History of the profession of a general machine operator. Profession “Machine operator” Profession “Machine operator. Training of machine operators: conditions and options

Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Rostov Region State budgetary educational institution of the Rostov region" "Belokalitvinsky Multidisciplinary College"

CREATIVE PROJECT on the topic:



student gr. 151

Gabrilyan A.


E.N. Buyanova

Target- researcher of his professional abilities and opportunities for obtaining the profession of a machine operator.


Get acquainted with additional literature on professional self-determination;

Study the requirements for the profession of a machine operator;

Study your inclinations and abilities and relate them to the requirements for your chosen profession;

Protect the project.

History of the profession

Machine operators are people who work at machines. The history of the machine operator profession begins in the 17th and 18th centuries.

The development of the profession dates back to the dawn of the industrial revolution of the middle of the last century, when the main tool for work was industrial equipment. Today, the profession of a machine operator still holds its position and is successfully used in production.…

Each product is a creation of human hands - from spaceships to a toothbrush. And everywhere the machine operator’s labor is invested. Therefore, this profession is treated with special respect.

The work of a machine operator is interesting and varied. From a piece of solid metal you can turn a part of any shape, process the part with an accuracy of several millimeters, the parts themselves can be of enormous size.

The importance of the profession for society

Despite the fact that the profession of a machine operator belongs to the category of little-known occupations, its indispensability for society is beyond doubt.

The century of technological progress has significantly reduced the popularity of the machine operator profession, giving primacy to computer technology. However, despite this, the industrial sector still needs qualified specialists who can create individual parts for various equipment. Using turning, milling, drilling or grinding machines, the master manually monitors compliance with all parameters of the product and guarantees its high quality.


Type of profession by subject of work: the subject of a machine operator’s work is a variety of machines and mechanisms, so the profession belongs to the “Man – Technology” type.

Type of profession based on purpose: transformative.

Type of profession by means of labor: manual.

Type of profession by working conditions: work in “room” conditions.

Profession class: performing (by the nature of work, the profession of a machine operator involves the implementation of the same type of procedures, performing standard tasks according to a model, with strict adherence to rules, regulations, instructions).

Scope of application of the profession "Machine operator"

Mechanical engineering enterprises of various profiles


Railway depots

Construction organizations

Medical instrumentation

Defense and space industry


In the modern world, the production of various parts and machines is constantly increasing and becoming more complex, so specialists in their production are not only in demand, but vitally necessary. And that's the main thing advantage of being a machine operator. By the way, in our country the situation with machine operators has become catastrophic: the old generation, with extensive work experience, is retiring, and the new generation not only does not have sufficient practical skills, but is also small in number.

The result of this situation is that in the struggle for highly qualified specialists, employers are ready to offer them a decent level of pay. If just 5-10 years ago machine operators received an indecently small salary, today, if they have the appropriate qualifications, they can expect to be paid for their work in the range of 40-60 thousand rubles.

Well, the most important thing. The profession of a machine operator is a distinctly masculine profession that leaves an indelible imprint on a person. That is why experienced machine operators are convinced that this work will turn any shy young man into a strong and confident man.


Disadvantages of the machine operator profession are mainly associated with the need to constantly maintain good physical shape. In this case, the ability to maintain a high degree of concentration and an accurate eye is especially important. If a specialist is not able to withstand the physical stress associated with work, then it is better for him to leave the profession, since fatigue in the workplace can lead to an increased risk of injury, and possibly chronic depression.

In addition, the machine operator’s workplace can hardly be called comfortable, since the manufacture of parts involves a large amount of production waste (chips, dust, lubricant, etc.). Safety rules require the machine operator to constantly wear special clothing and protective equipment at work. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s hot in the workshop or not.

Finally, this profession is absolutely not suitable for those who do not want or cannot constantly improve. After all, technological progress does not stand still, and in order to keep up with it, a machine operator has to grow professionally, regularly monitoring and studying the latest achievements of science and technology in the field of machine tool building.


The profession of a machine operator cannot be called easy - a specialist is almost constantly on his feet, and is always under tension, since processing both wood and metal is physically difficult work. In addition, the work of a machine operator requires strict adherence and compliance of the parts he produces with the drawings. Therefore, a specialist must have such personal qualities as:


developed sense of space;

accurate eye;



developed hand motor skills;

visual-figurative thinking;

excellent response;


A machine operator is also an intellectual profession. Therefore, a specialist must be able to read drawings, know mathematics and physics, the basics of chemistry and materials science, in particular the properties of wood or metals, in order to determine the time, method of processing, and also reject low-quality material.

Professionally important qualities of a machine operator

physical strength, endurance;

joint-muscular sensitivity;

figurative memory;

linear and volumetric eye meter;

technical thinking;

spatial imagination;

ability to concentrate and distribute attention;

neuropsychic stability, technical thinking;

drawing skills, sense of symmetry, hand steadiness, hand stability (low tremor).

MACHINE MUST be able to:

select optimal metal processing modes using technical literature and the machine’s passport;

calculate optimal processing modes using formulas;

install and remove workpieces into metalworking equipment;

operate CNC (computer numerical control) machines, as well as manipulators for feeding workpieces to the workplace;

manage the work of a group of CNC machines;

perform adjustments and adjustments to the operation of metal-cutting machines during operation;

check the quality and accuracy of processing;

use control and measuring instruments;

work on all types of machines in accordance with qualifications;

Perform maintenance of machine equipment.


The operating principle of similar drilling, turning, milling and grinding machines; purpose and conditions of use of the most common devices, control and measuring instruments, special cutting tools; marking and basic mechanical properties of processed materials; rules for sharpening and installing cutters and drills; types of cutters, cutters and their main angles; types of grinding wheels and segments; methods of dressing grinding wheels and conditions for their use; purpose and properties of coolants and oils; system of admissions and landings; qualities and roughness parameters.

Medical contraindications

dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;

diseases of the extremities that limit the range of motion;

lung diseases;


disorders of the auditory and visual analyzers;

speech disorders.


Get a job as a machine operator possible at any specialized college or technical school that provides training in such specialties as “Woodworking Technology” or “Metalworking Technology”. Well, if we take into account the high need for such specialists, then we can confidently say that similar educational institutions exist in every Russian city. At the same time, the choice of technical school or college is not particularly important, since the level of training of workers in Russia has always been, is and, we hope, will be quite high.

For myself, I chose (a) GBPOU RO "BKMT"

Professional growth of a machine operator associated with obtaining additional education, improving qualifications and rank, expanding and complicating the types of work performed.

Related professions

Sharpener, drill maker, tool maker, pattern maker, planer, general purpose turner, milling maker, grinder, woodworking machine operator.

As a result of the tasks I completed, I found out that my interests and abilities relate to the field of “human technology” and when choosing a profession, I am guided by the desire for creative work, interest in new technologies, and the acquisition of the necessary skills and abilities that the chosen profession requires.

In addition, I have an enterprising personality type and am an extrovert. This means that it will be easy for me to master the profession of a general machine operator.

The path to achieving the goal

To master the profession of a machine operator, in 2015 I entered the State Budgetary Educational Institution RO "BKMT". As a result of my education, I have achieved excellent results. The acquired knowledge and developed skills will allow me to become a highly qualified worker in the labor market

/ / Professionogram “Machine operator (metalworking)”

They say that the profession of a machine operator is like a nesting doll. Under the name “Machine operator in metalworking” there are actually two professions hidden: “Wide-profile machine operator” and “CNC machine operator” (computer numerical control). Each of them includes four more popular metalworking professions: lathe, milling machine, driller, grinder. The difference between a machine operator and an operator is only one thing: a machine operator works on manually controlled machines, and an operator works on programmed ones. Such a specialist is especially valuable in large metalworking industries, where knowledge of machine control is required.

Where production is automated, he will be in demand as an operator of CNC machines; he can also work as an operator of automatic and semi-automatic machines (unlike CNC machines, they can perform only one operation or one product - a bolt, nut, screw, etc.). P.). Thanks to scientific and technological progress, changes are taking place in the work of a machine operator. They relate to technology, processed materials, and cutting tools. Control of modern machines changes the content of the machine operator’s work, increasing his intellectual functions. A machine operator is a profession required in all sectors of the economy, so there is a constant high level of demand for these specialists.

Direction of preparation:
Metallurgy, mechanical engineering and materials processing

Purpose of the profession:

Manufacturing of various parts from metal and other materials for repair
machines and mechanisms using lathes, milling, drilling and grinding machines. Execution of parts according to special drawings. Checking the manufacture of parts using optical instruments.

Must know:

Should be able to:
“Read drawings”; calculate processing modes for parts made of various materials using reference materials; set up machines; perform processing of parts from different materials on various machines; check the dimensions of parts using measuring tools.

Professionally important qualities:

  • physical strength
  • visual and hearing acuity;
  • accurate color discrimination;
  • precise linear and volumetric eye meter;
  • precise hand-eye coordination;
  • spatial imagination.

Medical contraindications:

  • diseases of the extremities that limit the range of motion;
  • lung diseases;
  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system.


For friends!


A machine operator is a worker who produces parts for various mechanisms on special machines. The working material for the parts can be metal or wood. This profession became most widespread in our country in 1930-41, during the industrial revolution, when many machine-building enterprises were built. During the Great Patriotic War, most factories were repurposed to produce products for the front (cartridges, shells, guns, tanks, etc.), and mostly girls and women worked as machine operators.

Demand for the profession

Very in demand

Currently, profession Machine operator considered to be in high demand in the labor market. Many firms and many enterprises need qualified specialists in this field, because the industry is developing rapidly, and specialists are still receiving education.

All statistics

Description of activity

The profession of a machine operator combines the activities of a turner, milling machine, grinder, driller, gear cutter and many other specialists. Therefore, the machine operator can perform actions on the appropriate machines (lathe, milling, etc.) and use a variety of cutting tools in his work: drills, cutters, reamers, cutters and others.

Modern enterprises today increasingly use computer-controlled machines. This means that the machine operator must also be an operator. He must understand computer technology and, if necessary, be able to troubleshoot problems.

Thanks to the existence of the profession of a machine operator, it is possible to quickly produce parts of varying complexity for many types of industry.

Working on various machines requires strict adherence to safety rules. At the workplace, machine operators wear a uniform, special hats and safety glasses.


Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Uniqueness of the profession

Very common

According to the results of the survey, profession Machine operator is currently very common, since for quite a long period there has been a high demand for specialists in this field among employers. This area needed and continues to need specialists.

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What education is needed

Secondary vocational education (college, technical school)

To work in a profession Machine operator, it is not necessary to have a higher professional education in the relevant specialty. For this profession, it is enough to have a diploma of secondary vocational education obtained from a college or technical school, or, for example, it is enough to complete special courses.

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Job responsibilities

Before starting to manufacture a part, the machine operator studies its drawing, makes the necessary calculations and builds a sequence of work. At the same time, he determines what types of machines and tools will be needed to manufacture the part. At the preparatory stage of work, the machine operator sometimes has to use reference books.

Based on the material used, the machine operator adjusts the machine. Having made a part, the worker still has to process it: grinding and finishing of external and internal surfaces. After which the machine operator checks the dimensions of the part and the quality of processing using optical instruments.

Type of labor

Mostly physical labor

As the survey results show, profession Machine operator involves primarily physical labor. Machine operator must have good physical fitness, high strength endurance and good health.

How users rated this criterion:
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Features of career growth

Not a single metalworking enterprise can operate without machine operators. In addition to factories, they can work in repair shops.

Career Opportunities

Minimum career opportunities

According to the results of the survey, Machine operators have minimal career opportunities. It doesn’t depend at all on the person himself, it’s just a profession Machine operator does not have a career path.

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Nomination "Art-Pro - Profession"

"My profession"

Completed : studentIcourse,

group No. 3, profession Machine operator (metalworking)

Smirnov Igor Andreevich


Nikolskaya Irina Vladimirovna

history teacher


My profession.

The profession that I want to talk about is not widely known, such as the profession of a salesperson or manager, and is not considered popular among young people, like the profession of a programmer or system administrator. This is the profession of a machine operator. I know about it first-hand, because I chose it myself when I entered the OGBPOU Vichuga Multidisciplinary College. This profession is interesting, honorable and with a rich history. The profession of a machine operator is included in the list of the 50 most in demand in the world.labor market for promising professions.

Explanatory dictionaries explain this profession similarly. In the explanatory dictionary D.N. Ushakov I read: “A machine operator is a worker who works on a machine,” in T.F. Efremova’s dictionary I find the following explanation: “A machine operator is someone who works on a machine.” But I want to add that the machines are different, and the materials that the worker has to deal with are also different. My specialization is metalworking, and my profession - a general machine operator - is related to mechanical engineering. Therefore, in my understanding, a machine operator is a worker who processes metal parts on lathes, milling, grinding, and drilling machines. He manufactures various parts for the repair of machines and mechanisms, monitors the accuracy of parameters manually, and guarantees the high quality of the work performed. A generalist machine operator must know the entire technological chain of parts manufacturing and be able to work on various types of machinesand use different tools in your work: drills, cutters, reamers, cutters.

On the machine you need to work not only with your hands, but also be able to think with your head. A machine operator needs good knowledge in the field of mathematics and physics, mechanics is especially important. In my studies, I focus on studying the properties of processed metals, on the ability to read and create drawings of various parts. A true master must havegood eyesight, physical strength and endurance are also important for him. When working on a machine, a specialist must be attentive and careful to avoid injuries and prevent defects in the manufacture of parts.

During theoretical training lessons in the profession, we already tried to work on the Simulator of the control panel of a lathe with numerical control. The older children of our college are already successfully coping with the tasks of adult masters, and they work at the Vichuga Machine-Building Plant along with professionals. 2nd year student Balandin Pavel represented our region at the semi-finals of the National Championship of Professional Excellence in StandardsWorldSkillsin Yaroslavl and Kolomna in the competence “Turning work on CNC machines.”

WorldSkills is an international movement aimed at raising the prestige of blue-collar professions,development of vocational education and professional skills competitions for young workers. We are proud of our comrade. In the future, I would also like to try my hand at similar competitions.

I learned about this profession even before entering college. My maternal great-grandfather Arkady Mikhailovich Teplov was a machine operator, and then my father chose this profession. I know about my great-grandfather from my mother’s stories. My great-grandfather worked at the Vichuga Machine-Building Plant since 1939. He always remembered that time with a sense of pride; he had the opportunity to learn from the best turner of the plant, V.V. Sokin. Vladimir Vladimirovich became the initiator of the Stakhanov movement at the Vichuga Foundry and Mechanical Plant, as the plant in the city of Vichuga was previously called. Together with his partner Belyaev, he undertook to service three machines, thereby significantly exceeding the established production standards. In 1939, V.V. Sokin was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and became the first order bearer at the plant. When I attended practical training and worked on a lathe, I realized that turning a part on a simple non-programmable machine is very difficult. Breaking another cutter, I was always amazed that professional turners were able to work on three machines at the same time and produce high-quality products. My great-grandfather became an excellent specialist; he participated in professional competitions and won prizes.

My father is helping me learn my profession. He always tells me that I need to learn the profession from the very beginning, know all the technical operations, and approach the task responsibly, thoughtfully, honing every movement at the machine. In our college, the profession of a machine operator is considered privileged, because there is always a competition for this profession, and it is possible to obtain it only as a main one, and not as an additional one, combining training with another one chosen upon admission. My father has been working on computer-controlled metalworking machines for a long time and rightly believes that they are the future in the machine tool profession. He went from a simple machine operator to an operator/setter of numerically controlled machines. At the production site, I already had to work on a CNC turning and turret centerST-30 and a software and hardware complex for materials processing (training and production CNC lathe). I am very glad that they trusted us with such equipment already in the first year. These machines meet all modern requirements of the Machine Operator profession.

During lessons on learning about the profession, I learned that the profession has been known in Rus' since the beginning of the 18th century, when Peter 1 carried out his reforms. Peter 1 made many products with his own hands on a lathe, including a vase, which he presented to the Prussian king. This machine is still kept in the St. Petersburg Museum. The most famous mechanic and inventor in Russia was Andrei Konstantinovich Nartov, the creator of a screw-cutting lathe with a mechanized support. He was called Peter's “Personal turner”. This position is now comparable to the position of the Minister of Mechanical Engineering.

Studying the history of the profession, I became more and more imbued with respect for working people, savvy and persistent in their work, and pride in my professional choice.

The next important stage in the development of the machine tool profession occurred during the war years. Since 1941, most factories switched to producing military products. Our machine-building plant produced shells, cartridges, and grenades. Many specialists went to the front, including my great-grandfather. The places of the workers who went to the front were taken mainly by women and teenagers. A former factory worker, Galina Efimovna Razumova, said: “I was fourteen years and eight months old. She worked as a planer. This was my main job. And nearby the machines stood empty; there was no one to work on them. I sharpened shells on them. It was like an additional job, and the main one was planing. We worked twelve hours – from seven in the morning until seven in the evening.” This is an ordinary working day for a machine operator during the war years, only the workers then were my peers or even younger, schoolchildren who had dropped out of school. My great-grandfather Teplov A.M. went through the entire war, was wounded three times, has awards. From my mother’s stories I know that after the war he returned to his native factory and his machine.

Our plant has gone through different times. Despite all the difficulties, specialists in the mechanical engineering industry associated with metalworking have been and remain in demand in the labor market. I continue to study this profession with the firm belief that I will always be able to find a job in my specialty after graduation.

I would like to end my thoughts about the chosen profession with the words of the modern Eastern thinker Ali Absheroni: “It’s so good when a person has the opportunity to choose a profession not out of necessity, but in accordance with his spiritual inclinations.” I think that my father, great-grandfather and I did the right thing by choosing the profession of a machine operator. I have someone to look up to in my profession and something to strive for in the future.

Every day we use the products of a machine operator’s labor, but, as a rule, we do not notice them. Imagine, in the morning you turned on your computer, at work you sat comfortably in a swivel chair at your desk and picked up drawing tools or a pen. It would seem that there is no connection with the profession of a machine operator in such an ordinary day of an ordinary person. In fact, there is a connection, and it lies in the parts from which a computer or pen is made. Who makes all these parts? That's right, machine operator!

In real life, we use the products of a machine operator’s labor every day, but, as a rule, we do not notice them. Imagine, in the morning you turned on your computer, left the house, got into the car or trolleybus, at work you sat comfortably on a swivel chair at your desk and picked up drawing tools or a pen. There would seem to be no connection with machine operator profession There is no ordinary person in such an ordinary day. But this only seems at first glance. In fact, there is a connection, and it lies in the parts from which the computer, the trolleybus, the table, and the pen are made. Who makes all these parts? That's right, machine operator!

So we can safely say that the work of a machine operator is not just necessary, but literally irreplaceable. At the same time, the work of such a specialist is hidden in a veil of secrecy, since he grinds parts, both miniature and gigantic in size, in a workshop where only a narrow circle of people have access. And in periodicals, books or films, the specifics of a machine operator’s work are practically not revealed. Therefore, most of us only approximately know what machine operators do and what the features of this profession are. We decided to correct the “state of affairs” and introduce you to this mysterious, but so important for the development of society profession.

Who is a machine operator?

A specialist who, using special machines, produces parts for various mechanisms from a variety of materials (most often, wood or metal). Since the work of this specialist combines the activities of other working professions (for example, milling machine, turner, grinder, gear cutter, etc.), he can work on a variety of machines (milling, grinding, turning, etc.).

The name of the profession goes back to the Indo-European word “stan”, which means “that which is worth”. Thus, it directly reflects the main activity of the machine operator: working with stationary devices of varying levels of complexity. In our usual form, this profession appeared relatively recently - in the 19th century, when Europe was going through the industrial revolution, and production became mechanized. However, the first machine operators can be considered primitive people, who turned tools and protection from wood or bone. It was only in the twentieth century that automated machines appeared, and the profession of a machine operator received the official status of a working specialty. At the same time, it was divided into several narrow specializations, which depend on the material with which the specialist works:

  • woodworking machine operator- is mainly engaged in drilling holes for fastening furniture parts, processing parts on a lathe, making blanks for veneer and sewing planks into panels on woodworking machines. Everything that accompanies these processes is also the professional responsibility of the woodworking machine operator: selection of material, its rejection, development and reading of drawings, laying of blanks and finished products;
  • machine operator of metalworking machines - includes four specializations: lathe operator, milling operator, driller and grinder. This division is due not only to differences in production activities, but also to the capabilities of the machines. For example, if a turner turns parts, then a milling machine processes workpieces (including cutting cavities ranging in size from microns to several meters). In turn, the driller makes through holes of different sizes and cuts threads, and the grinder carries out the final processing of the metal, working on a grinding machine with abrasive materials. In addition to the main professional responsibilities for working with metal, all metalworking machine operators must develop and read drawings, select material and determine its quality, clean the workplace after work;
  • wide profile machine operator- knows the technological chain of manufacturing parts and can work on almost all machines and other equipment. Accordingly, the professional activity of such a specialist includes the responsibilities of both a woodworking master and a metalworking master.

With the advent of large and complex computer-controlled machines, the machine operator has another specialization - a CNC machine operator. The job responsibilities of such a specialist include: conducting the material processing process from the control panel, servicing multi-purpose machines and manipulators for mechanical feeding of workpieces, and adjusting mechanisms during operation.

What personal qualities should a machine operator have?

The profession of a machine operator cannot be called easy - a specialist is almost constantly on his feet, and is always under tension, since processing both wood and metal is physically difficult work. Besides, machine operator's work assumes strict compliance and compliance of the parts produced by him with the drawings. Therefore, a specialist must have such personal qualities as:

Let us note that a machine operator is also an intellectual profession. Therefore, a specialist must be able to read drawings, know mathematics and physics, the basics of chemistry and materials science, in particular the properties of wood or metals, in order to determine the time, method of processing, and also reject low-quality material.

Advantages of being a machine operator

In the modern world, the production of various parts and machines is constantly increasing and becoming more complex, so specialists in their production are not only in demand, but vitally necessary. And that's the main thing advantage of being a machine operator. By the way, in our country the situation with machine operators has become catastrophic: the old generation, with extensive work experience, is retiring, and the new generation not only does not have sufficient practical skills, but is also small in number.

The result of this situation is that in the struggle for highly qualified specialists, employers are ready to offer them a decent level of pay. If just 5-10 years ago machine operators received an indecently small salary, today, if they have the appropriate qualifications, they can expect to be paid for their work in the range of 40-60 thousand rubles.

Well, the most important thing. The profession of a machine operator is a distinctly masculine profession that leaves an indelible imprint on a person. That is why experienced machine operators are convinced that this work will turn any shy young man into a strong and confident man.

Disadvantages of the machine operator profession

Disadvantages of the machine operator profession are mainly associated with the need to constantly maintain good physical shape. In this case, the ability to maintain a high degree of concentration and an accurate eye is especially important. If a specialist is not able to withstand the physical stress associated with work, then it is better for him to leave the profession, since fatigue in the workplace can lead to an increased risk of injury, and possibly chronic depression.

In addition, the machine operator’s workplace can hardly be called comfortable, since the manufacture of parts involves a large amount of production waste (chips, dust, lubricant, etc.). Safety rules require the machine operator to constantly wear special clothing and protective equipment at work. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s hot in the workshop or not.

Finally, this profession is absolutely not suitable for those who do not want or cannot constantly improve. After all, technological progress does not stand still, and in order to keep up with it, a machine operator has to grow professionally, regularly monitoring and studying the latest achievements of science and technology in the field of machine tool building.

Where can you get a job as a machine operator?

Get a job as a machine operator possible at any specialized college or technical school that provides training in such specialties as “Woodworking Technology” or “Metalworking Technology”. Well, if we take into account the high need for such specialists, then we can confidently say that similar educational institutions exist in every Russian city. At the same time, the choice of technical school or college is not particularly important, since the level of training of workers in Russia has always been, is and, we hope, will be quite high.

However, there are also educational institutions that can be called the best technical schools and colleges in Russia, specializing in the training of machine operators. These include:

  • Vologda Industrial and Technological College;
  • Krasnoyarsk Instrumental and Metallurgical College;
  • Nytvensky Industrial and Economic College;
  • Moscow Polytechnic College No. 13 named after. P.A. Ovchinnikova;
  • Sterlitamak Polytechnic College.