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According to statistics, about thirteen million Russians vacation at the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory all year round. The same number of people prefer foreign resorts. But one hundred million Russians are resting at home. And this gives very good prospects for organizing your own business. After all, if you open your own private beach, then people relaxing on local rivers or lakes can become your potential clients. A couple of years ago, our compatriots did not pay attention to poorly equipped beaches. But now more and more people are choosing a civilized holiday on equipped beaches.

This idea gave impetus to the birth of a business to organize your own beach. Beach business is a very profitable summer activity. You can earn good money over the summer period. Such a business can be implemented in any provincial city. After all, there are lakes and rivers almost everywhere.

So, first of all, you need to choose the most suitable place for the beach. After this, you will have to properly equip the beach. Please note that you will need a significant amount of money to develop the beach, and there is still a risk. After all, any activity is fraught with risks. Even if you open a free beach, you can still get quite high profits. Therefore, it makes more sense to make entry free and everything else paid. Your expenses will go towards renting land for the beach. You will also need to hire a person who will clean the beach: collect garbage from the sand and the bottom of the reservoir. So, after arranging the beach, you can safely prepare it for profit. For example, you can provide sun loungers for rent, open a small cafe, equip a paid parking lot, organize water attractions, a shooting range, and so on. Your own beach is essentially a huge trading platform that can provide a variety of services.

Please note that you will have to clean the beach regularly and thoroughly. The bottom of the reservoir should be clean and there should be no debris on the sand. After all, if vacationers don’t like something, they won’t come to you anymore. In addition, you must ensure the safety of your vacationers. Hire someone who will closely monitor the safety of vacationers. After all, the beach is a high-risk place. Also, as an additional benefit, you can organize a storage room so that guests can leave all their valuables in boxes.

If we take into account the fact that most Russians relax at home, we can draw the following conclusion: a business idea for organizing a private beach is a profitable activity!

* The calculations use average data for Russia

One of the favorite types of recreation for Russians is vacationing on fresh air. It could be your own country cottage area, forest, pond. The latter are the most popular in summer time: What Russian doesn’t like to take a dip in cool water after an active holiday, delicious barbecue and hot and cold drinks? Rivers, lakes and ponds are simply occupied by vacationers in the summer. Despite the fact that part of the swimming season is traditionally spent at sea - at domestic or foreign resorts - this does not come at the expense of relaxation on local bodies of water.

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And here, for those who want to relax, there are two options: choose a “wild” undeveloped beach, or give preference to a paid beach. Considering the realities of the modern world around us, in the first case, we will most likely be faced with a free section of the coast, generously fertilized with organic and inorganic traces of all the tourists who have visited this place over the past decade. At the same time, no one guarantees the convenience of the site for the location of such amenities as a tent, table, barbecue, etc. Just as no one guarantees the quality of the bottom of a reservoir, its suitability for swimming. Not to mention such simple human amenities as a shower, toilet, store, etc.

The second option has only a certain disadvantage, set by the owner, for the cost of a guest’s stay on his territory. Apart from this, a paid beach has a whole range of advantages. This includes compliance with SES (Rospotrebnadzor) standards, cleanliness on the beach, prepared bottom, equipped descents into the water, and the availability of infrastructure. Infrastructure means: changing cabins, toilets and showers, sun loungers, tables, gazebos, barbecues, etc. As well as the availability of additional services for preparing food, selling drinks, renting catamarans, boats or scooters. As a matter of fact, the range of services is limited only by the imagination of the beach owner.

Let's try to calculate how profitable the business of organizing a paid beach is. Most important factor, on which perhaps 80% of the success of an enterprise depends, is the location of the territory. To a certain extent, the location may be determined by the positioning of the enterprise - and vice versa if the budget is relatively small. Let me explain. The beach can be developed on an area in the immediate vicinity of the city - accessible on foot or by public transport. For such a beach, although expanded infrastructure is desirable, it is not necessary due to the fact that its attractiveness will be ensured by transport accessibility. Accordingly, less investment will be required in its organization than in organizing a remote beach. Remote beaches are usually created near certain natural attractions, in protected or simply cozy corners. However, in order to attract visitors, one well-kept beach is not enough. A much wider infrastructure will be required - cafes, shops, possibly houses for overnight stays, a bathhouse, etc.

Beach areas belong to the state and are not for sale (at least according to Russian law). The beach can be rented for a long term, for which you should contact the Property Fund of the region or region. As a rule, open bidding is held for the right to lease a plot; The one who offers the highest amount wins. The initial bidding amount depends on many factors: the geographical location of the object, its area and shape, the availability of communications, demand, the presence of infrastructure or buildings on the territory, etc. Thus, it is extremely difficult to determine the cost of renting a plot. According to the Property Fund of the Rostov Region, the cost of renting land plots, depending on their location and purpose, can range from 50 to 5,000 rubles per hundred square meters. By interpolation, you can come to a result for a site suitable for organizing a beach in the immediate vicinity of the city - 2000-3000 rubles per hundred square meters.

The optimal size of the beach is from 150-200 meters in length along the coastline and at least 20-30 meters in depth; The wider the proposed range of services, the greater the depth for placing the infrastructure will be required.

Like any public place, the beach is subject to a number of requirements from various authorities, primarily from Rospotrebnadzor. The list and qualitative composition of the requirements depends on the class assigned to the beach. According to order No. 1215 of July 11, 2014 of the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation, classification of beaches is carried out on a voluntary basis. The classification is carried out by organizations accredited by the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy; a certificate of assignment to a certain category is issued for a period of three years, after which a repeated certification procedure is required.

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According to Order No. 1215, the classification of beaches includes an assessment for compliance with “requirements for safety, information support, the provision of additional services on the beaches and the assignment of categories to beaches provided for by this Classification Procedure.” Below are excerpts from the Order regarding the purposes and procedure of certification.

“Beaches can be independent, or united by one territory into a complex with certain boundaries, which covers a number of tourist infrastructure facilities (accommodation, food, health, entertainment, etc.).”

“Beaches must meet safety requirements, confirmed by the conclusion of specialized organizations in terms of life safety, health, security environment, as well as the requirements information support specified in the classification of beaches (Appendix 28 to the Classification Procedure) of this Classification Procedure.”

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“In accordance with this Classification Procedure, beaches are classified into the following categories: I, II and III. The highest category of the beach is I, the lowest is III. Information about the appropriate beach category is communicated to consumers by hanging a flag. Flag colors: blue flag - for category I beach; green flag - for a beach of category II; yellow flag - for a beach of category III.”

As mentioned above, depending on the assigned category, supervisory services impose certain requirements on the beach. In fact, there are not so many global differences between the highest and lowest categories. These include, for example, the mandatory presence of medical care on the beach of category I, the presence of children's areas, walkways and other amenities for the disabled, umbrellas and sun loungers, as well as food and entertainment facilities made of lightweight structures (for beaches of category III, non-stationary trade is allowed, peddlers).

General requirements for all categories are: the presence of a rescue service, toilets, changing cabins and showers; before the start of the swimming season - cleaning the bottom from glass fragments, sharp stones and other dangerous items, as well as conducting a study of water quality for compliance of microbiological parameters with the requirements; equipment for children's and adult bathing areas.

Also, beaches must meet the requirements of the Fire Inspectorate. To obtain an opinion from this body, it is necessary to provide: certificates of the technical condition of fire protection, reports of measuring the insulation resistance of the electrical network and lightning protection, a contract for Maintenance fire protection equipment or a service license, as well as a number of other acts and constituent documents.

Well, of course, registration of a business entity with the tax service and statistics service is mandatory. All the bureaucracy described above can take six months or more, so if we plan to open the beach by the beginning of the next season, we need to start preparing from the end of the current one.

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By the way, about seasonality. The beach in the generally accepted understanding is, of course, associated exclusively with summer holidays - its operating season for each region is limited by the number of months warm enough for relaxation by the water. However, with a certain infrastructure and program of events, visitors can be attracted outside the season. For example, a heated swimming pool or sauna can help with this; Many recreation centers and beaches organize mass celebrations with swimming in the ice hole on Epiphany. The list of activities is limited - again - only by the imagination of the beach owner. In general and on average, the high season here includes three summer months; during May and September you should expect average attendance, and in the remaining months - its complete absence. When calculating business profitability, we will take weekend attendance in July as 100%; weekdays in summer will be 50%; weekends in May and September – 70%; weekdays of the same months – 20%. It is not difficult to translate these data into the number of days a year with 100% attendance - we get 77 days. Let's subtract from here 10% that falls on rainy days, round it up - a total of 70 days of beach operation per year.

Daily revenue will depend on the established prices and range of services, as well as on the absolute number of visitors, which will largely depend on the area of ​​the beach. According to sanitary and epidemiological standards, for freshwater beaches, there should be at least 8 sq.m. per person. useful area of ​​the beach, i.e. area unoccupied by various structures. Thus, based on the size of the beach 200x20 m, of which 30% is allocated for infrastructure, we get the maximum permissible quantity vacationers - 350 people.

To determine the average check amount, you need to understand what you will be charged for and how much. In practice today, such vacation spots use such monetization objects as:

Entry of a car into the parking lot – 400-500 rubles;

Entrance for a holidaymaker to the territory is 200 rubles per person;

Renting a covered gazebo costs an average of 1,500 rubles per gazebo.

Optionally, you can add rental of sun loungers, sports equipment, boats and catamarans, revenue from food outlets, etc.

Let's calculate the annual revenue at a minimum, based on the fact that 20% of visitors are children, from whom no fee is charged, there are 5 gazebos on the territory, and the number of cars in the parking lot is 10% of the number of vacationers. Such a small percentage is due to the fact that the beach is within reach of public transport, and up to 5 guests can arrive on each car. Thus we get:

To service the beach we will need: lifeguards, cleaners, security guards, a master for maintenance and repair of utility networks, a beach administrator - this is the bare minimum of personnel, which does not provide a wide variety of services. This composition can be expanded by those responsible for equipment rental, food outlet sellers, cooks, animators, etc. The beach work schedule is at least 12 hours a day, seven days a week, which requires at least two shifts of workers. Because the we're talking about O seasonal business, then the wage fund should be calculated only for the season. Here, however, we are not talking about a conditional season of 70 days, but about its real duration, which will be approximately 150 days. At the current level of wages, labor costs with social contributions will amount to approximately 1,500,000 rubles.

Expenses for communal payments, equipment repairs and territory maintenance will be accepted at the level of 100,000 rubles per month during the season.

The annual cost of renting the territory is equal to:

Gross profit for the year will be:

A very good indicator, provided that the calculation took into account a minimum set of services and a relatively small beach area. With more optimistic calculations, profits can reach 5 million rubles or more per year.

Investment costs also cannot be unambiguously determined, because the need for preparatory work, such as uprooting trees, cleaning the area, planning it, filling it with sand, installing fences, cleaning the bottom of the reservoir within the length of the beach - all this is calculated based on the characteristics of a particular site. Nevertheless, in order to navigate the numbers, let’s take data from open sources as a basis - about 2,000,000 rubles for excavation work and the supply of sand, 500,000 for equipping the territory with gazebos, changing cabins, umbrellas and other things. At least 500,000 rubles should be allocated for other engineering work, in particular for the installation of communications. Well, keeping in mind where and at what time we live, we should be prepared for the fact that when bidding for the right to lease a plot there will be a corruption component, because municipal property, and in particular land, are the object of special financial interest from both entrepreneurs and officials. Thus, the initial costs will be from 3 million rubles. If the work is done correctly, these investments will pay off by the middle of the second year of operation of the beach.

Possible risks include:

Unfavorable weather conditions of long duration, natural anomalies;

Wrong choice of beach location from a logistics point of view;

Violations of requirements of supervisory authorities;

Inattention to maintaining the cleanliness of the beach and the bottom of the reservoir, as well as the low level of quality of services provided, which leads to a decrease in visitor satisfaction.

By paying due attention to reducing these risks, the entrepreneur has every chance of getting the planned level of profit from the enterprise.

Denis Miroshnichenko
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Every year, about ten million Russians go on vacation to domestic resorts, and almost the same number sunbathe at foreign ones. And the rest of the country’s population remains at home for various reasons. However, they also want to lie on the beach, splash in the water, play with the children and have fun. Therefore, the idea of ​​opening your own beach is promising and can bring considerable profit. But before you start bringing your idea to life, remember that our compatriots are increasingly drawn to civilized recreation. Therefore, setting up several barbecues for barbecue and inflating a trampoline does not mean organizing a beach.

In today's article we will look at all the details of this business, we’ll give an example of a beach business plan and give some advice from experienced entrepreneurs.


Beach business is suitable for both cities and villages. All you need is a body of water - everything else can be arranged. However, when starting your business in a small town or village, you need to analyze the number potential clients who will visit the beach and generate income. The rural population is unlikely to be able to give good income per season, since their salaries are low. It’s another matter if the village is located not far from the city and city residents can escape there every weekend. Holidays outside the city are now becoming popular, so the number of beach visitors can justify your costs.

The next important point is choosing a body of water for the beach. It could be a pond, river, lake. You can even build a pond yourself, but due to the fact that the water in it is stagnant, you will have to install expensive cleaning equipment. It is also better to drain the pond after each season to clear the bottom of the reservoir of debris and refresh the water. This will entail large costs, but visitors will be satisfied.

Your own beach is a promising business line

A beach on the river will require mandatory permission from the administration of the city in which the beach will open. Usually the procedure is not complicated, but the cleanliness of the reservoir and the beach will be closely monitored, and any violation will be punishable by a large fine. Therefore, take care of the cleanliness of your beach in advance, hire staff who will clean up the remnants of visitors’ “fun” every day.


According to Russian legislation, there are a number of rules and regulations that an entrepreneur must comply with in order for his beach to be allowed for the swimming season.

Before work begins, the beach must be inspected by employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station; after the inspection, a written conclusion must be issued on the condition of the beach area and its suitability for swimming. A survey of the beach bottom within the boundaries of the swim should also be carried out. These procedures are repeated annually before the opening of the swimming season.

The beach must be equipped with lifeguard stations with trained personnel. Rescuers are allowed to work only after approval State Inspectorate By small boats RF. The work schedule of the lifeguards is determined by the owner of the beach, having agreed upon it in advance with the authorities. local government. Rescuers must have necessary equipment for movement on water.

The beach must be equipped with a lifeguard station

Swimming areas should have restrictions in the form of buoys that beach visitors should not swim beyond. All those present are notified of this using a loudspeaker, as well as using special signs on the shore.

Beaches should be located at a distance of 500 meters from wastewater and at a distance of 1000 meters from piers, hydraulic structures and berths. The bottom of the pond on the beach should have a gradual slope to a depth of two meters, and should also be cleared of snags, debris, plants, glass and stones.

Separately, areas for children and non-swimmers should be limited; the depth of this area should not exceed 1.2 meters. There should be stands on the beaches with information about first aid, rules of conduct, and the number of sun loungers, awnings and umbrellas for sun protection.

For children in the reservoir, special areas should be limited, the depth of which does not exceed 1.2 meters

On the shore, at a distance of no more than 5 meters from the water, boards with lifebuoys are installed. The circles should contain the inscription “Throw to the drowning man.”

Boards with lifebuoys must be installed on the beach

A mast with a yellow flag must be installed on the shore of the beach, which indicates that “swimming is allowed” and a black ball with a diameter of 1 meter, indicating “swimming is prohibited.”

There should be a medical center on the beach area equipped with first aid equipment for people. Periodically, medical posts are checked for the availability of medications and the professionalism of the paramedic.

A prerequisite for opening the beach is the equipment of a first aid station.

Fountains should be installed on the beach drinking water, as well as dry closets so that the sanitary services would allow him to work. It is also necessary to install ballot boxes at a distance of 8-10 meters from each other.

It is strictly prohibited to sell alcoholic beverages on the beach.


Usually, entry to the beach is free; the entrepreneur makes a profit from renting sun loungers, payments from kiosks and stalls on the beach and entertainment.

Any beach should have the whole complex entertainment for every taste, so that visitors can leave the maximum amount of money. These can be trampolines, zorbing, water slides, jet skis, water skis, catamarans and everyone's favorite bananas. Also on the beach you can install a shooting range with the opportunity to win a valuable gift, set up a mini-cafe with ice cream and soft drinks, and open a souvenir shop.

The beach should be equipped with a whole range of entertainment

All this will require a lot of money, so at the initial stage it is better to choose several types of entertainment and rent out the rest to make a profit. It is best to purchase several jet skis, banana boats and water skis from the very beginning, as well as install trampolines and water slides. To do this, the entrepreneur will need at least 400 thousand rubles.

Jet skis are the most profitable entertainment for the beach


Beach business is an expensive business, because if you start it from scratch, you will need to invest a lot of money in its arrangement: install rescue stations, dry closets and changing rooms, install electricity, install bins and canopies, add sand, clean the bottom of the reservoir. All this, according to experienced entrepreneurs, costs from one to one and a half million rubles.

The next expense item is the purchase of inventory and entertainment equipment. The more of your own equipment is purchased, the less you will have to give to tenants and the higher the businessman’s income will be. In the first year of operation of the beach, they usually spend no more than 500 thousand on the purchase of entertainment, this will allow them to quickly achieve payback and develop the business later.

Renting a beach is considered the most low-cost part, its amount does not exceed 50-80 thousand rubles per year (despite the fact that the season lasts only 3 months, the remaining time the entrepreneur pays rent for this area).

The beach staff: lifeguards, paramedics, salespeople, security, are a serious blow to their pockets. During the season, wage costs will amount to more than 700,000 rubles.

Total expenses in the first year of operation of the beach will be about 2,800,000 rubles.

Now let's turn to income. The entrepreneur does not charge an entrance fee to the beach, but compensates for this by renting sunbeds and umbrellas, paying for changing rooms and toilets, entertainment and income from tenants. The average monthly income of the beach in the first season is 500-600 thousand; every year the income will only grow, because more and more of the equipment will be owned by the entrepreneur. Based on such calculations, it turns out that the payback for the beach will be about two years.

The beach business is considered one of the most profitable seasonal types of entrepreneurship, but initial costs and the risks discourage many people from this activity. But if you are confident in your abilities, have the necessary funds to start and are not afraid possible difficulties, then this business is for you, go ahead and become a successful beach owner.

* The calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to create an enterprise that provides paid recreation services on the beach within the boundaries of the Left Bank recreation area of ​​the city of Rostov-on-Don. The prerequisites for organizing an enterprise are the growing popularity of domestic resorts against the backdrop of a decline in the general solvency of the population; seaside resorts are becoming less and less accessible to most Russians.

The land is state owned; it is supposed to be rented. The development of the territory is carried out using our own and borrowed funds. The start of the project implementation is September 2016, the start of beach operation is April 2017. Reaching the planned indicators is planned from the second year of operation.

Table 1. Integral indicators of the project

Competitiveness is ensured by the presence of a clear positioning in the activities of the enterprise and its promotion, as well as a number of services that competitors do not provide. In particular, the services of a children's animator and performances by local musical groups on the days when the beach is most visited.


During the warmer months of the year, outdoor recreation is absolutely popular in Russia. Most of all, the population prefers to relax near bodies of water - lakes, ponds, rivers. Sea beach holidays are undoubtedly more popular, however, summer vacations are usually only two to three weeks, and not every Russian has the financial opportunity to spend that much time at a resort.

That is why regional recreation areas are no less popular. Today they can be divided into the following types:

Undeveloped (“wild”);

Equipped state (free);

Equipped private (paid).

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Historically, the first two are in greatest demand among the country's population, while equipped free recreation areas make up no more than 1% of their total area. The so-called “wild” recreation areas today are often in a deplorable state due to large quantity waste, lack of respect for nature on the part of vacationers and lack of supervision and maintenance of order by the state. In addition, if we talk about “wild” beaches, there are a number of risk factors associated with relaxing on them:

Absence sanitary control water quality;

Unexamined and uncleaned from sharp stones, glass shards, pieces of metal, etc. bottom;

Lack of rescuers and medical assistance.

Paid beaches are completely devoid of these disadvantages, because, according to the law, they must provide completely safe and high-quality conditions for recreation, appropriate established requirements. Despite the reluctance of many Russians to pay for a vacation on a local beach, the services of private recreation areas are becoming increasingly popular. Indeed, in addition to providing comfort and safety, they also offer a wide infrastructure - food, equipped showers and toilets, sports grounds, etc.

Rostov-on-Don is a regional center, the capital of the Southern federal district, a city with a population of about 1.2 million officially registered residents. In addition, according to various estimates, the number of unregistered residents ranges from 200-300 thousand people. The target audience of the project is men and women aged 18-50 years, married couples with and without children.

Today, the Left Bank recreation area is almost completely occupied by recreation centers and private beaches. This forms quite a tough competitive environment However, at the same time, it instills in the population a culture of paid recreation with maximum comfort. In addition, all existing enterprises do not have the physical ability to serve the entire target audience at once.

Recreation centers, in fact, are not direct competitors, because usually offer a wider range of services, including temporary accommodation services; prices for their services are usually significantly higher. The main competitors include the two largest paid beaches, offering recreation on the territory, including gazebos, cafe services; free of charge: barbecues, stationary tables with benches, toilet and shower.

According to the results of 2014, the congestion of beaches in the summer months, even on weekdays, was 50-70%, and on weekends - up to 120% of the design value. Since, according to expert forecasts, economic growth is not expected in the next few years, it should be assumed that demand from the population will continue to grow.

The main factor for the success of the enterprise is the territorial location of the beach - in addition to a wide and convenient coastline, it must have convenient access roads for personal transport and be within reach of public transport. The site in question fully satisfies these requirements. It is also important to ensure not only the availability of infrastructure, but also its high quality, because Russians are becoming more and more demanding regarding the level of service. This thesis is especially relevant in today’s situation, when people accustomed to the resorts of Turkey and Egypt are forced to relax on the local beach.

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For this reason, it is proposed to pay special attention to beach equipment. It is planned to attract a designer to develop a unified style for all buildings, as well as to use high-quality materials and experienced workers for their construction and equipment of the territory. It is planned to create a unified concept for the design of the territory and, as a result, a marketing campaign - the “Cossack Don” motif. This will allow the company to differentiate itself from competitors who do not have a specific corporate identity.

Infrastructure facilities at the first stage of the project include the creation of a barbecue cafe (without alcohol), as well as a sports equipment rental office. On the beach there are stationary tables (free), separate gazebos (for a fee), barbecues (for a fee), canopies, showers, toilets, as well as facilities retail(soft drinks, ice cream). Guests are allowed to bring their own food and drinks. Security is provided by security and rescue services.

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The beach itself is a coastal section 200 meters long and 20 meters deep. The territory is covered with fine river sand, which is planned to be filled with larger quarry sand, because... he has more attractive appearance; It is also more convenient for vacationers to sit on it. In the immediate vicinity there is an asphalt road and a public transport stop. At the moment, there are no buildings on the beach; part of the area is covered with sparse deciduous trees, creating additional comfort and protection from the sun.

The transfer of the site for long-term lease is carried out based on the results of the open bidding. The application for the site is submitted to the MKU “Property Fund of the City of Rostov-on-Don” in June 2016. The estimated date for the auction is September 2016. The initial bidding amount depends on factors such as: the geographical location of the object, its area and shape, the presence of communications, demand, the presence of infrastructure or buildings on the territory, etc. Thus, it is extremely difficult to determine the cost of renting a plot. According to the Property Fund of the Rostov Region, the cost of renting land plots, depending on their location and purpose, can range from 50 to 5,000 rubles per hundred square meters. By interpolation, you can come to a result for a site suitable for organizing a beach in the immediate vicinity of the city - 2000-3000 rubles per hundred square meters.


The company provides accommodation services for beach guests in comfortable and safe conditions, including temporary guarded storage of personal vehicles; by organization Catering. The list of services and descriptions are given in Table. 2.

Table 2. List and description of project services

Upon entering the parking lot and entering the beach, the vacationer is given a check indicating the amount paid and the date of payment, with which he has the right to enter the beach area an unlimited number of times during a given day.

The gazebos are located in the part of the beach farthest from the entrance, which ensures their privacy and, therefore, comfort for the people renting them. The cafe is located in close proximity to the entrance; All dishes are prepared by a specialist with at least 10 years of experience. All employees of cafes and other public catering establishments are required to have health certificates. Stationary tables are located in close proximity to the cafe and can accommodate up to 90 people.

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To provide additional competitive advantages It is planned to attract animators to work with children, as well as organize performances by local musical groups on Friday (19.00 - 22.00) and Saturday (18.00 - 22.00).

There is no entrance fee for children under 10 years old. The predicted number of children is 20% of the total number of visitors.


The project does not provide for the possibility of direct sales of services. Attracting visitors is achieved due to the favorable location of the beach area, outdoor advertising, as well as due to seasonal advertising campaigns in the media. It is also planned to develop your own website with detailed description territory and all services provided.

The fencing of the territory on the outside is done in the general Cossack style; an advertising banner is placed with information about the beach, website address and telephone number for booking gazebos.

Information about the beach is also distributed through regional online catalogs dedicated to recreation. In the first year, there will be radio advertising with a drawing for passes for free access to the beach during the season. The subscription provides an unlimited number of visits to the beach from May to September; additional services are not included in the subscription. A total of 8 tickets will be drawn. The choice of radio is determined by the active target audience– young people from 18 to 30 years old.

Also, from April to September, modular advertising is placed in glossy publications of the city dedicated to shopping, recreation, entertainment, etc. The advertising budget for five years of operation of the facility is shown in Table. 3. The calculation takes into account advertising costs per month.

Competitive advantages are ensured through special attention to the cleanliness of the territory, control over maintaining order, the use of high-quality products for the preparation of sold dishes, the presence of a unified concept in design and promotion, as well as more wide range services, which include entertainment events - the work of children's animators, performances of musical groups.


Preparatory work is carried out under the direct supervision of the entrepreneur. Sand for backfilling the area is delivered from a quarry located 5 km from the beach; delivery is carried out by the supplier. The required volume of sand is about 150 tons. The construction of cafe buildings, toilets, showers, and gazebos is carried out by specialized organizations; The selection of contractors is carried out based on the proposed price, construction time, as well as the availability of demonstration objects and their quality. Start of construction – March 2017, completion – May 2017.

According to requirements regulatory documents, per 1 vacationer there must be at least 8 m2 of usable beach area. Considering that at least 30% of the territory is allocated for infrastructure, we get 1,800 m2 or the maximum number of vacationers - 225 people, of which 20% or 45 people are children. The territory allows parking for 30 cars, the rest can be parked on the side of the road highway, or next to a forest plantation, within 50-100 m from the entrance to the beach.

CC i – cost of the i-th service;

A i – depreciation of fixed assets and means of production used to create the i-th service (good);

Payroll i – wage fund for workers engaged in the provision of i-th service;

PP i – direct costs for the creation of the i-th service (purchase cost of products, electricity, water, etc.) used for the production of the i-th service.

Data on the cost and cost of providing services are given in Table. 4.

Table 4. Cost and cost of project services

The planned sales volume is given in Table. 5. Planned volume refers to the maximum sales volume per month, which is typically typical for the high season (July-August). In the future, to calculate cash flow, a seasonality factor will be applied to it.

To determine the planned sales volume, it is necessary to take into account that volume fluctuations occur not only by month, depending on the season, but also within each week of the season: if the occupancy of the beach on weekends is 100%, then on weekdays it is unlikely to rise above 50% . Thus, it is necessary to calculate the weighted average of the beach load for 1 day of the month. For June-August it will be 65%, for May and September – 25%. Thus, in the calculation, an additional reducing factor must be added to the seasonality coefficient.

Table 5. Planned monthly sales volume


Basic administrative and management functions carried out personally by the entrepreneur. To carry out activities, he must have knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, land use legislation, labor and administrative legislation, accounting and tax accounting.

The beach administrator and accountant are directly subordinate to him. All personnel serving the beach are subordinate to the administrator. The organizational chart is shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1. Organizational chart of the enterprise

The most stringent requirements are imposed on the qualifications of barbecue cooks and rescuers. The cook must have proven experience in a similar position and have all the relevant knowledge and skills. Rescuers must have a youth or adult swimming category, as well as good physical shape and no health restrictions. The guards are in good physical shape, have no health restrictions and bad habits; Experience as a security guard is not required. All trade related personnel food products and drinks (or their preparation), has health records and undergoes regular commissions.

The beach administrator has a 5-day working week, days off are Monday and Tuesday. Cooks and assistants work in shifts, with a 2/2 schedule. Security guards and rescuers work in pairs, 2/2 schedule, with the involvement of a third worker on the busiest days or times of day.

All employees involved in the project have a seasonal nature of work, with the exception of the accountant and administrator, wage which are paid year-round.

The staffing table with salary is given in Table. 6.

Table 6. Staffing and wages fund


The main investment costs for the project are related to the development of the territory and the construction of buildings and communications equipment. Significant investments are also required in working capital, because it is necessary to support the enterprise until it breaks even in the high season of the second year of operation of the beach.

Table 7. Investment costs for the project

Total funds required: 4,125,000 rubles. Of them own funds entrepreneur – 2.0 million rubles. To raise the missing amount, a bank loan is used with a rate of 18% per annum and a period of 36 months. Payment of loan obligations begins from the third month with annuity payments.

The organizational and legal form of the enterprise is individual entrepreneur. The form of taxation is the simplified tax system with the object of taxation being income.

The enterprise's fixed costs are shown in Table. 8. Rent is a fixed rate and is paid monthly. A number of other payments are seasonal. At the same time, the amount of seasonal payments is divided into a full year, thus, an average payment is obtained for each month of the year.

Table 8. Fixed costs project

Sales volume and planned revenue are shown in Table. 9. Traffic report Money is given in the Appendix.

Table 9. Sales plan and revenue indicators


Project effectiveness assessment is carried out using standard tools investment analysis. Based on cash flow, indexed cash flow and integral indicators are calculated economic efficiency project (Table 10).

Table 10. Integral indicators of project effectiveness

Net present value (NPV) – at a discount rate of 20% – is greater than 0, which indicates that the project is profitable and of interest to the investor. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the discount rate is quite high; This indicator is more typical for innovative projects with a high degree of risk. The profitability index (PI) is greater than 1, which also indicates the profitability of the project.

Full payment financial indicators is given in the Appendix.


For a detailed analysis of all risks and opportunities of the enterprise, SWOT analysis was used (Table 11).

Table 11. SWOT analysis of the project

In general, the risk level of the project can be characterized as low.