Personnel risks are the essence of the concept; specificity; main characteristics. Personnel risk management in working with the organization's personnel. According to the nature of possible losses

Operational risks: causes of occurrence

Operational risk occupies a special place among the company’s risks and is formulated as the risk of direct and indirect losses due to distorted design of business processes and ineffective procedures internal control, technological deviations, unauthorized actions of personnel and external influences. Since these risk-generating factors are partially within the sphere of influence of the company’s management, there is the possibility of limited influence on the source of operational risk. For this reason, the main direction in managing a company’s operational risks is their minimization, rather than optimization, which is typical for other types of risk.

The dominant role in the emergence of operational risk is played by the internal uncertainty of the company’s functioning process, which is associated with the inability to accurately predict human behavior during work (human uncertainty), with the complexity of the technology used, the level of equipment reliability, the pace of technical re-equipment of production, etc. (technical uncertainty) and with the desire of people to form social connections and groups, to behave in accordance with accepted mutual obligations, roles, traditions (social uncertainty).

The potential opportunity to increase the company's competitiveness lies in the area of ​​operational risk management by minimizing risks associated with the technologies used, but primarily with its own personnel.

Management process labor resources of the company is continuous and should include: formulation of goals, objectives and requirements for personnel, selection and hiring of workers, performance evaluation, development and training, personnel movement, rationalization of the system of labor motivation, remuneration and incentives. It is necessary to take into account the fact that relevant risks arise at each stage of the management process, but at the same time there are conditions for their minimization. For example, at the stage of developing requirements for personnel, job risks may arise as a discrepancy between a specific position and the types of activities, functions, goals, objectives, technology. The cause of job risk should be sought in irrational distribution functional responsibilities in the company's staffing table or in a distorted job description. To minimize such risk, a reasonable structure of positions, powers and responsibilities should be created and used as a tool not job description, describing the main functions of the employee, and the description (model) of the workplace is the main document, which allows, among other things, to assess whether the candidate is capable of replacing vacant position perform relevant functions.

Company management views a person working simultaneously as “economic” (subject to the need to perform assigned work for a certain material reward), “psychological” (psychologically ready to work), “technological” (subordinate to work operations) and “ethical” (subject to the requirements professional ethics). At the same time, in an organizational environment, a person working is both “acting” and “communicating.” The “acting” person manifests himself in interactions and reactions, and the “communicating” person feels included or alienated in the communicative space of the company. Interaction in the organizational environment and a person’s involvement in the organization create conditions for the development of cooperation, and alienation from the organization causes confrontation. A person’s involvement or alienation from an organization is largely the result of his socialization into the organizational environment, which can be of the nature of merging with the environment, cooperation or conflict. Merger indicates the employee’s loyal behavior. Cooperation associated with the need for the employee to enter the organizational environment to participate in joint activities and achieving personal goals, but does not guarantee loyalty to the organization. Conflict deprives a person of the opportunity to unconditionally enter into the organizational environment.

The absence or low level of employee involvement in the organization is one of the main reasons for the occurrence of personnel risks. Numerous studies of corporate relations indicate that no more than 30% of employees are absolutely loyal to their company, but about 50% of employees are ready for illegal behavior and are capable of causing damage to their company if this does not lead to negative consequences for them, and 20% are willing to in order to satisfy their needs, cause damage to the company, even at risk to themselves. Management practice states that only 20% of attempts at unauthorized access to confidential company information are carried out from the outside, and hacking of computer networks is carried out equally by both independent hackers and dissatisfied company employees. About 80% material damage companies are applied by their own personnel.

Operational risks arise as a result of actions or inactions of company personnel. Among the reasons for their occurrence, three main ones can be distinguished:

· insufficient (or excessive for some representatives) level of human capital of personnel;

· human factor as a reflection of the psychological portrait of the individual, inadequate functional or job responsibilities;

· low level of involvement of a person in the organizational environment as a result of the absence (or unacceptability for everyone) of a unified business culture of the company.

Formation of the company's internal control system

The starting prerequisite for creating an effective mechanism for minimizing all types of operational risk is the formation of an internal control system (personnel audit) of the company, which should ensure:

· unity of the personnel audit system within the organizational structure of the company;

· continuous monitoring of the current activities of the company’s personnel;

· prompt identification and assessment of risk factors;

· availability of reliable, timely and complete information for assessing current activities and making decisions.

Due to the fact that the basis competitive advantages of any company are its key and unique competencies, reflecting the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of its personnel, the internal personnel audit system contributes to:

  • real assessment of the company's market value;
  • assessing the company’s place in the competitive environment and market prospects;
  • improving management methods;
  • dynamic response to changes competitive environment;

· timely release from “personnel ballast” and increase in labor productivity.

Building a company personnel profile

The personnel audit system should be based on the company’s personnel profile, which, based on the understanding of the organization as a socio-technical system, should be built separately for the production and management personnel of the company (business unit). In our opinion, the construction of a company’s personnel profile should be based on the theories of a specific idea of ​​the object of motivation by D. McGregor (theories “X” and “Y”) and V. Ouchi (theory “Z”). Following these theories, the personnel profile of any company, regardless of the field of activity, the adopted management system, the complexity of the organizational structure, etc. can be represented by three categories of personnel:

  • category “X” (resistant workers), unable and unwilling to work;

This assumption is confirmed by the situational leadership model of Harsay and Blanchard, which operates with the concept of “follower maturity” as the degree to which people have the ability and desire to carry out the task set by the leader. The model identifies four stages of follower maturity:

M1 - the group is unable and unwilling to work due to its incompetence or lack of self-confidence;

M2 - group is not capable, but wants to work, having motivation to act, but lacking skills and abilities;

M3 - the group is capable, but does not want to work, since it is not attracted to the proposed work;

M4 - the group is capable and willing to do what is suggested to it by the leader.

The company's personnel profile can be considered as a combination of four categories of personnel: personnel, personnel, personnel-resource, personnel-capital, in which it is easy to trace the correspondence to the stages of maturity of followers.

Due to the fact that the maturity of a person in a group is stable, slowly changing under the influence of investments in human capital characteristic, it can be stated that:

  • category “X” corresponds to group M1 (frames);
  • category “Y” corresponds to groups M2 and M3 (personnel and resource personnel);
  • Category “Z” corresponds to group M4 (personnel-capital).

A rational personnel profile of the company’s personnel should reflect sufficient labor functions level of personnel qualifications and a high degree of motivation for productive work while minimizing the number of workers who are unable and unwilling to work. These features of the group of employees of category “X” are not a stable characteristic, but are inherent in any employee during the period of industrial and social adaptation to the organizational environment. Qualification and educational risks in this case have the highest probability, but with an insignificant degree of impact due to the fact that new employee is under the supervision of a mentor and the level of official influence of the employee is extremely low. The main conditions for successful adaptation of an employee should be to ensure that the employee merges with the group, to overcome the stereotype of avoidant motivation in his mind and to consolidate patterns of incentive motivation.

The core of the company's workforce is made up of "Y" category employees - these are usually middle-aged people who are actively building their human capital, knowledge and skills. The level of probability and degree of impact of qualification and educational risks in this group are average.

It is generally accepted that category “Z” employees who are able and willing to work should include highly qualified workers and senior management personnel, and the number of such employees is limited by the list of existing positions in the company’s staffing table. By virtue of highly qualified The likelihood of risk in this group is relatively low, but the degree of exposure is extremely high. In our opinion, workers in this category are unevenly distributed at all levels of the company’s management, without taking into account their placement in organizational structure management. These are individuals with incentive motivation, mentors and participants personnel reserve at all levels. In addition, the content of personnel work aimed at preventing personnel risks should contribute to professional and social development any employee, instill in him an interest in work, the ability and desire to work. The principle “If you know, you are warned” promotes a positive employee perception of technological discipline, which reduces the likelihood of risk situations occurring. For this reason, the more widely “Z” category employees are represented in all divisions of the company at all levels of management, the higher the competitiveness of the company’s personnel as a whole.

Method of comprehensive personnel assessment “assessment center”

To compile a personnel profile of a company's personnel, you can use a variety of personnel assessment methods that have been widely tested in practice. Despite the fact that numerous scientifically based methods of both initial and subsequent personnel assessments are available to company management, in Russian practice only a limited part of them is used, primarily interviews and testing. It seems to us that when drawing up a risk personnel profile, a company should focus on the method of comprehensive personnel assessment, called the “assessment center.” Psychological assessment in the selection and placement of personnel is relative new form work with management personnel. The peculiarity of this method is that it allows you to simultaneously solve such specific management tasks, how to identify optimal candidates for leadership positions, development of recommendations for improving leadership style, reducing the risk of losing valuable employees and motivational risks. According to foreign psychologists, the criterion validity of the assessment center reaches 0.75.

The structure of the assessment center includes three groups of methods:

· background diagnostic methods, i.e. diagnostics of general behavioral traits (personality and intellectual tests, tests of interests and achievements, etc.);

· methods focused on “past” behavior (interviews to study attitudes, analysis of bibliographic data, use of the results of observations of the person being assessed by colleagues from the immediate environment, i.e. analysis of references - judgments of colleagues);

· methods focused on actual behavior (observation of the behavior of those being assessed in specially created situations - business games, analysis of labor behavior in real activities).

The selection of specific diagnostic indicators, diagnostic methods, and evaluation criteria is carried out on the basis of a professionogram (list of requirements) corresponding to the specific job position of the person being assessed in the organizational structure of the company's management. Professionograms form the system basis of the assessment center and are the basis for designing assessment procedures. The assessment center technology includes the following main methodological stages:

· analysis of the requirements put forward by the position (profession) and drawing up professional charts;

· choosing a method for making value judgments;

· planning and conducting an assessment center;

· aggregation and interpretation of the obtained data.

The results of building a risk personnel profile of the company’s personnel allow us to develop a set of personnel strategies to prevent (minimize) risks. The validity of decisions made on personnel strategies is determined by the use of appropriate risk management methods and a personally oriented system of personnel motivation. Well-known risk management methods, each of which may be associated with a specific personnel strategy, include: evasion (avoidance), transfer, division, self-insurance, consolidation, localization, diversification, limitation, compensation, prevention. In our opinion, in modern Russian conditions Company management should pay special attention to the development and implementation of strategies to prevent (minimize) demographic, qualification, educational and motivational personnel risks.


1. Concept and classification of personnel risks of an organization

2. Risk measurement

3. Identification of the company’s personnel risks

4.Methods of personnel risk management

Concept and classification of personnel risks of an organization

Personnel risk– the danger of a possible loss of company resources or loss of income as a result of miscalculations and errors in personnel management.

Key risks associated with human resources:

Insufficient qualifications of employees;

The problem of replacing old personnel with new ones;

Concerns about the departure of particularly valuable employees.

Classification of personnel risks:

According to the nature of possible losses:

1. Material: entail additional. costs or loss of property;

2. Labor: high turnover and low productivity due to dissatisfaction and disloyalty;

Loyalty implies the desire to perform in the best possible way, the desire to comply with the principles of the company, to unconditionally contribute to the achievement of its goals, humility with some requirements and the ability to accept others - those that were not previously part of the company's ideas.

3. Financial: direct monetary damage associated with non-payments, fines, etc.

4. Loss of time: due to unforeseen circumstances;

5. Special: causing damage to health and life.

For reasons of risk:

1. Risks of disloyalty: the result of ill-conceived motivation, lack of involvement and satisfaction;

2. Risks of interactions: dangers of intra-group conflicts, mobbing

Mobbing is a form of psychological violence in the form of bullying an employee in a team, usually with the aim of his subsequent dismissal.

3. Risks of lack of information: incompleteness, inaccuracy, distortion, untimeliness

4. Risks of unprofessionalism of the HR manager: as a result of proceedings with the Labor Inspectorate, complaints, conflicts

5. Risks associated with the leader: autocrat (bias, large power distance); connivance (crisis of control systems, chaos); democrat (risk of delegation of authority and responsibility);

6. Risks from competitors: bribery, poaching employees, theft of secrets, competitive intelligence, company discrimination, damage to reputation.

Measuring Risk

Probability of risk– a number from zero to one, the closer to one, the higher the probability of an event occurring. It is calculated subjectively (expertly) or objectively (calculating the frequency with which certain events occur).

Vulnerabilities and threats to the organization also need to be considered.

Rice. 1. Components that form the basis of risk and their relationship

Vulnerability shows weaknesses in the strategy, structure, the company’s CP is characterized by the level of complexity in order to take advantage of it, depending on this it happens: vulnerability high level risk or low-risk vulnerability.

Threat- this is an action or event that can violate the security of the company and its components:

· Goals. The security component that is being attacked (assets, information, people, services).

· Agents. People or organizations that pose a threat.

· Events. Actions that constitute a threat.


Threat agents are people who seek to cause harm to an organization. To do this they must have the following.

· Access. Ability to achieve a goal.

· Knowledge. The level and type of information available about the target.

· Motivation. A reason to crush the target.

Threat + Vulnerability = Risk

Risk levels

· Short. Eliminate the weak point with little damage.

· Average. Action to eliminate the vulnerability is appropriate.

· High. Actions to correct the vulnerability must be taken immediately.

To assess risks, a risk map is drawn up.

Figure 2 Example of a risk map

Identification of company personnel risks

There are two approaches to identifying and assessing personnel risks:

Investment approach – personnel management as a risk of necessary investment to cover non-professional losses HR activities. The stages of personnel activities are considered in the form of projects: training, selection, motivation, assessment, etc. The project evaluation sequence begins with qualitative analysis, all possible types of risks are identified and identified, causes and factors are determined, and a cost estimate is given possible consequences risks and measures to minimize them are proposed with cost calculations.

Stages of qualitative analysis:

1. Identification of all vulnerabilities in the personnel management system (for example, at the personnel selection stage: how reliable is recruitment agency, whether all types of candidate verification are carried out, the reliability of the future employee, etc.).

2. Identifying real threats. Targeted threats (the combination of a known agent with known access and motivation and a known event targeting a known target) are identified, but this is very labor intensive, so it is common to estimate the overall threat level based on the identified vulnerabilities.

3. Suggested countermeasures – countermeasures are defined for each threat access point, e.g.:

A) access control;

B) two-factor authentication system (Authentication is the act of verifying an identity statement);

B) badge (identification card);

D) biometrics ( Biometrics are methods for automatically identifying a person and confirming a person's identity based on physiological or behavioral characteristics. Examples of physiological characteristics are fingerprints, hand shape, facial characteristics, iris);

D) a smart card reader at the entrance to the premises;

E) security;

G) access control to files;

H) encryption;

I) consciousness and training of employees;

K) intrusion detection system;

L) automated receive management policy updates

The main method of qualitative analysis is expert assessment method includes a complex of logical and mathematical-statistical methods. An expert analyst finds the most effective solution

Quantitative risk analysis– involves a cost assessment of damage to individual risks and the overall level of risk as a whole.

The most obvious way to evaluate risk definition monetary costs in case of a successful attack. These costs include:

1. decreased productivity or downtime;

2. theft of equipment or money;

3. cost of investigation;

4. cost of attracting a new employee;

5. cost of expert assistance;

6. overtime work employees, etc.

Project risk analysis methods: expert assessment method; SWOT analysis; rose (star), spiral of risks; method of analogies or conservative forecasts; critical value method; "Tree" of decisions; scenario analysis; simulation modeling; planning of experiments.

Resource approach – recognition of the characteristics of human resources and development of a strategy for their management in order to manage personnel risks at each stage of personnel work.

The main task is to determine ways to develop effective production behavior among personnel, as well as to develop plans for organizational and technical measures (OTM) to eliminate the discrepancy between desired and existing behavior through motivation, training, adaptation, etc.

The economic security of the company forms the basis for its development. According to experts, personnel-related risks account for 65 to 80% of all possible adverse events that threaten a business. Personnel risks are gradually but surely gaining importance in the minds of methodologists and management practitioners. The reasons for this lie in the historical systemic crisis experienced by civilization at the next cycle of its development. The consequence of this is not only the aggravation of contradictions industrial relations, but also an increase in dangerous motivational imbalances.

Concept and classification of personnel risks

Business as a certain set of purposeful decisions and actions can well be presented as one very large task, the results of which are profit and a completed mission. Both the source and responsible resources for business tasks are people, therefore, the main problems of their solution are based on the element of management associated with personnel. Therefore, it is quite acceptable to assume that most of the reasons for the emergence of internal company risks depend on personnel.

Personnel risks are the likelihood of adverse events occurring in the implementation of threats emanating from people as a result of decision-making. Threats of this type are complex in nature and are also called anthropogenic. Adverse events are expressed in the loss of important confidential information, in the manifestation of commercial risks, in losses of profit, image and reputation of the company.

In the 21st century, information has become the most important factor competition, which is why the reasons for the risk of loss, theft and deliberate misrepresentation of information are directly related to personnel risks. These risks may be the source of the following information threats.

  1. Intentional harm software and databases.
  2. Unauthorized penetration into data arrays representing trade secrets.
  3. Violation of confidentiality of information and its theft.
  4. Unintentional harm information system companies.

Other modern types of risks associated with personnel are the likelihood of theft of company assets and the risk of loss of company funds as a result of unjustified investments in training personnel who then quit. Theft of company property, being literally the “scourge” of the modern Russian business environment, has the following sources of occurrence:

  • deformed social attitudes of employees;
  • low level of organization of control and accounting at the enterprise;
  • double standards of the tax and legal model of activity, which management is forced to implement in order to maintain business in a crisis.

The classification of the risks under consideration is, first of all, determined by the functions of personnel management implemented in the corresponding division of the company's management. In addition to this characteristic, such criteria for dividing risks as types of losses, the possibility of diversification, validity period, predictability and acceptability are also highlighted. Below is the maximum possible classification of risks for the company's personnel.

Classification of types of personnel risks

Personnel risk management methods

On the one hand, in personnel risk management there is a standard methodology for dealing with the likelihood of adverse events occurring in business. Risk management in this category includes procedures for identifying, assessing and controlling risk factors from the perspective of external and internal sources of occurrence. On the other hand, regulating potential personnel threats comes as close as possible to the personnel management strategy and strategic concept operational safety. This means that the personnel risk management process dually belongs to the functional HR system and to the company’s security system.

Interconnection diagram of personnel risk management and security systems

Risk management as a subsystem of HR management and a security component is carried out in a multidimensional manner and provides the following.

  1. Compliance with the concept of acceptable risk, which does not imply the absolute elimination of risks, but the minimization of threats to values ​​below critical.
  2. Implementation of a targeted sequence of actions: identification, assessment, development and implementation of a risk minimization program, application of compensation measures to level out the resulting damage from embodied threats.
  3. Regulatory interaction between subjects and objects of risk management. The subjects are the legislative and executive authorities of the state, the general management of the company, and the HR service. Management is aimed at a specific object - factors and sources of personnel risks of the company.
  4. Implementation of special principles, functions, assessment and management methods that allow achieving the best effect in conditions of uncertainty and unpredictability of human behavior.

Qualitative and quantitative risk indicators are used for assessment. This rather traditional methodological practice of riskology is actively used in personnel management. The following methods for assessing personnel risk are distinguished:

  • calculation and analytical methods based on the results and analytics of personnel audit;
  • probabilistic assessment methods used under conditions of partial uncertainty;
  • statistical methods using statistical and mathematical tools;
  • expert assessment methods most suitable for situations of complete risk uncertainty.

Concluding the review of personnel risks, I will assume that in the coming years this area will receive an impetus for the development of methodology and for functional consolidation in management practice. This understanding comes to many leaders. Tough and fairly straightforward attempts to resolve the issue “at once” do not give the desired result. The Machiavellian doctrine of “Divide and Conquer” is increasingly failing. There is only one way out - to painstakingly build a personnel risk management system, allocate appropriate budgets and continuously search for the optimal level of regulation and value motivation. It seems to me that in this matter, without government policy to ensure success corporate level not enough.

The performance of a company depends on the ability of its management to constantly monitor and take into account various internal and external risk factors affecting the company’s position in a competitive market environment.

Risks associated with the activities of personnel are fundamental in the process of functioning of the organization and the desire to develop and improve its efficiency.

Risks in personnel management can be defined as the probability of losses that arise when investing in new areas of personnel work. Personnel risk management is a process that begins at the stage of developing a personnel management strategy and covers the entire company's personnel management system at all its levels.

The source of risks is both the external and internal environment of the company. The main causes of risk, on the one hand, are the objective incompleteness or insufficiency of information, on the other, the subjectivity of perception of information and the possibility of a manager or employee making the wrong decision.

The absence or low level of employee involvement in the organization is one of the main reasons for the occurrence of personnel risks.

Analysis of personnel management shows that there is no work on personnel risk management at domestic enterprises. Personnel risk management is a process that covers the entire personnel management system of an organization at all its levels.

Currently, most operating organizations do not belong to the public sector and their activities are most often not regulated by clear instructions and regulations regarding personnel management, which entails risky situations. There is reason to believe that risks will grow as the economy globalizes, as products and services become more complex, and clients and investors become more demanding.

The company's personnel management process is continuous and should include the following elements: the formation of goals, objectives and requirements for personnel, selection and selection of employees, training and development, personnel movement, rationalization of labor motivation, remuneration and incentives, performance evaluation. It is necessary to take into account that relevant risks arise at each stage of the personnel management process, but at the same time there are conditions for their minimization.

Let's consider the main groups of risks arising in the personnel management system (Fig. 4.2).

Rice. 4.2.

This classification allows you to see the most important risk areas in personnel management.

The main group of risks is risks of erroneous choice of personnel policy directions. One of the reasons is the unreasonable prioritization of HR strategies that can contribute to the achievement of company goals. This can happen due to an erroneous assessment of the role of short-term and long-term interests of the company's owners. Experts can also make mistakes in their assessments financial condition organization and business prospects of the company, which will provoke their inclusion in personnel policy those areas of activity that are obviously impossible to implement.

The second group is risks associated with poor quality staffing activities of the company, and they occupy a significant place in the overall list of risks of company management. The success of the company depends on the extent to which the personnel involved in the work are aware of their responsibility and interest in the results of their work. Personnel errors can be made: during development technical documentation, in the process of technical implementation into production, due to insufficient qualifications and training of personnel, as a result of overload, fatigue, illness, as well as negligence and malicious intent. In this regard, it is especially important to highlight the risks associated with identifying compliance qualification requirements to the position and the quality indicators of new employees applying for this position. The cause of job risk should also be sought in the irrational distribution of functional responsibilities in the company's staffing table or in a distorted job description. To minimize such a risk, a reasonable structure of positions, powers and responsibilities should be created and the tool should be used not a job description, to which no additions or changes are made, but a document in which an analysis of the candidate’s abilities to fill a vacant position will be carried out.

Currently, one of the most important conditions for the functioning of an organization with a focus on increasing its value, stable profit generation and effective work is personnel risk management, which becomes one of the main competitive advantages of an organization, regardless of its legal form and type of activity.

Personnel risk is understood as the threat of losses arising from the ineffective functioning of the organization's personnel management system, errors made by the management and personnel service of the organization when developing a personnel strategy or in the process of making operational decisions in the field of personnel management.

Personnel risk is a complex risk, therefore, a classification of types of personnel risks is necessary, which means their distribution into separate groups according to certain characteristics in order to achieve certain goals. Each risk has its own risk management technique.

The following groups of personnel risks can be distinguished:

  • 1. By nature of manifestation personnel risks can be divided into quantitative and qualitative. Personnel risks quantitative nature associated with a deficiency or excess human resources in a specific organization. They can manifest themselves in the form of various losses due to the discrepancy between the actual number of employees and the current needs of the organization and include:
    • - risks of untimely replacement of newly created or released jobs;
    • - risks of untimely reduction in the number of personnel not fully loaded structural divisions organizations;
    • - risks of imbalances in the number of personnel in various departments, characterized by excess personnel in some departments and the presence of vacant jobs in others;
    • - job risks, consisting in the inconsistency of the position itself with the types of activities, goals, objectives, functions and technologies. The reasons for their occurrence may be inadequate staffing or a distorted job description.

Personnel risks qualitative nature are caused by a discrepancy between the actual characteristics of the organization’s personnel and the requirements placed on it. They include:

  • - qualification and educational risk, the essence of which is the incompatibility of the employee with the position held;
  • - risks of insufficient qualification of personnel;
  • - risks of specific employees not having the necessary professional qualities(for example, experience in a given position, responsibility, diligence, creativity, business intuition, etc.);
  • - risks of staff disloyalty;
  • - risks of specific employees not having the necessary personal qualities(for example, intellectual potential, psychological stability, communication skills, etc.);
  • - the risk of abuse and dishonesty, depending on the level of work on the selection and hiring of personnel, the effectiveness of security services, the effectiveness of the control and audit apparatus, leadership style, corporate culture;
  • - the risk of employee rejection of innovations. Innovation management involves timely informing people, choosing clear goals and strategies, flexible planning and organization, stimulating staff and involving them in changes at all stages, training staff and targeted influence on their behavior.
  • 2. For reasons of occurrence HR risks are divided into individual and organizational.

Individual personnel risks include the following types:

  • - biological risks (age, health level, psychophysiological characteristics, performance);
  • - socio-psychological risks (motives, values, norms, culture, performed social roles, conflict, loyalty);
  • - intellectual risks (intelligence level, education);
  • - professional risks (creativity, professional potential, competencies, qualifications, work experience);
  • - personal risks (shortsightedness, negligence, fear of blackmail, sudden deterioration or improvement of financial situation, social status, vanity, desire to keep a position, easy suggestibility, gullibility, deceit, criminal record, greed, resentment, vindictiveness, meanness, instability to stress, loneliness, secrecy).

Organizational personnel risks are primarily due to ineffective work in the field of personnel management, namely ineffective systems for selection and selection of personnel, motivation and incentives of personnel, career management, etc.

  • 3. According to the form of possible damage personnel risks are divided into:
    • - property risks, the damage from which can be accurately determined in monetary terms;
    • - non-property (or intangible) risks associated with damage caused, for example, to the image of the enterprise as a business partner.
  • 4. According to the possible extent of damage personnel risks are most often classified as local; only in rare cases can an organization suffer significant losses, determined, as a rule, by erroneous decisions of the organization’s top management.
  • 5. According to the degree of regularity of manifestation personnel risks are divided into one-time or accidental, regular, and permanent risks.
  • 6. Depending on degree of sensitivity to risks of various stakeholder groups acceptable, acceptable and unacceptable personnel risks are identified.

The following groups of main factors influencing the occurrence of personnel risks in an organization are identified.

Internal factors - managed, i.e. depending on the management of the enterprise and (indirectly) on external factors, defining the conditions for the occurrence of risks:

  • inconsistency between the qualifications of employees and the requirements placed on them;
  • insufficient qualifications of employees;
  • weak organization of the personnel management system;
  • weak organization of the training system;
  • ineffective motivation system;
  • errors in personnel resource planning;
  • reduction in quantity rationalization proposals and initiatives;
  • care of qualified employees;
  • orientation of employees to solving internal tactical problems;
  • orientation of employees to respect the interests of the unit;
  • lack or weak corporate policies;
  • poor quality checks of candidates when hiring, etc.

Without a doubt, HR managers can continue this list, which is what they should do, by analyzing the state of HR work from the point of view of safety and break-even labor relations at the enterprise.

External factors - uncontrollable, i.e. independent of organizational management, but determining the personnel policy of the enterprise and the degree of risk:

  • Competitors have better motivation conditions;
  • setting up competitors to poach personnel;
  • external pressure on employees;
  • employees getting into different kinds addictions;
  • inflationary processes (it is impossible not to take into account when calculating wages and forecasting its dynamics). Risk cases are divided into random (unintentional) and non-random (targeted).

Random ones are mainly caused by the following reasons:

  • lack of awareness of the essence of what is happening and the consequences of one’s actions;
  • negligence, inattention, violation or lack of relevant rules and regulations;
  • inappropriate in-house training;
  • own vision of the situation (good intentions);
  • the gap between true and declared organizational values.

Purposeful risk behavior is mainly due to:

  • own vision of the situation (good intentions);
  • personal benefit;
  • individual values ​​that are different from those of the organization;
  • the gap between true and declared organizational values;
  • low interest in the existence (development) of the organization;
  • internal corporate intrigues, intergroup conflicts;
  • disloyalty, demotivation, conflicts (sometimes with a specific individual);
  • an atmosphere of dark mystery.