Photos of people for description. Inspirational quotes from the masters of photography. Cream Vitamin F99 bold

F99 cream is a drug for external use, which is sold in pharmacies. The main purpose of the products is to treat skin diseases and epidermal problems, care for dry and sensitive skin. The active ingredient of the drugs is Vitamin F, which contains many useful substances. Vitamin f99 cream is universal - it is used for any part of the body, for adults and children.

F99 cream is widely used in medicine - it accelerates skin restoration in dermatological diseases. The drug is prescribed by pediatricians for the treatment of allergic manifestations and diaper dermatitis. Women use the product as a skin care product, especially during off-season periods.

What is it used for?

Cream Vitamin F99 is used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes, cares for the skin and restores it.

Indications for use of F99 cream:

  • Treatment of dry eczema;
  • Healing of epithelial cracks;
  • Regeneration of ulcers, including after varicose veins, burns and wounds of various types;
  • Skin care for atopic dermatitis;
  • Elimination of dry epithelium and peeling of the superficial stratum corneum of the skin;
  • Adaptation of the skin to the characteristics environment during off-season periods;
  • Avitaminosis.

Vitamin F99 can be used as a main medicinal product or for adjuvant therapy.

Benefits of F99 cream

  1. The product is universal and can be used on any area of ​​the skin. With its help, you can restore the skin on the body, arms, legs and even the face. It has a beneficial effect on delicate and sensitive skin, as well as the stratum corneum of the epithelium.
  2. The range of uses of F99 is very wide. It moisturizes, nourishes and smoothes the skin, and can be used for cosmetic purposes.
  3. The composition contains useful components and does not contain “harmful” components that pose a danger to the skin.
  4. Cream 99 is easy to use. It is packaged in a practical soft plastic tube. A portion of cream with a fatty or semi-oily consistency is quickly absorbed and easily distributed.
  5. The drug is sold in a pharmacy and has the appropriate certification, so there will be no problems determining the authenticity of the drug.


The cost of Vitamin F99 cream is approximately 120 rubles per 50 ml tube.

Unlike other drugs with similar effects, the product is economical and accessible.

Bold and fat cream F99

There are two main types: cream f99 semi-bold and fat. Each form solves different skin problems and has differences.

Cream Vitamin F99 bold

  • Designed for the face and sensitive skin;
  • Relieves itching and discomfort on the skin;
  • Calms inflammatory processes;
  • Has restorative properties;
  • Contains antiseptic components;
  • Strengthens the superficial capillaries of the epidermis;
  • Improves skin condition with weeping eczema and ulcers on the lower extremities.

Cream F99 fatty

  • This type of cream with Vitamin F has a thicker consistency;
  • Eliminates skin irritation;
  • Used for medicinal purposes for dry eczema, burns, cuts, atopic dermatitis;
  • Heals small wounds, cracks, abrasions;
  • Restores damaged areas of the skin;
  • Has bactericidal properties;
  • Increases the protective and immune forces of the skin;
  • Has a tonic effect;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • Exfoliates the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

How does fat cream F 99 differ from semi-fat cream:

  • The main difference is consistency. The use of F99 cream in fatty form is indicated for the treatment of excessive dry skin and atopic dermatitis. The indications for the bold cream include the treatment of weeping wounds.
  • The tint of the fatty product is slightly yellowish, while the lighter version is clearly white.
  • The “weighted” product contains beeswax and sea buckthorn oil, which adds additional properties and gives it a greasy consistency.
  • Both options distribute well and are quickly absorbed into the skin.

Composition of cream F99

The formulation of the drug is unique - you rarely find a more useful and safe set of components.

Composition of cream F99:

  1. Water is the main component of any cream. It forms a creamy structure of the product.
  2. Omega 3 fatty acid esters (vitamin F derivative) have anti-aging properties, regenerate damaged cells and prevent skin aging.
  3. Liposentol-F – ester complex of lipids;
  4. Vegetable oil and milk thistle oil – nourish and soften the skin;
  5. Cosmetic stearin is an organic substance formed from fats.
  6. Emulsion wax acts as a natural emulsifier;
  7. Glycerin moisturizes the epidermis and retains moisture in the skin tissues;
  8. Lanett D – hydrophilic wax that regulates the viscosity of the product;
  9. Nipagin and nipazole, which are contained in the last positions in the composition, are used as preservatives in the drug. Their concentration is minimal.

The instructions for the f99 cream indicate that the components of the drug in individual cases can cause an allergic reaction. Before use, do a small test on the bend of your elbow. The test must be carried out for children, since delicate and sensitive skin may react with irritation to the active ingredients.

Reviews of cream f99

Reviews about F99 cream:

Lyudmila, 38 years old, Moscow: “Cream JSC Strelets Vitamin F99 is the best cream I have used. This cream replaced my day cream because it was much more beneficial. At times my skin becomes dehydrated and sensitive, then any cream causes irritation, but not F99. Its consistency is light and at first I wanted to add another drop to a pea of ​​cream for more hydration, but after 3 days this feeling disappeared - the skin became soft and moisturized.”

Svetlana, 35 years old, Nizhny Novgorod: “F99 semi-fat cream was given to me by a friend. She has been using it for 2 months now. The manufacturer writes that this drug is ideal for caring for dry and flaky skin. I applied the cream for 1 week and the result is already noticeable - 60% of the peeling is gone, and the skin looks fresh and rested.”

Olga, 27 years old, Orel: “Before buying F99 cream, I read reviews from cosmetologists. Experts recommend the drug for facial and body skin care. The cream is good, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Helped get rid of cracks on my hands that appeared after the frost. I applied it up to 3 times a day for a week. The consistency is not sticky, absorbs well and does not stain everything around.”

Video review of F99 cream:

Instructions for use

Read the instructions for using f99 cream:

  1. We first cleanse the skin of dirt, sebum and makeup.
  2. Dry the skin.
  3. Squeeze a pea of ​​cream out of the tube.
  4. Distribute the drug with light movements on the skin for 3 minutes.
  5. We wait until the F99 cream is completely absorbed.
  6. If necessary, a bandage may be applied.

F99 intimate gel

Intimate gel F99 is a product for the care of the skin and mucous membrane of the genital organs. The product has a light texture, a refreshing aroma, is well absorbed and gives a feeling of comfort. F99 for intimate hygiene moisturizes and tones skin tissue.

Intra gel F99 contains Vitamin F, which has dermatological activity and provides anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

The product is indicated for the healing of erosions, small wounds and cracks. It stops inflammatory processes, increases the protective properties of the skin and mucous membranes, and also increases their resistance to infectious diseases.

Intimate gel Vitamin F99 is designed to restore the epithelium of the genital organs of women and men.

According to the instructions, f99 gel is used in the form of applications: apply a small amount of the drug to the skin of the genitals and rub in with light massaging movements.

The cost of intimate gel is 150 rubles per 50 ml tube.

Analogues of F99 cream

  • Elidel;
  • Tsinocap;
  • Losterol;
  • Radevit;
  • Bepanten;
  • Emolium;
  • Contractubex;
  • Skin Cap;
  • Kartalin.

Analogues have a different composition, but similar indications for use. Read the instructions for use carefully and consult your doctor.


Cream Vitamin F99 is a universal remedy designed to treat skin diseases and solve cosmetic problems of the epidermis. The drug can be used for adults and children. It contains the most useful and safe components.

Selection based on your interests:

  • Camouflage face cream - foundation with…

11th grade Lesson topic: An essay describing a person’s appearance from a photograph.
Lesson objectives:

  1. Repeat the definition of “literary portrait”, the structure and features of the text describing a person’s appearance.
  2. Learn to independently describe a person’s appearance, determine the topic and main idea of ​​your essay.
  3. Learn to use full and short participles in speech.

    1. Report the topic of the lesson.
    2. Repetition of basic concepts for the lesson:

  • Who is in the photo?
  • What does the expression on the guys' faces say?
  • What are they wearing?
  • In what pose are they depicted?

  • 4. Vocabulary work. Which of the captions for this photo do you think is the most successful:
  1. Can you imagine? Are you able to create in your imagination a picture of the south, a hot summer day, or vice versa? If not, then look at the photos of your classmates. A couple of years ago they captured themselves in these photographs. Of course, these were events and walks and exploring the city... But how to preserve all these impressions? Nothing is impossible if you have a camera in your hands! That's how these pictures that you see appeared. They look and smile. It seems that with their smile they invite us to rejoice with them. The girls' eyes are shining! They are beautiful! You look at the photo and imagine Astana, the capital’s youth and your happiness from the opportunity to visit there.

  2. The photo shows your classmates. They were photographed against the backdrop of the school and more. They are dressed differently. The photographs are ordinary, but they are dear to us, because your friends are depicted in them..
What verbs do you consider most appropriate to depict the surroundings of the photographed person: see, depict, imagine, film, photograph, click, imagine, spy, pose, observe, choose. What adjectives and participles can describe facial expression? photographed person: beaming, excited, tear-stained, bewildered, impudent, defiant, repulsive, arrogant, contemptuous, open, friendly, good-natured, attractive, beautiful? Describe the clothes of the person depicted in the photo: bright, festive, elegant, unusual, ordinary, everyday, simple, summer, carnival, winter... Choose some of your own definitions.What kind of photographs can there be? Amateur, professional, small, large, glossy, matte, good, clear, bad, blurry, cloudy, old, fresh, loved, memorable, unloved, childish, tasteless, ideal... And what else?
5. Look at another photo.
  • Who is in the photo?
  • What does the baby's facial expression say?
  • Can you see what the boy is wearing?
  • What did the author of the portrait want to depict first?
  • In what pose is the boy depicted?
  • Where do you think this photo was taken?
  • Why was this photograph taken?
  • Did the baby want to be photographed?
  • Did the author of the photo manage to convey the child’s mood?
  • What details of appearance are remembered and attract attention when looking at a photograph?
  • Is it possible to judge the boy’s attitude towards the photographer from the photograph? A photographer for a child?
  • Do you think the photo turned out well?
    6. Generalization of preliminary work on the description of the photograph.
  • What should you write at the beginning of the description of a photographic portrait?
  • What details of the photographed person’s appearance should you pay attention to?
  • Should you talk about your attitude towards the person depicted in the photo?
  • Is it possible to talk about people's relationships using photography?
    7. Find synonyms for the words:
  • Photograph (photo card, photo, card, snapshot, portrait).
  • Take a photograph (shoot, take a picture, click)
  • See (consider, notice, behold)
  • Depict (show, imagine, describe, outline, draw, reproduce, recreate, display, convey, capture, record, express)
    8. Possible options works: Based on photographs of classmates...
9 Creating drafts of work. Editing. Rewriting is complete.

One of those tasks for which you need to prepare long and carefully. Of course, you may think that everything is as simple as possible here, but in reality, an unprepared student can fall into the typical pitfalls of this part of the test.

Content(click and go to the part you need):

Therefore, today I want to discuss with you in detail the plan for this task, why it was invented, and also give you a couple of illustrative examples on which you can rely.

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What is it and why was it invented?

Describing pictures is the third task in the oral part of the test. This tests your ability to quickly formulate a 2-minute monologue according to an existing plan. In addition, your grammatical and vocabulary level, as well as your ability to conduct unprepared speech, are tested. This task is considered one of the easiest in the oral part, especially if placed next to it.

Action plan

The initial formulation of the task in 2020 will be as follows.

Imagine that these photos are taken from your photo album. Choose one photo to tell your friend about it. You will start in 1.5 minutes and should speak for no more than 2 minutes.

Now pay attention that you have as much as 1.5 minutes to carefully look at the pictures, make a plan for your answer, and even remember all the words that you may forget while answering. Believe me, these 1.5 minutes give you an incredible head start.

After this formulation you have small plan, by which you describe the pictures. It doesn’t change, so you can start preparing and memorizing it now.

  • Where and when was this photo taken.

1-2 sentences for this part will be enough.

  • Who or what is shown in this photo.

Here, too, you don’t have to focus your attention too much. 2-3 sentences will be enough.

  • What's happening on it.

The most voluminous part of the answer is where you can express yourself. Tell us everything you can in this part, but remember the time!

  • Why do you keep this photo in your album.

Here the answers may vary from person to person, but they can be based on the phrase « to recall good memories» .

  • Why are you showing this photo to your friend.

Unlike other parts of the plan, here you can simply come up with a couple ready-made proposals, and in those same 1.5 minutes just check if they fit.

Useful phrases to help

Well - OK.- If you don't know where to start, say this word. It will give you a 1-2 second head start.

In the photo … - In the Foto…

I took this picture… when/because - I did this snapshotWhen/ That's why What

In the foreground/background of the picture… - On front/ rear plan Pictures

At the very particular moment -IN this most moment

Samples and examples

Today I want to give you a sample, by remembering which you will be able to cope with this task without any difficulties. I will also show you examples of how best to answer this task.

The first thing I do is evaluate which of the photos I can talk to the most, where I can use my vocabulary knowledge most effectively.

So, let's begin! I am also attaching an audio recording.

  1. I have chosen the first photo. (It’s best to start with this phrase. You have an extra three seconds, and the examiner immediately understands what you will describe.)
  2. I took this photo when we were having a family dinner at my grandparents" house last winter. That is how we usually spend weekends during the winter time so I have at least a dozen other similar photos.
  3. In this photo you can see all my brothers and sisters, and my grandparents as well. They look happy as the dinner has already started and it is absolutely delicious. There is lots of food, the room is dimly lit and the atmosphere is very cozy.
  4. As I have already mentioned, we are having dinner in this picture. What is more, we are talking, discussing some school issues and having fun. Well, it is not shown in the picture, but I had taken it a few seconds before mother brought in a delicious turkey.
  5. The reason why I keep this photo is because I really love my family and I adore such evenings. We gather together, share some school stories and enjoy ourselves. Another reason for keeping the photo is the opportunity of recollecting those memories any time I need it.
  6. I wanted to share this picture with you because as far as I know you are going to have some family weekend soon, so I would like to remind you how important and pleasant it is to keep such sweet memories.
  7. That is all I wanted to say . (Don’t forget about this phrase, because with it you show the examiner that your monologue is over).

Remember that clichés in your answer, which you practice, can greatly help you. So let's practice with one more example.

  1. So I want to choose photo number 2.
  2. This photo was takenlast summer when I and my father went to our favorite lake to do some fishing during the weekend.
  3. In the foreground of the picturewe can see me and my dad smiling as we have caught the biggest fish I have ever seen. Here I am wearing light clothes as that summer was extremely hot. In the background of the picture we can see an almost deserted beach as only local people know about this place.
  4. In this picturemy father is sitting on his knee while I am standing. We are holding the fish we caught several minutes before. The sun is shining so brightly that my father is wearing sunglasses.
  5. I decided to keep this photoso that I could remember that amazing weekend and that great experience. I can open it and remember every detail of it any time I want.
  6. So as you are choosing what to do on the upcoming weekend, I decided to show you this picture. Maybe you will be inspired to do something like that.
  7. That is all I wanted to say.

Well, my dears, we have discussed such an important part of the exam for any of you. What else I would like to add is to remind you about the importance of constant practice and the ability to control time. In this part, your “sense of time” should work as well as ever.

  • To develop this feeling, acquire textbooks-simulators on preparation and complete tasks regularly. Success will be guaranteed to you!
  • And for the best effect, find a competent tutor who will train you so that all your doubts and uncertainties before the exam will disappear like smoke... By the way, I once wrote which one is right for you!

And I want to remind you that there is still a lot of materials, tips and useful things ahead of us to help you without any problems. Subscribe to my blog newsletter and you will not miss a single useful article.

See you again, my dears!

About our service


We invite you to take part in the work and improvement of the new social service “Writers' Workshop”!

"Writers' Workshop" is a blogging and social platform with functionality that helps writers in their difficult work. Here they can use a number of tools to facilitate the creative process. There is also the opportunity to share your works, communicate with colleagues, readers, critics and just visitors. Readers will find interesting works and will always be able to communicate with authors and literature lovers like themselves.

In just over a year, since the public opening of the service, we have about 3,700 works and about two hundred and forty thousand (240,000) comments.

How does our service differ from similar ones, for example, “SamIzdat” or “”?

First of all, we want to make the Writers' Workshop service truly friendly to both readers and authors, taking into account their wishes. Therefore, from the very beginning of our work, we involve our users in participating in the fate of the service. Let your ideas directly influence our work.

Working with works

We offer a fairly harmonious, although not familiar at first, system for publishing texts combined into works with the formation of an author's table of contents. This makes it easier for them to read, comment, follow news and author-reader-author communication. You can also insert illustrations into your texts, use different text formatting (centering, bold-italized-underlined font, etc.).

By publishing your works correctly with us, you have the opportunity to receive a ready-made electronic publication of your work in various formats, illustrated and using footnotes in the text. Currently, export to FB2 and RTF formats is supported.

Visual editor allows you to easily transfer your texts from programs Microsoft Word, OpenOffice and the like without losing text formatting - alignment, italics, bold and underlined font styles, etc. and so on. With the help of a visual editor, you can conveniently add and change your works directly in the Workshop, without resorting to offline editors - all you need is access to the Internet and a modern browser.

The text autosaving system will not allow you to lose your work. And our mechanism for easy access to comments from readers and other authors directly from the editing mode will make it easier to correct any errors found.

Each work has its own blog, in which the author can make entries regarding the current state of affairs with the work. For example, inform about new text in it, or about some corrections, share plans for the future, create polls, and so on and so forth. And the functionality of personal blogs allows authors and users to share their thoughts, comments, and other information without being tied to any specific work.

In test mode, works can be exported to FB2 and RTF formats, so you can easily prepare your works for reading on devices e-books, where you can use illustrations and navigation through the table of contents. And also, using the RTF format, keep editable copies of your works. There are plans to add in the near future EPUB format for iOS and Android devices.

Ease of use

Our service has a modern and pleasant interface using the latest Internet technologies for the convenience of our users and visitors. Flexible settings for displaying topics feeds allows you to follow what interests you and ignore what doesn’t interest you. The tree-based commenting system facilitates discussions, and our unique discussion tracking functionality helps you not to miss interesting discussions and responses to them.

A powerful filter has been created to search for works, with the ability to remember your search preferences.

If you are an avid reader, you will find “will read” and “to be read” lists helpful in order to more easily navigate the flow of works.

Subscribing via RSS to various blogs (system-wide, personal and work blogs) allows you to always be up to date with information of interest. And yes, you can even subscribe to comments on specific discussions that are interesting to you.

"Writers' Workshop" - social service

Communication between authors and readers is an integral and important part of our community. The modern realities of literary Internet publications are such that the more active the author is, the more he participates in communication, the more readers he acquires. We began to create various communities that unite users by interests. With us you can discuss not only topics related to literature but also any other topics that are interesting to you and your friends. We have communities of anime and good music lovers. The "Science Fiction Lovers Club" and the Readers' Club have been opened.

Development of creativity

We regularly hold various competitions and literary games. There is a “School of the Beginning Author”, which has a lot of useful materials and conducts practical classes with the participation of published authors.

We also have a very useful blog about practical grammar.

A newly opened criticism community will review your work. But be careful: their analyzes are often harsh and without unnecessary courtliness.

In the near future

— The ability to easily “synchronize” your works posted in the Workshop with offline texts that you edit in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, etc.

- Development of functionality for editing works, making it easier and more productive to make corrections based on the advice of other users and even attract other users to fully edit your texts - the so-called work with beta readers.

And this is all, in addition to constant improvements to the interface and development of functionality for ease of communication and creativity! We are truly an active community committed to convenience and growth!

Your ideas and wishes are worth their weight in gold; in the end, you should be the one who feels comfortable!

Please register, become our friends and participate in the development of the service. Post questions and suggestions on the Service Discussion blog.

Any questions? Found an error? Contact the service administration via internal mail or email [email protected]

FOR NEW USERS - please refer to the documentation "How to do..?" - this will save you from most of the issues related to the publication of works. Plus check out our collection of frequently asked questions.

Aspiring writer's website

Writers' Workshop as a site for an aspiring writer

Do you want to become a famous author who has earned the devoted love of many fans, are you striving to get an objective assessment of your work from more experienced fellow writers, or simply cannot imagine your life without literary creativity? Then the Writers' Workshop is created especially for you!!

One of the main advantages of our new and rapidly developing resource is a well-thought-out system for publishing texts. Its advantages will, first of all, be appreciated by authors of novels and stories, because only our website for writers offers such an option as creating an author's table of contents. The transition from chapter to chapter is carried out with one click, which is very convenient when getting acquainted with voluminous works. But ease of reading is one of the main conditions for maintaining reader interest in your work.

Also, our website for writers allows you to insert any images into them when publishing texts, format the text at your discretion, and use footnotes and subheadings. The result of correctly performed actions is a full-fledged e-book with illustrations and a table of contents - the dream of every aspiring writer! Such a book, previously exported to FB2 and RTF formats, can be easily transferred to e-book reading devices, which provides even greater comfort for your readers.

For the convenience of the latter, our website for writers also offers a powerful filter that allows you to build lists of works depending on genre, form, number of recommendations and other selected criteria. The filter is also useful for those authors who are looking for assistants to edit their texts or want to receive unbiased critical feedback. The functionality of our site for aspiring writers provides the ability to place work in the “Looking for a beta reader” or “For criticism” lists, which means that when filtering works according to the specified criteria, potential critics or beta readers will immediately see your story, novella or entire novel.

And a few more words about readers. Not a single site for aspiring writers is conceivable without communication between authors and those who decide to get acquainted with his works. And our Workshop is no exception. Moreover, the unique functionality of commenting on texts and tracking responses significantly expands such opportunities for you personally. You will immediately know when a reader or critic leaves a comment on your work and, in turn, will not miss a single interesting discussion on a topic that fascinates you.

For those who strive to reach new heights in mastering the literary craft, our site for aspiring writers also offers a lot of opportunities. Thus, a regularly updated blog about practical grammar will allow you to fill in the gaps in your knowledge of the rules of the Russian language, practical classes at the “School of the Beginner Author” will help you master useful skills in creating literary texts, and from a rich selection of materials on writing you will receive theoretical knowledge, which is also necessary every aspiring writer.

In addition, our website for writers has a community of critics, which includes experienced and proven authors who are willing to devote time to analyzing other people's texts. Competent critical analysis of strong and weaknesses works contribute in the best possible way to the development professional excellence, and if you are not afraid of possible harsh statements about your work, feel free to invite experts from the community of critics - their help in working on the text is often invaluable.

Like any reputable website for writers, the Workshop regularly hosts various competitions and literary games. Do you want your work to quickly gain the interest of numerous readers? Take part in any of them, and your chances of success with the readership of our site for writers will instantly increase.

And finally, we note that although there are many resources on the Internet where a novice writer can publish his work, only our service is able to provide the maximum functionality for the full realization of you as an author. Here you can not only post the texts of your works, but also communicate with colleagues and readers, and simply relax your soul in the cozy atmosphere of our site for aspiring writers.

All children love fairy tales. Stories about beautiful princesses, brave knights and goodness that certainly defeats evil are as old as time, but have never lost their charm. As we grow up, we lose faith in miracles, and the more keenly we strive to escape, at least for a short time, from the clutches of everyday life. And such a desire is easy to fulfill. Just go to the library of a special service - the Writers' Workshop, find here best books fantasy and forget about everything, plunging headlong into the boundless sea of ​​human fantasies.

Each of us probably read our first fantasy books in childhood, because many of them are included in the golden fund of children's literature. And with age, fantasy becomes even more interesting to read. After all, now the previous somewhat naive stories are being replaced by tough and exciting plots, the authors of which do not recognize a clear division into heroes and villains, showing the psychology of the characters in all the contradictory colors.

Modern fantasy books written for adult readers can hardly be accused of glorifying escapism. Wars and political intrigues, murders and betrayals, difficult situations life choices and intricate moral conflicts - even connoisseurs of serious prose will be able to read this fantasy with pleasure.

But the best fantasy books aren't just about the darker side of life. On the contrary, their authors talk over and over again about love, friendship and fidelity, proving the importance of simple human values. And the attractive worlds inhabited by elves, gnomes, werewolves and other creatures add to the attractiveness of such stories; worlds in which magic is not an empty phrase, and the art of wizards makes any miracle possible.

Let us add that since its inception, the genre itself has become so diverse that among the works written in it there will always be one that suits your taste. Fantasy books include classic stories in the spirit of “The Lord of the Rings” and realistic pseudo-historical plots, “dark” fantasy and so-called urban fairy tales, as well as humorous stories with a fairy-tale setting.

After all that has been said, the current popularity of this genre is not at all surprising. And yet, his fans are not always able to quickly find a good book. It is no secret that today's publishing policy is such that not every worthwhile text ends up in print. In addition, sometimes there is simply no time left to go to bookstores, and with rising prices for printed materials, buying works by an unfamiliar author may seem too burdensome for the budget.

Only in our Workshop you can read good and even the best fantasy books, which are still, as a rule, little known outside the Internet, completely free of charge. The journey through the catalog becomes all the more interesting: suddenly the text that you liked at first glance turns out to be a book bestseller tomorrow, and you can be proud in your soul to have become one of the discoverers of this pearl.

Another advantage of our Workshop is that reading fantasy in it is very convenient. A well-thought-out catalog navigation system makes choosing books an easy and fun experience. It is enough to set up a filter so that, depending on the parameters you specify, a whole list of suitable texts is built.

Do you prefer to read only ready-made books fantasy? Check the appropriate box and you will not see unfinished and unedited works in the list. Do you want to filter works by their rating? This option is also available in the Workshop. Another option is to specify the number of recommendations as a search parameter: this way, in a matter of moments, you can see, arranged in a given order, the best fantasy books recommended as such by the most active readers of the Workshop.

Please note that only our service allows you to build personal lists of works. For example, if you read two or even four fantasy books at the same time, then you just need to indicate yourself as a reader of these works to get rid of the need to find the necessary texts again every time. In addition, you can create a personal list of books you plan to read, as well as add fantasy books you’ve already read to a separate list in case you ever want to re-read them.

And finally, let’s add that fantasy books and works of other popular genres, collected in a separate library, are only part of the benefits that the Workshop is ready to offer. Having decided to take a break from reading, you can always discuss with other users on any interesting topics, take part in literary competitions, improve your writing skills, and also take advantage of all the other opportunities that communication via the Internet provides.

Writer's Tools

Let's check!

That's it - "uncle" yo-mayo!

And it seems like all the letters are there, the UTF-8 encoding is very...

To facilitate the creative process of our authors, we will provide a number of tools:

Thought Base

To-do list

Event scale

Various reference books - characters, locations, events, etc.

Automatic glossary



Event scale


Thought Base


Control tags

What are control tags?



Type can be

;t; for texts

;s; for sections

;g; for glossary items

Event scale


Thought Base

To-do list

Public - visible to everyone


List of terms used on our service

Any project has its own terminology, which requires some explanation. The following terms are used in our service:



Event scale


Thought Base

A series is a collection of works united according to some characteristics. The sequence of works in a series can be changed to reflect the internal logic of the series. A series may contain subseries.


A work is a collection of materials that make up a publication. Also, to help the author, each work comes with a number of tools to facilitate writing, maintaining and editing the publication.

A section is a logical part of a work, united according to some criterion. For example, typical sections are parts of a novel. Each section can contain both texts and other sections.

Text is the main element of a work and is, in fact, a certain text with specified properties, such as a title, subtitle, etc. For example, “text” can be a chapter in a story or a poem in a collection of poems. Various control tags can be used in the text to format it for reading or set certain parameters, such as headings, links to a glossary, content paragraph, etc. and so on.

Control tags

What are control tags?

Control tags are tags in texts that are used to format the text, control the formation of some automatic reference books (for example, a glossary), etc. A complete list will be formed as development progresses.


Tag used to indicate in the text a link to another text or section of the work.

Type can be

;t; for texts

;s; for sections

;g; for glossary items

When editing text, you can visually select an element of the glossary or table of contents.

What are control tags?

Control tags are tags in texts that are used to format the text, control the formation of some automatic reference books (for example, a glossary), etc. A complete list will be formed as development progresses.


Tag used to indicate in the text a link to another text or section of the work.

Type can be

;t; for texts

;s; for sections

;g; for glossary items

When editing text, you can visually select an element of the glossary or table of contents.

An event is information about some event related to your text or work.

Event scale

An event scale is a hypothetical straight line that marks certain events that occur as the plot of your work develops. The initial "default" scale consists of two events - "start of work" and "end of work". You can add any event between two others to this scale. For example, you can add a “main character appears” event between these two initial events. Then, between the “appearance of the main character” and “end of the project” events, add the “main character falls in love” event. Etc. and so on. Any text in a work can be linked to this scale - either to a specific event, or to indicate the interval between some two events.

Thus, it becomes easier to navigate the events of your work and easily move to the desired text.


Directories in our system are used to create and manage background information on various objects of the work. For example, you can create reference books of characters, places, and events. In them you can store some specific information about objects with easy access. For example, in a character directory you can indicate the age of a character, eye color, some special features, and some other information. Then, if you need to add details about this character to your text, you will only need to find him in the reference book, and not search for information throughout the text or remember. Remember, the little details in your artwork add life to it!

Also, for each element of the directory, you can specify information for automatic addition to the glossary.

You can read more about working with reference books in our service in the “Reference Books” section of our author’s guide.

Thought Base

After mature reflection, we decided to abolish the thought base as such. In essence, a “thought” is no different from a task on a to-do list.

To-do list

A to-do list is a list of things you would like to do/change. Each element of the list can be linked to the entire work, to any of its text or sections, or even to a series, or not to be linked to anything.

So, you can link a task to another task, thus breaking a complex task into a number of smaller ones.

The to-do list is available on the personal page of a member of our service. Each task can be of three types:

Public - visible to everyone

Private - visible to the creator and his friends

Private - visible only to the participant who created it

In general, the list of bindings will constantly expand. We are considering the possibility of linking list elements to other tools, for example, to a glossary, reference books and their elements.

In fact, the list is not limited to our system. You can record some plans that are not related to our service.

It is planned to introduce a notification system for cases for which you have set a certain execution time.

A short list of active tasks will be displayed in various sidebar blocks, depending on the current main section of the site. For example, if you are in the editing section of a project, then its sidebar will contain brief information about the active tasks of this project. If you are editing text, then for text, etc.

You can add a task from any location on the site from the top menu using the “task!” item, and depending on your current location, the created task will offer to bind itself to this element/tool. For example, if you are editing some text and decide to add a thought-task to it, but by clicking on the menu item, a new window for creating a task will open and it will already be linked to the text being edited. Automatic linking only works for elements that you edit, since when creating something new it is not yet clear what to link the task to.


A glossary is a list of definitions used in a work. It can be generated either automatically (using control tags and based on various directories) or manually.

a collection of materials that make up a certain publication. Also, to help the author, each project comes with a number of tools to facilitate writing, maintaining and editing the publication.

The main element of the project is, in fact, a certain text that is part of this project. For example, the "text" could be a chapter in a story or a poem in a book of poetry. Various control tags can be used in the text to format the text for reading or set certain parameters, such as headings, links to a glossary, content paragraph, etc. and so on.

Text updated automatically from Writers' Workshop

The modern rhythm of life does not allow us to meet often, but thanks to social networks we can share beautiful and interesting moments of life using photos. Comments on photos are very popular and can convey the mood of those in the frame or lift it up for those looking at the photo.
A good comment is better than any compliment and the most wonderful assessment of the photographer and those caught in the lens. We will help you choose the right words for the most impressive shots!

The photo doesn't convey how amazing you look in real life! But thanks to her I can see you more often))

Your photo lifts my spirits and gives me the opportunity to admire you whenever I want.

You don't change, but you change every photo of yourself for the better! Simply great!

A combination of charm and photogenicity! This shot is fantastically cool!

You know how to surprise! Each frame amazes with its love of life and charm. Your appearance is a magnet for any lens.

Stop for a moment, you are wonderful! Thank you for the pleasure of the eyes with such a shot!

Such a great moment captured! Well done for trying to capture the best memories.

Glad to see you. You are changing for the better. Are you getting younger? Will you share a secret?

This photo can be used to decorate exhibitions. Very emotional and impressive.

Here you are all so interesting and real - a shot taken from life for of blessed memory about the best moments!

It's nice to see that you live well) The photo managed to convey your great mood and raise it to me.

Oh, what a photo! Athletes will envy your figure, and the best fashion designers will envy your suit!

We don’t know you personally, but in those beautiful eyes I was able to see a crystal clear soul and true charm!

Your smile is like a magnet. I want to look at her without stopping all day long!

This photo is a work of art... Beautiful background, beautiful surroundings, and you are a real miracle!

What a look! You will charm everyone, starting with me!

The more I look at this photo, the more I fall in love... with your beautiful watch!

Take photos more often, because it’s so nice to look at your profile and full face!

What a sweet face of an intelligent man! The sparkle in the eyes is visible even in the photo. The nobility of the devil is amazing! You're probably acting in a movie?

Your photo evokes in me a real storm of emotions, the main one of which is sincere admiration!

When I look at your photo, I remember everything beautiful that is in the world - the shining sun and the restless sea, the shine of the stars and stormy waterfalls. So you inspire me with your attractive image!

Beautiful comments for photos

Post a photo and receive beautiful comments to strive to be photographed more often and remain unforgettable

Bravo, photographer! Captured and saved a wonderful shot. I love how everything turned out.

This photo just glows, you can see your energy is as good as your appearance.

A contented appearance is the product of a prosperous life. I rejoice and smile with you)

I look at you and enjoy what I see. You are awesome!

Take photos more often, you look great in photos. I would like to see you in real life as soon as possible))

You don't have a single boring photo. You are just a godsend for a good shot!

You are the most beautiful of all, without exaggeration or filters!

Your photo radiates warmth and looks like it was taken by you best photographer at the most opportune moment.

When you look at this photo, you want to be there immediately. To experience life's wonderful moments together.

You radiate light and success. It's impossible to take your eyes off!

This is the frame! Simply a masterpiece of photography! You pose cooler than all the models and look on point.

Super. Such moments should not just be photographed, but framed and hung on the wall for everyone to see!

There is nothing more valuable than memories. Your shots are the main contribution to them!

I can look at your photo for hours without stopping. It’s so good that there is an opportunity to see your life at least through the prism of a lens.

A handsome man, radiating success and kindness.

It's nice to see you happy and satisfied. You are wonderful together and separately!

The camera definitely loves you)) You always look great in photos!

You look great in this look. Very impressive and unusual!

You clearly have the makings of a fashion model)) You look natural and gorgeous in any setting!