A photograph that can be described. How to correctly write descriptions for images in a photo bank. Good result - people buy your photo

We have prepared several tips and recommendations for you, following which you can easily increase your sales on any photo bank, including ours.

For a stock photographer, a successful shot is only half the battle. For a photograph to sell well on stocks, it must be described correctly. Otherwise, even the most successful photo will simply be lost in the database, and no one will ever see it.

It’s not difficult to describe stock photos; it’s much more difficult to find time for this tedious work. But as motivation, just think about how nice it will be to see your photos selling, which, if you do everything right, will not keep you waiting.

Put yourself in the buyer's shoes

Average potential client will not enter overly complex queries into the search bar like “mind-blowing model, 192 cm, 22 years old, standing all beautiful and posing.” He will ask at most about hair color, background and dress length. Be as specific as possible is your mantra from now on.

Try looking for something on the photo bank yourself. Imagine that you need a photo of nature for your desktop or a beautiful pattern to print on a T-shirt. Imagine the picture you want to find, formulate a query and look at the search results. When you find exactly the picture you imagined, look at its title - does it reflect the essence of the picture? Do this several times to better understand how customers think.


Coming up with a name is the most creative part of this monotonous task. The title of the image should reflect the idea you want to convey through your work. This is your subjective opinion. Think about the circumstances in which this or that picture can be used, and tell this to buyers. The optimal volume of a title is from three to seven words, not counting articles and prepositions. There is no need to indicate the street, much less the exact address of the shooting, but indicate a landmark if it is in the photo, or a city if it is recognizable. There is no need to write an essay in three sentences. Brevity is the soul of wit.

Successful examples: Grandiose plans // Pipe dreams of a bicycle // Girl on the edge of the world //

Attributes (keywords)

Your goal is to describe the image as specifically and truthfully as possible. The most effective number of keywords is from 10 to 35. Experience shows that correctly described images are more likely to find their buyer. Start with objects, list who or what is depicted, use nouns (synonyms), numerals and words describing quantity (group, crowd, class, team), names of professions or occupations, gender, age, social status, if appropriate. It wouldn’t hurt to add belonging to an ethnic group.

Don't describe parts of the whole. If the photograph shows a family with two children, then you should not list the father, mother, son and daughter. Don't write what is not in the picture. Don't write words that contradict each other.

You shouldn’t invent something that doesn’t exist: for example, a pen cannot be sad, smart or disappointed.

Let's move on to the circumstances: how objects are depicted. Describe the background, poses, color effects. Indicate whether the shot was taken indoors or outdoors, morning, afternoon, evening, sunset, if appropriate, mention the time of year. If the photo was taken with interesting lighting or an unusual angle, write about it. Tell what's happening in the photo, don't avoid verbs. If there is a person present, then write whether he is standing, lying, running, looking, or crying, laughing, screaming. You can describe the direction of view - into the camera, up, down, to the side, etc. And also describe the size of the depicted object: in full height, waist-deep, head portrait, separate body part, whole, macro photography.

Let's evaluate, don't forget about adjectives. Try to use negative descriptions more often - 90% of stock photos express positive emotions, stand out!

Don't try too hard where it doesn't make sense. Remember that a pen is unlikely to be sad, adorable, smart, or disappointed. Also, it cannot be a ruler, a stapler, or all office supplies at once. Don't create a non-existent context for the clipart, but include the word "isolated." “Noise” in the search results only irritates buyers.

No tricks

Remember that by adding everything to your keywords, you are preventing the buyer from finding the image they are looking for. In addition, your images do not match the search query and, as a result, end up at the bottom of the search results. Less is better, but to the point.

Example of a correct description

Name: Cashless shopping, Easy shopping

Description: Girl, model, cover girl, credit card, packages, shopping.

Shopping, shopping, cashless payments, shows a credit card, smiles maliciously, smiles mysteriously, smiles contentedly.

Blurred background, girl on background, light background, straight hair, bright makeup, bright lips, plump lips, close-up, open look, makeup, hairstyle, styled hair, red hair.

Description of vector graphics

The favorite word of all authors is abstract. In second place is grunge. On the third - bokeh. What are the chances of a client finding your masterpiece (and we're sure you create masterpieces) among 300,000 abstract grunge backgrounds with bokeh elements? Agree, they are minimal.

Tips for describing vectors are similar to describing photographs, but there are some nuances. The title can be more specific if we're talking about about backgrounds, patterns, layouts. When a vector represents a plot drawing, a series of objects, a website layout, or something more or less specific, it is not difficult to describe it. But what if you drew a background, a pattern, or allowed your imagination to flow into a drawing in any form? Get to grips with the details. Indicate the style of the drawing, its type, everything that is depicted on it, the predominant color, the contrasting color, the presence of halftones, gradients, effects and possible areas of application.

Example of a correct description

Name: Seamless background with large flowers

Description: Pattern, seamless pattern, pattern, elegant, old fashioned, retro, retro style, vector, ornament, design, texture, flowers, colors, backdrop, element, pattern, repeat, wallpaper, paper, fabric, plants, victorian revival, floral, lilac, blue, yellow, large flowers.

Successful sales on photo banks depend not only on your unique style, quality photographs and a rich portfolio. Description of photos is an incredibly important part, neglecting which will lead to the fact that despite the quality, your works will not sell - they will simply get lost among millions of other images. Don't let your work go to waste, describe it correctly!

One of those tasks for which you need to prepare long and carefully. Of course, you may think that everything is as simple as possible here, but in reality, an unprepared student can fall into the typical pitfalls of this part of the test.

Content(click and go to the part you need):

Therefore, today I want to discuss with you in detail the plan for this task, why it was invented, and also give you a couple of illustrative examples on which you can rely.

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What is it and why was it invented?

Describing pictures is the third task in the oral part of the test. This tests your ability to quickly formulate a 2-minute monologue according to an existing plan. In addition, your grammatical and vocabulary level, as well as your ability to conduct unprepared speech, are tested. This task is considered one of the easiest in the oral part, especially if placed next to it.

Action plan

The initial formulation of the task in 2020 will be as follows.

Imagine that these photos are taken from your photo album. Choose one photo to tell your friend about it. You will start in 1.5 minutes and should speak for no more than 2 minutes.

Now pay attention that you have a whole 1.5 minutes to carefully look at the pictures, make a plan for your answer, and even remember all the words that you may forget while answering. Believe me, these 1.5 minutes give you an incredible head start.

After this formulation you have small plan, by which you describe the pictures. It doesn’t change, so you can start preparing and memorizing it now.

  • Where and when was this photo taken.

1-2 sentences for this part will be enough.

  • Who or what is shown in this photo.

Here, too, you don’t have to focus your attention too much. 2-3 sentences will be enough.

  • What's happening on it.

The most voluminous part of the answer is where you can express yourself. Tell us everything you can in this part, but remember the time!

  • Why do you keep this photo in your album.

Here the answers may vary from person to person, but they can be based on the phrase « to recall good memories» .

  • Why are you showing this photo to your friend.

Unlike other parts of the plan, here you can simply come up with a couple ready-made proposals, and in those same 1.5 minutes just check if they fit.

Useful phrases to help

Well - OK.- If you don't know where to start, say this word. It will give you a 1-2 second head start.

In the photo … - In the Foto…

I took this picture… when/because - I did this snapshotWhen/ That's why What

In the foreground/background of the picture… - On front/ rear plan Pictures

At the very particular moment -IN this most moment

Samples and examples

Today I want to give you a sample, by remembering which you will be able to cope with this task without any difficulties. I will also show you examples of how best to answer this task.

The first thing I do is evaluate which of the photos I can talk to the most, where I can use my vocabulary knowledge most effectively.

So, let's begin! I am also attaching an audio recording.

  1. I have chosen the first photo. (It’s best to start with this phrase. You have an extra three seconds, and the examiner immediately understands what you will describe.)
  2. I took this photo when we were having a family dinner at my grandparents" house last winter. That is how we usually spend weekends during the winter time so I have at least a dozen other similar photos.
  3. In this photo you can see all my brothers and sisters, and my grandparents as well. They look happy as the dinner has already started and it is absolutely delicious. There is lots of food, the room is dimly lit and the atmosphere is very cozy.
  4. As I have already mentioned, we are having dinner in this picture. What is more, we are talking, discussing some school issues and having fun. Well, it is not shown in the picture, but I had taken it a few seconds before mother brought in a delicious turkey.
  5. The reason why I keep this photo is because I really love my family and I adore such evenings. We gather together, share some school stories and enjoy ourselves. Another reason for keeping the photo is the opportunity of recollecting those memories any time I need it.
  6. I wanted to share this picture with you because as far as I know you are going to have some family weekend soon, so I would like to remind you how important and pleasant it is to keep such sweet memories.
  7. That is all I wanted to say . (Don’t forget about this phrase, because with it you show the examiner that your monologue is over).

Remember that clichés in your answer, which you practice, can greatly help you. So let's practice with one more example.

  1. So I want to choose photo number 2.
  2. This photo was takenlast summer when I and my father went to our favorite lake to do some fishing during the weekend.
  3. In the foreground of the picturewe can see me and my dad smiling as we have caught the biggest fish I have ever seen. Here I am wearing light clothes as that summer was extremely hot. In the background of the picture we can see an almost deserted beach as only local people know about this place.
  4. In this picturemy father is sitting on his knee while I am standing. We are holding the fish we caught several minutes before. The sun is shining so brightly that my father is wearing sunglasses.
  5. I decided to keep this photoso that I could remember that amazing weekend and that great experience. I can open it and remember every detail of it any time I want.
  6. So as you are choosing what to do on the upcoming weekend, I decided to show you this picture. Maybe you will be inspired to do something like that.
  7. That is all I wanted to say.

Well, my dears, we have discussed such an important part of the exam for any of you. What else I would like to add is to remind you about the importance of constant practice and the ability to control time. In this part, your “sense of time” should work as well as ever.

  • To develop this feeling, acquire textbooks-simulators on preparation and complete tasks regularly. Success will be guaranteed to you!
  • And for the best effect, find a competent tutor who will train you so that all your doubts and uncertainties before the exam will disappear like smoke... By the way, I once wrote which one is right for you!

And I want to remind you that there is still a lot of materials, tips and useful things ahead of us to help you without any problems. Subscribe to my blog newsletter and you will not miss a single useful article.

See you again, my dears!

I will present to you short description genres

Art photography is always a search. Searching not only for an idea, but also for ways to express it. This is the most unusual and at the same time free genre in photography. There can be staging, imitation, abstraction, collage, and the use of additional technical means. And it doesn’t matter whether the photographer took something from a still life or a portrait as a basis, whether he mixed these two genres or did not use any, the basis and meaning of the entire work is the concept and emotional content of the photo

1. A special type of photography that combines many genres of photography. the main task Reportage photography is to convey the atmosphere of the event. A reportage shot cannot be staged, because its main task is to reflect reality, real events, albeit filtered through the prism of the photographer’s individual vision. As a rule, a report is a whole series of frames, the development of an event over time, but sometimes the main message can be conveyed in one frame, and this will also be a report.

Architecture is the milestones that history places along the path of its development. In order to receive good shot, it is not enough just to capture the result of the architect’s work - we need to find a fresh, original solution, emphasize the features of the building, convey its essence and mood. The main task of a photographer working in this genre is to convey the poetics of architectural structures, the harmony, rhythm, form inherent in them, to make the viewer see the buildings through the eyes of the architect who created them

Photographing children is not easy: it is almost impossible to get them to sit still or take a certain pose. But this is precisely why children’s photography is interesting - the excitement, the unpredictability of the result and the captured spontaneity that only children possess

The main task of genre photography is to reflect reality “as it is.” But, unlike reportage, genre photography is not tied to any specific place or event: it reflects life as a whole, in its entirety; the main characters are people. Since each photograph has its own author, the reflection of reality is subjective. However, that is precisely why it is even more interesting: it is a look at things through the eyes of an artist. Often a photographer manages to see something that others don’t notice, although the same thing surrounds them (and, as a rule, surrounds them in everyday life

Macro photography is the beauty of the everyday, the beauty of small forms. In the world of small objects, everything lives according to its own laws; often it differs from ours. But the beauty of such a world lies not in the maximum increase in objects hidden from view, but in their harmony and rhythm

“Nu” translated from French means “naked.” An artistic genre in sculpture, painting and photography depicting the naked human body. Nude is one of the most controversial genres in photography. The debate about the ethics of nudes, which began in the 19th century, continues to this day: where is the line beyond which eroticism ends and pornography begins? There is still no answer: the line is too thin...

Scenery - real view any area (forest, field, mountains, grove, sea, etc.), in which the main subject of the image is natural nature or, to one degree or another, transformed by man, conveying the mood evoked by their contemplation. Despite its apparent simplicity, the ability to make a good landscape is a rarity, a special talent, the result of internal perseverance and search. The ability to see a frame, choose one of the best from a million variations, not be too lazy to come to the chosen place at dawn or even before dark in order to capture all the magic that will unfold before your eyes.

There are different types of portraits - business, genre, self-portraits. But no matter what type the portrait belongs to, the main thing in it is the appearance of the person being portrayed. It doesn’t matter whether he’s sitting frozen under the spotlight in the studio or whether he’s caught by surprise in the midst of working in the field. For many years, a portrait remains on a photograph of a person exactly as the photographer saw him. Moreover, it preserves not only external features, but his character, the mood of that moment. Everything is important in a portrait: the light, what surrounds the person being portrayed, his clothes, and of course, his appearance, the emotions reflected on his face. This genre is loved by both beginners and professionals in photography.

Wedding photography is The best way to capture an event that most couples celebrate once in a lifetime. For a long time wedding photography was staged - until reporting burst into this genre. Wedding reporting is one of the most difficult photographic genres, because every moment of the ceremony is significant and unique in its own way: many things will never be repeated, and an encore is impossible here.

Sports photography shows those moments that are often missed by the viewer - they last a fraction of a second. The key nuance is understanding the specifics of the competition. Only a true professional, familiar with the sport from the inside, is able to capture the most climactic moments: he always knows where the ball will fly in the next second, from which point to shoot tennis and from which fencing, who to focus on, which athlete is most likely to shoot will be the star of the current match.

Fashion photography is diverse, but always elegant, bright, dizzying, seductive, often scandalous and provocative; it conveys not only the charm of fashion catwalks, the glamor and luxury of famous fashion houses. Fashion photography, like no other art direction, captures the atmosphere of time, the style and mood of an era, embodying the ideal to which culture invariably strives at one point or another of the space-time continuum.

Animal photography requires special patience and hard work: wild animals are afraid of humans, and it often takes weeks or even months to take a good shot. Every animal photographer is a little bit of a scientist: in order to get the desired result, he has to study a lot of scientific literature, study the character and habits of his “models”. But the result is worth the cost. Unfortunately, in our turbulent age, there is a high chance that some species of animals will soon be seen only in photographs culture invariably strives towards at one point or another on the space-time continuum.

What digital artists want to say in the language of digital art cannot be conveyed to a person using, for example, painting - and cannot be drawn by hand. Everything in the world of technology moves very quickly, and even for those who are “in the know” it is sometimes difficult to keep track of everything. Artistic photomontage is a simulation of one’s own world, usually attached with philosophical overtones, in our turbulent age, there is a great chance that some species of animals will soon be seen only in photographs

Or some other one? Half the job is done - the main thing left is to find a buyer. How will a potential client find your creation in a sea of ​​others? Of course, by name.

A potential buyer finds a photo.

For example, the URLs for each are created taking into account the description that the images initially give. This is very important for search engines. Therefore, to some extent, he himself may be to blame for the fact that not everyone finds him. Let's explain everything using our image of a man's spine as an example.

A potential buyer can type the phrase “stock man’s spine” into the Yandex or Google search bar. The search engine's response will be a link to the same image on the first pages of search results.

Good result - people buy your photo

The buyer follows the link to the photo bank page, where he can purchase your image. A clear, concise and accurate description of the photo, and most importantly, that it corresponds to what is on - the guarantee that your photo will be bought.

There is only one conclusion: you need to make short descriptions for photographs that would accurately convey the meaning and fully correspond to the image. Therefore, you need to be attentive to every word.

You have to remember that in some cases you need to add a little more specificity. For example, a photograph with the title “Dog” may get lost in millions of similar ones and never be seen. But a photo with the caption “Police Detective German Shepherd” has a much better chance of being shown on the first page of Google search results. In such cases, specifics will be very appropriate.

When you know how much impact descriptions have on finding and buying your product, you can create accurate and concise titles that will help your work be found more quickly.

F99 cream is a drug for external use, which is sold in pharmacies. The main purpose of the products is to treat skin diseases and epidermal problems, care for dry and sensitive skin. The active ingredient of the drugs is Vitamin F, which contains many useful substances. Vitamin f99 cream is universal - it is used for any part of the body, for adults and children.

F99 cream is widely used in medicine - it accelerates skin restoration in dermatological diseases. The drug is prescribed by pediatricians for the treatment of allergic manifestations and diaper dermatitis. Women use the product as a skin care product, especially during off-season periods.

What is it used for?

Cream Vitamin F99 is used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes, cares for the skin and restores it.

Indications for use of F99 cream:

  • Treatment of dry eczema;
  • Healing of epithelial cracks;
  • Regeneration of ulcers, including after varicose veins, burns and wounds of various types;
  • Skin care for atopic dermatitis;
  • Elimination of dry epithelium and peeling of the superficial stratum corneum of the skin;
  • Adaptation of the skin to the characteristics environment during off-season periods;
  • Avitaminosis.

Vitamin F99 can be used as a main medicinal product or for adjuvant therapy.

Benefits of F99 cream

  1. The product is universal and can be used on any area of ​​the skin. With its help, you can restore the skin on the body, arms, legs and even the face. It has a beneficial effect on delicate and sensitive skin, as well as the stratum corneum of the epithelium.
  2. The range of uses of F99 is very wide. It moisturizes, nourishes and smoothes the skin, and can be used for cosmetic purposes.
  3. The composition contains useful components and does not contain “harmful” components that pose a danger to the skin.
  4. Cream 99 is easy to use. It is packaged in a practical soft plastic tube. A portion of cream with a fatty or semi-oily consistency is quickly absorbed and easily distributed.
  5. The drug is sold in a pharmacy and has the appropriate certification, so there will be no problems determining the authenticity of the drug.


The cost of Vitamin F99 cream is approximately 120 rubles per 50 ml tube.

Unlike other drugs with similar effects, the product is economical and accessible.

Bold and fat cream F99

There are two main types: cream f99 semi-bold and fat. Each form solves different skin problems and has differences.

Cream Vitamin F99 bold

  • Designed for the face and sensitive skin;
  • Relieves itching and discomfort on the skin;
  • Calms inflammatory processes;
  • Has restorative properties;
  • Contains antiseptic components;
  • Strengthens the superficial capillaries of the epidermis;
  • Improves skin condition with weeping eczema and ulcers on the lower extremities.

Cream F99 fatty

  • This type of cream with Vitamin F has a thicker consistency;
  • Eliminates skin irritation;
  • Used for medicinal purposes for dry eczema, burns, cuts, atopic dermatitis;
  • Heals small wounds, cracks, abrasions;
  • Restores damaged areas of the skin;
  • Has bactericidal properties;
  • Increases the protective and immune forces of the skin;
  • Has a tonic effect;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • Exfoliates the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

How does fat cream F 99 differ from semi-fat cream:

  • The main difference is consistency. The use of F99 cream in fatty form is indicated for the treatment of excessive dry skin and atopic dermatitis. The indications for the bold cream include the treatment of weeping wounds.
  • The tint of the fatty product is slightly yellowish, while the lighter version is clearly white.
  • The “weighted” product contains beeswax and sea buckthorn oil, which adds additional properties and gives it a greasy consistency.
  • Both options distribute well and are quickly absorbed into the skin.

Composition of cream F99

The formulation of the drug is unique - you rarely find a more useful and safe set of components.

Composition of cream F99:

  1. Water is the main component of any cream. It forms a creamy structure of the product.
  2. Omega 3 fatty acid esters (vitamin F derivative) have anti-aging properties, regenerate damaged cells and prevent skin aging.
  3. Liposentol-F – ester complex of lipids;
  4. Vegetable oil and milk thistle oil – nourish and soften the skin;
  5. Cosmetic stearin is an organic substance formed from fats.
  6. Emulsion wax acts as a natural emulsifier;
  7. Glycerin moisturizes the epidermis and retains moisture in the skin tissues;
  8. Lanett D – hydrophilic wax that regulates the viscosity of the product;
  9. Nipagin and nipazole, which are contained in the last positions in the composition, are used as preservatives in the drug. Their concentration is minimal.

The instructions for the f99 cream indicate that the components of the drug in individual cases can cause an allergic reaction. Before use, do a small test on the bend of your elbow. The test must be carried out for children, since delicate and sensitive skin may react with irritation to the active ingredients.

Reviews of cream f99

Reviews about F99 cream:

Lyudmila, 38 years old, Moscow: “Cream JSC Strelets Vitamin F99 is the best cream I have used. This cream replaced my day cream because it was much more beneficial. At times my skin becomes dehydrated and sensitive, then any cream causes irritation, but not F99. Its consistency is light and at first I wanted to add another drop to a pea of ​​cream for more hydration, but after 3 days this feeling disappeared - the skin became soft and moisturized.”

Svetlana, 35 years old, Nizhny Novgorod: « Bold cream F99 was given to me by a friend. She has been using it for 2 months now. The manufacturer writes that this drug is ideal for caring for dry and flaky skin. I applied the cream for 1 week and the result is already noticeable - 60% of the peeling is gone, and the skin looks fresh and rested.”

Olga, 27 years old, Orel: “Before buying F99 cream, I read reviews from cosmetologists. Experts recommend the drug for facial and body skin care. The cream is good, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Helped get rid of cracks on my hands that appeared after the frost. I applied it up to 3 times a day for a week. The consistency is not sticky, absorbs well and does not stain everything around.”

Video review of F99 cream:

Instructions for use

Read the instructions for using f99 cream:

  1. We first cleanse the skin of dirt, sebum and makeup.
  2. Dry the skin.
  3. Squeeze a pea of ​​cream out of the tube.
  4. Distribute the drug with light movements on the skin for 3 minutes.
  5. We wait until the F99 cream is completely absorbed.
  6. If necessary, a bandage may be applied.

F99 intimate gel

Intimate gel F99 is a product for the care of the skin and mucous membrane of the genital organs. The product has a light texture, a refreshing aroma, is well absorbed and gives a feeling of comfort. F99 for intimate hygiene moisturizes and tones skin tissue.

Intra gel F99 contains Vitamin F, which has dermatological activity and provides anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

The product is indicated for the healing of erosions, small wounds and cracks. It stops inflammatory processes, increases the protective properties of the skin and mucous membranes, and also increases their resistance to infectious diseases.

Intimate gel Vitamin F99 is designed to restore the epithelium of the genital organs of women and men.

According to the instructions, f99 gel is used in the form of applications: apply a small amount of the drug to the skin of the genitals and rub in with light massaging movements.

The cost of intimate gel is 150 rubles per 50 ml tube.

Analogues of F99 cream

  • Elidel;
  • Tsinocap;
  • Losterol;
  • Radevit;
  • Bepanten;
  • Emolium;
  • Contractubex;
  • Skin Cap;
  • Kartalin.

Analogues have a different composition, but similar indications for use. Read the instructions for use carefully and consult your doctor.


Cream Vitamin F99 is a universal remedy designed to treat skin diseases and solve cosmetic problems of the epidermis. The drug can be used for adults and children. It contains the most useful and safe components.

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