Personnel and personnel structure of the organization. Labor resources: personnel and personnel of the organization. Interaction with the legal department

Personnel and personnel are terms that are often mentioned by HR employees of an organization. The entire population of working age who lives on the territory of the state is called the labor force. This includes people who are already working, as well as those people who can be called potential employees.

The term "personnel" may refer to an enterprise, a country or its region. If we consider personnel at an enterprise, then they mean the full-time composition of employees. This includes qualified workers who at one time underwent special training in their profession. These people have the knowledge necessary for the job and have experience in their field.

If we talk about the term “personnel”, then it means the entire personnel of the company. In addition, this may only be part of the personnel of the enterprise. Personnel is a group in which people are united according to some characteristics. For example, you can separately identify service personnel working at the enterprise. Personnel are people who work for a company under an employment contract.

Frame classification

An important characteristic of the concept of “personnel” is the qualifications of persons working in the company. In addition, there is one more characteristic that includes the employee’s work in the company on a permanent basis. But for the staff these characteristics are not the main ones. For example, temporary workers are considered personnel. These people may be skilled professionals or they may be unskilled workers.

The HR department also uses other terms. For example, human resources referred to as generalizing factors. This is a combination of different qualities inherent in people, their ability to produce material and spiritual benefits. Personnel policy The company employs HR specialists.

The term “labor resources” is used no less often. For every enterprise, it is very important to use labor resources correctly, because the success of the company directly depends on who works in the company.

At the level of one company, instead of the term “labor resources,” the term “personnel” or “personnel” is most often used. Each person who works in an organization has his own profession and specialty. A profession is a person's occupation. A specialty is a narrower concept; it is the type of activity that a person engages in within the framework of his profession.

In addition, employees vary in qualifications. It reflects how well a person knows his business, this is the degree of professional knowledge. Information about the employee’s profession, his specialization and qualifications is reflected in the tariff categories. It is also indicated in categories that characterize how complex the work a given specialist performs.

All specialists, taking into account their level of qualifications, can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Persons with highly qualified. They usually undergo lengthy training. Such specialists have extensive experience, this is their main difference from other employees.
  2. Qualified employees. They have special training, which they often receive off-the-job. The training period takes 2-3 years.
  3. Low-skilled workers. This group of specialists is undergoing training, but the training period is very short.
  4. Unqualified employees. These workers were not trained, they have no special training.

If we talk about qualifications, employees may not have a category at all. Any employee can receive a category; it can be 1, 2 or 3.

The management team has its own gradation. There is a distribution according to:

  1. Management structures. Managers can be linear, they head departments, they can head a workshop, they can manage companies. Functional heads head a service, for example, the economic planning department. They prepare recommendations for line managers.
  2. Management links. These are top, middle and lower level managers.

Personnel structure of the organization

The staff can be divided into several categories:

  • management team;
  • specialists who work at the enterprise;
  • company employees;
  • core employees and support specialists.

In organizations working in the production sector, these specialists form industrial production personnel. Each category contains a number of professions that are combined into groups of specialties. The latter can also be divided into qualifications.

Employees in an organization may be temporary. They are hired for a certain period of time, unlike other employees. After the contract expires, they can agree to extend it. Seasonal workers are hired for up to six months. Permanent employees of the company are hired for an indefinite period.

The HR department performs important and responsible work at the enterprise.

The success of a company directly depends on what kind of specialists work in the organization.

That is why personnel policy must be carefully developed. Its main goal is to form a capable workforce in the organization.

2.2 Analysis of the organization’s personnel composition

Now we need to consider analyze personnel composition OJSC “IKAR”, consisting of managers, specialists, and production workers.

Table 1 - Average annual number and structure of employees at OJSC ICAR

No. Categories of workers 2005 2006 2007
Human % to total Human % to total Human % to total
A 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Average number of employees, total 2413 100,0 2381 100,0 2235 100,0



325 13,5 312 13,1 296 13,2



392 16,2 385 16,2 347 15,5

core workers


1238 51,3 1386 58,2 1147 51,3
5 auxiliary production workers 458 19,0 298 12,5 445 20,0

Table 1 shows that the number of employees at JSC ICAR decreases slightly every year. This decrease was also reflected in executives, and on engineering and technical workers. Workers of primary production compared to 2005, in 2006 their number increased to 1,386 people, but in 2007 there were much fewer workers than in 2005. (1147 people). The number of workers in auxiliary production decreased significantly in 2006. compared to 2005 for 160 people, but in 2007 the number of this category has recovered again.

To calculate the number of workers in the main production per 1 person of management or engineering and technical workers, it is necessary to divide the number of workers in the main production for a certain period by the number of management personnel (engineering and technical workers).

Therefore, since 2005 to 2007 For every 1 management person there are 4 core production workers. In 2005 For 1 engineering and technical worker there were 3 workers in the main production, in 2006 - 4 workers, and in 2007. again 3 workers.

High quality labor force is only a prerequisite for high production efficiency. To implement it, it is necessary that the employee’s work is well organized, that he does not have interruptions in work for organizational and technical reasons, that the work assigned to him corresponds vocational training and level of qualifications, so that the employee is not distracted by performing functions unusual for him, especially those that do not correspond to his level of qualifications, so that normal sanitary and hygienic working conditions are created for him, ensuring a normal level of labor intensity. The socio-psychological environment also plays an important role, facilitating the interaction of performers in the work process and the emergence of incentives for highly productive and effective work. It is also important that the employee properly fulfills his production and official duties, strict adherence to discipline (labor, production, technological), labor activity and creative initiative.

Table 2 - Use of working time

No. Indicators 2006 2007 2007 by 2006, in%
actually according to plan actually
A 1 2 3 4
1 2381 2240 2235 94,1
2 Total number of person-days worked, thousand. 690 650 648 94,0
3 Number of people worked/hour, thousand 5524 5197 5185 94,1
4 Average annual number of days worked per employee 290 290 290 100,0
5 Average annual number of people/hour, thousand 5455 5326 5250 97,0
6 Average annual working day, hours. 7,9 8,2 8,1 103,0

Table 2 discusses the use of working time at JSC ICAR. Working time at an enterprise is not only the main production resource, but also a criterion for the economic efficiency of production. During the period under study, the number of days worked by one worker per year was 290 days, therefore, work time at the plant was distributed rationally, although the total number of person-days decreased by 42 person-days. The same thing happens when the number of people worked per hour decreases. But the length of the working day increased by 0.2 hours.

Table 3 - Analysis of the causes of lost working time

No. Indicators 2006 2007 2007 to 2006,%
A 1 2 3
1 Absenteeism, days 354 436 123
1.1 0,15 0,20 133
2 Downtime, days 3929 7228 184
2.1 including per worker, h 1,65 3,24 196
3 Vacations with the permission of the administration, days 1154 1546 134
3.1 incl. per worker, days 0,5 0,70 140
4 Total avoidable losses, days 5437 9210 169
4.1 incl. per worker, days 2,30 4,14 180

This table presents an analysis of lost working time. Every year there is absenteeism of workers, production downtime due to various reasons such as no orders for the purchase of products, due to power outages, etc. Table 3 shows that absenteeism for unexcused reasons in 2007. increased by 82 days. Workers violate labor discipline in this way, internal regulations working day. Downtime has almost doubled. To eliminate lost working time, it is necessary to take certain measures. For example, if an employee is absent from work in work time for no valid reason, reprimand him or even go as far as dismissing him from his job.

Table 4 - Structure of the enterprise personnel by category
No. Years Total, persons Including by category
Workers Managers Specialists Employees
Number, persons Ud. weight, % Number, persons Ud. weight, % Number, persons Ud. weight, % Number, persons Ud. weight, %
A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2005 2413 1696 70,3 325 13,4 312 13,0 80 3,3
2 2006 2381 1684 70,7 312 13,1 286 12,0 99 4,2
3 2007 2235 1592 71,2 296 13,2 281 12,6 66 3,0

JSC “IKAR” employs managers, specialists, employees and workers. Analyzing Table 4, it was found that in 2007, compared to 2005, the number of workers decreased by 104 people. In general, due to staff turnover, every year all categories of employees of the enterprise are reduced, there are fewer of them. But all categories of these workers must be present in numbers that can ensure the effective operation of the enterprise, as well as obtain high labor productivity.

Table 5 - Personnel structure of JSC ICAR by gender

No. Years Total, people Including by gender
Men, persons Women, persons
A 1 2 3
1 2005 2413 1621 792
2 2006 2381 1547 834
3 2007 2235 1388 847

Table 5 shows that this enterprise the workforce is predominantly male. After all, JSC ICAR is engaged in heavy industry. But compared to 2005, the number of men at the plant decreased by 233 people. In 2007 there were 1388 people. And the number of working women is gradually increasing, compared to 2005 by 55 people. The greater number of male workers than female workers is due to the specific nature of the work.

Table 6 - Educational level of personnel

No. Years Total, people Number, people
Higher Specialized secondary Overall average Lower secondary
A 1 2 3 4 5
1 2005 2413 865 823 579 146
2 2006 2381 836 812 548 185
3 2007 2235 800 764 491 180

Table 6 shows that the company employs highly qualified workers. This will be explained by the fact that greatest number workers prevail at the enterprise with higher and secondary specialized education. But it is noted in Table 6 that due to the continuous turnover of personnel, the number of educated people and specialists in their field is decreasing. During the period under study, the number of workers with higher education, compared to 2005, decreased by 65 people, and workers with secondary specialized education - 59 people. However, the number of workers with incomplete secondary education increased by 34 people. But OJSC “IKAR” strives to ensure that the company employs competent specialists, and for this purpose the company sends workers, at the expense of the company, to study at higher education institutions. educational establishments. In 2006, it sent 58 people for training. Analysis of personnel indicators by education shows that the level of personnel education corresponds qualification characteristics positions.

Table 7 - Age composition of personnel
No. Indicators 2005 2006 2007
Number, persons Ud. weight,% Number, persons Ud. weight,% Number, persons Ud. weight,%
A 1 2 3 4 5 6

Age composition of personnel, number of people:

23 1,0 5 0,2 5 0,2
2 18-35 745 31,0 699 29,4 663 30,0
3 35-50 945 39,0 956 40,2 941 42,0
4 Over 50 700 29,0 721 30,2 626 28,0
Total 2413 100,0 2381 100,0 2235 100,0

Table 7 shows that the company is mainly dominated by workers aged 35 to 50 years. In 2005 There were more workers aged 35 – 50 years old; in 2006 their number increased by 11 people, and in 2007 it decreased again by 15 people. Workers aged 18 to 35 years are decreasing every year, but one should again take into account the continuous turnover of personnel. Compared to 2005 workers aged 18-35 years in 2007 decreased by 82 people. There are a very significant number of workers over the age of 50. Workers of this age mainly occupy leadership positions, as well as specialized workers. The aging of personnel may lead to the fact that in a few years the plant will experience a real shortage of experienced and skilled workers, this problem already exists. After all, people cannot work all their lives anyway; age will make itself felt.

Table 8-Qualification composition of workers, people

No. Discharge according to a single tariff schedule 2005 2006 2007
Number, persons Ud. weight,% Number, persons Ud. weight,% Number, persons Ud. weight,%
1 A 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 II 415 17,2 387 16,3 315 14,1
3 III 534 22,1 541 22,7 438 19,6
4 IV 687 28,5 584 24,5 602 27,0
5 V 452 18,7 485 20,4 495 22,1
VI 325 13,5 384 16,1 385 17,2
Total: 2413 100,0 2381 100,0 2235 100,0

Table 8 shows that at JSC ICAR the largest number of 4th category workers prevails. For the study period 2005 – 2007. There are fewer workers of category II every year. Compared to 2005, their number decreased by 100 people. The company employs competent specialists, this is evidenced by the increase in workers of the V and VI categories according to a single tariff schedule. The plant carries out certification of workplaces, which means that the rank of workers increases.

Table 9 - Distribution of personnel by length of service

No. Indicators 2005 2006 2007
A 1 2 3
1 Distribution of personnel by length of service, number, persons: 2413 2381 2235
2 Up to 1 year 145 154 127
3 1-2 547 486 365
4 2-5 688 741 702
5 5 or more 1033 1000 1041

Table 9 shows that OAL “IKAR” employs employees with extensive work experience. Due to the continuous turnover of personnel (employees are either fired or hired), surges in the growth and decline of personnel are observed. There were 1,033 workers with work experience of 5 or more years in 2005, decreased by 33 people in 2006, and increased again by 41 people in 2007.

Table 10 - Frame movement analysis
No. Indicators 2005 2006 2007
Number, people Number, people Number, people
A 1 2 3
1 Average headcount 2413 2381 2235
2 Number hired workers 605 399 559
3 Number of dismissed workers 744 467 640


By at will

For absenteeism and other violations labor discipline

5 Frame reception ratio (p.2/p.1) 0,25 0,17 0,25

Attrition rate

(page 3/page 1)

0,31 0,20 0,25
7 Staff turnover rate 0,31 0,20 0,29

Table 10 examines the movement of personnel at JSC ICAR. The number of employees hired by the enterprise in 2006, compared to 2005, sharply decreased by 206 people, but in 2007 it again picked up the growth rate and increased by 160 people. In 2006, compared to 2005, the number of laid-off workers decreased significantly by 277 people, but in 2007 it increased again by 173 people. The staff attrition rate is calculated as the ratio of the number of dismissed workers to their average number. This table shows that the highest coefficient is observed in 2005 – 0.31, and also in 2007 – 0.29.

Table 11 - Analysis of the reasons for staff turnover in the organization, %

No. Reasons for dismissal 2005 2006 2007
A 1 2 3
1 Low wages 63,8 75,0 62,5
2 Late payment of wages 13,5 8,97 5,9
3 Violation of labor discipline 22,7 16,03 31,6
TOTAL: 100,0 100,0 100,0
Table 11 shows that low wages have the greatest impact on the dismissal of workers. Currently, there are many other organizations operating in the country where wage higher, as a result of which people switch to work in them. They change jobs.

Many workers are fired due to violations of labor discipline; many workers come to work while intoxicated, are late or leave work early, violate access regulations, and take away inventory items. A small number of workers are dismissed due to late payment of wages. Basically, the plant does not delay wages at all. But, if there is a delay in wages, then no more than 15 days.

Table 12 - Indicators vocational training

No. Indicators 2006 2007 2007/2006, in%
A 1 2 3
1 Average headcount, people. 2381 2235 112
2 Completed professional training, persons. 60 67 112
3 Share trained, % 2,5 3,1
4 Spent on training, person/hour 24000 26800 112
5 Worked, person/hour 115200 128640 112
6 Share of time spent on training, % 21,0 20,0 95,2
7 Average number of people/hour per 1 trained employee 2320 2320 100
8 Costs for vocational training, thousand rubles 1200 1474 112
9 Training costs for 1 employee, thousand rubles. 20 22 110
Every employee of any enterprise should strive to improve their professional level. Every year the number of employees who have undergone training increases slightly by 7 people. Consequently, the costs of vocational training are increasing; compared to 2006, in 2007 costs increased by 274 thousand rubles.
Table 13 - Labor productivity level indicators
No. Indicators Conditional designation 2005 2006 2007
A 1 2 3 4 5
1 Volume of work performed, thousand rubles TP 836100 916537 989272 108
2 Average number of industrial production personnel, people. Emergency 2334 2326 2197 94,4
3 Average number of workers, people. CZ 2413 2381 2235 93,9
4 Share of workers in the total number of employees,% 103 102 102 100
5 Total amount of time worked by all workers per year, thousand hours. PM 5347 5524 5185 93,9
6 including one worker, thousand hours 2,2 2,3 2,3 104,5
7 Average working day, hours Tsr 7,9 8,2 8,1 98,8
8 Worked by one worker per year, days. D 277 290 290 100
9 Average annual output, thousand rubles 229068 251106 271033 108
10 one worker 346,5 385,0 443,0 115
11 Average daily output of a worker, rub. 3018 3160 3411 108
12 Average hourly output of a worker, rub. 156,4 166,0 190,1 115

Based on the calculations of indicators of the level of labor productivity, it was revealed that labor productivity as a whole at JSC ICAR is optimal. The volume of work performed increases every year, for example, in 2007, compared to 2005. The volume of work performed increased by 153,172 thousand rubles. The share of workers in the total number was higher in 2005 by 3%, in subsequent years – by 2%. The length of the working day becomes longer every year, this directly affects the volume of work performed, and therefore the profitability of production. In 2005, there were few days worked by one worker per year - only 277 days, but in other years - 290 days, as required. Average daily production increased by 8% (rota rate) compared to 2006 and 2007. In general, labor productivity is efficient and high, meeting all standards and requirements.

Table 14 – Calculations for table 13

No. Indicators Calculations
A 1
1 Share of workers in the total number PPP = (Chr / Chp) x 100% (%)
2 The total amount of time worked per year by one worker PM/HR= thousand h
3 Average working day (Tch/Ph): 290days (hour)
4 Average annual output, thousand rubles :
5 one worker TP/Chr
6 Worked by one worker per year, days

Human Resources Department is a structure in an organization that deals with personnel management.

The HR department is not only a functional unit, it is also the face of the company, since it is in the HR department that any applicant begins to get acquainted with the organization.

Purpose of HR department

The purpose of the HR department is to contribute to the achievement of the goals of the enterprise (organization) by providing the enterprise with the necessary personnel and effective use workers' potential.

The selection of workers is carried out using specially developed strategies: submitting information about vacancies to the media and employment services, using selection methods, testing, procedures for adapting specialists and subsequent advanced training.

Tasks of the HR Department

The main task of the HR department is to correctly take into account the work of employees, determine the number of working days, days off and sick days for calculating wages, vacations and submitting information to the organization’s accounting department.

Also, the main tasks of the HR department are:

    organization of selection, recruitment and hiring of personnel with the required qualifications and in the required volume. The selection of workers is carried out using specially developed strategies: from submitting information about vacancies in the media and employment services to the use of selection methods, testing, procedures for adapting specialists and subsequent advanced training;

    creating an effective staffing system;

    development of employee career plans;

    development of personnel technologies.

In addition, the HR department must submit information about employees to Pension Fund Russian Federation, insurance companies, Tax and Migration services.

HR functions

The main function of the HR department at an enterprise is personnel selection.

The main functions of the HR department at an enterprise include:

    determining the organization’s personnel needs and recruiting personnel together with department heads;

    analysis of staff turnover, search for methods to combat high levels of turnover;

    introduction of labor motivation systems;

    preparation of the company's staffing table;

    registration of personal files of employees, issuing certificates and copies of documents upon request of employees;

    carrying out operations with work books (reception, issuance, filling out and storing documents);

    keeping records of vacations, drawing up schedules and processing vacations in accordance with the current labor legislation;

    organization of employee certifications;

    preparation of employee training plans.

HR department structure

The structure of the enterprise's personnel department and its number is determined by the director of each company, depending on the total number of personnel and the characteristics of the activity.

IN small companies(up to 100 employees) one or two personnel service employees are sufficient.

At the same time, in small enterprises there may not be a separate employee, and then such work is performed by the chief accountant or general director.

In medium-sized organizations (from 100 employees to 500 people), it is advisable to create a personnel personnel service of three to four personnel specialists

On large enterprises, where 500 or more people work, the HR department may have from 7 to 10 employees.

Relationships between the HR department and other departments

To effectively perform its functions, the HR department needs to constantly and closely interact with other departments of the enterprise:

Interaction with the organization's accounting department

The HR department interacts with the organization's accounting department to resolve issues related to wages.

Thus, the HR department submits documents and copies of orders on dismissal, hiring, business trips, vacations, incentives or penalties for employees to the organization’s accounting department.

Interaction with the legal department

The Legal Department provides HR employees with information about latest changes in current legislation, provides comprehensive legal support.

Interaction with other departments of the company

On personnel issues, the HR department constantly interacts with everyone structural divisions companies.

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To carry out the production process, the presence of three factors or economic resources is necessary:

  • means of labor (OPF);
  • objects of labor (OS);
  • labor resources.

Labor resources is a broad concept. This is the working age population not employed in manufacturing or non-manufacturing. Persons of working age involved in production are called production personnel.

The quality of products, the costs of their production and, ultimately, production efficiency depend on the composition of personnel, their structure, qualifications, and attitude towards work.

All workers in production are divided into 2 groups:

1) industrial production personnel (these are people directly involved in production);

2) non-industrial personnel. This group includes workers serving non-industrial farms and enterprise organizations (housing and communal services, children's institutions, vocational schools, clubs, medical units, subsidiary plots and so on.).

Depending on the functions performed, the PPP is divided into the following categories:

  • workers;
  • managers and specialists;
  • employees;
  • security, students.

Depending on their participation in production, workers are divided into Main AND Auxiliary.

Essential workers Directly carry out technological processes manufacturing products, that is, they influence the subject of labor and manage production equipment.

Auxiliary workers They carry out repairs of equipment, instrumentation, monitoring the progress of the process, the quality of raw materials and products, transportation, movement of raw materials, materials and finished products, that is, they perform the functions of maintenance and production support.

Managers and specialists They perform the functions of management, planning, technical and organizational management of production: these are shop managers, technologists, mechanics, power engineers, economists, employees of functional services and departments. In the number of industrial enterprises, their share is approximately 14% (chemical industry), 11% (PSM).

Employees. This category includes workers performing accounting, clerical and housekeeping work (accountants, typists, administrative maintenance workers). Their share in the total number of PPP is approximately 3%.

MOP– these are workers engaged in personal services for workers (wardrobe workers, cleaners production premises, wipers, etc.).

VOKHR and students– guard and fire protection workers, students – persons, regardless of age, undergoing individual or team industrial training directly at the enterprise. The share of the last two groups in the number of PPP is approximately 3%.

Main and auxiliary workers differ in profession, specialty and qualifications.

Profession- this is a genus labor activity requiring special training to work in a given industry.

The profession includes a number of Specialties. For example, the profession of a mechanic includes the following specialties: assembler, repairman, toolmaker, plumber, etc.

Qualification It means a set of knowledge, skills and abilities to perform certain jobs. It is characterized by tariff category.

A modern worker deals with a large flow of information, so he must have not only general and professional knowledge, but also have the ability to correctly perceive and interpret information, and quickly respond to its changes.

IN modern conditions Requirements for specialists with higher education are increasing. They must be able to think economically, master new management methods, study system analysis and issues of production management in market conditions, acquire knowledge in the field of sociology, psychology, law, finance, foreign economic activity.

Periodic certification of specialists and a system of training and retraining of personnel are aimed at solving these problems.

The personnel structure is understood as the percentage of the number of each of the listed categories to the total number of teaching staff. The structure of personnel changes as a result of scientific and technical progress (the share of engineering and technical personnel is increased, the share of auxiliary workers and the share of workers engaged in heavy unskilled labor is reduced in the number of workers).

Analysis of the personnel structure allows us to determine the need for them and plan their training.

Staffing analysis, qualification requirements to the work being performed, job descriptions, as well as the main quantitative indicators characterizing the labor potential of the enterprise (in accordance with Table 2), allows us to draw the following conclusions.

Table 2. Personnel structure of the enterprise


Change, %

1. number of employees, according to the staffing table

2. actual number of employees

Managers, specialists, employees

Support workers

4. personnel structure by gender



5. personnel structure by age

From 50 years old

6. personnel structure by educational level

Vocational education

Unfinished higher education

Additional education (second higher education, candidates, doctors of science)

7. personnel structure by length of service in this field

Less than a year

From one to three years

Three to five years

More than five years

The actual number of employees is slightly lower than the planned number, according to the staffing table, in 2007. (96%), however in 2008 the actual number of employees exceeds the planned number by 5%.

The personnel structure according to social and typological characteristics is characterized by approximately equal numbers of male and female employees (47% and 53%).

The largest share in the workforce structure by age is occupied by workers aged from 25 to 35 years (47%) and from 35 to 50 years (28%).

In terms of education level, more than half of the enterprise personnel (62%) have higher education, while 16% have a second higher education or an academic degree.

Thus, the personnel of Leleya LLC can be characterized as an experienced team, with a high educational level and an average work experience of three to five years.

Analysis of labor movement.

Table 3. Reasons for dismissal of employees of Leleya LLC

Fired for reasons

Number of workers, people

* for old age pension

* for disability

* pensioners

* by agreement of the parties

* for violation of labor. disciplines

*at your own request

* unsatisfactory content of labor

* shift work schedule

* work outside of your specialty

* not satisfied with salary

* conflict with the administration

* change of residence

* other reasons

Analysis of the movement of labor at the enterprise allows us to conclude that in the period under study, the percentage of workers who quit was a small proportion of the total average number of personnel (6%).

The efficiency of an enterprise directly depends on the productivity of employees. In this case, the indicators of worker productivity are the average annual output (labor intensity). Table 4 presents data on labor productivity of workers in the study period.

Table 4. Analysis of worker productivity

Thus, in the analyzed period there is an increase in actual output per worker (labor intensity) by 2.2%. At the same time, there was a general decrease in actual output per employee of the enterprise by 8%. This fact is explained by the fact that the increase in the share of workers in the total number of personnel is insufficient to achieve efficiency, as well as by a reduction in shift duration.

An analysis of the planned indicators of the wage fund is presented in Table 5.

Table 5. FZP analysis

According to the data presented, there is an increase in the planned indicators of the staff wage fund by an average of 100%. This fact is explained by the need to increase wages in order to provide material interest to workers in the high-quality implementation of production tasks.

Analysis of costs associated with the formation and use of human resources.

Appeal to labor potential as intangible resource, requiring certain investments, allows you to characterize this resource in monetary terms and estimate the cost of the labor force hired by the enterprise.

In accordance with the classification by phases of the reproduction process, the costs of an organization’s personnel relate to the costs of creating a qualified workforce, the costs of its redistribution and the costs of its use. Basic data on personnel costs are summarized in Table 6.

At the stage of forming human resources, the enterprise incurs costs: planning personnel requirements (salaries for personnel analysts, costs for collecting information); recruitment (cost of publishing information in the media, cost of selecting candidates); personnel selection (cost of training 1 employee).

At the stage of distribution and use of personnel, the following cost items are identified: wage fund; social insurance costs; cost of vocational training; costs for intra-organizational training, etc.

Based on the data presented in Table 6, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The main share of personnel costs is the cost of paying wages, they account for an average of 73% of the volume of costs for labor.

In second place are the costs of various payments, benefits, bonuses and costs for social needs of personnel. Together, they account for about 13.3% of a business's total labor costs.

In third place in terms of costs are the costs of training and retraining of employees (2.88%).

Table 6. Cost of enterprise personnel in 2007, (thousand rubles)


1. payroll

2. payments, benefits, bonuses

3. medical costs

4. social insurance costs

5. costs of maintaining the personnel service

6. cost of vocational training per employee

7. taxes on the use of labor

8. selection costs

9. number of hired employees

10. costs of hiring 1 employee

11. costs for intra-organizational training

12. payment for unworked time

13. costs for documentary support of the work process

14. cost per unit of labor

15. losses due to the need to train new employees

16. volume of labor costs

17. overall economic efficiency of labor costs (%)

In addition to the costs of developing and using human resources, when assessing the economic efficiency of personnel activities, the following indicators are used:

Labor productivity, which is calculated as the ratio of the result from production activities to labor costs.

Pt = Op/T, (1).

where Op is the result of production activities (rubles).

T - labor costs ( average number workers).

Based on the results of 2007, this indicator at the enterprise under study is equal to 3354.5 rubles; this indicator characterizes the efficiency of an employee at a certain level of enterprise costs for the development and use of his labor.

Specific cost intensity is an indicator characterizing labor costs (in rubles) required to obtain 1 ruble. products.

Ur = Z/Op, (2).

where Z is labor costs in the reporting period (rubles);

Op - the result of production activities, (rubles).

In the period under study, the cost intensity indicator was 0.31 rubles, thus, it can be noted that the comparative economic efficiency activities to build human resources from the point of view of cost recovery for their implementation.

The inverse indicator of the specific cost intensity indicator is the indicator characterizing the volume of production per 1 ruble of labor costs.

F = Op/Z (3), where

Op - the result of production activity;

Z - labor costs.

In the study period, this figure averaged 13.4 rubles. That is, for 1 ruble of costs invested in the development and use of personnel, there are 13.4 rubles of services produced (revenue received).

In dynamics, this indicator allows you to control changes in the efficiency of these costs: an increase in output per unit of cost indicates their feasibility.

The economic efficiency of the formation of human resources is characterized not only by the effectiveness of production activities, but also by its efficiency, that is, the achievement of a certain result with minimal costs.

To characterize the effectiveness of the personnel management system, it is also necessary to evaluate the social component of work.

A survey was conducted among the company's employees. 23 people from managers, specialists and employees took part in the survey.

Table 7. Assessment of the relationship between personnel and the company at Leleya LLC

Table 7 shows that for the majority of the company’s employees, work occupies an important place in life (a priority over personal life or on an equal basis with it). However, a third of employees believe that personal time is more important than work. 8 people said this. Only one of them is a man - the rest are women. For every fifth company employee, work is more important than personal time. 5 people mentioned this.

Employees participating in the study were asked to answer several questions to determine their level of satisfaction with their jobs.


The survey results are presented in Table 8.

Table 8. Job satisfaction of Leleya LLC personnel

Nature of responses


Medical staff

Auxiliary workers

Number, persons

Number, persons

Number, persons

Not really

I find it difficult to answer


As follows from Table 8, one of the managers is not satisfied with his work. From medical personnel about half consider their work to be satisfactory, and about half - not sufficiently satisfactory. 1 person from the respondents is not satisfied with the work.

As for the support workers, the majority of them are not completely satisfied with their work, but 3 people consider their work satisfactory, and only one person is not satisfied with the working conditions at Leleya LLC.

Table 9 presents factors influencing the job satisfaction of cosmetology center staff.

Table 9. Factors influencing job satisfaction of the staff of the cosmetology center of Leleya LLC

As can be seen from Table 9, the main factors that dissatisfy the employees of the cosmetology center of Leleya LLC include the lack of prestige of the work, low pay - as noted by 5 waiters and cooks and 2 washers and cleaners. In addition, 3 support workers noted, that the work is not interesting.Two cosmetologists answered the same way.

Rice. 8.

For three medical workers this work does not correspond to the acquired specialty, which is presented in Table 10.

Table 10. Does the work you do match your qualifications? (based on the results of a social survey of Leleya LLC personnel)

As the analysis of the data in Table 10 shows, the manager’s qualifications meet the job requirements. Among the medical personnel, three people have higher qualifications than required by the job, and the same is noted in the group of support workers. The qualifications of the majority (8 people) of cosmetologists and 4 support workers fully meet the job requirements. And only three specialists and two employees maintenance qualifications are lower than required by the job.

Rice. 9.

Table 11 presents the results of assessing the psychological climate in the company.

Table 11. How do you assess the psychological climate in your team? (according to a social survey of personnel at Leleya LLC)

As can be seen from Table 11, a favorable environment in the team has a positive effect on the work of the team.

Rice. 10.

A good psychological climate is characterized by a high degree of trust among team members, demands on each other, cohesion, and psychological compatibility.

As this table shows, only one person in the company rates the psychological climate as very good.

The majority of the staff - managers, 12 cosmetologists and 5 support workers - rate the psychological climate as normal. Two medical workers and three specialists rate the psychological climate negatively, and one person - very negatively. This suggests that there is room to improve the motivation system.

Table 12 presents the results of the analysis of attractive aspects official activities.

Table 12. Which aspects of your job are most attractive to you? (according to a social survey of personnel at Leleya LLC)

Nature of responses


Medical staff

Support workers

Number, persons

Number, persons

Number, persons

Opportunity to benefit society

Opportunity to work creatively

Opportunity to lead a team

Opportunity to realize yourself in this field

Opportunity to communicate widely with people (colleagues and clients)

Ability to work without harm to health

Opportunity for career growth

Desire to do high-paying jobs

As the data in Table 12 shows, among the main attractive aspects of professional activity were the following: the opportunity to communicate widely with people - this position was emphasized by 7 specialists and 4 support workers. In second place is the opportunity to realize oneself in this field - this is how 3 cosmetologists answered.

2 specialists noted the opportunity to work creatively. All other factors are insignificant - they either remained unmarked or were identified by a very small number of employees.

Table 13 shows staff satisfaction with earnings.

Table 13. Are you satisfied with the amount of earnings you receive? (according to a social survey of personnel at Leleya LLC)

Nature of responses


Medical staff

Support workers

Number, persons

Number, persons

Number, persons

It depends

I find it difficult to answer

Analyzing the remuneration system presented in Table 13, it should be noted that, on average, cosmetologist specialists are satisfied with the remuneration system - 9 people responded this way. Not satisfied wages 4 medical workers, and are completely satisfied 3. The manager is also completely satisfied with the level of wages. Among support workers, the majority are not satisfied with their wages - 5 people. Two people are satisfied at an average level and two are satisfied with their salaries.

Table 14 shows the dependence of personnel wages on labor results.

Table 14. Does your salary depend on the actual results of your work? (according to a social survey of personnel at Leleya LLC)

Nature of responses


Medical staff

Support workers

Number, persons

Number, persons

Number, persons

Depends on the premium

I find it difficult to answer

Analyzing Table 14, it can be noted that in the cosmetology center of Leleya LLC, wages directly depend on the results of labor.

This is noted by the majority of cosmetologists (12 people) and support workers (4 people).

In addition to wages, bonuses also depend on the results of work - this is how three cosmetologists and two technical workers answered.

And only one person noted that wages do not depend on the results of work.

Table 15 presents the results of the complete implementation of staff abilities.

Table 15. Do you fully realize your abilities (knowledge, abilities, skills) at work? (according to a social survey of personnel at Leleya LLC)

Analyzing Table 15, we can conclude that about a third of the employees of the cosmetology center make full use of their abilities (knowledge, abilities, skills).

Table 16 indicates factors that hinder the full realization of employees' abilities.

Table 16. If you do not fully realize your abilities at work, then why? (according to a social survey of personnel at Leleya LLC)

Nature of responses


Medical staff

Support workers

Number, persons

Number, persons

Number, persons

Low salary

There is no connection between the amount of remuneration and the results of work, my qualifications and professionalism

No moral interest (promotion, self-realization)

There is no need to use my full intellectual and physical abilities at work

Other (write here)

As follows from Table 16, among the factors negatively affecting the realization of abilities, the manager noted the lack of need to fully use intellectual and physical abilities at work.

Specialists and cosmetologists in equally consider the lack of need to realize intellectual and physical abilities to be prevalent.

In addition, they note the lack of connection between wages, qualifications and professionalism.

Table 17 shows staff satisfaction with the moral incentive system.

As Table 17 shows, at the Leleya cosmetology center there are reserves of labor motivation through moral stimulation. For example, only one technical worker and one medical worker are completely satisfied with the moral incentive system.

Table 17. To what extent are you satisfied with the moral incentive system (according to a social survey of personnel at Leleya LLC)

The manager is mostly satisfied with the moral incentive system, as are specialists, cosmetologists and support workers, on average 50%.

However, 6 cosmetologists and 2 support workers are not satisfied with the moral incentive system.

Table 18 provides an assessment of the conditions for promotion career ladder.

As follows from Table 18, there are reserves for increasing motivation in the area of ​​career advancement. Conditions for further advancement are assessed as good only by the manager, 3 cosmetologists and one of the technical workers.

Five cosmetologists and specialists and three support workers rate their career advancement opportunities as satisfactory. About half of the medical staff (7 people) and 3 technical workers consider the conditions for moving up the career ladder to be frankly bad. Although for support workers and medical personnel, whose age is on average 26-40 years and younger, it is important to see the prospect of further promotion, and 5 of them have reserves in qualifications that are higher than what the job requires. Provide more options career growth- another motivation factor that can significantly affect labor productivity.

Table 19 shows the negative factors associated with the work of personnel.

Table 19. Do factors such as: (according to a social survey of personnel at Leleya LLC) take place in your work?

Nature of responses


Medical staff

Support workers

Number, persons

Number, persons

Number, persons

Monotony, sameness

Uneven workload during the day (other period)

High degree of responsibility for decisions made

Fear of making a mistake

Frequent conflict situations

Working on a computer for a long time

Frequent overtime work

Other negative factors (write here)

As follows from Table 19, the first priority for support workers is uneven workload throughout the day. A high degree of responsibility takes place in the work of a manager. Common to all categories of workers, monotony, etc. prevails. Cosmetologists often work overtime.

Table 20 provides an assessment of working conditions.

Table 20. How do you assess your working conditions (comfort, technical equipment, ensuring physical and psychological security, etc.)? (according to a social survey of personnel at Leleya LLC)

As Table 20 shows, working conditions (comfort, technical equipment, provision of physical and psychological security) in the Leleya cosmetology center are at a satisfactory level. This was noted by 8 cosmetologists and 5 support workers.

In addition to specific work-related factors, employees of the cosmetology center are also affected by the consequences of ordinary stressful phenomena characteristic of all Russians: the threat of losing their job, the rising cost of living, legal and social insecurity, the danger associated with the increased criminal situation in the country, etc.

Hence the unproductive mental tension, emotional breakdowns, intolerance, and the desire to reduce the traumatic force of tension in any way.

This often leads to premature fatigue, decreased attention, deterioration in indicators of well-being, activity, and as a result, an increase in the number of errors, deterioration in the quality of work and other undesirable phenomena.

The action of specific factors leading to the emergence of negative mental states in labor subjects negatively affects the efficiency and reliability of activities.

Compensation for the negative impact of negative functional states that occur in the activities of the personnel of Leleya LLC is carried out through volitional efforts, with the inclusion of reserve capabilities.

At the same time, backup capabilities must be functional, i.e. associated with the stock of skills, abilities, and knowledge used in emergency situations.

Taking into account the operating conditions of the employees of the Leleya cosmetology center, it is necessary to approach the issue of motivating their work accordingly.

Firstly, psychological readiness to work in such conditions is necessary.

Secondly, we need a system of positive motivations as the main component of sustainability professional activity in quantitative and qualitative aspects, as well as in the temporary aspect of professional activity.