What to name a financial company. How to name a company so that it is successful? Why does the company have a name?

The name of the company is the first thing that potential clients, suppliers and other partners pay attention to. Therefore, choosing it is an important step for building a successful business. The name must be unique, catchy and memorable in order to stand out from competitors and evoke a positive reaction from consumers.

Below are tips for choosing an LLC name, examples of business names from different industries, and legal restrictions.

How to choose a company name that brings good luck?

When choosing a name, a company should take into account the reaction of customers. If it is understandable to the consumer, evokes positive emotions and thus contributes to sales growth, then it can be considered successful.

It is worth paying attention to the following nuances:

  • The company name should not mislead the client. For example, you should not call Bogatyr LLC if the company sells flowers.
  • It is better to abandon name options tied to the location of the company. This may become a problem if the sales geography expands and may require renaming.
  • The name does not have to be directly related to the organization's activities or products. It is better to focus on memorability and ease of pronunciation.

Advice: When using foreign words in the LLC name, clarify their meaning so that consumers do not have problems with interpretation.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Kommersant Y b E YU I

To find out whether the energy of the LLC name corresponds to the type of activity of the enterprise, it is necessary to represent each letter of the name as a number and sum until a single digit number remains. Example:

  • “Magnet” - 5 (M) + 1 (A) + 4 (G) + 6 (H) + 1 (I) + 2 (T) = 19.
  • 19 is 1+9 = 10.
  • 10 is 1+0 = 1.

Having made the calculations, you need to turn to the decoding:

  • 1 - a good choice for companies engaged in innovative developments, new technologies, etc.;
  • 2 - suitable for medical and educational organizations, design firms, hairdressing salons, cleaning companies;
  • 3 - for business in the field of entertainment, catering, advertising;
  • 4 - a number that brings good luck to large LLCs whose activities are related to agriculture, mechanical engineering, design, and construction;
  • 5 - the energy of the five favors the field of sports and recreation (sale of equipment, sanatorium complexes, fishing supplies);
  • 6 - will bring good luck in the creative industries, floristry, decoration, cosmetology and medicine;
  • 7 - suitable for companies producing expensive and exotic products;
  • 8 - contributes to the success of accounting, auditing business and everything related to finance;
  • 9 - promises good luck to charitable and educational organizations.

LLC name - examples (list)

Let's look at options for different companies.

Construction company names

In this area, it is important to create a sense of reliability in clients. The most popular prefixes in the names of construction companies are “house” and “build”. List of examples:

  • "DobroStroy";
  • "Your home";
  • "ZhilStroy";
  • "MasterStroy";
  • "Comfort Town".

Law Firm Names

The name should instill confidence in the client that his problem will be solved by competent specialists. The sonorous surnames of the founders and words related to law and justice are often used. List of examples:

  • "Smirnov and Partners";
  • "Your right";
  • "Hand of Themis";
  • "Code of honor";
  • "Letter of the law".

Names of transport organization

The name of the transport company, as a rule, should evoke associations with the road, delivery and cargo. List of examples:

  • "Cargo Technologies";
  • Vesta-Trans;
  • "Azimuth";
  • "Alfa Logistic";
  • "Steam Trans".

Travel company names

Associations with the sea, sun and relaxation would be appropriate. If the company is highly specialized (only last minute tours, trips to certain countries, etc.), this should be reflected in the name. List of examples:

  • "Let's go with us";
  • "Fire Tours";
  • "Fly Asia";
  • "Tropic Tour";
  • "Holiday Time".

Accounting company names

For a positive perception of the company, you should choose solid names that directly or indirectly indicate the type of activity. You can play with the words “audit”, “expert”, “balance sheet”, “accounting”, etc. List of examples:

  • "Audit Premier";
  • "Predicate";
  • "BukhBuro";
  • "Audit 911";
  • "Phoenix Account".

Names of medical organization

Clients understand medical terms and health-related words best. List of examples:

  • "Best Clinic";
  • "Good Doctor";
  • "Harmony of Health";
  • "Family doctor";
  • "Paracelsus".

Furniture company names

The company name can be associated with luxury, comfort, style or home furnishings. List of examples:

  • "Trio-Interior";
  • "Pan Divan";
  • "Chair and table";
  • "Mebellion"
  • "33 chests of drawers."

Advice: if you are planning to open a business, check out.

What is unacceptable to use in a company name?

According to the norms of Russian legislation, prescribed in Article 1473 of the Civil Code, the following cannot be used in the name of an LLC:

  • offensive designations and words towards individuals or groups of the population;
  • full or abbreviated names of foreign countries - for example, Sweden LLC;
  • names of public associations;
  • names of state authorities and local governments;
  • the words “Russian Federation”, “Russia” without special permission;
  • names that are intellectual property and protected by copyright law.

In general, the following requirements apply to LLC names:

  1. The full name of the enterprise must consist of letters of the Russian alphabet - transcription is used for foreign words, Roman and Arabic numerals can also be included.
  2. In the constituent documents, the name must be written in Cyrillic; the Latin alphabet is used only when filling out forms in a foreign language.
  3. The unique name of the LLC is indicated in quotation marks and follows the legal form; An example is the limited liability company “Health Key”.

In addition to what is prohibited by law, the following is not recommended in the name:

  • use long and difficult to pronounce words - they are difficult to remember, and they often look overly formal;
  • abuse abbreviations - the name may turn out to be faceless;
  • speculate on the names of popular brands - as a rule, names like “Adibas” and “Dolci Gobana” only cause distrust among customers;
  • use adjectives “selected”, “exclusive”, “elite” - often they have the opposite effect, and the name looks cheap in the eyes of consumers.

Where can I order a name for my organization?

Often, businessmen entrust the development of a name for their company to professionals in the field of naming - this is the name of the process of creating an original name for an organization. The specialist’s task is to come up with a commercially successful name that will be used as a marketing tool.

You can turn to numerous design studios for help by entering the phrase “order naming” in a search engine. Freelance copywriters also provide this service. You can find a contractor for an order or hold a competition among authors, for example, on the website freelance.ru.

Let's sum it up

When coming up with an LLC name, it is recommended to focus on ease of pronunciation, memorability and originality. If you need a name that brings good luck, you can create it based on the principles of numerology. The name must not be offensive or violate intellectual property rights. You can order a company name from a studio that provides naming services.

How to come up with a company name: selection requirements + 5 ways to search for a name + 5 steps to choosing + 7 naming techniques + online services for creating a name.

Every businessman is aware that the name chosen for a company, store or shopping center can influence the future fate of the business.

Often, novice entrepreneurs, due to their inexperience, choose long and overly complicated names that have nothing to do with the direction of the business.

Because the question is how to come up with a company name and remain in the ear of buyers, does not lose its relevance.

Basic requirements for a company name

At first glance, it may seem that you can come up with a name for a company in 1-2 hours.

But in fact, this process is quite long and labor-intensive.

Naming requires a huge amount of time and effort.

Coming up with a company name is like choosing a name for your child.

Experts in the field of psychology highlight the concept of 7 seconds.

It is during this time, according to experts, that one can evaluate a new interlocutor.

The same principle applies to business names.

The target audience evaluates the brand and its name within a short period of 7 seconds from the moment of first contact.

Therefore, it is necessary to come up with a name that can win over potential clients in such a minimal time.

In parallel, it should contain three main criteria:

  1. Easy to read and easy to pronounce.
  2. Easily remembered and recreated in memory.
  3. Does not evoke negative memories and emotions. A brand should evoke only positive feelings.

These aspects are the basis for creating a name for the new company.

Regardless of whether you are opening an online store, a flower shop or a personal blog, the name you come up with for a company or production should be melodious, memorable and creative.

5 main ways to create a name in naming


    The name directly depends on the field of business.

    For example: “Your milkman”, “Cow” for a supplier of dairy products.

    Law firms select names in the style of “Letter of the Law”, “Themis” (which also creates a positive feeling of reliability and a serious approach to business).


    Basically, the creation of such names is based on a connection to a nearby landmark, local legend or centuries-old traditions.

    For example: “Petropavlovsk kvass”, “Crimean source” - for a water producer.


    It is based on the creation of phrases that were obtained by combining or modifying words (“Smeshariki”, “Zabodaikin”).


    Word formation characterizing the company's activities.

    It may also contain the names, pseudonyms or surnames of its creators (“Cafe at Gleb’s”, “Meat Shop”).


    Invented colorful, sensual company names that are associated with the company’s service or product (teen magazine “Oops”, “Summer” juices).

5 Steps to Creating a Great Company Name

In the understanding of most, a successful name for a company should simply come to mind by itself.

Sometimes a miracle really happens and the founder gets a brilliant idea for a name for his brainchild.

But this is rather an exception to the rule.

Any companies that professionally engage in naming divide the process into 5 key steps.

Step 1. Analysis

An effective name is more than just inspiration and a pretty sound.

It should be based on the tastes of the target audience and correctly characterize the products offered.

To do this, an analysis is carried out on the following points:

    To choose a name that will appeal to customers, you need to understand who exactly the target audience of the product is.

    What do they like?

    What do people expect from your products?

    It is important to evaluate the names created by competitors.

    Your company name should be different.

    And, of course, to be better and more spectacular.

  • A description of the product or service offered by the company is compiled.
  • Basic data related to the company itself is also important: competitiveness, differences and advantages over organizations in the same direction.

Step 2. Strategy development

At this stage, additional frameworks should be set that will help “sift through” the invented names.

The business owner must determine his wishes on the following points:

  • What language will the title be in?
  • Long or short?
  • What style will correspond to the concept of the company (official, comic, others)?

Step 3. Putting the strategy into action

“Right after the moment of greatest difficulty lies success.”
Jared Leto

At this stage, names are selected that meet the above criteria.

It is best to come up with a company name with the help of several people.

For example, gather a couple of your best employees who have extraordinary and creative thinking.

Or arrange a family council.

Do not deprive children of attention: often their imagination works even more productively than that of adults.

Write down all the worthy options for “names”, and then “sift” them according to the points identified in step No. 2.

Step 4: Test your business name

The selected titles need to be tested in more detail. Please pay attention to the following points:

  • What associations does the name evoke among strangers?
  • How unique is it (especially important compared to competitors)?
  • Is it easy to remember and write?
  • Doesn't it sound funny or stupid when translated into other languages ​​(if you plan to expand to an international market)?

You can check the uniqueness on the following services:

  • https://www.znakoved.ru/baza_zaregistrirovannyh_tovarnyh_znakov/,
  • https://poiskznakov.ru/ (paid service).

But to analyze the remaining points, it is better to turn to friends, relatives, colleagues, that is, get an outside perspective.

Step 5: Compliance with the Law

Before you start registering your chosen name, make sure that it complies with legal requirements.

You can find a complete list of current restrictions in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part 4, article 1473 (https://base.garant.ru/10164072/77/).

Key points to know:

  • names of states and derivatives from them cannot be included;
  • the name should not violate religious or national rights, or contain obscene or inhumane statements;
  • cannot include the names of well-known associations;
  • should not be in tune with any popular brands.

7 naming techniques: how to come up with a name for a company

In naming (developing a name for a company or product), 7 key techniques can be distinguished.

If the above steps for choosing a name did not give any result, try these methods.

Seven key naming techniques that will help you choose a “name” for your company:

    The name of the company can be formed by the name of the founder.

    Famous brands have used this method: "", "Gillette", "Shimano".


    It is based on the repetition of monotypic words in order to form a specific rhythm and rhyme.

    A good example is the manufacturer of the sweet drink Coca-Cola.


    Abbreviation of several words.

    For example, Dolce&Gabbana, Louis Vuitton.

    Method of analogy.

    Use of well-known terms and concepts in the company name.

    For example, "Jaguar", "Puma".

    Parts of words.

    This method of word formation is similar to the abbreviation method.

    Only the first letters, but parts of the word, are used as an idea.

    For example, the company “Integral Electronics” used this method, which resulted in the world-famous “Intel”.


    This includes words that imitate the sound made by animals or humans.

    For example, for a dog food company you can choose the name “Woof”, for a girl’s magazine - “Oops”.

    Hidden meaning.

    A good example is the global brand Nike, which contains the name of the ancient Greek goddess Nike, who was considered a symbol of victory.

A few more tips for those who are choosing a name for a company:

How to come up with a company name using an online service?

The above techniques and methods did not bring the desired result, but your imagination completely refuses to cooperate?

Perhaps the only thing left to do is turn to online name generators.

It’s worth pointing out right away: don’t seriously count on any programs being able to generate and come up with a really cool and unique name for a company.

The sites below simply provide random options.

But it's possible that you might really like one of them.

Or at least this method can stimulate the brain to create new, unique ideas.

Online services for generating new ideas

This article provided many ways to how to come up with a company name.

Don’t be upset if you’ve tried all the tricks (including visiting every name generation resource) and still haven’t chosen the “name of your dreams.”

Like any other creative endeavor, choosing a title can be time consuming.

But in the end, the right one will definitely be found.

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Choosing a good company name is not an easy or idle question. Moreover, this is not a secondary issue. It is necessary to choose a name that will “work” for the business for many years, will embody all the values ​​of the business, and characterize the company from the best side.

Of course, it is best to entrust such work to specialists, professionals, but, as a rule, such services are expensive and not all beginning entrepreneurs can afford them.

The first and simple thing you can do at the start on your own and at no cost is to create your own small focus group consisting of relatives, friends and just acquaintances.

You can give this focus group “to be torn apart” by those options for the company name that you have already come up with. Ask them to express their attitude towards a particular name, ask why they like or dislike the name.

Enter the results into a makeshift table, mark each name with a minus/plus. It is ideal if all opinions about a particular name of your amateur focus group are reasoned.

Surely, with such a squeak, you will identify several winning names for yourself. From the pool of such improvised winners, you choose the name that will work for your business.

Interesting company names are a way to stand out

There are entire lists of beautiful company names on the Internet that anyone can use.

Yes, to stand out from other competitive titles. It's not easy, but that's the main thing. Many may say: “You need to stand out with a service or product. Quality of service provision, etc.” There is no doubt - this is true.

But imagine yourself in the shoes of your consumer. That consumer who has not yet started studying your offer, but is only choosing a company from a dozen or even hundreds of offers.

Your task is to offer him a name that will immediately interest him, highlight your business, and perhaps even put him in first place in the search. Even before he decides to study the price or description of the products. Being the first at the very first step of the consumer is very important, this is the key to success.

This means that the names of successful companies play a big role in the success of the entire business.

Of course, there are many factors to consider when choosing a name. For example, a bright, catchy and even trendy name is not suitable for companies that offer financial or consulting services. Here you will have to sacrifice brightness and originality.

Simply because it is undignified. Who would come up with the idea to name a consulting business: “Orange Elephant” or “Jolly Hippopotamus”? We're exaggerating, of course, but you really need to be careful here.

Large companies with large advertising budgets can afford to choose a name less carefully, since any name can be easily promoted for money. Beginning entrepreneurs with limited advertising budgets should think a hundred times and only then “cut off”.

How to choose a company name? Small but useful instructions: use language tricks

  • Choose a name that lends itself to puns. A great example of such a play on words is “Little Potato”. Just great! With humor, warmth and homeliness. We are confident that many who read this name will, from the first minute, treat such a business with warmth and great hope for tasty and high-quality food. A great example of a smart marketing move. Five points!;
  • A strong name should be simple. Choose a name for your business that is easy to remember and write. A simple example: you are driving your own car to work and an interesting advertisement comes into your field of vision, say, on a roadside billboard. Which one will you quickly remember: International Communications Liberty or Incomly? Even better is “Incol”;
  • Choose a name that won't be asked again. We have bitter experience when, in pursuit of originality, we chose the company name: “Audit Profit Engineering.” Countless times we have been asked how to spell the name correctly. We used to repeat the name several times until people got the hang of it. We are sure (peculiarities of psychology) people don’t like this, which means that many people, even at the first acquaintance with the business, experienced a slight discomfort, and therefore negativity associated with the name of the company;
  • Avoid puns in the title. Punning your company name is a risky move. Even if such a name is easy to remember, you still shouldn’t risk the company’s authority and immediately set the consumer up for slight disrespect;
  • Never imitate the famous. You can easily get caught up in serious litigation and lose a lot: money for lawyers, court costs, changing the company name, fines, etc. The most important thing is a good name, which will be difficult to restore even for a lot of money.

Original company names and domain name

Interesting company names in examples.

Beautiful names for companies must be chosen because your future consumer associates the company name with the quality of your business.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs, when choosing a name for their new business, miss the most important point - the domain name. Today, any business must have a presence on the Internet.

Especially those businesses that plan to enter not only local markets, but also regional markets, and possibly international ones. (“The bad soldier is the one who doesn’t dream of becoming a general”).

In both the first and second cases, a business will need a website and its own domain name.

What will a domain name sound like in English? (We do not recommend using the domain zone – RF for many reasons).

How do you spell? How is it read? And most importantly, is such a domain name free at the moment?

Also, how will search engines react to your domain name? Believe me, we are not new to promoting an online business and understand how important it becomes when a business grows and the business website grows with it.

“The more people find you and your company on the Internet, the more buyers, consumers and people simply loyal to your business you will have.”

Company name in examples.

  • A short domain is not the best choice. If you are going to choose a domain with less than six letters, this is not the best choice. An abbreviation like: irr.ru can be afforded by “monsters” of business, but not by beginners. We need to look further;
  • Play with a combination. For example, the domain name of your business may consist of a set of abbreviated words: “Vetprom.ru”. The fictitious domain name might belong to a fictitious company: "Industrial Windmills";
  • Use translation. Often business owners, when choosing a domain name, use translation from the national language and vice versa. Example: the word “Thank you” in Hawaiian sounds like “Ubunchu”, this sound was taken as the basis for the domain name written in English - Ubuntu;
  • Be careful with the SEO. Many companies, hoping to promote their business in search results, resort to a trick - using keywords in the name of the domain name. Firstly, Google no longer pays attention to this and does not give such a domain name preferences, and secondly, you may end up subject to sanctions in the future. Changing a domain name is neither easy nor expensive;
  • You are in Russia? So – RU! If your business is located in Russia, it will be better in all respects if your domain name is located in the “RU” zone. Believe me, you will not regret this decision in the future.

Name for trading and manufacturing companies.

Managers of trading companies rarely think about the correct name of their own business. Today they sell soap, and tomorrow they sell pumps. Therefore, you can often find an example on the market where a company called “Argo” sells petroleum products. Trade managers prefer to borrow the name of their company from their supplier or manufacturer of goods to which they distribute. At the same time, they add the name of their region to the name. And there are plenty of other prefixes: wholesale, trade, bargaining, supply, sales, investment - there are plenty of them in the names.

Manufacturing companies have a different naming style. They inherited the factories from Soviet times, and they are usually run by former engineers. Technical engineers are very fond of abbreviations, which make it quite difficult to understand what NMZ is - Nizhny Novgorod Mechanical Plant or Nizhny Tagil Mechanical Plant. Soviet production names still dominate the business product market. Of course, there is no point in changing names like VAZ, GAZ or KAMAZ. But other electrical or mechanical industries should think about distinguishing themselves from the gray mass of turning and metalworking shops.

Read on to learn how to brainstorm and choose a name that will suit your business now and in the future. You can find inspiration for your store name around you. Business names can fall into many categories, but searching for these popular types is a good starting point. You can think of these names as a formula: a word or phrase that expresses the vibe or feeling that you want your brand to evoke, added to descriptive words that make it clear what you're selling.

Choose suggestive words that reflect your style. If your items are elegant, use words that have that feeling. If your subjects are quirky or clever, think of words that have this vibrational effect. Let your own unique perspective as an artist or curator illuminate everything about your store, especially your name!

Existing titles

Name type


Sale of construction and power tools

The name indicates wholesale business

Boomsnab, Agrotrade, Thermotechnics

One of the benefits of such names is that buyers can quickly understand what you are selling. One potential downside to this kind of name: If your products change, the name may be harder to adapt. Using your own name as your store name is also an option, and it gives you some flexibility to grow your product line. The namesake stores will always be unique to you and are generic enough that you can explore different types of products and aesthetics as your store grows.

Wholesale supplies of paper indicate raw materials or equipment for industrial use.

Sale of workwear, testing

Monolith, Ally

Reliable partner

Investing partner

Trading company
Indicates a wide range
The name indicates the scope of delivery
The name indicates a large logistics center


One disadvantage is that buyers can't quickly identify what you're selling. Perhaps you want your brand to feel family-friendly, colorful and trendy. Think of words associated with these attributes and start making a list.

The main directions for the flight of thought

The list of backup options is also useful if the store name you settled on is not available.

Once you have some names you're excited about, it's time to do a little research. Checking the items on this list before you make an ad to a store name can save you headaches later.

The name indicates the region, distribution and intermediary services


Large supplier


Industrial products

Cheetah, Leopard

Supply of alcoholic products. Animals that run fast

We offer the following name options for trading or manufacturing companies.

It can be frustrating to discover that the name you want to use is not available, and you may be wondering why you can't use the name when you see that there are no names using that name. Try adding words like "Studio" or "Design" or use a shortened version of an existing company name. Finding what already exists will help you determine if other businesses or websites are already using your name. The more unique the name, the easier it will be to associate it with your business.

Avoid using generic names or terms that will be harder to associate with your brand. Ask friends or family who are in your target market what they think of your name. Ask others what brand they think a business with that name will have or sell. Before jumping to a name, do a little research to see how the words translate into other languages ​​or what negative connotations they may have.

A good store name should be easy for people to understand and remember.


A comment

Drummer, Record, Union

Factory leader, Soviet retro names

Crona, Saturn

Name for the holding

Depot, Manege, Hangar (hangar), Parade Ground, Household, Island, Kit House, Arcade, Vault, Order

These tips will help you choose a memorable name. The former helps customers remember your name, the latter makes it easier for you to find. Take the store name memory test. . Once you have a list of names remembered, take a look at them. By asking yourself these questions, find out what these store owners did to create their own memorable names. Once you have decided on the name of your store, use capital letters to make your store look clearer.

If your store name has multiple words, create visual separation by making the first letter of each word capital letters rather than lowercase. Hopefully these tips will help you brainstorm a name for your store that is unique to you, but if you feel stuck or aren't completely happy with your name, remember that you can change it later. You can change your store name as many times as you like before opening your store for business.

Name for a logistics, shopping complex

Tropic, Prodamir

Name for exotic fruit supplier

Stronghold, Dam

Reliable partner

Gordey, Elisha, Vasil, Afanasy, Laurus

The names indicate the names of the merchants

Goliath, Lord, Samson, Tristan

Once you have opened your store, you can instantly change your name once. If you need to change it again in the future, please submit a request. How did you choose the name of your store? A cool business name makes your business memorable to clients and potential clients. This helps your business stand out from the competition and grabs the attention of customers when they are looking for a supplier. Creating a cool business name requires planning. Once you have a cool name, you can begin the process of marketing your business.

Mythological strongman hero

Dozen, Eloth (English - a lot)

Old Russian name, unit of measurement

Rod, Throne, Helmet, Helmet

Metal trader, raw materials

OJSC "Reserve", IP "Resurs"

Supply structure

Assembly, Guild, Meeting

A business name that uses puns is a cool, effective business name. The names imply a home theater or audiovisual store, but also play on the sounds and meanings of the words. As another example, a shoe store might call itself "Shoes to Fill," "Footrests," "Walk in Your Shoes," or "Best in Shoes." You can use foreign words in your business name to create a nickname nickname. There are several ways to choose what language and words to use when naming your company this way.

Meeting, meeting
Name from two “roots”

Delta, Tier, Outpost, Column. Colonnade

The name indicates a wide range

Bolivar, Reidar, Centaur

Literary title, movement, journey

Perevoz, Novinki (village), Paphos. Emirate, Bosphorus

Geographical name

Pickup, Echelon

You can use a language that is associated with your business - for example, Italian for a pizza place - or a language that is important to you personally, such as the language of your family's heritage country. Mix the languages ​​together to create a name you like. Experiment with different foreign words to find a combination that works for your business. A one-word business name can be cool and easy to remember. Try to be creative with a one-word name. A retail clothing store could use clothing names; Upscale if the store has designer lines; Tops if you're just selling hats; Accessory or appearance.

Supply and delivery

Resident, Opera

Exclusive Dealer Name

Director of RA "Lemon"
A. V. Logvanov
Tel. 831-412-30-34

Whatever you name the yacht, that’s how it will sail. Captain Vrungel

No matter how long your law firm has been in business, the name issue may be more important to you than anything else in your marketing. The name of the company is one of the main elements of marketing, no matter how you look at it. This is the first thing your potential client sees and hears.

How to name an LLC? Examples

You can also combine two words to create your own one-word name. If you've never named a company, you'll find naming to be very time-consuming and frustrating. Seventy-seven percent of consumers make purchases based on brand name. A great name can go a long way.

Think about what you want to convey. Your company's name is an important part of its identity. Service-oriented companies must consider whether it will be easy for their potential customers to know what services the company provides based on the company name.

A company with a bad name can still be made successful, but a company with a good name can be made successful in half the time. Changing the name of most law firms in the market is possible without any damage or special costs, and in some cases I directly recommend that my clients start improving their marketing with a name change. For what?

Brainstorm possible names. Once you know what you want your business name to convey, you should take the time to brainstorm. Think about words that describe your industry or the products or services you offer. Think about words that describe your competitors and words that describe the differences between your products and services and your competitors. Also, consider words that describe the benefits of using your products or services.

While brainstorming, look at the Greek and Latin translations of your words - you may find new ideas from this exercise. Look at foreign words too. Expect this process to take some time. Keep the name short, simple and easy to spell and remember.

The most important positioning specialist is American marketer Jack Trout. He wrote the best-selling books Positioning: Battles for Minds, Differentiate or Die, and Marketing Wars. They can be bought at any bookstore.

What does it say? The shorter and clearer the message you convey to your customers, the better. Your business must have a differentiator, a unique selling proposition, something that your competitors don't have, something that will make your customers remember and differentiate you from your competitors, something that your customers can't get from others.

And if you formulate this, it will make you stand out in the eyes of your clients. The main message you convey should be baked into your name and tagline.

A good name should convey your core business and competitive advantage. Using my own example, I can say that at first my company was called “Drive Consulting” and the slogan was “Legal assistance to motorists.” And what difficulty did I encounter?

The same advice applies even if your company sells a niche product. For example, if you sell antique lamps, you should consider whether you will be able to sell more lamps in the future. Naming your business. Avoid making decisions by committee, but "test" your name with others.

Types of organization names

My target audience had a rather difficult time remembering and pronouncing the name of the company. Only 30% of clients remembered our name and used it to find us on the Internet. The rest could not only remember the name, but sometimes even pronounce it. In fact, the name “Drive Consulting” did not play any useful role in my business.

LLC name examples list

Simple words make it difficult to differentiate your company from your competitors. But we knew that we would be expanding into many different industries, and we didn't want to call the company "Great Logo Design" or "Multiple Meaners" - it would be descriptive, but not memorable and certainly not unique.

What is unacceptable or undesirable to use in a company name

Be careful with place names. Some people use their city, state, or region as part of their company name. If you plan to only work in your city, this may serve you well. But the geographic name may get in your way later. One great example is manufacturing and mining in Minnesota. The name initially worked because the business was focused on Minnesota.

Therefore, over time, I decided to rename my company, choosing a name for it that would be easy to remember and easy to find. I came up with this name when they opened registration in the domain zone “RF” - this is “autoadvocat.rf”, for which I also came up with a slogan that reflected my main competitive advantage - narrow specialization.

I didn’t pull this slogan out of thin air. For a long time I asked my clients what most motivated them to turn to us for legal help. And the most common answer was: “narrow specialization.” Therefore, I decided to make the phrase “narrow specialization” our slogan.

To choose the perfect business name, you need to know your target audience. A good name should be easy to remember and be such that it cannot be confused with the names of other companies.

The name may consist of the names of the founders, a description of the types of activities, a description of the niche, including if it is limited to a certain territory, your main competitive advantage, as well as various combinations of these words and even abbreviations, if they do not mislead your clients.

To change the name to a more effective one, it is better to conduct a survey of your customers about how they perceive your organization, its name, and its competitive advantages. And based on the analysis of the answers, you should decide how effective the name of your company is and whether it should be changed.

Examples of bad names for a law firm:

“Legal Assistance Center”, “Union of Lawyers”, “Association for the Protection of Insured Rights”, “Legal Defense Bureau”, etc. (reason - the name is not memorable, does not distinguish the company from other companies, is made up of general words, resembles the name of a public organization , which is bad for a commercial company).

Examples of good names: “Dentons”, “Baker & McKenzie”, “Pasternak, Martynyuk and Partners”, “Avtoadvokat.rf” (reason - they are unique, provide information about the founders or the type of activity of the company, contain contact information).

The most important thing when creating a company is its name. The company name is the main business card for the client. The name must be consonant and relevant to the activities of the company. A correctly chosen name is the main step on the path to prosperity.

The importance of choosing the right business name

A correctly chosen name helps the company earn additional income with the help of attracted customers. When choosing a name for a company, first of all, think about clients and the target audience in general.

  • With target audience consisting of older people, the company name should consist of one succinct and short word, a maximum of two, but short and quickly memorable and rhyming.
  • The title must be created with the expectation of growing the company in the future. You should carefully consider how you would like the company to sound to the whole world.
  • Good choice of name– this is a combination of the name with the active activities of the company; this will attract clients at the very beginning of the company’s career.

A correctly chosen name for a company turns its product into a well-known brand, increases its competitiveness among other companies many times over, and wins new loyal customers who will bring their friends and relatives.

Regulatory acts (Federal Law No. 14, Civil Code)

When setting up a company, branding regulations and all legal obligations must also be taken into account.

The following should be taken into account:

  • Compliance with the Civil Code, RF, parts 1 and 4.
  • Compliance with Federal laws of organizational form.
  • Regional and local documentation.
  • Compliance with the standards of other executive authorities, for example, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation.

The company must complete the following documentation:

  • Compliance with naming standards enterprises, indicating the organizational form, for example: “OJSC or LLC”, non-compliance will result in refusal of registration.
  • Indication of the type of activity and industry specifics.
  • Compliance Documentation, prohibiting the use of cities in the Russian Federation and other foreign countries in the name. Also, names that will contribute to inciting ethnic hatred should not be used.

Basic rules for determining a name

Before deciding on a name for your company, you should complete the following steps:

  • Conduct marketing research. This will help to identify the main target audience, to which the seller’s main attention will be directed. If the company's name is aimed at consumers who are interested in the product, the company's rapid growth is guaranteed. For example: “Plus sizes”, only overweight people will go to this store, knowing that this is where they can choose clothes for themselves. There will be no thin people here, so as not to drive fat people into the complex, and they will feel comfortable in this store.
  • The use of names is prohibited. This technique is a thing of the past and is completely incomprehensible to people when the name consists of two names, husband and wife. The main goal of attracting customers is to communicate with them, that is, the name should be created for the target audience.
  • A short name that is easy to remember. Light names, for example, of 4 letters, are always popular; if an additional website or blog is created, then in this case it is easy for a person to find your company and apply for services. Light names quickly bring new customers and become a brand.
  • The name should be interesting and enticing to come in. If a client comes once, appropriate service will cause positive emotions, and he will come again and bring a new client. The company must work for the name and earn positive ratings; accordingly, the good service provided must also be taken into account.
  • The name must fully match type of activity.

The “naming” of a company, first of all, should evoke a positive attitude among the consumer. For example, “House in the Village,” the name of the milk, immediately evokes the association of warm, fresh milk in a bucket that the grandmother brought from the pasture.

This name inspires trust and the buyer’s hand immediately reaches for the product. The milk seller has already earned significant points just for the name; if the taste of the milk corresponds to the approximate expectations of the buyer, then the milk will become a brand, with appropriate advertising.

Naming tips:

  • Easy pronunciation and memorability a name that will not entail distortion or paraphrasing.
  • There should be one interpretation of the name, if there are several of them, then this leads to an incorrect perception of the product.
  • Uniqueness.
  • Name that can evoke emotions.
  • Name should contain strengths and benefits for the client.
  • Correspondence the company's image in the name.
  • Emergence associations when pronouncing the name.
  • Must be trustworthy.
  • Simplicity pronunciation.

What cannot be used in the title.

The name should not use “Russia”, as well as the prepositions “ros”, “RF”. The prohibiting word in the company name is “Moscow”. Any cities in Russia are also prohibited.

The name must not use obscene or immoral words or words hinting at this.

Examples of company names

The main styles of company names are divided into 4 forms:

  • Standard style– use of simple and everyday word forms.
  • Different– use of rare ones. Outlandish words or using foreign letters.
  • Evident– names that easily allow you to determine the type of activity of the company.
  • Fashionable style– used in companies using new or innovative technologies.

The name for the company is selected based on its specifications; examples of a construction, legal and tourism company will be presented below:
Name for a construction company.

The best option when choosing a name for a construction company is to interview future employees. This method will create an impressive database that will allow you to select the best names. The name of the construction company must reflect the type of activity.

It is possible to organize a competition on “copywriting” exchanges to choose a name - this method will be inexpensive, but the company will receive a number of offers.

Examples of construction companies:

  • « Krasko" is a company that provides different types of paints and varnishes.
  • "Slate"— provision of slate covering.
  • "Log houses"- the name speaks for itself, providing services for the assembly of log houses.
  • "Ladle"— provision of construction equipment.

Name for a law firm

The name must convey reliability and protection for the client. When contacting this company, the client must understand that there are professionals working here who can solve any problem. In a law firm, as in any other, the name should not be a “cheap double.” This association disgusts customers and they feel deceived. For example: "Nike" and "Nike".

For the name of the law firm, do your research so that the name does not overlap with other legal consulting firms.

Examples of names:

  • "Consul"— legal consultations.
  • "Pravo.ru"
  • "Consal".

Name for a travel company

The name must correspond to the type of activity. When choosing a name, the target audience must be calculated and the price of the tour package for this target audience must be determined from the outgoing data, and the appropriate name must be selected.

Examples of names:

  • "Teztour"— expanded selections of tours from different countries.
  • "Novatour"— any type of recreation including excursions and guides.
  • "Russo Turisto"- the name speaks for itself, a vacation intended for Russian tourists with their preferences and customs.
  • "Alextour"- using a name in the name, you can offer this type of name to clients if you are absolutely sure of the services provided, you already have positive reviews that will lead new clients to your name.
  • "Coconut"- types of summer holidays.

It is important to remember that the most important thing in a travel company is it is her .

After all, the name is the business card that will bring customers!