Formation of the image of a preschool institution. Education portal. Analysis of the image of madou “seven-colored”

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Project type: managerial.


The current stage of development of the education system of the Russian Federation is characterized by the presence of competition between educational institutions, including preschool ones. A preschool educational institution today is considered not just as a kindergarten, but as an organization that provides educational services. Today the role is changing kindergarten in a child's life. Kindergarten is the second social institution after the family, where the socialization of the child takes place, where the process of personality formation continues. The style of relationship between kindergarten and family is changing. Today, the family acts as the customer of services for the education and upbringing of children. And they are presented to teachers high requirements. Teachers must take into account the order of the family and be its ally. They must work in such a way that, on the one hand, they do not neglect pedagogical experience and tradition, and on the other hand, they must always be on the wave of innovation.

A special mission appears for a kindergarten when the kindergarten is located in a rural area. A modern village today cannot create conditions for families similar to those in the city, and therefore a kindergarten should not only be a place for children to stay and their preschool education, but be a center where they care not only for the child, but also for the family, and teachers deal with children not alone, but together with parents.

When a preschool educational institution offers educational services and ensures a stable level of quality, then it begins to work on creating its own image. According to T.N. Piskun's image in general educational institution“an emotionally charged image that has purposefully specified characteristics and is designed to exert a psychological influence of a certain direction on specific groups in the social environment of a general education institution.” The structure of the image, in her opinion, consists of seven ideas:

  1. About the image of a leader
  2. (personal physical features, social characteristics, professional characteristics, idea of ​​non-core activities).
  3. About the quality of education
  4. (compliance with Gosstandart, developed abilities, cognitive processes, developed personality, good manners, self-determination, content of training, form of training);
  5. About the op-amp style
  6. (contacts of employees with external objects, employees, traditions, style of interaction between participants educational process, work style, corporate culture).
  7. About external attributes.
  8. staff image(qualifications, personal qualities, psychological climate, gender and age composition, appearance).
  9. About the price of educational services
  10. (fees for educational and additional services, intellectual conditions, competitive admission, obedience to rules of conduct, location, terms of study).
  11. About the level of psychological comfort
  12. (idea about the level of comfort of the environment - components: conflict-free respect, spiritual enrichment).

The image of a preschool educational institution consists of a combination of requests and expectations of various social groups interested in providing educational services(parents, children, school and institutional workers additional education accepting graduates of preschool educational institutions; employees of educational authorities and municipal authorities, rural population), as well as the ability and readiness of the administration, teaching staff, and employees of the institution for activities that can provide these requests and thereby achieve the success of the institution itself. In our opinion, a stable positive image of a preschool educational institution at the present stage is considered as the most important modern component of the methodological product of a kindergarten and an additional management resource, a resource of an educational institution.

The need to create a positive image of our preschool educational institution arose due to the fact that, firstly, competition among preschool educational institutions is intensifying, secondly, the formed positive image of the preschool educational institution to a greater extent ensures stability, job satisfaction and professional development, and thirdly, it will facilitate the access of the educational institution to the best resources: financial, information, etc., fourthly, the positive assessment of the educational institution by social partners and the parent community will increase.

I, as a leader, want our institution to have its own face, its own name, to be attractive and necessary. Forming the image of a preschool educational institution belongs to the field of management. If a positive attitude is formed, then trust will certainly follow as a result of the influence of social connections. In addition, a positive image, as a rule, helps to increase prestige, and, consequently, authority. A positive image is also important factor high rating.

The goal of the project: to create conditions for the formation of a positive image of the preschool educational institution.

Project objectives.

  1. Conduct monitoring and analysis of subjects of educational relations (children, teachers, parents) to the activities of preschool educational institutions.
  2. Create conditions for improving the professional competence of teachers in order to create a positive image of the educational institution.
  3. Increase the role of parents (parental community) in public administration DOW.
  4. Develop elements of a corporate standard (logo, coat of arms, flag, etc.)
  5. Ensure information openness of the educational institution.

Stages of image formation. (Appendix No. 1)

The mission of our institution is to create favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, form the foundations of basic personal culture, develop mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in the modern world. Interaction with parents as equal partners.

When determining the target audience, we distinguish four main groups:

Our students, who are almost the main “PR people” of the educational institution, what they talk about their stay in kindergarten, what successes they achieve at events at various levels, directly demonstrate certain conditions and resources of the preschool educational institution.

Parents of students are the most authoritative subjects who can not only give a real assessment of our work, but also correct public opinion and the opinion of their children about us. They are the main target group we focus on in our work. Today, social and public activity is becoming increasingly important for the successful promotion of preschool educational institutions.

Facilities mass media are a kind of intermediaries between the institution and society: thanks to timely information about our achievements, we form a positive opinion about ourselves in the eyes of others.

The preschool educational institution team (director and employees of the preschool educational institution).

To understand which image is most preferable for our preschool educational institution, to determine the volume and specifics of our resources, we conducted a SWOD analysis of the preschool educational institution’s activities. (Appendix No. 2).

Having analyzed external and internal resources, we have identified factors that will positively influence the formation of the image of our preschool educational institution:

  1. Territorial location. Our kindergarten is located in district center, where three more preschool educational institutions are located.
  2. Our kindergarten is known in professional circles and among the public.
  3. The kindergarten has experience in providing educational services and is in demand among village residents. According to the survey of parents “Satisfaction with the availability and quality of educational services,” the percentage of satisfaction was 95.15%.
  4. The preschool educational institution has the status of a supporting institution in the region in the area of ​​cognitive and speech education. The priority areas are: cognitive-speech and physical development preschool children.
  5. Kindergarten has its own traditions and values. Common interests, joint events, creative activities bring together all subjects of the educational process (teachers - children - parents). Annual competition “Family of the Year”, kindergarten newspaper “We Are Together”, etc.
  6. The preschool educational institution has speech therapy group, the only one in the area.
  7. Kindergarten graduates are in demand by village schools. Their achievements, reviews from parents about the organization of the educational process, and level of training also contribute to the formation of the image of our preschool educational institution.
  8. The openness and cooperation of a preschool educational institution makes it possible to expand social partnership.

Project implementation stages: (2014-2016).

Stage 1 - preparatory, planning and prognostic (September, 2014 – December 2014)

Stage 2 - practical, basic (January, 2015 – February, 2016)

Cost estimate for the project implementation

Expected results.

  • Creation of a corporate identity for a preschool educational institution.
  • Optimization of the information environment.
  • The developed model of the image of a preschool educational institution.
  • Regulations on standards professional ethics teaching staff.
  • Parents' participation in public management.

The image of an educational institution implies an emotionally charged image that has developed in the mass consciousness, determined by the relationship between various aspects of its activities and transmitted to the external environment [Pocheptsov G.G., 2001, p. 86].

The concept of image is also associated with the reputation of an educational institution, which consists of several components and is retained in the mass consciousness for a long time. The difference between image and reputation is that reputation is the result of creating an image.

There are constant and variable components of the positive image of an educational institution.

Permanent images include:

  • 1. A clear definition by the teaching staff of the mission and concept of the educational institution;
  • 2. Friendly atmosphere in the teaching and children's teams;
  • 3. Pedagogical, social and managerial competence of employees;
  • 4. The leader must be: a professional in his field, a clear leader, a bright personality, have informal authority, have the ability to inspire the team to achieve a high goal;
  • 5. Effective organizational culture of an educational institution, including shared norms, values, a certain management philosophy, the whole range of views, relationships that determine the specific behavior of the team as a whole;
  • 6. Quality of educational services;
  • 7. Availability and functioning of children's public organizations;
  • 8. Relations of the educational institution with various social institutions, higher educational institutions, etc.;
  • 9. The contribution of the educational institution to the development of education and preparation of students for school, moral education, the development of creative abilities, the formation of a healthy lifestyle;
  • 10. The administration’s concern for providing timely, relevant psychological assistance to individual participants in the educational process (students, young professionals, parents, etc.);
  • 11. The presence of bright external symbolism [Lazarenko I. R., 2009, p. eleven].

Image variables include:

  • 1. Contents of the mission and priorities of the educational institution;
  • 2. Types of educational services;
  • 3. Material resources of the educational institution.

Therefore, when working to create a sustainable positive image of an educational institution, it is necessary to attach paramount importance to unchanging and permanent components. From the perspective of managing an educational institution, the identified components can be grouped into the following blocks:

  • 1. There should be comfort in a general education institution (optimism and goodwill in the team, timely psychological assistance to individual participants in the educational process, etc.);
  • 2. Quality of educational services (the educational institution must make a contribution to the development of students’ educational training, their upbringing, mental health, creative abilities, the formation of a healthy lifestyle; a clear vision of the goals of education and upbringing, formulated in the mission of the educational institution; connections of the school with various social institutions etc.);
  • 3. The style of the educational institution should be perceived positively (effective organizational culture of the school; the presence and functioning of children's public organizations, etc.);
  • 4. Positive image of the head and staff of the educational institution (pedagogical, social and managerial competence of employees);
  • 5. Vivid external attributes (the presence of external symbols, rituals, etc.) [Lazarenko I. R., 2009, p. 13].

The image of a general education institution is always aimed at stimulating positive emotions and projecting them onto the services that the educational institution provides. Image is a means of influencing public opinion. Since the result of learning is often distant in time and may not be realized by the student himself, it is necessary to take into account such features of the image as universality and uniqueness. Universality can be expressed, first of all, as in unification scientific approaches, concepts, principles and factors, as well as in the standardization of requirements, quality indicators, the use of technologies and teaching methods. In this case, uniqueness is manifested in the choice of educational institutions that are in demand in the labor market and increase the competitiveness of a specialist [Panasyuk A.Yu., 2004].

The formation of the image of an educational institution is understood as a process during which a planned image is created based on available resources.

There are the following main stages of image formation:

  • 1. Analysis of the external environment; definition target group, to which the image will be directed;
  • 2. Analysis of internal resources; definition of tasks and their classification (substantive, organizational and effective, etc.);
  • 3. Motivation of project participants;
  • 4. Role distribution;
  • 5. Identification of the relationship between the components of the image: scientific, educational, social, image in the labor market, etc.;
  • 6. Determination of the principles of image formation;
  • 7. Development of technology for forming a component of the image;
  • 8. Analysis of the correspondence of the resulting image with the expected result.

The image of an educational institution as a positive one can only be formed if quality is provided. But this condition, while necessary, is not sufficient.

The technology for forming a positive image should include the organization of information promotion (forms, channels, frequency, dosage), a feedback system (diagnosis of intermediate results, adjustment, prognostic assessment) [Rabinovich L.A., 2001 p. 25].

What is the mechanism for forming a positive image and what are the ways to create it? The image that the public perceives about an educational institution and its leader significantly influences the influx of parents, the receipt of high awards, and the development of social partnership.

The end result, therefore, is to increase the competitiveness of the educational institution. And competitiveness is achieved through a formed attitude.

An analysis of several technologies for creating a positive image, created by various authors, gives reason to believe that an algorithm for creating a positive image of an educational institution may include:

  • 1. Identification of existing ideas about it among social groups interested in the provision of educational services;
  • 2. Identifying current preferences and expectations of the audience;
  • 3. Constructing the image of an educational institution, developing a strategy for forming the image of an educational institution;
  • 4. Direct formation of the image of the educational institution;
  • 5. Monitoring of intermediate results, adjustments;
  • 6. Monitoring the formed image of the educational institution.

In order for an educational institution to be attractive and have its own already established unique image, it must have:

  • 1. Clearly defined priorities, your own philosophy, your own vision of the future;
  • 2. A unique and inimitable, special system of values, customs, traditions, styles of behavior;
  • 3. Diverse and high-quality educational services;
  • 4. An original system of educational work, including the presence and functioning of children's and youth organizations, the development of creative abilities, improvement of mental functions and the level of education of students, the formation of a healthy lifestyle;
  • 5. Relations with institutions of additional education, higher educational institutions, various social institutions;
  • 6. Information material must be bright, recognizable, timely updated, intended for external presentation;
  • 7. A system for providing information to consumers about their potential, successes and educational services offered.

The main methods in forming a positive image of an educational institution are: effective PR events (open days, presentations and exhibitions of educational services, publications in the media, etc.), improvement of the building, improvement of the pedagogical culture of the team and all personnel [Pocheptsov G. G. ., 2001, p. 102].

The formed positive image of an educational institution will allow solving a number of problems:

  • 1. Increase the attractiveness of preschool educational institutions, first of all, for parents, students and staff;
  • 2. Increase the effectiveness of activities to inform parents about new educational services;
  • 3. Facilitate the process of introducing new educational services;
  • 4. Increase the level of organizational culture;
  • 5. Contribute to the improvement of the socio-psychological microclimate in the team [Lazarenko I.R., 2009, p. 19].

As a result, the generated favorable image of an educational institution can become a kind of measure of the degree of development of the entire institution, assessment of the prospects of its undertakings, the maturity and professionalism of the entire team and methodological work.

Kindergarten is an open social and pedagogical system that actively interacts with the parents of pupils. The problem associated with its external representation has always existed; in modern sociocultural conditions it manifests itself more clearly. This is due to the following reasons:

  • 1. Process of formation and development different types preschool educational institutions having various directions activities, strive for maximum disclosure of the child’s personality, but work in different preschool education programs, realizing their goals using different methods and means in different conditions.
  • 2. Modern research show that the goals, content, results innovation processes, individual pedagogical innovations are not always clear to parents, and their expectations, formed on the basis of the general idea of ​​preschool educational institutions among potential consumers of educational services, do not always correlate with what they and their children actually receive.

Therefore, there is a need to form the image of an educational institution.

The main factors for the formation of a positive image of a preschool educational institution are:

  • 1. Work experience and work experience in the field of education;
  • 2. Fame in professional circles and among the public;
  • 3. Reputation of the head of the preschool educational institution, professionalism of management;
  • 4. Prospects professional development educational institution;
  • 5. Demand for graduates by city schools, the level of their achievements;
  • 6. Attitude of preschool educational institution employees towards pupils;
  • 7. The level of professionalism, fame of teachers, their exactingness;
  • 8. Opinion of pupils and their parents about the organization of the educational process, the level of training and education;
  • 9. Territorial location, external and internal design of the establishment;
  • 10. Professionalism of management’s work with the media in promoting their services;
  • 11. Openness and integration of preschool educational institutions [Lazarenko I. R., 2009, p. 23].

Sequence of image creation:

  • 1. Determination of the real characteristics of a preschool educational institution - highlighting all its advantages and disadvantages.
  • 2. Identification of a typical circle of consumers, that is, a certain segment in the educational services market.
  • 3. Highlighting benefits that are important to typical clients.
  • 4. Formation of social characteristics of preschool educational institutions, which are introduced by the organization itself into public opinion. Ultimately, this leads to a mission statement for the kindergarten.

The problem of forming the image of a kindergarten relates to the area preschool educational institution management and, like any management innovation, it contains motivational-target, content and technological components [Panasyuk A. Yu., 2004].

The motivational-target component includes:

  • 1. Study of the needs of all subjects pedagogical practice in shaping the image of the preschool educational institution, both inside and outside it;
  • 2. Psychological readiness to participate in the upcoming work;
  • 3. Study of existing experience;
  • 4. Determining the goals and objectives of this management innovation and the results of its implementation.

The technological component presupposes a sequence of stages in the implementation of this innovation, the technological readiness of the subjects of activity, and the development of recommendations for its use.

Building the image of an educational institution - as an emotional image of a preschool educational institution, often consciously formed, possessing purposefully specified characteristics and designed to exert a psychological influence of a certain direction on specific groups of society involves solving a number of problems:

  • 1. A public opinion survey within the kindergarten in order to determine satisfaction with the preschool educational institution on the part of parents, students, and teachers;
  • 2. Transfer of information related to the development of innovative processes - the processes of development, implementation and use of new pedagogical methods. At the same time, the presentation of innovative processes can act as a characteristic of the life activity of a preschool educational institution and, when comparative analysis, as an advantage of this preschool educational institution over others;
  • 3. Ensuring coverage of events in the activities of the kindergarten - establishing effective feedback from external environment. The solution to this problem is the implementation of one of the postulates of the formation of public opinion: “opinion is more determined by events” than by words;
  • 4. Development of information material that should be accessible, understandable, reflect positive changes in the life of preschool educational institutions, and demonstrate achievements obtained in the process of change [Lazarenko I. R., 2009, p. 25].

Parents are shown research, literature analysis, observations, conversations with heads of preschool educational institutions, representatives of educational authorities, so that a significant characteristic of a modern preschool educational institution is an already established or emerging positive image, the basis of which is:

  • 1. The mission of the preschool educational institution, its priorities;
  • 2. Preschool culture- unique and inimitable, special system of values, customs and traditions, styles of behavior of a particular kindergarten;
  • 3. Types and quality of educational services of this preschool educational institution;
  • 4. Relations between preschool educational institutions and city schools and various social institutions, higher educational institutions, etc.;
  • 5. Contribution of preschool educational institutions to the development and preparation of children for school; in the development of their education; in the development of mental functions, creative abilities; in the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

It is important to clearly define special purpose educational institution when developing presentation materials, programs for creating an internal image:

  • 1. For whom these documents are being developed;
  • 2. Are they part of the general preschool plan;
  • 3. Act as a form of planning;
  • 4. Are they of an external informational nature;
  • 5. What is the target audience calculated.

The main components of the image of a preschool educational institution are:

  • 1. For students and their parents - images of the group teacher, music director, physical education instructor, head;
  • 2. For parents with higher education - an idea of ​​the quality of education, the style of work of the preschool educational institution;
  • 3. For parents of children with poor health - the comfort of the kindergarten environment;
  • 4. For parents of children with special educational needs, the presence of compensating groups in different areas.

IN last years a lot is said and written about how to present uniqueness educational institution, features of his life. This can be partly solved through development and documenting Concepts, " Educational programs", "Development programs" of preschool educational institutions. However, they are a necessary but not sufficient condition for the formation of the external information field of a kindergarten as an open social and pedagogical system for potential customers and consumers of educational services [Panasyuk A. Yu., 2004, p. 65].

In this regard, there is a need to develop original, individualized information documents for each preschool educational institution.

An example of this type of material would be advertisements, newsletters, leaflets, flyers, information letters, booklets, revealing the features of areas of educational practice educational institution, attributive image characteristics of preschool educational institutions: logos, slogans, mottos, printing constants, printed materials, gaming, didactic material used in work of the preschool educational institution etc. [Zhuravlev D.V., 2005].

The need to form the image of a preschool educational institution is determined by the following reasons:

  • 1. Firstly, the difficult demographic situation (especially in small northern cities) increases competition among preschool educational institutions of the same territory in the struggle to recruit children;
  • 2. Secondly, a strong positive image facilitates preschool educational institutions’ access to the best possible resources: financial, informational, human, etc.;
  • 3. Thirdly, having a formed positive image, a preschool educational institution, all other things being equal, becomes more attractive to teachers, since it appears capable of ensuring stability, job satisfaction and professional development to a greater extent;
  • 4. Fourthly, a stable positive image has the effect of acquiring a certain strength for the preschool educational institution in the sense that it creates a guarantee of trust in everything that happens within the walls of the institution, including innovative processes.

A preschool educational institution, like any other organization, goes through four stages during its life: formation; approval in certain positions; innovation activity; transformation leading either to extinction or to the next round of innovation [Zhuravlev D.V., 2005].

Obviously, each stage must have its own image policy, both external and internal.

An external positive corporate image is the consistency of all elements of communication of the preschool educational institution, conveying the main idea, causing a favorable response, which increases the degree of trust of the environment. To create it you need the following:

  • 1. Development (or adjustment) of visual and activity elements of external attributes to demonstrate the spirit of community, corporate spirit, and unity; formation of a recognizable image in the educational services market;
  • 2. Advertising products produced by preschool educational institutions, focusing on the uniqueness of the services offered by preschool educational institutions, emphasizing their quality.

Here are some of the elements of the company standard.

  • 1. Logo or brand name. It reflects the name of the preschool educational institution. It can be presented in the following options:
  • 1.1 sign on the building;
  • 1.2 folder for the manager’s business papers;
  • 1.3 letterheads;
  • 1.4 calendars (month, year on one side, DOW logo on the other);
  • 1.5 cup;
  • 1.6 balloons used at matinees, entertainment evenings, corporate parties, etc.;
  • 1.7 greeting cards;
  • 1.8 invitation;
  • 1.9 diploma;
  • 1.10 advertising information materials (leaflets, booklets, newsletters).
  • 2. Chronicle of the kindergarten, a book of reviews for parents and guests of the preschool educational institution.

Z. Badge, or internal card of the teacher, which indicates the first, patronymic, last name of the teacher, position.

  • 4. DOW newspaper. The name of the newspaper must match the name of the kindergarten. So that parents and guests can become more fully familiar with the activities of the institution, the newspaper should have approximately the following sections: “Information certificate”, “Leisure time in kindergarten”, “Visiting Neboleyka”, “Child explores the world”, etc.
  • 5. PR - events: organization of open days, presentations, participation in specialized exhibitions, education fairs.
  • 6. Publications about the achievements of preschool educational institutions in the media.
  • 7. Visually fluid communications - the way staff communicate with parents, children, colleagues:
  • 7.1 format of corporate events;
  • 7.2 speech of an employee answering a telephone call;
  • 7.3 behavior of preschool employees in a work environment and in public;
  • 7.4 Business Etiquette, professional ethics;
  • 7.5 speaker art;
  • 7.6 teacher brand.
  • 8. Visually fixed communications:
  • 8.1 printed symbols;
  • 8.2 appearance personnel (clothing, hairstyles, makeup, manicure, accessories, etc.);
  • 8.3 commercials, presentation films; - Corporate website;
  • 8.4 appearance of the building, landscaping of the territory of the preschool educational institution;
  • 8.5 location of the preschool educational institution.
  • 9. Corporate color. It should make the preschool institution recognizable. All Required documents are made on paper of this particular color.

The listed attributes form a corporate style or external image preschool and provide an opportunity to take their place in the educational services market.

However, you need to understand that the basis of everything is people, i.e. heads of preschool educational institutions, teachers, service personnel. The desire to cooperate with him or an organization largely depends on a person’s image [Zhuravlev D.V., 2005].

A modern head of a preschool educational institution must have high professionalism, competence, organizational skills, efficiency, political culture, high morality, personal authority, and strive for a democratic leadership style. (A high reputation as a leader requires an individual leadership style.)

A leader must find a common language with young and old, children and parents, workers of different professions, people of different education, marital status, qualifications, speak simply, correctly, accessiblely, be able not only to speak, but also to listen [Zhuravlev D.V., 2005 ].

An important component of a leader’s image is self-presentation. What matters is the special sparkle in the eyes, the smile, the unique intonation of the voice, and the attractiveness of the demeanor. Particular attention is paid to a smile, which conveys a lot of positive emotions. The main thing is that the leader’s image is attractive to the widest segments of the population.

All of the listed components of a leader’s image also apply to a teacher. High demands have always been placed on his personality, since it is he who creates the culture of subsequent generations, raises children and parents, educates and teaches with his behavior, attitude towards people, and appearance.

The image of a teacher is a toolkit that uses voice, plasticity, facial expressions, and external data as an influence on students and parents. The external attractiveness of preschool teachers is important for more quick adaptation child to the team [Rabinovich L. A., 2001, p. 35].

Thus, in order to form an attractive and unique image, a preschool institution must have:

  • 1. Clearly defined priorities, your own philosophy, your own vision of the future;
  • 2. A unique, inimitable system of values, customs, traditions, styles of behavior;
  • 3. A variety of high-quality educational services;
  • 4. An original system of educational work that develops creative abilities, improves mental functions, and forms a healthy lifestyle;
  • 5. Communication with healthcare institutions, additional education, various social institutions;
  • 6. Vivid, recognizable, timely updated information materials intended for external presentation;
  • 7. A system for providing targeted information to consumers about their potential, successes and proposed educational services.

It is very important for the formation of a positive corporate image to strictly comply with the compliance of promises with their implementation. It is better to promise modest services, but to implement them with dignity, than to designate wide range, but ensure the implementation of only some part.

Thus, when choosing priority areas of activity, each preschool educational institution should rely on the creation of elements of its corporate standard (style), advertising its ideas and developments.

Every director of any educational institution and his teaching staff dream that their institution bears the stamp of a bright individuality, so that it stands out among others and makes them want to get a job or study there. Therefore, one of the most difficult tasks in creating the image of a kindergarten is to create a system for ensuring the implementation of the image components.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 21 "Rucheek"

city ​​of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic

Plan - outline


“Formation of the image of a preschool educational institution”

The date of the:

April 2014

Business game on the topic: “Formation of the image of a preschool educational institution”


- give the meaning of the concept “image of a preschool educational institution”;

Show the importance of a positive image on the formation of a preschool educational institution;

Joint development of tasks and parameters for forming a positive image of a preschool educational institution.


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20. Pocheptsov G.G. Profession: image maker. Kyiv, 1988.

21. Rakovskikh V.L. Television image of an educational institution // PR in education. – 2003. - No. 6. – P. 86-88.

Preparing for the teachers' meeting:

    Conducting a survey with parents

    Slide presentation development

    Mini-survey of educators “Components of the image of a preschool educational institution”


    Theoretical part: slide conversation

    Business game

    Survey results

    Results of monitoring the implementation of the basic general education program

    Results of the educational work of preschool teachers:

Analysis of the results of the show “Future First-Grade Student’s Corner”

Analysis of a comparative study “Developmental zones in early age groups”

Professional growth teachers, analysis


    Decision of the pedagogical council

1 part:

Coverage of the meeting topic.

“Wherever we go, our image (no matter whether good or bad) will definitely precede us.” Chesterfield F.

It is not the image that colors the actions, but the actions that paint the image. (Tetcorax)

What is IMAGE and why do we need it?

Image is a specially formed image that psychologically and emotionally affects others. Image allows you to achieve a certain effect in communicating with other people; it helps others create a certain impression.

Image - translated from English as “Image”.

People form their opinion about us within the first few seconds, just by taking a glance. Whether you are giving a presentation, negotiating, or going on a date - in any case, the first impression you make is very important.

Everyone has an image: a politician and a school teacher, a businessman and a salesman, a top model, an athlete and a homeless person. But, of course, not everyone has a successful image. A successful image is acquired by working hard at it and constantly polishing it. A well-thought-out image works for us and helps us move through life successfully. Conversely, the image of a loser can destroy all our plans.

But image is not only about appearance. Image is an infinitely deep concept. Our hairstyle, makeup, clothes, accessories, look, voice, gestures, facial expressions, manners, communication style, books we read, music we listen to, people and objects around us - all this is our image.

Any item that belongs to us tells about us.

There are three areas in the image:

Physical image – our health, grooming, style of clothing, hairstyle and makeup

Psychological image – our character, temperament, inner world.

Social image is our role in society, behavior and communication characteristics.

These directions are intertwined and form a single whole.

Not only a person has an image, but also organizations, institutions, firms, groups, etc. And our preschool educational institution is no exception.

The basis of the image of a preschool educational institution is to determine the purpose of the kindergarten, the ideas of its functioning and development, as well as its distinctive characteristics.


1)an integral part of the teacher’s image

2) Relevance (Federal State Educational Standard Requirements)

3) Stages of image formation

4)Brand standard

Part 2:


What do you think is necessary in order to form a positive image of a preschool educational institution?

Participants in the business game are preliminarily divided into 2 microgroups.

Exercise 1.

Make up the tasks that need to be set (solved) to form a positive image of the MBDOU “Rucheyok”.

Groups discuss and present their options.

To form a positive image of a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:


Explore the real attitude of employees, parents and students towards preschool educational institutions;

Create conditions for the professional development of kindergarten teachers and staff in order to improve its rating;

Organize informing society about the activities of preschool educational institutions.

Task 2.

To evaluate the image of a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to study (research, evaluate) it.

What do you think needs to be done to conduct a preschool assessment?

To evaluate a preschool educational institution, respondents are needed (i.e., those who will evaluate). Who do you think it could be?

Slide. (Preschool teachers, parents of students, representatives social sphere, schools, clinics, traffic police).

Task 3.

By what criteria (parameters) is it important to evaluate a preschool educational institution?

The participants of the game discuss and present their answers.


Parameters for determining the assessment of preschool education:

    Fame of the preschool educational institution;

    History of the institution, duration of its activity;

    Image of the leader;

    The attitude of staff towards students and each other;

    Form of ownership (state or private preschool educational institution);

    Quality of educational services provided;

    Continuity of the educational process of preschool educational institutions and schools;

    Reputation of the institution;

    Position in the educational services market;

    Socially useful activities;

    Attractiveness of the name, symbols, attributes;

    Interaction with government agencies;

    Participation in charity and social programs.

Each parameter can be assessed on a 5-point scale based on its importance for the respondent:

5 – very important;

4 – rather important;

3 – half important;

2 – rather not important;

1 – not important at all.

Task 4

Rate the preschool educational institution according to the proposed parameters based on their significance in accordance with a 5-point scale on behalf of the following respondents:preschool teachers, parents of students, representatives of the social sphere, schools.

Participants in their microgroups are divided into pairs and assessed on a 5-point scale on behalf of the selected respondent).

Every organization, firm, institution also hasinternal image. Internal image of the kindergarten - it is the perception of the institution by all its employees. It consists of employees’ attitude to work and their emotional state. The internal image also affects the reputation of the institution, as well as the visible aspects of the image, because it is the kindergarten staff who build the relationship between the preschool educational institution and parents.

To form the internal image of the preschool educational institution, the following activities are carried out among its employees:

Competitions professional excellence;

Open views of educational activities;

Competitions methodological developments;

Seminars and workshops.

An important aspect of the internal image of a preschool educational institution is also work with parents of pupils, which may include:


Information stands;

Parent meetings;

Living rooms, parent clubs, etc.

External image of the institution - this is the perception and assessment of the kindergarten by society, the media and consumers of educational services. The quality of upbringing and education of children, public relations, role in the social environment and the visual perception of the preschool educational institution as a whole are of great importance for the formation of an external image.

The creation of a recognizable visual image is facilitated by certain attributes that form the style, external and internal image of the preschool educational institution.


Form style The DOW consists of the following elements:

A brand name that is used to mark a sign on a kindergarten building, a folder for the manager’s business papers, preschool forms, balloons used at events, greeting cards, diplomas, etc.;

Anthem of the preschool educational institution;

Chronicle of a kindergarten, a book of reviews for parents and guests of a preschool educational institution;

Badge for each employee indicating his data;

A newspaper published by the creative group of the kindergarten to inform parents of pupils in detail about the activities of the institution;

PR events (open days, presentations, exhibitions);

Publication of information about the achievements of the institution in the media;

Corporate website, presentation films and videos.

Task 5.

Choose and try to develop one of the proposed corporate identity elements for our preschool educational institution.

The participants of the game discuss and present their answers.

Along with the corporate style, the formation of a favorable opinion about the institution is influenced by the appearance of the preschool educational institution building and the landscaping of the territory; interior; the manner in which staff communicate with parents, children and colleagues; appearance of employees; speech of an employee answering a telephone call.

Colleagues, I propose to use the acquired experience of intensive activities in creating a positive image of the kindergarten and increasing its rating in the future work of the preschool educational institution.

Decision of the pedagogical council:

1.In order to strengthen the image of the preschool educational institution, introduce innovative methods and technology

Duration: permanent

Responsible: teachers in preschool educational institutions

2. Conduct a CONDUCTION analysis of the image policy of the preschool educational institution

Responsible: senior teacher, head

Deadline: May 2014

3. Conduct a master class for teachers " Modern teacher- image of preschool educational institution"

Responsible: senior teacher

Term: 2014-2015 academic year. year

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 21 "Rucheek"

city ​​of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic

Plan - outline


“Formation of the image of a preschool educational institution”

The date of the:

April 2014

Business game on the topic: “Formation of the image of a preschool educational institution”


- give the meaning of the concept “image of a preschool educational institution”;

Show the importance of a positive image on the formation of a preschool educational institution;

Joint development of tasks and parameters for forming a positive image of a preschool educational institution.


1. Alikperov I. Formation of the image of an educational institution: Western and Russian options [Electronic resource] // International relations in the development of socio-economic processes in the CIS countries: materials of international. scientific - practical conf. June 14-15, 2001 Omsk. - Omsk, 2001. - URL: (12.01.07).
2. Volkova V.V. The image of an educational institution in the context of the problem of competitiveness of universities [Electronic resource] // Collection of articles. scientific tr. North Caucasus State tech. Univ.Ser. "Humanities". - 2005. - No. 2. - URL:
3. Dagaeva E.A. University image management // Personnel management. - 2005. - N 3. - P. 26-28.
4. Zhuravlev D.V. Scientific foundations for the formation of the image of a preschool educational institution // PR in education. – 2005. - No. 2. – P. 68-74.
5. Zhuravlev D.V. Image as a specific unity of typical features that control individual, group and mass consciousness //
PRin education.-2004.-No. 2.

6.Zueva E.I. Approaches to forming the image of an educational institution [Electronic resource]//Sat. articles to fourth international scientific and theoretical conference “Education and science in the third millennium”/ Altai Economics and Law Institute.- (25.04.2002).

7.Image of the corporation//Imagelogy. How to please people /Auth.-comp. V.M.Shepel.-M.: Public education, 2002.-P.392-402.

Image of Moscow State University and the prestige of higher education / prepared material. A.B. Likhanova // Sociology of power. - 2005. - N 1. - P. 185-186.

8. Karpov E.B. Image in education // PR in education. - 2003. - No. 6. - P.40-50.

9. Karpov E.B., Ardysheva E.A. Employment of graduates and the image of the educational institution//PRin education.- 2006.-No. 3.-P.75-78.
10. Kovtunova O.M., Larionova I.A. The image of social institutions as virtual reality//
PRin education.-2006.-No.4.-P.36-38.

11.Corporate project for image promotion of a preschool educational institution // PR in education. - 2005. - No. 2. – P. 96-103.
12. Lazarenko I.R. Formation of the image of an educational institution as a management innovation [Electronic resource] // Pedagogist. - 2000. - No. 9. - URL: (12.01.07).
13. Lerner P.S. Vectors of reforming the content and image of general and secondary vocational education // PR in education. - 2006. - No. 2. - P. 46-48.
14. Lerner P.S. Image of a high school: perception, expectations // PR in education.-2004.-No.1.-P.80-96.

15. Lizinsky V.M. Image and mission of the school as a resource for its development // Resource approach to managing school development. - M.: Center “Pedagogical Search”, 2006.-P.106-108.

16. Moiseev A. Mission of the organization: what does it mean? // Leader of Education. - 2004. - No. 5. - P. 43.

17.Panasyuk A.Yu. Image: definition of the central concept of imageology//PRin education.-2004.-No. 2.

18. Pantyushina O.I. The image of a higher educational institution in the minds of schoolchildren //PRin education.-2006.-No.4.-P.46-49.

19. Piskunov M.S. Image of an educational institution: structure and formation mechanisms//Standards and monitoring in education.-1999.-No.5.-P.45-55.

20. Pocheptsov G.G. Profession: image maker. Kyiv, 1988.

21. Rakovskikh V.L. Television image of an educational institution // PR in education. – 2003. - No. 6. – P. 86-88.

Preparing for the teachers' meeting:

    Conducting a survey with parents

    Slide presentation development

    Mini-survey of educators “Components of the image of a preschool educational institution”


    Theoretical part: slide conversation

    Business game

    Survey results

    Results of monitoring the implementation of the basic general education program

    Results of the educational work of preschool teachers:

Analysis of the results of the show “Future First-Grade Student’s Corner”

Analysis of a comparative study “Developmental zones in early age groups”

Professional growth of teachers, analysis


    Decision of the pedagogical council

1 part:

Coverage of the meeting topic.

“Wherever we go, our image (no matter whether good or bad) will definitely precede us.” Chesterfield F.

It is not the image that colors the actions, but the actions that paint the image. (Tetcorax)

What is IMAGE and why do we need it?

Image is a specially formed image that psychologically and emotionally affects others. Image allows you to achieve a certain effect in communicating with other people; it helps others create a certain impression.

Image - translated from English as “Image”.

People form their opinion about us within the first few seconds, just by taking a glance. Whether you are giving a presentation, negotiating, or going on a date - in any case, the first impression you make is very important.

Everyone has an image: a politician and a school teacher, a businessman and a salesman, a top model, an athlete and a homeless person. But, of course, not everyone has a successful image. A successful image is acquired by working hard at it and constantly polishing it. A well-thought-out image works for us and helps us move through life successfully. Conversely, the image of a loser can destroy all our plans.

But image is not only about appearance. Image is an infinitely deep concept. Our hairstyle, makeup, clothes, accessories, look, voice, gestures, facial expressions, manners, communication style, books we read, music we listen to, people and objects around us - all this is our image.

Any item that belongs to us tells about us.

There are three areas in the image:

Physical image – our health, grooming, style of clothing, hairstyle and makeup

Psychological image – our character, temperament, inner world.

Social image is our role in society, behavior and communication characteristics.

These directions are intertwined and form a single whole.

Not only a person has an image, but also organizations, institutions, firms, groups, etc. And our preschool educational institution is no exception.

The basis of the image of a preschool educational institution is to determine the purpose of the kindergarten, the ideas of its functioning and development, as well as its distinctive characteristics.


1)an integral part of the teacher’s image

2) Relevance (Federal State Educational Standard Requirements)

3) Stages of image formation

4)Brand standard

Part 2:


What do you think is necessary in order to form a positive image of a preschool educational institution?

Participants in the business game are preliminarily divided into 2 microgroups.

Exercise 1.

Make up the tasks that need to be set (solved) to form a positive image of the MBDOU “Rucheyok”.

Groups discuss and present their options.

To form a positive image of a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:


Explore the real attitude of employees, parents and students towards preschool educational institutions;

Create conditions for the professional development of kindergarten teachers and staff in order to improve its rating;

Organize informing society about the activities of preschool educational institutions.

Task 2.

To evaluate the image of a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to study (research, evaluate) it.

What do you think needs to be done to conduct a preschool assessment?

To evaluate a preschool educational institution, respondents are needed (i.e., those who will evaluate). Who do you think it could be?

Slide. (Preschool teachers, parents of students, representatives of the social sphere, schools, clinics, traffic police).

Task 3.

By what criteria (parameters) is it important to evaluate a preschool educational institution?

The participants of the game discuss and present their answers.


Parameters for determining the assessment of preschool education:

    Fame of the preschool educational institution;

    History of the institution, duration of its activity;

    Image of the leader;

    The attitude of staff towards students and each other;

    Form of ownership (state or private preschool educational institution);

    Quality of educational services provided;

    Continuity of the educational process of preschool educational institutions and schools;

    Reputation of the institution;

    Position in the educational services market;

    Socially useful activities;

    Attractiveness of the name, symbols, attributes;

    Interaction with government agencies;

    Participation in charity and social programs.

Each parameter can be assessed on a 5-point scale based on its importance for the respondent:

5 – very important;

4 – rather important;

3 – half important;

2 – rather not important;

1 – not important at all.

Task 4

Rate the preschool educational institution according to the proposed parameters based on their significance in accordance with a 5-point scale on behalf of the following respondents:preschool teachers, parents of students, representatives of the social sphere, schools.

Participants in their microgroups are divided into pairs and assessed on a 5-point scale on behalf of the selected respondent).

Every organization, firm, institution also hasinternal image. Internal image of the kindergarten - it is the perception of the institution by all its employees. It consists of employees’ attitude to work and their emotional state. The internal image also affects the reputation of the institution, as well as the visible aspects of the image, because it is the kindergarten staff who build the relationship between the preschool educational institution and parents.

To form the internal image of the preschool educational institution, the following activities are carried out among its employees:

Professional skills competitions;

Open views of educational activities;

Methodological development competitions;

Seminars and workshops.

An important aspect of the internal image of a preschool educational institution is also work with parents of pupils, which may include:


Information stands;

Parent meetings;

Living rooms, parent clubs, etc.

External image of the institution - this is the perception and assessment of the kindergarten by society, the media and consumers of educational services. The quality of upbringing and education of children, public relations, role in the social environment and the visual perception of the preschool educational institution as a whole are of great importance for the formation of an external image.

The creation of a recognizable visual image is facilitated by certain attributes that form the style, external and internal image of the preschool educational institution.


Form style The DOW consists of the following elements:

A brand name that is used to mark a sign on a kindergarten building, a folder for the manager’s business papers, preschool forms, balloons used at events, greeting cards, diplomas, etc.;

Anthem of the preschool educational institution;

Chronicle of a kindergarten, a book of reviews for parents and guests of a preschool educational institution;

Badge for each employee indicating his data;

A newspaper published by the creative group of the kindergarten to inform parents of pupils in detail about the activities of the institution;

PR events (open days, presentations, exhibitions);

Publication of information about the achievements of the institution in the media;

Corporate website, presentation films and videos.

Task 5.

Choose and try to develop one of the proposed corporate identity elements for our preschool educational institution.

The participants of the game discuss and present their answers.

Along with the corporate style, the formation of a favorable opinion about the institution is influenced by the appearance of the preschool educational institution building and the landscaping of the territory; interior; the manner in which staff communicate with parents, children and colleagues; appearance of employees; speech of an employee answering a telephone call.

Colleagues, I propose to use the acquired experience of intensive activities in creating a positive image of the kindergarten and increasing its rating in the future work of the preschool educational institution.

Decision of the pedagogical council:

1.In order to strengthen the image of the preschool educational institution, introduce innovative methods and technologies

Duration: permanent

Responsible: teachers in preschool educational institutions

2. Conduct a CONDUCTION analysis of the image policy of the preschool educational institution

Responsible: senior teacher, head

Deadline: May 2014

3. Conduct a master class for teachers “Modern teacher - the image of a preschool educational institution”

Responsible: senior teacher

Term: 2014-2015 academic year. year