Fedor Virin read the basics of internet marketing online. Business literature: Marketing, PR, advertising: Internet marketing. A complete collection of practical tools: Fedor Virin

This book is consistent and detailed instructions on Internet marketing. In it, Fedor Virin, research director of the Mail.Ru portal, collected his own rich practical experience in promoting goods and services on the Internet, as well as the experience of leading Russian companies. For the first time, one book combines and systematizes such separately existing and developing parts of Internet marketing as contextual advertising, targeting, web analytics, Internet media planning, search marketing, viral advertising and others.
By completing the tasks given in the book, you will learn to analyze and effectively use the opportunities of Internet marketing. You can begin to use the acquired knowledge immediately after reading, regardless of the current state of affairs in your company.
The book is intended for students of Internet marketing, managers of Internet projects, and will be useful to specialists in certain areas of Internet marketing.

Technical instability of communication.
Various technical glitches happen all the time: the mail server crashes, the Internet channel stops working, individual messages are lost. Despite the fact that the Internet has existed for quite a long time and all the mechanisms are already well established, its use uses a lot of technical devices so that everything goes smoothly at least for a moment.

All this leads to the fact that some messages do not reach, and the user often finds himself in a feeling of “broken communication” when his message is sent, but no response is received. At the same time, the user has absolutely no idea what is happening in his communication - either the counterparty did not respond to his message, or did not receive it - and he is forced to ask the interlocutor again, which is not always convenient, and not always possible.
Let's pretend for one minute that this was Very Important Business letter. It is enough to find yourself in such a situation once to never completely trust the Internet as a means of communication again. The person is in constant uncertainty that the connection is working. This is very similar to the moment when the background noise on the interlocutor’s phone disappears and silence reigns in the receiver. After waiting a few seconds, you ask, “Are you there?” - and you hear a surprised answer: “Yes, of course, why are you asking?” We've all been in this stupid situation, and on the Internet it's the norm.

Emotional poverty and extreme verbality are two of the biggest problems with internet marketing. Imagine a black and white reproduction of a color painting - most of the information will be lost. And if the original was drawn in charcoal or pencil, then nothing would be lost when printing in black and white. The exact same thing applies to messages on the Internet: we need messages that will be understandable after passing through this channel.

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Fedor Virin

Internet Marketing: A Complete Collection of Practical Tools


For probably seven or eight years now, I have been training specialists in Internet marketing: seminars, lectures, specialized courses, MBA programs... Over the years, I have probably seen several thousand people who wanted to learn how to use the Internet for business. By the way, many succeeded, and I often come across Internet projects completed by my students, or Internet departments of well-known companies in which they work. This makes me very happy - I see how what I do works.

However, the first question that listeners ask me is “what books do you recommend reading on your subject,” and I have absolutely nothing to answer them, because there are no good books on Internet marketing. There are several books that cover some part of the subject area, and this is already good, but there is not a single one that could lay the foundation for learning, link all the disparate parts of the subject together.

There are reasons and prerequisites for this. The first and most important of them is that most specialists who could write such a book do not have time for this, and if they do, it is usually more important for them to write a book on a narrower topic, aimed at solving specific problems, those that are in field of interest for professionals. For example, a wonderful specialist Maria Chernitskaya - CEO iContext company – talks today only about contextual advertising, because this is her main field of activity. In the same way, Roman Filippov, one of the best specialists in Internet technologies and Internet marketing, today considers only targeting. Mikhail Trufanov is one of the best specialists in trade (selling) advertising on the Internet, Boris Ovchinnikov is an Internet research specialist, Dmitry Malyavkin is a web analytics specialist, Dmitry Satin is a usability specialist, Sergey Petrenko is a search marketing specialist, Ksenia Korobeynikova is a specialist in non-standard advertising and creativity, Olga Brukovskaya is a specialist in viral advertising and PR. It's a huge blessing to learn from any of them, but each of them is currently working in a rather narrow field and is not interested in talking about anything beyond the scope of their current work - there is simply no time for that.

Just ten years ago, Internet experts were “jacks of all trades.” There were few of them, but there was a lot of work. Everyone did a little bit of everything, and everyone had encyclopedic knowledge. This was the case, but the Internet is developing, and it is no longer possible for one person to “grab” everything equally well. It is precisely to ensure that knowledge does not represent disparate fragments that an assembly point is needed. The book in front of you is precisely the assembly point that links all parts of Internet marketing into a single whole.

But this is not the only prerequisite, and perhaps not even the main one. Another problem is that information quickly becomes outdated. A book written today will no longer be very relevant in a couple of years, since technologies and capabilities will go far ahead. For example, two years ago almost no one knew anything about behavioral targeting, but today it is used in every third advertising campaign. Or, for example, five or six years ago the market was exploding from the possibilities of new technologies for displaying beautiful interactive Rich Media banners, two years later they were considered something marginal that could not be used under almost any circumstances, and today these technologies are being revived again in a new quality .

Therefore, when you write a book, it is very difficult to stop: you want to write about this, and also about this, and also about this and this, because there is so much interesting and uncovered. But the worst thing begins later, when you edit it, because even at this moment you want to rewrite a significant part again, since new data and new information have already appeared.

But there’s nowhere to go: you can’t do without teaching aid for students, especially after the HSE opened a retraining course “Internet Project Manager”, of which I am one of the leaders. That is why this book appeared, and at first only in in electronic format. This is a reincarnation (it seems like the sixth) of numerous manuals and training manuals that I have written over the years.

Who is this book for?

I wrote it for two large, but different audiences - precisely those who, according to my observations, need a book that summarizes all the topics of Internet marketing, and not highly specialized in one of its areas.

The book is intended for future specialists of Internet projects, who are just starting their training or have only scattered fragmentary information, that is, for those who want to engage in Internet marketing, but know little or almost nothing about it. There are a lot of these among my students, because the Internet is growing very quickly and has a huge shortage of qualified specialists. Students and young professionals willingly go to study Internet marketing, because the Internet allows them to express themselves, find interesting job, create your own start-up. And very quickly, if not immediately, they are faced with a lack of systemic knowledge in this area. My book is just for them.

Fedor Virin

Internet Marketing: A Complete Collection of Practical Tools


For probably seven or eight years now, I have been training specialists in Internet marketing: seminars, lectures, specialized courses, MBA programs... Over the years, I have probably seen several thousand people who wanted to learn how to use the Internet for business. By the way, many succeeded, and I often come across Internet projects completed by my students, or Internet departments of well-known companies in which they work. This makes me very happy - I see how what I do works.

However, the first question that listeners ask me is “what books do you recommend reading on your subject,” and I have absolutely nothing to answer them, because there are no good books on Internet marketing. There are several books that cover some part of the subject area, and this is already good, but there is not a single one that could lay the foundation for learning, link all the disparate parts of the subject together.

There are reasons and prerequisites for this. The first and most important of them is that most specialists who could write such a book do not have time for this, and if they do, it is usually more important for them to write a book on a narrower topic, aimed at solving specific problems, those that are in field of interest for professionals. For example, a wonderful specialist Maria Chernitskaya, CEO of iContext, talks today only about contextual advertising, because this is her main field of activity. In the same way, Roman Filippov, one of the best specialists in Internet technologies and Internet marketing, today considers only targeting. Mikhail Trufanov is one of the best specialists in trade (selling) advertising on the Internet, Boris Ovchinnikov is an Internet research specialist, Dmitry Malyavkin is a web analytics specialist, Dmitry Satin is a usability specialist, Sergey Petrenko is a search marketing specialist, Ksenia Korobeynikova is a specialist in non-standard advertising and creativity, Olga Brukovskaya is a specialist in viral advertising and PR. It's a huge blessing to learn from any of them, but each of them is currently working in a rather narrow field and is not interested in talking about anything beyond the scope of their current work - there is simply no time for that.

Just ten years ago, Internet experts were “jacks of all trades.” There were few of them, but there was a lot of work. Everyone did a little bit of everything, and everyone had encyclopedic knowledge. This was the case, but the Internet is developing, and it is no longer possible for one person to “grab” everything equally well. It is precisely to ensure that knowledge does not represent disparate fragments that an assembly point is needed. The book in front of you is precisely the assembly point that links all parts of Internet marketing into a single whole.

But this is not the only prerequisite, and perhaps not even the main one. Another problem is that information quickly becomes outdated. A book written today will no longer be very relevant in a couple of years, since technologies and capabilities will go far ahead. For example, two years ago almost no one knew anything about behavioral targeting, but today it is used in every third advertising campaign. Or, for example, five or six years ago the market was exploding from the possibilities of new technologies for displaying beautiful interactive Rich Media banners, two years later they were considered something marginal that could not be used under almost any circumstances, and today these technologies are being revived again in a new quality .

Therefore, when you write a book, it is very difficult to stop: you want to write about this, and also about this, and also about this and this, because there is so much interesting and uncovered. But the worst thing begins later, when you edit it, because even at this moment you want to rewrite a significant part again, since new data and new information have already appeared.

But there is nowhere to go: it is impossible to do without a textbook for students, especially after the HSE opened a retraining course “Internet Project Manager”, of which I am one of the leaders. That is why this book appeared, and at first only in electronic form. This is a reincarnation (it seems like the sixth) of numerous manuals and training manuals that I have written over the years.

Who is this book for?

I wrote it for two large, but different audiences - precisely those who, according to my observations, need a book that summarizes all the topics of Internet marketing, and not highly specialized in one of its areas.

The book is intended for future specialists of Internet projects, who are just starting their training or have only scattered fragmentary information, that is, for those who want to engage in Internet marketing, but know little or almost nothing about it. There are a lot of these among my students, because the Internet is growing very quickly and has a huge shortage of qualified specialists. Students and young professionals are willing to study Internet marketing because the Internet allows them to express themselves, find an interesting job, and create their own start-up. And very quickly, if not immediately, they are faced with a lack of systemic knowledge in this area. My book is just for them.

This same audience also includes another very interesting and specific group - managers who supervise the Internet project. One of the courses I teach at MBA is designed just for them. These are people who will not engage in Internet projects on their own, but they must be able to control an Internet project, understand what is happening there, and, if necessary, intervene in business processes.

The second group is specialists in narrow fields, who are well versed in any part of Internet marketing (optimization, display or contextual advertising, usability, design, ecommerce etc.). Such specialists are often (probably even always) faced with the task of understanding related processes in order to understand what role they play in the entire project and what responsibilities they bear. My book is for them too.

What is Internet Marketing

Environment for Internet marketing.

Features of the Internet as a medium.

What is Internet marketing and what does it have to do with marketing in general?

Why internet marketing is needed, its advantages.

Many of us spend 8 to 14 hours a day at the computer, working, relaxing, having fun, communicating with friends and relatives, and shopping. And not only you, the readers of this book, constantly use the Internet; in Russia there are about 40 million people like you and me. Much is much easier to do via the Internet than using traditional ways. For active users, the Internet is becoming or has already become the main medium for business and sometimes even personal communications. Making an appointment, discussing plans for the weekend, asking for an opinion on something, finding a description, ordering delivery, exchanging files with work information, booking a hotel room, buying a plane ticket, reading the news, watching a TV show - all this for most of us. It has long been easier to do it via the Internet than by calling by phone. It is at this moment, when users appear who cannot be “reached” in any way except through the Internet, that Internet marketing arises. Every year there are more and more such people in our country.

1.1. Features of the Internet as a communication medium

When we communicate via the Internet, our main tool is Email and Instant Messenger (adult audience gravitates more towards the first, youth – towards the second). Plus, it has now appeared great amount various social networks, blogs, photo blogs, photo and video archives - everything that is called the word Web 2.0 or social media. If we are talking about communications in Internet marketing, then this is communication with a company through a website: reading information about the company and its products, sending requests, using tools for comparing or selecting goods and services, communicating with other customers, and so on. That is, this is no longer personal communication with company employees, but mass communication through the company’s website, replacing a visit to the office or point of sale.

COMMUNICATION TOOLS used and available on the Internet have key features, which have a huge impact on Internet marketing, since this communication:

– postponed,

– exclusively verbal,

- emotionally poor

– technically unstable.

Delayed communication

Imagine that you are walking around the office, doing something, then picking up one of those telephone receivers that are lying in abundance on your desk, saying a few words there and putting it back. After that, you continue to do something, talk with colleagues, sometimes you pick up other phones in the same way, sometimes you return to this one... Strange picture? But this is exactly what our communications via the Internet look like - they do not require an immediate response upon receipt of a message, as a telephone or personal meeting requires. This is called delayed communication.

This book is a consistent and detailed instruction on Internet marketing. In it, Fedor Virin, research director of the Mail.Ru portal, collected his own rich practical experience in promoting goods and services on the Internet, as well as the experience of leading Russian companies. For the first time, one book combines and systematizes such separately existing and developing parts of Internet marketing as contextual advertising, targeting, web analytics, Internet media planning, search marketing, viral advertising and others.

By completing the tasks given in the book, you will learn to analyze and effectively use the opportunities of Internet marketing. You can begin to use the acquired knowledge immediately after reading, regardless of the current state of affairs in your company.

The book is intended for students of Internet marketing, managers of Internet projects, and will be useful to specialists in certain areas of Internet marketing.


For probably seven or eight years now, I have been training specialists in Internet marketing: seminars, lectures, specialized courses, MBA programs... Over the years, I have probably seen several thousand people who wanted to learn how to use the Internet for business. By the way, many succeeded, and I often come across Internet projects completed by my students, or Internet departments of well-known companies in which they work. This makes me very happy - I see how what I do works.

However, the first question that listeners ask me is “what books do you recommend reading on your subject,” and I have absolutely nothing to answer them, because there are no good books on Internet marketing. There are several books that cover some part of the subject area, and this is already good, but there is not a single one that could lay the foundation for learning, link all the disparate parts of the subject together.

There are reasons and prerequisites for this. The first and most important of them is that most specialists who could write such a book do not have time for this, and if they do, it is usually more important for them to write a book on a narrower topic, aimed at solving specific problems, those that are in field of interest for professionals. For example, a wonderful specialist Maria Chernitskaya, CEO of iContext, talks today only about contextual advertising, because this is her main field of activity. In the same way, Roman Filippov, one of the best specialists in Internet technologies and Internet marketing, today considers only targeting. Mikhail Trufanov is one of the best specialists in trade (selling) advertising on the Internet, Boris Ovchinnikov is an Internet research specialist, Dmitry Malyavkin is a web analytics specialist, Dmitry Satin is a usability specialist, Sergey Petrenko is a search marketing specialist, Ksenia Korobeynikova is a specialist in non-standard advertising and creativity, Olga Brukovskaya is a specialist in viral advertising and PR. It's a huge blessing to learn from any of them, but each of them is currently working in a rather narrow field and is not interested in talking about anything beyond the scope of their current work - there is simply no time for that.

Just ten years ago, Internet experts were “jacks of all trades.” There were few of them, but there was a lot of work. Everyone did a little bit of everything, and everyone had encyclopedic knowledge. This was the case, but the Internet is developing, and it is no longer possible for one person to “grab” everything equally well. It is precisely to ensure that knowledge does not represent disparate fragments that an assembly point is needed. The book in front of you is precisely the assembly point that links all parts of Internet marketing into a single whole.

But this is not the only prerequisite, and perhaps not even the main one. Another problem is that information quickly becomes outdated. A book written today will no longer be very relevant in a couple of years, since technologies and capabilities will go far ahead. For example, two years ago almost no one knew anything about behavioral targeting, but today it is used in every third advertising campaign. Or, for example, five or six years ago the market was exploding from the possibilities of new technologies for displaying beautiful interactive Rich Media banners, two years later they were considered something marginal that could not be used under almost any circumstances, and today these technologies are being revived again in a new quality .

Therefore, when you write a book, it is very difficult to stop: you want to write about this, and also about this, and also about this and this, because there is so much interesting and uncovered. But the worst thing begins later, when you edit it, because even at this moment you want to rewrite a significant part again, since new data and new information have already appeared.

But there is nowhere to go: it is impossible to do without a textbook for students, especially after the HSE opened a retraining course “Internet Project Manager”, of which I am one of the leaders. That is why this book appeared, and at first only in electronic form. This is a reincarnation (it seems like the sixth) of numerous manuals and training manuals that I have written over the years.

Who is this book for?

I wrote it for two large, but different audiences - precisely those who, according to my observations, need a book that summarizes all the topics of Internet marketing, and not highly specialized in one of its areas.

The book is intended for future specialists of Internet projects, who are just starting their training or have only scattered fragmentary information, that is, for those who want to engage in Internet marketing, but know little or almost nothing about it. There are a lot of these among my students, because the Internet is growing very quickly and has a huge shortage of qualified specialists. Students and young professionals are willing to study Internet marketing because the Internet allows them to express themselves, find an interesting job, and create their own start-up. And very quickly, if not immediately, they are faced with a lack of systemic knowledge in this area. My book is just for them.

This same audience also includes another very interesting and specific group - managers who supervise the Internet project. One of the courses I teach at MBA is designed just for them. These are people who will not engage in Internet projects on their own, but they must be able to control an Internet project, understand what is happening there, and, if necessary, intervene in business processes.

The second group is specialists in narrow fields, who are well versed in any part of Internet marketing (optimization, display or contextual advertising, usability, design, e-commerce, etc.). Such specialists are often (probably even always) faced with the task of understanding related processes in order to understand what role they play in the entire project and what responsibilities they bear. My book is for them too.

What is Internet Marketing

Environment for Internet marketing.

Features of the Internet as a medium.

What is Internet marketing and what does it have to do with marketing in general?

Why internet marketing is needed, its advantages.

Many of us spend 8 to 14 hours a day at the computer, working, relaxing, having fun, communicating with friends and relatives, and shopping. And not only you, the readers of this book, constantly use the Internet; in Russia there are about 40 million people like you and me. Much is much easier to do via the Internet than using traditional methods. For active users, the Internet is becoming or has already become the main medium for business and sometimes even personal communications. Making an appointment, discussing plans for the weekend, asking for an opinion on something, finding a description, ordering delivery, exchanging files with work information, booking a hotel room, buying a plane ticket, reading the news, watching a TV show - all this for most of us. It has long been easier to do it via the Internet than by calling by phone. It is at this moment, when users appear who cannot be “reached” in any way except through the Internet, that Internet marketing arises. Every year there are more and more such people in our country.

Current page: 1 (book has 18 pages total) [available reading passage: 12 pages]

Fedor Virin
Internet Marketing. A complete collection of practical tools

Illustration used in the binding: tkemot / Shutterstock.com

Used under license from Shutterstock.com

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2012

© Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2015

* * *


For probably seven or eight years now, I have been training specialists in Internet marketing: seminars, lectures, specialized courses, MBA programs... Over the years, I have probably seen several thousand people who wanted to learn how to use the Internet for business. By the way, many succeeded, and I often come across Internet projects completed by my students, or Internet departments of well-known companies in which they work. This makes me very happy – I see how what I do lives and develops.

However, to the very first question that listeners ask me - “what books do you recommend reading on your subject” - I have absolutely nothing to answer them, because there are no good books on Internet marketing. There are several books that cover some part of the subject area, and this is already good, but there is not a single one that could lay the foundation for learning, link all the disparate parts of the subject together.

There are reasons and prerequisites for this. The first and most important of them is that most specialists who could write such a book do not have time for this, and if they do, it is usually more important for them to write a book on a narrower topic, aimed at solving specific problems, those that are in field of interest for professionals. For example, a wonderful specialist Maria Chernitskaya, CEO of iContext, talks today only about contextual advertising, because this is her main field of activity. In the same way, Roman Filippov, one of the best specialists in Internet technologies and Internet marketing, today considers only targeting. Mikhail Trufanov is one of the best specialists in trade (selling) advertising on the Internet, Boris Ovchinnikov is an Internet research specialist, Dmitry Malyavkin is a web analytics specialist, Dmitry Satin is a usability specialist, Sergey Petrenko is a search marketing specialist, Ksenia Korobeynikova is a specialist in non-standard advertising and creativity. It's a huge blessing to learn from any of them, but each of them is currently working in a rather narrow field and is not interested in talking about anything beyond the scope of their current work - there is simply no time for that.

Just ten years ago, Internet experts were “jacks of all trades.” There were few of them, but there was a lot of work. Everyone did a little bit of everything, and everyone had encyclopedic knowledge. This was the case, but the Internet is developing, and it is no longer possible for one person to “grab” everything equally well. It is precisely to ensure that knowledge does not represent disparate fragments that an assembly point is needed. The book in front of you is precisely the assembly point that links all parts of Internet marketing into a single whole.

But this is not the only prerequisite, and perhaps not even the main one. Another problem is that information quickly becomes outdated. A book written today will no longer be very relevant in a couple of years, since technologies and capabilities will go far ahead. For example, two years ago almost no one knew anything about behavioral targeting, but today it is used in every third advertising campaign. Or, for example, five or six years ago the market was exploding from the possibilities of new technologies for displaying beautiful interactive Rich Media banners, two years later they were considered something marginal that could not be used under almost any circumstances, and today these technologies are being revived again in a new quality .

Therefore, when you write a book, it is very difficult to stop: you want to write about this, and also about this, and also about this and this, because there is so much interesting and uncovered. But the worst thing begins later, when you edit it, because even at this moment you want to rewrite a significant part again, since new data and new information have already appeared.

But there is nowhere to go: it is impossible to do without a textbook for students, especially after the HSE opened a retraining course “Internet Project Manager”, of which I am one of the leaders. That is why this book appeared, and at first only in electronic form. This is the reincarnation of numerous manuals and training manuals that I have written over the years.

Who is this book for?

I wrote it for two large, but different audiences - precisely those who, according to my observations, need a book that summarizes all the topics of Internet marketing, and not highly specialized in one of its areas.

The book is intended for future specialists of Internet projects who are just starting their training or have only scattered fragmentary information, that is, for those who want to engage in Internet marketing, but know little or almost nothing about it. There are a lot of these among my students, because the Internet is growing very quickly and has a huge shortage of qualified specialists. Students and young professionals are willing to study Internet marketing because the Internet allows them to express themselves, find an interesting job, and create their own start-up. And very quickly, if not immediately, they are faced with a lack of systemic knowledge in this area. My book is just for them.

This same audience also includes another very interesting and specific group - managers who supervise the Internet project. One of the courses I teach at MBA is designed just for them. These are people who will not engage in Internet projects on their own, but they must be able to control an Internet project, understand what is happening there, and, if necessary, intervene in business processes.

The second group is specialists in narrow fields who are well versed in any part of Internet marketing (optimization, display or contextual advertising, usability, design, e-commerce, etc.). Such specialists are often (probably even always) faced with the task of understanding related processes in order to understand what role they play in the entire project and what responsibilities they bear. My book is for them too.

Introduction to the 2nd edition

A year has passed since the publication of the first book, and it’s time to make a new one - the old edition has ended, I have “overgrown” with new thoughts and ideas, the world has changed, new trends and points have appeared in it, which I really want to talk about. That is why this is the second book, which, as is often written, is “the second edition, expanded and revised.”

First, let's talk about why it's augmented. Behind Last year not only have they appeared (they existed before), but several big trends have significantly strengthened, which now have quite a significant impact on Internet marketing, that is, on what we do. Not noticing them and not including them in the toolkit is, to say the least, stupid.

1. Social media. As I often say, social networks as such appeared on the Internet at the moment the Internet began (think Fido), but this year they began to be massively adapted for business and marketing. And imperceptibly we discovered that if previously the main point of communication was the website, now it has become social networks, and it is not always possible to understand where the main communication is.

Why is that? Because it appears a large number of users for whom social networks are a daily tool! Moreover, for them social networks are the Internet. I was recently puzzled when I noticed that my students say “online” and mean being inside a social network (Vkontakte in the first place), and everything outside the social network is offline. This is where it becomes clear that you need to communicate with these users online, not offline.

Social networks, which were recently a powerful rising wave, have now literally flooded the Internet, and this has greatly influenced Internet marketing around the world and in our country in particular. As part of Data Insight, we carry out daily monitoring of advertising news in the world, within which there are quite a lot of interesting cases - none of them can do without Facebook for a year, but in the summer of 2011 we saw that many of them are concentrated only within Facebook. without going beyond it. Why, if it’s easier to hook the audience this way.

Social networks in previous years were an Internet trend, that is, services that changed the face of the Internet as a whole. Social networks this year are an Internet marketing trend that is changing methods and approaches to advertising on the Internet and communications with the target audience.

2. Special projects and non-standard advertising. I already wrote about this in the first edition, as a powerful trend that was just gaining momentum. So, I have quite expected news - I’ve already dialed in quite a lot. And there are different special projects - very interesting and very voluminous. Entire websites appear as special advertising projects! Moreover, there are already advertising platforms that are entirely “tailored” to special projects and non-standard advertising, and such advertising contracts can account for significantly more than half of their budgets. Good example Baby.ru, which was originally planned taking into account “non-standards” and today is a very noticeable platform in this direction.

Special projects solve several problems at once: for the advertiser it is an opportunity to get longer (and therefore more effective) communication, for the site it is the opportunity to sell inventory in bulk, in packages, which significantly increases the percentage of sold places, for the user it is another interesting game, which you can play, and even get something for it. In this sense, special projects that are advantageous from all sides, of course, receive a huge incentive for development.

3. Mobile Internet. What the Bolsheviks have been talking about for so long - namely, the merging of mobile phones and the Internet - has already happened today, only this merging turned out to be completely different from what anyone had imagined. The Internet as such in our usual understanding of the word through mobile devices use quite a bit: we recently conducted a study in which we found that only about 20% of mobile Internet users use a browser for this. The main use of the Internet passes through applications: mail, instant messenger, social network plugins, traffic jams, a variety of social and not-so-social applications that convey a variety of different and unexpected indicators.

For a moment, we are talking about almost 13 million people in the country who use mobile devices to access the Internet (actually more - many users do not understand that behind traffic jams there is also an Internet), that is, about a third of Internet users 1
TNS data, Web Index project June 2011, cities with a population of more than 100 thousand inhabitants, user age over 12 years.

The Internet and mobile phones are converging at an incredible speed, and today, when we talk about communication channels via the Internet, the conversation often quietly turns to mobile devices and communication through mobile devices (and primarily through applications).

Later in the book I will show at what point communication channels via the Internet will work in mobile phones. And, by the way, this is why the importance of knowing statistics on the use of mobile devices is increasing.

It's not just the trends that have changed. There are some changes in the structure of the presentation. Now two end-to-end examples await you, which I want to tell you about at the very beginning.

1. Company "Moomintroll and Sons" deals with quite complex things: psychological support, counseling, personal (and mass) training, coaching and related things. This is a fairly large company - it employs several hundred people and many more employees are hired for specific tasks. The company has many clients in large and medium-sized businesses, although there are also private clients. The entire company is divided into several divisions, each of which is engaged in its own area, that is, representing a certain range of services. The company's turnover in 2010 amounted to about 2 billion rubles.

2. LLC "Snow White"– small trade company, which deals with skin care cosmetics in the middle and upper price segment. Unlike the Moomintroll and Sons company, using this company as an example, at the end of each chapter I will offer you tasks, and their solution and, most importantly, a discussion of these solutions will be on a special website www.fedorvirin.ru/belosneghka/ (I can’t stand it when the solution is given right in the book - I don’t want to do anything).

So I described the main changes in the second edition. Now it's the book itself.

Chapter 1
What is Internet Marketing

Environment for Internet marketing.

Features of the Internet as a medium.

What is Internet marketing and what does it have to do with marketing in general?

Why internet marketing is needed, its advantages.

Many of us spend 8 to 14 hours a day at the computer, working, relaxing, having fun, communicating with friends and relatives, and shopping. And not only you, the readers of this book, constantly use the Internet; in Russia there are about 50 million people like you and me. Many things are much easier to do via the Internet than through more traditional methods. For active users, the Internet is becoming or has already become the main medium for business and sometimes even personal communications. Making an appointment, discussing plans for the weekend, asking for an opinion on something, finding a description, ordering delivery, exchanging files with work information, booking a hotel room, buying a plane ticket, reading the news, watching a TV show - all this for most of us. It has long been easier to do it via the Internet than by calling by phone. It is at the moment when users appear who can only be “reached” through the Internet that Internet marketing arises. Every year there are more and more such people in our country.

1.1. Features of the Internet as a communication medium

When we communicate via the Internet, our main tool is email, Instant Messenger (IM) or social network(adult audiences gravitate more towards the first, youth – towards the second or third methods). Communications in Internet marketing include communications with companies through any Internet channel:

– reading information about the company and its products;

– sending requests;

– using tools for comparing or selecting goods and services, communicating with other buyers;

That is, this is no longer personal communication with company employees, but mass communication via the Internet, including Mobile Internet, replacing a visit to an office or point of sale.

COMMUNICATION TOOLS used and available on the Internet have key features that have a huge impact on Internet marketing, since this communication:

– postponed;

– exclusively verbal;

– emotionally poor;

– technically unstable.

Delayed communication

Imagine that you are walking around the office, doing something, then picking up one of those telephone handsets that are lying in abundance on your desk, saying a few words into it and putting it back. After that, you continue to do something, communicate with colleagues, sometimes you pick up other phones in the same way, sometimes you return to this one... Strange picture? But this is exactly what our communications via the Internet look like: they all do not require an immediate response at the time the message is received, which is why they differ from a conversation on the phone or in a personal meeting. At the same time, you are constantly in touch with all your counterparties, and they can continue the dialogue with you in an hour or two from where they left off, without a transition period. It is called delayed communication.

Depending on the method we use to communicate, we can expect a response in a few minutes (IM) or a few hours (email), and in some cases even a few days (social network). Anyway we are prepared in advance to wait and we start to worry only if the answer does not come for too long.

The problem is that This “too long” is different for everyone. And nothing can be done about it.

This is both good and bad for us. Good, because users are willing to wait a little and usually do not complain about this. But now we also know that users admit that we can let them down, and for them this is a “sore point”: in most cases, they, unfortunately, are already accustomed to the fact that they may not wait for an answer. This is due to both the general low level of service on the Internet and big amount"punctures" among users. In other words, users become more demanding - they test us: “Are we ready to respond to their requests in accordance with their concepts of acceptable waiting time, and then if we delay in responding a little more than the user is ready to expect, communication will be immediately broken . Compare this with offline communication, where when waiting for a long time, the customer becomes impatient, gets angry, but remains at the point of sale, and the seller still has the opportunity to make things right. In Internet marketing, we are forced to build communications more clearly and make them faster. Online users are more demanding of service.

Exclusively verbal communication

Imagine how complex a thing words are. To understand words, we must first imagine images and then give them meaning. Yes, of course, we do it unconsciously. If you are talking to a person on foreign language, which you are not very fluent in, then you often translate phrases into Russian in your head and only then understand them. In fact similar work happens even when you read text in your native language.

Reading texts is a much more difficult job than oral communication. A voice that has timbre and intonation can convey a lot of information, which, in combination with words, is much more easily translated into images. Do you have any doubts? Remember how often, after half an hour of conversation in the messenger on the same issue, you wanted to pick up the phone and call, rather than write piles of text, because “it’s much faster.” But the point is not only this, but the fact that it is easier and faster to convey the meaning with a voice.

No matter how we respond on the Internet, no matter what tool we use for this, all (okay, almost all) of our messages are pieces of text. We sometimes send each other pictures, drawings, video files, but they are still an addition to the text, that is, to the written words.

Both on the website and in advertising materials, the main content is words and texts. When interacting with potential consumers on the Internet, we must understand that making the user work so that he understands our advertising. This is more difficult than it seems at first, because users hate to work. Much of what can only be conveyed by a living person cannot be transmitted via the Internet.

Emotionally poor communication

The text is not only difficult to understand, it also conveys emotions very poorly. Of course, you can bring feelings into any text; in general, this is not a trick. There’s just one problem: will everyone understand this text? No! And then all the charge of emotions invested in the text will be in vain.

In ordinary life, we solve this problem non-verbally: with smiles, handshakes, laughter, pantomime or, perhaps, a mask of horror - the audience recognizes all these emotions immediately and unmistakably. On the Internet, we have no way to use this entire arsenal. To partially solve this problem, emoticons are used as crutches, becoming more and more common among the adult part of the audience. However, they only slightly facilitate communication, but do not replace lively facial expressions and intonations.

In the process of advertising communication via the Internet, it is also difficult to convey emotions; there are not too many means for this. Videos, photographs, banners - all this can convey emotions, but the main content of the Web is still text.

In order not to build communication that is initially doomed to failure, build a system aimed at logical, “conversational” communication. The system of communications built in this way target groups will have a much greater chance of success because it will be much more consistent with the online communication model.