Is it good to be rich? Essay on the topic of rich and poor, reasoning on how to better manage money

After reading the book “Your Finances in Times of Change” (Larry Burkitt), I want to share some basic thoughts about finances and provide excerpts from this book.

Each of us constantly thinks: “How to make money? How does money affect a family? Should money be saved or should it be given away? Can a Christian be wealthy - or is it better to be poor?

Statistics say: those who earn money spend more than 80% of their working day thinking about how to earn, save and spend it. Money is like that important topic that almost two-thirds of all the parables told by Christ talk about in various ways handling them. This alone shows us the importance of understanding God's purpose for finances (more than 700 verses in Scripture mention their use).

Since creation, man has suffered from his own greed and unwillingness to obey God. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they chose their own path and were expelled from paradise. In Genesis 3:19 God says, “By the sweat of your face you will eat bread.” Until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, man will be constantly concerned about how to make a fortune and how to dispose of it. Money is often the cause of discord between people, family quarrels, anger and illness. But for Christians, laws were established by the Creator. Each of us is a manager, not an owner. God is the Owner, and we must manage our wealth according to His purpose. And when we give ownership to Him, then our lives will be filled with peace and satisfaction in every area of ​​our life. financial activities. What is wealth? There are many ideas about the emergence of wealth:

1. It takes a lucky chance to succeed, whoever gets the most favorable chances or has the greatest influence.
2. You need money to make money. In other words, only the rich get richer.
3. You can't be too honest to succeed today. Why? If you are too truthful with people, then you are not able to deal with the system that dominates the world.

None of these ideas are consistent with biblical principles. In this way we try to explain and justify our behavior. Creating wealth is both a blessing and a talent. In the field of finance, God and Satan operate differently: the blessing of the Lord makes rich... (Prov. 10: 22). It becomes clear that money for God is a kind of testing ground for our spiritual education, namely: identifying and developing our trust in Him. Why do we as Christians find it difficult to trust God in this area? Because we don't really believe that He only wants the best for us. Until we experience true freedom with money, we will never understand God's full purpose for our lives.

Some misconceptions persist in the world and even in religious circles:

1. Behind poverty is spirituality. It's a delusion. Poverty is not inherently virtuous. God never always brings poverty to make spiritual. God condemns the misuse of money or the love of money, not the money itself. Romans 12:5-8 also speaks of the spiritual gift of charity.
2. Money brings happiness - another misconception. There is no direct connection between wealth and happiness. (1 Tim. 6:17-19) We see how in life there are many unhappy people among rich people.
3. Being wealthy is a sin. This is also not true. Having money is not a sin. Neither Abraham nor Solomon were poor. God gave them wealth, not wanting to corrupt Israel with this. Psalm 8 says, “You have made him ruler over the works of Your hands; He put everything under his feet.” The Lord gives us at our disposal everything that is on earth.
4. Money is the root of all evil. Many people believe that this is a Scripture quote - which is not the case at all. Biblical truth: the love of money is the root of all evil. Remember the rich young man.

Remember the parable of the talents in Hebrews 25. Matthew? It follows from it:

1. God has entrusted to us what is adequate to our abilities, and not beyond.
2. God is the Owner and He has the right to take back to Himself what He has given to us.
3. God condemns passivity on our part. He expects the increase, not just the preservation of financial resources.
4. God trusts in those who know how to invest money, but He also expects a return on what has been given.

God does work through finances. But he will never in our lives use money to make us worry or to make us exalted. He will not give it to us to accumulate.

Doing business without knowledge leads to disappointment. If I don’t know peace in financial matters, if I’m disappointed, it means, biblically, I’m in bonds! May the Lord help each of us to understand the importance of this issue and deal with finances in accordance with the Scriptures.

Money is a very powerful force that you need to be careful with. They can both improve life and destroy it in an instant. Today’s post will talk about how money influences a person and how to avoid bad influence in this matter.

It is no coincidence that some people have money and others do not. There are no accidents in this matter and everything is natural. Money is opportunities, but how we use these opportunities is a big question.

Why is a person given money?

The amount of money in this life is determined by what we live for now, how we act and what we think. Depending on which path a person takes, money may be taken away from him prematurely or, conversely, it will appear unexpectedly, like a blessing from above.

The first thing you need to understand:

Money, especially big money, is not given to a person so that he can spend it for his own pleasure and enjoy life without paying much attention to others. Although a person can do exactly this, no one will forbid him, but for every decision and for every action he will need to be held accountable in the future.

Often big money appears in our lives as a test. Many people cannot pass this test and begin to build multi-story buildings, buy expensive cars and yachts, play in casinos, manipulate other people and even entire countries, etc. and so on.

The more a person tries to satisfy his insatiable feelings, the more he wants and the more money he needs for this. For others, the amount in their account is the main goal in life and they spend their entire lives increasing the amount of money they have accumulated, without even realizing that they are living meaninglessly.

If you think only about yourself, spend money only on yourself and your family, then selfishness and greed increase. Along with this, the desire to have more money increases, but money comes more and more difficult or does not bring long-awaited satisfaction. This means that the person has already fallen into the trap of fate. Further difficulties and suffering are inevitable.

By the way, this is one example of how money influences a person.

The most important thing (for what the money is given):

We need to learn to use money and other opportunities in life for the benefit of the whole world. And of course, you should maintain a decent standard of living for yourself and your family.

If we start living wisely and understand that living only for ourselves and our family does not bring happiness in the long term, then we have the opportunity to learn how to treat money correctly.

In short, the correct attitude towards money is as follows:

We do not make money the main goal of life and do not become attached to it, but we make efforts to ensure a decent life for ourselves and our loved ones. We donate part of the money to worthy projects or worthy individuals. If possible, we can spend money to help others, to educate society, etc. We respect money, keep records of income and expenses, store it carefully, and do not call it offensive words such as “grandmother”, “lave”, etc. These are the basic principles of a reasonable person’s attitude towards money.

How does money affect a person: does it make him better or worse?

Unfortunately, in most cases, money spoils people. This is why many people do not have money, although they want to have as much of it as possible.

It’s not so often that you meet a person who has a lot of money and at the same time lives a decent life. Most often, along with the amount of money, the level of a person’s greed and greed also increases. The result is rapid degradation.

A huge number of people who do not have big money They believe that this world is unfair to them, that rich people have deceived them, that someone is bothering them, etc. But the point is that

These people should not have a lot of money, as this will inevitably spoil them and bring suffering to them and the people around them.

And it doesn’t matter what kind of suffering it will be or how it will manifest itself. An unworthy person who suddenly has money inevitably becomes arrogant, arrogant, immoral, etc. Therefore, an unworthy person cannot have a lot of money.

This is how it works in our harmonious world. People unworthy of big money receive some kind of salary, which they manage to spend on all sorts of crap like alcohol, junk food, stupid entertainment, etc.

What kind of large sums of money can we talk about if a person cannot manage a small amount wisely? Naturally, such people should not be given many financial opportunities, which is successfully implemented in practice in life.

It’s a completely different matter when a person has pure, sublime qualities of character. He is honest, selfless, fair, generous, calm, detached, etc. You can give money to such a person and it will not spoil him. On the contrary, in the hands of such a person this money will turn into an instrument of goodness and help.

In order to have a lot of money and at the same time remain a worthy person, you need to work a lot on yourself, first of all, in a spiritual (evolutionary) plan, but also at other levels of life.

If a person lives an ordinary life with such components as food, sleep, sex, TV, entertainment, work and nothing more, then large sums of money will inevitably spoil him and help him degrade even faster in life.

What's the best way to manage money?

It doesn’t matter how much money a person has, what matters is how he manages it. There are people who earn relatively little, but are absolutely happy. And there are those who have huge incomes, but are deeply unhappy. Why is that?

The former live for others and constantly improve themselves, while the latter try to get more and more pleasures and opportunities for themselves. The former know how to handle money wisely, while the latter, although they know how to earn money, do not know at all what they should really spend it on.

But this does not mean that all rich people are bad. Among the rich there are many worthy individuals who live pure and exalted lives. They do a lot for society and are happy and successful at the same time.

The rich and the unfortunate are mainly those people who got rich through criminal means (deception, fraud, theft) or those who inherited everything. Much luckier are those who receive the right amount of money than those who receive nothing but money.

Most the best option- is spending money on good deeds: doing charity, helping those in need, protecting the disadvantaged, participating in the dissemination of real knowledge, creating educational institutions And public organizations, fight the negative manifestations of this world (alcohol, prostitution, etc.).

But most people won't do this because they are very greedy by nature. That is why they are not given money, and if they are given it, it is a curse for them.

If you look at it, one person doesn’t need that much to live normally. But when there is surplus money, then a person looks for where to spend it. And he finds, but often these are unnecessary and even harmful things, habits, entertainment. This is a sign of an underdeveloped person.

But if you start spending on something useful, then the feeling of happiness inside will increase, which cannot be bought for any money and cannot be artificially caused in any way.

In general, as always, the choice is yours. Just remember these two options:

  1. Life for yourself, maximum for your family. Money is spent on satisfying desires and pleasure. The result: lack of happiness, suffering, illness.
  2. Life for the benefit of others, of course, while providing for the family. Money is spent on necessary personal needs and for the benefit of others. The result: a feeling of great happiness in the heart, love for all living beings, health and success.

Of the two options, choose the one that, in your opinion, will bring happiness in the future.

Important video about smart charity:

Now let's talk about people worthy of money.

Who deserves big money?

Below are some signs and qualities of a person whom money will not spoil, but will give him the opportunity to bring good to this world.

Here are a few signs of a person worthy of big money:

  • He works on himself, develops sublime qualities of character;
  • He knows how to manage money and knows what he needs it for;
  • He is not attached to money in any situation: when money comes or goes unexpectedly;
  • He must give part of his income to charity (minimum 10%);
  • He knows that money is a powerful force and therefore it is better to use it wisely.

If you become a person with such qualities, then your financial position will begin to improve, and your attitude towards money will also change. By the way, I decided to add a table here about poor people. In my opinion it is very relevant:

How does money affect family life?

In a family, everything depends on what character qualities the husband and wife have. If they are both greedy and greedy, then those close to them and those around them will suffer from them, although they themselves may feel very good together. If they try to give their energy to others and take care of them, then such a family will become a magnet for everyone, since everyone needs happiness.

Getting a lot of money undeservedly affects the family as well as the individual. Whatever values ​​are cultivated in the family, the corresponding attitude will be towards money.

For example, if a husband and wife strive to enjoy each other more, seek entertainment and fulfillment of desires, want to receive more than they give, then money will ruin such a family. There are many similar families who live their lives in constant pursuit of money, and if they receive money, then it is not enough for them and their desires are constantly increasing.

When self-development and lofty values ​​come first in a family, and donations and helping others are not an empty phrase, then money will make this family even better, because they will be able to bring even more benefit to the world around them.

How does money affect a woman?

Money and even just a strong desire to get it can destroy a woman, making her very greedy and selfish. The love of money and everything material is one of the great dangers in a woman’s life, but at the same time it is also an invariable companion of a woman’s destiny.

Women tend to desire material goods, comfort and coziness, and this is normal. But there is a fine line, after which the desire for comfort and stability turns into greed. Such a woman becomes a curse for her family.

She begins to demand more and more from her husband, constantly demanding improvements in material living conditions, regardless of his abilities and capabilities. She begins to approach relationships with relatives and friends selfishly, or any communication begins to boil down to money and ways to earn it. The more self-interest, envy, greed and greed a woman becomes, the less attractive she becomes to her husband and others, the more her future worsens.

On the other hand, a reasonable woman knows about this line. She knows how to accept fate as it is. In her relationship with her husband, she helps him believe in his strength and achievements in his activities. Let me remind you again that behind almost all the great men in history there was an equally great woman.

U wise woman the material side of life improves itself. And what helps her become wise, first of all, is true and comprehensive development.

Summary of the article

Money itself is neither good nor bad, it is a powerful force that opens up great opportunities for a person, both with a plus and a minus sign. It all depends on the type of person who has money or wants to receive it.

Therefore, if you want financial stability and at the same time remain a worthy and decent person, then start working on yourself, developing spiritually, improving your character traits, and gaining knowledge about rational life at all levels. In this case, you will inevitably achieve satisfaction with your material side of life.

I hope that this article was able to show how money affects a person and that you now understand how best to build a life in this matter.

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https://site/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/dengi-i-chelovek.jpg 320 640 Sergey Yuryev https://site/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/logotip.pngSergey Yuryev 2018-02-15 05:00:07 2019-10-24 17:40:27 How does money affect a person: good or bad?

Poverty is a standard of living that is the exact opposite of wealth. Those affected by poverty have no or minimal opportunity to acquire the necessary attributes for life, support their families, and pay for important services.

People faced with poverty are tormented by need, hunger, and this pushes them to many negative actions, such as theft. In some people, poverty can develop evil feelings and envy, and lead to despair. But, on the other hand, sometimes a poor person turns out to be much kinder, more honest and more generous than a rich person.

Causes of poverty:

  • Lifestyle - there is a category of people who are satisfied with their situation and do not want to change anything, due to their unwillingness to work;
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction - a person who is addicted often loses all valuables and money to satisfy unnecessary needs;
  • Low wage- the most common reason;
  • Unemployment.

Wealth is the material well-being of a person or a certain population. A rich person is considered to be a person who owns real estate, has large savings, and has more than the necessary income.

In the modern world, with the help of wealth you can solve many problems, allow yourself to satisfy your needs and not have to suffer from want. The richer a person is, the more society shows respect for him. Basically, wealth spoils people; people endowed with power and money often become greedy and arrogant.

Possessing significant financial assets, a person can begin to go crazy; this becomes less and less enough for him; a desire appears to get even more at any cost, committing various crimes. A good example This is illustrated by the famous fairy tale “About the Goldfish”. But among them there are also people with kind souls. There are often cases when a rich person engages in charity and donates large sums of money to various foundations and shelters, thereby helping the poor. This suggests that there is good and bad in everything, what matters is what the person chooses.

In my opinion, it doesn’t matter whether a person is poor or rich, the main thing is to preserve only the best moral qualities in oneself and not allow bad ones to develop. Many great people have been both poor and rich.

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Money is not a goal, but a means to achieve other goals and desires. Wealth is, first of all, an opportunity to help others, but almost no one will refuse a million that “accidentally fell on their head.” Such data were obtained in a joint study by the weekly Comments and the international personnel portal.

The majority of those who took part in the survey consider wealth not an end in itself, but a means of achieving more important life goals. A fifth of respondents are sure that welfare is just an indicator of a person’s social status. Another 13% are convinced that becoming rich is the main task human life. And 3% consider wealth a reason for envy.

The concept of “wealth” is very subjective - respondents did not agree on how much a person needs to earn in order to be considered rich. A quarter of respondents (26%) believe that a wealthy person should earn about 10 thousand dollars a month. 24% are sure that wealth starts from 20-50 thousand dollars a month. The same number believe that truly rich people earn from 100 to 500 thousand. 9% of respondents are ready to recognize only those whose income is $1 million a month as rich. 14% of respondents have a philosophical attitude towards wealth: they believe that it cannot be measured with money, because it is a state of mind. The older the respondents, the more popular this approach to saving money is. The majority of “idealists” are among those over 40.

Despite the fact that, according to respondents, a wealthy person should earn more than 10 thousand dollars, the respondents’ definition of a good, well-paid job is somewhat more modest. Most people consider earnings high even when they exceed $3,000 a month.

For the sake of high earnings, respondents are ready to do a lot. Only a third of respondents are not ready to sacrifice anything for a good job. Others may sacrifice weekends, vacations and even human relationships on the altar of making money.

The willingness to work beyond measure is obviously associated with a low assessment of their own well-being by working Ukrainians.

40% said they don't have enough money today to not worry about tomorrow, 15% have difficulty providing for their family, and 8% cannot buy even the most necessary things for themselves. Only a third of respondents assessed their well-being positively. Confident in financially 11% of respondents feel comfortable, and 2% can afford any whims and purchases. Another 17% can easily provide their family with everything they need.

According to respondents, the most the best areas economics in order to earn a lot and do your business are information Technology(48%), real estate (31%), finance and insurance (24%) and sales (24%). Almost half of respondents (41%) are confident that there is a chance to get rich in any professional field.

36% of respondents believe that wealth, first of all, makes it possible to help others. A fifth of respondents consider wealth as an opportunity to lead a carefree life, and the same number consider well-being their main life goal. 10% consider themselves rich, but not financially.

Only 3% of respondents are sure that it is a shame to be rich, because it is honestly impossible to earn a lot of money. Here, as in the previous question, the younger generation is much more pragmatic than middle-aged and older people. Among respondents under 30 years old, only 1% agree with this statement, among those who are 30-40 years old - already 3%, and after 40 years old, the number of idealists increases to 10%.

The simplest and most attractive opportunity to get rich is to rely on your luck. More than half of the respondents are sure of this. Respondents also consider a high-paying job in Ukraine or abroad, winning the lottery, as well as a successful marriage to be a good chance to become a wealthy person. However, this way of becoming rich is more attractive to women (26%) than to men. In turn, the stronger sex will be more calm about the possibility of stealing and will profitably dispose of what they have acquired (11% of men and only 4% of women are not against this option). Men are also more adventurous 14% of the men surveyed would prefer to find treasure over any other way to get rich, among women this figure is only 6%.

Ukrainians are pragmatic, but nobility is not alien to them. If a respondent suddenly had a million dollars in their hands, 65% would open their own business, 41% would buy real estate and a car, and almost a quarter of respondents would donate money to charity. Many would use this money to pay for school, make relatives happy with gifts, or pay for expensive treatment.

You have to pay for everything

Only 26% of respondents think that wealth can come “with impunity.” The rest are sure that they will have to pay. They are ready to exchange for big money: friendship (27%), happiness in their personal life (25%), family well-being (24%), the opportunity to do what they love (21%).

The data was obtained from a survey of registered site users. 1200 respondents from different regions of Ukraine took part in the survey.

How do people who suddenly become rich feel? Entrepreneurs who have earned millions of dollars shared their opinions in the comments to this topic. different ways. Some by postponing, and others by selling their company. They talked about how a person feels who suddenly can afford everything. And is that really a good thing?

Anonymous ($30,000,000)

Wealth isolates you from society. You can't complain about your life or talk about your problems to anyone outside your circle of closest friends. Otherwise, you will simply be considered an insolent idiot. It is very difficult for people of lesser income to sympathize with you, since they believe that money gives everything. This is wrong.

There are many problems with money. Lack of motivation to work, constant requests to borrow money from suddenly appearing friends and relatives, envy and taxes - all this leaves a not very pleasant imprint on life. If you have children, then you will also have to think about how to motivate them to do things instead of just spending your money.

Don't get excited about having a lot of free time. Idleness will quickly get boring, and you will have to forget about meeting friends, since almost all of them work for regular work from 9 to 17 o'clock. Money makes you lonely and that was the biggest surprise and disappointment for me.

Anonymous ($4,000,000)

I made my small fortune by putting money in the bank. By my standards, $4,000,000 is not that much, but among the people in my circle I have the most money. Here are some tips I can give to a person who suddenly became rich:

  1. Don't tell anyone about your money. At my previous job, I accidentally spilled the beans about my savings. People I've known for years and considered friends have changed. Envy and mild sarcastic comments about me and my money appeared in conversations. Over time, nothing changed, even though I didn't talk about it anymore. By going to new job, I didn’t say a word about money and I’m just glad about it.
  2. Material things do not bring pleasure. Super cliché, but I couldn't help but mention it. It's probably hard to understand until you go through wealth yourself. I bought cars and expensive toys, and they only bring pleasure for the first time. Then you realize that these are just unprofitable investments.
  3. I didn't quit my job. I still work in an IT company and live on my salary. I decided to leave the accumulated money for retirement or an unforeseen situation.

Safal Yot Sing ($15,000,000)

I made a lot of money selling an IT startup when I was about 20 years old. And here's what I realized: being rich is better than not being rich, but it's not nearly as great as you think.

First of all, you can't complain anymore. Others will think that with the help of money you have reached nirvana and no longer have any problems, which, of course, is not the case. Secondly, everyone will need something from you. And it’s very difficult to understand whether a person likes you or whether it’s all about money. And lastly, friends and family. Your relationship may remain the same, but most likely it will change.

You think that once you get rich, your life will be better. And now you get rich, but life doesn’t change. This outcome can cause severe depression or a life crisis. If you are not happy being average, you will not be happy being rich.


Most big problem rich people are isolated. Still, we pay too much attention to money and in vain put it first in the list of our values. It's all relative, and if you want a BMW now, when you can afford one, you'll immediately want a Bentley. And this will continue forever.

It would be interesting to know the opinions of suddenly rich readers, if any. What challenges or benefits have you encountered since becoming rich?