Image as a means of business communication for a manager. The image of a leader and his role in business communication. The influence of appearance, manners, and behavior style on business communication

Phase change

Slow Phase Stages

The meaning of slow-wave sleep

What is the reason for this amount of sleep?

The thing is that it is in the slow phase that the process of restoration of all cells of the body occurs. At this time, the pineal gland produces growth hormone, which triggers catabolism. This means that protein compounds are not broken down, as during anabolism during the day, but, on the contrary, are synthesized from amino acids.

Deep dream. How long does it last and what is the norm?

When falling asleep and when immersed in delta sleep, tissues and organs self-heal.

Let's sum it up

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Sleep cycling

During sleep, an adult alternates between 2 main phases: rapid and slow-wave sleep. At the very beginning, after falling asleep, the duration of the slow phase is long, and before waking up, the duration of slow sleep is shortened, and the duration of REM sleep is lengthened.

A healthy adult begins sleep from the 1st stage. slow sleep, lasting 5-10 minutes. Next 2nd st. lasts 20 minutes. Then follow 3-4 tbsp. continuing for another 30-45 minutes. Then the sleeper again plunges into the 2nd art. slow wave sleep, followed by the first episode of REM sleep, which takes only 5 minutes. This is one cycle.

The initial cycle lasts approximately one and a half hours. During repetitions of cycles, the share of slow-wave sleep is shortened, and the share of fast sleep is lengthened. During the last cycle, the duration of the fast cycle can reach one hour. A healthy adult experiences 5 sleep cycles during the night.

slow sleep

NREM sleep is also divided into certain stages:

  1. The first is drowsiness with half-asleep visions. At this time, solutions to the day's problems may clearly appear in the brain.
  2. The second is the so-called sleep spindles. At this time, consciousness turns off, but the person can be easily awakened due to increased perception thresholds.
  3. The third is deeper sleep, in which sleep spindles are still preserved.
  4. The fourth is the deepest sleep, which is sometimes called delta sleep. The duration of the deep sleep phase decreases from cycle to cycle.

Actually, the concept of delta sleep sometimes combines the penultimate and last stages. It is almost impossible to wake up a sleeping person during this period. This is precisely the stage at which sleepwalking occurs. enuresis or nightmares. but upon awakening, a person does not retain memories of what happened. Normally, all 4 slow-wave stages of sleep of the 1st cycle occupy up to 80% of all sleep.

From the point of view of the physiology of sleep, in this phase the body heals physically - cells and tissues are restored, self-healing occurs internal organs. During this period, the body restores its energy costs. During REM sleep, he restores his mental and intellectual resources.

What happens during delta sleep

During delta sleep, heart rate and breathing rates decrease, and all muscles relax. As this phase deepens, the number of movements in the sleeper becomes minimal, and it becomes difficult to wake him up. If you wake up the sleeping person at this time, he will not remember his dreams.

During slow-wave sleep, according to researchers of the phenomenon, restorative metabolic processes occur in tissues aimed at compensating for the catabolism that occurs during wakefulness.

Certain facts support this hypothesis. The delta sleep stage is prolonged in some cases:

  • after active physical work;
  • during a period of rapid weight loss;
  • with thyrotoxicosis.

If subjects are deprived of this phase artificially (by exposure to sound, for example), then they begin to complain of physical weakness and unpleasant muscle sensations.

Delta sleep also plays an important role in memorization processes. Experiments were conducted during which subjects were asked to memorize meaningless combinations of letters before going to bed. After three hours of sleep, they were woken up and asked to repeat what they had learned before going to bed. It turned out that the more delta waves were recorded during this period of sleep, the more accurate the memories were. The results of these experiments determined that the memory deterioration that is observed with prolonged sleep disturbances and insomnia is associated specifically with problems in deep sleep.

The experimental subjects react to deprivation of deep sleep in the same way as to complete sleep deprivation: 2-3 nights with the use of stimulation reduce performance, slow down the speed of reactions, and give a feeling of fatigue.

How long should deep sleep last?

Each person has their own individual norm for how much sleep they need. There are short sleepers, medium sleepers, and long sleepers. Napoleon was a short sleeper - he slept only 4 hours. And Einstein was a long sleeper - his sleep norm was at least 10 hours. And both were very effective figures. However, if a common person forced to reduce his quota, then he will probably be negative in the morning, immediately tired and angry.

Scientists at the University of Surrey conducted an experiment in which 110 healthy adults who had never experienced sleep problems took part. On the first night, participants spent 8 hours in bed and showed that: subjects aged 20-30 years slept 7.23 hours, 40-55 years old 6.83 hours, 66-83 years old - 6.51 hours. The same trend was observed for deep sleep time: 118.4 minutes in the first group, 85.3 in the middle group, 84.2 minutes in the oldest group.

The first thing that begins to suffer with a lack of delta sleep is the endocrine system. If there is a lack of deep sleep, a person does not produce growth hormone. As a result, the belly begins to grow. These people suffer from apnea syndrome. at night they experience short-term respiratory arrests, during which they may simply not breathe for up to 1.5 minutes. Then, out of a sense of self-preservation, the body gives the command to wake up and the person snores. This is a very dangerous condition, during which heart attacks and strokes occur much more often. When treating the syndrome, people lose weight sharply because their hormone production improves. Sleep apnea causes overwhelming daytime sleepiness, which is extremely dangerous if a person is driving at the time.

The norm for deep sleep in adults is from 30 to 70% of total sleep time. To increase its percentage you need to:

  • create a more efficient wake/sleep schedule (you need to go to bed and get up at the same time);
  • give the body physical exercise a couple of hours before bedtime (read more about the effect of sports on sleep);
  • do not smoke, do not overeat, do not drink coffee, alcohol, energy drinks before bed (we have compiled a list of products that improve sleep);
  • sleep in a comfortable room (ventilated, in the absence of extraneous sounds and light).

With the onset of old age, the duration of slow-wave sleep decreases. In 80-year-olds, the long sleep phase becomes 62% less than in twenty-year-olds. There are many factors that influence aging, but if the slow-wave sleep phase is also shortened, the aging process goes even faster.

How to measure your sleep

All 5 stages of sleep can be accurately divided only by the brain encephalogram, rapid eye movements, etc. modern research. If you just need to even out your sleep during the week, you can use special fitness bracelets. Fitness bracelets cannot read what phase of sleep the body is currently in, but they record a person’s movements during sleep. A fitness bracelet will help divide sleep into 2 phases - a person tosses and turns (phase 1-3), sleeps motionless (phase 3-5). The information on the bracelet is displayed in the form of a fence graph. True, the main purpose of this function of fitness bracelets is a smart alarm clock, which should gently wake up a person in the REM phase of sleep.

Discovery of delta sleep peptide

In the 70s, during experiments on rabbits, a group of Swiss scientists discovered the delta sleep peptide, which, when exposed to the brain, is capable of inducing this phase. Scientists isolated it from the blood of rabbits in deep sleep.

The norm of deep sleep in an adult and how to correct it

The beneficial properties of the substance are gradually being revealed to people over the course of more than 40 years of research, it:

  • activates stress defense mechanisms;
  • slows down the aging process, which is facilitated by its antioxidant properties. The life expectancy of mice during experiments with its use increased by 24%;
  • has anti-cancer properties: slows down the growth of tumors and suppresses metastasis;
  • inhibits the development of alcohol dependence;
  • exhibits anticonvulsant properties, helps reduce the duration of epileptic seizures;
  • is an excellent pain reliever.

How to increase delta sleep time

A number of experiments have been conducted studying the effect of physical activity on delta sleep. The men exercised on an exercise bike for two hours. Daytime activities had no effect on sleep duration. Evening classes had a noticeable impact:

  • total sleep length increased by 36 minutes;
  • the period of falling asleep and dozing has been shortened;
  • delta sleep deepened;
  • the cycle lengthened from one and a half to two hours.

With the introduction of additional intellectual loads (tests in the evening, solving logical problems), changes in the deep sleep phase were also recorded:

  • the proportion of the deepest stage increased due to sleep spindles;
  • 2nd cycle lengthened;
  • an increase in the functioning of the activating systems was recorded.

Any stressful situations cause a shortening of the delta sleep phase. Delta sleep is an obligatory participant in all changes in human living conditions. Increasing its duration compensates for any load.

What is deep sleep and how long does it last?

The normal amount of sleep for an adult is 7-8 hours. However, each body is individual, and therefore rest time is calculated differently. For some, 4-6 hours are enough to fully restore their vitality, while for others, 9-10 hours of sleep will be optimal. Regardless of what regime a particular person follows, he has a phase of shallow and deep sleep.

Phase change

When our night journey to the kingdom of Morpheus begins, we fall into deep sleep. It lasts approximately 60 minutes, followed by REM sleep. The full cycle, starting from the slow phase and ending with the fast phase, takes approximately 90-120 minutes for an adult.

From 4 to 6 cycles take place during the night, depending on people’s biorhythms. In the first cycle, deep sleep lasts the longest, then its duration decreases. The closer we get to waking up, the more time we spend in paradoxical sleep, during which the brain actively processes and sorts all the information we have received during the day. In the last cycle it can take a full hour.

Slow Phase Stages

NREM sleep is also called orthodox or deep sleep. This is what we need to dive into at the very beginning of rest in order to fully restore our vital functions. This phase, unlike the fast one, is divided into main stages:

  1. Drowsiness - at this time we are just starting to fall asleep, our brain is still actively working, that’s why we see dreams, they can be intertwined with reality, often it is at this stage that a person can find answers to questions that remained unresolved during the day.
  2. Falling asleep is the stage at which our consciousness begins to turn off, but the brain still reacts sensitively to external stimuli; it is very important that nothing disturbs the person at this time; even the slightest noise easily wakes him up.
  3. Deep sleep is a time when all functions in our body gradually fade away, the body relaxes, but weak electrical impulses still pass through the brain.
  4. Delta sleep is the stage of deepest sleep, when we are most relaxed, at this time the brain stops responding to external stimuli, body temperature becomes lowest, blood circulation and breathing rate decrease.

The meaning of slow-wave sleep

Scientists became seriously interested in studying sleep in the 70s of the last century. In various experiments on volunteers, it was found that depending on the duration of slow-wave sleep, people's mental and physical indicators change.

The trial took place at Stanford University and involved football students. If orthodox sleep lasted longer than usual, the athletes' endurance and productivity increased.

It is also known that athletes sleep not 7-8, but 11-12 hours a day.

What is the reason for this amount of sleep? The thing is that it is in the slow phase that the process of restoration of all cells of the body occurs.

Norms for the duration of the deep sleep stage

At this time, the pineal gland produces growth hormone, which triggers catabolism. This means that protein compounds are not broken down, as during anabolism during the day, but, on the contrary, are synthesized from amino acids. When falling asleep and when immersed in delta sleep, tissues and organs self-heal.

Scientists have also found that if sleep is deep and of the required duration, the immune system works much better. If we do not rest properly at night, the body's protective functions will decrease, and we will become susceptible to infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Our youth depends on how well we sleep - if the slow phase does not last as many hours as necessary, the aging process will occur at an accelerated pace.

The effect of deep sleep on intelligence

Scientists have been able to prove that slow-wave sleep affects not only physical endurance, but also a person’s mental abilities. During the experiment, subjects were given lists of the most important things before going to bed. different words, completely unrelated to each other, and asked to remember them. It turned out that people who slept large quantity time in the delta stage, they performed better - they were able to remember more words than those who had shorter deep sleep.

Research has also proven that artificially depriving a person of the deep sleep phase is equivalent to a sleepless night. If the fast phase tends to be compensated in subsequent nights, then it is impossible to “get enough sleep” during the slow phase.

Symptoms such as deterioration in concentration, memory loss, decreased ability to work and other signs of insomnia are also observed if a person does not spend as much time in the orthodox phase as he needs.

Regardless of how many hours a person sleeps, the slow phase always “opens” his rest. It is very different from REM sleep and has its own characteristics. For example, scientists have proven that under certain conditions, delta sleep can last longer than usual. This happens if a person is rapidly losing weight, has hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (thyrotoxicosis), or the day before he spent a lot of effort on physical work.

An interesting fact is that it is in deep sleep that disorders such as sleepwalking, enuresis, and sleep-talking begin to express themselves; a person has nightmares.

If you wake up a sleeping person at this time, he will not remember anything about his dreams or actions, and will be disoriented in time and space. This condition is associated with the slowdown of all processes in the body, which occurs during delta sleep.

Let's sum it up

Each person needs to sleep as much time as is required for the body to fully recover.

Deep sleep has many beneficial functions; it is simply necessary for normal physical and intellectual activity.

Those who want to increase its duration should exercise during the day and solve logic puzzles, solve crosswords or train the brain in some other way in the evening. Moderate activity throughout the waking period will help you fall asleep quickly and get a good night's rest.

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The normal amount of sleep for an adult is 7-8 hours. However, each body is individual, and therefore rest time is calculated differently. For some, 4-6 hours are enough to fully restore their vitality, while for others, 9-10 hours of sleep will be optimal. Regardless of what regime a particular person follows, he has a phase of shallow and deep sleep.

Phase change

When our night journey to the kingdom of Morpheus begins, we fall into deep sleep. It lasts approximately 60 minutes, followed by REM sleep. The full cycle, starting from the slow phase and ending with the fast phase, takes approximately 90-120 minutes for an adult.

From 4 to 6 cycles take place during the night, depending on people’s biorhythms. In the first cycle, deep sleep lasts the longest, then its duration decreases.

Norm of deep sleep for an adult: how long should the deep sleep phase last?

The closer we get to waking up, the more time we spend in paradoxical sleep, during which the brain actively processes and sorts all the information we have received during the day. In the last cycle it can take a full hour.

Slow Phase Stages

NREM sleep is also called orthodox or deep sleep. This is what we need to dive into at the very beginning of rest in order to fully restore our vital functions. This phase, unlike the fast one, is divided into main stages:

  1. Drowsiness - at this time we are just starting to fall asleep, our brain is still actively working, that’s why we see dreams, they can be intertwined with reality, often it is at this stage that a person can find answers to questions that remained unresolved during the day.
  2. Falling asleep is the stage at which our consciousness begins to turn off, but the brain still reacts sensitively to external stimuli; it is very important that nothing disturbs the person at this time; even the slightest noise easily wakes him up.
  3. Deep sleep is a time when all functions in our body gradually fade away, the body relaxes, but weak electrical impulses still pass through the brain.
  4. Delta sleep is the stage of deepest sleep, when we are most relaxed, at this time the brain stops responding to external stimuli, body temperature becomes lowest, blood circulation and breathing rate decrease.

The meaning of slow-wave sleep

Scientists became seriously interested in studying sleep in the 70s of the last century. In various experiments on volunteers, it was found that depending on the duration of slow-wave sleep, people's mental and physical indicators change.

The trial took place at Stanford University and involved football students. If orthodox sleep lasted longer than usual, the athletes' endurance and productivity increased.

It is also known that athletes sleep not 7-8, but 11-12 hours a day.

What is the reason for this amount of sleep? The thing is that it is in the slow phase that the process of restoration of all cells of the body occurs. At this time, the pineal gland produces growth hormone, which triggers catabolism. This means that protein compounds are not broken down, as during anabolism during the day, but, on the contrary, are synthesized from amino acids. When falling asleep and when immersed in delta sleep, tissues and organs self-heal.

Scientists have also found that if sleep is deep and of the required duration, the immune system works much better. If we do not rest properly at night, the body's protective functions will decrease, and we will become susceptible to infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Our youth depends on how well we sleep - if the slow phase does not last as many hours as necessary, the aging process will occur at an accelerated pace.

The effect of deep sleep on intelligence

Scientists have been able to prove that slow-wave sleep affects not only physical endurance, but also a person’s mental abilities. During the experiment, subjects were given lists of a variety of words, completely unrelated to each other, before going to bed, and asked to remember them. It turned out that people who slept longer in the delta stage performed better - they were able to remember more words than those who had shorter deep sleep.

Research has also proven that artificially depriving a person of the deep sleep phase is equivalent to a sleepless night. If the fast phase tends to be compensated in subsequent nights, then it is impossible to “get enough sleep” during the slow phase.

Symptoms such as deterioration in concentration, memory loss, decreased ability to work and other signs of insomnia are also observed if a person does not spend as much time in the orthodox phase as he needs.

Regardless of how many hours a person sleeps, the slow phase always “opens” his rest. It is very different from REM sleep and has its own characteristics. For example, scientists have proven that under certain conditions, delta sleep can last longer than usual. This happens if a person is rapidly losing weight, has hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (thyrotoxicosis), or the day before he spent a lot of effort on physical work.

An interesting fact is that it is in deep sleep that disorders such as sleepwalking, enuresis, and sleep-talking begin to express themselves; a person has nightmares.

If you wake up a sleeping person at this time, he will not remember anything about his dreams or actions, and will be disoriented in time and space. This condition is associated with the slowdown of all processes in the body, which occurs during delta sleep.

Let's sum it up

Each person needs to sleep as much time as is required for the body to fully recover.

Deep sleep has many beneficial functions; it is simply necessary for normal physical and intellectual activity.

Those who want to increase its duration should exercise during the day and solve logic puzzles, solve crosswords or train the brain in some other way in the evening. Moderate activity throughout the waking period will help you fall asleep quickly and get a good night's rest.

The role of a person’s external appearance - image - in communication is generally recognized. In business communication, image is a necessary attribute of negotiations.

“One meets people by their clothes,” says an old Russian proverb, and its meaning in this case is that perception appearance is very significant in the first impression of an individual. If this perception turns out to be positive, then all subsequent information will be layered on this so-called “skeleton”, regardless of whether it will have a positive or negative impact. The main thing is that the foundation has already been created, “the first impression is the most vivid.” But if the perception turns out to be negative, then everything that is said and done subsequently will be perceived through the prism of the already created negative image.

The main task is to inspire trust in your partner. A partner naturally wants to deal with a decent, honest person who will not deceive or let you down, and who you can completely rely on. Neither moral, nor communicative, nor professional quality business person. Only in this case can you conclude a deal with him, entrust him with your interests and material resources.

The ability to inspire confidence in a partner is a matter of special concern for a business person who expects success in negotiations.

When creating your image, it is impossible to do without knowledge of the various subtleties of the psychology of trust. The main thing here is to meet your partner's expectations. These may be expectations of the usual style of behavior, manner of holding and speaking, dressing and making decisions. There is trust - which means there is a chance to develop relationships, there is an opportunity to openly express your problems and hope for achieving goals. There is trust, which means that excessive wariness disappears, negotiations proceed in accordance with the preferred norms and in the desired manner.

Establishing trust among negotiating partners is not easy. Image is a complex phenomenon; it contains different components:

1. Audio-visual culture of the individual - how literate and pleasant the speech is, what is the demeanor, what and how the person is dressed, what kind of hairstyle he has, etc.

2. Style of behavior - this refers to different aspects of a person’s behavior: professional, intellectual, emotional, communicative, ethical, aesthetic.

3. A person’s value system - what he thinks about life, about the work he is doing, about the people with whom he deals, what are his moral principles. Some business people have superficially grasped the idea of ​​image. They think like this: just put on an expensive suit and tie, have a neat haircut, stretch out a smile - and the job is done, the negotiations will be successful. This is an erroneous and very simplified view.

4. Attributes that emphasize the status and aspirations of the individual - office furniture, car, pen, organizer, etc.

Considering the influence of image on business conversation, one cannot fail to note the influence of the so-called “internal image” of a person on him. The internal state of a person is very important. The way his interlocutors perceive him. Therefore, when communicating with a partner, it is very important to show him respect, affection and willingness to cooperate. You need to be optimistic.

Optimists are people whose mentality is tuned to extracting positive meaning from the realities of life - events and facts, opinions and circumstances. As a result, they are born with a worldview imbued with cheerfulness, cheerfulness, and faith in success. An optimist evaluates and experiences mainly the bright sides of life, while ignoring the dark ones. But not because he doesn’t notice them, but because he doesn’t consider it necessary to react to them.

Unsatisfactory circumstances are considered temporary; thinking does not “exaggerate” them. With an optimistic attitude and willingness to cooperate, it will be much easier for you to reach mutually beneficial contracts.

It seems to me that today it is no longer a secret to anyone that success in business can only be achieved by a person whose internal and external appearance is impeccable. It is such a person who can inspire the trust of partners and the desire for further work and cooperation with him.

Thus, good knowledge and compliance with the norms and rules of business etiquette, protocol and ethics are one of the important components of an attractive image of a business person, which will help him achieve great success in the field of entrepreneurship and in his business career.

The concept of image was introduced into business and scientific circulation, and its usefulness for business success was substantiated by the American economist K. Baldwing in the 60s. XX century Thanks to the work of the Russian scientist V.M. Shepel in the 90s. XX century The development of imageology began as an independent scientific and applied field of knowledge.

Imageology (from the Latin imago – “image” and logos – “teaching”, “science”) is a science that studies the problems of the formation and functioning of the image.

Properties of image as a phenomenon: 1. 2. 3. 4. The image is simplified in comparison with the object (the carrier of the image), of which it is a public portrait. A person’s personality is more complex and contradictory than his image. At the same time, the image emphasizes the uniqueness of the object. This is an individual image. The image, to a certain extent, idealizes its prototype: either exaggerates its advantages, or endows the object with additional social, psychological qualities in accordance with the expectations of those at whom the image information is aimed. The image is emotionally colored, that is, it always forms a certain attitude towards the object of perception.

5. The image is stable, but at the same time flexible and changeable: it is adjusted, adapted to the current situation. Experts admit that image depends on many factors and is not something given once. It changes in accordance with changes in the object itself or in the audience's perception of the image. 6. The creation or transformation of an image can be carried out both professionally (using certain methods and special image makers) and spontaneously. But in any case, the image is the result of a certain activity on the part of the subject. Image arises when someone seeks (consciously or unconsciously) to correct the audience's perception. Image is a formed image.

Functions of image Value functions: 1. Personally uplifting. With the help of an effective image, a halo of attractiveness is created around the individual, she becomes socially in demand, relaxed in expressing her best qualities. 2. Comfort of interpersonal relationships. The charm of people objectively brings more sympathy and goodwill, tolerance and tact into communication. 3. Psychotherapeutic. A person, thanks to the awareness of his originality and increased sociability, acquires a stable positive mood and self-confidence.

Technological functions: 1. Interpersonal adaptation. Thanks to a correctly chosen image, you can quickly enter a specific social environment, attract attention, and establish friendly relationships. 2. Highlighting the best personal and business qualities. Favorable image makes it possible to present the most attractive qualities of a person, allowing people in contact with him to recognize precisely these features that evoke sympathy or goodwill. .

3. Shading of negative personal characteristics. Through makeup, harmoniously selected clothes, accessories, hairstyles, etc., you can distract people from the shortcomings that a person has. 4. Organization of attention. An attractive image involuntarily attracts people to itself, and therefore it is psychologically easier for them to be attracted to what the person says or demonstrates. 5. Overcoming age barriers. Successful choice of behavior models and execution of various social roles allows you to feel comfortable communicating with people of different social and professional status, regardless of your own age.

Components of an individual image The components of an individual image are all perceived manifestations of a person: appearance, behavior, events that characterize him and form an idea of ​​his values.

Psychologist A. Mehrabian found that only 7% of information is transmitted through words, 38% through audio means (including tone of voice, intonation), and 55% is transmitted through non-verbal (non-verbal) means

The importance of various means of communication in transmitting information 38% - audio means 55% - non-verbal means 7% - words

MAIN CONCLUSIONS 1. Image is most often defined as an image that arose in the psyche of the audience as a result of the perception of the external and internal characteristics of its bearer. 2. Most specialists in the field of imageology identify the following properties of image as a phenomenon: simplified, individual, idealized, emotionally charged, stable, formed image.

3. Image helps to form the necessary attitude of the audience towards a person, increases efficiency business communications. The main functions of an individual image are: creating a halo of attractiveness, making interpersonal relationships comfortable, gaining self-confidence, interpersonal adaptation, highlighting the best personal and business qualities, shading negative personal characteristics, attracting the attention of the audience, overcoming age barriers

4. The components of an individual image include: speech, non-linguistic means included in the speech message (pauses, coughing, laughter), rhythmic and intonation aspects of speech, clothing, shoes, accessories, hairstyle, spatial conditions of communication, cosmetic and body odors, handwriting, personal belongings of the image bearer (pen, diary, mobile phone etc.), personal or work space, hobbies, reputation, behavior, creative results, website or personal page on the Internet, social environment of the image bearer.

Task Main features of image Means of forming an impression Leader Confident speech and demeanor in public, bright appearance. Unusual Aphoristic and emotional statements Prone to shocking Violation of business dress code: bright sportswear or casual clothing. Use of obscene language Creative Aggressive and flexible business strategy. Non-standard statements. Letters to subordinates as a form of team management. Entrepreneurial Makes decisions quickly. He brought the Euroset company into leadership.

Image of a business person (appearance, business cards, documentation, speech, behavior, etc.). The role of image in business communication

The image presented by a business person to the outside world is often perceived by others as a reflection of the level of self-esteem. When describing others, we give them characteristics: “he is too proud of himself,” “he likes the sound of his own voice,” “he seems to have some self-control.” Showing an interest in self-improvement, expressed in the desire to gain a clear understanding of one’s own psychology or the desire to correct one’s self-presentation, shows that business man have already reached a certain level of self-esteem, you believe that as a person you have already achieved some degree and have the potential for growth and improvement. To be able to present yourself well, a business person needs to appreciate his positive sides and understand what its weaknesses are. What he may perceive as a flaw may not necessarily be one: say, when two shy people meet, their shyness helps them instantly like each other. The way we present ourselves in life is not something immediate.

It is impossible to explain to others exactly what we think about them or what exactly we want; It is necessary to take into account not only the needs of other people, but also the extent to which we adhere to the norms of civilized behavior. And only after gaining complete confidence about your strengths, a business person can bring them to the fore. He may be overweight and embarrassed about his size. But a plump person who takes his size for granted, is healthy and cheerful, dresses with taste and realizes that he loves to communicate, causing a response from others and thus honing his skills, will have a completely attractive image.

Once you become aware of your constant desire to impose your views on others, you can stop singling yourself out to create a more reserved appearance and learn to listen more to others, encouraging them to speak out as well. Or you may find it more appropriate to continue to enjoy the ability to effectively hold an audience's attention. Note that your interesting tie or beautiful brooch usually attracts comments from others, and this makes it easier to start a conversation; you may regard your sense of humor as a valuable asset and begin to actively seek out people who you think share the same style. Self-image is subject to all sorts of influences, and the most powerful influence is exerted by parents and upbringing.

Self-image is also influenced by life experience. Many people, having only once experienced an unpleasant experience when speaking in front of an audience, consider themselves completely unsuitable for public speaking. Disapproving remarks from those present only strengthen this opinion, increasing the feeling of self-condemnation. If a business person learns day after day from his own experience and from the reactions of others that he is not valued, then self-esteem can become a heavy burden on him, which can only be counterbalanced by a sufficient reserve of self-respect and awareness of his achievements. If self-esteem is too low, improving the “external” image will have only a limited effect. In this case, the problem must be solved exhaustively with the help of a professional consultant, psychotherapist or psychoanalyst.

Self-esteem can be improved by working on your overall image. For example, if a business person learns to overcome nervousness when speaking in public, others will notice his confidence and will respond accordingly. His audience will be eagerly awaiting what he has to say next. If a business person takes care of his appearance, people conclude that he respects and values ​​himself as an individual, and therefore is able to respect and value others.

In the world of politics and business, in the communication of business people, there are etiquette requirements not only for their behavior, but also for clothing. Many businessmen in the former Soviet republics have the opportunity to dress elegantly, according to the standards of Western European business attire, which cannot be said about government employees who live on only one salary. However, observations show that the majority of novice businessmen and entrepreneurs, especially in the field of commerce, do not have aesthetic tastes and needs. Wrinkled jeans and a leather jacket, which are worn both for business meetings and in a restaurant, are, in their understanding, the pinnacle of elegance. At the same time, good taste in clothing is often demonstrated by people who have rather modest financial resources, but skillfully select the details of clothing, coordinating their colors.

A characteristic feature of a business suit is its severity, the absence of conspicuous colors and extravagant cut. Compared to secular clothing, business clothing is less influenced by fashion and more subject to traditions and standards, which determines its sustainability. But some conservatism does not mean that it is not subject to change. The suit of business people from the time of the “three musketeers” and the modern one differ significantly. In a business suit, as well as in a secular one, ethnic features still appear today. In particular, this is noticeable in the formal clothing of African and Asian businessmen and politicians.

For a business person, it is not so important whether he is dressed fashionably, but rather that the clothes fit his figure, match the color of his hair and other features of his body, and most importantly, that they are clean, ironed and well-fitted. A worn, unironed suit, torn buttons, dirty stains, a stale shirt, worn-out shoes, knocked down and wrinkled stockings can damage the image of not only the business person himself, but also the company he represents. As they say, people are greeted by their clothes... A businessman should always have a suit or dress ready for a reception.

Business people's clothing is subordinated general requirements, which are presented to her, as well as to secular clothing. This applies to the combination of colors of costume elements, matching clothes to gender, age of people, seasons, time of day, life situations (work in the field, presence at a celebration, at mourning events, etc.).

A business person should not forget that his suit should be elegant and neat not only in formal, but also in informal settings.

Certain requirements are imposed on clothing from a fashion perspective. But fashion is for business clothes should not be an end in itself, and following it should be a desire to keep up with its next zigzag. The attitude towards fashion should be consistent with good taste and manners, with moderation and necessity. Clothing can do a lot: it can give solidity to a young person, and youthfulness to an old person. A fashionable miniskirt can highlight the beauty of a figure, but it can also enhance its flaws, making others smile and feel sorry for their lack of taste. Tastefully selected elements of costume and makeup decorate a person and make him attractive. They increase his self-respect and dignity, and given his rich intellect and internal culture, they further discipline his behavior, make his attitude towards other people more noble, and give him the opportunity and right to feel like a civilized person, a real man or a real woman.

Let's look at the costume first. business woman. It is much more difficult for her to achieve the desired effect from her appearance than for a man.

One of the first requirements for clothing is to select it according to your figure. For people with a normal figure, there are no special restrictions on the elements of the costume.

It is believed that in a clothing ensemble it is advisable to have no more than three colors, one of which should be the main one, and the rest should be subordinate to it. Black, gray, purple, blue, gray, light blue go well together; beige, brown and green. It's easier to choose a combination of two colors. One of the problems in forming a clothing ensemble is the combination of elements of a dress, headdress, gloves, bag, and jewelry. So, a suit jacket does not go with a summer dress, but a light light jacket looks completely different with it. High heels do not go with the suit. Dresses in silver or gold shades with rich trimmings and blouses with beautiful buttons should not be paired with pendants and beads.

For women's service, the most preferable suit is a suit with a skirt made of woolen or wool blend fabric, tweed; In summer you can do it from canvas. The skirt should have a tight waistband, the zipper should match the color of the fabric and be hidden in the seam. A long woolen skirt is rational. When a woman doesn’t know how to dress for a banquet or some other event, you can wear a skirt with a blouse. It is believed that a blazer goes well with a business suit. of blue color or colors camel hair with a dress in a contrasting color.

Preferring a suit for a formal setting does not mean that a dress is unacceptable for a business woman in that setting. It is also suitable, but the dress is more subject to fashion, and its variability affects the stability and certainty of the impression made by a woman on the colleagues, subordinates, and business partners around her, which can adversely affect the formed image.

For a work environment, a dress with long sleeves, especially a gray one with small stripes, is most suitable. Dark blue, tan, medium blue, and light blue are also suitable. Less suitable for a business dress are green, orange, light rust, bright yellow, purple, baby blue, pink, bright red.

As for the colors of fabrics, plain, striped or checkered materials are most suitable for business situations, but designs in the form of flowers, birds, or abstract images are not suitable.

A Western businesswoman wears a dress or suit of strict and modest tones not only for work, but also for daytime receptions and cocktails. For receptions organized after 20:00, it is recommended to wear more elegant and open (evening) dresses. They can be long or regular length. In this case, the clothes are complemented by evening shoes made of leather or suede with comfortable heels and a small handbag.

A businesswoman's cosmetics should be discreet, and the smell of perfume should be barely perceptible. Experts advise a business woman going to work not to wear clearly visible eye shadow. Mascara should be used carefully so that it does not smear or run, because otherwise a woman’s authority can be greatly shaken.

Glasses give a woman a business-like appearance, although they somewhat reduce her attractiveness. The most essential piece of jewelry for a business woman is a wedding ring.

It is somewhat easier for a business man to solve the problem of “how to dress.” This is because men's clothing less option than women's. The exception to this is a shirt and tie. You just need to skillfully combine them one with another, as well as with the costume and body features. With this skill, you don't need to have many costumes.

So, the main elements of a business man’s clothing are a suit, shirt and tie. Naturally, its elegance is enhanced by the choice of boots and socks. For all receptions lasting up to twenty hours, it is customary for male businessmen to wear suits of any dull color. The exception is official ceremonial events, such as receptions on the occasion of a national holiday. For receptions held after 20:00, it is recommended to wear a dark or black suit. If you take into account the features of the figure, then you should keep in mind that cold, light colors (bluish, greenish) visually expand the figure. For a full figure, it is better to choose clothes in so-called warm pastel colors (for example, ivory).

A universal suit, suitable for formal and informal settings, is a dark blue or dark gray suit. It is especially convenient for business trips when the businessman does not know where he will be in the evening.

The jacket at official receptions must be buttoned. It is in the same state at the entrance to the room where a meeting, theatrical performance or concert is to take place. They sit on the podium in buttoned jackets and give a report. An exception may be if the bottom button of the jacket is undone to avoid restricting movement. When sitting in a theater chair or at a table, the jacket may be unbuttoned.

For all types of receptions, a white shirt with a tie of a soft color is desirable. Black tie is not recommended. It is suitable for branded clothing. For all situations, the tie must be tied correctly. Every man must learn to do this himself. Ties with a pattern are more suitable for a plain shirt; for a striped or checkered shirt - plain, soft colors. It is recommended to wear bright ties with light-colored suits. For suits with stripes or checkered patterns, it is advisable to choose ties of a single color, slightly lighter than the suit.

For formal business suits, it is recommended to wear low shoes or boots in black or dark brown. When choosing boots, keep in mind that light brown and brown low shoes or boots do not go well with a black suit; but black boots go well with a brown suit. Brown shoes are especially suitable for suits in beige and brown tones. You should not wear sandals, sandals, or boots with thick soles to receptions.

The most preferred colors of shirts for working hours of managers and businessmen are light, blue, with thin stripes or small checkered patterns.

An elegant man always carries two handkerchiefs with him. One is in the trouser pocket, and the other is in the inner jacket pocket.

Both a woman’s clothing and a man’s clothing in a business setting should be devoid of pretentiousness and extravagance.


Chapter 1. Business communication: concept, characteristics, structure

Chapter 2. Image: the essence of the concept, the image of a business person

Chapter 3. The role of image in business communications



Business interaction is a process of interaction between business partners aimed at organizing and optimizing one or another type of subject activity: production, scientific, pedagogical, etc. In business communication, the subject of communication is activity (business), and the communication partner always acts as a person significant to the other. The main tasks of business communication are productive cooperation, the desire to bring together goals, and improve partnerships.

Business communications cannot be considered without such a concept as a business image. They are closely interconnected. To establish pleasant and useful business relationships, you must be able to interest your partner in your business qualities, which make up the image.

The image of a business person is usually understood as a formed image in which value characteristics and traits are identified that have a certain impact on others. The image is formed during a person’s personal contacts, based on the opinions expressed about him by others. In this regard, the following main components of the image of a business person can be formulated:

1. Appearance (manner of dressing);

2. Communication tactics (skillful orientation in a specific situation, mastery of mechanisms psychological impact etc.);

3. Business Etiquette and protocol.

4. Ethics of business communication.

Based on the above, we can formulate the relevance of this work.

The topic “Business communications and image - features of interaction” is relevant for those people whose integral part of the future professional activity will be communication with people (in this case, managers, managers, public relations specialists). Compliance with ethics business relations is one of the main criteria for assessing the professionalism of both an individual employee and the organization as a whole.

Business communication unfolds during joint activities, is aimed at the need for friendly cooperation and the main motive for this type of communication is business, aimed at solving a problem, carrying out activities, etc. A person in business communication acts as a partner, organizer and participant in joint activities. The value functions of the image are the priority components of the presentation itself. Knowledge of these functions allows the manager to build his individual, personal and professional image. The more noticeably his original characteristics that contribute to the achievement of sustainable sociable and business success are manifested in the image of a leader, the more in a brighter light he appears before people as a person worthy of special attention.

The purpose of the work is to analyze the practice of conducting and identifying effective forms of interaction between business communications and business image.

The objectives of the work are to study and research such a phenomenon as image, in particular the image of a business person, as well as the concept of communications, namely business communications, identifying the features of their interaction.

1. Textbook “Ethics of Business Relations”, edited by A.Ya. Kibanova, Moscow, 2004, prepared by scientists from the Department of Personnel Management of the State Institute of Management, which sets out theoretical, methodological and practical questions ethics of business relations: the nature of the ethics of business relations, the ethics of the activities of organizations and managers, the rules of business relations, the etiquette of a business person and business relations.

2. Textbook “Fundamentals of Communication Theory”, edited by M.A. Vasilika, Moscow, 2005, which examines the history and modern problems communication theories are being researched different kinds and levels of communication.

3. Tutorial“Fundamentals of management in education”, M.A. Goncharov, Moscow, 2008, in which Chapter 8 is devoted to business communications, where the concept of modern business communications is revealed, Chapter 9 examines image as a component of modern civilization.

Chapter 1. Business communication: concept, characteristics, structure

Business (managerial) communication is a special type of communication that is realized in the joint professional-subject activity of people and the content of which is determined by the socially significant subject of communication, the mutual psychological influence of the subjects of communication and the formal role principle of their interaction.

Without special communication skills, i.e. skills and communication skills, even an excellent specialist in his field cannot support business conversation, carry out business meetings); take part in the discussion and defend your point of view. This means that a business person, except professional competence(knowledge and skills in setting tasks and performing technological actions in a certain area), must master communicative competence, i.e. knowledge of the psychological, subject (content) and linguistic components necessary to understand a negotiating partner and (or) generate one’s own program of behavior, including independent speech works.

Unlike other types of communication (social, personal, targeted, instrumental, modal), business communication has its own essential characteristics and attributes. Highlighting these features will allow us to give a clearer definition of the concept of business communication.

What is business communication? What essential features does it have? Definitions given in modern educational literature characterize business communication as:

Subject-targeted activities;

A particular moment of any joint productive activity of people, serving as a means of improving the quality of this activity;

Method of organization and optimization different types subject activity: industrial, scientific, commercial, etc.

As can be seen from these definitions, an essential feature of business communication is that it is always connected with some objective activity of people and does not exist outside of it. Indeed, this is a very important feature of business communication, which distinguishes it from other types of communication. For example, in targeted communication, communication itself serves as a means of satisfying some need