used: a “push” strategy and a “pull” strategy.

The “push” strategy involves promotional activities addressed only to representatives of the distribution system immediately following the manufacturer in the distribution channel in order to persuade them to “bring” the product to the final consumer. In turn, each participant in the distribution channel promotes the product to the next participant.

The “pull” strategy is the organization’s activities aimed at promoting a product, addressed to end consumers who, if they want to buy the product, begin to demand it from representatives of the distribution system, who in turn turn to the manufacturer. The pull process is most rapid and efficient when the consumer can purchase the product without intermediaries or when the distribution channel acts as a Navy in which information is shared and a consistent communication policy is followed.

Most organizations use a combination of these two strategies.

Thus, in order to achieve coordinated actions in the field of communication activities, it is necessary to resolve a number of organizational and methodological issues. If in an organization several employees working in different departments are involved in marketing communications, it is better to unite them and subordinate them to a manager who is fully responsible for all activities in the field of product promotion. Next, a concept must be developed for using different proportions of promotional methods for different products aimed at specific target audiences. It is necessary to create and constantly develop a statistical database on promotion, containing information on the costs of promotion in various directions, highlighting the degree of influence of all the factors discussed above, as well as the results of using these methods. After completion of the communication program, its effectiveness is assessed, i.e. the relationship between the degree of its impact on the target audience and costs is determined.

Main types of product promotion

The following means of promoting products to the market are distinguished:

  • 1. Personal (personal) sales. They represent regular contacts between the seller and the consumer. The seller, when servicing the client, must provide him with all the necessary information about the product and how to use it correctly.
  • 2. Advertising. It represents paid messages about products that are distributed through the media. Advertisements are aimed at calling for the purchase of a particular product. An advertisement consists of two main parts: the text part, and the artistic, graphic part of the advertisement. Advertising must convey the necessary information, be transmitted a sufficient number of times, promote the sale of products, and generate income that covers the costs of its creation.
  • 3. Public relations. Most businesses benefit from good public relations. That is, it is necessary to maintain good relations with the local population, sponsors, government agencies, and the media. Most consumers prefer companies with a good reputation that have managed to create a favorable image of a reputable company.
  • 4. Sales promotion. This tool increases the effectiveness of advertising and personal (personal) selling. Sales promotion includes the following activities:
    • · rewarding sellers for good work;
    • · application of special discounts to the price for poor sales of goods;
    • · distribution of free samples of new products;
    • · free attachment of a small souvenir to the product;
    • · organization of exhibitions;
    • · issuing coupons that provide an opportunity to purchase goods at a discount;
    • · Conducting competitions and lotteries.
  • 5. Exhibition activities. Participation in exhibitions represents the promotion of one’s goods and services in sales markets. And participation in recognized international exhibitions testifies to the quality of products, thereby increasing the status of the organization representing these products.

Personal selling

Personal selling refers to the verbal presentation of a product during a conversation for the purpose of making a sale. This form of trade turns out to be most effective at the stages of forming consumer preferences and beliefs and directly completing the act of purchase and sale.

The reason is that the personal selling technique has the following characteristic features:

  • 1. Involves live, direct and mutual communication between two or more persons.
  • 2. Contributes to the establishment of a variety of relationships: from formal “seller-buyer” to strong friendship.

An experienced salesperson strives to establish long-term contact with the client, and makes the buyer feel somewhat obliged to have a conversation with him, he feels a stronger need to listen and respond.

To do this, any seller must have a pleasant appearance, be able to communicate, be interested in completing a transaction and have a desire to help the buyer.

The success of the seller is also influenced by monitoring his work, which will allow him to adjust the seller’s actions; assessing the effectiveness of his work in order to prevent a decrease in the company’s sales volume.

The most important source of information for measuring performance is sales reports. Additional information is collected through personal contacts, personal observations, recording customer reactions or direct communication with them. Stages of the personal selling method - Appendix 2.

A manufacturer in a market economy tries to achieve an advantage over competitors with the help of advertising and other sales promotion techniques. The success of a business is determined not only by the size of the initial capital, but also by the quality of business communications. Types of business communications are very different. This includes: conferences, exhibitions, seminars, presentations, press conferences, interviews, round tables, business lunches, negotiations. But the most basic type of communication is advertising.

The purpose of advertising is to increase the market share of the product manufacturer and strengthen consumer loyalty to the product. This means that the firm hopes to shift the demand curve to the right and at the same time reduce its price elasticity.


Information advertising brings to the attention of the consumer information about the manufacturer, the product and its qualities, ways to purchase the product or obtain additional information. The ultimate goal of information advertising is to create or increase sales of products.

The press can be divided into:

  • · daily newspapers, which, in turn, can be divided into business, entertainment, central and local; weekly publications are also divided into business, socio-political and thematic;
  • · illustrated monthly publications of predominantly popular science or entertainment nature;
  • · technical and professional publications;
  • · advertising and information publications can be free, have a symbolic or very real price.

The main factors influencing the choice of publication are circulation and sales volume, audience, image of the publication and its life cycle (for daily newspapers - two days, for weekly publications - 10 days, for monthly - about 50 days), circulation ratio (average number readers of one copy).

Radio is significantly behind television.

  • - the product is standardized,
  • - there are many end consumers,
  • - small size purchase is typical,
  • - sales are carried out through intermediary channels, and not directly,
  • - support services are important,
  • - the product has a premium price (or premium quantity),
  • - the manufacturer has a significant benefit per ruble of sales,
  • - the manufacturer has a relatively small market size and/or excess production capacity,
  • - the majority of the manufacturer's sales are made up of new products.
  • · information (a message that the product exists and what its qualities are),
  • · persuasion (inducing favorable emotions, forming a position of recognition of the product, switching consumer decisions to purchase it),
  • · maintaining loyalty (consolidating existing consumers as the main source of future sales).

To ensure all this, a unified process for managing advertising activities must be carried out (Fig. 2).

An intermediate position between advertising in the media and sales promotion is occupied by point-of-sale advertising (PSA), which accounts for an average of 5% of a company's marketing budget. It covers: information activities of the store itself (posters, posters, panels, video cassettes, radio announcements), techniques used by the manufacturer (racks, stands, video systems, carts, smells), joint events of manufacturers and sellers (staff uniforms, exposition, containers, bags and other packaging materials).

When forming an advertising budget, it includes the costs of creating advertising materials and their placement in the media, as well as associated administrative costs (salaries of advertising department employees or consultants' fees).


In accordance with another approach, a single marketing budget is formed, which includes expenses for research (on average about 15% of total expenses), sales promotion (on average about 50%), advertising (about 30%) and public relations ( around 5%). As shown in Fig.3.


  • 1 - research costs;
  • 2 - sales promotion expenses;
  • 3 - advertising costs;
  • 4 - public relations expenses.

Public relations

Public relations (public relations, PR) is a range of programs whose purpose is to promote and (or) protect the image (image, prestige) of a company or individual products.

Publicity (propaganda) is a type of public relations and is defined as the non-personal and non-sponsored stimulation of demand for a product, service or activity through the publication of commercially important information in the printed media or favorable presentation on radio, television or on stage.

One of the most important tasks of PR is the introduction of information about an object into the value range of a social group, in order to further consolidate it as ideal among the spiritual and material values ​​of the social group.

There are 7 main areas of public relations activity:

  • 1. Relations with the media, or publicity. PR employees establish personal relationships with media outlets covering an industry or company and provide information in the form of story ideas, press releases, and other public-facing materials.
  • 2. Corporate relations. Addresses issues of the company's overall reputation, its image in the eyes of various stakeholders and its response to problems that may affect the company's success. This also includes corporate advertising and image consultations for company executives.
  • 3. Crisis management or crisis management. The process of managing communications in the event of a crisis or disaster - natural disasters, management failures, etc.
  • 4. Relations with staff. These are internal communications of the company with its employees. They are based on programs to motivate employees to do their jobs in the best possible way.
  • 5. Relations in the financial sector. Work with the financial community, including interaction with government financial authorities, as well as relations with investors, stock brokers and the financial press.
  • 6. Relations with authorities and the local population. Building state and government relationships and working closely with federal, state, county and local governments. This area also includes lobbying. Community relations involves maintaining positive connections with the local community. These are various events at the local level, sponsorship, and solving environmental problems.
  • 7. Product propaganda. These are special Public relations programs aimed at achieving positive publicity for the products promoted by the company. Product communicators work closely with the marketing department to develop product design and strategic positioning in the market, and also work closely with the advertising team and other marketing communications specialists, such as direct marketing and sales promotions.

The broader meaning of the word PR is revealed using epithets:

  • · Black PR - the use of “black technologies” (deception, falsification) to denigrate, destroy a competing party, group, etc., disseminate offensive or economically dangerous statements on its behalf, etc. Sometimes it is enough to limit oneself to the publication of compromising evidence. The phrase is formed by analogy with the expression “black propaganda”.
  • · Yellow PR - the use, in order to attract attention, of elements offensive to the majority of the population of a given state (taboo words in names, in images - the use of sexual content, making racist, xenophobic statements, etc.)
  • · Gray PR - advertising (positive or negative) that hides its source. Unlike “black PR”, it does not involve outright lies about its origin. Also, gray PR is sometimes understood as a type of indirect black PR that does not contain direct lies and is aimed at the recipient’s subconscious.
  • · White PR - the phrase appeared to demonstrate a concept contrasting with black PR, that is, open advertising on one’s own behalf. PR in the narrow sense of the word.
  • · Self-PR - “promotion” of oneself, often anonymously.
  • · Brown PR is something akin to neo-fascist and fascist propaganda.
  • · Green PR is socially responsible PR.
  • · Viral PR -- The term "viral" means autonomous propagation in this context. Based on the need of people to share interesting information with their circle of friends and acquaintances.
  • · Social PR is an activity aimed at forming, supporting and developing necessary (most often positive) relationships, forming positive behavior patterns, etc. This area of ​​PR traditionally includes social and charitable projects and programs of business structures and projects of public and non-profit organizations.

Public relations have a number of advantages over conventional advertising. One is that PR can reach difficult audiences, such as opinion leaders or high-profile consumers. These people, as a rule, devote part of their time to reading publications, following news programs, but are not at all interested in advertising and often have assistants who cut off sales calls. On the other hand, messages within the framework of Public relations (especially publicity) are perceived by the target audience as more objective and reliable, since people are more willing to believe a news message than a purely commercial message.

Recently, companies are playing an increasingly important role in public relations as they become increasingly aware of its central role in relationship marketing. But for Public Relations to fulfill its objectives and produce tangible, measurable results, it must become an organic part of the overall marketing communications program.

Sales promotion

Sales promotion is a marketing activity, other than advertising, propaganda, and personal selling, that stimulates consumer purchases and dealer performance (exhibitions, demonstrations, various non-repetitive sales efforts).

Carrying out sales promotion activities today is becoming increasingly developed and is an effective and relatively inexpensive method of attracting potential buyers.

Sales promotion is used in cases where it is required:

  • Increase sales volume in the short term
  • · maintain the buyer’s commitment to a particular brand or company
  • · bring a new product to the market
  • · support other promotion tools

At the same time, sales promotion has a short-term effect on increasing sales volume, acts as support for other forms of promotion, requires advertising, and the company's image can be undermined by the low quality of promotion elements.

Sales promotion can be used to promote any product, but the best results from sales promotion activities are achieved with products that are in the phase of market introduction or decline.

After such events, the demand for these products is increased for some time, and then returns to its original position. But sometimes this rule is violated, for example, if the consumer is offered many options for using the product.

As in the case of personal sales, the effectiveness of sales promotion activities is determined by the quality of staff work, and not only by well-chosen forms of incentives and a well-planned company. The requirements for sales personnel are similar to those for personal selling.

Key characteristics of this type of promotion:

  • · effectiveness for a relatively short time;
  • · direct impacts on sales potential, distribution channels, consumers or a combination of these groups;
  • · use for specialization of some specific actions.

Sales promotion covers a wide range of possibilities. Types of sales promotion are presented in Appendix 3.

The main advantages of the sales promotion method:

  • · sales growth is the main short-term benefit;
  • · the possibility of personal contact with potential buyers;
  • · large selection of sales promotion tools;
  • · the buyer can receive something valuable and more information about the company;
  • · the ability to increase the likelihood of an impulse purchase.
  • · specific target audience;

Disadvantages of the sales promotion method:

  • · short duration of impact;
  • · hidden costs;
  • · the possibility of conflicts with advertising representations;
  • · price cut-off - the ability for buyers to expect lower prices in the future.

Sales promotion methods can be price or non-price.

Price promotion methods include:

  • - price reduction;
  • - coupons (purchases or services under obligations with price reductions);
  • - financing of next purchases;
  • - credit;
  • - seasonal price reductions.

Non-price incentives:

  • - buyer competition (lotteries);
  • - personal promotion;
  • - free gifts (the possibility of additional free purchases); - presentation of samples of new products for trial use.

When developing a sales promotion method, a number of decisions need to be made, such as:

  • 1. Determine the intensity of stimulation;
  • 2. Which groups of people will this sales promotion program be aimed at;
  • 3. Select specific means of sales promotion;
  • 4. Determine the duration of the incentive program;
  • 5. Select the timing of sales promotion activities;
  • 6. Draw up cost estimates for sales promotion activities;
  • 7. Preliminarily test the sales promotion program;
  • 8. Implementation of a sales promotion program;
  • 9. Assess its effectiveness.

Sales promotion is most effective when used in combination with advertising.

Exhibition activities

Compared to other types of advertising, exhibition activities have a number of advantages. Stands make it possible to show the range more clearly, allow potential buyers to examine the products up close and receive more detailed information from the representative of the organization presenting the products.

Thus, exhibition activities play a major role in the correct formation of an opinion about a company and its products (works, services).

At first glance, there is nothing complicated in preparing for an exhibition, but this is a mistaken opinion. This is a rather complex preparatory process, which includes collecting the necessary information, preparing the necessary equipment, etc.

The process of preparing for the exhibition can be divided into several stages:

  • 1. An activity plan is drawn up before the exhibition and for the period of the exhibition;
  • 2. Responsible persons are appointed;
  • 3. All possible expenses associated with holding the exhibition are taken into account;
  • 4. After the end of the exhibition, conclusions are drawn for further use in the future.

For a certain fixed period, no later than a month before the start of the exhibition, an application for participation in the exhibition is filled out and sent to the organizing committee. The application indicates all the details of the organization (country, address (telephone), current account number). The essence of the application is pre-registration and booking of exhibition space. The application letter confirms the organization’s agreement with the provisions of this exhibition and the rules for its holding. This is a kind of agreement between the parties. After receiving the application, confirmation of the organization’s registration in the directory of participants and the allocation of the required amount of space subject to payment is sent to the organization. Payment must be made within 5-10 days.

The exhibition organizers may also provide additional services to the participating organization. The most common additional services are: accreditation, publication in catalogues, translation services, production of signs and branded advertising.

Organizations participating in the exhibition, in most cases, produce their exclusive materials for the exhibition in specialized companies, thereby increasing the quality of the exhibition, which clearly shows professionalism and an individual approach. However, this increases the costs of the participating company, which leads to an increase in the cost of the exhibition stand.

But the organization may not contact a specialized company to make an exhibition stand, but conclude a special agreement in the annex to the space rental agreement, in accordance with the requirements of the organization participating in the exhibition. The agreement specifically stipulates all the necessary aspects of the exhibition, timing, and price.

The next very important point is the delivery and placement of exhibition materials at the stand. The organization must prepare in advance an application letter requesting the issuance of passes for vehicles and permission to import (export) exhibition materials. Such an application must contain a detailed list of imported exhibition materials. The letter is written to the company organizing the exhibition, addressed to the director.

Organizing a company's participation in the exhibition at the proper level is a rather labor-intensive process, including the construction of the exhibition area, delivery of exhibition cargo, and organizing the trip of representatives of the exhibiting organization to the exhibition. After all, a poorly designed stand or poorly trained staff can easily “zero out” the invested funds, and this, as a rule, is not a small amount of money. Its success depends on how the exhibition is prepared.

Therefore, it is better to contact a specialized company that provides a full range of exhibition services. The list of services provided by exhibition companies can be very diverse, for example:

  • · placement of customer advertising on billboards and banners on the territory of the exhibition complex;
  • · mailing out advertising materials from companies on the subject of the exhibition;
  • · holding press conferences;
  • · editorial and publishing services;
  • · broadcasting announcements on the radio;
  • · video advertising;
  • · informing organizations and firms about international exhibitions;
  • · ordering the services of a translator and other service personnel;
  • · other services.

Legal aspects of promotion

Legislation regulates the activities of promotion firms. These requirements range from prohibiting the installation of billboards in certain locations to requiring popular personalities who advertise certain products to actually use them.

There are five main ways to legally protect consumers and competitors from unfair promotion:

  • · providing complete information;
  • · confirmation;
  • · termination orders;
  • corrective advertising;
  • · fines.

Providing complete information requires that the consumer has all the data necessary to make the right decision (product composition, consequences of use, etc.).

Verification requires that a firm can prove all of the claims it makes, including through rigorous testing.

Fines may be levied to the treasury and in the interests of specific consumers. stimulation advertising budget promotion

After analyzing various means of promotion, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • · Promotion is any form of action used by a company to inform, persuade and remind consumers about its goods, services, designs, ideas, social activities. Companies today face many complex challenges and increased uncertainty;
  • · For successful operation, and even more so, development of enterprises, it has become necessary to carry out comprehensive marketing activities. Marketing is now used in all organizations involved in the competition for the attention, favor, attention and money of buyers who are absolutely free to choose goods and services, allowing opportunities to be clearly identified and assessed in order to select those that will allow you to create products with the highest consumer value;
  • · Promotion of goods is the most important component of a complex of marketing activities, a kind of information outlet to the consumer;
  • · Properly organized promotion of goods is extremely effective and allows not only to solve problems with their sales, but also to constantly increase the volume of product sales. The study of various promotional means includes selection and preliminary testing, as well as studying the effectiveness of their impact after use.
  • · Currently, customer service is considered within the marketing concept as a necessary and effective tool that ensures sustainable sales of the company's products.

Promotion of goods on the market refers to the use of various methods by which the seller can convince the buyer to buy this product. Product promotion methods are:

  • informing consumers about the product (where you can buy the product, what its price is and other information about the characteristics of the product);
  • conviction in the merits of the product, motivation to purchase this product;
  • a reminder about the product necessary to stimulate additional demand.

The following means of promoting products to the market are distinguished:

  1. Personal (personal) selling. It represents regular contacts between the seller and the consumer. The seller, when servicing the client, must provide him with all the necessary information about the product and how to use it correctly.
  2. Advertising. It represents paid messages about products that are distributed through the media. Advertisements are aimed at calling for the purchase of a particular product. An advertisement consists of two main parts: the text part, and the artistic, graphic part of the advertisement. Advertising must convey the necessary information, be transmitted a sufficient number of times, promote the sale of products, and generate income that covers the costs of its creation.
  3. Public relations. Most businesses benefit from good public relations. That is, it is necessary to maintain good relations with the local population, sponsors, government agencies, and the media. Most consumers prefer companies with a good reputation that have managed to create a favorable image of a reputable company.
  4. Sales promotion. This tool increases the effectiveness of advertising and personal (personal) selling. Sales promotion includes the following activities:
    • rewarding sellers for good work;
    • application of special discounts to prices for poor sales of goods;
    • distribution of free samples of new products;
    • free attachment of a small souvenir to the product;
    • organization of exhibitions;
    • issuing coupons that provide an opportunity to purchase goods at a discount;
    • holding competitions and lotteries.
  5. Service. Customer satisfaction and quality customer service can guarantee new orders in the future. Service creates trust in the company. An example would be establishing a warranty period for a product, the possibility of returning or exchanging a product, or eliminating a malfunction.
  6. Creating a positive public opinion. This method is free communication about a company or its products through the media. For example, a speech by a company representative on television or radio, a press conference.


A manufacturer in a market economy tries to achieve an advantage over competitors with the help of advertising and other sales promotion techniques. The success of a business is determined not only by the size of the initial capital, but also by the quality of business communications. Types of business communications are very different. This includes: conferences, exhibitions, seminars, presentations, press conferences, interviews, round tables, business lunches, negotiations. But the most basic type of communication is advertising.

Purpose of advertising- increase the market share of the product manufacturer and strengthen consumer loyalty to the product. This means that the firm hopes to shift the demand curve to the right and at the same time reduce its price elasticity.

Advertising is any appeal from the manufacturer, seller or their representatives to a potential consumer-buyer. In the mid-1990s, the advertising market in the United States was estimated at $250 billion a year (it has tripled over the past 10 years); in France at 30; billions of dollars (tripling in 7 years); in Russia at $1 billion, but the tripling occurred in two years. The turnover of the Russian advertising market in 1996 increased by 10% compared to 1995 and amounted to 1.1 - 1.5 billion dollars. At the same time, the turnover on television reached 344 million dollars, the press accounted for about 700 million dollars, and outdoor advertising accounted for about 80 million dollars (“Advertising Business” by E.A. Utkin). In the 2000s and 2010s, these values ​​increased many times over.

There are different types of advertising messages: informational, reminder, image. You can also highlight social advertising that addresses universal human values ​​(preservation of the environment, health, etc.). Information advertising brings to the attention of the consumer information about the manufacturer, the product and its qualities, ways to purchase the product or obtain additional information. The ultimate goal of information advertising is to create or increase sales of products.

  • daily newspapers, which, in turn, can be divided into business, entertainment, central and local; weekly publications are also divided into business, socio-political and thematic;
  • illustrated monthly publications primarily of a popular science or entertainment nature;
  • technical and professional publications;
  • advertising and information publications can be free, have a symbolic or very real price.

The main factors influencing the choice of publication are circulation and sales volume, audience, image of the publication and its life cycle (for daily newspapers - two days, for weekly publications - 10 days, for monthly - about 50 days), circulation ratio (average number readers of one copy).

Advertising on television occupies an important place. The disadvantages of advertising on television are that information is poorly remembered, and the abundance of advertising blocks irritates consumers, and this reduces the effectiveness of television advertising. Radio is significantly behind television.

In the last 10-15 years, advertising on the Internet has been rapidly developing. Even traditional businesses like funeral agencies began to actively promote themselves in service aggregators. For example, many funeral agencies use a directory of funeral agencies, and some order other types of online advertising. Nowadays you can find almost any commercial offer on the Internet, and in terms of audience coverage, the largest Internet sites are comparable to targeted channels.

Outdoor advertising plays an important role: posters, stands, billboards, displays, as well as direct-mail (direct mailing of advertising materials).

An intermediate position between advertising in the media and sales promotion is occupied by point-of-sale advertising (PSA), which accounts for an average of 5% of a company's marketing budget. It covers: information activities of the store itself (posters, posters, panels, video cassettes, radio announcements), techniques used by the manufacturer (racks, stands, video systems, carts, smells), joint events of manufacturers and sellers (staff uniforms, exposition, containers, bags and other packaging materials).

When forming an advertising budget, it includes the costs of creating advertising materials and their placement in the media, as well as associated administrative costs (salaries of advertising department employees or consultants' fees). In accordance with another approach, a single marketing budget is formed, which includes expenses for research (on average about 15% of total expenses), sales promotion (on average about 50%), advertising (about 30%) and public relations ( around 5%).

1 - research costs;
2 - sales promotion expenses;
3 - advertising costs;
4 - public relations expenses.

Distribution channel (sales) - a set of methods for promoting a product from the manufacturer to the consumer. Types of distribution channels for goods:
  1. Producer -> consumer. This channel is a direct, direct sale of a product by the manufacturer to the final consumer. For example, a private bakery sells its bread in its own store.
  2. Manufacturer -> retailer -> consumer. In this case, manufacturers first sell their product to retailers, who then resell the product to the final consumer. Most often, this channel is used to sell clothing.
  3. Manufacturer -> wholesaler -> retailer -> consumer. This distribution channel is suitable for selling household appliances.
  4. Manufacturer -> sales agent (broker) -> wholesaler -> retailer -> consumer. This distribution channel is used in those industries in which the sale of goods is carried out by specialists.
The choice of distribution channel depends on the following factors: the number of places where goods are sold, distribution costs, the degree of control over the movement of goods through channels. Product distribution channels:


Distribution of goods includes the following costs: transportation costs, storage costs, administrative costs, and other distribution costs.

Product transportation costs account for a significant portion of total distribution costs. When choosing a mode of transport, the company is guided by the following task - to achieve the most effective method of distribution as a whole at minimal costs. Transportation can have a significant impact on product sales. The faster a company delivers its goods, the greater the advantage it will have over its competitors.

The following types of transport are distinguished:

  1. Truck, automobile. This type is used most often. The advantage of this type of transportation is the ability to transport cargo along highways at any time, and the ability to deliver cargo “door to door.” The disadvantage is the inefficiency of transporting heavy and bulky commodities such as metal or coal.
  2. Railway transport. This type of transport is characterized by the ability to transport heavier and more varied cargo. But the disadvantage is that it is impossible to deliver goods precisely to the consumer via railway tracks.
  3. Water transport. This is the cheapest form of transport. This type mainly transports goods such as oil, coal, ore, cotton and timber. The downside is that the ships are slow and the sailings are not frequent. This may also be accompanied by unnecessary costs associated with the delivery of goods to the port and damage to goods.
  4. Air Transport. This is the fastest mode of transport. The disadvantage is the restrictions on the size and weight of the cargo. Also, airports are located in certain places, flights depend on weather conditions.
  5. Pipelines. This type of transportation is used to deliver gasoline, natural gas, coal or wood chips in a liquid medium. But this transportation is very slow.

Transport can have a huge negative impact on the environment: noise from planes and cars, emissions of gases, destruction of forests for road construction, pollution of oceans and seas as a result of damage to tankers carrying oil, etc.

Promotion methods (methods of promotion) - marketing techniques and tools used to achieve the marketing goal - promotion.
Promotion can be considered any form of communication and dissemination of information through which a company communicates, persuades, and reminds about goods, services, ideas, social activities or other actions that have an impact on society. However, among the many methods in marketing, there are clearly described and constantly practiced communication methods through which marketing promotion is carried out. Promotion methods are an integral part of a developed and correctly implemented product promotion policy, or communication policy of a company or brand.

Traditional marketing methods of promotion include any of the promotion methods:

  • advertising;
  • personal selling (personal selling);
  • public relations;
  • sales promotion.

It is no secret that when building and using extensive marketing channels for distribution and sales, the key to successful sales is promotion at all levels of the marketing channel. Trade marketing, seeking to manage the marketing channel, expands promotion methods to stimulate resellers;

A set of promotion methods- simultaneous use of several promotion methods, such as: advertising, personal selling and promotion and management of the sales process, direct marketing, sales promotion, etc.

Advertising- a promotion method based on the distribution of paid information messages transmitted through the media. This promotion method allows for a large audience reach and has a low cost per targeted contact. The disadvantage of this promotion method is the lack of feedback and difficulty in personalizing the information message.

Personal selling (personal selling) is a promotion method based on the oral presentation of the product, information and persuasion of the need to make a purchase, made during a conversation, with the aim of making a sale. The main disadvantage of personal selling is high costs.

Public Relations (public relations) - a non-personal and not directly paid method of promoting, stimulating demand for a product or service, by disseminating commercially important information about them through mass communication methods. The disadvantage of this method of communication is that the method does not imply direct communication for the purpose of selling, only information and involvement;

Sales promotion (consumer promotion) - a promotion method based on marketing activities that stimulate the purchase of goods by the consumer. The disadvantage of this method of promotion is the short duration of incentive measures to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service.

Reseller incentives- a set of measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of interaction with participants in the marketing channel (distribution chain) from the manufacturer to the buyer of the product and a method for promoting goods and services through the marketing channel.

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