GOST explanatory note technical project. Explanatory note to the technical project. Interaction with adjacent systems

The main purpose of the document Explanatory note is providing general information about the system and rationale for technical solutions adopted during its development. Therefore, the basis for the development of the Explanatory Note will mainly be the Terms of Reference.

The explanatory note is one of the most important documents of the technical project. The technical design is developed with the aim of identifying final technical solutions that provide a complete picture of the product design.
When developing a program for creating an explanatory note, it is recommended to use GOST 19.404-79 “Explanatory note. Requirements for content and design."

To create an explanatory note for a technical project describing an automated system (AS), it is recommended to use the standard RD 50-34.698-90 “Automated systems. Requirements for the content of documents".

Many sections of the above documents overlap, so as an example we will consider the document Explanatory Note created on the basis of RD 50-34.698-90

1 General provisions

1.1 Name of the designed speaker

This section of the Explanatory Note document contains the full and short name of the AS.

For example: “In this document, the system being created is called the Corporate Information Portal. It is also allowed to use the abbreviated name “KIP” or “System.”

1.2 Documents on the basis of which the system is designed

This section of the Explanatory Note document should contain references to the contract and Terms of Reference for the development of an automated system.

1.3 Organizations involved in system development

This section of the Explanatory Note document indicates the names of the customer and developer organizations.

1.4 Goals of AS development

In this section of the Explanatory Note document, the technical, economic and production benefits that the customer will receive after implementing the developed system should be indicated.

For example: “The purpose of the system being created is:

  • optimization of the company's document flow;
  • support corporate culture companies;
  • optimization of communications between company employees. »

1.5 Purpose and scope of use of the developed speaker system

This section of the Explanatory Note document must include a description of the type of activity being automated and a listing of the processes for which the system is intended to automate.

For example: “KIP is designed to provide complete and timely information, as well as effective organization of employee work. The system must provide organization collaboration employees using the following options:

  • Creation of conferences to discuss issues;
  • Sending/Receiving electronic mail messages;
  • Ensuring collaboration on documents;
  • Coordination of documents;
  • Maintaining records of incoming and outgoing documentation.”

1.6 Information about the regulatory and technical documents used in the design

This section should indicate the standards that were used to create the Explanatory Note document.

For example: “The following regulatory and technical documents were used during the design:

  • GOST 34.201-89 " Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Types, completeness and designations of documents when creating automated systems»;
  • GOST 34.602-89 “Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Technical specifications for the creation of an automated system";
  • GOST 34.003-90 “Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Automated systems. Terms and Definitions";
  • GOST 34.601-90 “Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Automated systems. Stages of creation";
  • RD 50-682-89 " Guidelines. Information technology. A set of standards and guidelines for automated systems. General provisions";
  • RD 50-680-88 “Methodological instructions. Automated systems. Basic provisions";
  • RD 50-34.698-90 “Methodological instructions. Information technology. A set of standards and guidelines for automated systems. Automated systems. Requirements for the content of documents."

1.7. System creation sequence

For systems created in several iterations, the Explanatory Note should indicate the scope of work for each iteration. Separately, it is necessary to highlight the work planned for this iteration.

For example: “Implementation of the Corporate information portal planned in two stages.

The first stage of the instrumentation includes the organization of joint work of company employees due to the introduction of such capabilities as:

  • Instant messaging;
  • Organization of the conference;
  • Transmission/reception Email;
  • Coordination of documents using the System.”

2 Description of the activity process

This section of the Explanatory Note document should reflect the processes and functions automated by the system throughout the entire business process.

To illustrate the material in the explanatory note, it is allowed to use UML, ARIS or IDF0 notations, as well as schematic images created using standard applications (Visio).

To understand the relationship between automated and non-automated functions in the Explanatory Note document, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between user actions and system actions.

For example: “1. The user creates a document

  • The user initiates the process of submitting a document for approval
  • The system changes the status of the document to “for approval”. »
  • Main technical solutions

2.1. Decisions on the structure of the system and subsystems.

This section of the document Explanatory Note provides solutions on the functional structure of the system and its subsystems.

2.2. Means and methods of interaction between system components. Interconnection with external systems

In this section of the Explanatory Note document, it is necessary to indicate a list of systems with which the created product must interact. When describing the interaction of system components in the Explanatory Note, it is necessary to indicate the data exchange format.

For example: “As part of the interaction of instrumentation and external systems, the following technologies are used:
- “Enterprise accounting” - file exchange in the established XML / Excel format.”

2.3. Decisions on operating modes

This section of the Explanatory Note document includes a list and description of the system’s operating modes. Usually the following modes are distinguished: normal mode, test operation mode, service mode. The explanatory note must provide a description of both the regime itself and the cases in which it is introduced.

2.4. Decisions on the number, qualifications and functions of NPP personnel

This section of the document Explanatory Note regulates the activities of maintenance and functional personnel. The explanatory note must indicate the category of employees that belongs to a particular type of personnel and describe their functions within the framework of the system.

For example: “The portal administrator is responsible for:

  • database integrity and software;
  • preventive measures to ensure data safety;
  • distribution of access rights and registration of users in the system. »

2.5. Providing the specified terms of reference consumer characteristics of the system

This section of the Explanatory Note document is created on the basis of the product quality requirements specified in the technical specifications. Here it is necessary to describe the parameter by which the quality of the system is determined. The explanatory note also indicates the solutions by which this characteristic was achieved in the system.

For example: “Fault tolerance and availability software modules Instrumentation and control is provided through the use of industrial software platforms IBM WebSphere Portal, Enterprise Oracle 10g.”

2.6. Composition of functions and set of tasks implemented by the system

This section of the Explanatory Note document contains a list of tasks that the system solves. In the explanatory note, functions and a set of tasks can be presented in the form of an unnumbered list.

2.7. Decisions on a set of technical equipment and its placement at the site

This section of the Explanatory Note document contains decisions on the technical architecture of the system and requirements for the set of technical means necessary to ensure its correct functioning.

It is recommended to place the requirements for a set of technical means in the explanatory note in the form of a table.
For example: "


Technical specifications

Database Server

Rack mount version

No more than 4U

Processor architecture

RISC (64-bit)

CPU frequency

at least 1.5 GHz

CPU cache

At least 1MB


Windows 2003 SP2

Possible number of installed processors

At least 4

Number of installed processors

Possible RAM capacity

32 GB with ECC

RAM capacity

Minimum 8 GB

Availability of interfaces

10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet interfaces 2 pcs.;
Ultra320 SCSI 2 pcs.;
USB 4 pcs.;
serial interface 1 pc.;
PCI 64-bit expansion slots 6 pcs.

Video card:

At least 8MB.

Possible number of installed hard drives

At least 4

Number of installed disks


Power supply

Input parameters:
200-240 V, current frequency: 50-60 Hz;
maximum input power no more than 1600 W;
at least 2 power supplies providing fault tolerance.


When describing the placement of objects of a complex of technical means in the explanatory note, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of SNiP 11-2-80 for buildings of category "B".

2.8. Volume, composition, methods of organization, sequence of information processing

Information support includes in-machine and extra-machine information support. As an in-machine information support are the Database (DB), input and output documents coming from external systems.

The off-machine information base is formed by data contained in paper documents. Often, when developing automated systems, only an in-machine information base is used, so the main emphasis in the Explanatory Note document should be on the content of this section.

When describing the intramachine information base in the Explanatory Note document it is necessary to indicate input and output documents and messages for all subsystems and external systems.

For example: “Input information for the subsystem electronic document management is:

  • electronic versions of production workflow documents;
  • electronic digital signature;

The output information for the electronic document management subsystem is:

2.9. Compound software products, languages ​​of activity, algorithms of procedures and operations and methods of their implementation

This section of the Explanatory Note document should contain the technologies and means for developing the system.

For example:

  • Database server: Oracle 10g
  • Portal: Websphere Portal Extend v6.0.
  • Business Modeling: ARIS


3 Measures to prepare the automation object for putting the system into operation

This section of the Explanatory Note document describes the following activities:

  • measures to bring information into a form suitable for computer processing;
  • activities for training and testing the qualifications of personnel;
  • measures to create the necessary units and jobs;
  • measures to change the automation object;
  • other activities arising from specific features created AS
  1. general provisions;
  2. description of the activity;
  3. basic technical solutions;
  4. events on

[from clause 2.2.1 RD 50-34.698-90]

General provisions

In the “General Provisions” section they provide:

  1. design and names of documents, their numbers and date, on the basis of which the NPP design is carried out;
  2. list of those involved in the system, deadlines;
  3. goals, purpose and AS;
  4. confirmation of compliance of design solutions with current standards and fire and explosion safety, etc.;
  5. information about those used in the design;
  6. information about the best practices used in the development of the project;
  7. the order of creation of the system and the volume of each.

[from clause 2.2.2 RD 50-34.698-90]

Description of the activity process

In the section “Description of the activity process” they reflect the composition of the procedures (), taking into account the interrelation and compatibility of processes and activities, form the organization of work in the plant [from clause 2.2.3 RD 50-34.698-90]

Main technical solutions

In the section “Main technical solutions” they give:

  1. decisions on the structure of the system, means and methods of communication for information exchange between subsystems;
  2. decisions on the interconnection of the system with related systems and its support;
  3. solutions for system operation;
  4. decisions on the number, qualifications and functions, modes of its operation, order of interaction;
  5. information on ensuring the specified consumer characteristics of the system (subsystems) that define it;
  6. composition of task complexes () implemented by the system (subsystem);
  7. decisions on the complex, its placement on;
  8. decisions on the composition of information, volume, methods, types of computer, and documents, sequence and other components;
  9. decisions on the composition, languages ​​of activities, procedures and operations and methods of their implementation.

The section provides illustrations of other documents that may be included in accordance with GOST 34.201 [from clause 2.2.4 of RD 50-34.698-90]

Measures to prepare the automation object for putting the system into operation

In the section “Preparatory measures for putting the system into operation” the following is given:

  1. measures to bring information into a form suitable for;
  2. activities for training and testing the qualifications of personnel;
  3. measures to create the necessary units and jobs;
  4. measures to change the automation object;
  5. other measures based on the specific features of the systems being created.

GOST 19.404-79

Group T55


Unified system of program documentation


Requirements for content and design

Unified system for program documentation. Explanatory note. Requirements for contents and form of presentation

Date of introduction 1981-01-01

By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated December 11, 1979 N 4753, the implementation date was set at 01/01/81

REISSUE. January 2010

This standard establishes requirements for the content and design of policy document"Explanatory note", defined by GOST 19.101-77, included in the documents at the stages of developing the preliminary and technical designs of the program.



1.1. The structure and execution of the document are established in accordance with GOST 19.105-78.

Compilation of the information part (annotations and contents) is optional.

1.2. The explanatory note must contain the following sections:


Purpose and scope;


expected technical and economic indicators;

sources used in development.

Depending on the characteristics of the document, individual sections (subsections) may be combined, as well as new sections (subsections) may be introduced.

2.1. In the "Introduction" section indicate the name of the program and (or) symbol topics of development, as well as documents on the basis of which development is carried out, indicating the organization and date of approval.

2.2. In the section "Purpose and scope" indicate the purpose of the program, brief description areas of application of the program.

2.3. The "Technical Specifications" section should contain the following subsections:

setting the problem for developing a program, describing the mathematical methods used and, if necessary, describing the assumptions and limitations associated with the selected mathematical apparatus;

description of the algorithm and (or) functioning of the program with the rationale for choosing the algorithm for solving the problem, possible interactions of the program with other programs;

description and justification for choosing a method for organizing input and output data;

description and justification for the choice of hardware and software based on calculations and (or) analyzes performed, distribution of storage media used by the program.

2.4. In the “Expected technical and economic indicators” section, technical and economic indicators are indicated that justify the advantage of the selected technical solution option, as well as, if necessary, expected operational indicators.

2.5. In the section "Sources used in the development" indicate a list of scientific and technical publications, regulatory and technical documents and other scientific and technical materials that are referenced in the main text.

2.6. The appendix to the document may include tables, justifications, methods, calculations and other documents used in the development.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
Unified system of program documentation:
Sat. GOST. -
M.: Standartinform, 2010

By Decree of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated February 28, 1973 No. 502, the introduction date was established

from 01/01/74

This standard establishes requirements for the implementation of technical designs for products from all industries.


1.1. A technical project is developed if it is provided for in the technical specifications, a protocol for considering a technical proposal or a preliminary design. A technical project is developed with the aim of identifying final technical solutions that give a complete picture of the design of the product, when it is advisable to do this before development working documentation.If necessary, the technical design may include the development of options for individual components products. In these cases, the choice optimal option carried out on the basis of test results of prototypes of the product.1.2. When developing a technical project, they carry out the work necessary to meet the requirements for the product and allow them to gain a complete understanding of the design of the product being developed, evaluate its compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications, manufacturability, degree of complexity of manufacturing, packaging methods, possibilities of transportation and installation at the site of use, ease of use , feasibility and possibility of repair, etc. The list of necessary work is determined by the developer depending on the nature and purpose of the product and is agreed with the customer if the product is being developed according to orders from the Ministry of Defense. An approximate list of work for products for national economic purposes is given in the appendix. Note. At the technical project stage, work carried out at previous stages is not repeated if it cannot provide additional data. In this case, the results of previously completed work are reflected in the explanatory note. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 4). 1.3. Material mock-ups should be designed to verify (if necessary, at the customer’s or consumer’s site) the design and circuit solutions of the product being developed and (or) its components, as well as to confirm the final decisions made. Testing of mock-ups must be carried out in accordance with the program and test methodology developed in accordance with GOST 2.106-96. The need to produce mock-ups and their quantity are established by the development organization (if required, then together with the customer). (Changed edition, Amendment No. 5). 1.4. The technical design includes design documents in accordance with GOST 2.102-68, provided for by the technical specifications and the protocol for reviewing the technical proposal and preliminary design. When executing documents in electronic form, the electronic structure of the product and the electronic model of the product (assembly unit, complex) are carried out with a level of detail corresponding to the stage of the technical project. When developing a technical project, separate documents developed at previous stages can be used if these documents meet the requirements, submitted to the technical design documents or if changes are made to them in order to ensure such compliance. The documents used are assigned the letter “T”. Design documents developed for the manufacture of material models are not included in the set of technical design documents. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 5).1.5. Copies of technical design documents compiled in accordance with GOST 2.106-96 are submitted for review, approval and approval. It is allowed, in agreement with the customer, to submit original technical design documents. 1.6. The form of presentation of technical design documents (paper or electronic), if it is not specified in the technical specifications or protocols for consideration of the technical proposal or preliminary design, is determined by the developer in agreement with the customer. It is allowed to include documents in the set of technical design documents in various forms representations. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 5).


2.1. Drawing general view or an equivalent electronic model of an assembly unit for a technical project is carried out in accordance with GOST 2.119-73. In addition, on the general view drawing (or an equivalent electronic model of the assembly unit), if necessary, provide: instructions on the selected fits of parts (dimensions and maximum deviations of mating surfaces are indicated in accordance with GOST 2.307-68); technical requirements for the product, for example, on the use of certain coatings, winding impregnation methods, welding methods that ensure required quality products (these requirements must be taken into account during the subsequent development of working documentation); technical characteristics of the product that are necessary for the subsequent development of drawings or equivalent electronic models. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 5). 2.2. All design documents included in the technical project are recorded in the technical design sheet in the manner established by GOST 2.106-96. It is allowed to include documents in various forms of presentation (in paper or electronic form) in the set of technical project documents, and in the “Note” column it is recommended to indicate the form of presentation of the document. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 5). 2.3. The explanatory note of the technical project is carried out in accordance with GOST 2.106-96, taking into account the following basic requirements for the content of the sections: a) in the “Introduction” section indicate the name, number and date of approval of the technical specification. If the development of a technical project is provided not by the terms of reference, but by the protocol for considering a technical proposal or preliminary design, then an entry is made like: “The development of a technical project is provided preliminary design..." and indicate the number and date of the protocol for reviewing the draft design; b) in the section "Purpose and scope of the product being developed" indicate: a brief description of the area and conditions of use of the product; general characteristics of the object for which this product is intended (if necessary); the main data that should ensure the stability of the quality indicators of the product under operating conditions; c) in the “Technical Characteristics” section, the following are given: the main technical characteristics of the product (power, speed, productivity, electricity consumption, fuel consumption, efficiency and other parameters characterizing the product ); information on compliance or deviations from the requirements established by the technical specifications and previous stages of development, if any, with justification for deviations; d) in the section “Description and justification of the selected design” provide: description and justification of the selected design, diagrams, packaging (if packaging is provided) and other technical solutions adopted and tested at the stage of development of the technical project. If necessary, provide illustrations; comparison data of the main technical characteristics products with the characteristics of analogues (domestic or foreign) or provide a link to a map of the technical level and quality; assessment of the manufacturability of the product, including justification for the need to develop or purchase new equipment; assessment of final technical solutions for compliance with the requirements for ensuring patent purity and competitiveness; information about used inventions (numbers of copyright certificates or numbers of applications for inventions indicating the priority date); test results of material mock-ups (if they were manufactured), electronic mock-ups (if they were developed), and data assessing the compliance of the mock-ups with the specified requirements, including ergonomics, technical aesthetics . If necessary, provide photographs of material models. For reference, it is allowed to indicate the designations of the main design documents according to which material mock-ups were made, the number and date of the report (or) test report, etc.; information on the compliance of the borrowed (previously developed) components used in the product, purchased products and materials with the product being developed according to technical characteristics, operating modes, warranty periods, operating conditions; justification for the need to use scarce products and materials; information on transportation and storage; information on the product’s compliance with safety and industrial sanitation requirements; e) in the section “Calculations confirming the performance and reliability of the design” provide: calculations confirming the performance of the product ( kinematic, electrical, thermal, calculations of hydraulic and pneumatic systems, etc.); calculations confirming the reliability of the product (calculation of indicators of durability, maintainability, storability, etc.); For each type of calculation, software and information support tools for automated systems are indicated (if they are used to perform calculations); information about the safety of the product and its impact on environment; information on product disposal”; If the volume of payments is large, they can be issued in the form of separate documents; at the same time, in this section only the results of calculations are given; e) in the section “Description of the organization of work using the product being developed,” information is provided on the organization of work with the product at the site of operation, including: a description of specific techniques and methods of working with the product in modes and conditions provided for in the technical specifications; description of the procedure and methods of transportation, installation and storage of the product and its commissioning at the site of operation; assessment of product performance data (interchangeability, ease of maintenance, maintainability, resistance to impact external environment and the possibility of quickly eliminating failures); information on the qualifications and number of maintenance personnel; g) in the section “Expected technical and economic indicators” the following are given: economic indicators, necessary calculations; approximate calculation of the price of a pilot and serial product and the costs of organizing production and operation; h) in the section “Level of standardization and unification” they provide: information about standard, unified and borrowed assembly units and parts that were used in the development of the product, as well as indicators of the level of unification and standardization of the product design; justification for the possibility of developing state and industry standards for objects standardization related to the development of this product, its components and new materials. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 5) .2.4. The appendix to the explanatory note includes: a copy of the technical specifications, as well as, if necessary, data ( technical requirements, acceptance rules, control methods and other information) to be included in the technical specifications, if the latter have not been developed at this stage; materials of artistic and design study that are not design documents; list of work that should be carried out at the stage of development of working documentation; clarification or development of a network schedule for the further development and implementation of the product being developed into industrial production; list of literature used, etc.; list of documents used in the development of a technical project and received by the product developer from other enterprises and organizations (inventor’s certificates, expert opinion on patent purity, consumer certificate on the required volume of production of the products being developed and etc.) ; in this case, the documents are not included in the appendix to the explanatory note, but the explanatory note may contain the necessary information from these documents (for example, the subject of the invention, the required quantities of products for a quarter, for a year, for a five-year period), as well as the number and date of the document or cover letter; list of software and information support tools for automated systems used in the development of a technical project (Changed edition, Amendment No. 5).



In the general case, when developing a technical project, the following work is carried out: a) developing design solutions for the product and its main components; b) performing the necessary calculations, including those confirming the technical and economic indicators established by the technical specifications; c) you completion of the necessary circuit diagrams, connection diagrams, etc.; d) development and justification of technical solutions that ensure reliability indicators established by the technical specifications and previous stages of development (if these stages were developed); e) analysis of the product design for manufacturability, taking into account feedback from industrial manufacturing enterprises in terms of ensuring manufacturability in the conditions of this particular production, including the use of equipment available at the enterprise, as well as taking into account this project requirements of regulatory and technical documentation in force at the manufacturer; identifying new equipment necessary for the production of products (justification for development or acquisition); development of metrological support (selection of measurement methods and means); f) production and testing of material models and (or) development and analysis of electronic models; g) assessment of the product in relation to its compliance with the requirements of economics and technical aesthetics; h) assessment of the possibility of transportation, storage, as well as installation of the product at the place of its use; i) assessment of the operational data of the product (interchangeability, ease of maintenance, maintainability, resistance to environmental influences, the ability to quickly eliminate failures, quality control of the product, provision of control means technical condition, etc.); j) finalization of applications for the development and manufacture of new products (including measuring instruments) and materials used in the product being developed; k) implementation of measures to ensure the level of standardization and unification of the product specified in the technical specifications; l) checking the product for patent purity and competitiveness, filing applications for inventions; m) identifying the range of purchased products, coordinating the use of purchased products; o) agreeing on overall, installation and connection dimensions with the customer or main consumer; n) assessment of the technical level and quality of the product; p) development of drawings assembly units and parts, if this is caused by the need to expedite the issuance of assignments for the development of specialized equipment for their manufacture; c) checking the compliance of decisions made with the requirements of safety and industrial sanitation; r) compiling a list of works that should be carried out at the stage of development and working documentation, in addition and (or) clarification of the work provided for in the technical specifications, technical proposal and preliminary design; y) preparation of proposals for the development of standards (revision or amendments to existing standards) provided for in the technical specifications at this stage4 (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 4) . t) preparation of proposals for the use of software and information support for automated systems in the development of working design documentation. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 5).

Below is an example (sample) of a project document " Explanatory note to the technical project for the creation of an automated system", based on guidelines RD 50-34.698-90. This document is generated by an IT specialist at the stage technical design of information system.

As an example of the development of an information system, a project for introducing an information and analytical system was used "Corporate data warehouse".

The page below shows contents of the explanatory note of the technical project in accordance with GOST, within each section briefly The content requirements and the text of the filling example are given.(distinguished by a vertical line).

Sections of the explanatory note:

    General provisions

    Main technical solutions

    Decisions on the structure of the system, subsystems, means and methods of communication for information exchange between system components

    Solutions for interconnecting the speaker system with related systems and ensuring its compatibility

    Decisions on operating modes, diagnosing system operation

    Decisions on personnel and their work modes

    Information on ensuring the consumer characteristics of the system specified in the technical specifications, which determine its quality

    Composition of functions, sets of tasks implemented by the system

    Composition and placement of technical equipment complexes