The personnel reserve is created only for positions. Forming a personnel reserve at the enterprise and working with it. Candidates have been selected, what next?

In modern domestic entrepreneurial activity In relation to the supply of personnel, a trend has developed that resembles a vicious circle. On the one hand, the demand of applicants is clearly greater than the number of acceptable vacancies. On the other hand, middle management is experiencing a real “staff shortage”; there are not enough truly qualified specialists.

The problem is that by “outgrowing” your personnel ceiling and not having the opportunity to grow, a useful employee will most likely quit because he does not receive proper self-realization. And money is no longer the only incentive to stay in an otherwise unprofitable job.

An option to break out of this circle may be the formation of a personnel reserve. Let's consider what this can give a business owner, where to start and how to organize this process in the enterprise.

Personnel reserve - a personnel management tool

Personnel reserve It is customary to name a certain number of ordinary employees who will potentially be able, if necessary, to occupy leadership positions due to pre-selection and special qualified training.

IMPORTANT! All employees making up the management reserve must comply qualification requirements provided for management positions.

Who can serve as sources of personnel:

  • leading specialists;
  • promising young employees;
  • employees who have successfully completed a special internship;
  • persons holding positions of heads of smaller structural divisions;
  • employees and management of subsidiaries.

NOTE! Depending on the industry sector of the business, prepare necessary personnel possible from almost any category of workers. For example, it is not uncommon for a simple worker to gradually rise to the rank of shift supervisor or senior foreman.

Functions of personnel reserve

Forming a “gold reserve” of employees will help solve the following management tasks:

  • reduce staff turnover;
  • ensure continuity in the transfer of the reins of government;
  • increasing the motivation of employees of all categories;
  • strengthening corporate culture;
  • financial and time savings in the search, selection, adaptation and training of personnel for key positions;
  • increasing the sense of responsibility and loyalty of employees;
  • general stabilization of the personnel situation.

Principles of creating a personnel reserve

When starting to organize a personnel reserve at an enterprise, you should be guided by the following principles that determine the effectiveness of this process:

  1. Need. The need to create a personnel reserve should really be relevant for a given organization.
  2. Qualification compliance. A candidate for a “reservist” for a certain position must be suitable for this according to the main characteristics of this qualification.
  3. Meeting expectations. An employee selected for the reserve must be promising according to the main determining indicators:
    • age;
    • received education;
    • current qualifications;
    • length of service;
    • traffic on career ladder;
    • orientation towards improvement and growth, etc.
  4. Transparency. The creation of a reserve must be transparent. Information about staffing needs and candidates should be open.
  5. Competitive fight. To choose the best and stimulate reasonable competition, and hence the desire for improvement, for every vacant position Not one, but 2-3 “reservists” should be provided.
  6. Initiative. All participants in the process must be active, especially those responsible for selecting candidates for the reserve.

What needs to be clarified before starting to form a reserve

Before you start the process of creating or updating a stock of employees for key positions, you need to clearly define its future logic. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary analysis of the personnel situation at the enterprise. Close attention will need to be paid to the following factors:

  • analysis of the overall business strategy: for example, the development of new types of products or new sales markets require different personnel training than increasing production volumes in a stable assortment;
  • in case of strong “turnover”, it is important to establish its true cause, identify the most “acute” positions, determine the approximate characteristics of employees who are not retained in them and outline a “portrait” of those who are optimally suitable;
  • solving major personnel problems before starting to fill “gaps” with the help of a reserve.

Algorithm for preparing a personnel reserve at an enterprise

The complex process of forming a personnel reserve takes place in several stages.

Step 1 “Who do we need?” Preparation for the start of work on the formation of a personnel reserve:

  • analysis of the real need for personnel reserve;
  • forecast of personnel dynamics of the management apparatus;
  • determination of staffing levels for key positions;
  • compiling a list of positions that need replenishment or creation of a reserve.

Step 2 “Who is right for us?” Compiling a list of supposed “reservists”:

  • selection of suitable candidates according to established criteria (age, experience, prospects, etc.);
  • drawing up a list in the form of potential candidates for certain leadership positions that require a reserve;
  • checking of candidates included in the list: psychodiagnostics, conversations, interviews, business games, etc.;
  • clarification of the list, deleting those who did not pass the selection;
  • natural screening: exemption from candidates who for some reason do not want to be included in the reserve;
  • the final formulation of the list according to the scheme: a position in need of a personnel reserve - two or three candidates for its future replacement;
  • specification of the list: which of the candidates will need specialized training, how best to organize it, how to monitor the result, etc.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! In large organizations, this list must be approved by senior management, that is, endorsed by the general director.

Step 3 “Growing up”. Preparation and training of “reservists” in accordance with the requirements of the projected position, selection of the optimal methodology and its practical application:

  • individual training supervised by an actual supervisor;
  • internship in a prospective future position in your own or another organization;
  • obtaining special education at retraining courses or at a specialized educational institution;
  • Internship.

Professional training of personnel reservists

Having decided on a list of personnel needs and candidates, it is necessary to begin working on their specialized training. This requires a special plan.

The candidate training program can have different levels of coverage:

  • general– provides basic training in leadership skills, replenishment and updating of theoretical foundations;
  • special– created separately for each area of ​​activity into which candidates are divided;
  • individual– the most labor-intensive, but the most effective, since it is designed for each specific specialist, taking into account his personal characteristics, the existing knowledge base and skills, as well as the intended future position.

IMPORTANT! The training program is accepted and approved by the enterprise administration.

As part of individualized training, the following forms of work can be organized for the candidate:

  • refresher courses;
  • obtaining additional education, including higher education if necessary;
  • lectures, conversations, seminars, other educational events;
  • participation in trainings;
  • professional internship.

Time frame for preparing a personnel reserve

The timing of reservist training may be provided for by the program approved by the enterprise, but may vary depending on the individual situation. So, for example, a situation may arise that after completing the training of a reservist, the proposed position is not vacant; in this case, you can create a vacancy for a deputy and place a trained employee in it. If, after completing training, a position appears, but the candidate is not ready, you can extend the training or take another candidate from the reserve. Feasibility is determined in each specific case.

Creating a personnel reserve is a tool for effective management policy. It is created both in non-governmental organizations and in government services. The publication discusses its basic concept, goals of creation, principles and technology of formation, as well as generalized criteria for selecting potential employees.

Concept and grounds for forming a personnel reserve

Personnel reserve is a set of potential employees (specialists, managers) who have been selected but not appointed to a position.

The legal basis for its formation is Labor Code. establishes the employer’s right to store and use information about employees.

The possibility of its creation for employees classified as civil servants is enshrined in the provisions of Law No. 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service”.

Enterprises establish internal regulations on the formation and training of personnel reserves. The local act, along with the rules internal regulations, refers to the main documents regulating management and personnel activities employer organization. The regulations are signed by the head of the enterprise, and information about them is entered into the company registers. The content may be subject to changes and amendments. Each addition is approved by management.

Why do we need a personnel reserve?

The main purpose of its creation is to provide the organization with qualified employees. His formation is designed to ensure the successful implementation of personnel tasks By:

  • timely replacement of an employee when the previous one leaves;
  • occupying unfilled vacancies;
  • creating prospects and motivation for professional growth;
  • training and retraining of workers;
  • ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise;
  • promoting our own specialists;
  • reducing the level of “turnover”;
  • reducing risks when searching and selecting new candidates.

Issues of creating a “professional reserve” are resolved collectively by convening a commission or meeting.

Principles of forming a personnel reserve

The formation of the list is based on the following principles:

  1. Relevance. Employee information is checked annually. The maximum validity period for the compiled list is 2 years.
  2. Correspondence. The employee must meet the qualification requirements for the position.
  3. Perspective. It is created both for current needs in personnel composition, and for future ones.
  4. Maximum. Formation of a reserve of employees for all managerial and ordinary positions.
  5. Objectivity. Comprehensive assessment of the candidate and his professional knowledge.
  6. Collegiality. The decision must not be made individually.
  7. Equality. The decision to include in the workforce should not be influenced by personal attitude towards the employee.
  8. Voluntariness. To be included in the composition, the consent of the person himself is required, Art. 9 of Law 152-FZ.

Internal reserve

The potential for internal personnel rotation is formed from the current employees of the organization. They are usually divided into two categories of personnel reserve:

  • list of operational replacements;
  • list of specialists for the future.

The operational list is filled out by candidates who do not need to gain additional knowledge and work experience.

The prospect list is filled out by candidates who could fill the position in the future. Because they don't yet have necessary knowledge or experience. They are assigned additional training or retraining.

For an enterprise, internal reserves are more attractive. An existing employee, due to the socialization that has already taken place in the company, produces more output than a new one. The new specialist still has to adapt and get to know the team and the unspoken rules.

External personnel reserve

The list of external reserves includes persons who do not work at the enterprise, but have expressed a desire to fill a vacant position and meet the selection criteria. The external composition is often formed due to the often significant “staff turnover”.

An enterprise most often has both external and internal reserves.

Features of individual types

The government staff is created for the purpose of preparing people for service in local authorities authorities (municipalities) or federal (in the Government and the Presidential Administration). This area is quite promising, and therefore, to be included in the team, there are strict requirements for individual skills that are suitable for a particular vacant position.

The composition of the reserve of civil servants is determined by the provisions of regulatory legal act No. 79 Federal Law “On the State Civil Service”. A reserve of civil servants is created at all levels (federal, regional or local).

Formation technology

There are several sources for obtaining information about the candidate:

  • job interview;
  • information sheet of the employing organization;
  • personal consultation;
  • Regulations on personnel reserve.

A job interview can take place in a businesslike or less formal manner. Based on his results personnel worker may apply for the inclusion of a particular person in the reserve.

Information about the upcoming “recruitment” can be found:

  • on the official website of the enterprise;
  • on the employment center website.

The position is available to all current employees. The text contains the basic procedure and conditions for inclusion in the composition. The content of the Regulation consists of three main parts.


  • concept of personnel reserve;
  • its principles;
  • goals and objectives;
  • sources of formation.


  • reserve calculation;
  • requirements for candidates;
  • identification of candidates;
  • establishing training programs;
  • analysis and evaluation, etc.


  • conclusions;
  • date of approval;
  • manager's signature.

Sample documents, diagrams, schedules, lists of responsibilities, etc. are attached to the Regulations.

The formation technology consists of several stages:

  1. Nomination of an employee. The person’s age, work experience, education, knowledge, psychological characteristics, etc. are taken into account. Self-nomination is also possible, when an employee proposes his candidacy.
  2. Evaluation of candidates. An analysis of personal documents (on education, questionnaires, certification, advanced training, etc.) is carried out, and an interview is carried out. An employee can be in either an operational or strategic position.
  3. Preparation (additional training, internship or temporary replacement).
  4. Formation of the composition.

An employee may be excluded from the composition, either on his own initiative or by decision of the commission.

Calculation of the need for specialists

Personnel needs are:

  • quantitative - compliance of the numerical indicator of employees at the enterprise with the planned one;
  • quality – compliance with the level of professional training.

There are several ways to calculate the “depth” of the reserve:

  1. Service Standard Method. The number of specialists is determined according to established standards.
  2. Expert assessment method. Personnel requirements are determined by experienced management. It comes in two types: simple and extended. In the simple form, the need is determined by the manager, in the extended form - by experts.
  3. Calculation of the need that is being calculated by adding basic and additional needs. Wherein:
  • the basic need is calculated according to the volume of production and production standards;
  • additional demand is calculated as the total, adjusted for the retirement rate (the value of the latter is in the range from 2 to 4 percent);
  • the total need is determined according to staffing schedules (taking into account the automation of work processes).

The choice of method is the prerogative of the employer, taking into account all influencing factors: the state of the labor market, features technological process, changes in legislation, personnel policy competitors, etc.

Criteria for inclusion of candidates

When creating lists, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • experience;
  • professional quality;
  • education;
  • additional education and retraining;
  • quality of service;
  • recommendations;
  • results of testing and other studies.

For certain positions, additional requirements are put forward, which are specified in the local Regulations, Art. 8 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Candidate rights

Since the formation of a “staff reserve” in commercial companies is a voluntary procedure, the decision to hire a worker cannot be firmly fixed. Enrollment in the personnel reserve is only the intention of the employer, therefore candidates on the reserve lists do not have the right to challenge the order of admission to work.

But, if the creation of a reserve in an institution is mandatory (tax service, treasury, etc.), then candidates who are in the reserve have the right to appeal. So, for example, in accordance with Article 22 of Law 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service”, a competition for appointment to a position is not held if there is a reserve candidate. Otherwise, you can go to court or the prosecutor's office.

An employee on the list has the right to withdraw his candidacy on his own initiative.

Creating an “employee reserve” is a company initiative. Many firms approve and apply this technique, since the supply of personnel allows for effective management policies.

The practical experience of forming a company’s personnel reserve is described below.

A group of workers who have passed a preliminary selection (assessment) and have the necessary potential to perform duties in a new area of ​​work within a certain time frame. The personnel reserve is mainly used in commercial structures, while many government, political and public organizations They also create it to solve their problems.
Goals of forming a personnel reserve:
1. Prevent the possibility crisis situation in the event of the departure of an employee occupying a key position.
2. Provide the enterprise with a reserve of highly professional and effective managers who are ready to develop the business in accordance with the adopted strategy and culture.
3. Retain and motivate talented leadership leaders.
4. Maintain a positive employer reputation.
5. Reduce the cost of recruiting and onboarding a new employee.

Relevance of the personnel reserve determined by the so-called , the problem of approach to personnel management identified in the study McKinsey, carried out in 1997-2000.

The personnel reserve is divided into external and internal.

External personnel reserve– most often this is a database of resumes of specialists who meet the requirements and can be invited to fill a vacant vacancy as it becomes available. The limitation of such databases is that they quickly become outdated: candidates move up the career ladder or change their direction of activity. Such data is valuable only if the information is collected for a sufficiently long time and is constantly supplemented and updated. It is most optimal to maintain such databases for the selection of rare, expensive specialists.
Less often external personnel reserve is a group of specialists who are occasionally involved in solving certain issues or participating in projects, from which, as necessary, they are invited for ongoing cooperation.

Internal personnel reserve– employees of the enterprise who have a high potential for occupying management positions and are capable of rapid development, who have completed or are undergoing a set of development measures.

On average, the development process internal personnel reserve from the launch of the program to form a pool of worthy candidates until the start of large-scale appointments, it lasts about 2 years.

Formation of personnel reserve as a system of purposeful actions includes the following steps:

1. Identification of positions at risk occurs using certain criteria, for example:

– analysis of the labor market in the region;

– estimates of the number of candidates capable of filling the vacant seat;

– analysis of the value of this position for the enterprise;

– assessment of the current situation with on-site personnel (age, loyalty, readiness for innovation, etc.).

2. Creating a Job Profile determines what level of competence development the “position holder” must have in order for him to successfully cope with the tasks assigned to him. Typically, interviews are conducted with reservist managers, and after analyzing the data, a profile is derived that a candidate for the vacancy must meet.

3. Evaluation and subsequent selection of candidates conducted using several employee performance indicators. In most cases, data obtained through assessment (certification) of current activities performed and information collected through measurements of the potential, knowledge, skills and abilities that the candidate currently possesses are compared.

4. carried out taking into account the existing needs and strategy of the enterprise. YPRES helps the reservist distribute time resources and understand how to achieve the goal. The training process is planned so that, by participating in various seminars, completing complex projects, internships, receiving feedback, reading literature and additional education, an employee enrolled in the personnel reserve will be able to develop exactly those skills and abilities that are important for moving to a new job title.

5. Appointment to a new position usually determined by the category of the personnel reserve. Most often, the category is formed by assessing the state of the current level of development and potential for development.

♦ Top managers

♦ Middle managers

♦ Narrowly focused and rare specialists

♦ Support workers

Who will occupy key positions in your company tomorrow: a loyal employee from the “grassroots” or a candidate from the “street”? It’s better to think about this today.

In this article we will briefly talk about:

  • for the purpose of forming a personnel reserve;
  • features ;
  • algorithm for interaction with the provider in such a project;
  • examples from our practice.

Formation of personnel reserve - current problem for medium and large companies, since many areas of business are experiencing staff shortages. Or at least interested in having loyal staff who have adapted to the corporate culture.

Personnel reserve– this is an area of ​​work in an organization that allows you to ensure continuity of personnel and fill new opening positions through the development of employees within the company.

Goals of forming a personnel reserve

  1. Be able to quickly fill vacancies and ensure the continuity of the organization’s work and its efficiency.
  2. Maintain continuity in management culture (and corporate culture in general), as well as specialized knowledge.
  3. Increase employee engagement by showing that the company is interested in the development and retention of its employees.

Formation of a personnel reserve: a brief project algorithm

  1. Determine for which positions the reserve will be formed.
  2. Make sure top management is interested: discuss what is important to them, as well as what kind of support they are willing to provide. If necessary, “sell” the idea of ​​a personnel reserve.
  3. Create regulations or description of the Program (project).
  4. Popularize the line of work as much as possible: on the Intranet, through short information meetings, etc.
  5. Conduct selection and assessment of employees (potential reservists).
  6. Create and implement a training and development program.
  7. To debug the process of filling new vacancies with reservists.
  8. Monitor the effectiveness of the personnel reserve.

Personnel reserve of managers

As a rule, companies create personnel reserves for managerial positions, that is, the so-called management personnel reserve. Often there are designs where there are two or three levels.

For example, the first level is “Linear management positions”, the second level is “Middle management”, the third level is a reserve for top manager positions.

Some companies have standard positions. For example, Store Director or Head of Bank Service Branch individuals. And then it is advisable to create a separate Personnel Reserve Program for each such typical position.

Corporate environment

We will not describe for a long time why the support of top management is important, because the significance of this stage is obvious. The practical aspect is the following. It is top managers who make the choice for certain vacancies, and if for some reason they give preference to external candidates, then employees will have doubts. They will quickly understand the presence of double standards in the company and the virtuality of the HR programs being implemented.

To ensure that employees have a common understanding of the Program and the rules for inclusion in the personnel reserve, companies usually create internal regulatory documentation. Information is provided via the Intranet or other communication channels.

Process and criteria for selecting reservists

Selection usually looks like a “funnel”, shown schematically below.

In this case, this is an example. Depending on the specifics of the company, something else may be chosen as criteria and stages of selection.

What is important when building a system for assessing candidates for the personnel reserve?

  1. Remember that what comes to the fore is not the assessment of competencies, but the assessment of the potential for developing certain competencies.

Here are a few examples from our practice:

1. For example, if one of the manager’s competencies is communication skills, then the personnel reserve evaluates, first of all, the presence of communication potential. An employee may not be able to make presentations or speak in front of an audience. Moreover, if he has social courage and strives to communicate with people, then mastering any communication skills will be many times faster and easier for him than for a person with limited communication potential.

2. If we consider the basic skill of setting goals according to SMART, those employees who have the ability to structure any information well will be able to master it without difficulty.

3. Those managers who are able to operate with abstract concepts begin to think more quickly. Here we note the paradox that we observed: “bad” operational managers who have difficulty applying the skill of setting smart goals can become excellent top managers with a strategic vision of the business.

4. Determine what the motivation of a particular employee is - this is one of the important selection parameters.

5. When formulating all the criteria, it is advisable to clearly understand what profile of manager is successful and effective in your organization. Based on this, it is worth making a decision on the selection parameters.

Our research showed that the level of intellectual abilities ultimately had nothing to do with the appointment of a reservist to a position. At the same time, it is important to understand that analytical skills certainly help you quickly master management skills.

6. Different levels of the personnel reserve have their own evaluation criteria. If we evaluate line managers who are applying for middle management, then the key in the evaluation are the management skills that the future reservist already possesses. And if there is an assessment of applicants for top positions, then an assessment of strategic thinking or the presence of potential for the development of strategic thinking becomes a mandatory element.

When is the Personnel Reserve Program considered effective?

A few words about efficiency. It must be said that there is no relevant comparative data in this area yet. Below are a few observable indicators that will indicate that the process is actually working:

  1. Managers in the organization are aware of the existence of a personnel reserve and the development program that is being implemented.
  2. When vacancies become available, reservists are considered priority candidates.
  3. At least 30% of relevant positions are filled by reservists.
  4. There are no people in the personnel reserve who got there solely because they need to be kept in the company or somehow additionally motivated.
  5. After 1-2 years, it is necessary to conduct a new recruitment of program participants, since 80% have transferred to a different status: either the reservists received promotion to new positions, or they were excluded from the reserve for some reason.

Formation of a personnel reserve: the role of external providers

Typically, HR projects are implemented jointly: by a team of internal HR specialists and external consultants. Each organization determines for itself what the ratio will be. Most often, we, as external consultants, are involved in in-depth assessments.

Let us note that there are projects where the share of consultants’ participation is almost 100%: from creating a PR campaign within the organization, writing a regulatory document and ending with the implementation of specific trainings or coaching sessions for reservists.

We carry out almost a full cycle of work, implementing projects on personnel reserve. Examples of our work include:

  • Development of “Regulations on personnel reserve” for companies in the manufacturing and banking sectors.
  • Conducting assessment centers during selection for the personnel reserve of the Ingosstrakh company, ONPP "Technology" named after. A.G. Romashina.
  • Conducting a “360 degree” assessment for reservists of the Alfa-Bank company.
  • Training of reservists at PJSC Sberbank, FC Uralsib, JSC Russian Railways, Avtoframos, etc.

Algorithm for the personnel reserve assessment project

Our assessment projects typically follow the following sequence of activities.

  1. We are discussing what evaluation criteria will be at the final stage. If this is a management reserve, then in 100% of cases we are asked to accurately assess leadership potential, the rest of the set varies and depends on the specifics of the Customer.
  2. We select and, if necessary, develop assessment tools. This could be just testing or a full-fledged assessment center. If we recall the examples above, testing is sufficient to assess communication potential. Business games and cases are suitable for assessing goal setting skills, and both tests and cases are needed to assess the potential for strategic thinking.
  3. We carry out.
  4. We make a rating of candidates. In rare cases, the Customer requests the generation of individual reports on candidates, which requires additional financial costs for the company.
  5. We discuss the results of the assessment and the further program of action for the development of reservists.

Planning a HR project?

Contact us! We will help with regulation, initial selection and assessment of employee potential.

The process of forming a personnel reserve in modern conditions is a very important procedure that allows not only to quickly resolve the issue of replacing an employee during his absence, but also to properly train a new one who may be suitable for occupying a qualified position. Let's take a closer look at the process of forming a personnel reserve.


The personnel reserve should be understood as a list of persons who are capable of performing the functions and tasks of specialists in a certain position of a higher rank due to their abilities, knowledge and skills.

To be included in the reserve, an employee must have high knowledge and ambition for professional advancement. Such promotion should be understood as occupying leadership positions, which requires the candidate from the reserve to meet certain requirements and characteristics.

The importance of personnel reserve

The purpose of the personnel reserve is stated in legislation at the federal level. For example, the order of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the federal program “Training and retraining of the reserve of managerial personnel”” speaks of the need to train qualified managers for all areas, especially government agencies, which is associated with the socio-economic changes occurring in the state. After the adoption of this document, some more bills were added that defined and supplemented the process of creating personnel reserves in government agencies and organs. Such orders have been developed for many ministries (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Transport, Roskomnadzor, etc.)

The importance of the personnel reserve is multifaceted and for specific organizations that expect to work for a long time and have growth prospects, they are concerned about reducing personnel risks, especially in managerial positions.

HR goals

The purposes of creating a reserve are:

  • prompt resolution of problems associated with the departure of key managers;
  • significant savings in financial and time costs for searching, selecting and training personnel;
  • professional growth of employees;
  • increasing employee loyalty and motivation to work (including the lack of fear among “reservists” of the difficulty of fulfilling upcoming duties and suddenly assigned tasks);
  • developing in employees an understanding of their own value for the employer;
  • preparing specialists for future changes in the organization;
  • the opportunity to “polish” your personnel, which will meet the requirements of your organization;
  • reducing staff turnover;
  • retention of promising personnel in the company.

The process of forming a personnel reserve is quite complicated. It requires the involvement of not only the head of the company and the personnel department, but also other specialists (lawyers, psychologists, trade unions, etc.). In this connection, issues of personnel reserve are resolved, as a rule, collectively with the help of a special body (or commission).

Main goals

The formation of a personnel reserve is aimed at solving the following tasks:

  • identifying existing potential among employees;
  • the opportunity to fill unfilled vacancies;
  • continuity production process and its effectiveness.

Basic documents

Such a regulation on the formation of a personnel reserve should include the following sections:

  • goals and objectives of the personnel reserve;
  • principles of creation;
  • list of positions for which the personnel reserve is formed;
  • order of formation;
  • candidate selection criteria;
  • training program;
  • criteria for deduction from the reserve;
  • analysis of the efficiency of working with reserves.

This provision may also contain information about sample documents that must be drawn up in the process of working with the reserve.

Types of personnel reserve

Candidates must fully meet the requirements for the position for which they are placed on the reserve. However, this also includes those who have a high potential for further professional advancement, but have less experience or are not sufficiently prepared. As a rule, 2 candidates are selected for each position.

By type of activity, a development reserve and a functioning reserve are distinguished. In other words, a reservist can make a choice between two career paths - professional and managerial.

Based on the time of appointment, a group of candidates is formed in the personnel reserve and nominated for higher position currently, and a group of candidates for the next one to three years.

The personnel reserve can be internal and external. Creating an internal one is a more studied process that requires less financial costs. Such a reserve is more often used in practice.

External reserve involves attracting candidates from outside.


The management of a company's personnel reserve is based on certain principles. Let's consider the basic principles of forming a personnel reserve:

  • the principle of relevance - means that the need to fill a position must be valid today;
  • the principle of conformity means that the candidate must meet the requirements for the position;
  • the principle of the candidate's prospects.

How is it formed

The current system of forming a personnel reserve represents painstaking work to identify promising employees (or recruit them) as the most suitable and meeting the requirements of management positions.

The system has certain rules. The order of formation is as follows:

  • form a body that deals with these issues;
  • develop internal regulations, that is, a document in which it is necessary to reflect all procedures for creating a reserve;
  • create mechanisms for implementing the developed rules.

Proper creation of such a system is the key to successful optimization of the company’s headcount.

Step-by-step formation scheme

Let's consider the stages of forming a personnel reserve, which involve a certain sequence of stages:

  • analysis of the current situation:
  • assessment of the need for new managers or specialists for the next 1-3 years;
  • compiling a list of positions for the new reserve;
  • determining the availability of existing replacement specialists;
  • specifying the list of specialists;
  • analysis of the effect of the reserve that was created earlier.

The selection of the necessary candidates for inclusion in the reserve occurs in the following stages:

  • analysis of employee questionnaire data;
  • conducting an interview;
  • monitoring the employee’s behavior in his relationships with other colleagues;
  • assessment of performance indicators that characterize it labor activity, as well as the results of his performance of specific tasks;
  • conducting employee certification;
  • identifying the compliance of the identified qualities with the requirements of the position;
  • comparison of results for different candidates;
  • compiling a list of a new reserve with a list of candidates for the position.

This list has its own characteristics:

  • one person can appear in several sections at the same time: for the near and distant future, as well as for different options positions;
  • collecting the maximum amount of information about the candidate, for example, personal data, certification results, potential assessment, feedback from colleagues, etc.;
  • drawing up recommendations for a professional development program.

The list obtained in this way is approved by the head of the organization.

  • reviewing the register of candidates from time to time;
  • replenishing the list if necessary;
  • exclusion from the list of employees who no longer meet the requirements;
  • adjustment of employee training programs;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of using the registry, forecasting and changes.

Personnel assessment process

Main types of personnel assessment:

  • systemic, which is carried out by clearly defining all the characteristics of assessment (process, frequency, criteria, measurement methods);
  • unsystematic.

The main assessment procedures are as follows:

  • preparing an assessment - involves collecting preliminary information;
  • directly assessing the employee through the creation of expert groups that assess the level of knowledge, skills, abilities and results of the employee’s work;
  • the assessment stage, which includes a commission meeting in the following order: inviting an employee and his supervisor, reviewing materials, listening to interlocutors, discussing the results, drawing up a conclusion, drawing up a protocol;
  • the decision-making stage, after which a conclusion is formed taking into account the conclusions and proposals of the commission; at the same stage, recommendations are made on the need to promote the employee to a higher position.

How the competition is held

We should also talk about holding a competition for the personnel reserve. The procedure for this procedure is also clearly regulated by the company’s internal documents. To carry out such a procedure, special competition commissions are formed in the organization:

  • to conduct a competition to fill a vacant position;
  • for holding a competition to form a reserve.

The competition procedure can be started only if there are at least two applicants for the personnel reserve. Otherwise, the competition is considered invalid.

Main stages of the competition:

  • innings memo the head of the unit to the chairman of the competition commission;
  • preparation of all necessary documents for the competition;
  • an announcement about it is published 20 days before the competition;
  • documents are being accepted from applicants;
  • minutes of the meeting of the competition commission are drawn up;
  • conducting a competitive test by testing participants, as well as issuing a competitive task;
  • the evaluation of applicants in the competition is carried out;
  • the selection of the contestant is carried out;
  • all are processed Required documents for its acceptance.

Features of the state civil service

In order to promote the development of the system civil service, as well as improving the procedure for forming and effective use reserve of managerial personnel, a Commission under the President is formed Russian Federation on issues of civil service and reserve of managerial personnel.

The period of planning and formation of the personnel reserve of the state civil service usually takes from one to three years. The length of stay of individual specialists in the personnel reserve is also three years on average, but long term plans organization can reach five years.

Regardless of the timing of the implementation of the “reserve” project and the financial capabilities of the organization, work with the personnel reserve must be carried out among interested parties in open form(information must be available to employees), this environment must be competitive (at leadership position it is necessary to select several candidates at once).

results professional activity- a very important selection criterion, since they can be used not only to judge the candidate’s performance, but also to evaluate the benefit of enrolling him in the reserve. Such non-material encouragement for a specialist, such as inclusion in the personnel reserve, will serve as a clear example for other employees and motivate them to achieve high work results.

This set of requirements is not exhaustive and can be formed depending on the needs of the organization now and in the future, on the level of staff turnover, as well as on the social, age and other characteristics of the personnel. It is important to understand that excessively strict selection can lead to discrimination against employees.

To manage the personnel reserve, special internal regulations are usually issued. For example, a regulation on the formation of a personnel reserve or a regulation on working with a personnel reserve. At an early stage of implementation of this project such a document is intended to consolidate:

  • the procedure for forming a reserve;
  • tasks that are solved by creating a reserve;
  • duties and responsibilities of officials forming the reserve;
  • order and system of work;
  • replenishment of the reserve and changes in its composition;
  • reporting system personnel work and the procedure for maintaining this reporting.

Such a document will emphasize the importance of the work, the seriousness of management’s intentions, and attentive attitude towards employees.

Along with the regulations on the formation of the personnel reserve, a list of positions in the personnel reserve of the state civil service is compiled, which, among other things, determines the number of candidates for the reserve position. Most organizations have talent development programs, retention programs, and reserve lists in case vacancies are filled. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that employees enrolled in the personnel reserve must not only know about this, but also clearly understand their prospects and the requirements that will be presented to them in the event of a real promotion.

Training of “reservists” can take the form of advanced training, obtaining a second higher education, taking courses or internships. A good addition is experience exchange meetings, where employees will share their knowledge and impressions.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that expecting returns from specialists reserved and trained for a specific position is meaningless if work with the personnel reserve is not related to the organization’s strategy and is not supported by the entire corporate culture, if intermediate testing and analysis of staff turnover are not carried out, employees have low loyalty and lack of readiness to learn. But if everything is different, the personnel reserve will certainly become a good motivating factor both for employees and for the organization itself.

In accordance with current legislation, constant work with the reserve is provided, the purpose of which is to prepare a worthy replacement executives and ensure continuity of generations. The forms and methods of working with the reserve are determined by the head of the organization or its structural unit and job requirements.


Thus, the creation of a personnel reserve in the company has the goal of updating the existing management and specialists at the expense of both its own and external employees. Entry into this reserve requires the candidate to have special qualities, knowledge, experience, skills, and also assumes the possibility of training and improving his qualifications to the required level. The list of positions and requirements for them in the organization are determined individually within it.