New generation hypersonic strike systems. Hypersonic aircraft in the United States are in their infancy Hypersonic flight

Promising Russian bomber - a response to the concept of a rapid global strike?

The competition for aviation to master hypersonic speeds began during the Cold War. In those years, designers and engineers of the USSR, USA and other developed countries designed new aircraft capable of flying 2-3 times faster than the speed of sound. The race for speed gave rise to many discoveries in the field of aerodynamics of flight in the atmosphere and quickly reached the limits of the physical capabilities of pilots and the cost of manufacturing an aircraft.

As a result, rocket design bureaus were the first to master hypersound in their creations - intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and launch vehicles. When launching satellites into near-Earth orbits, the rockets reached speeds of 18,000 – 25,000 km/h. This far exceeded the maximum parameters of the fastest supersonic aircraft, both civilian (Concord = 2150 km/h, Tu-144 = 2300 km/h) and military (SR-71 = 3540 km/h, MiG-31 = 3000 km/h) hour).

Separately, I would like to note that when designing the supersonic interceptor MiG-31, aircraft designer G.E. Lozino-Lozinsky used advanced materials (titanium, molybdenum, etc.) in the airframe design, which allowed the aircraft to reach a record altitude for manned flight (MiG-31D) and a maximum speed of 7000 km/h in the upper atmosphere. In 1977, test pilot Alexander Fedotov set an absolute world flight altitude record of 37,650 meters on its predecessor, the MiG-25 (for comparison, the SR-71’s maximum flight altitude was 25,929 meters). Unfortunately, engines for flights at high altitudes in conditions of a highly rarefied atmosphere had not yet been created, since these technologies were only being developed in the bowels of Soviet research institutes and design bureaus as part of numerous experimental works.

A new stage in the development of hypersound technologies was research projects to create aerospace systems that combined the capabilities of aviation (aerobatics and maneuvers, landing on runways) and spacecraft (entry into orbit, orbital flight, deorbit). In the USSR and the USA, these programs were partially worked out, revealing to the world the space orbital planes “Buran” and “Space Shuttle”.

Why partially? The fact is that the launch of the aircraft into orbit was carried out using a launch vehicle. The cost of the launch was enormous, about 450 million dollars (according to the Space Shuttle program), which was several times higher than the cost of the most expensive civil and military aircraft, and did not allow making the orbital aircraft a mass product. The need to invest enormous amounts of money in creating infrastructure that would ensure ultra-fast intercontinental flights (cosmodromes, flight control centers, fuel and refueling complexes) finally buried the prospect of passenger transportation.

The only customer that is at least somehow interested in hypersonic vehicles is the military. True, this interest was episodic. The military programs of the USSR and the USA to create aerospace aircraft followed different paths. They were most consistently implemented in the USSR: from the project to create a PKA (planning spacecraft) to MAKS (multi-purpose aviation space system) and Buran, a consistent and unbroken chain of scientific and technical groundwork was built, on the basis of which the foundation for future ones was created. experimental flights of hypersonic aircraft prototypes.

Missile design bureaus continued to improve their ICBMs. With the advent of modern air defense and missile defense systems capable of shooting down ICBM warheads at great distances, new requirements began to be placed on the striking elements of ballistic missiles. The warheads of the new ICBMs were supposed to overcome enemy air and missile defenses. This is how combat units appeared that were capable of overcoming air defense at hypersonic speeds (M=5-6).

The development of hypersonic technologies for the warheads of ICBMs made it possible to launch several projects to create defensive and offensive hypersonic weapons - kinetic (railgun), dynamic (cruise missiles) and space (strike from orbit).

The intensification of the US geopolitical rivalry with Russia and China has revived the topic of hypersound as a promising tool capable of providing an advantage in the field of space and missile weapons. The increased interest in these technologies is also due to the concept of inflicting maximum damage on the enemy using conventional (non-nuclear) weapons, which is actually being implemented by NATO countries led by the United States.

Indeed, if the military command has at least a hundred non-nuclear hypersonic vehicles at its disposal that can easily overcome existing air defense and missile defense systems, then this “last argument of kings” will directly affect the strategic balance between nuclear powers. Moreover, a hypersonic missile in the future can destroy elements of strategic nuclear forces both from the air and from space in a period of no more than an hour from the moment the decision is made to the moment it hits the target. This is precisely the ideology embedded in the American military program Prompt Global Strike (prompt global strike).

Is such a program feasible in practice? The arguments “for” and “against” were divided approximately equally. Let's figure it out.

American Prompt Global Strike program

The Prompt Global Strike (PGS) concept was adopted in the 2000s at the initiative of the US Armed Forces command. Its key element is the ability to launch a non-nuclear strike anywhere on the globe within 60 minutes after a decision is made. Work within the framework of this concept is being carried out simultaneously in several directions.

The first direction of PGS, and the most realistic from a technical point of view has become the use of ICBMs with high-precision non-nuclear warheads, including cluster warheads, which are equipped with a set of homing submunitions. To test this area, the sea-based Trident II D5 ICBM was chosen, delivering destructive elements to a maximum range of 11,300 kilometers. Currently, work is underway to reduce the warheads' CEP to values ​​of 60-90 meters.

The second direction of PGS strategic hypersonic cruise missiles (SGKR) have been selected. Within the framework of the adopted concept, the X-51A Waverider (SED-WR) subprogram is implemented. At the initiative of the US Air Force and the support of DARPA, the development of a hypersonic missile has been carried out by Pratt & Whitney and Boeing since 2001.

The first result of the ongoing work should be the appearance by 2020 of a technology demonstrator with an installed hypersonic ramjet engine (scramjet engine). According to experts, the SGKR with this engine can have the following parameters: flight speed M = 7–8, maximum flight range 1300-1800 km, flight altitude 10-30 km.

In May 2007, after a detailed review of the progress of work on the X-51A "WaveRider", military customers approved the missile project. The experimental Boeing X-51A WaveRider is a classic cruise missile with a ventral scramjet and a four-cantilever tail. The materials and thickness of passive thermal protection were selected in accordance with calculated estimates of heat flows. The rocket's nose module is made of tungsten with a silicon coating, which can withstand kinetic heating up to 1500°C. Ceramic tiles developed by Boeing for the Space Shuttle program are used on the bottom surface of the rocket, where temperatures of up to 830°C are expected. The X-51A missile must meet high requirements for stealth (ESR no more than 0.01 m 2). To accelerate the product to a speed corresponding to M = 5, it is planned to install a tandem rocket accelerator using solid fuel.

It is planned to use US strategic aviation aircraft as the main carrier of the SGKR. There is no information yet about how these missiles will be placed - under the wing or inside the fuselage of the “strategist”.

The third direction of PGS are programs to create kinetic weapon systems that hit targets from Earth orbit. The Americans calculated in detail the results of the combat use of a tungsten rod about 6 meters long and 30 cm in diameter, dropped from orbit and striking a ground object at a speed of about 3500 m/s. According to calculations, at the meeting point, energy equivalent to the explosion of 12 tons of trinitrotoluene (TNT) will be released.

The theoretical justification gave rise to the projects of two hypersonic vehicles (Falcon HTV-2 and AHW), which will be launched into orbit by launch vehicles and in combat mode will be able to glide in the atmosphere with an increase in speed when approaching the target. Currently, these developments are at the stage of preliminary design and experimental launches. The main problematic issues so far remain systems based in space (space groups and combat platforms), high-precision target guidance systems and ensuring secrecy of launch into orbit (any launch and orbital objects are revealed by Russian missile attack warning and space control systems). The Americans hope to solve the problem of secrecy after 2019, with the launch into operation of a reusable aviation space system, which will launch a payload into orbit “by aircraft”, through two stages - a carrier aircraft (based on the Boeing 747) and an unmanned space aircraft (based on prototype of the X-37V device).

The fourth direction of PGS is a program to create an unmanned hypersonic reconnaissance aircraft based on the famous Lockheed Martin SR-71 Blackbird.

Lockheed's Skunk Works division is currently developing a promising UAV under the working name SR-72, which should double the maximum speed of the SR-71, reaching values ​​of about M = 6.

The development of a hypersonic reconnaissance aircraft is entirely justified. Firstly, the SR-72, due to its colossal speed, will be highly vulnerable to air defense systems. Secondly, it will fill the “gaps” in the operation of satellites, quickly obtaining strategic information and detecting mobile ICBM systems, formations of ships, and groupings of enemy forces in the theater of operations.

Two variants of the SR-72 aircraft are being considered - manned and unmanned, and its use as a strike bomber and carrier of precision weapons is also not excluded. Most likely, lightweight missiles without a propulsion engine can be used as weapons, since it is not needed when launched at a speed of 6 M. The released weight will likely be used to increase the power of the warhead. Lockheed Martin plans to show a flight prototype of the aircraft in 2023.

Chinese project of a hypersonic aircraft DF-ZF

On April 27, 2016, the American publication Washington Free Beacon, citing sources in the Pentagon, informed the world about the seventh test of the Chinese hypersonic aircraft DZ-ZF. The aircraft was launched from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center (Shanxi Province). According to the newspaper, the plane performed maneuvers at speeds from 6,400 to 11,200 km/h, and crashed at a training ground in Western China.

“According to United States intelligence assessments, China plans to use a hypersonic aircraft as a means of delivering nuclear warheads capable of overcoming missile defense systems,” the publication noted. “The DZ-ZF can also be used as a weapon capable of destroying a target anywhere in the world within an hour.”

According to an analysis conducted by US intelligence of the entire series of tests, the hypersonic aircraft were launched with short-range ballistic missiles DF-15 and DF-16 (range up to 1000 km), as well as medium-range DF-21 (range 1800 km). Further testing of launches using the DF-31A ICBM (range 11,200 km) was not ruled out. According to the test program, the following is known: separating from the carrier in the upper layers of the atmosphere, the cone-shaped device accelerated downward and maneuvered along the trajectory of reaching the target.

Despite numerous foreign media publications that the Chinese hypersonic aircraft (HLA) is designed to destroy American aircraft carriers, Chinese military experts were skeptical about such statements. They pointed to the well-known fact that the supersonic speed of the GLA creates a cloud of plasma around the device, which interferes with the operation of the on-board radar when adjusting the course and aiming at such a moving target as an aircraft carrier.

As Colonel Shao Yongling, a professor at the PLA Missile Forces Command College, said in an interview with China Daily: “The ultra-high speed and range make it (the GLA) an excellent means of destroying ground targets. In the future, it can replace intercontinental ballistic missiles.”

According to the report of the relevant commission of the US Congress, the DZ-ZF can be adopted by the PLA in 2020, and its improved long-range version by 2025.

Scientific and technical backlog of Russia - hypersonic aircraft

Hypersonic Tu-2000

In the USSR, work on a hypersonic aircraft began at the Tupolev Design Bureau in the mid-1970s, based on the Tu-144 serial passenger aircraft. Research and design was carried out on an aircraft capable of speeds up to M=6 (TU-260) and a flight range of up to 12,000 km, as well as a hypersonic intercontinental aircraft TU-360. Its flight range was supposed to reach 16,000 km. A project was even prepared for the Tu-244 passenger hypersonic aircraft, designed to fly at an altitude of 28-32 km at a speed of M = 4.5-5.

In February 1986, R&D began in the United States to create the X-30 spaceplane with an air-jet power plant, capable of entering orbit in a single-stage version. The National Aerospace Plane (NASP) project was distinguished by an abundance of new technologies, the key of which was a dual-mode hypersonic ramjet engine, allowing flight at speeds of M=25. According to information received by USSR intelligence, NASP was being developed for civilian and military purposes.

The response to the development of the transatmospheric X-30 (NASP) was the USSR government decrees of January 27 and July 19, 1986 on the creation of an equivalent to the American aerospace aircraft (VKS). On September 1, 1986, the Ministry of Defense issued a technical specification for a single-stage reusable aerospace aircraft (SAR). According to this technical assignment, the MVKS was to ensure efficient and economical delivery of cargo into low-Earth orbit, high-speed transatmospheric intercontinental transportation, and the solution of military problems, both in the atmosphere and in near outer space. Of the works submitted to the competition by Tupolev Design Bureau, Yakovlev Design Bureau and NPO Energia, the Tu-2000 project received approval.

As a result of preliminary research under the MVKS program, the power plant was selected based on proven and proven solutions. Existing air-breathing engines (WRDs) that used atmospheric air had temperature restrictions; they were used on aircraft whose speed did not exceed M=3, and rocket engines had to carry a large supply of fuel on board and were not suitable for long flights in the atmosphere . Therefore, an important decision was made - in order for the aircraft to fly at supersonic speeds and at all altitudes, its engines must have features of both aviation and space technology.

It turned out that the most rational for a hypersonic aircraft is a ramjet engine (ramjet), which has no rotating parts, in combination with a turbojet engine (TRE) for acceleration. It was assumed that liquid hydrogen ramjet engines were most suitable for flights at hypersonic speeds. And the booster engine is a turbojet engine running either kerosene or liquid hydrogen.

As a result, a combination of an economical turbojet engine operating in the speed range M = 0-2.5, a second engine - a ramjet, accelerating the aircraft to M = 20, and a liquid propellant engine for entering orbit (acceleration to the first escape velocity of 7. 9 km/s) and support for orbital maneuvers.

Due to the complexity of solving a complex of scientific, technical and technological problems in creating a single-stage MVKS, the program was divided into two stages: the creation of an experimental hypersonic aircraft with a flight speed of up to M = 5-6, and the development of a prototype of an orbital MVKS, ensuring the conduct of a flight experiment in the entire range flights, up to spacewalk. In addition, at the second stage of the MVKS work, it was planned to create versions of the Tu-2000B space bomber, which was designed as a two-seater aircraft with a flight range of 10,000 km and a take-off weight of 350 tons. Six engines powered by liquid hydrogen were supposed to provide a speed of M=6-8 at an altitude of 30-35 km.

According to specialists from OKB im. A.N. Tupolev, the cost of building one videoconferencing system should have been about 480 million dollars, in 1995 prices (with R&D costs of 5.29 billion dollars). The estimated cost of the launch was to be 13.6 million dollars, with 20 launches per year.

The first time the model of the Tu-2000 aircraft was shown at the Mosaeroshow-92 exhibition. Before work was stopped in 1992, the following were manufactured for the Tu-2000: a wing caisson made of nickel alloy, fuselage elements, cryogenic fuel tanks and composite fuel lines.

Atomic M-19

A long-time “competitor” for strategic aircraft of the Design Bureau named after. Tupolev - Experimental Machine-Building Plant (now EMZ named after Myasishchev) was also involved in the development of a single-stage VKS as part of the Kholod-2 R&D. The project was called “M-19” and included work on the following topics:

  • Topic 19-1. Creation of a flying laboratory with a power plant using liquid hydrogen fuel, development of technology for working with cryogenic fuel;
  • Topic 19-2. Design work to determine the appearance of a hypersonic aircraft;
  • Topic 19-3. Design and engineering work to determine the appearance of a promising videoconferencing system;
  • Topic 19-4. Design and development work to determine the appearance of alternative options for aerospace forces with a nuclear propulsion system.

Work on the promising videoconferencing system was carried out under the direct supervision of General Designer V.M. Myasishchev and General Designer A.D. Tokhuntsa. To carry out the components of R&D, plans for joint work were approved with enterprises of the Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR, including: TsAGI, CIAM, NIIAS, ITPM ​​and many others, as well as with the Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Defense.

The appearance of the single-stage VKS M-19 was determined after studying numerous alternative aerodynamic configurations. In terms of research into the characteristics of a new type of power plant, scramjet models were tested in wind tunnels at speeds corresponding to Mach numbers = 3-12. To assess the effectiveness of the future VKS, mathematical models of the apparatus systems and the combined power plant with a nuclear rocket engine (NRE) were also developed.

The use of a videoconferencing system with a combined nuclear propulsion system implied expanded opportunities for intensive exploration of both near-Earth space, including remote geostationary orbits, and deep space areas, including the Moon and cislunar space.

The presence of a nuclear installation on board the VKS would also make it possible to use it as a powerful energy unit to ensure the functioning of new types of space weapons (beam weapons, beam weapons, means of influencing climate conditions, etc.).

The combined propulsion system (CPS) included:

  • Sustaining nuclear rocket engine (NRE) based on a nuclear reactor with radiation protection;
  • 10 dual-circuit turbojet engines (DTRDF) with heat exchangers in the internal and external circuits and an afterburner;
  • Hypersonic ramjet engines (scramjet engines);
  • Two turbochargers to ensure pumping of hydrogen through DTRDF heat exchangers;
  • Distribution unit with turbopump units, heat exchangers and pipeline valves, fuel supply control systems.

Hydrogen was used as fuel for the DTRDF and scramjet engines, and it was also the working fluid in the closed circuit of the nuclear propulsion engine.

In its final form, the M-19 concept looked like this: the 500-ton VKS performs takeoff and initial acceleration as a nuclear aircraft with closed-cycle engines, and hydrogen serves as the coolant that transfers heat from the reactor to ten turbojet engines. As it accelerates and gains altitude, hydrogen begins to be supplied to the afterburners of the turbojet engine, and a little later into the direct-flow scramjet engine. Finally, at an altitude of 50 km, at a flight speed of more than 16 Mach, a nuclear-powered rocket engine with a thrust of 320 tf is turned on, which ensured access to a working orbit at an altitude of 185-200 kilometers. With a take-off weight of about 500 tons, the VKS M-19 was supposed to launch a payload weighing about 30-40 tons into a reference orbit with an inclination of 57.3°.

It is necessary to note a little-known fact that when calculating the characteristics of the CDU in turbo-ramjet, rocket-ramjet and hypersonic flight modes, the results of experimental studies and calculations carried out at CIAM, TsAGI and ITPM ​​SB AS USSR were used.

Ajax" - hypersound in a new way

Work on the creation of a hypersonic aircraft was also carried out at the Neva Design Bureau (St. Petersburg), on the basis of which the State Research Enterprise for Hypersonic Speeds was formed (now OJSC NIPGS HC Leninets).

The NIPGS approached the creation of the GLA in a fundamentally new way. The concept of the Ajax GLA was put forward in the late 80s. Vladimir Lvovich Freishtadt. Its essence is that the GLA does not have thermal protection (unlike most VKS and GLA). The heat flow that occurs during hypersonic flight is introduced into the HVA to increase its energy resource. Thus, the Ajax GLA was an open aerothermodynamic system, which converted part of the kinetic energy of the hypersonic air flow into chemical and electrical energy, simultaneously solving the issue of airframe cooling. For this purpose, the main components of a chemical heat recovery reactor with a catalyst, located under the airframe, were designed.

The aircraft skin in the most thermally stressed areas had a two-layer shell. Between the layers of the shell there was a catalyst made of heat-resistant material (“nickel sponges”), which was an active cooling subsystem with chemical heat recovery reactors. According to calculations, in all hypersonic flight modes, the temperature of the GLA airframe elements did not exceed 800-850°C.

The GLA includes a ramjet engine with supersonic combustion integrated with the airframe and the main (propulsion) engine - a magnetoplasma chemical engine (MPXE). The MPHD was intended to control the air flow using a magneto-gas-dynamic accelerator (MHD accelerator) and generate electricity using an MHD generator. The generator had a power of up to 100 MW, which was quite enough to power a laser capable of hitting various targets in near-Earth orbits.

It was assumed that the sustainer MPHD would be capable of changing flight speed over a wide range of flight Mach numbers. By braking the hypersonic flow by a magnetic field, optimal conditions were created in the supersonic combustion chamber. During tests at TsAGI, it was revealed that the hydrocarbon fuel created within the framework of the Ajax concept burns several times faster than hydrogen. The MHD accelerator could “accelerate” combustion products, increasing the maximum flight speed to M=25, which guaranteed entry into low-Earth orbit.

The civilian version of the hypersonic aircraft was designed for a flight speed of 6000-12000 km/h, a flight range of up to 19000 km and the carriage of 100 passengers. There is no information about the military developments of the Ajax project.

Russian concept of hypersound – missiles and PAK DA

The work carried out in the USSR and in the first years of the existence of the new Russia on hypersonic technologies allows us to assert that the original domestic methodology and scientific and technical basis have been preserved and used to create Russian HAVs - both in missile and aircraft versions.

In 2004, during the command post exercise “Security 2004”, Russian President V.V. Putin made a statement that still excites the minds of the “public.” “Experiments and some tests were carried out... Soon the Russian Armed Forces will receive combat systems capable of operating at intercontinental distances, at hypersonic speed, with great accuracy, with wide maneuver in height and direction of impact. These complexes will make any missile defense systems, existing or future, unpromising.”.

Some domestic media interpreted this statement to the best of their understanding. For example: “Russia developed the world’s first hypersonic maneuvering missile, which was launched from a Tu-160 strategic bomber in February 2004, when the Security 2004 command post exercises were held...

In fact, the RS-18 Stiletto ballistic missile with new combat equipment was launched during the exercise. Instead of a conventional warhead, the RS-18 contained a device capable of changing the altitude and direction of flight, and thereby overcoming any, including American, missile defense. Apparently, the device tested during the Security 2004 exercise was a little-known hypersonic cruise missile (GKR) X-90, developed at the Raduga IKB in the early 1990s.

Judging by the performance characteristics of this missile, the Tu-160 strategic bomber can carry two X-90s. The rest of the characteristics look like this: rocket mass - 15 tons, main engine - scramjet, accelerator - solid propellant rocket engine, flight speed - 4-5 M, launch altitude - 7000 m, flight altitude - 7000-20000 m, launch range 3000-3500 km, number of warheads - 2, warhead power - 200 kt.

In the debate about whether an airplane or a rocket is better, airplanes most often lost, since rockets turned out to be faster and more effective. And the plane became a carrier of cruise missiles capable of hitting targets at a distance of 2500-5000 km. When launching a missile at a target, the strategic bomber did not enter the counter-air defense zone, so making it hypersonic did not make sense.

The “hypersonic competition” between aircraft and missiles is now approaching a new conclusion with a predictable result - missiles are once again ahead of aircraft.

Let's assess the situation. The long-range aviation, which is part of the Russian Aerospace Forces, is armed with 60 Tu-95MS turboprop aircraft and 16 Tu-160 jet bombers. The service life of the Tu-95MS expires in 5-10 years. The Ministry of Defense decided to increase the number of Tu-160s to 40 units. Work is underway to modernize the Tu-160. Thus, the VKS will soon begin to receive new Tu-160Ms. Tupolev Design Bureau is also the main developer of the promising long-range aviation complex (PAK DA).

Our “probable adversary” is not sitting idly by, he is investing money in the development of the Prompt Global Strike (PGS) concept. The capabilities of the US military budget in terms of funding significantly exceed the capabilities of the Russian budget. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense are arguing about the amount of funding for the State Armaments Program for the period until 2025. And we are talking not only about the current costs of purchasing new weapons and military equipment, but also about promising developments, which include PAK DA and GLA technologies.

In the creation of hypersonic ammunition (missiles or projectiles) not everything is clear. The obvious advantage of hypersound is speed, short approach time to the target, and a high guarantee of overcoming air defense and missile defense systems. However, there are many problems - the high cost of disposable ammunition, the complexity of control when changing the flight path. These same shortcomings became decisive arguments in the reduction or closure of manned hypersonic programs, that is, hypersonic aircraft.

The problem of the high cost of ammunition can be solved by the presence on board the aircraft of a powerful computer complex for calculating bombing (launch) parameters, which turns conventional bombs and missiles into high-precision weapons. Similar on-board computer systems installed in the warheads of hypersonic missiles make it possible to equate them to the class of strategic high-precision weapons, which, according to PLA military experts, can replace ICBM systems. The presence of strategic-range missiles will call into question the need to maintain long-range aviation, as it has limitations in speed and effectiveness of combat use.

The appearance of a hypersonic anti-aircraft missile (GZR) in the arsenal of any army will force strategic aviation to “hide” at airfields, because The maximum distance from which a bomber's cruise missiles can be used will be covered by such GZRs in a few minutes. Increasing the range, accuracy and maneuverability of GZRs will allow them to shoot down enemy ICBMs at any altitude, as well as disrupt a massive raid by strategic bombers before they reach the launch line of cruise missiles. The pilot of the “strategist” may detect the launch of the GZR, but he is unlikely to have time to steer the plane away from defeat.

The development of GLA, which is now being intensively carried out in developed countries, indicates that a search is underway for a reliable tool (weapon) that can reliably destroy the enemy’s nuclear arsenal before the use of nuclear weapons, as the last argument in protecting state sovereignty. Hypersonic weapons can also be used against the main centers of political, economic and military power of a state.

Hypersound has not been forgotten in Russia, work is underway to create missile weapons based on this technology (Sarmat ICBM, Rubezh ICBM, X-90), but rely on only one type of weapon (“miracle weapon”, “weapon of retaliation” ") would be, at the very least, incorrect.

There is still no clarity in the creation of the PAK DA, since the basic requirements for its purpose and combat use are still unknown. Existing strategic bombers, as components of Russia's nuclear triad, are gradually losing their importance due to the emergence of new types of weapons, including hypersonic ones.

The course of “containing” Russia, proclaimed as the main task of NATO, can objectively lead to aggression against our country, in which the armies of the North Atlantic Treaty, trained and armed with modern means, will participate. In terms of the number of personnel and weapons, NATO is 5–10 times larger than Russia. A “sanitary belt” is being built around Russia, including military bases and missile defense positions. Essentially, NATO activities are described in military terms as operational preparation for a theater of operations (theater of operations). At the same time, the main source of arms supplies remains the United States, as it was in both the First and Second World Wars.

A hypersonic strategic bomber can, within an hour, be anywhere in the world over any military facility (base), from which the supply of resources to troop groups, including those in the “sanitary belt,” is ensured. Lowly vulnerable to missile defense and air defense systems, it can destroy such objects with powerful high-precision non-nuclear weapons. The presence of such a GLA in peacetime will become an additional deterrent for supporters of global military adventures.

The civil GLA can become the technical basis for a breakthrough in the development of intercontinental flights and space technologies. The scientific and technical basis of the Tu-2000, M-19 and Ajax projects is still relevant and can be in demand.

What the future PAK DA will be like - subsonic with SGKR or hypersonic with modified conventional weapons - will be decided by the customers - the Ministry of Defense and the Government of Russia.

“Whoever wins by preliminary calculation before the battle has a lot of chances. Whoever does not win by calculation even before the battle has little chance. Whoever has a lot of chances wins. Those who have little chance do not win. Especially one who has no chance at all.” /Sun Tzu, “The Art of War”/

Military expert Alexey Leonkov

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Hypersonic speed this is a flight from speed from FOUR speeds of sound and more. Among aviation specialists most often use the name not "sound speed", A "Mach." This name comes from Austrian surnames scientist physics of Ernst Mach ( Ernst Mach ), who researched aerodynamic processes accompanying supersonic movement of bodies Thus, 1Mach – This ONE speed of sound. Respectively hypersonic speed – This Mach FOUR and more. IN 1987 year December 7th V Washington heads of state USSR And USA, Mikhail Gorbachev And Ronald Reagan signed agreement on liquidation nuclear missiles average range "Pioneer" And "Pershing 2". As a result of this event, there was stop development Soviet strategic cruise rockets "X-90" which had hypersonic speed flight. Rocket creators X-90 received permission to conduct only ONE test flight. Given successful the test could lead to a grandiose re-equipment of the Soviet Air Force aircraft with hypersonic speed flights that could provide superiority V USSR air.

IN 1943 year American airline « Bell» started creating airplane, which should have overcome the speed of sound. Bullet, shot from rifles, flies faster than the speed of sound, so over fuselage shape new plane for a long time didn't think so. His design assumed large margin of safety. In some places plating exceeded thickness ONE centimeter. Bullet it worked out heavy. ABOUT independent takeoff couldn't be and speech. Into the sky new the plane took off from with help bomber B-29. American aircraft designed for breaking the speed of sound, got the name "X-1" ( see article "Unknown aircraft") X-1 fuselage shape could be suitable for hypersonic speed flight.

Civilian test pilot Chalmers Goodlin put condition – bonus for overcoming speed of sound 150,000 dollars ! Then salary captain US Air Force amounted to 283 dollar per month. Young captain aged 24's years Chuck Yeager, combat pilot officer ass, shot down 19 fascist planes, 5 of them to one battle, I decided that it was HE will overcome the speed of sound. Nobody knew that during the flight breaking the speed of sound his were broken two ribs and moved poorly right hand. This happened as a result falls With horses during walks With wife the day before. Chuck Yeager understood that it was his extreme flying in front hospital And remained silent, to fly NOT cancelled. Overcoming speed of sound will become the first stage on the way to moving towards hypersonic speed flight .

IN 1947 year October 14th in Tuesday took to the skies from a secret airbase American strategic bomber B-29 with attached to bomb bay by plane . On height approximately 7 km separated from it manned device at that time unusual forms. Through A couple of minutes there was a deafening cotton, like when fired from several guns at the same time, but it was NOT catastrophe. On this day American test pilot Charles Elwood Yeager better known as Chuck Yeager ( Chuck Yeager ) or Chuck Eager first in human history surpassed the SPEED OF SOUND on EXPERIMENTAL on an airplane X-1. Supersonic airplane X-1 had maximum flight speed – 1 556 km/h and this is from direct wing, practical ceiling X-1 – 13 115 meters, maximum engine thrust – 2,500 kgf. Landed X-1 himself, in planning mode. Later on the same air base, better known as "Zone 51", located at the bottom dried salty lakes Groom ( Groom ), on south state Nevada were carried out tests devices with hypersonic speed flight .

After acceptance into USA doctrines nuclear war quantity strategic bombers V USA increased by four times. The bombers were supposed to protect thousands of jets fighters F-80 And F-82. Through one year after Chuck Yeager broke the speed of sound And Soviet test pilot Ivan Evgrafovich Fedorov on a fighter "La-176".

The first Soviet CRUISED missile "Burya" on the launch pad during launch

Sweep wing La-176 amounted to 45 degrees, maximum engine thrust - 2,700 kgf, practical ceiling – 15,000 m, maximum speed - 1 105 km/h At that moment limit for manned aircraft seemed 2-3 speeds of sound. But on secret training ground USSR Even then, equipment was being tested that had hypersonic speed flight. It was a rocket "R-1" with maximum speed flight 1 465 m/s and range flight 270 km . AND tests R-1 were carried out at the training ground "Kapustin Yar" V Astrakhan region . Future aircraft moving with hypersonic speed, not only new ones were required engines and new materials, but also new fuel. The secret fuel for ballistic rockets R-1 served ethanol highest category of cleaning.

The first Soviet CRUISED missile "Burya" in flight

BALLISTIC rocket R-1 was developed under the guidance Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. To be fair, let's say that it's in development R-1 also took an active part part of the German missile specialists, who moved to USSR after World War II war. Rocket R-1 became Starting point in developing INTERCONTINENTAL ballistic missiles that had hypersonic speed and should have been absolutely BY INVULNERABLE MEANS delivery nuclear weapons. First Artificial Earth Satellite and first flight person V space have already turned out due to appearance intercontinental ballistic rockets.

American reusable spacecraft "Space Shuttle" while moving to the launch complex

First successful launch Soviet ballistic rockets R-1 was implemented October 10, 1948 of the year. For achievement military balance With USA required missiles with range flight NOT hundreds A thousands kilometers. Tests Korolev missiles walked successfully, and each subsequent model acquired more and more hypersonic speed flight and more and more range flight. On the agenda was the issue of replacement missile fuel. Ethanol as fuel stopped coming due to its insufficient burning rate and because of its insufficient heat capacity, that is amount of energy. The point is that in order to fly hypersonic speeds as fuel suitable only HYDROGEN. Neither on which another chemical element So fast fly it is forbidden! Hydrogen has a great burning rate and big heat capacity, that is, high combustion temperature, having at the same time minimum possible volume hydrogen fuel. Accordingly, when using HYDROGEN it turns out maximum thrust engine . Besides all this HYDROGEN fuel is ABSOLUTELY ENVIRONMENTALLY CLEAN fuel !!! S.P.Korolev believed that it was this is fuel will solve the problem of movement in near-Earth space on hypersonic speeds flight.

American reusable spacecraft Space Shuttle during operation in orbit

However, there was Another one solution option cosmic speeds. It was proposed by famous academicians Mikhail Kuzmich Yangel And Vladimir Nikolaevich Chelomey. It was a liquid with ammonia smell and unlike hydrogen was simple and very inexpensive in production. But when Korolev found out what it is, he came to HORROR! This wonderful rocket fuel was called HEPTYL. He found himself in SIX TIMES TOXIC THAN PYROCYLIC ACID and in terms of the degree of danger corresponded COMBAT toxic substances "ZARIN" And "PHOSGENE"! However USSR government decided that missile weapons are more important possible consequences and that it must be created at any cost. Subsequently on fuel heptyl rockets were flying Yangelya And Chelomeya.

IN 1954 year, Soviet intelligence received secret message from a resident in USA, thanks to which in USSR work has begun to create aviation With hypersonic speed flight. IN USA this project was named "Navajo." Through two month after secret messages it turned out resolution Soviet government about the beginning of creation strategic WINGED rockets. IN USSR the development of such a rocket was commissioned KB S.A. Lavochkin ( see article "Semyon Alekseevich Lavochkin"). The project was named "Storm". Total in THREE of the year "Storm" started to pass tests at the training ground "Kapustin Yar"!!! Layout "Storms" corresponded to modern American reusable spacecraft to the ship "Space Shuttle". At the time of testing "Storms" it became known that American project Navajo was CLOSED. This happened most likely due to the fact that American designers at that moment failed create the necessary engines.

"Storm" was not designed for hypersonic speed flight, but for a little lower speed on THREE at HALF the speed of sound. This was due to the fact that at that time they had not yet created materials, that would withstand HEATING THE SKIN corresponding hypersonic speed. Also onboard devices should have kept performance at large heating temperature. While creating "Storms" just yet started develop materials withstanding data temperature heating conditions.

At the moment THREE lucky launches winged rockets "Storms" possessing TO hypersonic speed, rockets Korolev, "R-7", already launched into low-Earth orbit first artificial earth satellite And the first living creature - a mongrel by nickname "Laika". At this time the leader USSR N.S. Khrushchev in an interview for Western press in loudly stated that on the rocket R-7 can be installed NUCLEAR charge and hit ANY PURPOSE in the territory USA. From now on BASIS missile and space defense USSR become intercontinental ballistic rockets. Cruise missile "Storm" was made to fulfill the same most tasks, but then USSR government thought it was worth dragging both these programs, at the same time, will be too expensive And “Storm” HAS BEEN CLOSED???

IN late 1950s and that's all 1960s years and in USA and in USSR were carried out experiments on creation promising aviation equipment with hypersonic speed flight. But in dense layers atmosphere aircraft too overheated and in some places even melted therefore achievement hypersonic speed V ATMOSPHERE again and again was postponed for an unknown time . IN USA exists program creation experimental aircraft called "X", with the help of which flight is studied on hypersonic speeds. American the military placed great hope on experimental airplane "X-31" But November 15, 1967 years from now 10 seconds of flight hypersonic speed X-31 exploded. After that pilot program airplanes "X" was suspended but only on for a while. So in mid 1970s years for American experimental on an airplane "X-15" on height near 100 km has been reached hypersonic speed flight equal to 11 sound speeds (3.7 km/sec )!!!

IN mid 1960s years and USA And USSR independently from each other and simultaneously have already started creating serial aircraft flying from cruising speed Mach THREE! Flying with THREE speeds of sound V ATMOSPHERE Very complex task ! As a result CB Kelly Johnson at the office Lockheed And Design Bureau of A.I. Mikoyan on MiGe ( see article "Artyom Ivanovich Mikoyan") created two a masterpiece of aviation technology. Americans - strategic scout "S.R.-71″Blackbird ( see article « S.R.-71"). Russians the best in the world fighter-interceptor "MiG-25" ( see article "MiG-25"). Outside SR-71 It has black color Not because of black paints, but because of FERRITE coating, which is very effectively removes heat. Later S.R.-71 was brought to hypersonic speed flight 4 800 km/h MiG-25 successfully used during the war Israel With Egypt as high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft. The entire flight MiG-25 above Israel occupied TWO MINUTES!!! Israeli air defense claim that MiG-25 has THREE AND A HALF speed of sound (4,410 km/h or 1 225 m/s )!

Superiority in the air can provide and aerospace aviation. As a result of work on this topic, space ships REUSABLE use American Space Shuttle And Soviet "Buran" ( see article "Buran spaceship"). At landing to the ground space ships reusable uses included atmosphere With First cosmic speed, 7,9 km/sec it's in 23,9 times more speed of sound. For protection from overheating upon entering atmosphere, reusable space ships are covered with a special coating on the outside CERAMIC tiles. It is clear that even with NOT Very big violation this ceramic coating on hypersonic speed will happen catastrophe.

After barren searches universal funds protection from overheating struggle for championship in the air moved to another - ultra-low height. WINGED missiles switched to height flight about 50 meters, on, BEFORE hypersonic speeds flight, about 850 km/h with technology RELIEF FOLLOWING terrain. American winged the rocket was named "Tomahawk" ( Tomahawk ), A Soviet analogue "X-55". Detection of winged missiles radar difficult because the rocket itself, thanks to the latest homing system It has small sizes and correspondingly small reflective area. Also defeat cruise missile difficult because of active, unpredictable maneuvering During the flight. Creation Soviet cruise missile X-55 was instructed KB "Raduga" whose leader was Igor Sergeevich Seleznev.

However calculations showed that almost complete winged invulnerability rockets can only be provided hypersonic speed flight to five six times more speed of sound (5-6 Makhov) , which corresponds to speed approximately two km/sec. At the very first tests new technology, the designers were again faced with the same overheating problem. Upon reaching the specified hypersonic speed flight surface the rocket heated up to almost 1 000 degrees Celsius and were the first to fail control antennas. Then Igor Seleznev went to Leningrad to the enterprise "Leninist", where were they made on-board radio electronics. Experts gave NOT a comforting conclusion. Do managed a rocket flying towards hypersonic speed V dense layers atmosphere impossible.

But one of the employees research institute namely, he proposed an original idea. Why kerosene, on board winged rockets as fuel do not use also as COOLER homing heads . Were held experiments on creating a system cooling using onboard fuel, kerosene. During the work Freinstadt came to the conclusion that kerosene does NOT have sufficient quantity energy to fly to hypersonic speed and what is the necessary fuel for hypersonic speed is HYDROGEN. But Freinstadt offered to receive hydrogen from kerosene directly on board rockets. Concept such engine got the name "Ajax".

Soviet reusable spaceship "Buran" The thermal insulation coating of the ship consisting of special CERAMIC tiles is clearly visible

At that time this idea seemed too much fantastic. As a result, on weapons was accepted winged rocket with subsonic speed flight X-55. But even such a rocket became outstanding scientific and technical achievement. Brief technical characteristics of the winged rockets X-55: length — 5,88 m; body diameter — 0,514 m; wingspan — 3,1 m; starting weight — 1195 kg; range of flight — 2 500 km; airspeed — 770 km/h ( 214 m/s); flight altitude from 40 before 110 m; warhead mass — 410 kg; warhead power — 200 CT; accuracy up to 100 m.V 1983 year after adoption winged rockets X-55 V Ministry of Defense the question was raised about winding down work on creation engine providing hypersonic speed flight. But precisely in this year subject hypersonic aircraft have become more and more frequent flicker in reports Soviet intelligence.

Soviet reusable spacecraft "Buran" in orbit

As part of the program "Star Wars" American the government started financing development of devices that fly equally successfully in both atmosphere and in space. Fundamentally new aerospace weapons were supposed to be devices with hypersonic speed flight . After successful creation X-55, Igor Seleznev, without waiting for creation current device model "Ajax" started development winged rocket flying from hypersonic speed. It became such a rocket winged rocket "X-90" which was supposed to fly on a traditional kerosene with speed more Mach 5. Seleznev Design Bureau managed to solve the problem temperature overheating. It was assumed that X-90 will start from STRATOSPHERE. Thereby temperature heating housing rockets came down to minimum. However, there was also another reason adoption of such launch altitude rockets. The fact is that by this point in time they had more or less learned to shoot down ballistic missiles, learned to shoot down aircraft and learned to shoot down cruise missiles, flying on ultra-low altitudes With subsonic speed flight . Only remained untouched one layer stratosphere – this is the layer between atmosphere And space. An idea arose "sneak through" unnoticed specifically in the area stratosphere, using hypersonic speed.

American Tomahawk cruise missile Launched from a ship-based installation

However, after first successful launch X-90 all work on this rocket was discontinued??? This happened thanks to by order new leader USSR, M.S. Gorbachev. At this time in Leningrad, Vladimir Freinstadt organized a group scientific enthusiasts for creating hypersonic engine "Ajax". This group Freinstadt not just created an aggregate according to kerosene processing V hydrogen, but I also studied manage occurring during a flight hypersonic speed, destructive PLASMA around the device . This outlined the technological breakthrough all manned aircraft! Group Freinstadt started preparations first flight hypersonic models. However, in 1992 year project Ajax CLOSED because of termination of funding??? IN 1980s years, in USSR development of aircraft flying with hypersonic speeds were on advanced positions in world!!! This groundwork was lost already only in 1990s years.

American Tomahawk cruise missile just before hitting the target

EFFICIENCY And DANGER combat aircraft flying with hypersonic speeds was OBVIOUS already then, in 1980s years. IN 1998 year in early August in close proximity to American embassies in Kenya And Tanzania thundered powerfully explosions. These explosions were caused by global terrorist organization "Alkaida" of which he was the leader, Osama bin Laden. IN this same year August 20th American ships that were in Arabian sea, produced combat start eight winged missiles Tomahawk". Through two o'clock the missiles hit territory camps terrorists, located in Afghanistan. Next in secret report to the president USA, B. Clinton agents reported that the main objective missile blow by base "Alkaids" V Afghanistan has NOT been achieved. Through half an hour after START missiles Bin Laden about flying at him rockets was WARNED By satellite communications And left base for about one one hour before explosions. From this Americans results done conclusion such that this combat task could do rockets only with hypersonic speed flight.

Through a few days advanced development department US Department of Defense signed a long-term contract with the company Boeing. Aviation the company received many billionths creation order universal winged missiles with hypersonic speed flight, Mach SIX. The order became large-scale a project that will allow USA create promising systems weapons And aviation. Further hypersonic devices in the process of their development can turn into devices INTERMEDIATE, who can many times move from atmosphere V space And back, while actively maneuvering. Such devices, thanks to their non-standard And unpredictable flight trajectories can be very large danger.

IN July 2001 year in USA launch was carried out experimental airplane "X-43A". He had to reach hypersonic speed flight, Mach SEVEN. But the device crashed. In general, the creation of technology with hypersonic speed flight by DIFFICULTIES comparable to creation atomic weapons. Newest American hypersonic winged aircraft rockets presumably will fly on heights of the stratosphere. Last time race on creation hypersonic apparatus started again. Engine new hypersonic rockets can become plasma, that is temperature the combustible mixture used in the engine will become equal to hot PLASMA. Predict time appearance of devices with hypersonic speed flight to Russia, due to insufficient financing Bye impossible.

Presumably in 2060s years in world will begin mass transition passenger aviation flying distances over 7 000 km, on hypersonic speeds flight at altitudes flight from 40 before 60 km. IN 2003 year Americans financed their research for their future developments passenger aircraft with hypersonic speed flight to Soviet supersonic passenger airplane " Tu-144" ( see articles "Tu-144" And "Alexey Andreevich Tupolev"). In my time Tu-144 was produced in quantity 19 things. IN 2003 year one from three remaining in stock Tu-144 renovated and turned into flying laboratory V RUSSIAN-AMERICAN program for testing aircraft systems new generation. Americans were in delighted from Soviet Tu-144!!!

First ideas for rocket planes - hypersonic aircraft, flying from speed 10-15 Mach, appeared back in 1930s years. However, then even the most visionary the designers had little idea with what difficulties the idea will have to face, REACH TO ANY POINT OF OUR PLANET IN AN HOUR AND A HALF!!! On hypersonic speeds flight to atmosphere of the edges of the wings, air intakes and other parts of the aircraft heat up to melting temperatures of aluminum alloys. Therefore, the creation of a future hypersonic aviation, is entirely connected with chemistry, metallurgy and development new materials.

Conventional jets engines on speed Mach THREE are becoming narrower NOT effective ( see article "News in Aviation"). With further increasing speed need to be given the opportunity to ONLASH STREAM air to perform, role compressor, compressing air. For this enough, INPUT PART engine make TAPERING. At hypersonic speed flight degree free stream compression air is such that it temperature becomes 1 500 degrees. The engine turns into the so-called STRAIGHT FLOW engine in general no rotating parts. But at the same time he really works!

In my time Soviet scientist Vladimir Georgievich Freinstadt dealt with problems cooling with kerosene, flying from space nuclear warheads. Now designers all over the world, thanks to his research, they use the effect of a sudden increase in the combustion energy of superheated kerosene due to the use eye-catching with such high temperatures HYDROGEN. This Effect gives a lot more power engine, which provides hypersonic speed flight. IN 2004 year Americans installed twice speed records unmanned rocket planes. X-43A detached from a jet bomber " B-52" on altitude 12,000 meters. Rocket "Pegasus" accelerated it to speed Mach THREE, and then X-43A launched your engine. Maximum speed flight X-43A amounted to 11 265 km/h (3 130 m/s ), which corresponds to 9.5 speeds of sound. Flight to maximum speed occupied 10 seconds for altitude 35,000 meters. On speed 9.5 Mach flight from Moscow V NY would have taken a little less 43 minutes !!! American scientists continue advance aviation science!!!

The desire to create the fastest possible military equipment is a key goal for any state, because only high speeds are a guarantee of overcoming air defenses. For this reason, hypersonic weapon technologies were actively developed back in Nazi Germany. Later they migrated to the allies, who continued their outstanding developments.

However, only in recent decades has technology made it possible to make a qualitative step forward. For Russia, this is expressed in the secret project Yu-71 - a hypersonic aircraft.

History of the creation of hypersonic weapons

Hypersonic weapons reached their maximum development during the Cold War. Like many outstanding military projects of mankind, fundamentally new technologies were created in conditions of competition between the USA and the USSR. The first attempts to exceed the speed of sound (namely, to overcome the barrier of 1234.8 km/h) did not lead to serious achievements. But it should also be noted that the tasks set were almost impossible even for such powerful powers.

Not much is known about these projects, but some information has reached us that, for example, in the USSR, designers were faced with the task of making:

  • an aircraft that could reach a speed of at least 7000 km/h;
  • reliable design for using the equipment many times;
  • a controlled aircraft to make it as difficult as possible to detect and eliminate it;
  • finally, surpass a similar development of the states - the X-20 Dyna Soar.

But during the tests, it became clear that it was impossible to even take off at similar speeds and with the required design, and the Soviet Union closed the project.

Fortunately for the leadership of the USSR, the Americans also did not achieve progress: only a few times the hypersonic aircraft rose to suborbital altitude, but in most situations it lost control and crashed.

Development of supersonic technologies in the 21st century

Hypersonic technologies are closely intertwined in two different directions: the creation of ballistic and guided missiles or the design of a full-fledged aircraft.

And if missiles that exceed the speed of sound several times are already being successfully created and even participate in military operations, then aircraft require truly ingenious design solutions. The main catch is that overloads at high speeds during maneuvers are measured not even in tens, but in hundreds of g. Planning such loads and ensuring reliability of the equipment is a rather difficult task.

Technologies do not stand still, so in the 21st century the project “4202” was implemented in Russia, which is often referred to as the Yu-71 - a hypersonic aircraft.

It grew out of the development of hypersonic technologies in missiles.

Very little is known about the development, because similar work was and is being carried out not only in the USSR and then Russia, but also in the USA, as well as China, Britain, and France. The desire of the leading world powers to keep complex and expensive discoveries secret is quite understandable, since serious military superiority will be achieved with hypersonic technology.

It is known that the first successes were achieved back in the USSR, in 1991. Then the Kholod aircraft successfully took off into the air. The device was launched on the basis of the S-200 anti-aircraft missile system, using a 5B28 rocket. The engineers were able to achieve a controlled flight and reach a speed of 1900 km/h. After this, the possibilities only expanded, but in 1998 the tests were stopped. The reason turned out to be prosaic - the crisis that had broken out in the country.

Given the high secrecy of information, there are not many reliable sources.

However, the foreign press provides such information that in 20-2010. Russia has again begun to develop hypersonic projects. The tasks were set as follows:

  1. To develop ballistic and guided missiles at a faster pace to ensure that they overcome any known interception means before reaching the target.
  2. Develop missile systems with rocket speeds exceeding the speed of sound up to 13 times.
  3. Conduct tests of an aircraft with means of delivering nuclear and non-nuclear weapons.

The main reason for the development of such weapons was based on the fact that a similar American project, Prompt Global Strike, was developed to be based on ships and aircraft in order to be guaranteed to hit any point on the planet in 1 hour. Naturally, Russia had to respond with the same weapons, because no country has interception weapons capable of targeting targets at such a high speed.

The most famous facts about Russia's secret weapon - Yu-71

Already at the start of work, the ideas of the 4202 project were seriously ahead of their time, since the chief designer was the brilliant Gleb Lozino-Lozinsky. But they were able to create a full-fledged aircraft much later, already in Russia.

According to foreign sources, the tests of the glider, namely the Yu-71 aircraft, did not take place at the beginning of 2015, as the Russian military leadership says. There is information that already in 2004, a supposedly new hypersonic glider was launched at Baikonur. This version is confirmed by the fact that in 2012, at one of the country’s defense enterprises in the city of Reutov, New Year’s greetings were announced, where employees were told that the “4202” project was key for the near future.

In general, the Russian Yu-71 supersonic aircraft is extremely difficult to shoot down and even track. Therefore, a lot of information is hidden from ordinary people. According to available information, the Yu-71 has the following characteristics:

  1. A hypersonic aircraft takes off from low-Earth orbit. It is delivered there by UR-100N UTTH type missiles. At the level of opinions, it is said that in the future the newest Sarmat missile, the RS-28 ICBM, will be responsible for delivery.
  2. The maximum recorded speed of the Yu-71 is estimated at 11,200 km/h. Experts say that the device is capable of maneuvering on the final part of the trajectory. But even without this ability, it remains out of reach of air defense and missile defense systems due to its high speed. According to the Russian military, the Yu-71 can maneuver in altitude and heading from the moment it launches in low-Earth orbit.
  3. The Yu-71 can go into space, which makes it even more invisible to most detection equipment.
  4. It is believed that from the moment of launch, the glider can fly to New York in 40 minutes, carrying nuclear warheads on board.
  5. Hypersonic modules are very heavy, so the military leadership is considering the possibility of delivering several Yu-71s into low-Earth orbit using more powerful rockets than are currently used.
  6. The glider has 3 compartments with various equipment and weapons.
  7. There is an opinion that Russia is starting active production of the Yu-71 project. Thus, presumably the Strela production facility near Orenburg is being completely technically rebuilt to assemble hypersonic weapons.

The only information that is called accurate is the speed developed by the aircraft and the ability to maneuver in flight.

Other information is kept secret. But it is already clear that Russia is ready to respond adequately in the hypersonic race.

Competitors Yu-71

Hypersonic technologies are the subject of work by the world's leading powers. Some have achieved serious achievements, for others the costs were high or it was not possible to carry out highly technological projects. Russia's main competitors today are the United States and China.

1.Advanced Hypersonic Weapon glider (USA).The AHW aircraft became part of the Prompt Global Strike program. The technical aspects are hidden under seven seals.
It is only known that the glider reaches speeds of up to Mach 8 (10,000 km/h).
His first tests were considered successful, but during the second, the launch vehicle exploded. So we can confidently say that the work overseas is not yet finished.
2. Glider WU-14 (PRC).China's great aspirations are aimed at creating hypersonic ballistic and cruise missiles. But the WU-14 glider is also being developed.
It is known to reach speeds of up to Mach 10 (just over 12,000 km/h).
Some sources also provide information that the Chinese are working on their own ramjet hypersonic engine specifically for direct launch of gliders from aircraft.

In the 21st century, humanity has come close to hypersonic weapons.

If you believe information leaks, then Russia can announce the final stage faster than others, namely the adoption of such technologies. This will bring a tangible advantage in military terms.

Prospects for the Russian Yu-71

According to some reports, the Yu-71 has passed tests and is being prepared for serial production. Although the project is secret, a number of sources indicate that by 2025 Russia will have 40 such gliders with nuclear warheads.

Even though Yu-71 launches are expensive, the device can be used for different purposes. They also mention the ability to deliver a warhead to any point on the planet in the shortest possible time, and, for example, the transportation of food and supplies.

Due to its maneuverability, the Yu-71 can be used as an attack aircraft or bomber deep behind enemy lines.

The Yu-71 will most likely be located near Orenburg, in the rear, since the most vulnerable part of the flight is the launch and achievement of orbit. After separating the glider from the rocket, tracking its movement and, even more so, shooting it down becomes impossible for modern missile defense or air defense systems.


It ended a long time ago, the world has not become safer. The dangers of this century come not only from terrorist groups; relations between the world's leading powers also leave much to be desired. Russia blackmails the United States with “radioactive ash,” and the Americans surround Russia with a missile defense system, lay down new strategic submarines and test missile defense. Increasingly, high-ranking officials and multi-star generals from both countries are announcing the creation of new types of strategic weapons and the modernization of old ones. One of the directions of the new arms race is the development of hypersonic aircraft, which can be used as an effective means of delivering nuclear charges.

Recently, information appeared about tests in Russia of a new hypersonic unmanned aerial vehicle Yu-71 with unique characteristics. The news was noticed in the foreign press, it is extremely scarce, and we learned practically nothing about the promising complex. In Russian sources, the information is even more scanty and contradictory, and in order to generally understand what the new Yu-71 weapon could be, you need to remember why the military used hypersound in general.

History of hypersonic vehicles

Hypersound is far from a new direction in the development of offensive weapons. The creation of aircraft with speeds several times higher than the speed of sound (more than Mach 5) began in Nazi Germany, at the very beginning of the rocket era. These works received a powerful impetus after the beginning of the nuclear age and went in several directions.

Various countries have sought to create devices capable of developing hypersonic speeds; there have been attempts to create hypersonic cruise missiles, as well as suborbital aircraft. Most of these projects ended without results.

In the 60s of the last century, the United States began developing a project for the North American X-15 hypersonic aircraft, which could make suborbital flights. Thirteen of his flights were classified as suborbital, their altitude exceeding 80 kilometers.

In the Soviet Union there was a similar project called “Spiral”, which, however, was never brought to life. According to the plan of Soviet designers, the booster jet was supposed to reach hypersonic speed (6 M), and then a suborbital vehicle equipped with rocket engines would take off from its back. This device was planned to be used mainly for military purposes.

Work in this direction is also being carried out today by private companies that plan to use similar devices for suborbital tourism. However, these developments are already taking place at the current level of technology development and, most likely, will end successfully. Today, to ensure high speed of such devices, ramjet engines are often used, which will make the use of such aircraft or drones relatively cheap.

The creation of cruise missiles with hypersonic speed is also moving in the same direction. In the United States, the government program Global Prompt Strike (quick or lightning-fast global strike) is being developed, which is aimed at gaining the ability to deliver a powerful non-nuclear strike on any point on the planet within one hour. As part of this program, new hypersonic vehicles are being developed that can both carry a nuclear charge and do without it. As part of the Global Prompt Strike, several projects of cruise missiles with hypersonic speed are being promoted, but the Americans cannot yet boast of serious achievements in this direction.

Similar projects are being developed in Russia. The fastest cruise missile to enter service is the Brahmos anti-ship missile, developed jointly with India.

If we talk about spacecraft that develop hypersonic speed, we should remember reusable spacecraft, which during descent develop a speed many times greater than the speed of sound. Such ships include the American shuttles and the Soviet Buran, but their time has most likely passed.

If we are talking about unmanned hypersonic aerial vehicles, then we should note hypersonic warheads, which are the warheads of ballistic missile systems. Essentially, these are warheads capable of maneuvering at hypersonic speeds. They are also often called gliders for their ability to plan. Today, three countries are known to be working on similar projects: Russia, the USA and China. It is believed that China is the leader in this direction.

The American hypersonic warhead AHW (Advanced Hypersonic Weapon) passed two tests: the first was successful (2011), and during the second the rocket exploded. According to some sources, the AHW glider can reach speeds of up to Mach 8. The development of this device is carried out within the framework of the Global Prompt Strike program.

In 2014, China conducted the first successful tests of the new hypersonic glider WU-14. There is evidence that this warhead can reach a speed of about Mach 10. It can be installed on various types of Chinese ballistic missiles, in addition, there is information that Beijing is actively working on creating its own hypersonic ramjet engine, which can be used to create vehicles launched from aircraft.

The Russian response to the developments of strategic competitors should be the Yu-71 (Project 4202), which was tested at the beginning of this year.

Yu-71: what is known today

In mid-2019, an article in the American publication The Washington Free Beacon caused a great stir. According to journalists, in February 2019, Russia tested a new hypersonic aircraft, the Yu-71, for military purposes. The material reported that the Russian device can reach speeds of up to 11 thousand km/h, and also maneuver along the descent trajectory. Such characteristics make it virtually invulnerable to any modern missile defense systems.

Yu-71 is also called a glider. It was launched in low-Earth orbit, and was delivered there by the SS-19 Stiletto intercontinental ballistic missile (UR-100 N). It launched from the area of ​​deployment of the Dombarovsky Strategic Missile Forces formation. According to the same publication, it is this military unit that will be armed with similar glider combat units until 2025.

Experts believe that the Yu-71 is part of the top-secret Russian Project 4202, related to the development of new strategic weapons, which started in 2009. There is very little information about the new warhead (which is quite understandable), only the speed and ability to maneuver at the final stage of the trajectory are mentioned. However, even with such characteristics, the Yu-71 is no longer afraid of any missile defense systems of our day.

The Russian General Staff stated back in 2004 that they had tested an aircraft capable of developing hypersonic speeds, while performing maneuvers both in altitude and heading. This coincides with the launch of the UR-100N UTTH ICBM from the Baikonur test site against a target at the Kura test site.

In 2011, information appeared about the test launch of a ballistic missile with special equipment capable of overcoming modern and promising missile defense systems. Probably, one of the promising Russian ballistic missiles will be equipped with a new warhead, most often called the new Sarmat missile (RS-28 ICBM).

The fact is that such warheads have a relatively large mass, so it is better to install them on powerful carriers capable of carrying several Yu-71s at once.

According to scant information from Russian sources, the development of Project 4202 is being carried out by NPO Mashinostroeniya in the town of Reutov near Moscow. In addition, the press reported on the technical re-equipment of the Strela Production Association (Orenburg), undertaken with the aim of participating in the 4202 project.

The warheads of modern ballistic missiles develop hypersonic speeds during their descent trajectory and are capable of performing quite complex maneuvers. Experts consider the main difference between the Yu-71 to be an even more difficult flight, comparable to the flight of an airplane.

In any case, the adoption of such units into service will significantly increase the effectiveness of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces.

There is information about the active development of hypersonic cruise missiles, which could become a new weapon for Russian combat aircraft, in particular the promising PAK DA strategic bomber. Such missiles represent a very difficult target for interceptor missiles of missile defense systems.

Such projects could render the missile defense system as a whole useless. The fact is that objects flying at high speed are extremely difficult to intercept. To do this, interceptor missiles must have high speed and the ability to maneuver with huge overloads, and such missiles do not yet exist. It is very difficult to calculate the trajectories of maneuvering warheads.

Video about the Yu-71 hypersonic glider

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Although the era of the Cold War is in the past, today there are still enough problems in the world that must be solved with the help of the latest developments in the field of weapons. At first glance, the world's main problems come from terrorist groups; relations between some major world powers are also quite tense.

Recently, relations between Russia and the United States have become extremely strained. Using NATO, the United States surrounds Russia with missile defense systems. Concerned by this, Russia has begun developing hypersonic aircraft, so-called “drones,” that can carry nuclear warheads. It is with these projects that the secret supersonic glider Yu-71 is associated, the tests of which are carried out in the strictest secrecy.

History of the development of hypersonic weapons

The first tests of aircraft capable of flying at speeds exceeding the speed of sound began back in the 50s of the 20th century. This was associated with the era of the Cold War, when the two strongest superpowers in the world (the USA and the USSR) tried to beat each other in the arms race. The first Soviet development in this area was the Spiral system. It was a small orbital aircraft, and had to meet the following parameters:

  • The system was supposed to be superior to the American X-20 "Dyna Soar", which was a similar project;
  • The hypersonic carrier aircraft was supposed to provide a speed of about 7,000 km/h;
  • The system had to be reliable and not fall apart under overload.

Despite all the efforts of Soviet designers, the characteristics of the hypersonic carrier aircraft did not even come close to the coveted speed figure. The project had to be closed because the system did not even take off. To the great joy of the Soviet government, the American tests also failed miserably. At that time, world aviation was still infinitely far from speeds exceeding several times the speed of sound.

Tests that were already closer to technologies related to hypersound took place in 1991, then in the USSR. Then the flight of “Kholod” was carried out, which was a flying laboratory created on the basis of the S-200 missile system, based on the 5B28 rocket. The first test was quite successful, as it was possible to reach a speed of about 1,900 km/h. Developments in this area continued until 1998, after which they were curtailed due to the economic crisis.

Development of supersonic technologies in the 21st century

Although there is no exact information on the development of hypersonic weapons for the period from 2000 to 2010, having collected materials from open sources, one can see that these developments were carried out in several directions:

  • First of all, warheads are being developed for ballistic intercontinental missiles. Although their mass is much higher than conventional missiles of this class, due to maneuvers in the atmosphere they will not be intercepted by standard missile defense systems;
  • The next direction in the development of supersonic technologies is the development of the Zircon complex. This complex is based on the supersonic missile defense system "Yakhont/Oniks";
  • A missile system is also being developed, the rockets of which will be able to reach speeds that exceed the speed of sound 13 times.

If all these projects are united in one holding company, then the rocket that will be created through joint efforts can be both ground-based, airborne or ship-based. If the American project “Prompt Global Strike,” which envisages the creation of supersonic weapons capable of hitting anywhere in the world within one hour, is successful, Russia will only be able to be protected by intercontinental supersonic missiles of its own design.

Russian supersonic missiles, the tests of which are recorded by British and American experts, are capable of speeds of about 11,200 km/h. They are almost impossible to shoot down and even extremely difficult to track. There is very little information about this project, which is often referred to as Yu-71 or “object 4202”.

The most famous facts about Russia's secret weapon Yu-71

The secret Yu-71 glider, which is part of Russia's supersonic missile program, is capable of flying to New York in 40 minutes. Although this information has not been officially confirmed, based on the fact that supersonic Russian missiles are capable of reaching speeds of over 11,00 km/h, exactly the same conclusions can be drawn.

According to the little information that can be found about it, the Yu-71 glider is capable of:

  • Fly at speeds over 11,000 km/h;
  • Has incredible maneuverability;
  • Able to plan;
  • During the flight it can go into space.

Although the tests have not yet been completed, everything suggests that by 2025, Russia may have this supersonic glider armed with nuclear warheads. Such a weapon will be capable of being almost anywhere in the world within an hour and delivering a targeted nuclear strike.

Dmitry Rogozin said that the Russian defense industry, which was the most developed and advanced during the Soviet era, fell far behind in the arms race during the 90s and 2000s. Over the past decade, the Russian army has begun to revive. Soviet technology is being replaced by modern high-tech models, and fifth-generation weapons, which have been “stuck” in design bureaus in the form of projects on paper since the 90s, are beginning to take on very specific shapes. According to Rogozin, new Russian weapons may surprise the world with their unpredictability. By unpredictable weapon, they most likely meant the Yu-71 glider, armed with nuclear warheads.

Although this device has been in development since at least 2010, information about its tests reached the US military only in 2015. The Pentagon fell into complete despondency because of this, because if the Yu-71 is used, the entire missile defense system, which is installed along the perimeter of Russian territory, becomes absolutely useless. In addition, the United States of America itself becomes defenseless against this secret nuclear glider.

The Yu-71 is capable of not only delivering nuclear strikes against the enemy. Thanks to the presence of a powerful, ultra-modern electronic warfare system, the glider is capable of disabling all detection stations equipped with electronic equipment in a few minutes, flying over US territory.

If you believe NATO reports, then from 2020 to 2025, up to 24 Yu-71 type devices may appear in the Russian army, any of which is capable of crossing the enemy border undetected and destroying an entire city with a few shots.

Russian plans for the development of hyperweapons

Although no official statements have been made in Russia regarding the adoption of the Yu-71, it is known that development began at least in 2009. Back in 2004, a statement was made that a spacecraft capable of reaching hypersonic speeds had successfully passed tests. It is also known that the test vehicle is capable of not only flying along a given course, but also performing various maneuvers in flight.

The key feature of the new weapon will be precisely this ability to maneuver at supersonic speeds. Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov argues that modern intercontinental missiles are capable of reaching supersonic speeds, although they act only as ballistic warheads. The flight trajectory of these missiles is easy to calculate and prevent. The main danger to the enemy is precisely controlled aircraft, which are able to change the direction of movement and at the same time move along a complex and unpredictable trajectory.

At a meeting of the military-industrial commission, which was held in Tula on September 19, 2012, Dmitry Rogozin made a statement that we should expect the emergence of a new holding that will take over all aspects of the development of hypersonic technologies. Also at this conference, the enterprises that should be part of the new holding were named:

  • NPO Mashinostroyenia, which is now directly involved in the development of supersonic technologies. To create a holding, NPO Mashinostroyenia must leave Roscosmos;
  • The next part of the new holding should be the Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation;
  • The Almaz-Antey concern, whose field of activity currently lies in the area of ​​anti-missile and aerospace, should also actively assist the holding in its work.

Although, according to Rogozin, this merger has long been necessary, due to some legal aspects, it has not yet taken place. Rogozin emphasized that this process is precisely a merger, and not an acquisition of one company by another. It is this process that will significantly accelerate the development of hypersonic technologies in the military field.

Director of the Center for Analysis of the Global Arms Trade, military expert and chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Igor Korotchenko supports the merger ideas voiced by Rogozin. According to him, the new holding will be able to fully concentrate its efforts on creating new promising types of weapons. Since both enterprises have enormous capabilities, together they will be able to make a significant contribution to the development of the Russian defense complex.

If by 2025 Russia will be armed with not only hypersonic missiles with nuclear warheads, but also Yu-71 gliders, this will be a serious application in negotiations with the United States. Due to the fact that America is accustomed to acting from a position of strength in all negotiations of this type, dictating only favorable conditions to the other side, full-fledged negotiations with it can be conducted only by possessing new powerful weapons. The only way to force the United States to listen to the words of its opponent is to seriously frighten the Pentagon.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking at the Army 2015 conference, noted that nuclear forces will receive 40 of the latest intercontinental missiles. Many understood that this meant hypersonic missiles that are able to overcome all known missile defense systems. The president’s words are indirectly confirmed by Viktor Murakhovsky (member of the expert council under the chairman of the military-industrial commission), saying that Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles are being improved every year.

Russia is developing cruise missiles that can fly at hypersonic speeds. These missiles are capable of reaching targets at ultra-low altitudes. All modern missile defense systems in service with NATO are unable to hit targets flying at such low altitudes. In addition, all modern missile defense systems are capable of intercepting targets flying at a speed of no more than 800 meters per second, so even if you do not count the Yu71 glider, there are enough supersonic Russian intercontinental missiles to render NATO missile defense systems useless.

According to the latest data, it is known that the USA and China are also developing their own analogue of the Yu-71, only the Chinese development can be a real competitor to the Russian development. The Americans, to their deepest sorrow, have so far failed to achieve serious success in this area.

The Chinese glider is known as Wu-14. This device was officially tested only in 2012, but as a result of these tests it was able to reach speeds of over 11,000 km/h. Although the general public is aware of the speed qualities of the Chinese development, there is not a word anywhere about the weapons that the Chinese glider will be equipped with.

The American supersonic drone Falcon HTV-2, which was tested several years ago, suffered a crushing fiasco - it simply lost control and crashed after 10 minutes of flight.

If supersonic weapons become the standard weapon of the Russian Space Force, then the entire missile defense system will become practically useless. The introduction of supersonic technologies will create a real revolution in the military sphere throughout the world.