How is the exchange of goods carried out? Returning goods to the store - how long can I return the goods? Features of calculating the warranty period

Having made an unsuccessful purchase, many people think about the possibility of meeting the deadline for returning the goods. The terms and conditions for the return of purchases are established by the law on the protection of consumer rights (hereinafter referred to as the Law). The interests of both parties, buyer and seller, are taken into account here.

What determines the return period?

The legislator provides 2 grounds for returning goods that affect the time of return:
  1. Purchase returns of proper quality.
  2. Return of goods of inadequate quality.

In the first option, an item is returned that does not suit the client in one or more of the following parameters: shape, dimensions, style, color, and so on.

An indispensable condition for the return of the products in question is compliance with certain conditions:
  • the product is new, which means that it has not been used;
  • consumer properties and presentation are not lost;
  • The complete set has not been changed (all tags, labels, packaging, instructions, etc. are present).

It will not be possible to return food products and goods from the list approved by Government Resolution No. 55.

In the second case, products are returned that have various deficiencies identified. For example, defects in clothing and shoes discovered while being worn.

Return of quality goods

The terms for returning goods of proper quality are regulated by Art. 25 of the Law. The buyer can return or exchange quality goods before the expiration of 14 days. The first day of this period is the day following the day of purchase. However, the client can also submit a similar statement to the store on the day the purchase was made. If the shift has not ended, the refund for the goods occurs from the same cash register from which the check was issued. Therefore, contacting the store with the problem in question on the day of the purchase is the most quick way her permission.

It is important that in the event of a return of a quality product, the seller, if he has a product with similar characteristics that is suitable for the client in size, style, and other indicators, exchanges the product for a suitable one. If such a product is not in stock, then, at the buyer’s request, the deadline for exchanging the product is postponed until it arrives or the purchase price is returned.

The refund period for goods of good quality is 3 days.

When returning the purchase to the store, you should draw up an application in 2 copies (1 for each party); on the buyer’s copy, the store’s representative puts a mark on receipt of his copy.

The buyer must have an identification document:
  • passport;
  • ID card of a military man or police officer;
  • foreign passport, etc.

Return of a defective product

If defects are detected in the purchased item, the consumer has the right:

  1. Refuse the product, demanding monetary compensation for its cost.
  2. Request replacement with a similar product or another model, taking into account the possibility of additional payment or compensation for the difference in cost.
  3. Demand a reduction in the price of a low-quality product or elimination of identified defects at the expense of the store.

In what time frame can I return the goods to the store if a defect is detected and notify the seller of my requirements?

If the purchased item has any quality defects, then this product should be returned to the retailer. Typically, defective products must be returned within the warranty period. As a rule, this is stated in the warranty card when making a sale. If this period is not defined, then for the reasons under consideration, the store’s client may make demands within a period of up to 2 years from the date of purchase of the product, the quality of which does not correspond to the declared one.

The warranty period should be counted from the date of transfer of the item to the buyer; if there is no documentary evidence of this event, then from the date of release of the product. For seasonal products, the warranty period is calculated from the beginning of the corresponding season, taking into account the climate zone in which the customer lives. For example, for winter goods purchased in summer period, this period in central Russia will begin on November 1.

The deadline for returning money for goods of inadequate quality is established by Art. 22 Laws. It is 10 days from the date of the consumer’s request. If the seller does not fulfill the client’s legal requirements within the due period, he will have to pay a penalty amounting to 1% of the purchase price for each day of delay.

The refund period also depends on whether an examination of the product was ordered.

If a simple defect is detected, for example, the sole of a shoe comes off, then this item can be accepted for return without requiring an examination.

If there is a complex deficiency, an examination is required. For complex goods, its duration is up to 45 days from the date of filing the claim. Based on the results of the examination, a decision is made to satisfy the buyer’s requirements or a reasoned conclusion is drawn up in writing.

Separately, it should be noted that the return of purchased expired food products, medicines, perfumes or household chemicals are produced immediately, since these products should not be on display.

Remote shopping

The conditions established for the return of products purchased in online stores are somewhat different. How much time can a client spend on resolving the issue of returning a quality product in this case?

According to Art. 26.1 of the Law, the period for returning goods includes the entire time before the customer receives the purchase and another 7 days from the date of receipt of the product, and if the terms and conditions for the return were not communicated to the client in writing, that is, against signature, then the period for returning the purchase increases to 3 months.

It is impossible to return only products with individually defined characteristics, in which the purchased items can be used by a specific person.

The requirements for returned purchases do not differ from those established for goods purchased traditional way.

The seller will refund the money to the client within 10 days. Shipping costs are non-refundable.

The return of defective products purchased through online stores is regulated by Art. 18-24 of the Law and corresponds to the information presented earlier.

The terms for returning goods by the client are regulated by law. During education controversial situations or in a situation of inaction by a store representative, you may need to consult a lawyer or go to court to protect your interests.

Material prepared to order law firm"Dominium"

What rights does the consumer have when returning goods? How are goods of proper and inadequate quality returned? Does the law set time limits for returning goods? This is discussed in this article.

The reasons for returning a purchased product can be completely different: the purchased item did not fit the style or size, the product turned out to be of poor quality, or you simply decided that you purchased an item you do not need.

Many buyers are confident that they can return the product at any time and claim the amount of money paid. But is this really so? What categories of goods and within what time frame can I return to the seller? Should you always expect to get your money back?

Having read this article, which affects the most important points regarding returns not food products, you can minimize the material and time costs of resolving such issues.

Consumer Protection Act provisions on product returns

Return of goods The Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights regulates the purchase and sale relationship, providing fairly reliable protection for buyers from unscrupulous sellers and makes it possible to warn buyers themselves about the consequences of their own impulsive decisions.

According to this law, contrary to popular belief, the consumer has the right to return to the seller not any product, but only one that is not related to food (the conditions for the return of food products are regulated by the Civil Code), and was purchased for purposes unrelated to commercial activities. The Consumer Protection Law describes the provisions regarding the rules, conditions and terms for returning goods:

  • Non-food products of adequate quality, that is, those that did not suit the buyer in size, style, color, configuration, shape and dimensions.
  • Non-food products of inadequate quality - goods that have manufacturing and other defects and damage.
  • Non-food products purchased remotely (by mail or on the Internet).

The law also contains a provision on a separate group of goods that cannot be returned. Now let's look at these provisions in more detail.

Returning goods of proper quality

A product of proper quality must be returned in cases where the consumer has no complaints about the quality of the product, but wants to return it due to the non-compliance of the characteristics (dimensions, style, color) with the desired ones, the seller has every right not to satisfy this requirement. A product of acceptable quality can be replaced with an alternative product with the desired characteristics. And only if the desired product is not available for sale at the time of requesting an exchange, the buyer has the right to return the money (the seller must return the cost of the product within 3 days from the date the product was returned to the store).

Exchange and return of goods of good quality is possible subject to the following conditions:

  • integrity of the packaging, presence of seals, labels;
  • no signs of use.

Important: Only goods of acceptable quality that are not included in the list of goods that cannot be returned can be exchanged (or returned).

List of goods that cannot be returned

The buyer has no right to return the following goods to the seller due to discrepancy in color, shape, style or configuration:

1. Personal hygiene products (combs, toothbrushes, curlers, hairpieces, manicure accessories, etc.).

2. Preventive and health-improving (medical and paramedical) devices intended for home use, medications.

3. Perfumes and cosmetics.

4. Goods sold by the meter: fabrics and nonwovens(braid, lace, etc.); cable products (cords, wires, cables); construction and finishing materials (film, linoleum, carpets), etc.

5. Sewing accessories, accessories, knitwear.

6. Packaging polymer materials, in contact with food products(dishes, containers, cutlery, including disposable ones).

7. Household chemicals, fertilizers, etc.

8. Household furniture.

9. Jewelry from precious (semi-precious) metals and stones.

10. Vehicles, trailers and numbered units for them.

11. Technically complex products with a warranty period (electronics, production machines, Computer Engineering; photographic equipment, telephones, gas equipment, etc.).

12. Firearms and ammunition.

13. Pets and live plants.

14. Non-periodical publications (books, albums, maps, sheet music, booklets and calendars, etc.).

The above goods can be returned to the seller only in case of manufacturing defects and other defects, along with goods of inadequate quality.

Returning goods of inadequate quality

If defects in functionality or significant damage are detected in the purchased product of inadequate quality, the buyer has the right to demand the return of the product, in accordance with Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”:

  • replace the defective product with a high-quality alternative product of the same brand or model;
  • replace with a product from another manufacturer (model) with recalculation of the cost;
  • reduce the price in accordance with the existing defect;
  • eliminate defects free of charge or reimburse the costs of their elimination by the consumer;
  • terminate the purchase and sale agreement and return the cost of the goods in full.

Important: the buyer is not obliged to prove the inadequate quality of the returned goods, and the seller has the right to conduct an examination at his own expense. In the event that the presence of manufacturing and other defects that arose not through the fault of the buyer is proven, the consumer has the right not only to return the money, but also to claim compensation for losses incurred due to low-quality goods.

How long can I return a product to the store?

The law establishes the time frame during which it is possible to return goods to the store. If the buyer has any complaints about the quality of a product that has a warranty period, he can return the product during the entire warranty period. For goods that do not provide a warranty period, the consumer has the right to make claims if defects are discovered within 2 years from the date of purchase.

Important: If the warranty period has expired, but it is less than 2 years, then the consumer’s rights of claim do not terminate, and he has the right to file a claim for the return of low-quality goods. With the only condition: the user must prove that the defects arose not through his fault, but for reasons that arose before the day of purchase of the goods. The evidence is most often the conclusion of an independent expert examination.

For goods that are not defective or defective, different return periods apply.

Return of goods within 14 days: law

According to the consumer protection law, the buyer has the right to exchange (return) goods of normal quality within 14 days, excluding the day of purchase. In the event that an alternative product is available, the request for replacement of the product is subject to immediate satisfaction. If necessary, check its quality - within 20 days or by agreement of the parties.

Application for return of goods

To return the goods, you must terminate the purchase and sale agreement with the seller by drawing up and sending an application to the seller. The application can be written in free form, but must include:

1. Full name, address, contact details of the consumer;

2. Name of the product in accordance with the product passport;

3. Detailed justification of the reasons for returning the goods;

4. Request for a refund of the cost of the goods;

5. Acceptable return methods Money.

6. Date, signature of the applicant.

The application must be accompanied by a document confirming the fact of payment for the goods and handed over to the seller along with the goods that you wish to return. In this case, it is advisable to refer to the relevant legislative norm (for example, paragraph 1 of Article 18 - if we're talking about about detected malfunctions and shortcomings, or clause 1 of Art. 25 of the Law on Consumer Rights - when returning quality goods).

The application is drawn up in 2 copies: for both parties. On the applicant’s copy, the seller must indicate his data (full name, position), the date of acceptance of the application, sign and affix a stamp or seal of the organization. The fact of transfer of goods is confirmed by drawing up a transfer and acceptance certificate, indicating the exact name of the goods and a description of its condition.

Having received and considered this application, the seller must either agree to satisfy the applicant’s request and return the money within 3 days from the date of return of the goods to the seller, or submit a reasoned refusal. If the seller refuses, the consumer may go to court.

Important: by mutual agreement, the seller and buyer can conclude additional agreement listing a variety of conditions for returning goods.

Returning goods without a receipt

Is it possible to return an item without a receipt? An important document in the procedure for returning goods is the product cash receipt. But what to do if the buyer did not take the receipt at the time of purchase, or lost it?

And in this case, the law is on the consumer’s side: the seller does not have the right to refuse to accept the goods solely on the basis of the absence of a receipt. The buyer has the right to prove the fact of purchasing the goods from a specific seller by resorting to witness testimony. If the seller considers such testimony insufficient, the consumer can resolve this issue in court.

The material was prepared by order of the law firm Dominium.

The law protecting consumer rights, No. 2300-1 as amended on May 1, 2017, Article 25 guarantees the opportunity to return purchased goods if they are of inadequate quality. This Federal Law on the rights of citizens states that consumers, at their discretion, can either return it or exchange it for a similar item that does not meet the declared characteristics. This can be done within fourteen days from the date of purchase. In this case, the day of acquisition itself does not count.

Before returning defective goods to the store, please note that sellers are not always willing to comply with the law. It is important to prepare in advance so as not to fall under clever manipulation, as a result of which you may be convinced that you are not owed anything and the store is not responsible for manufacturing defects and other faults.

The return of low-quality goods occurs only if there is documentary evidence that you purchased it in a specific store. Without such evidence, consumer protection law will not be able to help you. A check serves as the main confirmation. But its absence or loss does not deprive you of the right to a return or exchange if there is other evidence of purchase. These may include warranty cards, marks in the product passport, and witness statements.

In the case of an exchange, if you want to return the defective item and receive a similar serviceable item, but the store cannot provide it immediately, you have the right to demand your money back. No matter how the seller resists, he is obliged to return them within three days. If you are not in a hurry, by mutual agreement the seller can provide you with the item you need, taking the non-working item back to the store within the next twenty days after your request. How exactly this happens, and what else is important to know in order to return a purchase, we will consider further.

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Product of poor quality: how to return

According to the law on the protection of consumer rights, the return of goods of inadequate quality is undeniably possible even in those circumstances when the item is included by the state in the list of those not subject to return. In this case, we are often talking about expensive technical objects. The rights of any consumer when returning goods of inadequate quality affect household appliances, electronics, transport. To directly return goods of inadequate quality in this category, customers are given a standard two weeks. However, there are some exceptions to the PPA. For example, the return of such a product of inadequate quality is possible even after two weeks if:

  • Significant design flaws were discovered - returning any product with a defect as factory-made is usually not a problem;
  • During the year under warranty, the item is unfit for its intended use for thirty days or more, while it has been repaired several times.

It is for this reason that it makes sense to keep any documentation for the purchase for as long as possible. It may be useful to you even in other difficult life situations.

The law on the return by the consumer of virtually any product of inadequate quality also confirms the fact that failure to provide a receipt cannot be grounds for refusal to the buyer. If everything is met, there is other evidence of the purchase of this particular item from this particular seller, the latter is obliged to accept the purchase back. If necessary, a product of inadequate quality is checked. Before returning a defective item, please be aware that you have every right to be present during the inspection. If you intend to do this, indicate this in the application submitted to the store administration.

When returning a large item if it is of poor quality, the buyer also has the right to demand that the seller deliver it to the store at his own expense. This is especially true for situations where complex goods are handed over due to repeated repairs of breakdowns.

To minimize the likelihood of disputes with the seller, it is better to return the goods you purchased of inadequate quality within the established fourteen days. If the breakdown was discovered after 14 days have passed, you often have to contact both Rospotrebnadzor and the court. Pay special attention to legal registration upon return. Buyers who are not sufficiently aware of their rights are easily misled - do not agree to hand over goods of inadequate quality if the money is not returned to you immediately and without filing a corresponding claim. You must have evidence for each action taken: that the product was delivered, and that you contacted the seller.

The return of goods of inadequate quality is guaranteed to consumers in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 475, 503, 518). Whether it is possible to return the product in your case depends, in a sense, on your understanding of the very concept of “inadequate quality.” Some consumers waste time and energy demanding compensation from the store for something that is really their own fault.

Rules for exchange and return of goods of inadequate quality

Article 18 of the PZPP sets out a list of the rights of citizens who have identified a defective product, and also determines exactly how to proceed in order to return the purchased item and return the money. In accordance with this article, the consumer has the right to one of the following options for resolving the situation:

  • Reducing the purchase amount if he is ready to keep it;
  • Return or exchange of goods of inadequate quality;
  • Replacement with the same, only different model with additional payment or recalculation;
  • Repair things for free.

In addition, the buyer can receive monetary compensation for losses incurred due to the use of a faulty item or downtime. But the procedure for returning goods requires that you have evidence that it was because of the inadequate quality of the item that you suffered damage. You cannot demand anything from the store without evidence.

Returning a defective product you purchased within 14 days from the date of purchase usually takes no more than twenty days or even one day if the seller agrees to replace or accept the item back without any problems.

Sample application for returning goods

Before returning a defective product, you should be prepared for the fact that the seller may resist this and deliberately stall for time in order to deprive you of the right to return. Therefore, it makes sense to prepare an application in advance so that in case of refusal, you can immediately submit it to the store administration. There is no set form for this document; a typical example looks like this:

To the director (full name of the store)

(exact location address)

From (your last name, first name, patronymic,

passport details, place of residence,

phone number for contact)

Application for return of goods

“____”_________20____ I purchased in your store (product name, model, size) by price ___________ (same amount in words) rubles I confirm this fact with a cash receipt. This product is defective (indicate which one, when and how it was identified) and does not have the stated characteristics (which ones) .

Referring to the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, Article 25, I ask you to return the money I paid in the amount of ___________ (same amount in words) rubles for returned goods.

A copy of the cash receipt dated “____”_______ 20___ is attached.

(Date of) (Your signature)

Return of a faulty product under warranty

Returning a defective item, if the item has a warranty period, occurs with some significant features. In this case, the time frame for returning such a defect is more than fourteen days. For each item, this period is equal to the guarantee, which is confirmed by Article 19 of the PZPP. Even if a technically complex product does not have a warranty, the store is responsible for its proper operation for two years.

When returning any goods of inadequate quality, keep in mind that the guarantee is given to you from the date of purchase of the item, but in addition to it there is also an expiration date that you also need to pay attention to.

Not everyone knows that it is possible to return seasonal substandard shoes or clothes, even if they were purchased before the start of the season, and the shortage of goods was discovered with its onset. The return in this case is due to the fact that the guarantee begins to apply precisely from the onset of a specific season.

Returning an actually new product with a detected defect, if it is equipment, has one more feature - the item itself and its individual components may have different warranty periods. That is why, even if the product’s warranty has expired, but some of its essential parts are not yet covered, you still have the right to return the item for a replacement or return it.

Since a fault cannot always be detected within 14 days (for example, it may have been purchased as a gift), returning such a product is especially relevant. And not everyone actually goes back to the store, believing that they still won’t be able to achieve anything.

Every consumer should know that any store must be responsible for what it sells. He is obliged to accept the return of a product that does not meet the stated characteristics or is faulty, even if it is a factory oversight and not his. How he will further deal with the item returned as defective is no longer the buyer’s concern.

Examination of low-quality products

Before returning a product, if it is classified as non-returnable, you must confirm that it is indeed of poor quality. Defects or other defects may not be visible to the naked eye, and the seller is not always competent enough to independently check the product. Therefore, you will have to order an examination of the item you purchased from a licensed specialist.

The seller orders such an examination and also pays for it. But, if as a result of this it turns out that it was your actions or improper operation that caused the premature breakdown or incorrect operation of the product, you will be the one who will pay the costs of the examination.

When returning goods to the store, you have the opportunity to be nearby during the inspection of the low-quality product. It is recommended not to neglect this right, so as not to doubt that the inspection result is rigged.

If a person wants to return his money, the examination period is 10 days from the date of submission of the application to the store; if he wants to exchange the item, it is 20 days.

When the seller delays fulfilling his obligations or avoids them altogether, you have the opportunity to go to court. By decision of the court, the goods are transferred to a forensic expert. In this case, you can demand that the defendant pay compensation for each day of delay in the amount of 1% of the price of the item purchased from him.

Free provision of similar goods for the period of repair

As Article 20, paragraph two of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” states, during the period of elimination of defects in the product and the impossibility of using the purchased item, including during the examination of the product, the buyer has the right to demand from the seller a similar one free of charge. This is provided temporarily while your purchase is seized from you.

Keep in mind that although the seller is responsible for any defects in the product, he is not obligated to offer you a temporary replacement on his own initiative. You yourself must ask for this in your application. For example, if the refrigerator you purchased immediately broke down and was taken away from you for inspection and repair, you can demand that the store provide you with another one. The absence of a refrigerator can bring significant losses to the consumer; the commercial code guarantees their compensation, among other things, which is unprofitable for the store. Article 20 regarding the return of low-quality goods also states that if an analogue is provided as a temporary replacement, the seller is obliged to carry out delivery independently and at his own expense.

However, in accordance with current Russian legislation and the purchase and sale agreement for technically complex goods, there is a list of things that are not subject to the gratuitous provision of an analogue.

Cannot be temporarily replaced:

Listed products that are found to be defective will be returned to general procedure in two weeks. If given period was missed because the nature of the defect was hidden, consumer protection is triggered solely by reference to the warranty period.

Exchange and return of low-quality goods purchased on credit

The question of how to return a low-quality product purchased with a loan to the store without arguing, confuses many, which is completely in vain. Both returns and exchanges here are actually a standard procedure guaranteed by law. All you need to do is:

  • Deliver an unsuitable product through no fault of yours back to the seller;
  • Write an application for return with early repayment of the loan (the form is usually available in the store);
  • Expect a refund of the money paid as a down payment within three days.

The rest of the worries do not rest with the buyer.

If the return of defective goods to the store must be processed, provided that you have already made credit payments, the situation becomes somewhat more complicated. First, you will have to go to the bank to get a statement about the status of the debt and the amount previously paid. Then you can only go to the seller, who is obliged to return the amount paid on the loan to you.

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What to do if your refund is refused

During the allotted two-week period or the warranty period, the store does not have the right to refuse to return an item of inadequate quality. When, without compelling reasons, the seller refuses to accept the goods, it is necessary to prepare copies of the claims that you submitted to him, copies of his answers, a cash receipt, and other documents indicating the purchase and identification of defects. With these papers, a complaint is filed with Rospotrebnadzor, and then with the court, if necessary.

However, keep in mind that the seller, in accordance with the law, has good reasons to refuse you if:

  • The product belongs to a category that cannot be returned under any circumstances;
  • The two-week or warranty period for return has expired;
  • There is no evidence of purchasing the item in this particular store;
  • The purchased item was of proper quality and received defects due to the fault of the buyer.

Taking into account the last point, the fact that an item is truly of poor quality sometimes has to be proven in court. But the first body to which one should turn before the trial and where to turn if they do not want to accept or exchange goods unlawfully is Rospotrebnadzor.

Complaint to Rospotrebnadzor: sample

According to the rules for returning goods of inadequate quality to the store in accordance with articles 18, 19, 25 of the PZPP, you have 14 days during which you need to resolve the issue with the seller. It is extremely important that you all submit to him within this period and have confirmation of this. Only in this case can you contact Rospotrebnadzor with an application. An example of this is shown below:

Federal Service for Supervision

in the field of consumer protection


(address of the branch where you are applying)

From (your full name, details, contact numbers)

Complaint about refusal to return goods of inadequate quality

“___”____20___ in the store _____________ I purchased ___________________ for the cost of __________ (price must be in words) rubles After _________ days, the product I purchased stopped working. The next day, I demanded in writing that the seller accept their goods back and return my money based on Article 25 of the PZPP, presenting everything Required documents and a cash receipt. The seller refused to accept the goods back and bear responsibility under the law.

Defective items must be returned based on ______________________.

I ask you to consider my complaint, check the facts I provided in the prescribed manner and hold the culprit accountable for refusing to accept low-quality goods.

I am attaching to the complaint:

1 Copy of the cash receipt.

2 A copy of the application addressed to the store.

3 A copy of the official response from the seller.

4 A copy of the claim addressed to the store.

5 Copy of the response to the complaint.

6 Other documents depending on the circumstances.

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The consumer rights protection law has been in force since 1992. Citizens have the opportunity to return the goods they purchased within a full 14 days from the date of purchase. By touching on the pressing issue of returning goods within 14 days without explanation, the law makes it possible to realize its interests only for a very limited list of things. This also includes returning something within the actual 14 days for the reason that the size, style, color or other characteristics do not suit the person.

PZZPP with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular the Civil Code and federal laws, provides slightly different opportunities if the purchased item turns out to be of poor quality or does not correspond to the description. Consumer rights are to demand replacement, free repairs, money back and other nuances, which we will consider in more detail later.

The law regarding the protection of permanent consumer rights in Russia allows you to return purchased items, provided that they:

  • Have not been in use (at least visually);
  • Retained consumer properties and presentation;
  • They have all original seals, labels, and tags that were not damaged.

Keep in mind that protecting the rights of you as a consumer will be impossible if you do not have documentary evidence that you made a purchase at the stated price in this particular store.

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Returning a purchased item to a store - consumer rights under the law

Based on the unshakable law to protect the rights of all consumers without exception, the return of goods that do not suit you is possible not only within the first days of purchase, but also after 14 days. This option is implemented specifically in relation to low-quality items, the breakdown of which is not the consumer’s fault (manufacturing defects, any damage received before sale, etc.). The Goods Return Law provides a way out of the situation to choose from, regardless of whether a person applies within 14 days without an official (written) explanation or with one:

  • Returning the product you purchased with the cost returned to the buyer;
  • Replacing the subject of the dispute with an analogue of the same or a different model, taking into account the difference in price;
  • Repairs are free (in some cases with the provision of the same for free temporary use);
  • Reducing the cost without repairing or returning the purchased item.

The buyer has a real opportunity, within 14 days or during the warranty period, to demand reimbursement of money not only in the amount of the cost of the product, but also for damage incurred due to the poor quality of the item. To do this, you will need to competently draw up a claim and prepare evidence that the loss was incurred precisely for this reason. In such situations, it is best to enlist the help of a specialized lawyer.

When filing a return of items, you are required to return the funds either on the day of application or no later than ten days from the date of filing the claim. But, if the return conditions according to the law of the Russian Federation are not met, you will not be able to achieve anything. This is especially true when returning an item you don’t like back to the store without explaining your decision after 14 days from purchase or when the law classifies this item as non-returnable.

Worried about whether it is possible to return a purchased item within the first 14 days when the receipt has not been saved, there is only one answer - it is possible. You will have fewer problems with a receipt, but its absence is an illegal reason for the store to refuse a refund. If a conflict arises when contacting the seller two weeks later due to malfunctions or the return of a low-quality product, you often have to submit this item for examination. Whether you appear within 14 days or not, you have a real right to be present during the examination in person. This will give you a chance to verify with your own eyes that its results will not be falsified. In such a situation, it is imperative to submit a claim in writing and indicate in the return application that you wish to be present at the examination of the item. If you do not indicate this in writing, the seller has the right to conduct an inspection without you.

Based on Article 20 of the PLA, if in order to return the product it is confiscated for inspection or you return the item for repair, during the warranty period or 14 days, the client can ask for the same item to be given to him in good working order for the same period during the removal of the item, So far the purchased one has been confiscated. When explaining to the seller the reason for such a request, refer not only to the law, but also to the problems that arise due to the fault of the seller. The explanation of the reason must, of course, be in writing.

Terms within which you can return

Exchange or return of purchased goods within 14 days. It is precisely the 14-day period for returns that is mentioned in the law on the protection of consumer rights. These two weeks are counted from the day following the date of purchase, that is, the fact of purchase, not counting the day of purchase. If you purchased something on the 10th, the deadline to return the item is the 24th of that same month. This will be a completely legal return within 14 days.

The specified period is determined for the return of goods within 14 days without explanation, when it is of proper quality and does not belong to the list of non-returnable items. If the deadline for returning an item falls on a non-working day of the store, it is moved to the first working day. Sellers do not have the right to reduce the legal 14-day period, even if this is approved by internal agreements.

It is not always possible to detect significant defects in an item within 14 days. Therefore, items can be returned at a later date - see the information on your guarantee. If it is not issued to you, the selling person is responsible for the subject of the dispute during the first 2 years.

Returning goods of proper quality

Almost everyone today knows about the existence of a law guaranteeing the protection of consumer interests and the surrender of the subject of dispute in the first 14 days after their purchase. At the same time, not everyone knows the rules for returning goods to a store within 14 days. Because of this, many people mistakenly believe that they can return anything and reimburse the costs.

In fact, the buyer has the right to return or replace quality purchased goods only within 14 days. If an item is of proper quality, it cannot be returned or even exchanged when it is a non-returnable item.

The current return procedure within the 14 days allotted to consumers allows you to refuse the subject of the dispute, an item that does not suit you for personal reasons (style, size). When a product is technically defined as complex, the store will refuse you. An exception can be made if the seller so wishes, since there is no such obligation.

The buyer's actions when returning goods include submitting a written application to the store administration. In practice, this is often avoided if the seller accepts the item back without any problems and immediately gives the money back. If he only promises in a day or two, to protect himself, write a statement and keep a copy for yourself. Stores may be intentionally misleading in order to two-week the deadline had expired and there was nothing you could do.

Before contacting the store, or if you receive a seller’s refusal to accept the product back or to exchange it for a similar product but of a different color, for example, check that the subject of the dispute does not belong to the list of technically complex objects and the group of non-returnable items.

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Return and exchange of low-quality goods

The situation is somewhat different with the subject of the dispute being of inadequate quality. Items that are found to be defective or defective that is not the fault of the buyer are not covered by the list of items that cannot be returned or exchanged. Moreover, to the question of the one that broke two weeks after its acquisition, the answer will be positive.

It is permissible to return a purchase, including a technically complex one, to the store or exchange it during the warranty period in the following cases:

  • The facility was under repair for a total of more than 45 days a year;
  • The purchase was transferred to service center store for repairs that last more than 45 days;
  • Significant defects, design flaws and other grounds have been identified to classify the item as of inadequate quality.

Before the product is returned to the store, the item often undergoes an examination. It is often initiated by the person responsible for the sale. Delivery of a large object is not carried out at your expense. Provided that as a result of the inspection it is discovered that the fault arose due to the fault of the consumer, nothing will be returned to you, and you will be required to pay for the work of the expert, as well as delivery. During the examination, you have the right to be present in person, which is important to mention in the claim submitted in writing.

If a store evades responsibility or violates legal norms, you can file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor and then go to court to protect your property rights.

Replacement under warranty

Guided by the current regulations of the law, everyone has the right to return a product that broke during the warranty period and get back the amount spent. If you have been issued a coupon according to which the item in dispute has a warranty period of 12 months or more, the guarantee gives you a real opportunity to exchange or return the item within the same time frame.

Even when you were not given a warranty card, and the subject of the dispute is technically complex, the consumer has the right to protect his interests not only within 14 days, but for 2 years. Be sure to pay attention to expiration dates, otherwise you will have problems protecting your interests.

Regarding technically complex objects, please note that the item itself and its components may have different warranty periods. In this case, even if the product is no longer under warranty, but one of its parts is still under warranty, you have the right to file a claim with the store.

What a small number of consumers are aware of is the buyer’s right to return seasonal product two weeks after purchasing it. This includes clothing and shoes with a clear seasonal bias. For example, if you bought winter boots in the summer and received a year of warranty on them, this warranty year begins to count not from the date of purchase, but from the date the season began.

You can not only return almost any purchase that is within the warranty period irrevocably, but also replace it with a similar, serviceable one. It may be exactly the same model or another, more expensive or cheaper - the amount is simply recalculated with a refund or your additional payment. The claim must be submitted exclusively in writing and it is extremely important to have either a receipt or other papers confirming the fact and amount of the purchase. If it is difficult to prove the fact of purchase from a specific seller and the price, there is no point in wasting time arguing with the store.

What products cannot be returned or exchanged?

Before returning the goods within 14 days, if the item in dispute is free of defects and corresponds to the description, make sure that it is legally possible to return it. There is a list approved by law, according to which a store has the right to refuse to accept back a purchase made within 14 days, even if you applied the next day or on the same day. In practice, you can only return some goods if there are no quality claims against them.

It is prohibited to return:

  1. Technically complex subjects (technology, electronics, transport of any kind).
  2. Personal hygiene items.
  3. Medicines, medications.
  4. Household chemicals, perfumes, cosmetics.
  5. Electrical cable, wiring.
  6. Pets and plants.
  7. Food.
  8. Printed publications.
  9. Furniture, textiles, knitwear.
  10. Finishing, construction materials.
  11. Polymer dishes.
  12. Ammunition, weapons.

In what cases can you really return or exchange the items listed above - only in those where they are of poor quality and you have confirmation of this. In another situation, the answer to the question as to whether the buyer has an inalienable right to deliver the purchase within a period of fourteen days has a negative answer.

To return a faulty, defective item, even after 14 days, you need to submit a written claim to the store administration, indicating on what basis you are demanding money back.

To the completely logical question “how can I return the goods, regardless of whether they are defective, within 14 days?”, the answer can be that these are all non-food items.

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Features of returns when purchasing in an online store

The right of every consumer to return goods invariably extends to the operation of online stores. But compared to offline retail outlets, there are some significant differences:

  • Without stating the reason for returning the goods, it is actually possible to return it not within 14 days, but within the validity period of 7 days, if you were sent a corresponding reminder about this;
  • If there is no reminder about the seven-day period, you can appear in the online store with a list of requirements within three months;
  • The refund period is no more than ten days from the date of application;
  • You can return even those items that are on the non-returnable list, even if they are of high quality - this list does not apply to online stores.

Any refusal of a product is possible only if the same conditions are met as for offline retail outlets– integrity of labels, the subject of the dispute has not been used, all documentation is available. Purchases made to your individual order, as well as personal care items, cannot be returned.

When considering how to correctly return an order within seven, rather than 14, days, you first need to call or write to the online store manager to coordinate the issue. Then a written claim is made, the product itself is sent, and documents confirming the fact of purchase and warranty periods are attached. Be sure to save copies of these documents, send the parcel with a list of attachments, and make sure that you receive written notification that the parcel has been delivered and received.

If the buyer bought and returned the purchase within seven days, and not two weeks, as for regular stores, not because Bad quality, and for other personal reasons, the seller is not obliged to compensate you for shipping costs. Moreover, if he paid for the delivery, he has the right to deduct the amount of money he spent on shipping. If you return a defective item, the seller is obliged to return the money for delivery, but it is important to indicate this in your claim.

Will it be possible to return any product on the day following purchase? With online stores this is possible.

Claims and complaints

The buyer's demands may be rightfully rejected by the store if:

  • The period allotted by law for return or replacement has expired;
  • There is no documentation confirming the fact of purchase and cost;
  • The malfunction occurred after the item was sold, that is, not through the fault of the manufacturer or seller.

If there are no such circumstances in your case, your rights as a buyer to exchange or return your purchase may be protected. To do this, it is important to contact the seller with a written claim (prepare two copies) to return the goods to the store and a claim for a refund within 14 days from the date of purchase or during the warranty period.

If such a claim has no effect, the seller refuses, plays for time, and you need to file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor. In accordance with the PZPP, Rospotrebnadzor checks whether you have the right to return the goods. But it should be remembered that this is an executive body whose competence is to check the work of the entrepreneur and establish the fact of a violation, and bring the culprit to administrative responsibility. Rospotrebnadzor does not resolve property disputes. Therefore, in order to achieve the restoration of two weeks, during which you can return the goods, demand your money, penalties, compensation, if the parties were unable to agree peacefully, you need to file a lawsuit.

For the consumer, when returning goods and money through going to court, it is important to prepare in advance documents indicating compliance with the deadline, the existence of the right to file a claim with the seller, as well as all the papers collected during the pre-trial settlement of the issue, indicating that you tried to resolve the situation.

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