As-built documentation

Interesting Facts about how the continents of our planet communicate,
how a cable is laid along the ocean floor, and, most importantly, how the World Wide Web - the Internet - was created.

What you see above is a submarine communications cable.
It is 69 millimeters in diameter, and it is it that carries 99% of all international communication traffic (i.e. Internet, telephony and other data). It connects all the continents of our planet, with the exception of Antarctica. These amazing fiber optic cables cross all the oceans, and they are hundreds of thousands, and what can I say, millions of kilometers long.

Submarine Cable Network World Map

This is the "CS Cable Innovator", it is specially designed for laying fiber optic cable and is the largest ship of its kind in the world. It was built in 1995 in Finland, it is 145 meters long and 24 meters wide. It is capable of transporting up to 8,500 tons of fiber optic cable. The ship has 80 cabins, of which 42 are officer cabins, 36 are crew cabins and two luxury cabins. Without Maintenance and refueling it can work for 42 days, and if it is accompanied by a support ship, then all 60.

Originally, submarine cables were simple point-to-point connections. Nowadays, underwater cables have become more complex and they can split and branch right on the ocean floor.

Since 2012, the provider has successfully demonstrated an underwater data transmission channel with a throughput of 100 Gbit/s. It stretches across the entire Atlantic Ocean and its length is 6000 kilometers. Imagine that three years ago the capacity of the inter-Atlantic communication channel was 2.5 times less and was equal to 40 Gbit/s. Now ships like the CS Cable Innovator are constantly working to provide us with fast intercontinental Internet.

Submarine communication cable cross-section

1. Polyethylene
2. Mylar coating
3. Stranded steel wires
4. Aluminum water protection
5. Polycarbonate
6. Copper or aluminum tube
7. Vaseline
8. Optical fibers

This is what it looks like at the bottom. What are the environmental consequences of laying telecommunications cables on the seabed? How does this affect the ocean floor and the animals that live there? Although literally millions of kilometers of communication cables have been placed on the seabed over the past century, this has not had any impact on the lives of underwater inhabitants. According to a recent study, the cable has only minor impacts on animals living and located within the seabed. In the photo above we see a variety of marine life next to an undersea cable that crosses the continental shelf of Half Moon Bay. The cable is only 3.2 cm thick.

From TeleGeography and 8banks, which specialize in collecting and processing telecom data in the financial sector:

The map shows the fiber optic cables that run along the ocean floors, connecting countries. Of course, there are still plenty of fiber optic connections overland, but they are not shown on the map, you can search for information about them.
Paul Brodsky, an analyst at TeleGeography, commenting on the map, explained: “The vast majority of Internet traffic travels over fiber optic cables. Many people think Internet connections go through satellites, but this is not true. They run through these undersea cables. The companies that lay these fiber optic cables place a huge reel on a ship and send the ship sailing from country A to B, unwinding the reel along the way. That is, the cable literally just lies on the ocean floor. And only on approaching the shore the cable is buried in a trench.

It is these cables that give us millisecond communication speeds between New York and London. The biggest risk for these cables is fishing boats and ships that drop anchor. Sometimes there are natural disasters like earthquakes. But if the cable is damaged, then the traffic is simply redirected to another cable. Brodsky says that management and installation companies constantly monitor the condition of the cables and, if there is any malfunction, they go to sea, pull out the problem section and replace it.

As you can see in the map, most countries that have access to the sea are connected to these channels. And in the future we can expect an increase in the number of connections. According to Brodsky: “Every country that has one connection wants a 2nd and 3rd.” Below are enlarged sections of the map:

Submarine fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL) are the backbone data transmission channels between continents - 99% of all global Internet traffic between continents passes through submarine fiber-optic communication lines. But they are also used to provide Internet access to remote regions, where it is even more difficult to extend terrestrial fiber optic lines. Despite the high cost of underwater optics (about $40 thousand per 1 km of network), this area is very actively developing in Russia. So, the Far East will soon receive high speed internet thanks to the fiber-optic communication line "Sakhalin-Magadan-Kamchatka".

Underwater fiber-optic lines are used to transmit data over long distances underwater. Thus, telephone and Internet networks between continents are laid along the ocean floor using underwater fiber optic lines. This type of communication is currently the most effective and reliable, because wireless connection cannot be carried out over such long distances. In addition, data transfer can be carried out at sufficiently high speeds Today it is only possible via fiber optics. Therefore, about 99% of all global Internet traffic between continents passes through underwater fiber-optic lines.

The predecessors of submarine fiber optic lines were submarine coaxial lines. The first submarine fiber optic communication cable was laid back in 1985 in the Canary Islands. And the first submarine cable connecting Europe and the Americas was laid in 1988. It was the first transatlantic optical telephone cable (TAT-8). Since then, the total length of such fiber-optic communication lines in the world has been more than 1 million km. In the 20th century, cables were laid along the sea and ocean floor, but today they are buried under the surface to avoid damage from ships (mainly from anchors) and submarines, and also extend the service life. That is why in shallow water the cable is buried as deep as possible. Trenches for cables are dug using a powerful jet of water, rarely (only in shallow water) - with excavators.

Underwater fiber-optic lines between continents

* The thicker the lines, the higher the throughput.

Cable laying is carried out by special vessels - cable laying vessels. For underwater fiber optic lines, thick optical cables are used, the thickness of which is 7-10 cm. In addition, they have a protective armored sheath. The capacity and reliability of such communication lines must be high, since all Internet traffic of a country of 50 million people or more can pass through one cable.

Naturally, the cost of laying underwater fiber-optic lines is quite high. So, to lay 1 km of optical cable you will have to pay $40 thousand. Thus, a long transatlantic cable can cost up to $120 million for 3 thousand km. But if we consider the volumes of traffic that pass through underwater fiber-optic lines, we get about $15-20 thousand per 1 Mbit/s. A significant drawback of such networks is that the cables wear out relatively quickly, and they cannot be repaired - new ones must be laid in place of the old ones. That is why the costs of underwater fiber optic communication lines are so significant.

Russian underwater fiber optic lines

Russia has already implemented a number of projects to install underwater fiber-optic lines. So, in the 90s. XX century lines “Denmark-Russia No. 1”, “Russia-Japan-Korea”, “Italy-Turkey-Ukraine-Russia” were drawn. True, these communication lines are currently quite worn out, and their data transfer speed is relatively low - 560 Mbit/s.

In 2007, an underwater fiber-optic line was laid on Sakhalin between the mainland of the Russian Federation and the island. Sakhalin. The total length of the line is 214 km. The network capacity is 2.5 Gbit/s, and the maximum capacity of the cable system is 40 10G channels. This fiber-optic line is part of the Hokkaido-Sakhalin project - an underwater fiber-optic line between Japan and Russia. This project plays a big role not only for our country, but also for the whole world, because this highway allowed the exchange of traffic between Europe and Asia, which was previously possible only through highways at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. The Hokkaido-Sakhalin fiber-optic line has a length of 570 km and throughput at 640 Gbit/s.

This year, 2012, the four largest operators in the Russian Federation have global plans for the development of domestic underwater fiber optic lines. Yes, in May current year Operators Rostelecom, VimpelCom (Beeline brand), MegaFon and Mobile TeleSystems signed an agreement on the joint construction of the Sakhalin-Magadan-Kamchatka underwater fiber-optic line. On June 9th, exploration of the seabed for laying cables began. It is expected that already in September 2012. research papers will be completed, after which a tender will be held for the selection of equipment and the actual cable laying will begin.

Thus, Russian operators and the government intend to solve the problem with broadband Internet in such remote regions of the Russian Federation as Kamchatka and the Magadan Territory. Residents of the Far East will receive not only high-speed cheap Internet, but also cheap digital television and telephony. The network capacity should be 8 Tbit/s, and the total length of cables should be about 2 thousand km. The providers claim that the project will be completed within 2 years. It is not yet known how long the construction of the Sakhalin-Magadan-Kamchatka fiber-optic line will actually take, but, according to market experts, it is profitable for operators to complete this project, therefore, over the next few years, Far East High-speed Internet will appear after all.

Underwater fiber optic lines in the world

Planet Earth is already surrounded by fiber optic highways for transmitting data between continents, for which both terrestrial and underwater fiber optic lines are used. The world's largest number of transatlantic underwater highways connects North America and Europe.

In particular, a recent global project, implemented in 2011, made it possible to successfully transmit data at a speed of 100 Gbit/s over a distance of more than 5 thousand km. This transatlantic fiber-optic line connected Canada and Britain. The length of underwater communication lines was 5570 km. This is the most capacitive line in the Atlantic. It was possible to provide such high throughput modern technologies, used in fiber optic connections. Thus, coherent reception technology was used.

Another of the world's largest undersea fiber optic networks is the PC-1 transpacific fiber optic network. This is the longest trunk network, with a length of 20,890 km. Network capacity at initial stage was equal to 180 Gbit/s, and later, after the 2006 upgrade, increased to 640 Gbit/s. This fiber-optic line has 4 reference points - 2 in the USA (Harbor Point and Gruver Beach) and 2 in Japan (Shima and Azhigaura). Thus, two fiber optic lines connect the continents.

Submarine fiber optic lines on the world map

In 2012, another project was implemented to connect the United States and Japan with an undersea highway. The construction of the network, called the Unity cable, was financed by Google. The cables have a length of almost 10 thousand km. Their construction began back in 2008. The network capacity is 4.8 Tb/s. This Submarine FOCL connected the city and port of Los Angeles (USA) with the Boso Peninsula in Chiba Prefecture (Japan).

Another undersea telecommunications system connects the US and China, as well as South Korea. This is the Trans-Pacific Express line. The total length of fiber optic lines is 18 thousand km, and the throughput is about 4.8 Tb/s.

It is also worth mentioning the Asia-America Gateway, which connects the United States and Asia via Hong Kong and Hawaii.

All the continents of our planet are surrounded by a global underwater fiber-optic network. The importance of these fiber-optic lines for the development of Internet technologies and providing Internet access to ordinary people is difficult to overestimate. That is why more and more underwater networks are being laid, their capacity increasing with each subsequent project. It is impossible to describe each of the underwater fiber optic links on Earth in one article, so we have listed only a few of them.

Development of the underwater fiber-optic communication line market and prospects for this area

As fiber optic transmission methods improve, so does the field of underwater optical communications. In the first underwater fiber-optic lines, approximately every 40-80 km, special regenerators were installed on the cables, which amplified and restored the signal shape. Without this, data could not be transmitted over thousands of kilometers. Over the years of the existence of optical fiber, ways have been found to reduce the amount of auxiliary equipment on communication lines, including regenerators. Today, thanks to signal amplifiers and other specialized equipment, underwater regenerators are practically not used. But it arose new market– signal amplifiers for underwater fiber optic lines, which is still being successfully developed today.

Why is the market for underwater fiber optic communication lines promising? The fact is that installing underwater communication lines is a labor-intensive, expensive and complex process. Special equipment is required, from the cable-laying vessels to each element of the line. These include cables, couplings, signal amplifiers, protective sheaths for cables, and much more. Therefore, today there are only a few companies in the world engaged in the production of equipment and components for underwater fiber optic networks.

And this is what a submarine cable looks like in cross-section

Today, some of the most successful and largest players in the underwater fiber optic lines market are Huawei Marine Networks, Nexans, and Hibernia Atlantic. Thus, it was Huawei and Hibernia Atlantic that jointly implemented a 10 Gbps Ethernet LAN-PHY network in the Atlantic Ocean in 2006. Huawei Marine also cooperates with the manufacturer of fiber optic cables for submarine lines, Nexans. The latter provided equipment for the Libya Silphium project - laying underwater fiber-optic lines along the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea between Libya and Greece.

To make the process of laying underwater highways less expensive and time-consuming, new data transmission technologies, new optical cables (more reliable and powerful), and new equipment for cleaning and amplifying the signal are being invented. In addition, all equipment requires thorough testing before it becomes part of the network at the bottom of the oceans, because the slightest flaw or defect can cost tens of millions of dollars in the future.

Another problem is the different conditions for underwater fiber-optic communication lines, which require different solutions. Thus, some cables are laid along the coastline and some technologies are used, and slightly different ones are used between continents. All this is explained by the depth of laying the lines, and the distance between terminal stations, and pressure, and supply voltage, etc.

Laying underwater fiber optic lines consists of several important stages: long and careful planning (measuring depths, laying out the most efficient routes, comparing the network line with shipping routes), selecting a fiber optic cable (carrying out many tests, often also holding a tender between manufacturers), burying the cable (for of which there are also a number of ways), installation of equipment for power supply, installation of amplifiers, terminal stations, etc., establishing uninterrupted operation of the network, commissioning.

Considering the cost of underwater fiber-optic communication lines, as well as the level of their demand in our time, this area of ​​​​activity is extremely promising and promising.

What you see above is a submarine communications cable. It is 69 millimeters in diameter, and it is it that carries 99% of all international communication traffic (i.e. Internet, telephony and other data). It connects all the continents of our planet, with the exception of Antarctica. These amazing fiber optic cables cross all the oceans, and they are hundreds of thousands, and what can I say, millions of kilometers long.

Submarine Cable Network World Map

This is a map of all the submarine cables around the world. Click on the link and you will be taken to an interactive map where you can take a closer look at the cables and find out who owns them.

This is the "CS Cable Innovator", it is specially designed for laying fiber optic cable and is the largest ship of its kind in the world. It was built in 1995 in Finland, it is 145 meters long and 24 meters wide. It is capable of transporting up to 8,500 tons of fiber optic cable.

The ship has 80 cabins, of which 42 are officer cabins, 36 are crew cabins and two luxury cabins. Without maintenance and refueling, it can operate for 42 days, and if it is accompanied by a support ship, then all 60.

Originally, submarine cables were simple point-to-point connections. Nowadays, underwater cables have become more complex and they can split and branch right on the ocean floor.

Since 2012, the provider has successfully demonstrated an underwater data transmission channel with a throughput of 100 Gbit/s. It stretches across the entire Atlantic Ocean and its length is 6000 kilometers. Imagine that three years ago the capacity of the Atlantic communication channel was 2.5 times less and was equal to 40 Gbit/s. Now ships like the CS Cable Innovator are constantly working to provide us with fast intercontinental Internet.

Submarine communication cable cross-section

1. Polyethylene
2. Mylar coating
3. Stranded steel wires
4. Aluminum water protection
5. Polycarbonate
6. Copper or aluminum tube
7. Vaseline
8. Optical fibers

This is what it looks like at the bottom. What are the environmental consequences of laying telecommunications cables on the seabed? How does this affect the ocean floor and the animals that live there? Although literally millions of kilometers of communication cables have been placed on the seabed over the past century, this has not had any impact on the lives of underwater inhabitants. According to a recent study, the cable has only minor impacts on animals living and located within the seabed. In the photo above we see a variety of marine life near the undersea cable that crosses the continental shelf of Half Moon Bay. Here the cable is only 3.2 cm thick.

Many feared that cable TV would overload channels, but in fact it only increased the load by 1 percent. Moreover, cable television, which can travel through underwater fibers, already has a throughput of 1 Terabit, while satellites provide 100 times less. And if you want to buy yourself such an inter-Atlantic cable, it will cost you 200-500 million dollars.

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Is this what you were looking for? Perhaps this is something you couldn’t find for so long?

Routing Technological map for the installation of couplings for intra-zone optical communication cables




Moscow 1987

The maximum weight of 1 km of cable is notmust exceed the values ​​indicated in the table. .

Weight of 1 km cable, kg

nominal calculated




Construction d The cable length must be at least 2200 m. It is allowed to supply a cable with a length of at least 1000 m in an amount of no more than 30% of the total length of the delivery lot x) .

X) Until 01/01/88, the construction length is set to at least 1000 m, while it is allowed to deliver cables with a length of at least 500 m and in an amount of 10% of the total length of the batch being delivered.

Optical cable OZKG-1-4/4 (8/4) has the following design: the central profiled element must be made of polyvinyl chloride plastic and reinforced with terlon threads or SVM threads. One optical fiber must be laid in each groove of the profiled element. The profiled element must be wrapped with fluoroplastic or polyethylene terephthalate tape. An inner sheath of polyvinyl chloride plastic compound must be placed over the winding. A layer of 8 - 14 reinforcing elements and four polyethylene-insulated copper conductors with a diameter of (1.2 ± 0.2) mm should be placed on top of the shell. A winding of fluoroplastic or polyethylene terephthalate tape or thread should be applied over the layer of reinforcing elements and copper cores. An outer protective sheath made of polyethylene with a radial thickness of at least 2.0 mm must be applied over the winding.

Cable OZKG-1 -4/4 (8/4) is intended for use in zonal communication networks, for installation in cable ducts, pipes, blocks and collectors, soils of all categories, except those subject to permafrost deformations, in water when crossing shallow swamps, non-navigable and non-floating rivers with calm water flow (with mandatory penetration into the bottom) by manual and mechanized methods and for operation at ambient temperatures from minus 40 to plus 55 ° C.

Con The structure of the optical cable OZKG-1 is shown in Fig. .

Number of cycles (pause-heating)

entire welding

initial heating


subsequent heating

After the place has cooled downAfter cooking (up to approximately 50 - 60 °C), the glass tape is removed.

D Then, 3-4 layers of polyethylene tape and 2-3 layers of glass tape are wound on each extreme joint. The joints are sealed in the same way as the joints of the internal coupling.

What is controlled

Who controls

Control method

When controlled

What document documents the control results?

foreman, foreman



Complete set of measuring instruments

availability of instruments


before the beginning installation work

Available e and serviceability of radio stations

corrected Availability of radio stations




Complete set of installation materials, fixtures and tools

availability of installation materials, fixtures and tools in accordance with table.


Availability technical documentation

Availability of technical documentation in accordance with paragraph. TK


Organi tion of the workplace

workplace equipment

Tightness of the laid cable

absent moisture in the cable

at the beginning of installation work

Cable making

cutting sizes according to paragraphs. - ; -


at the beginning of installation work

entry in the work log

Splicing of the central profiled element

sooo compliance with the requirements of paragraphs. , ,


during installation work

write down Sue in the production log

Installing the cassette

compliance with the requirements of paragraph. TK


during installation work


Prepared insertion of optical fibers for welding

compliance with the requirements of paragraph. TK

loop oh or through a microscope

during installation


Optical fiber welding

splice attenuation

And measuring the attenuation of the joint from the ends OK


measurement protocol

Laying out optical fibers in a cassette


entry in the work log.

Kach The nature of welding of the internal coupling

hermetically sealed There is an internal polyethylene coupling


during installation

Comprehensive inspection of the installed cable line (section)

fiber attenuation OK; kilometer attenuation of OM in the area

attenuation measurement

entry in the passport for reg. plot


*) Local standards and prices No. 89 of the Mezhgorsvyazstroy trust were approved by the chief engineer of the trust, Yu.A. Stukalin. 02/20/1987


GOST, TU, drawing

Unit measured


Rescheduled portable device for splicing optical fibers


EPIRB M2.322.007


AND DC power supply of at least 5 A, voltage 12 V (battery)


Co. set of radio stations

"Len" type


Automotive pump with drain tank


Manual hacksaw frame


Hacksaw blade for metal

Kettle for heating the aggregate

drawing made

Metal funnel for filling filler

Thermometer with scale up to 100°C

GOST 2823-60 Purpose

Polyethylene coupling MPS

TU 45-1478-80


internal coupling for sealing the OV joint

Polyethylene new cone for the MPS coupling

AHP7 .899.010-0 1


dl I connect the coupling to the shell OK

Mu fta polyethylene MPS

TU 45-1478-80

external protective coupling

Polyethylene new cone for the MPS coupling


for joining the coupling to the OK shell

Plasti on cassette

AH P7.844.147

For laying OM after welding

Heat shrinkable tube

TU 6-019-051-492-84

HERE 100/50 100 mm long

for sealing the middle joint of the inner coupling

HERE 100/50 60 mm long

to seal the hole in the coupling after checking for leaks

HERE 80/40 70 mm long

for sealing external couplings and PE cones

HERE 60/30 70 mm long

for sealing the inner coupling and PE cone

HERE 30/15 40 mm long

for sealing the outer polyethylene sheath in the coupling

Sleeve (duralumin GOST 18475-82)

AHP8 .236.055

for splicing center. profiled element

Sevilen tape (115-05-375; 117-6-1750; 118-06-1750)

TU 6-05-1636-81

as a sealant under HERE

or hot melt adhesive GIPC 14-13

TU 6-05-251-99-79


St eco-tape 0.2 mm thick, 30 mm wide

GOST 5937-81 GOST 18300 -72



Wiping rags

GOST 5354-79


for wiping hands and products

Nylon threads No. 35

for fastening cassettes and bandages


AH P8.362.069


Protective sleeves GZS

AH P4.218.005


5 (10)

to protect the welding site

Gil PS polyethylene

TU 45-1444-77


12 (18)

for insulating strands of metal wires

Paste PBK 26M

for tinning steel elements OK

Solder POSS 30-2

for soldering steel elements OK

Ka nifol

for tinning copper conductors OK

Solder POSSu 40-2

for soldering copper conductors OK

Tampa he is calico

for cleaning optical fiber


AND measuring instruments _________________________________________________

( the brand of the device is indicated)