No matter how much I was in a hurry, I didn’t have time. And he’s in a hurry to live and he’s in a hurry to feel. Immerse yourself in an information vacuum

The extensive economic construction taking place in the Nilgiri Mountains region is significantly changing the life of all mountain peoples.

Many of their representatives are hired to work on building roads and clearing forests, others go to work on plantations, or in city enterprises, or are drawn into trade and intermediary activities, and some, who graduated from local schools, even study at higher education institutions. educational institutions and, having completed them, engage in intellectual work, living mainly in the cities of southern India.

But still, the bulk of these peoples, until very recently, adhered, and to a large extent continue to adhere to traditional norms of life and old customs and institutions.

Judging by the Tamil historical chronicles, the Kurumbas were once independent and participated in the wars of the ancient Pallava kingdom with other kingdoms. In the XIII-XIV centuries. their land was annexed to the Vijayanagar state, and in the 16th century. they were already known not as warriors, but as sheep farmers, whom the Hindus classified as “low” Shudras.

Anthropological type of tod

The Todas live in small villages of two to six huts. Villages are usually surrounded by a low wall made of rough stones. Toda huts consist of an arched roof that extends to the ground and two walls, a front and a back.

In the front wall, slightly pushed back under the roof, a small door is made, moved to the side along the wall, and two heaps are placed on the sides of the door. There are no windows. The hut is divided into two parts, men's and women's.

The clothing of Toda men and women is of the same type and resembles long togas or cloaks, the end of which is thrown over one shoulder, and the folds freely drape the body.

The Badaga live in large communal houses

The Badaga live in large communal houses, divided into separate rooms for different families. The houses also have rooms for milking and storing milk, where women should not enter, as well as those men who, for one reason or another, are considered “defiled.”

Livestock are kept in stone pens near houses, and food and household equipment are stored in bamboo warehouses. There are also special huts where women spend their “unclean” time, that is, the days of their menstruation and the postpartum period.

Some villages have communal milking sheds, reminiscent of Toda temples. Among the Badaga, milking is also considered a duty and an honorable right of men, and a boy gains access to it only after undergoing an initiation rite at the age of eight, the first milking being accompanied by a number of special ceremonies.

The Kadars live in the Cochin hills

The Kadars (about 2 thousand people) live in the mountains of Cochin and the Madras district of Coimbatore. They differ from the surrounding population in having very dark skin, curly hair and short stature(men up to 158 cm, women - up to 150 cm).

The Kadars live mainly in the depths of forests and collect honey, wax, cardamom and other forest products, and also hunt and fish.

Some Kadars practice slash-and-burn agriculture and raise small numbers of livestock. They are also hired to hunt elephants and do various jobs in the forests. Previously, their work was paid in kind, but now they receive money for performing work under contracts.

The Kadars live in villages consisting of 15-20 huts made of bamboo and palm leaves and covered with grass. These huts are usually built by women.

Until recently, the Kadars wore only loincloths, but now they wear the same clothes as the inhabitants of the plains - short saris, shirts and dhotis.

The Kadars are ruled by a chief called mupan. The post of mupan is traditionally inherited by his sister's son, while all other members of the tribe adhere to patrilineal inheritance.

Marriages with the daughter of a sister or brother are prohibited, but cousin marriages are permitted. Usually the parents choose a bride and agree on the marriage. The wedding ceremony consists of treating relatives in the house of the bride and groom.

The bride is usually given a dowry, which now, in addition to forest products, began to include money. According to custom, meetings between husband and wife should take place in the forest outside the living quarters.

Kota are worshiped as patron spirits

They also have a difficult to explain ban on the use of matches, and they, according to custom, can either take fire from the houses of the “higher ones” or produce it by friction. They perform many different jobs for the tod and treat them with special respect.

The entire tribe is divided into exogamous groups called peri, which means "street". Kota live in several villages of 30-60 houses each.

The cat has a patrilineal inheritance system. There are a number of restrictions for women. Their custom strictly prohibits men from having any communication with women during the annual temple festival (when men are not only not supposed to talk to their wives, but also cook their own food) and during the sowing season, when they can also only talk to women through intermediary boys.

The Andhra State Government is now taking a number of vigorous measures to improve their living conditions and involve them in economic activity Telugu people.

Ancestor cult

Polygamy among the Bagada people is allowed, but is rare, only in wealthy families. Widows have the right to remarry. The custom of levirate is widespread. Divorces are permitted without special restrictions.

Lingaism is widespread among the Badagas. The cult of ancestors is also widespread. Lingait temples are square, whitewashed houses, with paintings on the walls and decorations on the roofs. Priests usually live in these temples.

All Badagas burn their dead, with the exception of the "superior" group of Udayas, who bury them in a sitting position. After burning, the remains are buried near the village, and dolmens with images of the moon and sun are placed on top.

Cattle breeding among them is much less developed than among the Todas, and in the literature there are indications that they are forbidden to milk cows, since according to some long-standing tradition it is believed that they defile these animals, and that they are allowed to drink only that milk. which is given to them by people of a “higher” tribe (for example, Toda).

The Kadars worship different spirits

Divorces are very easy, and widow marriages are permitted without restrictions. During their periods, women spend several days in a strictly isolated temporary hut, which is then burned. Childbirth also takes place in a separate room.

The Kadars worship various spirits; the cult of ancestors is developed. They do not have temples and make sacrifices to the objects of their veneration on special stones under trees (a custom widespread among all the peoples of India). The functions of the priest are performed by the head of the village or the eldest man in the family (in cases of family celebrations).

In addition to the peoples described above, other ethnic groups live in the mountainous areas on the border of Madras and Kerala. These include Kanikkar, Irula, Sholaga, Malapantaram, Ernadan, etc. Ernadan are the least developed of them. They do not have permanent homes, but create temporary wind barriers or canopies made of branches.

They roam the mountains, occasionally descending into the valleys. Their main occupation is gathering. They exchange part of the collected products in the valleys for clothing and other goods they need. The Hernadans are considered experts in making particularly strong ropes for elephants, and the sale of these ropes now forms an important part of their income.

Chenchu ​​is worshiped as the goddess of sky, earth, and the sun.

They bury the dead, place stones on the graves, and celebrate a wake for the deceased for several days. Lately they have sometimes begun to burn the dead, apparently borrowing this custom from the Telugu Hindus, with whom they are coming into ever closer contact.

There are now schools in the Chenchu ​​settlement areas, and some of the Chenchu ​​have been able to receive an education and become teachers in these schools.

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On the same topic:

What or who can limit your life? Only you yourself! Only yours internal blocks, negative attitudes, thinking stereotypes and fears - frames and limitations.

Well, what about time? Does it depend on the individual?

A life Does it depend on the individual? Life is the time allotted for being in the body!

People are accustomed to perceiving the course of life as something beyond the control of the will. They think that time is a captivity from which one cannot escape. But not voluntary or is it captivity?

Are you rushing and fussing in vain, trying to “catch up” with time and make the most of it?

Read the article about how to get rid of haste and fuss, live relaxed, without fear that time is running out.

People who fuss, hurry, hurry and worry about the passage of time afraid be late. Limitation in the minds of all fussy people - fear not have time, waste time. This is the fear that life will end.

Many people are afraid that their time is running out forever. That is why they are “captivated” by him.

A man afraid of the speed of time adjusts under the events occurring in life, while a person free from these internal restrictions, on the contrary, adjusts life for yourself. He adjusts events to myself.

Try affirmations:

  • I manage my time.
  • My time is up to me.
  • I do everything on time.
  • I'm not in a hurry, so I have time everywhere.

What does it mean to be the master of time? Example. If you determine the most convenient day and time for the meeting to take place, or in the case when it cannot take place at all without you, being late is excluded. The meeting time is up to you. You are the owner.

The great thing is that No circumstances beyond a person's control! Even if they seem at first glance.

One more example. People who are always late for work love to complain about transportation problems; they assure that they do not in any way affect the frequency or accuracy of its arrival. But is this an excuse? There are many ways to not depend on transport: from leaving home 15 minutes earlier to purchasing a personal bicycle/car. You can do something more radical - move closer to work so you can walk there, or change your occupation (after all, people are rarely late for their favorite job, but you don’t want to come to your least favorite job at all!).

Life needs to be planned. But plan not for someone else, but for yourself.

Don't plan what you are Not want to study! Just don't do what you don't like.

Define What You want to do for a day/week/month/year/life and do it. Distribute the order of tasks as you like and want.

Do you think: “If I don’t, no one else will do what I don’t want to do”? You are deeply mistaken. It's quite the opposite. It is precisely because you do something that no one else takes on it.

Learn delegate authority if you are afraid to let things take their course and allow the situation to resolve without your participation.

Doing something you don't like is wasting your time. But these are the classes that take place in bustle and haste. Because you don’t want to do them, they irritate and make you angry.

Only you decide What waste your life.

The one who plans time stops fussing reasonable:

  • doesn't take on too much
  • doesn't do someone else's work
  • does not want to do everything at once,
  • leaves time for rest,
  • does what he loves
  • appreciates what he does.

Businessmen and people who work for themselves manage their time boldly and confidently. Be honest, can you be successful while continuing to work “for your uncle”? Would you like to be a person who independently determines the amount of time allocated to work and personal schedule?

But even when working for someone, receiving tasks from above, it is still possible and necessary manage time.

Being in the position of a “slave” (it doesn’t matter where you work - at home or at work) and not wanting to leave this role (because if you wanted to, you would have already left), you can do yourself a huge favor by follow recommendation #3.

Realize when a person is trying to get ahead of time(hurries and fusses), he spends a lot of his vital energy. Haste takes away energy, and therefore time and life, thereby bringing closer the moment of its end.

Fearing life, many are in a hurry to say goodbye to it.

Don't waste your life's energy on fuss caused by fear! Spend it on pleasure and happiness. Enjoy by what you do, if you have already decided to do it contrary to your desires or following them.

Example. If you are a domestic “slave” who runs the household on her own, afraid that her husband will leave if he is “strained” with housework, and the children will consider her an “angry mother,” there are two options:

  • continue in the same spirit, but then don’t fuss and complain - you took on this responsibility yourself;
  • stop doing work for others, let them develop and be Adults.

Method “by contradiction”

If you are one of those people who is more stimulated by motivation "from something" rather than “towards something”, use statistical data. People who are always in a hurry, living in constant bustle and anxiety:

  • get sick more often
  • more susceptible to stress
  • are not satisfied with their personal (and sexual) life,
  • irritable
  • conflicts,
  • pessimistic
  • are perceived by others as unreliable, unworthy of trust and respect.

If you want to live happily - reduce the pace of your activity. This is especially true for women. Modern girls are so accustomed to living at the pace of a world tailored for men that they have forgotten about their nature. But the feminine essence passive. Femininity is slowness and smoothness, grace and peace, and not a race and the desire to win at any cost.

If you are late for something, allow yourself the “luxury” of not worrying about being late. Worries won't help.

The one who is in a hurry is late because he pushes the time, organizing the chaos of bustle around himself.

In addition, during a rush, the likelihood of committing error increases significantly.

Have you noticed that on quality Does work always take longer to complete? When doing things quickly, people often do things poorly and make many mistakes. Isn't it better to do less but do better? The choice is yours!

Express methods

If you you're already late:

  1. Tune in in a calm and positive way. The world will not collapse (you will not be fired from your job/your boyfriend will not leave you, etc.) if you come later. But if you come in a bad mood and provoke a conflict...
  2. Believe that everything is always on time and events work out for the good. It is impossible to know for sure where you are late. Many people missed planes that subsequently crashed.
  3. Don't think that you are always late. You are a person with a bad habit of rushing. And the present moment - great opportunity stop fussing. Just stop doing it.

What do these three points have in common? The ability to pull yourself together at the right moment.

Self-control, the ability to remain calm, control emotions and thoughts - that’s what you need study. This is exactly what every situation in which there is haste and vanity teaches. It was given for this purpose, to finally teach you not to rush and not to fuss.

Text: Karina Sembe

Modern man lives much longer than his ancient ancestors and, despite this, he is constantly in a hurry somewhere, trying to do everything at once. This is understandable: with the development of science and technology, the rhythm of life has seriously accelerated. Today, the combination of youth and success is at the forefront, and most of us try to succeed as early as possible. The media is full of articles about 23-year-old startup millionaires, every day there are interviews with students who are also models, DJs, and graphic designers, lists of the most successful and influential people under thirty and ratings of women who flawlessly combine career and family are compiled.

Progress and healthy competition are not bad, but in trying to live up to illusory standards, people sometimes take on too much. The fear of missing a deadline or the fear of growing old without achieving anything prevents you from stopping and looking around, and when you still manage to relax, anxiety often sets in instead of rest. Yesterday we talked about: perhaps soon we will be able to do much more and there will be fewer reasons to rush. In any case, while scientists are looking for ways to healthy longevity, it’s time for us, still mortals, to stop trying to keep up with all the tasks at once.

The movement for a measured lifestyle is not new: it all began in Italy in the 90s of the last century in the form of a protest against the growing fast food industry. Then the residents of Rome organized the Slow Food movement: they chose a snail as a logo and indicated their intention to eat tasty, balanced food at all costs, and most importantly, without haste. From this movement the philosophy of Slow Life developed. Her followers encourage you to do things at a pace that is comfortable for you personally and to give preference to quality over quantity in any area of ​​life - from nutrition to communication. This “slowing down” has nothing to do with banal laziness: Slow Life implies the absence of fuss in everyday affairs, healthy organization without extremes - and all this for the sake of improving the quality of life. It's not so easy to get into a sedate mood, but you can try to learn a few reasonable principles to get started.

Rethink multitasking

Living in the Slow Life style does not mean giving up all the opportunities and challenges of our time. Adherents of the current have nothing against active sports and are quite capable of completing work in a short time. Fans of a measured lifestyle first of all advise getting rid of multitasking, especially in the field of intellectual activity.

It’s easy to notice a pattern: in a panic, grabbing at everything at once, you don’t have time to do anything, but only get more nervous. If you have the strength to simultaneously develop a new application, raise a child, learn Korean and master the guitar, that's great, keep it up. But, in order not to burn out, during each lesson, if possible, do not be distracted by others (however, such an “activity” as children brings into plans).

So-called positive psychology should not be taken as the ultimate truth, but there is something to learn here too. Dale Carnegie, author of the book How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, which everyone has heard about, compares human productivity to the movement of grains of sand in an hourglass: if we make more than one pass through the jumper in the clock at a certain time a grain of sand, the watch will be damaged. So the important principle of any activity without haste is this: “One grain of sand - per unit of time, one thing - in a certain period of time.”

Don't turn planning into a mania

We have already found out from girls who work a lot how to cope with things and... There is only one conclusion: plan, but plan wisely. Slow Life ends when fulfilling the points of the plan turns into a race in which we rush to overcome the entire list of tasks as quickly as possible. There is even a meme that this behavior, oddly enough, is typical of lazy people: they try to do everything quickly in order to get even with the work, and efficiently so that they do not have to redo it. Meanwhile, slowly performing even the most ordinary actions teaches you to concentrate, and concentration, as we know, is the key to high efficiency.

Slowlifers for timing without fanaticism. Don't plan too much: start with a few urgent tasks a day, and when you see that you can handle it, gradually expand the list. If something doesn't go according to plan, there's no reason to panic. You wanted to study today and work tomorrow, but you received an important task? Give it a couple of hours, and tomorrow spend the same amount of time studying. When planning anything, you should allow for the possibility of error and soberly assess its likely consequences. There are not many positions where missing a deadline by one or two days can result in termination. However, if your job is one of these and you absolutely can’t cope, think about whether such busyness is worth your nervous system.

Redefine your holiday

Eat mindfully

Cooking is a process that can bring no less pleasure than the result - tasty and healthy food. Prepare your own meals more often, and if free time is short, start with at least one a week or for home party- You may not be able to stop. To begin with, choose simple and satisfying dishes; in preparing them, rely not only on the recipe, but also on own desires, - over time it will definitely start to work out.

As you know, while eating you shouldn’t be distracted by watching TV or exciting conversations - this way we eat more than we need to be full. Eating behavior specialists say that negative emotions and shocking information should not be combined with nutrition. Remember: one thing per unit of time. You can watch the series separately from the soup, and during a leisurely lunch it is better to enjoy the taste of the dish (if it was successful, of course).

Don't be afraid to stop

At times it seems that by pausing, we are hopelessly behind the general rhythm and risk being left behind. In fact, a pause is needed to take a breath and continue moving with renewed vigor. Fighting for an unfulfilled five-year plan is not an easy task. Many modern people, in the conditions of universal “success at any cost,” constantly imagine irretrievably lost time and a lack of personal development - this is a sign of the era with which we, apparently, have to live. Even if you manage to always run ahead of the locomotive, your achievements are accompanied by growing paranoia. You can reduce stress by giving yourself a break sometimes.

IN English language There is a concept of gap year - a gap year before entering a university or after graduating (before looking for a job). This pause allows you to decide on your desires and relax a little. Perhaps a whole year is too much, but try to take at least a gap day and see what comes of it: your family will probably cope without you, clients will not forget about your existence and the world will not collapse, but you will relax, leisurely eat a salad and, Maybe you’ll understand how to continue living.

We work on vacation, scroll through the news feed in the toilet, have a snack on the go, watch a movie and read a book at the same time. “Minimum time, maximum efficiency” is the mantra of our time. We don’t even notice that the more we rush, the less time we have.

Proponents of the slow life culture live by the principle of “slow down to speed up.” They consciously gave up the race and try to enjoy every moment of life.

What is "slow motion"

“Slow movement”, or slow life, originated in 1986, when journalist Carlo Petrini opposed the opening of a McDonald’s restaurant in Piazza di Spagna in Rome. As a sign of protest, he organized a banquet in the same square with eating traditional Italian food.

Despite the fact that McDonald's was finally opened, the Italian's efforts were not in vain: the letter M, the traditional golden arch, made several times less. In addition, thanks to Petrini, a movement called “slow food” or “slow food” was formed. Its supporters oppose tasteless fast food and call for relaxation at least at the dinner table.

Now the “slow movement” has more than a dozen directions. In addition to “slow eating”, there is the same education, aging, science, medicine, fashion, reading, the city, money, television, travel and so on. Many organizations were opened within the movement. Among the most influential are the American Foundation “Extend the Moment”, the European Society for Time Dilation, the Japanese Club of Slowness, and the World Institute of Slowness.

The number of adherents of this culture is growing.

What do they stand for?

Supporters of slow life do not approve of the accelerated pace of life and consider it meaningless and imposed. In their opinion, the loser is not the one who works little, but the one who fills his schedule to capacity and is always in a hurry.

“Whoever is in a hurry is forced to slide along the surface. We have no time to look into the deeper meanings, to build relationships with the world and people,” wrote the ideologist of the “slow movement” Carl Honoré in the book “No fuss. How to stop rushing and start living."

Honoré believes that people work hard to create the illusion of vigorous activity, to emphasize their importance or to forget about everyday problems. At the same time, he does not call for abandoning civilization and going to live in the forest. "Slowlifers" - ordinary people who want to live well in the fast-paced modern world. The philosophy of movement comes down to finding balance.

When you need to hurry, hurry. But when you don't have to rush, slow down.

Why it's worth a try

The race to get ahead is inevitably accompanied by stress, insomnia, and digestive disorders. According to statistics Stress facts American Psychological Association, 75% of American adults experience moderate and high level stress every month.

Chronic stress increases blood pressure and blood sugar levels, reduces concentration, disrupts the digestive system, and causes.

Lack of sleep destroys the nervous and immune systems, causes diabetes and heart disease, and provokes irritability and depression. Once you get carried away with fast food, headaches, acne, excess weight will appear, blood pressure and the level of “bad” cholesterol will increase.

The love of haste also ends in death.

According to Speed ​​regulation World Organization health care, 3,000 people die and 100,000 are seriously injured every day due to speeding on the roads. In Japan, 2,000 people suffer from work-related stress every year.

Science and statistics are on the side of the “slow”. They enjoy life more and get sick less because they avoid stress and try to live every moment.

How to join

There is no universal rule for “slowing down.” The tips below will help you understand in which direction you can work.

How to eat

  • Avoid fast food and processed foods like frozen lasagna and pizza. As a last resort, snack on fruits, vegetable salads, and nuts.
  • Don't eat on the go.
  • Love cooking. It's akin to meditation.
  • Prepare complete meals using fresh ingredients.
  • Make it a habit to have dinner with your family at a common table, rather than alone in front of the computer.

How to work

  • Work so that you have time for yourself and your family.
  • Learn to say no.
  • , if you've been wanting it for a long time.
  • Set aside 10 minutes a day for meditation or 20 minutes for an afternoon nap. This improves productivity and concentration. This is what John Kennedy, Thomas Edison, Napoleon Bonaparte, and John Rockefeller did.
  • Insights come in a relaxed state. In the shower, on a walk, during meditation, while jogging, before bed. The brain goes into slow mode, releasing long alpha and theta waves.
  • Take weekends without feeling guilty.
  • Don't work on weekends or vacations.

How to relax

  • Walk. Walking improves your health, calms your mind, allows you to notice many details along the way and builds a relationship with the world.
  • Allow yourself to be idle. Remember that Charles Darwin worked 4 hours a day, and Albert Einstein lay in his office for hours and did nothing.
  • Don’t try to cram all the entertainment into one evening: a movie, a concert, and a book.
  • Take a walk in nature. A walk in the forest is the best antidepressant. Phytoncides contained in trees and plants increase the body's defense response, improve well-being, and lower blood pressure.
  • Do some crafts, gardening, or find something else to do that relaxes.

How to exercise

  • Don't squeeze yourself to the limit during training. Sport should fill you with energy, and not turn you into a disabled person.
  • Remember that fat is burned at a heart rate of 70-75% of maximum. This occurs when walking or jogging quickly. If the pulse is higher, then the body begins to consume carbohydrates.
  • Before you start mastering a difficult exercise, make sure your body is ready for it.
  • Try slow sports: yoga, qigong, Pilates. They are available to everyone.

How to have sex

  • Fast is not always good, but often bad. On average, sex lasts from 3 to 7 minutes, and a woman needs 10–20 minutes to warm up.
  • Try tantric sex. To do this, one does not necessarily become a religious adept.
  • If you are categorically against esoteric practices, then simply enjoy the process.

How to drive a car

  • Use the machine only when absolutely necessary. Most places can be reached on foot or by public transport.
  • Do not hurry. At a speed of 80 km/h you will travel 4 km in 3 minutes. At a speed of 130 km/h - a minute less. What will you do with this minute?
  • If you get cut off, get over it. There is no need to catch up with the driver, yell at him through the open window and cut him off in response.

There is no general formula for slowing down for all occasions. You have to decide where to slow down. The only thing that can stop you is greed, habits and fear of falling behind. It takes courage to give up speed. However, now you know that procrastination is normal and even beneficial.