Where to change stones for aa in L2. The fastest way to make money in L2. How does the cost of AA change?



From the chronicles of Aden, stories have been preserved about the gods, about the creation of the world, and about its destruction. This is how the legend about the fall of the younger goddess, the water goddess Shillen, has come down to us. Nowadays she is the goddess of the dark moon, forgotten by everyone except her children. Few people remember that the Wood Elves were created by Shillen. The Wood Elves themselves prefer to worship their successor, the younger goddess Eva. And only the Dark Elves remain faithful to their foremother. The story of the fall of Shillen is very well described in the Chronicles of Chaos, and I will not recount it in full here. However, it is worth noting that these chronicles missed the most important thing - how Shillen was able to escape from the wrath of Einhasad. Or were they deliberately kept silent so that many would not have the desire to again plunge the world into the abyss of Chaos? But it doesn't matter now. The secret has been revealed, now everyone needs to know about it, otherwise the onset of Chaos is inevitable. The Chronicles of Chaos only mention that Shillen devoted her last strength not to saving her children - the dragons, but to creating a protective barrier that divided the continent of Aden. The part of it that is now known as the kingdom of Aden was a scorched piece of land. The eastern part, where Shillen remained, remained untouched by Einhasad's wrath. No one knows what kind of spell it was, but even Einhasad herself could not break through the barrier created. In an attempt to find even the slightest weakness, Einhasad spent several days using the most terrible spells, which turned the once flourishing Aden into a pile of earth covered with ash. The few survivors fled to the west. The surviving dragons - the most evil, cunning and treacherous - hid in the deepest caves. Shillen's joy was short-lived that she managed to escape Einhasad's revenge. She found herself imprisoned by her own spell. Although historians disagree here, some believe that Shillen could not have created such a spell alone, and this could not have happened without the help of Gran Kain. Others suggest that the eldest daughter was far superior in strength to her mother, and this was the true reason for Einhasad's anger. But both opinions are heretical, and very quickly supporters of both movements agreed that Einhasad was shocked by her daughter’s betrayal. One way or another, salvation became a trap for Shillen. While trying to break her own spell, she realized that only all seven gods, including Einhasad and Gran Kain, could do it. As it turns out, only magical creatures cannot penetrate the barrier, but it is permeable to living beings. Over the centuries of her forced imprisonment, Shillen created the Seven Seals, each of which must be invested by one of the gods. 6 emissaries of Shillen were sent to Aden - each had to arrive at the temple of one of the gods and pray for the favor of the gods. The Seventh Seal, with the power of Shillen herself, remained behind the barrier, waiting in the wings. Everything went quite well, and all the younger gods gave their consent, although obviously not without the help of Gran Kain. But the most amazing thing was that Einhasad also put her power into the Seal. The reasons for her action are unknown to us, but the fact remains a fact. However... On the way to the east, a caravan with emissaries was attacked. The attack was repelled, but the Seals disappeared without a trace. And although artifacts filled with the power of the gods can be noticed by any magician many kilometers away, the loss was never found. Despite the fact that any Seal itself was capable of granting its owner unprecedented abilities, for hundreds of years, no one took advantage of them. During this time, a lot happened. Kingdoms came and went. A series of wars gave way to periods of prosperity. But no trace of the Seals. They were first forgotten, then a new church reform completely eradicated any mention of them, as compromising the impeccability of Einhasad. Some of this information still remained intact in the caches of our Aden Researchers Guild - an underground organization engaged in collecting truthful information about the past and present of Aden. Shillen, who was in captivity, initially resigned herself to the course of things. Then came despair and the understanding that the Seals had obviously disappeared with the help of Einhasad. Anger flared up with renewed vigor. Old grievances were remembered. And plans for revenge... Every day Shillen's anger only grew. Many still remember the time of Chaos that reigned over Aden. A gaping wound on the body of the kingdom - Wasteland - a sullen reminder of the wrath and power of the gods. And just recently, three of the six Seals that had disappeared without a trace reappeared on the mainland of Aden. Where they came from, where they were all this time, and where the remaining three are will remain a mystery. But the understanding that the time has come when the Seals will be used only darkens the future. The knowledge that the three seals found are filled with the power of the lesser gods - Pa'agrio, Eva and Seihe - gives faint hope that the most powerful Seals will not be found for a long time, delaying the possibility of Shillen's release. Those who were born now were born in troubled times, a time of change and great achievements. Even those who have always been neutral must choose a side. Fight for possession of the Seals in order to use their power, bringing Chaos and Destruction into the world, or free Shillen and plunge the world into even greater Chaos and Destruction? We cannot allow either one or the other, but we have no choice.

Event cycle

  • The event has a cyclical structure, equal in time to two weeks. Each cycle begins every two weeks on Monday at 18:00. The cycle is also divided into two stages - the period of Struggle and the period of Victory, 1 week for each of them:
    • First week - period Fight. During the first period, you can register for the event; after registration, you can freely visit necropolises and catacombs regardless of the side you choose.
    • Second week - period Victory. During this week, the losing side is actually completely cut off from the 7 seals. Only the winning party has access to the catacombs and necropolises. Bonuses of activated seals begin to take effect, such as: The Blacksmith and Merchant of Mammon, ghosts in cities, monsters in dungeons change slightly, from which seal stones fall, castle owners rejoice when the 3rd seal is activated, event RBs appear in dungeons - Lilith (Lilith) (lvl 80) or Anakim (Anakim) (level 80), depending on who won.
  • Between the period of Struggle and the period of Victory (week 2 of the event, Monday) there is a gap of 15 minutes (from 18:00 to 18:15), which is called Collection of Results. In this interval, essentially nothing happens. It simply does what the name suggests - collecting and counting results. You can no longer influence the distribution of points between the parties in any way, and at the same time, the attributes of the Victory period have not yet appeared.
  • You can also find out what period it is now using a world map. In the lower left corner you will see the word “State:” and a description of what stage the event is in:
    • Condition: Event period - corresponds to the period Fight.
    • Condition: Collection of results - threshold of the period Victory, lasts from 18:00 to 18:15.
    • Status: Validity period of the Seal - corresponds to the period Victory.


What to do during the Struggle?

Useful quests

Collecting Seal Stones

  • One way to earn points for your side is by collecting Seal Stones. To do this, you need to hunt monsters in the Catacombs and Necropolises. Monsters that can be killed to obtain Seal Stones have the prefixes in their names Gigant(Giant), Lilim(Lilim) and Nephilim(Nephilim). Seal Stones must be handed over to the Priests of Dawn and Dusk in order to earn points.


CityTeleportCost during the StruggleCost during the Victory period
Gludin VillageNecropolis of Sacrifice 5500 3300
Town of GludioThe Patriot's Necropolis 9200 5500
Necropolis of Devotion 14000 8700
Necropolis of Sacrifice 7000 4200
Catacomb of Dark Omens 30000 18000
Town of DionThe Pilgrim's Necropolis 3900 2300
2600 1500
Catacomb of the Branded 5900 3500
Necropolis of Worship 11000 6800
Town of GiranNecropolis of Martyrdom 8600 5100
HeineNecropolis of Worship 5500 3300
The Pilgrim's Necropolis 13000 8200
12000 7600
Catacomb of the Branded 13000 8100
The Saint's Necropolis 9600 5700
Town of OrenCatacomb of the Apostate 5000 3000
Town of AdenThe Disciple's Necropolis 14000 8400
Catacomb of the Witch 12000 7500
Catacomb of the Forbidden Path 18000 11000
Hunters VillageCatacomb of the Witch 5000 3000
Catacomb of the Forbidden Path 2800 1700
Rune TownshipNecropolis of Martyrdom 46000 28000
Catacomb of the Witch 37000 22000
The Patriot's Necropolis 29000 17000
Necropolis of Devotion 39000 23000
The Disciple's Necropolis 35000 21000
Catacomb of the Forbidden Path 41000 25000
Catacomb of Dark Omens 25000 15000
The Saint's Necropolis 73000 43000
Town of GoddardThe Disciple's Necropolis 11000 71000
Catacomb of the Forbidden Path 40000 24000
Catacomb of Dark Omens 51000 31000
The Saint's Necropolis 76000 46000
Town of SchuttgartNecropolis of Sacrifice 29000 17000
The Pilgrim's Necropolis 32000 19000
34000 20000
Catacomb of the Branded 50000 30000
Necropolis of Worship 38000 22000
Catacomb of the Apostate 44000 26000
The Patriot's Necropolis 49000 29000

Participation in the Festival of Darkness

  • Festival of Darkness- Festival of Darkness is a competition where your group must endure 18 minutes of fighting monsters in a special dungeon:
    • Oracle of Dawn- for those who joined the Lords of the Dawn.
    • Oracle of Dusk- for those who joined the Army of Sunset.


  • From 18:00 to 18:15 on Monday of the second week of the event (that is, just at the moment when the Fight period ends and the Victory period begins), the number of points earned by each side is calculated. The score is made up of points received for surrendering Seal Stones and points received for participating in the Festival of Darkness.

What to do during the Victory period?

Obtaining Ancient Addena (Ancient Adena)

  • After summing up the results, the winning side can receive Ancient Adena from the Priests of Dawn/Dusk, depending on how many and what kind of stones they handed over (if any) during the Struggle. If your side lost, you can get your Ancient Adena in one of the following cycles if it wins. It will also be possible to exchange Seal Stones for Ancient Adena already during the Victory period, if you did not hand over the stones during the Struggle period, or obtained more stones during the Victory period.

Purchasing Items

Effect of Seals

  • Each of the three available Seals has its own bonuses. However, in order for these bonuses to take effect - i.e. In order for the seal to be activated, it is necessary that at least 35% of the participants vote for it on the winning side. However, if one of the parties wins 2 or more times, then at least 10% is needed to maintain control of the Seal. Example:
  1. Lords of the Dawn ( Dawn) in the first cycle of the Seven Seals they won, and activated the 1st and 2nd seals, but the 3rd remained inactive (35% on the 1st, 35% on the 2nd, but not on the 3rd there are enough people). If Dawn wins in the second cycle (that is, it is already 4 weeks - 2 cycles), voting for the same seals (again 35% for the 1st, 35% for the 2nd, not enough for the 3rd) then for the third cycle (Monday of the 5th week) to activate any of the seals that won in the previous cycle (in our example these are the 1st and 2nd seals) you will need only 10% (10% for the 1st, 10% for the 2nd, 35% on the 3rd). Thus, if the Dawn wins again, on Monday of the 6th week (the beginning of the Victory period of the 3rd cycle) all 3 seals will be activated. PROFIT well.
    • The same applies for example if Dawn all 2 cycles voted for only one of the seals, then on the 3rd cycle they will still be able to activate all 3 seals (35% + 35% + 10% = all 3 seals win and will be active during the Victory period of the 3rd cycle) if will defeat him.
  2. Lords of the Dawn ( Dawn) won in the first and second cycles of the event, but in the third cycle the Army of Sunset won ( Dusk). It means that Dusk will have to score 35% for the seal (or 2 seals, as it turns out or wants) to be activated in the third cycle. If in this case Dusk win the next, 4th cycle, then during the Struggle period they will need 10% for the one (or those) of the seals that they won in the previous cycle.

By participating in the struggle for possession of the Seven Seals, you receive stones of different colors. These stones can be exchanged for ancient adena - money used in the days when the Titans still ruled over Aden.

Ancient adena cannot be used to buy things in regular stores, but they are very popular among the Brotherhood of Mammon - a very ancient organization of merchants seeking to gain unlimited power over Aden. In their stores you can find everything that is so difficult to get in the usual way, even for a lot of money.

Here is a list of what representatives of the Brotherhood of Mammon can offer you - from the sale of enchantment scrolls to the exchange of one type of weapon for another. The range of these goods can amaze even experienced travelers.

Representatives of the Brotherhood of Mammon can only be found in certain places. Monks (Priest of Dawn, Priest of Dusk) usually roam cities in search of converts. Traders of Mammon prefer the deathly silence of the Necropolis, and blacksmiths of Mammon prefer the pitch darkness of the Catacomb.

Representatives of the brotherhood appear only when one of the parties - the Lords of Dawn or the Lords of Dusk - wins certain seals in the struggle for possession of all the Seven Seals. They warn of their appearance with a loud cry. At the same time, blacksmiths and traders often move, not staying in one place for more than half an hour.

Merchant of Mammon



Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade D) 6 000
Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade C) 15 000
Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade B) 80 000
Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade A) 240 000
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade D)
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C) 110 000
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade B) 500 000
30 000
Gemstone S 100 000
Crystal: A Grade 15 000
Crystal: S Grade 25 000
Blessed Scroll of Escape 150 000
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection 500 000
Low Grade +1/-1 Dye (tattoo inks) 42 000
High Grade +1/-1 Dye (tattoo inks) 60 000
High Grade +2/-2 Dye (tattoo inks) 72 000
High Grade +3/-3 Dye (tattoo inks) 108 000
High Grade +4/-4 Dye (tattoo inks) 174 000

Blacksmith of Mammon (Blacksmith)



Inserting red SA into A class weapons 140-157
Inserting green SA into A class weapons 140-157
Inserting blue SA into A class weapons 140-157
SA insert into S class weapons 82 gems + 1 cry 13 lvl
Weapon upgrade: top-D class to best-D class 480 000
Weapon upgrade: best-D class to low-C class 580 000
Weapon upgrade: low-C class to middle-C class 696 000
Weapon upgrade: middle-C class to top-C class 1 716 000
Weapon upgrade: top-C class to best-C class 2 200 000
Exchange one type of weapon for another 0
For free!
Removing the seal from sealed Tallum, Dark Crystall helmets 130 500
Removing the seal from sealed Tallum, Dark Crystall gloves 87 000
Removing the seal from sealed Tallum, Dark Crystall boots 87 000
Unsealing Tallum, Dark Crystall Armor and Leggings or Full Armor 381 000
Removing the seal from sealed Majestic, Nightmare helmets 198 000
Removing the seal from sealed Majestic, Nightmare gloves 132 000
Removing the seal from sealed Majestic, Nightmare boots 132 000
Unsealing Majestic, Nightmare Armor and Leggings or Full Armor 579 750
Unsealing a Sealed Majestic Ring 426 834
Unsealing the Sealed Majestic Earing 640 251
Unsealing a Sealed Majestic Necklace 853 669
Unsealing the Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate 1 072 500
Unsealing Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters 672 000
Unsealing Drakonic Light Armor 1 305 000
Unsealing a Sealed Major Arcana Robe 1 305 000
Unsealing sealed S-grade helmets 402 750
Removing the seal from sealed S-grade gloves 268 500
Removing the seal from sealed S-grade boots 268 500
Unsealing a Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield 282 000
Unsealing the Sealed Tateossian Necklace 1 494 460
Unsealing the Sealed Tateossian Earring 1 120 845
Unsealing a Sealed Tateossian Ring 747 230
Dualization of swords Keshanberk*Keshanberk 1 953 000
Dualization of swords Keshanberk*Damascus 3 989 000
Damascus*Damascus Sword Dualization

2 310 000

Tallum Blade*Dark Legion's Edge Sword Dualization

Weapon exchange:

1 group

Scroll of Wisdom
Hand Ax
Heavy Mace
Work Hammer
Bone Staff
Crafted Dagger
Assassin Knife
Strengthened Bow
Branch of Life

2nd group . The cost of upgrading weapons from the first group 282.000 "Ancient Adena"

Bastard Sword
Spinebone Sword
Artisan's Sword
Knight's Sword
Mace of Prayer
Mace of Judgment
Mace of Miracle
Doom Hammer
Mystic Staff
Conjuror's Staff
Staff of Mana
Poniard Dagger
Single-Edged Jamadhr
Long Bow
Eleven Bow
Dark Elven Bow
Dwarven Trident
Divine Tome

3rd group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the second group 387.600 "Ancient Adena"

Two-Handed Sword
Crimson Sword
Elven Sword
Spiked Club
Staff of Magic
Dagger of Mana
Mystic Knife
Conjurer's Knife
Shillien Knife
Triple-Edged Jamadhr
War Hammer
Dwarven Pike
Blood of Saints
Tome of Blood

4th group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the third group 480,000 "Ancient Adena"

Morning Star
Goat Head Staff
Winged Spear
Sword of Revolution
Skull Breaker
Heavy Bone Club
Strengthened Long Bow
War Pick
Crucifix of Blood
Cursed Maingauche

5 group . The cost of upgrading weapons from the fourth group 480,000 "Ancient Adena"

Atuba Hammer
Ghost Staff
Staff of Life
Atuba Mace
Mithril Dagger
Scallop Jamadhr
Light Crossbow
Elven Long Sword

6 group . The cost of upgrading weapons from the fifth group 588.000 "Ancient Adena"

Big Hammer
Battle Ax
Silver Ax
Skull Graver
Heavy Doom Hammer
Crystal Staff
Stick of Faith
Heavy Doom Ax
Cursed Dagger
Wolverine Needle
Dark Elven Dagger
Chakram Dual
Crystallized Ice Bow
Orcish Glaive
Body Slasher

7 group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the sixth group 696.000 "Ancient Adena"

Bec de Corbin
Spirit Sword
Raid Sword
Cursed Staff
Soulfire Dirk
Elemental Bow
Noble Eleven Bow
Horn of Glory
Dwarven War Hammer

8 group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the seventh group 1.716.000 "Ancient Adena"

Sword of Delusion
Homunculus's Sword
Sword of Limit
Sword of Nightmare
Sword of Whispering Death
War Ax
Nirvana Ax
Paradia Staff
Inferno Staff
Paagrio Hammer
Sage's Staff
Club of Nature
Mace of the Underworld
Grace Dagger
Dark Screamer
Fist Blade
Akat Long Bow
Heathen's Book

9 group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the eighth group 2,196,000 "Ancient Adena"

Samurai Longsword
Deadman's Staff
Ghoul's Staff
Demon's Staff
Crystal Dagger
Great Pata
Eminence Bow
Orcish Poleaxe
Yaksa Mace
Berserker Blade

Attention! When exchanging weapons within the same group, enchantments are retained, but SA is lost. When improved, both enchantments and SA are lost.

Weapon exchange. Weapon exchange is free. If you need to change a weapon of the same class, go to “weapon exchange” (be sure to put it in your inventory), first select yours, then which one you are changing to. You can only change weapons for weapons within the same group. Those. We cannot change, for example, Saber - group 1 to Artisan's Sword group 2 - in a weapon exchange; this is done at the weapon improvement point.

Upgrading weapons. To improve a weapon, a certain amount of Ancient Adena is required. In “weapon improvement” we select ours, and then select a weapon from the next group. You cannot jump over a group - you can only upgrade weapons one group higher. For example, to get from Crystal Staff (6th group) - Sage Staff (8th group), change in the following order Crystal Staff (6) to Cursed Staff (7) then to Sage Staff (8).

Priests of Down/Dusk (Monks)



Greater Healing Potion 1 080
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection for Pets 6 000
Greater Haste Potion 3 600
Greater Magic Haste Potion 7 200
Greater Swift Attack Potion 7 200
CP Potion 240
Greater CP Potion 600
Charm of Luck 120
Charm of Luck: D Grade 396
Charm of Luck: C Grade 792
Charm of Luck: B Grade 1 560
Charm of Luck: A Grade 3 240
Charm of Luck: S Grade 6 000
SP Scroll: Low Grade 2 400
SP Scroll: Medium Grade 24 000
SP Scroll: High Grade 480 000
12 000
Mystery Potion 12 000
Facelifting Potion - A,B,C 24 000
Dye Potion - A,B,C,D 24 000
Hair Style Change Potion - A,B,C,D,E,F,G 24 000
Party Mask 600 000
15 000
Squeaking Shoes 420 000
10 500
Record of Seven Signs 600

Trade AA (antique adena) - perhaps the most profitable business in l2. It doesn't take much time. Just go in and change your character. Set prices lower than your competitors.

This type of business has its own characteristics. In the article you will find tips: how to set prices, where to sit, etc.

AA is bought most often than the rest. They are needed for any crafting, printing clothes.

If you sit down to buy, they will quickly sell them to you. Since katas are a place where everyone and everyone is swinging.

The Desters do a lot of farming - they make wigs and sell them. By the way, they will be the most unpleasant competitors, ready to bet very low price for sale. All because they got the ancient adena for free, solely as a result of farming.

How much can you earn

On average, on servers you can sell AA at twice the price of what you bought. It all depends on the number of competitors. Sometimes it turns out to sell 7 times more expensive, when no one except you sells AA.

At first, when there is not much money, you can double it several times a day. But then, when there are several Persians with AA worth 2 billion, the capital will double about once every three days.

In addition, this business will be useful when you craft a lot of things at once. You will need a lot of ancient adena. You will hesitate to farm so much. But your sellers will always have them.

Where to sit

Often on servers, sellers/buyers of ancient adena sit next to each other. You need to sit near them with a favorable price and check it often.

If it is not possible to log in with your character often, then it is better to sit away from the others. People who are too lazy to look through the entire area will buy/sell you if they don’t see other offers nearby.

What price should I set?

If you play aggressively and can come in often, then stupidly bet one adena more profitable. There is no need to bet, for example, 5 adena cheaper - it’s pointless. Everyone will buy/sell to you anyway.

Another option when you visit rarely. Set the price just below average and then you will definitely be sold out after a while.

If the price is the best, then feel free to write it in the ad. If not, then it’s better to write something like “cheap”.

AA trade – seasonal business

Seasonal, because the exchange of stones for aa and the purchase, printing of things occurs only during the period of confirmation of printing. You cannot exchange for one week. This seasonality greatly affects prices and provides an opportunity to earn even more.

On some servers, mammon is available all the time. This means that the features described below do not apply to such servers.

Exchange period AA

The period when you can exchange stones for aa and spend them. At this time, you should exchange all the stones for aa and it is worth trading them. That is, I do not recommend exchanging them for A and S gems, CPU, etc. Because AA is also needed to print gear. And if we exchange AA for goods, then we lose these buyers.

Sell ​​and buy AA again at market prices. During this period, it is important to save some AA for the last couple of days of the week. Because by this time competitors often sell out all their goods, but demand increases very strongly. In addition, people are willing to buy at much higher prices. After all, they need to have time to print and craft. Otherwise you will have to wait another whole week.

Feel free to set prices these days three times higher than usual. Of course, if there are few competitors.

Don't be afraid that you will have unsold AA. The main thing is to have time to exchange them for A and S gems. I mainly trade only S gems. Because on the server where I played, it was the most profitable.

Don't buy crystals! Because they are full of people who have broken their gear. They are ready to sell them very cheap.

Period of buying stones

This week you can sell N gems at a price much higher than the price of AA last week. But the demand is much less. Most are still waiting for next week.

Also, buy stones. From the first day, all week. They will cost very, very little compared to AA next week. Especially in the first few days of the period of struggle for seals.

How does the cost of AA change?

The graph roughly shows the price of AA. Different colors show different batches of AA.

In the first week, AA is bought in the form of stones (very cheap).

Second week – stones are exchanged for AA.

And the third week (again a period of struggle) - AA is exchanged for A, S gems.

At the same time, new stones are purchased.

We can conclude that the moment to buy is the beginning of a period of struggle. For sale - also the beginning of the period of struggle, but in a week. But I don’t recommend waiting that long to sell. In all these two weeks, you can wrap the goods a bunch of times.

Just consider this fact. And make sure that by this moment you have something to sell and buy with.

Victory of the dark side

There is such a generally accepted feature - everyone fights for the bright side. But there are times when the dark one wins. Then none of those who are light can exchange AA and get to the mammon.

First of all, be careful. Register the second Persian for the dark ones, just in case. If you have a bunch of stones bought up and fly like this, then your business will stop for two weeks. In this case, it would be better to ask someone to exchange, from those who are registered for the dark ones.

Secondly, such a case is simply a goldmine if you have a ton of AA in such a week. You can sell S gems for such exorbitant prices that you will simply become rich.

In any case, this business needs to be done first. Since you can dress in full gear without any problems. It's much faster than farming for it.